166 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2024
    1. I answered Dr. Sacks’s question casually, saying that I believed that I knew what it was like to see in 3D. After all, I was a neurobiology professor and had read plenty of scientific papers on stereopsis.

      for - association - person with 2D vision - trying to imagine what it's like to see in 3D - What's it like to be a bat? - from Psychology Today website - article - What Oliver Sacks Taught Me - Susan R. Barry - 2024 - Jan. 23 - adjacency - seeing in 2D - then in 3D - Deep Humanity BEing journey - from Psychology Today website - article - What Oliver Sacks Taught Me - Susan R. Barry - 2024 - Jan. 23

    1. Iowa Automobile Dealers Association Convention

      The Iowa Automobile Dealers Association Convention is a cornerstone event for automotive professionals across the state. This annual gathering showcases advancements in the automotive industry, provides valuable networking opportunities, and addresses key challenges facing dealers today. Whether you are a seasoned dealer or a new entrant in the market, this convention is the perfect venue to elevate your knowledge and business prospects.

  2. Oct 2024
    1. Finnland hatte sich beim Ziel der CO2-Neutralität 2035 darauf verlassen, dass große Mengen von CO2 von Wäldern, Böden und Feuchtgebieten absorbiert werden. Inzwischen ist das Land dort keine Kohlenstoffsenke mehr. Dazu trägt die globale Erhitzung selbst bei, durch die viele Bäume sterben, aber auch die Abholzung des Waldes. Finnland ist ein Beispiel für die Schwächung der ländlichen Kohlenstoffsenken, von der viele Länder betroffen sind. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/oct/15/finland-emissions-target-forests-peatlands-sinks-absorbing-carbon-aoe

    1. BP investiert in die Erschließung neuer fossiler Lagerstätten und hat damit den Plan aufgegeben, seine Öl- und Gasproduktion bis 2030 um 25% zu senken. Dieser Plan war bereits eine Abschwächung des ursprünglichen Ziels einer Reduktion um 40%. Wie andere große Ölfirmen konzentriert sich BP auf kurzfristige zusätzliche Gewinne aus dem Öl- und Gasgeschäft statt auf die - ohnehin zu geringen - Investitionen in die Energiewende. DIEEE Stategie treibt die globale Erhitzung weiter an. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2024/oct/07/bp-abandoning-plan-to-cut-oil-output-angers-green-groups

  3. Sep 2024
  4. Aug 2024
  5. May 2024
    1. the real answer doesn't lie there because all they can do is to go on associating groups of gene expression with particular proteins or particular diseases or whatever and with 00:28:39 the tiniest associations and um that creates all sorts of problems and biomedical sense it creates all sorts of ethical problems

      for - problem with gene therapy - Very little association between genes and disease - very complex associations

    1. Die amerikanische Behörde zur energieregulation Regulierung hat die Bestimmung für Stromnetze radikal reformiert um die Produktion erneuerbarer Energien zu fördern. Unter anderem müssen Netzbetreiber für den voraussichtlichen Bedarf in 20 Jahren planen. Einer neu einen neuen Bericht zufolge werden 50% der positiven Effekte des Inflation reduction Act für die Senkung der Emissionen verloren gehen wenn die amerikanischen Stromnetze nicht grundsätzlich gründlich überholt werden. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/13/climate/electric-grid-overhaul-ferc.html?region=BELOW_MAIN_CONTENT&block=storyline_flex_guide_recirc&name=styln-climate&variant=show&pgtype=Article

  6. Feb 2024
    1. What you are reading is likely cleverer than you (of which reading as Mortimer J. Adler points out we should be doing), which constitutes "Like an intelligent and interesting conversation partner."

      While Adler may say that a text could be cleverer than you are (is this a direct quote? reference if so), there is an associative nature to our thinking by which one can read further into a text than anything which is actually present. Did the author really mean to "say" the additional associative material? Was it in their lived experience to make such tangential references which associate things in your mind as well?

      One ought to be careful that an author can only mean something so far, unless one has much more experience with their additional works and context. If it's not there, does it really exist? Did they mean it?

