605 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2020
    1. When I say that my experience is that it means it's time to split up your components, I guess I mean that there tends to be a logical grouping between all the things that care about (for example) sqr_n, and in Svelte, logical groupings are expressed as components.
    1. Naptha, its current name, is drawn from an even more tenuous association. See, it comes from the fact that "highlighter" kind of sounds like "lighter", and that naptha is a type of fuel often used for lighters. It was in fact one of the earliest codenames of the project, and brought rise to a rather fun little easter egg which you can play with by quickly clicking about a dozen times over some block of text inside a picture.

      Now if only I could do this with my Hypothes.is annotations! Talk about highlighting!

  2. Sep 2020
    1. Many people recently are complaining about bundler performance. But I don’t think any tool is going to solve performance problems. Bundlers can try innovative ideas such as multi-threading and improved caching, but you’re always going to hit a limit. If you’re having performance problems, it’s more likely because you’re not keeping tabs of what you’re importing, and haven’t considered splitting your project into multiple projects.
    1. Developing software is usually easier if you break your project into smaller separate pieces, since that often removes unexpected interactions and dramatically reduces the complexity of the problems you'll need to solve
    1. The main rationale for this PR is that, in my hones opinion, Svelte needs a way to support style overrides in an intuitive and close to plain HTML/CSS way. What I regard as intuitive is: Looking at how customizing of styles is being done when applying a typical CSS component framework, and making that possible with Svelte.
    1. The more I think about this, the more I think that maybe React already has the right solution to this particular issue, and we're tying ourselves in knots trying to avoid unnecessary re-rendering. Basically, this JSX... <Foo {...a} b={1} {...c} d={2}/> ...translates to this JS: React.createElement(Foo, _extends({}, a, { b: 1 }, c, { d: 2 })); If we did the same thing (i.e. bail out of the optimisation allowed by knowing the attribute names ahead of time), our lives would get a lot simpler, and the performance characteristics would be pretty similar in all but somewhat contrived scenarios, I think. (It'll still be faster than React, anyway!)
    1. It’s become increasingly common to divide code into components, rather than by file type. React, for example, allows for the collocation of a components markup and JavaScript. In Svelte, this is taken one logical step further: the Javascript, markup and styling for a component can all exist together in a single `.svelte`​ file
    1. For a non-monorepo package you can simply point directly to the Github repo. This case is similar, but you want to scope it just to a single package within the repo. For those that make monorepos they don't necessarily need this feature. It's for those that use projects that use monorepos. Telling them to not organize their projects into monorepos doesn't help people who make use of these projects.
    2. If npm installs a git repo, it assumes that the git repo is the package. I don't really know how we could specify a sub-path easily, since all parts of the git url are already used for other things.
    1. This is more a rhetoric question as this seems to be quite hard ;-) There is a long discussion about installing a subfolder of a repository and monorepos in general at the NPM Github issues (yarn misses this feature, too). The thing is that this makes it quite hard to report issues of your project as one can't test the current master easily. Do you recommend a way how to use the latest Github version?
  3. Aug 2020
  4. Jul 2020
    1. Middle School Project: Public Art

      STEAM!!!! Google Maps walking tour, kinetic sculpture to install Teacher Planning Session, connecting learning

      Existing art that students are studying in history Click on art and information they have found about it comes up Applies to real-world--their community Writing proposals for installation of their works of public art

      No "paint by numbers"

      Let students explore the process! The products will be so creative--things you have not even thought about

      "Science fair" or "expo" of ideas

      Students taking ownership of ideas

    1. This process involves the following five phases:

      collaboratively identify interest and a question search and sift through information critically evaluate information (credibility and usefulness) Synthesize what they have learned from multimodal sources Online content construction

  5. Jun 2020
  6. May 2020
    1. The folks at Netlify created Netlify CMS to fill a gap in the static site generation pipeline. There were some great proprietary headless CMS options, but no real contenders that were open source and extensible—that could turn into a community-built ecosystem like WordPress or Drupal. For that reason, Netlify CMS is made to be community-driven, and has never been locked to the Netlify platform (despite the name).

      Kind of an unfortunate name...

