- Aug 2021
twitter.com twitter.com
Seth Trueger. (2021, August 3). Time lapse of community prevelence from 7/1 to 8/1 https://t.co/mPomRzshLG [Tweet]. @MDaware. https://twitter.com/MDaware/status/1422649454293835778
api.rubyonrails.org api.rubyonrails.org
developer.mozilla.org developer.mozilla.org
momentjs.com momentjs.com
blog.logrocket.com blog.logrocket.com
- Jul 2021
twitter.com twitter.com
Hiroki Sayama. (2021, May 28). Weekly update This will be the last US domestic visualization Details -> https://github.com/hsayama/COVID-19-geographical-animations https://t.co/Mz23MDaa6l [Tweet]. @HirokiSayama. https://twitter.com/HirokiSayama/status/1398344774843781128
delong.typepad.com delong.typepad.com
Thus we can roughly define what we mean by the art of reading as follows: the process whereby a mind, with nothing to operate on but the symbols of the readable matter, and with no help from outside, 0 elevates itself by the power of its own operations. The mind passes from understanding less to understanding more. The skilled operations that cause this to happen are the various acts that constitute the art of reading.
I'm not sure I agree with this perspective of not necessarily asking for outside help.
What if the author is at fault for not communicating properly or leaving things too obscure? Is this the exception of which he speaks?
What if the author isn't properly contextualizing all the necessary information to the reader? This can be a particular problem when writing history across large spans of both time and culture or even language.
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Hartshorne, J. K. (2021). Just give them childcare: The COVID-19 pandemic as a natural experiment in parenting practices [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/r64hf
Publication Dates are not important to Digital Gardeners. Posts are connected via references or common themes.
I would argue against this. Many digital gardeners use publication dates and even last updated dates on their posts. Time in particular can be an incredibly important datum with regard to providing useful context to one's content.
twitter.com twitter.com
Leah McElrath 🏳️🌈. (2021, July 12). One reason the right-wing outrage machine is focused on attacking Biden’s plan for door-to door outreach isn’t because they actually fear confiscation of guns or Bibles. It’s because they don’t want poor people to have access to life-saving vaccinations. Https://t.co/GnZMmlBfqK [Tweet]. @leahmcelrath. https://twitter.com/leahmcelrath/status/1414660179061264388
www.dekudeals.com www.dekudeals.com
you must explore the counter-intuitive possibilities time travel permits. You will learn to choreograph your actions across multiple timelines, and to construct seemingly impossible solutions, such as paradoxical time loops, where the future depends on the past and the past depends on the future.
yaleclimateconnections.org yaleclimateconnections.org
www.matthewball.vc www.matthewball.vc
reduce the production time
Promotes economies of scale- cost advantage due to the scale of operation. As the cost per unit of output decreasing it causes the scale to increase.
www.migrationencounters.org www.migrationencounters.org
Claudia: How long did you live in the States?Yosell: Let's see, about 24 years. Out here in Mexico, I've probably been here for like a year and a half. Just barely, I guess.Claudia: What was it like coming back to Mexico? You said you made the decision on your own?Yosell: Yeah, I mean, I already did know about it just a little bit, so it wasn't too bad. It was just basically like Los Angeles, it's the same thing, really. Just the differences, the corruption out here, and how people treat you. I would probably walk down the street, and I would always get a dirty look or something. I'd always get checked by the cops here, that's a constant thing for me.
www.berlin.de www.berlin.de
Seit 01. Juli 2021 besteht keine Homeoffice-Pflicht mehr.
ayjay.org ayjay.org
After a good deal of reflection and consultation with my family, I have decided that (aside from pre-existing commitments, of which I have a few) I will no longer give lectures or participate in conferences, whether in person or via video link. I have a great deal that I want to think about and write about, and a dwindling supply of time in which to pursue the tasks I care about most. I understand that this decision might limit sales of my books, and make me even more isolated and ignored than I am already. That’s a trade-off that I simply must make. I feel sure that this is the right thing to do; indeed, the necessary thing to do. I hope that the work I produce in the future will bear out that judgment.
An interesting take on valuing one's time.
www.morgenpost.de www.morgenpost.de
Bereits im März war das Besuchsrecht in Krankenhäusern und Pflegeheimen der Hauptstadt stark eingeschränkt worden.
- Jun 2021
hypothes.is hypothes.is
"Many North American music education programs exclude in vast numbers students who do not embody Euroamerican ideals. One way to begin making music education programs more socially just is to make them more inclusive. For that to happen, we need to develop programs that actively take the standpoint of the least advantaged, and work toward a common good that seeks to undermine hierarchies of advantage and disadvantage. And that, inturn, requires the ability to discuss race directly and meaningfully. Such discussions afford valuable opportunities to confront and evaluate the practical consequences of our actions as music educators. It is only through such conversations, Connell argues, that we come to understand “the real relationships and processes that generate advantage and disadvantage”(p. 125). Unfortunately, these are also conversations many white educators find uncomfortable and prefer to avoid."
www.gesundheitsstadt-berlin.de www.gesundheitsstadt-berlin.de
Arbeitgeber müssen mehr Home-Office-Arbeitsplätze schaffen
Demnach sind bis Ende Juli Events mit maximal 300 Menschen erlaubt. Am 1. August erhöht sich diese Zahl auf 500, am 1. September auf 750, am 1. Oktober auf 1000 – immer unter Wahrung der Abstands- und Hygieneregeln.
Nach dem Beschluss gibt es künftig vor allem keine Kontaktverbote mehr: Durften sich bislang nur maximal fünf Personen oder Angehörige zweier Haushalte treffen, so gilt diese Einschränkung nun nicht mehr.
www.berliner-zeitung.de www.berliner-zeitung.de
Bisher galt die Sperre ab 23 Uhr.
www.tagesspiegel.de www.tagesspiegel.de
Gute Nachrichten auch für die Abschlussklassen in Berlin: Abifeiern dürfen wieder stattfinden, genauso Abschlussfeiern von Berufsausbildungen.
Im privaten Bereich bleiben die alten Regeln vorerst bestehen
Kneipen, Restaurants und Spätis dürfen nachts, also zwischen 0 und 5 Uhr wieder Alkohol ausschenken. Das nächtliche Verkaufsverbot entfällt.