      These associative tricks are what can make texts much richer and deeper than they may have claim to be. Though this doesn't mean that they aren't good "conversation partners."

      compare this with doubletalk and https://boffosocko.com/2016/09/30/complexity-isnt-a-vice-10-word-answers-and-doubletalk-in-election-2016/

  7. Jan 2024
  8. Nov 2023
    1. The collection represents approximately 4,000 volumes, ephemera and pamphlets that made up the library in Hannah Arendt’s last apartment in New York City. Of particular significance are the 900+ volumes containing marginal notes or lining, endnotes or ephemera, as well as many volumes inscribed to her by Martin Heidegger, Gershom Scholem, W.H. Auden and Randall Jarrell, among others.
  9. Aug 2023
    1. According to the International   Hydropower Association, or IHA, a  facility with two reservoirs roughly   the size of two Olympic swimming pools, and  a 500-metre height difference between them,   would have an energy capacity of about three and  a half megawatt hours. And they last for decades,
      • for: pumped hydro storage capacity, pumped hydro, PSH
      • paraphrase
        • According to the International Hydropower Association, or IHA,
          • a facility with:
            • two reservoirs roughly the size of two Olympic swimming pools,
            • a 500-metre height difference between them,
          • would have
            • an energy capacity of about three and a half megawatt hours and
            • they last for decades,
  10. May 2023
    1. association copies — books once owned or annotated by the authors

      An association copy is a copy of a book which belonged to the author or someone connected to them or a copy of a book that once belonged to someone particularly associated with its contents, often annotated.

      I've got association copies of some information theory texts...

  11. Mar 2023
    1. ALT (Association of Learning Technologists), UK, provides professional accreditation of learning technologists, operating at three levels (novice, career, advanced) through certified membership of ALT (Association of Learning Technologists).

      Associazione da annotarsi

  12. Feb 2023
    1. Highlights

      = Highlights - Patents granted for unoriginal inventions if prior art outside of the patent literature missed. - Misses most of free and open source software and hardware - number in millions. - = Open Source Hardware Association - created a certification database - centralized prior art. - Novel tool has a semi-automated way of certification from = MediaWiki - websites. - = OSHWA - certification completed on average in 62.5% less than direct form filling.

  13. Jan 2023
  14. Aug 2022
  15. Jun 2022
    1. The phrase "now you're coking with gas" was coined by American Gas Association publicist Carroll Everard "Deke" Houlgate. Deke's son indicated that his father "planted it with Bob Hope's writers" and it was ultimately used in one of his radio shows. From there it turned into one of his catchphrases and it was adopted by others including The Jack Benny Program and Maxwell House Coffee Time.

      Incidentally, Houlgate was also a football journalist who devised the first college football rankings methodology that determined the national champions from 1929 to 1958.

      Is this the same Houlgate, or perhaps his son who played for USC Trojans in the 1931 and 1932 Rose Bowl games?

      References: (see also and check...) - A Way With Words co-host Martha Barnette https://soundcloud.com/waywordradio/now-youre-cooking-with-gas

    1. Wayne LaPierre, the current executive vice president, warned members in 1995 that anyone who wears a badge has “the government’s go-ahead to harass, intimidate, even murder law-abiding citizens.”
    2. A sign of the NRA’s new determination to influence electoral politics was the 1980 decision to endorse, for the first time in the organization’s 100 years, a presidential candidate. Their chosen candidate was none other than Ronald Reagan,
    3. In May 1977, Carter and his allies staged a coup at the annual membership meeting. Elected the new executive vice president, Carter would transform the NRA into a lobbying powerhouse committed to a more aggressive view of what the Second Amendment promises to citizens.
    4. In 1976, Maxwell Rich, the executive vice president, announced that the NRA would sell its building in Washington, D.C., and relocate the headquarters to Colorado Springs, retreating from political lobbying and expanding its outdoor and environmental activities.
    5. In the 1960s, the NRA once again supported the push for new federal gun laws. After the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in 1963 by Lee Harvey Oswald, who had bought his gun through a mail-order ad in the NRA’s American Rifleman magazine, Franklin Orth, then the NRA’s executive vice president, testified in favor of banning mail-order rifle sales. “We do not think that any sane American, who calls himself an American, can object to placing into this bill the instrument which killed the president of the United States.”
    6. When Congress was considering the first significant federal gun law of the 20th century—the National Firearms Act of 1934, which imposed a steep tax and registration requirements on “gangster guns” like machine guns and sawed-off shotguns—the NRA endorsed the law. Karl Frederick and the NRA did not blindly support gun control; indeed, they successfully pushed to have similar prohibitive taxes on handguns stripped from the final bill, arguing that people needed such weapons to protect their homes. Yet the organization stood firmly behind what Frederick called “reasonable, sensible, and fair legislation.”
    7. In the 1920s and ’30s, the NRA was at the forefront of legislative efforts to enact gun control. The organization’s president at the time was Karl T. Frederick, a Princeton- and Harvard-educated lawyer known as “the best shot in America”—a title he earned by winning three gold medals in pistol-shooting at the 1920 Summer Olympic Games. As a special consultant to the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws, Frederick helped draft the Uniform Firearms Act, a model of state-level gun-control legislation.
    1. The Mulford Act was a 1967 California bill that prohibited public carrying of loaded firearms without a permit.[2] Named after Republican assemblyman Don Mulford, and signed into law by governor of California Ronald Reagan, the bill was crafted with the goal of disarming members of the Black Panther Party who were conducting armed patrols of Oakland neighborhoods, in what would later be termed copwatching.[3][4] They garnered national attention after Black Panthers members, bearing arms, marched upon the California State Capitol to protest the bill.