  7. Apr 2020
    1. Becouse of CanCan, StateMachine and others I deside to create OpenSource organization to maintain gems. People disappear, lose their passion about coding, get new interests, families, children. But if us many we can support gems much longer. I dont pretend to be an expierenced ruby developer, but I can do administarative work: managing teams, members, approve simple pool-requests. If you think it good idea and want to support some inactive gems, not life time, maybe just a little - welcome to organization.
    2. There's actually discussion among the rubygems team about a process for putting gems "up for adoption" that you might be interested in: http://www.benjaminfleischer.com/2014/08/17/rubygems-adoption-center/
    1. in order to track the always-improving upstream project, we continuously rebase our patches on top of the upstream master
    2. Our hope is that once a formal specification for these extensions is settled, this patchset can be used as a base to upstream the changes in the original project.

      What does "can be used as a base to upstream the changes in the original project" mean here?

    1. So what will happen with these projects from now on? All of the projects above have one thing in common: they were created and maintained by passionate individuals who wanted to make positive contributions to their communities. Without these individuals and their efforts, these projects would not have become what they are today. Therefore, it is only fair that Plataformatec gives these individuals control of these projects moving forward.
  8. Mar 2020
  9. Feb 2020
    1. Overhalfoftheusers(60%)werewatchingthefullvideolecture,whiletheremainders(40%)werewatchingspecificpartsofthevideo

      give students the ability to skip to specific areas. Carefully planning of the video is encouraged.

    2. amplingThemethodologycomprisedaquestionnaireconductedattheendofafullsemestervideoexperience

      sampling process - students at the end of the full semester video experience.

    3. Althoughvideosforlearning/traininghavebeenemployedintheindustryandeducationformanyyears,severalfactorsregardinglearners’engagementwithanduseofvideoshavechanged.Forexample,learnerscaninteractwiththecontentinvariousways,videorepositorieshaveadvanced(e.g.,iTunes,YouTube),andotherinteractiveandsmartvideo-basedsystemshaveappeared(MOOCs,InteractiveTV).

      for the activity, ask learners to pick a source of educational videos that they like, compare and contrast with another source. Or gage the effectiveness of that video based on what they learned.

    1. (Guo et al., 2014).

      include info about the shortness of videos - research further

    2. The first and most important guideline for maximizing stu-dent attention to educational video is to keep it short.
    1. With k6, our goal has always been to create the best load testing tool for the modern working developer and that we do this in collaboration with the k6 community. Our revenue will not come from k6 directly, but from premium value creating offers based on k6. These offers will be made available at https://loadimpact.com. Load Impact premium offers will have focus on providing further simplicity, productivity and ease to use functionality.
    2. We believe the key to Load Impact’s long-term success as a Company is to foster an active community of users around k6 as an open source project. To achieve this long-term goal, it is vital that we do not withhold new features from k6 based on whether or not they compete with our SaaS offering.
  10. Jan 2020
    1. A skunkworks project is a project developed by a relatively small and loosely structured group of people who research and develop a project primarily for the sake of radical innovation.
  11. Dec 2019
  12. Nov 2019
    1. the main reason we built a new multiprocess architecture is that Chromium's multiprocess support was never contributed to the WebKit project. It has always lived in the separate Chromium tree, making it pretty hard to use for non-Chrome purposes.Before we wrote a single line of what would become WebKit2 we directly asked Google folks if they would be willing to contribute their multiprocess support back to WebKit, so that we could build on it. They said no.
    1. File-relative configuration Babel loads .babelrc (and .babelrc.js / .babelrc.cjs / package.json#babel) files by searching up the directory structure starting from the "filename" being compiled (limited by the caveats below). This can be powerful because it allows you to create independent configurations for subsections of a package. File-relative configurations are also merged over top of project-wide config values, making them potentially useful for specific overrides, though that can also be accomplished through "overrides".
    1. In a written response, FERC officials said that the agency did not conduct an assessment to determine how the leading practices identified in the NIST Cybersecurity Framework could be applied to the cybersecurity standards.


    2. Risk assessment◕Risk management strategy○Supply chain risk management◑

      okay, answer to previous question above.

    3. Risk assessment

      Note the differences between risk assessment and risk management. The project would look towards risk assessment and then migrate its focus to risk management potentially, but what then? and how will this transition be smooth/original?

    4. none of them analyzed the threat of, and vulnerabilities to, a cyberattack spanning all three interconnections.


    5. Problem definition and risk assessment

      nice nice

    6. Problem definition and risk assessment.Addresses the particular national problems, assesses the risks to critical assets and operations—including the threats to, and vulnerabilities of, critical operations—and discusses the quality of data available regarding the risk assessment.

