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Market competition provides a mechanism for weeding out those who underperform.
Note how this has failed in the current guilded age of the United States where it is possible for things to be "too big to fail".
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www.narst.org www.narst.org
Within the vignette and the experiences of the four teachers, there is a fundamental equity and diversity issue that is shared among them: whose responsibility is it to address equity and diversity? How do we address it in science and within our particular contexts, and with our particular student populations? What supports must be present to allow us to promote equity and diversity in our teaching, learning, and curriculum? What supports are present in the NGSS to assist all teachers to teach in culturally responsive ways so that teachers meet the educational science needs of all students? Our position and the ways in which we address these questions center on implementation of the NGSS with equity and diversity as theoretical and pedagogical foundations to science teaching. In this way, equity and diversity becomes a vision and goal for implementation.
and my position is, how can we instantiate classrooms (ie communities of students) such that they have the agency and abilities to self-organize and tackle deep, "wicked problems" of such fundamental importance as this. In solving this science/equity problem, let's aim 1 level higher/deeper/further and also focus on transforming education to prepare children to care about and have the abilities to 'solve' problems such as this as they grow.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
In Hardy's words, "Exposition, criticism, appreciation, is work for second-rate minds. [...] It is a melancholy experience for a professional mathematician to find himself writing about mathematics. The function of a mathematician is to do something, to prove new theorems, to add to mathematics, and not to talk about what he or other mathematicians have done."
similar to Nassim Taleb's "History is written by losers"
- Feb 2019
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
sis. To the use of these tones is owing in a great measure conciseness of discourse; and the necess
Tone is crucial in conversation and public speaking. I think this is where the disconnect happens through texting, where tone is difficult to reveal, often leading others to misinterpret messages. I believe the invention of emojis was designed to combat this problem.
- Oct 2018
www.washingtonpost.com www.washingtonpost.com
I spent most of my time in high school focused on academics, sports, church, and service. But I was not perfect in those days, just as I am not perfect today. I drank beer with my friends, usually on weekends. Sometimes I had too many
Bret Kavannah trying to gain sympathy from his republican senators making it look like it was his age to party, drink and do the things that high school students will do.
- Jul 2018
www.nea.org www.nea.org
Our hipper, more progressive (and perhaps younger) colleagues brag about their prowess
I don't think there is an upper or lower age limit to bragging about how well we can multitask.
“I support a social transition for a kid who is in distress and needs to live in a different way. And I do so because I am very focused on what the child needs at that time,” said Johanna Olson-Kennedy, medical director of the Center for Transyouth Health and Development at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, the largest transgender youth clinic in the United States with some 750 patients. A social transition to the other gender helps children learn, make friends, and participate in family activities. Some will decide later they are not transgender, but Olson-Kennedy says the potential harm in such cases may be overstated.
This is one of the major problems in how so many approach this whole issue weather as a topic or in deciding a course of action for their own child. Furthermore the possibility of that happiness now rests on either on secrecy and passing or as is more often the case today it rests on the cooperation and orchestration of a comprehensive enough segment of the total people with whom your child is interacting to support this transition. What if we did that for gay kids. How much different would things be if tital 9 applied to all gender nonconforming kids even those who identified as gay? What if 12 states didn't have laws against speaking positively about gay as an identity in schools. What if parents where expected to do the work to insure that a self identified gay student was provided a social network for similarly identified adults and young people. And for just about any teen how might life be different emotionally speaking if we had been chemically castrated during our teen years. What if gay kids had the same wealth of support materials - public discourse etc. The reaason they don't is because we can not deal with their difference and we can not deal with it being about their sexual desire because we are unnerved by a the fact that children can identify and feel and act on sexual interests at a very young age. Gay kids know this and that is a big hurdle to comming out. I wished so much to have a boyfirend then I felt I could come out because it wouldn't mean telling my parents that I think about boys in a sexual way but I love this boy and won't deny him to anyone. No sad to say as was noted when oposition was initially raised amoung APA members over the introduction of GID to the DSM when they stated that it may just be that gay is a normal healthy worthy course of human development that as part of that process involves being in some way emotionally maimed by which they meant that there are certain painfull encounters with being different than ones own parents and most people in your community that gay people by dfinitioon must edure and untill society changes being gay is known to be a bad undesirable thing by children at a tremendously young age. So to be and develop as a person who is homosexual is not going to happen without certain paiuns and obsticles that others can easily avoid and mostly do.
- Apr 2018
www.lifeextension.com www.lifeextension.com
- Mar 2018
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Describing the creation of Superorganism's songs, Orono Noguchi says, "It usually starts with us listening to music and talking about music, art, and all kinds of stuff in the kitchen. Then, one of us would come up with a very basic idea for a song. We'd then send the file back and forth among the group and add on some random ideas that we have. We'd keep working on it until we have a final product."[9] "We've got the guy making the videos downstairs, mixing in the other room, [and] singing going on [elsewhere]," Harry says in regards to their live-in studio. "We've created this kind of warped version of a pop production house."[1]
- Oct 2017
www.williamgibsonbooks.com www.williamgibsonbooks.com
Amazon.com : You're annotated out there. Gibson: Yeah it's sort of like there's this nebulous extended text.