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
the Guardian. ‘TUC Says Covid Vaccine Efforts Hindered by Lack of Paid Time off for Jab’, 22 March 2021. http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2021/mar/22/tuc-says-covid-vaccine-efforts-hindered-by-lack-of-paid-time-off-for-jab.
Betroffene dürfen demzufolge ohne vorherigen Corona-Test auch abseits des Lebensmittelhandels Einkaufen gehen, einen Friseur oder Kosmetiksalon, ein Museum oder eine Ausstellung besuchen. Greifen soll die Regelung 15 Tage nach der Zweitimpfung.
www.berliner-zeitung.de www.berliner-zeitung.de
Gültigkeit von Test-Bestätigungen:Bisher musste zum Beispiel in Geschäften oder Museen ein tagesaktuelles negatives Testergebnis vorgelegt werden.
Corona-Lockdown bis 9. Mai verlängert:Die übrigen bisher schon geltenden Corona-Maßnahmen werden bis zum 9. Mai verlängert. Die bisherige Verordnung war bis Sonntag (18.4.) befristet.
Kontaktbeschärnkungen:Damit gelten zum Beispiel Kontaktbeschränkungen weiter.
Das war bisher nicht geregelt.
Zuvor galt für die Kinder ein Höchstalter von 12 Jahren, ab Samstag sind es 14 Jahre.
www.berlin.de www.berlin.de
Bereits seit Freitag dürfen sich Menschen im Freien nachts zwischen 21.00 und 05.00 Uhr nur noch alleine oder zweit aufhalten.
arxiv.org arxiv.org
Reis, E. F. dos, & Masuda, N. (2021). Metapopulation models imply non-Poissonian statistics of interevent times. ArXiv:2106.10348 [Physics]. http://arxiv.org/abs/2106.10348
arxiv.org arxiv.org
Landry, N. (2021). The effect of time-dependent infectiousness on epidemic dynamics. ArXiv:2106.10384 [Physics, q-Bio]. http://arxiv.org/abs/2106.10384
www.bz-berlin.de www.bz-berlin.de
Restaurants, Bars, Theater, Kinos müssen im November schließen.
Und nur zwei Haushalte dürfen sich dann (ab 2. November) noch treffen, maximal zehn Personen.
Ab kommender Woche gelten strengere Corona-Regeln: Nur noch zwei Haushalte dürfen sich dann treffen.
mitvergnuegen.com mitvergnuegen.com
Anders als im März, sollen Besuche in Krankenhäusern und Pflegeheimen aber nicht generell untersagt werden, damit keine soziale Isolation herrsche.
Den kompletten November und mindestens bis zum 20. Dezember 2020 bleiben Events, Vorstellungen und größere Zusammenkünfte untersagt.
Auf jeder Straße, in der Einzelhandel und Handwerksbetriebe ansässig sind, gilt ab 01. Dezember Maskenpflicht. Bislang galt eine solche Pflicht in öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln und Bahnhöfen, in Büros, im Einzelhandel und Supermärkten, aber auch vor Einkaufsmärkten sowie an belebteren Orten wie beispielsweise Parkplätzen. Auch Wochen-, Floh- und Weihnachtsmärkte gehören dazu, unerheblich, in welcher Form diese stattfinden.
Stand jetzt dürfen sich in Berlin auch über Weihnachten und Silvester, also vom 23. Dezember 2020 bis zum 01. Januar 2021, wie bisher maximal 5 Personen aus 2 Haushalten treffen. Von der Zahl der Einzelpersonen sind dabei Kinder bis 12 Jahre explizit ausgenommen.
www.morgenpost.de www.morgenpost.de
Über die Feiertage dürfen sich maximal fünf Personen zu privaten Zusammenkünften treffen, Kinder im Alter bis 14 Jahren nicht mitgerechnet.
Bisher gilt eine Obergrenze von zehn Personen.
www.express.de www.express.de
Bundesweit werden ab 2. November bis Ende des Monats Freizeiteinrichtungen und Gastronomie geschlossen, Unterhaltungsveranstaltungen verboten und Kontakte in der Öffentlichkeit sowie Feiern auf Plätzen und in Wohnungen müssen eingeschränkt werden.
www.bz-berlin.de www.bz-berlin.de
Wegen des Wiederanstiegs der Corona-Neuinfektionen in Berlin sollen ab Samstag Besuchsregeln für die Krankenhäuser in der Stadt gelten.
www.morgenpost.de www.morgenpost.de
Der Senat hat beschlossen, dass bei privaten Feiern im Freien künftig eine maximale Zahl von 50 Teilnehmern gelten soll
Die Abstandsregel von 1,50 Meter muss in den Schulen nicht mehr eingehalten werden
Für Demonstrationen gilt keine Begrenzung der Teilnehmerzahl mehr
Künftig gilt die Maskenpflicht auch für Wochenmärkte, bestimmte Einkaufsstraßen und Warteschlangen gelten, in denen der Mindestabstand von 1,5 Metern nicht einzuhalten ist.
fortlewiscollege-my.sharepoint.com fortlewiscollege-my.sharepoint.com
the last thirty years
1950-1980, roughly.
www.rbb24.de www.rbb24.de
Anders als die Hotels mussten Kneipen und Gaststätten ab Mitte März komplett schließen und damit fast vollständig auf Umsätze verzichten. Erst nach zwei Monaten durften Restaurants Mitte Mai wieder öffnen, Kneipen ab dem 2. Juni.
Bisher müssen in Gaststätten die Stühle so stehen, dass zwischen den Gästen ein Mindestabstand von 1,5 Metern eingehalten wird. Ausnahmen gelten für Ehe- und Lebenspartner und Angehörige des eigenen Haushalts - mit Arbeitskollegen und Bekannten wird das vertraute Gespräch über den Tisch hinweg dagegen manchmal schwierig.
Die bisher wegen der Corona-Pandemie geltenden Abstandsregeln in Gaststätten werden in Berlin gelockert.
Nach Monaten des Abstands in Gaststätten dürfen Berliner Gäste wieder enger am Tisch zusammenrücken.
www.tagesspiegel.de www.tagesspiegel.de
Seit Sonntag dürfen Cafés und Restaurants auch tagsüber nicht mehr öffnen. Bisher konnten Restaurants von 6 bis 18 Uhr öffnen, nicht aber am Abend.
www.berlin.de www.berlin.de
Das Kontaktverbot gilt zunächst bis zum 5. April 2020.