      This is the crux of what I should be looking at I guess This is in regards to national strategies. Is this what I need to do?

    7. DOE and DHS also offer services aimed at helping grid owners and operators assess cybersecurity risks and perform forensic analysis.

      Look into what these services are. Evaluating how effective these risk assessments are?

  13. Sep 2019
    1. How to Use Psychology in Web Design – A Complete Guide

      With years of experience in the web designing industry, we’ve delivered hundreds of projects for our clients that have significantly increased the business conversion rates for them, using our web design psychology.

  14. Aug 2019
  15. Jul 2019
    1. by your student learning objectives, as well as your own technological, pedagogical, and content area knowledge (TPACK) and objectives

      combination of TPACK and SLO for the IIP.

    2. “credibility” and “relevance”…but they do understand words like “truthful” and “useful.”

      important distinction; students can understand these simpler vocab words that essentially mean the same thing.

    3. five phases:
      1. students collaborative with instructor to pick area of interest and work on a DQ to guide their research.
      2. students engage in OCI as the do research and use digital tools to make discoveries 3.Students use critical thinking to evaluate online info by analyzing credibility of their info. 4.Students synthesize what they learned/researched by combining info in multiple, multimodal sources.
      3. Students engage in online content construction by putting their research into their own words and choosing the best digital tool/text before sharing their answers.
    4. ell with Project Based Learning (PBL) initiativ

      IIP lines up with PBL

    5. nterest driven,

      I think this is crucial. This intrinsically motivates students to be curious and conduct proper research.

    6. The Internet Inquiry Project is an online research project that helps students develop the important digital knowledge and skills needed as they build their web literacies.

      IIQ helps students develop and craft web literacy by cultivating web knowledge and skills.

  16. May 2019
    1. uring World War I as a chemist at Hammersley Paper Mill and then won a scholarship to Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut, where she earned a doctorate in biochemistry in 1923

      High school- top of her class, earning her a scholarship to Goucher College (1918, studied zoology and chemistry).

      World War I- worked as a chemist at Hammersley Paper mIll, earned a scholarshiip to Yale University (1923, doctrates in biochem).

    2. 1937–38, as a Guggenheim fellow at the University of Uppsala, Sweden, she invented a means of isolating and purifying the active substance in tuberculin

      Post doctoral research at University of Chicago Taught Pathology (Sprague Memorial Institute) and Biochem (UPENN's Henry Phipps Institute)

      University of Uppsala (Sweden) 1937-38 as a Guggenheim fellow, invented technique to isolate and purify active substance in tuberculin----- protein substance from tuberculosis causing bacillus Myobacterium Tuberulosis Produced first purified protein derivative tuberculin, enabled first reliable tuberculin test

      1941, US adopts as standard test 1952, World Health Organization adopts standard test

      Still in Use today

      1958- retired from teaching. Served as a consultant to the United States Public Health Service

      • Director of Cancer Research Laboratory @ Mound Park Hospital (aka Bayfront Medical Center) St. Petersburg

      1990- Inducted into National Women's Hall of Fame

    1. increased resistance toprotease degradatio

      fluorine substitution in the protein secondary structure leads to increase in the protein's resistance

    1. An essay, accompanied by photographs, video, and sound, that can be reconfigured by the viewer to be read in multiple ways.

      I really enjoy this layout for a project because not only is it easy to understand and navigate but it incorporates all of this generation's favourite medias; photo, video, sound, and text.

  17. Apr 2019
    1. There is the suggestion here that student evaluations may not evaluate what they propose to measure. That is not exactly new information. This university does use them, though, and argues that they can be a source of faculty evaluation. Note that this is a university that is making the argument.

    1. Student evaluations of teaching are not valid and should not be used in personnel decisions. That, simply, is the point of this article.

    1. The American Association of University Professors commissioned a survey that garnered over 9,000 responses. The use of student evaluations alone is not recommended. There are complaints of 'bullying' and also complaints of low response rates. They too recommend numerous data sources that could include (their words) peer review, classroom visits, and teaching portfolios.

    1. Here is another argument in the Chronicle that student ratings should not be used exclusively and that a holistic assessment that includes observation should be used. This is important because it comes from the Chronicle.

    1. Here is an op ed piece in the Chronicle in which they report on the results of a survey they commissioned. The argument is that student evaluations are heavily relied upon to the detriment of students and teachers alike.