  16. May 2022
    1. By 1860, the American Medical Association sought to end legal abortion. The Comstock Law of 1873 criminalized attaining, producing or publishing information about contraception, sexually transmitted infections and diseases, and how to procure an abortion.
  17. Apr 2022
    1. Sur une partie des panneaux, l’objectif était de constituer des diptyques confrontant des photographies de terrains d’aventure du passé et du présent.

      Je fais le lien un peu distant avec le principe de l'association qui découle des circulations décrites par Merzeau (2013) et que j'analyse comme les conditions de possibilités d'une interprétation nouvelle.

    1. L’analyse de Louise Merzeau fait en effet ressortir quatre propriétés constitutives de ce dispositif d’éditorialisation : 1) sa bienveillance, 2) sa réflexivité, 3) son appropriabilité et 4) sa distance. Ces quatre éléments assurent respectivement les fonctions 1) d’établir entre les individus et le dispositif la confiance nécessaire à tout engagement, condition pour ouvrir un espace où penser collectivement, 2) d’établir par la visualisation les conditions de l’élaboration d’une finalité commune, 3) de favoriser la circulation et la redocumentarisation des contenus catalysant des associations nouvelles, 4) d’aménager à l’interstice de ces associations « une glose critique et documentaire », lieu même de l’interprétation.
    1. Hubbard hadn’t even always been opposed to the psychiatric profession. Soon after Dianetics was published he had attempted to secure APA approval for it. In its early years, Scientology had relied on appearing associated with medical psychiatry to bolster its legitimacy.

      L. Ron Hubbard attempted to get the American Psychological Association (APA) to approve his book Dianetics shortly after it was published. Early on Scientology had relied on appearing associated with the medical psychiatry complex to burnish its image.

    1. Comme cité précédemment, il est déconseillé d’indiquer dans les statuts le montant de la cotisation d’association.

      Ne pas mettre le montant des côtisations dans les statuts

    2. Un adhérent n’aura pas droit à la réduction d’impôt cité précédemment dès lors qu’il bénéficie d’une contrepartie réelle. Il perdra ce droit si l’association agit de près ou de loin pour son intérêt. Précisons que l’octroi d’un titre honorifique ne constitue pas une contrepartie réelle.

      Si la côtisation donne lieu à une contre-partie, même si l'association est d'intérêt général, il ne peut y avoir défiscalisation

  18. Feb 2022
    1. Deepti Gurdasani. (2022, January 10). Lots of people dismissing links between COVID-19 and all-cause diabetes. An association that’s been shown in multiple studies- whether this increase is due to more diabetes or SARS2 precipitating diabetic keto-acidosis allowing these to be diagnosed is not known. A brief look👇 [Tweet]. @dgurdasani1. https://twitter.com/dgurdasani1/status/1480546865812840450

  19. Jan 2022
    1. Riepenhausen, A., Veer, I., Wackerhagen, C., Reppmann, Z. C., Köber, G., Ayuso-Mateos, J.-L., Bögemann, S., Corrao, G., Felez-Nobrega, M., Abad, J. M. H., Hermans, E., Leeuwen, J. van, Lieb, P. D. K., Lorant, V., Mary-Krause, M., Mediavilla, R., Melchior, M., Mittendorfer-Rutz, E., Compagnoni, M. M., … Walter, H. (2021). Coping with COVID: Risk and Resilience Factors for Mental Health in a German Representative Panel Study. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/fjqpb