Eine Ausgangssperre gibt es in der Hauptstadt noch nicht.
www.rbb24.de www.rbb24.de
Seit Beginn des bundesweiten Lockdowns Mitte Dezember sind auch in Berlin große Teile des Einzelhandels mit Ausnahme etwa von Supermärkten, Drogerien oder Apotheken geschlossen. Restaurants, Museen, Kinos, Theater, Freizeit- und Sporteinrichtungen sind schon seit Anfang November für das Publikum zu.
Zuvor war nur eine haushaltsfremde Person erlaubt.
Haben Geschäfte über Ostern geöffnet?Ja, wie üblich bis einschließlich Gründonnerstag und am Karsamstag.
Gilt weiterhin Maskenpflicht?Ja, sie wurde sogar verschärft. Waren bisher FFP2- oder einfachere sogenannte OP-Masken vorgeschrieben, sind ab Mittwoch nur noch FFP2-Masken erlaubt. Das gilt übrigens für alle Innenräume jenseits der eigenen vier Wände, also auch im ÖPNV, Arztpraxen, Schulen, Museen.
Muss man weiter Termine bei den Geschäften buchen?Nein, diese Vorgabe fällt mit der neuen Strategie wieder weg.
Auch im Einzelhandel müssten bestimmte Geschäfte wieder dichtmachen, zum Beispiel Bau- und Gartenmärkte, Modeläden, Elektronikmärkte, Kaufhäuser.
Käme diese zur Anwendung, müssten Anbieter körpernaher Dienstleistungen wie Kosmetiksalons wieder schließen, nicht aber Friseure, die bereits ab 1. März öffnen dürfen.
Eine Terminbuchung ist nicht mehr nötig - die maximalen Kundenzahlen gelten weiterhin.
www.theserverside.com www.theserverside.com
"While it takes time to make these changes now, it's a one-time engineering cost that will have lasting impacts, both internally and externally," Sorenson said in an email. "We're in this for the long game, and we know inclusive language is just as much about how we code and what we build as it is about person-to-person interactions."
betterprogramming.pub betterprogramming.pub
It was the first to present the concept of creating a function without a superfluous keyword function, replacing it with something that in 2015 was to become the function arrow (=> in ES6, -> in CoffeeScript). He also got rid of the curly braces (like Python), replacing them with indentations. Often in CoffeeScript, you can omit (once required) parentheses, that often unnecessarily decrement the readability of the code.
ddrscott.github.io ddrscott.github.io
FROM generate_series('2017-03-01'::date, '2017-03-03'::timestamp - interval '1 hour', interval '1 hour' ) AS t(start_ts)
- May 2021
gist.github.com gist.github.com
Stay engaged. As mentioned above, you are expected to check your GVSU email twice daily, read new posts on CampusWire twice daily, contribute to the discussion board daily, and make at least two significant contributions to CampusWire per week. Make daily engagement with the course a habit, and don’t take days off (unless it’s a weekend and you have all your work done).
Budget your time. MTH 124 is a 5-credit course with no meetings, so you will need to plan on spending about 15-20 hours per week doing mindful work. That’s 3-4 hours per weekday if you choose not to work on weekends. If you are taking other courses or have job of family responsibilities, you’ll need to think about where to put these hours in your daily and weekly schedules. In my experience, the #1 reason students don’t succeed in online courses is overcommitment and not managing time well.
interpersonal.stackexchange.com interpersonal.stackexchange.com
One solution that fixed this issue with my ISP was that when I went through the first and second line and got in touch with the people that fixed my problem, I asked them if they could give me one of their personal numbers in case the same problem happened again. The problem did occur a couple more times, and I just directly called the same guy.
Tech support works with scripts. Just get to know these scripts by heart and answer all questions from the script you can in one long sentence, before they ask it. Like in "Hi I have a problem with this and that...I have restarted the router, I have checked the cables, the red light is on, the green light is off, not other lights are blinking......etc.etc.etc. That way the person at the other end of the line can just go click-click-click and you'll be 10 steps further in their script in 5 seconds.
the problem is that I write a lot of these emails and they are a waste of my and everyone elses time
d3399nw8s4ngfo.cloudfront.net d3399nw8s4ngfo.cloudfront.net
select * from users
We can preview the data, and since that looks good, let's add a table to the canvas to display it. When we do this, it helpful pre-fills the data from our last query.
www.derstandard.at www.derstandard.at
www.zmescience.com www.zmescience.com
Zusammenfassung der Tweets von Scott Duncan über die Hitzewelle in der Arktis.
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
hashnode.com hashnode.com
I've worked with people at companies where this was their only responsibility. Setting up emails for clients, making sure they pass a battery of tests and look great in all browsers and clients. It's an incredible PITA and it's not a set it and forget it thing. Clients can change month to month; spam filters change, etc...
www.gkogan.co www.gkogan.co
More importantly, using a plain email would save lots of time and effort. As a goal-driven-lazy person, that’s a good enough reason to start experimenting.
www.vcoe.at www.vcoe.at
Die österreichischen CO2-Emissionen sind 2019 das fünfte Jahr in Folge gestiegen statt gesunken. Sie betragen rund 24. Millionen Tonnen. Sie liegen deutlich über dem im Klimaschutzgesetz vorgesehenen Ziel (21,8 Mill. Tonnen). Es wurden 2,7 Milliarden Liter mehr getankt als 2018.
tc.copernicus.org tc.copernicus.org
Previous analyses of station observations of snow were confined to regional analyses. Here, we present an Alpine-wide analysis of snow depth from six Alpine countries – Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Slovenia, and Switzerland – including altogether more than 2000 stations of which more than 800 were used for the trend assessment. Using a principal component analysis and k-means clustering, we identified five main modes of variability and five regions which match the climatic forcing zones: north and high Alpine, north-east, north-west, south-east, and south and high Alpine.