    1. Here you can see that observations are available but seem optional at Vanderbilt. Survey style student evaluations appear routine.

    1. The main point of this is that there is a bulleted list of items on which teaching can be judged. See page 102. Examples are whether the instructor asks interesting and challenging questions. These are not items that we used to use.

    2. This book suggests (on page 84) that observing teaching can increase the teaching skill of the observer which constitutes another argument for the benefit to the university of observations.

    1. The main point here is that one form of teacher evaluation is by the use of trained observers. It is not clear who these people are but apparently they are NOT faculty in the same content area BECAUSE faculty within the same subject area tend to focus on content rather than teaching practices.

    1. The main point here is that white men are at the advantage when traditional student evaluations are used. So, the University of Southern California will no longer use them in P&T decisions.

    1. This page advocates for a "thoughtful and holistic approach" that includes "self-assessment," "peer review," and student evaluations. The point is that peer review has a place in the process, includng for P&T.

    1. The key piece of information here is that instructors themselves can collect some of the information. So can colleagues.

    1. The key point on this page is that "the most important consideration in teaching evaluation, both for improvement purposes and for personnel decisions, is the use of multiple methods of teaching evaluation using multiple sources of of data.

    1. tegy for the organization to gain and maintain success. The executives leading the organization can simply create a plan and execute it, and they can be confident that their plan will not be undermined by changes over time. But as the consultant’s experience shows, only a few executives—such as the manager of the Panama Canal—enjoy a stable and predictable situation. Because change affects the strategies of almost all org


  18. Mar 2019
  19. www.pblworks.org www.pblworks.org
    1. project based learning While project based learning is more frequently used with children than adults, it can be useful for limited-time instruction for adults. This is a user friendly page that provides a decent description of project based learning and also discusses the design elements and teaching practices that should be used. rating 4/5

    1. Effective inventory control can be broken down into a few important steps: Set up systems to track and record inventory Develop specifications and procedures for ordering and purchasing Develop standards and procedures to efficiently receive deliveries Determine the frequency and processes for reconciling inventory

      This is impotant!


  20. Feb 2019

      Here's the beginning of the first excerpt we're focusing on for Week 2: Section II, parts A & B.

      The second excerpt is below, Section III, Part A, subsections 1 and 2.

      We are focusing on specific excerpts to make this lengthy document a little more manageable for this iteration of the project. That said, you are of course welcome and encouraged to annotate any part of the document you find noteworthy.

    1. Formal tools exist for understanding these relationships, and many of these tools are explained and applied in this book. But formal tools are not enough; creativity is just as important to strategic management. Mastering strategy is therefore part art and part

      This is for the midterm.

  21. Jan 2019
  22. Dec 2018
    1. A female student taking a math test experiences an extra cognitive and emotional burden of worry related to the stereotype that women are not good at math.

      If this is part of the probl;em how do you solve it? why doesnt it effect other careers

  23. Nov 2018
    1. Yammer is Web 2.0 software which integrates with Microsoft 360 and allows users to communicate together and across the organization. It essentially functions as social networking software for corporations with the ability to collaborate on projects, maintain task lists, store files, documents and pictures all within a private enterprise network. In addition Yammer allows for the sharing of feedback and the management of group projects. Yammer is freemium software with a variety of custom add-ons. Licenses are currently issued for all learner participants and at this time no custom add-ons are necessary.

      RATING: 5/5 (rating based upon a score system 1 to 5, 1= lowest 5=highest in terms of content, veracity, easiness of use etc.)

    1. Digital Promise

      Digital promise website serves millions of underserved adults in the United States by offering educational resources via technology. With personalized learning and individual pathways, they stand a chance to advance in their careers and lives.

      The site has a network of educators and developers who contribute to the "Beacon Project". As part of this project, the site includes resources across the country that help with support and access to education.

      RATING: 4/5 (rating based upon a score system 1 to 5, 1= lowest 5=highest in terms of content, veracity, easiness of use etc.)