  20. Dec 2021
  21. Nov 2021
    1. The usual targets of The Publishers Association include domains that facilitate access to the popular Libgen library and eBook portals eBookee and FreeBookSpot. The trend was maintained this week when ISP TalkTalk revealed that more domains had been blocked in the UK. The new additions are as follows: ebookee.unblockit.kim, ebookee.123unblock.world, ebookee.mrunblock.bar, ebookee.nocensor.biz, ebookee.unbl4you.cyou, ebookee.unbl0ck.icu, ebookee.unblockproject.top, ebookee.proxybit.sbs, freebookspot.unblockit.kim, libgen.unblockit.kim, libgen.123unblock.world, libgen.mrunblock.bar, libgen.nocensor.biz, libgen.unbl4you.cyou,, libgen.unbl0ck.icu, libgen.unblockproject.top, libgen.proxybit.sbs
  22. Oct 2021
  23. Sep 2021
    1. Haber, N. A., Wieten, S. E., Rohrer, J. M., Arah, O. A., Tennant, P. W. G., Stuart, E. A., Murray, E. J., Pilleron, S., Lam, S. T., Riederer, E., Howcutt, S. J., Simmons, A. E., Leyrat, C., Schoenegger, P., Booman, A., Dufour, M.-S. K., O’Donoghue, A. L., Baglini, R., Do, S., … Fox, M. P. (2021). Causal and Associational Linking Language From Observational Research and Health Evaluation Literature in Practice: A systematic language evaluation [Preprint]. Epidemiology. https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.08.25.21262631

  24. Aug 2021
  25. Jul 2021
  26. Apr 2021
  27. Mar 2021
    1. Observatoires départementaux de la protection de l’enfance (ODPE) : création d’une Association départementale d’entraide des personnes accueillies en protection de l’enfance (ADEPAPE), questionnaire en ligne, élaboration du schéma départemental, etc.
    1. Les personnes morales (sociétés et associations) peuvent aussi porter plainte pour défendre leurs intérêts ou les objectifs qu'elles poursuivent.
  28. Feb 2021
  29. Oct 2020
    1. ...conversations take random walks through events and ideas in a manner determined by the associative networks of the participants." --Douglas Hofstadter, Foreward, Sparse Distributed Memory

      This is reminiscent of Zegnat's mention during the Gardens and Streams session of remembering where things were in the IndieWeb wiki by remembering the pathways more so than the things themselves. This is very reminiscent of Australian songlines.

    1. designed so the user must always engage deeply with the meaning of the question, not its superficial appearance

      They seem to be missing the idea of association in memory techniques. The spaced repetition is working on the form of the question by itself since the card doesn't form a specific or memorable enough associating between the two important pieces of knowledge.

  30. Sep 2020
    1. while the material of literature (graphemes, words, and sentences) may be of a different nature from the materials of cinema (projected light and shad-ows, identifiable sounds and forms, and represented actions), both systems may con-struct in their own way,

      This is why adapting theatre musicals to Film is so hard--completely different mediums

  31. Aug 2020
  32. Jul 2020
  33. Jun 2020
  34. Sep 2019
  35. Jul 2019
  36. americanlibrariesmagazine.org americanlibrariesmagazine.org
    1. Toronto Public Library’s Tor Browser

      Tor como navegador en la Biblioteca Pública de Toronto. ¡Súper!

    2. ALA expressed concern about changes announced on June 17 by Hachette Book Group (HBG) and on July 2 by Simon & Schuster (S&S) to their ebook and digital audiobook lending models for libraries

      Están preocupados por las propuestas de préstamo de libro digital.

    3. The American Library Association (ALA), along with seven other professional organizations, released a joint statement on June 17 promising to uphold the standards of equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI).

      Bibliotecas y diversidad

    4. NEWSMAKERGeorge Takei p. 10International Innovatorsp. 28PLUS:Exhibit Hall Highlights and Battling MisinformationAnnualConferencewrap-up2 019p. 12July/August 2019

      Revista de ALA, Junio / Julio 2019

    1. Implication means co-occurrence, not causality!
    2. Given a set of transactions, find rules that will predict the occurrence of an item based on the occurrences of other itemsin the transaction
  37. May 2019
  38. americanlibrariesmagazine.org americanlibrariesmagazine.org
    1. Digital BadgesHow schools and libraries use them today

      Interesante idea sobre educación

    2. Rather than simply posting event information on social media, give your followers a task within the post

      Interesante idea. ¿Cómo podría funcionar en la práctica?