www.imperial.ac.uk www.imperial.ac.uk
Coronavirus antibody prevalence falling in England, REACT study shows | Imperial News | Imperial College London. (n.d.). Imperial News. Retrieved March 7, 2021, from https://www.imperial.ac.uk/news/207333/coronavirus-antibody-prevalence-falling-england-react/
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Bedder, R., Vaghi, M., Dolan, R., & Rutledge, R. (2020). Risk taking for potential losses but not gains increases with time of day. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/3qdnx
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Beltran, D. G., Isch, C., Ayers, J. D., Alcock, J., Brinkworth, J. F., Cronk, L., Hurmuz-Sklias, H., Tidball, K. G., Horn, A. V., Todd, P. M., & Aktipis, A. (2021). Mask wearing behavior across routine and leisure activities during COVID-19. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/2qya8
Trovò, B., & Massari, N. (2021). Ants-Review: A Protocol for Incentivized Open Peer-Reviews on Ethereum. ArXiv:2101.09378 [Cs]. http://arxiv.org/abs/2101.09378
www.sciencedirect.com www.sciencedirect.com
Elgar, F. J., Stefaniak, A., & Wohl, M. J. A. (2020). The trouble with trust: Time-series analysis of social capital, income inequality, and COVID-19 deaths in 84 countries. Social Science & Medicine, 263, 113365. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2020.113365
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Ein Zehntel der Berggletscher der Erde wird bis 2050 schmelzen, selbst wenn die Ziele der Pariser Klimaabkommens eingehalten werden. In besonders betroffenen Gebieten, z.B: in Mitteleuropa, wird die Eismasse der Gletscher um die Hälfte zurückgehen.
World will lose 10% of glacier ice even if it hits climate targets | Environment | The Guardian
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Zahl und Größe der Gletscherseen haben in 30 Jahren um rund 50% zugenommen. Eines der sichtbarsten Indizien der globalen Erhitzung.
www.nature.com www.nature.com
- Apr 2021
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Analyse der Realisierungschancen des Plans der Biden-Administration bis 2030 zu halbieren. Viel Hintergrund-Informationen zu den politischen Bedingungen. Erkennbar werden, das aus einigen Bereichen der Industrie gebremst werden wird. Deutlich ist auch, dass Biden die Klimapolitik mit dem Ziel verbindet und argumentiert, die US-Wirtschaft nach vorne zu bringen und industrielle Arbeitsplätze in den USA zu schaffen. Biden’s Bet on a Climate Transition Carries Big Risks - The New York Times
theconversation.com theconversation.com
Drei führenden Klimawissenschaftler *kritisieren die Illusion der "Net Zero-Politiken", die darauf setzen, das 1,5°-Ziel durch die Entfernung von CO2" aus der Atmosphäre zu erreichen. Sie werfen vielen ihrher KollegInnen vor, unrealistischen Konzepten nicht offen entgegenzutreten, um ihren politischen Einfluss nicht zu verlieren. Sie kritisieren auch die bisherigen Integrated Assessment Models des Weltklimarats, die von der Voraussetzung ausgehen würde, die Klimakatastrophe ließe sich mit marktwirtschaftlichen Mitteln beheben und fordern auf, deutlich zu sagen, dass sich eine Erhitzung der Erde auf 3 und mehr Grad nicht durch kleine Schritte, sondern nur durch einen Bruch mit dem bisherigen Wirtschaftssystem erreichen läßt.
Anstatt uns unseren Zweifeln zu stellen, beschlossen wir Wissenschaftler, immer aufwändigere Fantasiewelten zu konstruieren, in denen wir sicher wären. Der Preis, den wir für unsere Feigheit zahlen mussten: Wir mussten den Mund halten über die immer größer werdende Absurdität der geforderten Kohlendioxid-Entfernung im planetarischen Maßstab.
Greta Thunberg hat diesen Aufsatz als einen wichtigsten und informativsten Texte zur Klima- und ökologischen Krise bezeichnet.
Climate scientists: concept of net zero is a dangerous trap. Thread von Greta dazu auf Twitter: https://twitter.com/GretaThunberg/status/1385869663188492290
- concerned:overshoot-scenario
- time:2015-2100
- researcher:RobertWatson
- policy:netzero
- medium:commentary
- process:mitigation
- concerned:negative-emissions
- threshold:1.5°
- activity:geoengineering
- researcher:WolfgangKnorr
- activity:BECCS
- researcher:JamesDyke
- parameter:temperature
- activity:CCS
www.spiegel.de www.spiegel.de
Stefan Rahmstorf stellt die Argumentationen dafür zusammen, dass es noch nicht unmöglich ist, das 1,5°-Ziel noch zu erreichen ist. Klima-Krise: Die neue Verwirrung um das 1,5-Grad-Ziel - DER SPIEGEL. Etwas ausführlichere Darstellung ausgehend von zwei Grafiken: Zwei Grafiken zeigen den Weg zu 1,5 Grad » KlimaLounge » SciLogs - Wissenschaftsblogs. Die Argumentation bezieht sich auf die Stellungnahme der Australischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, die feststellt, dass das 1,5°-Ziel "virtuell uneirrechbar" sei: The risks to Australia of a 3°C warmer world | Australian Academy of Science
www.ecowatch.com www.ecowatch.com
Systematische Studie zur Verwundbarkeit der zentralafrikanischen Wälder durch die globale Erhitzung. Die Wälder im Norden und Süden, an der Atlantikküste und in der Demokratischen Republik Kongo machen über 50% dieser Gebiete mit einer hohen Biodiversität aus, sie sind besonders verwundbar. African Rainforest Map Reveals Climate Crisis Vulnerability - EcoWatch, Pressemeldung, Studie: Unveiling African rainforest composition and vulnerability to global change | Nature
www.derstandard.at www.derstandard.at
Bericht über die Folgen der globalen Erhitzung in der nordkenianischen Region Turkan, in der die Temperaturen in den vergangenen 50 Jahren bereits um 1,8° gestiegen sind. Am meisten leiden Frauen unter Folgen wie dem Wassermangel. In einer kenianischen Region zeigt sich, was der Klimawandel anrichtet - Kenia - derStandard.at › International
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Über einen Bericht der Swiss Re, der die globale Erhitzung als Problem für das Wachstum ansieht. Danach würde eine Temperatursteigerung um 2,3° bis 2050 in diesem Jahr zu einer Minderung des globalen Wachstums um 23 Trillionen USD führen. Die armen Länder wären davon am stärksten betroffen. Es werden auch Szenarien mit größeren Temperatursteigerungen durchgerechnet. Der Bericht steht in der Nachfolge des Stern-Reports, in dem zum ersten Mal detailliert versucht wurde, die wirtschaftlichen Kosten der Klimakrise zu berechnen. Climate Change Could Cut World Economy by $23 Trillion in 2050 - The New York Times
Zur Studie der Heinrich-Böll Stiftung vom Dezember, die jetzt vom IPCC debattiert wird.