  24. Oct 2018
    1. In eastern cottonwood cuttings, conductivity loss increased sharply below water potentials of –1.0 MPa, with 100% loss of conductivity occurring by –2.0

      This shows the likelihood of cavitation having effects on the growth rate of cottonwood trees

    1. A new 368-year tree-ring chronology (A.D. 1643–2010) has been developed in western North Dakota using plains cottonwood (Populus deltoides subsp. monilifera)

      The scientific name of plain cottonwood of TR

  25. www.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de www.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de
    1. Information Consolidation: A New Paradigm in Knowledge Search (DIP project)


      pro:aims at solving central steps: from deconstrructing heterogenous sources in atomic statements and relating those in a big picture.

      con:seems not thought through and a relic of the past at the same time

  26. Jul 2018
    1. Students work on a project over an extended period of time – from a week up to a semester – that engages them in solving a real-world problem or answering a complex question. They demonstrate their knowledge and skills by developing a public product or presentation for a real audience.

      Good source to further look into PBL

    1. PBL is entrenched in the concept of the elements being “ongoing.” Building a PBL culture in the classroom isn’t just about doing a project every quarter. It’s about using the Design Elements as often as possible. It’s about offering Choice in different assignments, rubrics, deadlines, or partnerships on an everyday basis. It’s about training students to ask great questions not just when creating a Need to Know list, but when using Google, when asking for feedback, or to even develop their own peer-to-peer assessments. The need to teach literacy is also ongoing.

      great descriptor of PBL

    1. Project Noah was created to provide people of all ages with a simple, easy-to-use way to share their experiences with wildlife. By encouraging your students to share their observations and contribute to Project Noah missions, you not only help students to reconnect with nature, you provide them with real opportunities to make a difference.

      Looks like a great project to get involved in! Very collaborative (both in the classroom and in online), plus integrate technology while having students explore nature

    1. The documentation of routines invited the students to reflect on the multiplicity of practices that shape temporality inside the school community, making the social layering of time more perceptible. Far from being restricted to timetables, buzzers and timed tasks, school time is a fusion of personal times, rhythms and temporal force

      This graf and the next, might be helpful for the Time Machine Project study. Cites: Adam on description of "school time."

  27. Mar 2018
    1. Pros:

      1.The map and text work together well, The map provides a graphic which gives support the information in the text. The text gives additional information which provides additional context for the map graphic. 2.The graphics and map are properly labeled and are free of misspellings and grammatical errors. The Legend contains are required information for the map to be accurately read.


      1. Personally, I do not like the added graphics of the otter fetuses and otter ovaries added to this map. In my opinion the images of the harvested fetuses give a weight to those graphics which should be playing a secondary role to the role of average otter ages. The author should be aware that images like these might distract the attention of a reader from the rest of the content.
      2. The location of some of the names of the river basins could be moved for easier identification. Some of the labels on the map are well done, but three or four of them aren't as easy to spot or harder to read and could benefit from being moved to a different location.
    1. Voyager record

      The voyager record represents us as humans, the purpose of this was to relate the message to someone who doesn't even live on Earth hence "aliens". This can also be compared to the aids project in which we are supposed to create a post so that someone who knows nothing about it can understand it based on the information you provide to them.

  28. Feb 2018
  29. Jan 2018
    1. The analysis found that those organizations using separate standards showed greater integration performance compared with organizations that did not use combined standards.

      Companies that try to make the same standards across their organization, will cause their people to get bogged down in trying to to make the standards fit their job function. This causes to many constraints and will lower project performance.

    2. The frequent assessment of the use of standardized leading practices and processes

      How can I monitor and evaluate the use of our project management processes and practices for better project performance?

  30. Dec 2017
    1. Brooks’ Law, which states “adding manpower to a late software project makes it later”

      S. McConnell adds an interesting take on this in his: Brooks' Law Repealed? article.

  31. Nov 2017
    1. Wm Jones

      Personally, I did not believe the Democratic Writing Project to be helpful or well designed. It is a good idea but it would have been more beneficial if this conversation took place out loud among a class, rather than online. I will never read any annotations outside of my own and the four that I will comment on, and that is upsetting. This is nothing more than a way to force everyone to participate and have something tangible to grade, and the students are not retaining the value of analyzing this document. I think this would have been better if we all read it at home and we compared physical annotations in class.

    1. the ever-changing digital landscape

      I think of myself as a Moffett guy, in that early on in my teaching I found the notion of "Teaching the Universe of Discourse" and exciting and clear map for building curriculum and for assessing my students' progress at any moment. I learned to focus on a balance of the different kinds of writing in the UNIVERSE of discourse. When I began to think about what it meant to teach digital writing, I returned to Moffett's notion of looking at the range of possibility. And as the words here, "ever-changing" and "landscape," suggest, we can constantly be thinking about what to include in our digital curriculum. Snapchat? Instagram? Is blogging still an important part of the landscape? What does it mean to have more characters available on Twitter? Do my students need more time in something like a Google community with short, interactive online conversation or do they need to slow down a bit and create a web page? It's exciting to be playing in this field, and it's even more exciting when youth recognize that they can choose where they want to play and make a difference digitally as well -- and what they need to learn to have an impact digitally.