      Bibliotecas en Países Bajos

    4. Wi-Fi in the “White Space”Unused TV spectrum offers libraries potential for rural broadband

      Este debate no se ha dado en bibliotecas y resulta muy interesante. Sigue la línea del Foro de Gobernanza de Internet

    5. 80%Percentage of 2014–2015 MLIS graduates who were women.

      Hay mayoría de mujeres en esta estadística.

    6. A Resolution in Support of Civil Rights Protections for People of Diverse Gender Identities

      Diversidad de género y bibliotecas

    7. 2019 Virtual Membership Meeting

      Hacen reuniones virtuales de los socios. Bien pensado.

    8. All people, regardless of origin, age, back-ground, or views, possess a right to privacy and confidentiality in their library use. Libraries should advocate for, educate about, and protect people’s privacy, safeguarding all library use data, including personally identifiable information.

      Aquí el artículo.

    9. Privacy Article Added to Library Bill of Rights

      Sobre privacidad.

    10. Funding cuts may have forced libraries to limit hours and curtail services, but the need for children’s literacy programming hasn’t disappeared.

      Muy cierto.

    11. May 2019

      ALA Magazine

  39. Apr 2019
    1. Library users’ privacy rights are another urgent issue.

      El otro tema es la privacidad de los usuarios.

    2. As a result, most challenges to library resources in 2018 focused on materials and programs addressing issues of concern to those in the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgen-der, queer, intersex, asexual, and related (LGBTQIA+) communities, most notably drag queen story hours and books affirming transgender youth, like Alex Gino’s George.

      Uno de los retos para las bibliotecas en Estados Unidos es la tolerancia en asuntos relacionados con comunidades LGBTQIA+

    3. 9Public Libraries12Academic Libraries14School Libraries

      Este número especial analiza el estado de las bibliotecas públicas, académicas y escolares. Nunca había visto este formato y me gusta bastante.

    4. Libraries and the law

      Políticas públicas y bibliotecas

    5. a collaborationof ALA with Grow with Google

      Coperación entre ALA y Google, para la semana del código. ¡Tremendo!

    6. Libraries Ready to Code

      Sobre programación y desarrollo de software en bibliotecas

    7. Here are the “Top 11 Most Challenged Books in 2018”:

      Top 11 de los libros que más retos implicaron en 2018

    8. 200+Books donated to Orange City (Iowa) Public Library after four LGBTQIA+ library books were burned by a religious activist

      Libros quemados en 2019. Literalmente destruidos :S


      Sobre censura en 2019


      Número especial

  40. Mar 2019
    1. ISPI offers a variety of publications, from its member-exclusive monthly and quarterly journals, "Performance Improvement Journal and Performance Improvement Quarterly,"

      International Society for Performance Improvement This is the web page of the professional association. It is similar to other professional association web pages. Some content is available only to those with a membership; individuals must log in. There are links to the publications. These include Performance Improvement Journal, Performance Improvement Quarterly, Performance Xpress. Some features of the website can become a bit difficult to drill down to but there are sometimes job aids and other immediately usable content available. This topic relates to shaping performance of adult employees on the job. Rating: 4/5

    1. Welcome to AAACE The mission of the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education (AAACE) is to provide leadership for the field of adult and continuing education by expanding opportunities for adult growth and development; unifying adult educators; fostering the development and dissemination of theory, research, information, and best practices; promoting identity and standards for the profession; and advocating relevant public policy and social change initiatives.

      This is the website of the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education. This website offers information on the annual conference, as well as online journals and scholarly publications. There is information about membership. Rating 3/5 The site does not contain a great deal of information but it seems important to include a professional association in this set of links.

    1. Resources & Tools

      This is the web page of the Association for Talent Development, formerly know as the American Association for Training and Development. The specific page that I am bookmarking is for their resource collection. There are job aids, job announcements, discussion boards, and professional conferences, though some items can only be accessed with membership. Rating 4/5

  41. Mar 2018
    1. The learning was further extended through becoming part of the Association for Learning Technology where I have increased my technical and theoretical perspectives in learning technology. 

      EDTECH community

  42. Nov 2017