www.derstandard.at www.derstandard.at
Wurde der US-Klimagipfel also zum "Gamechanger"? Die Zusage der USA bedeute beinahe eine Verdopplung des vorherigen Ziels, erklärt die Politikwissenschafterin Alina Brad von der Uni Wien. "Dazu gibt es auch ernst zu nehmende Anzeichen, wie das zwei Billionen Dollar schwere Infrastrukturpaket." Ähnlich fasst es Klimaökonom Karl Steininger zusammen: "Biden ist es ernst, seiner Partei auch." Die Rufe nach mehr Klimaschutz könnten global weitere Initiativen anstoßen, sagt der Ökonom, betont aber das Wort "könnten".
www.newyorker.com www.newyorker.com
It’s big enough, and a hard enough target, that meeting it would likely occupy the attention of his entire Presidency.
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
To get a handle on how the president’s international climate commitments will need to jibe with his domestic policy agenda, we called Nathaniel Keohane, an economist, former Obama adviser and climate expert.
constitution.congress.gov constitution.congress.gov
cept as
Angrily, I begin annotating in the thing called "written word" this second attempt at noting the significance of the words "13a" and the end of slavery with this day, 4/22/2021.
It's 40 years after the "Novus Ordo Seclorum" speech heralding a "new order of the ages" and 60 years after the Kennedy speech about a ruthless monolithic conspiracy; all relating to what apparently is Latin for "Unicorn" and my own interpretation of these words:
Legatus, Semper Fi, Babylon the Great, Medusa
Specifically a "fusion of law and land" that actually marks this place and this document as something like a connection between "living" and plain old ink on paper.
Legislature, Legislation, Legacy of Novus Ordo ... and "at us" Legatus--something like the Monolithic "thing of ten" that also today God noted was "a funny thing to shun" in connection to the word "Phoenecian" which also links another silly bird and "CIA" to something Earthene
A legatus (anglicised as legate) was a high-ranking Roman military officer in the Roman Army, equivalent to a modern high-ranking general officer. Initially used to delegate power, the term became formalised under Augustus as the officer in command of a legion.
From the times of the Roman Republic, legates received large shares of the military's rewards at the end of a successful campaign. This made the position a lucrative one, so it could often attract even distinguished consuls or other high-ranking political figures within Roman politics (e.g., the consul Lucius Julius Caesar volunteered late in the Gallic Wars as a legate under his first cousin once removed, Gaius Julius Caesar).
... amd I recall a time before C3P0 had a silver leg and gold was a thing of "carbonite steel ethereality"
www.nature.com www.nature.com
Korman, Maria, Vadim Tkachev, Cátia Reis, Yoko Komada, Shingo Kitamura, Denis Gubin, Vinod Kumar, and Till Roenneberg. ‘COVID-19-Mandated Social Restrictions Unveil the Impact of Social Time Pressure on Sleep and Body Clock’. Scientific Reports 10, no. 1 (17 December 2020): 22225. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-79299-7.
- work
- epidemiology
- time
- sleep deficit
- Global Chrono Corona Survey
- alarm clock
- school
- clock
- is:article
- sleep
- human
- regulation
- social
- social jetlag
- COVID-19
- quantification
- work-free days
- restrictions
- lang:en
- workdays
- discrepancy
- meals
- body
- young adults
- pressure
- global
- intervention
scilogs.spektrum.de scilogs.spektrum.de
www.carbonbrief.org www.carbonbrief.org
New research shows that lake "stratification periods" – a seasonal separation of water into layers – will last longer in a warmer climate. These longer periods of stratification could have "far-reaching implications" for lake ecosystems, the paper says, and can drive toxic algal blooms, fish die-offs and increased methane emissions.
Eine neue Studie ergibt, dass die globale Erhitzung die Ökosysteme von Seen weltweit schädigt. Die Periode, in der sich das Wasser in Schichten teilt, dauert länger. Dramatische Veränderungen mit Schäden für die Biodiversität lassen sich z.B. in den großen amerikanischen Seen beobachten. Kurzbericht: Climate Change Could Cause ‘Irreversible Impacts’ to Lakes - EcoWatch, Details: Climate change could cause ‘irreversible impacts’ to lake ecosystems | Carbon Brief, Studie: Phenological shifts in lake stratification under climate change | Nature Communications
www.iea.org www.iea.org
Ein neuer Bericht der @IEA prognostiziert, dass die globalen CO2-Emissionen aus fossilen Brennstoffen im Jahr 2021 wieder ansteigen werden, mit dem zweitgrößten Anstieg in der Geschichte. In diesem Fall hätte 2021 die dritthöchsten Emissionen in der Geschichte, nach 2018 und 2019. Global Energy Review 2021 – Analysis - IEA, Zeke Hausfather auf Twitter
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
There was a “relentless” intensification of the climate crisis in 2020, according to the UN’s World Meteorological Organization.