  32. Oct 2017
    1. ealth-related conver-sations via Twitter hashtags

      I think this is a great idea. I have conducted a project before where I collected data by querying a specific research terms on Twitter. Twitter is a treasure cove of data. Do you think you can use this data collection method for your research projects? If so, what type of hashtags or terms would you query?

  33. Sep 2017
    1. linear

      [unlike linear] nonlinear temporality is a feminist proposal to resist liberal individualistic modes of doing politics. Organizing politically in a nonlinear temporality involves creating situationist feminist politics; nonlinear activism is one that does not construct origins but mobilizes different political consciousness and creates many subject positions.

    1. A data lake management service with an Apache licence. I am particularly interested in how well the monitoring features of this platform work.

    1. Do you have questions about how best to moderate your online community? CivilServant, software created at the MIT Center for Civic Media, helps online communities do your own A/B tests of moderation practices.

      This is an interesting SaaS system for exploring how to create good moderation systems.

  34. Aug 2017
    1. Project-based learning typically is grounded in the following elements: Role-playing Real-world scenarios Blended writing genres Multiple reading genres Authentic assessments Authentic audiences Real-world expertise brought into the classroom Units that assess multiple skills Units that require research and comprehension of multiple subjects Student choice Collaboration Multiple methods of communication (writing, oral speaking, visual presentations, publishing, etc.)

      A good overview of the elements of PBL.

  35. Jul 2017
    1. Students collaboratively (with the instructor) identify an area of interest and co-construct a driving question to guide inquiry.

      I really like this because even though we have to cover certain content that aligns with state standards, students can still have a say in what they learn. In studying a particular topic, we can ask "What part of this most interests you? What should we learn more about within this topic of study?" And students can pick a driving question that most interests them.

    1. How do you respond to a medical emergency if the people around you speak only Spanish?

      Project with Real world connections in the TL!

  36. Jun 2017
  37. May 2017
    1. Inside Facebook's plan to eat another $350 billion IT market

      Three months later the group had a working prototype. Six months later, on November 1, the company announced it to the world as a real product called Voyager.

    1. James Bay hydro-electric project
      The James Bay hydroelectric project proposed to construct watersheds along the eastern shores of the Hudson Bay from James Bay to Ungava Bay in Canada. This distance is approximately 750 miles. It would alter nineteen waterways and create 27 reservoirs (Linton, 1991). The first phase of construction, called La Grande River phase, was planned to generate more than ten megawatts, which is the equivalent of roughly ten nuclear power plants. This portion of the project would require large impoundment reservoirs, comparable to the size of the state of Connecticut. The James Bay hydroelectric project was the first “mega-scale hydroelectric project to be built in the sub-Arctic.” The project was proposed in the early 1970s, at a time when “physical and social environmental effects were not taken into significant consideration” (Hornig, 2000). Due to its timing and lack of environmental assessment and research, the James Bay hydroelectric project was compared to the Mackenzie Valley pipeline proposals of Arctic Gas and Foothills within the Berger Inquiry. At the time, during the 1970s, there were few people who actively opposed the construction of the James Bay hydroelectric plant. They included the Cree inhabitants of the area and some environmental activists. However, during the 1980s, after the completion of the La Grande River phase, opposition became more frequent and more apparent as concerns about environmental impacts became more well-known. 


      Hornig, J. F. (2000). Review: Social and Environmental Impacts of teh James Bay Hydroelectric Project. Natural Resources & Environment, 121.

      Linton, J. I. (1991). Guest Editorial: The James Bay Hydroelectric Project -- Issue of the Century. Arctic, iii-iv.