- Sep 2017
o those in the population who currently lack it, we can then examine how their social network changes, and how their social capital is impacted.
This is an excellent research question! Does access and use of social media improve the mental and emotional health of older people/
lti.hypothesislabs.com lti.hypothesislabs.com
anxiety about her economic future and a conviction that marriage was a social necessity for young women
Let's not also forget that Charlotte is older than Mr. Collins by two years He is 25 (99) and she is 27, as Moe's later quote states. This makes her "scheme" even more successful, as he would still marry her despite her burgeoning "old maid" status.
- Jul 2017
hyperallergic.com hyperallergic.com
The Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum’s The Jazz Age: American Style in the 1920s is billed as the “first major museum exhibition to focus on American taste in design during the exhilarating years of the 1920s.”
Would love to see this!
- Apr 2017
www.pbs.org www.pbs.org
On board the ship was a small library containing published accounts of previous voyages through the Pacific, and in these accounts were short lists of words from islands scattered from Southeast Asia eastwards into the Pacific as far as the the western edge of Polynesia. By comparing the list of Tahitian words he compiled with these other vocabularies, Banks was able to show how Tahitian was directly related to languages spread across the Pacific to the Southeast Asian islands of the "East Indias."
Accordingly, they dreamed up elaborate theories that explained the presence of the Polynesians in the middle of the Pacific, while denying to them the ability of having reached there through their own sailing abilities.
Whereas explorers of the previous European age of exploration were primarily searching for new routes to the riches of Asia, those of this second age sailed the seas primarily, in Braudel's words, "to obtain new information about geography, the natural world, and the mores of different peoples."
while on his first voyage into the Pacific, Cook stopped four months in Tahiti to observe the transit of Venus across the face of the sun as part of an international effort to determine the distance between the Earth and Sun.
- Dec 2016
gateway.ipfs.io gateway.ipfs.io
Knowledge takes you back to God while you are in the world, but it does so in a very specific way because its emphasis is practical, not magical. It is not about metaphysics, learning all about the sixteen million levels and the cosmology of all of the universes. That is for people who think and do nothing. The person of Knowledge is not concerned with these things unless they have a specific relevance to his or her function in life, and even then they are a temporary expedient and nothing else. If you want to know about mystical cosmology, then perhaps a teacher will tell you about these things to get your attention while he or she gives you something far greater. Mystical cosmology does not get you through the day. It does not attend to you when you are alone and miserable in your thoughts. It is simply a broader range of speculation. It may be a reprieve from your personal difficulties, but it is not the key to your freedom.
- Oct 2016
gateway.ipfs.io gateway.ipfs.io
it is no fun to be God without God. It is a very great challenge, yes! "Be the source of your own life! Determine your own life! Direct your own life! Control life around you! Have influence over others! Command your body! Command your mind!" This is kind of a little god, you know. A tiny little god. But it is no fun to play god because you are alone.
cf. the flawed, self-centered New Age philosophies of: "life is just a dream" (other people are an illusion) "I create my reality" (other people are just toys)
- Dec 2015
www.newyorker.com www.newyorker.com
More venery. More love; more closeness; more sex and romance. Bring it back, no matter what, no matter how old we are. This fervent cry of ours has been certified by Simone de Beauvoir and Alice Munro and Laurence Olivier and any number of remarried or recoupled ancient classmates of ours. Laurence Olivier? I’m thinking of what he says somewhere in an interview: “Inside, we’re all seventeen, with red lips.”
- Nov 2015
courses.edx.org courses.edx.org
Findings indicate that adults get more out of positive activities than adolescents and college-aged students. That said, the college-age sample may be misleading, says Layous, because many undergrads are required to participate in studies for course credit, not by their own volition. In other words, a disproportionate number of students in these studies may lack the all-important motivation that their older counterparts have.
jonreeve.com jonreeve.com
a becoming hat
Atkinson suggests that this hat is a symbol of Laura's coming-of-age, that it will mark Laura as "no longer a child." The term "becoming" here, while ostensibly "beautiful" or "suitable," in this reading resonates with Laura's becoming an adult.
- Oct 2015
courses.edx.org courses.edx.org
conducted a national survey of nearly 1,500 Americans, asking the degree to which each person practiced and experienced forgiveness (of others, of self, and even if they thought they had experienced forgiveness by God). Participants also reported on their physical and mental health. Toussaint and his colleagues found that older and middle-aged people forgave others more often than did young adults and also felt more forgiven by God. What’s more, they found a significant relationship between forgiving others and positive health among middle-aged and older Americans.
From an atheist's vantage, a perceived forgiveness by a "god" might represent a breach in social contract. It is a bit like cheating: getting the benefits without giving back anything, at least directly (though I suppose the improved happiness the subject experiences may make others around them happier indirectly).
- Feb 2014
www.shirky.com www.shirky.com
Golden Age economics ended. Golden Age assumptions did not. For 30 wonderful years, we had been unusually flush, and we got used to it, re-designing our institutions to assume unending increases in subsidized demand. This did not happen. The year it started not happening was 1975.
The Golden Age ended the year I was born.