Die Klimakrise hat sich 2020 uneingeschränkt verschlimmert, stellt der Abschlussbericht der World Meteorological Organization fest. Ohne die Kühlwirkung von La Niña wäre 2020 das heisseste Jahr der Geschichte gewesen. So teilt es sich den Spitzenplatz mit 2016 und 2019. Weltweit wurden Rekorde für Extremwetter gebrochen. Die Coronapandemie hat sich nicht auf die Menge der Treibhausgase in der Atmosphäre ausgewirkt, aber ihre Folgen für ärmere Regionen noch verschärft. ‘Relentless’ climate crisis intensified in 2020, says UN report | Climate change | The Guardian, Klimawandel: 2020 laut Weltwetterorganisation eines der drei wärmsten Jahre - DER SPIEGEL, Übersicht zu einzelnen Entwicklungen: 12 reasons why 2020 was a bad year for climate change - The Planet
www.derstandard.at www.derstandard.at
Europäischer Rat und Europaparlament haben sich kurz vor dem Earth-Day auf eine Reduzierung der Treibhausgas-Emissionen 2030 auf mindestens 55% im Verhältnis zu 1990 geinigt. Einbezug von CO2-Senken wie Wäldern schwächt das Ergebnis zusätzlich ab. EU-Staaten und Europaparlament einigen sich auf Klimaziel - EU - derStandard.at › International, EU Rat & Kommission sägen Klimagesetz ab - Michael Bloss
github.com github.com
Actually, I've decided to stop using labels for a while. A "bug" label gives the impression that someone else is going to fix the problem. We don't have enough volunteers for that (new contributors welcome!). I try to help people working on issues, though. I've spent many hours on this one.
www.spiegel.de www.spiegel.de
Auf der Erde ist es 1,2 Grad wärmer als noch im vorindustriellen Zeitalter. Vor allem die Konzentration der Klimakiller Lachgas und Methan hat dramatisch zugenommen.
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Zur diskontinuierlichen Klimapolitik der USA unter den letzten Administrationen https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/19/climate/biden-climate-change.html
meta.stackexchange.com meta.stackexchange.com
We also know people need a good sized group and time to see the impact and value of a platform like Stack Overflow for Teams. Our previous 30 day free trial of our Basic tier wasn’t long enough. Now, Stack Overflow for Teams has a free tier for up to 50 users, forever.
medium.com medium.com
Yet, it certainly is important to make the proper choices when picking up style. Similarly to fashion, code style reflects our credo as developers, our values and philosophy. In order to make an informed decision, it’s mandatory to understand the issue at stake well. We all have defined class methods many times, but do we really know how do they work?
www.liberation.fr www.liberation.fr
Sehr viele Hintergrundinformationen. Stickstoff- und Phosphorkreislauf. Aktueller Anlass: Auseinandersetzungen innerhalb von LREM.
www.carbonbrief.org www.carbonbrief.org
steamcommunity.com steamcommunity.com
We are a small development studio and we work on our projects in our spare time, we love what we do and we are working hard on our games to give the best experience possible for our players, but we have to work in other jobs to earn money which decreases working time in the studio.
Not really needful to explain, but one can relate...
www.carbonbrief.org www.carbonbrief.org
Wenn die Temperaturen bis 2100 um 4 Grad steigen, werden ca. 40% des antarktischen Schelfeises mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit kollabieren.
- impact:glacier melting
- concerned:ice shelves
- researcher:Ella Gilbert
- region:Antarctica
- time:1980-2100
- data-source:simulation
- parameter: ice shelf runoff extent
- trigger:atmospheric heating
- intensity:depending on temperature rise (1.5-2-4)
- process:ice shelf hydrofracture
- distribution:depending on geographic situation
- mediatype:blogpost
- threshold:collapse
www.derstandard.at www.derstandard.at
"Weltweit steigt mit dem Klimawandel das Risiko von extremen Regenfällen und Überschwemmungen", fasst Will Steffen von der australischen Nationaluniversität zusammen. Der Professor ist einer der führenden Klimatologen Australiens. "Die globale Durchschnittstemperatur ist bereits um etwa 1,1 Grad Celsius gestiegen. Für jeden Temperaturanstieg von einem Grad kann die Atmosphäre etwa sieben Prozent mehr Wasser aufnehmen", so Steffen
placesjournal.org placesjournal.org
If we accept the idea that the entire surface of the earth is migratory, then why not landscapes in particular? A landscape — as a scene, landschap, ecosystem, and socio-political territory — is a material assembly of moving entities, a dynamic medium which changes in quality and structure through the aggregate movements or actions of the things that constitute it.
www.derstandard.at www.derstandard.at
Das Vertreibungsrisiko verdoppelt sich selbst bei Einhaltung der Pariser Klimaziele.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
This marks the transition from load time (and dynamic link time, if present) to run time.
www.shanbay.com www.shanbay.com扇贝阅读1
The same is true with my time. So I started blocking all 24 hours of my time (mental breaks, yoga workouts, prepping dinner, sleep, everything) into my digital calendar. There is no time unaccounted for.
This Is the Time-Management Hack That Helped Me Double My Income
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
theconversation.com theconversation.com
www.kickstarter.com www.kickstarter.com
We also include a large number of detailed picture examples, often with 3D renders, that help you understand the context of the rules. For these reason, we generally don't start laying out the final rulebook until production art is complete. Writing and laying out a 20 page rule book like this generally takes about 3 months from start to finish, usually requiring a complete rewrite or two, and involves dozens of editors.
- Mar 2021
bugs.ruby-lang.org bugs.ruby-lang.org
Thanks much for hearing me out.
DiYanni, C. (2021). The Impact of COVID-19 on the Play of 3- to 10-year-old Children. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/mzasw
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Rosen, M. L., Rodman, A. M., Kasparek, S. W., Mayes, M., Freeman, M. M., Lengua, L., … McLaughlin, K. A., PhD. (2021, March 26). Promoting youth mental health during COVID-19: A Longitudinal Study spanning pre- and post-pandemic. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/n5h8t
trailblazer.to trailblazer.to
I’ve been promising for many years and it turned out I couldn’t have fully designed it without the tools we do have now.
www.latimes.com www.latimes.com
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Promoting the idea of a more inclusive calendar that marks the rise of humanity as the year zero, so that we have a better overall view of human progress.
Uses the idea of HE (human era) instead of BCE, CE, etc.
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Seguin, D., Kuenzel, E., Morton, J. B., & Duerden, E. (2021). School’s out: Parenting stress and screen time use in school-age children during the COVID-19 pandemic. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/5guc3
muhlenbergcollege.instructure.com muhlenbergcollege.instructure.com
These productions were white washed so that white people would be comfortable and enjoy viewing. There was no way that a production of this time would portray slavery in a way that made white people look like they were doing anything wrong.
gitlab.gnome.org gitlab.gnome.org
Sorry you’re surprised. Issues are filed at about a rate of 1 per day against GLib. Merge requests at a rate of about 1 per 2 days. Each issue or merge request takes a minimum of about 30 minutes (across at least 2 people) to analyse, put together a fix, test it, review it, fix it, review it and merge it. I’d estimate the average is closer to 3 hours than 30 minutes. Even at the fastest rate, it would take 3 working months to clear the backlog of ~1000 issues. I get a small proportion of my working time to spend on GLib (not full time).