    2. Churchill Falls hydro-electric project
      The Churchill Falls hydro-electric project was inaugurated by Pierre Trudeau, the Canadian Prime Minister, on June 16, 1972. This hydro-electric plant was constructed between 1967 and 1975 and completed one year ahead of the predicted schedule. At the height of its construction, approximately 6,300 workers were present in the summer of 1970. The majority of construction occurred in the summer months, although construction continued year-round despite harsh conditions in Labrador where temperatures dipped to -21°C with a mean annual snowfall of 406 centimeters. The Churchill Falls power station is located in southern Labrador about 1,100 kilometers from an urban area. The Churchill Falls hydro-electric project was the largest hydro-electric project at the time, capable of generating 5,225 mW of electricity. It creates this energy by utilizing the water of the Churchill and Naskaupi Rivers which have a total catchment area of about 67,340 km2 combined. The underground power station is about 305 meters below ground. It uses eleven generators with a combined capacity of 5,225,000 kW. In order to utilize this harvested energy, large power lines capable of handling voltages up to 735 kV were put in place to transmit the energy from Churchill Falls to the Hydro-Quebec transmission system in the Manicouagan-Outardes hydro complex. The distance between these two stations is 606 kilometers. The energy from Churchill Falls was also transmitted via power lines to the Labrador City-Wabush area (Crabb, 1973). 


      Crabb, P. (1973). Churchill Falls- The Costs and Benefits of a Hydro-Electric Development Project. Geography, 330-335.

  38. www.sblm.com www.sblm.com
    1. Implement Radio Button's

      • Stop slideshow when clicked, resume after 5 seconds
      • Simulatenously, change Studio H2 opacity to 1.0 and reveal H3 as inline element stacked right, maintaining height dimension of H3 ( background:white, color:black)
      • H3 A element is project name and allows user to jump directly to project
    1. Scene iii: 1130-1146

      Jupiter reveals himself and Amphitruo is eased and pleased and pays thanks to the god.

    2. Scene ii: 1072-1130

      Bromia recites the events that happened within the house to Amphitruo

    3. Scene i: 1039-1071

      Amphitruo shares his plans for revenge and rage, but faints. Bromia retells what happens within the house which mirrors Amphitruo’s feelings.

    4. Act IV: 1039-1146

      Alcmena gives birth and Jupiter reveals himself and his role to Amphitruo.

    5. Act III: 1008-1039

      The separation I create with the middle acts adds to the theme of duplicity in the theme of the play. I have one act start with the return of Amphitruo from war and the second as his return from the harbor.

    6. Scene iii: 861-1007

      Jupiter thickens the plot by apologizing on Amphitruo’s behalf and consoles her.

    7. Scene ii: 633-860

      Alcmena confesses her confusion of Amphitruo’s return and explains that he was here. Sosia argues her sanity.

    8. Scene i: 551-632

      Amphitruo and Sosia travel home and Sosia pleads his case that he is not insane about there being a second him.

    9. Act II: 551-1008

      Sosia argues his sanity, then threatens Alcmena’s sanity after she says Amphitruo just left.

    10. Scene ii: 496-550

      Jupiter leaves Alcmena to “return to war” The serious matter of the play.

    11. Scene i: 148-496

      Mercury delays Sosia and makes him think he is not himself. The two provide comic relief to open the play. Mercury ends the scene on a slight heavy note.

    12. Act I: 148-55

      The initial events of the play are laid out, where Sosia is to believe he is not himself and Jupiter has impregnated Alcmena with a second child.

    13. Prologue: Lines 1-147

      Mercury explains the purpose and premise of the play. He denotes of costume differences so that the audience is able to separate the disguised gods from the real Amphitruo and Sosia.

    1. David Menasche’s Priority List

      I read this book for a class and highly enjoyed the priority lesson Menasche included in the overall theme of the book.

  39. Apr 2017
    1. Carson Templeton
      Carson H. Templeton was born in Wainwright, Alberta. He earned a diploma studying Mining Engineering at the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT) in Calgary, Alberta. He worked at the Madsen Red Lake Mine in Northwest Ontario as an Assistant Assayer, Boat Boy, and Post Office Manager. He attended the University of Alberta to continue his studies of Mining Engineering and graduated with a Bachelor of Science. During World War II, Templeton worked on the Canol Pipeline Project. He then helped construct airports alongside the Alaska Highway for military use. In 1948, Templeton was appointed Assistant Chief Engineer of the Fraser Valley Dyking Board. In 1950, Templeton was appointed Chief Engineer of the Greater Winnipeg Dyking Board. In 1955, Templeton founded a consulting engineering firm which he named the Templeton Engineering Company. Before the Unicity Amalgamation of Winnipeg in 1972, his company worked as the City Engineer for several small cities in Canada. His company performed engineering estimates for the Royal Commission on Flood Cost-Benefits. These calculations led to the construction of the Winnipeg Floodway. Additionally, Carson Templeton’s consulting engineering firm conducted research that supported the writing of “Snow and Ice Roads: Ability to Support Traffic and Effects on Vegetation” by Kenneth Adam and Helios Hernandez (Adam and Hernandez 1977). In 1966, his company merged with Montreal Engineering and Shawinigan Engineering to form Teshmont Consultants Ltd. Teshmont Consultants Ltd. has completed over 50 percent of the world’s high-voltage, direct current projects. Templeton served as the Chairman of the Alaska Highway Pipeline Panel and Chairman of the Environmental Protection Board during the 1970s. As the Chairman of the Environmental Protection Board, Templeton orchestrated the hearing process for the Environmental Impact Assessments for the Mackenzie Valley Pipeline Inquiry (Winnipeg Free Press 2004). 


      Adam, Kenneth, and Helios Hernandez. "Snow and Ice Roads: Ability to Support Traffic and Effects on Vegetation." Arctic, 1977: 13-27.

      Winnipeg Free Press. Carson Templeton OC. October 10, 2004. http://passages.winnipegfreepress.com/passage-details/id-89334/Carson_Templeton_#/ (accessed April 8, 2017).

  40. Mar 2017
    1. university president public years center research million national latimes san executive major project board humanities

      The word humanities appears in this third-largest topic of the model. It is an institutional topic, with words about organizations, officers, governing structures, development and resources.

  41. Feb 2017
    1. As individual pursue implementation of the project they begin to learn more and more about what they didn't know when they started and they begin doing revisions to the project plan. Revisions which seldom represent decreases in cost or time.

      I am myself experiencing this as I realize how much time I am taking to complete the tasks of the course

    2. The project plan is at best an educated guess. An educated guess that can be improved upon by capitalizing on the expertise of others that have been previously involved in projects of this nature. And yet there are many projects for which there are exists no similar requisite expertise. As such, the project plan remains very much simply ones conscientious best guess at what needs to be done.

      I believe here is where fear creeps in, since nobody in the team has encountered a situation with that problem set before. They literally have nothing to fall back on, no past knowledge or experience, they have to create knowledge.

  42. Jan 2017
    1. PBL is the ongoing act of learning about different subjects simultaneously. This is achieved by guiding students to identify, through research, a real-world problem (local to global) developing its solution using evidence to support the claim, and presenting the solution through a multimedia approach based in a set of 21st-century tools.

      Interesting look at PBL and 21st century learning

    2. PBL is the ongoing act of learning about different subjects simultaneously. This is achieved by guiding students to identify, through research, a real-world problem (local to global) developing its solution using evidence to support the claim, and presenting the solution through a multimedia approach based in a set of 21st-century tools

      Interesting look at PBL AND 21st century learning.

  43. Jun 2016
  44. www.seethingbrains.com www.seethingbrains.com
    1. dragged lifelessly behind

      Inhumane Vermin - An Interpretive Dance


      (Aleksandra A, Alexander C, Jaryd F, Alexa Annesse, Olivia K. Period 3)

  45. Apr 2016
  46. Mar 2016
    1. not only because of its appropriateness to the moment in which we are writing this introduction

      [Annotation on HTML version of Wald article in Project Muse.]

      That is in the wake of 9/11 and the Anthrax hoaxes that followed a week later.

  47. Feb 2016
  48. Nov 2015
    1. user innovation toolkit - a product malleable enough to let users adapt it to their own needs.

      Trello is a project management tool that provides boards, lists, and cards. The cards represent tasks or items, and move across columns on the board as they progress to a new stage of development. No particular method is prescribed. The individual or team decides how to use Trello, and the method is likely to evolve. Different projects may require different methods.

      Trello has an API to allow automation and customization. After agreeing on how to use the board, different team members might use the API to build interfaces that work best for them.

  49. Oct 2015
    1. Odds on the Nicaragua Canal Project and Other Political Bets

      Interesting update on the massive Nicaraguan canal project. In this article, International firms like the International Business Times and the Harvard Business Review analyze both the current progress on the project as well as the future potential of the project and how it has changed. This is an interesting take because within Nicaragua, the canal has always been an international project, financed by Chinese investors and now criticized and analyzed by American firms. Next week I plan to seek out a truly Nicaraguan source on this canal project in order to be able to compare and contrast international views with domestic views. Definitely worth a read.