Age of a ticket is completely irrelevant as anyone can request anything but the number of developers is limited. If you'd like to see something implemented, please consider providing a patch. Thanks!
In the meantime, people do seem to appreciate a developer spending 2 minutes to reply to comments on old issues, just so they’re not ignored and to manage expectations.
McCabe, Stefan, Leo Torres, Timothy LaRock, Syed Arefinul Haque, Chia-Hung Yang, Harrison Hartle, and Brennan Klein. ‘Netrd: A Library for Network Reconstruction and Graph Distances’. ArXiv:2010.16019 [Physics], 29 October 2020. http://arxiv.org/abs/2010.16019.
www.inuse.se www.inuse.se
Even if the damned thing would be really helpful in the long run, I can't give it the time and attention needed to make it work again ... Not right now. And ultimately never.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
kids.frontiersin.org kids.frontiersin.org
Many people think of the waiting-time paradox as a paradox because a typical waiting time at a bus station is longer than half of the average interval of time between buses
I'm trying to get official time at work to dedicate to source maps, and haven't made much progress there.
faastruby.io faastruby.io
On the “lows” side, I’d say the worst thing was the impact of not being present enough for my family. I was working a full-time job and doing faastRuby on nights and weekends. Here I want to give a big shout out to my wife. She supported me through this and didn’t cut my head off in the process.
www.codetriage.com www.codetriage.com
If you want the issue fixed as fast as possible, then you should try to help the maintainers as much as possible. Make an example app! Even if it takes extra time for you, it will ultimately lead to your issues getting fixed faster.
Before a bug can be fixed, it has to be understood and reproduced. For every issue, a maintainer gets, they have to decipher what was supposed to happen and then spend minutes or hours piecing together their reproduction. Usually, they can’t get it right, so they have to ask for clarification. This back-and-forth process takes lots of energy and wastes everyone’s time. Instead, it’s better to provide an example app from the beginning. At the end of the day, would you rather maintainers spend their time making example apps or fixing issues?
tylergaw.com tylergaw.com
This is a non-exhaustive list of other things I love;
Designing and writing code get me money so I can have food so they get a lot of my attention.
www.nature.com www.nature.com
Goodhill, G. (2020). Spare a thought for longitudinal diversity. Nature, 587(7833), 320–320. https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-020-03017-6
todoist.com todoist.com
If you don't control your schedule, it will control you.
Big fax, no printer!
solarprotocol.net solarprotocol.net
www.medrxiv.org www.medrxiv.org
Levine-Tiefenbrun, M., Yelin, I., Uriel, H., Kuint, J., Schreiber, L., Herzel, E., Katz, R., Ben-Tov, A., Patalon, T., Chodick, G., & Kishony, R. (2020). Association of COVID-19 RT-qPCR test false-negative rate with patient age, sex and time since diagnosis. MedRxiv, 2020.10.30.20222935. https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.10.30.20222935
- Feb 2021
www.priceintelligently.com www.priceintelligently.com
For instance, when faced with a 60% off, 12 hour only coupon that reduces a $1,200 winter coat to $400, you can’t help but rush to the store to buy it, even if it is 95 degrees out. A few things are happening here. For one, the $1200 acts as an anchor price that psychologically forces you to realize you’re getting an enormous deal at the $400 price point. Plus, the promotion limiting the time the offer is available forces you into an impulse.
www.nature.com www.nature.com
Chande, A., Lee, S., Harris, M., Nguyen, Q., Beckett, S. J., Hilley, T., Andris, C., & Weitz, J. S. (2020). Real-time, interactive website for US-county-level COVID-19 event risk assessment. Nature Human Behaviour, 4(12), 1313–1319. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41562-020-01000-9
github.com github.com
Here's the last issue where source maps were discussed before the beta release.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
found that using only the Pascal-provided control structures, the correct solution was given by only 20% of the subjects, while no subject wrote incorrect code for this problem if allowed to write a return from the middle of a loop.
drylabs.io drylabs.io
Our mission is to allow people to make money via educational efforts and to dedicate the rest of their time to creating great open source products.
What does this mean exactly? "Our mission is to allow people to make money via educational efforts"
www.kickstarter.com www.kickstarter.com
let's be honest, print-and-play is A LOT of work (printing, cutting, laminating, sleeving, etc) and it is not everyone's cup of tea.
www.huffpost.com www.huffpost.com
They fail to recognize the value of an initial investment of time in future productivity.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
For mobile phones, technologies like SMS, MMS and data access were historically usually considered value-added services, but in recent years SMS, MMS and data access have more and more become core services, and VAS therefore has begun to exclude those services.
2019.trailblazer.to 2019.trailblazer.to
Trailblazer (TRB) is an Open-Source project. Since we want to keep it that way, we decided to raise awareness for the “cost” of our work - providing new versions and features is incredibly time-consuming for us, but we love what we do.
trailblazer.to trailblazer.to
The new 2.1 version comes with a few necessary but reasonable changes in method signatures. As painful as that might sound to your Rails-spoiled ears, we preferred to fix design mistakes now before dragging them on forever.
It’s so simple that I sometimes wonder why it took years to develop it!
- learn from your mistakes
- pointing out gaps/downsides/cons in competition/alternatives
- fix design/API mistakes as early as you can (since it will be more difficult to correct it and make a breaking change later)
- do it right/well the first time because it may be too hard to clean up/fix later if you don't
- very simple/small result/change in the end but took a lot of work/time to arrive there
www.chicagotribune.com www.chicagotribune.com
Buckley, M. (n.d.). Volunteering to give the vaccine: ‘One of the most therapeutic things’. Chicagotribune.Com. Retrieved 22 February 2021, from https://www.chicagotribune.com/coronavirus/ct-covid-vaccine-volunteers-20210212-4ar63uhar5cpzngp2lqaqqi2wy-story.html
- health care
- is:news
- COVID-19
- volunteer
- vaccine
- lang:en
- vaccination
- pandemic
- virus
- staff
- inoculation
- worker
- free time
- inoculate
www.hunfi.hu www.hunfi.hu
time has become personalized
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Gupta, Ravi, Sandeep Grover, Aniruddha Basu, Vijay Krishnan, Adarsh Tripathi, Alka Subramanyam, Anil Nischal, et al. “Changes in Sleep Pattern and Sleep Quality during COVID-19 Lockdown.” Indian Journal of Psychiatry 62, no. 4 (2020): 370–78. https://doi.org/10.4103/psychiatry.IndianJPsychiatry_523_20.
www.sciencedirect.com www.sciencedirect.com
Wright, Kenneth P., Sabrina K. Linton, Dana Withrow, Leandro Casiraghi, Shannon M. Lanza, Horacio de la Iglesia, Celine Vetter, and Christopher M. Depner. “Sleep in University Students Prior to and during COVID-19 Stay-at-Home Orders.” Current Biology 30, no. 14 (July 20, 2020): R797–98. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2020.06.022.
github.com github.com
No one has requested it before so it's certainly not something we're planning to add.
To give a little more context, structures like this often come up in my work when dealing with NoSQL datastores, especially ones that rely heavily on JSON, like Firebase, where a records unique ID isn't part of the record itself, just a key that points to it. I think most Ruby/Rails projects tend towards use cases where these sort of datastores aren't appropriate/necessary, so it makes sense that this wouldn't come up as quickly as other structures.
github.com github.com
I don't think seeing it in Rails PRs naturally means we should do it blankly. Put it another way, what's the justification in those PRs for doing it?
- understand both sides of an issue
- investing time to really understand something
- rationale
- why?
- justification for existence
- doing something without knowing why/how it works
- fallacy: doing something because it's popular / everyone is doing it
- understand the ramifications/effects/consequences
- understand the trade-offs
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
A sequence diagram shows object interactions arranged in time sequence.
github.com github.com
Take 3, Previously attempted in 2012 (#8189) and 2015 (#19709). This new version uses ActiveModel Attributes API.
github.com github.com
Sorry for the delay, life got in the way. I should have some time to pick this up again next week.
bioportal.bioontology.org bioportal.bioontology.org
I apologize for the slow development of Reform after the "explosion" when I released it initially. The reason for this is I changed jobs and didn't use Reform (yet).
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
www.quora.com www.quora.com
Cache invalidation is hard because: Everything in life we want to know, changes.Those changes are non-deterministic.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
never care and try to understand design standards
- Jan 2021
github.com github.com
Trust me, I'm not trying to stress you right now, but I just wanted to do a friendly bump in case you forgot about this. (I know how it is sometimes) If you get this notification and feel "Ugh, I really don't have time" you don't have to comment here and I'm sorry. I'm just sending you a notification in case you forgot. If not, feel free to archive the email and not click/tap on anything.
At work, I cannot maintain this project. At home, I'd rather spend time with my children and on projects that I'm currently passionate about.
link.springer.com link.springer.com
- Dec 2020
pubs.usgs.gov pubs.usgs.gov
The ground-water compo- nent of streamflow was estimated from a streamflow hydrograph for the Homochitto River in Mississippi,
pengamatan time series seperti ini jarang dilakukan dalam penelitian-penelitian hidrogeologi di indonesia.
boffosocko.com boffosocko.com
The length of the Ark gives him occasion to discussthe membership of the Church (who are the occupants of the different chambers of thetriple-decked Ark) through three divisions of time: the age of nature, the age of law, andthe age of grace, in a concise chronological summary of spiritual history (paras. 11–13).
spiritual history
www.npmjs.com www.npmjs.com
You can afford to make a proper PR to upstream.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
I hit enter and then was not fast enough on my edit
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Hu, C., Zhu, K., Huang, K., Yu, B., Jiang, W., Peng, K., & Wang, F. (2020, November 30). Using Natural Intervention to Promote Subjective Well-being of COVID-19 Essential Workers. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/mc57s
- Nov 2020
futuretextpublishing.com futuretextpublishing.com
We are the species that has invented itself the most, by creating the exogenetics of language and culture which carry our continual further inventions to each other over time and space to invent and reinvent our futures.
continued self invention exogenetics of language culture (re)invent the future
timdeschryver.dev timdeschryver.dev
At the start this is hard to get right, and bad practices will sneak into the codebase.
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Stienwandt, S., Cameron, E. E., Soderstrom, M., Casar, M. J., Le, C., & Roos, L. E. (2020). Keeping Kids Busy: Family Factors Associated with Hands-on Play and Screen Time During the COVID-19 Pandemic. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/prtyf
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
I'd say it's better overall because it replaces paths at compile-time. It means there is no runtime dependency or any performance overhead.
www.typescriptlang.org www.typescriptlang.org
Loaders use a mapping configuration to map module names to files at run-time, see RequireJs documentation and SystemJS documentation.
codescene.com codescene.com
Lead Time for Work Items: The lead time graph shows how much time developers spend working on something before it is released. The graph caught the attention of the product management because, when translated to a business context, the increased lead times mean a longer time to market. The variability in lead times (the shaded, green area in the graph) was also a concern since it indicates low predictability during development or inappropriately scoped work items, often both.
[[lead time]] - how long developers spend working on something before it's released. What this means to [[product management]] is that it will take longer to get to market.
If there is [[variability in [[lead time]]]] - it can be a sign of challenges with scoping work, and and unpredictability during development.
When you email me, please include a minimal bash script that demonstrates the problem in the body of the email (not as an attachment). Also very clearly state what the desired output or effect should be, and what error or failure you are getting instead. You are much more likely to get a response if your script isn't some giant monster with obtuse identifiers that I would have to spend all afternoon parsing.
github.com github.com
It took us a long time for everyone to get on the same page about the requirements spanning frameworks, tooling and native implementations. Only after pushing in various concrete directions did we get a full understanding of the requirements which this proposal aims to meet.
github.com github.com
I think it is indeed important that we get this right but I'd prefer to hold off on implementing such a system until we have grown contributors and until the project is successful. I expect that after the initial open source release and before the end of the year we'll want to move pretty quickly on this project and I recommend revisiting the RFC based model early next year. Does that sound like a good plan?