- Dec 2022
link.springer.com link.springer.com
For effective vector control, the influence of climatic factors on vector-borne diseases should be studied since the mosquito vectors are also sensitive to the alterations in the climatic condition and the existing vector control approaches are inadequate to combat with the adverse effects of global warming.
tobaccotactics.org tobaccotactics.org
Undermining the Concept of Environmental Risk
By the mid-1990s, the Institute of Economic Affairs had extended its work on Risk Assessment (RA). More specifically, the head of IEA’s Environment Unit Roger Bate was interested in undermining the concept of “environmental risk”, especially in relation to key themes, such as climate change and pesticides, and second hand smoke.
www.dw.com www.dw.com
Leaks show attempts to water down UN climate report, Greenpeace says Some countries tried to remove findings threatening their economic interests from an IPCC report, documents seen by Greenpeace have revealed. The report comes before a critical round of UN climate talks.
Government lobbying (economic interests) to water down UN climate report
- Nov 2022
www.canarymedia.com www.canarymedia.com
A 2020 study by the European Union found that contrails and other non-CO2 aircraft emissions warm the planet twice as much as the carbon dioxide released by airplanes.
From the intermediate linked blog post:
Using a derivative metric of the Global Warming Potential (100), the GWP, aviation emissions are currently warming the climate at approximately three times the rate of that associated with CO2 emissions alone.
pp. 35-36 of EASA report for European Commission, (2020). Updated analysis of the non-CO2 climate impacts of aviation and potential policy measures pursuant to the EU Emissions Trading System Directive Article 30(4). https://eur-lex.europa.eu/resource.html?uri=cellar:7bc666c9-2d9c-11eb-b27b-01aa75ed71a1.0001.02/DOC_1&format=PDF
threadreaderapp.com threadreaderapp.com
- Oct 2022
www.climatefinancetracker.com www.climatefinancetracker.com
via.tt.se via.tt.se
Skatten på arbete sänks med inriktning på låg- och medelinkomsttagare, liksom skatten på pension. För att stötta hushållen ytterligare sänks skatten på sparande. Hushållen kompenseras för de höga elpriserna och drivmedelspriserna sänks kraftigt, bland annat genom att reduktionsplikten sänks till EU:s miniminivå.
Den sista meningen är den enda som förklaras. Hur ska de förstnämnda sänkta skatterna kompenseras? Med andra ord, hur ska staten tjäna in pengar på skattesänkningarna?
Dessutom, reduktionspliktens sänkning är oerhört farlig ur klimatperspektiv.
Inget nämns om transporter.
Naturskyddsföreningen är starkt kritisk till den tillträdande regeringens programförklaring. – Jag känner mig både besviken och djupt oroad. Utifrån vad som hittills framkommer så verkar det vara väldigt tunt med politik som tar itu med miljöproblemen. Istället riskerar problemen att förvärras med de åtgärder som läggs fram, säger Karin Lexén, generalsekreterare Naturskyddsföreningen i ett pressmeddelande. Enligt programförklaringen ska miljöprövningen av vattenkraft pausas. – Det är oansvarigt. Omprövningen av den svenska vattenkraften genomförs för att förse kraftverken med moderna miljövillkor, det är ett måste för att Sverige ska kunna leva upp till sina internationella åtaganden om skydd av biologisk mångfald och EU:s vattendirektiv. Sverige har vid upprepade tillfällen fått kritik från EU-kommissionen i frågan, säger Karin Lexén.
Men förutom elektrifieringen nämns inget om transporter som står för en stor del av Sveriges nationella utsläpp, cirka en tredjedel. Det brukar lyftas fram som ett nyckelområde när klimatmål ska nås. – Jag är väldigt förvånad att transporter inte får ett enda ord i avtalet och närmast bestört över att det inte är ett av de sju prioriterade områden som lyftes fram, säger Mattias Goldmann, klimatexpert och en av grundarna till 2030-sekretariatet.
www.flickr.com www.flickr.com
In a recent paper published in Nature Climate Change, scientists found that major sea-level rise from the melting of the Greenland ice cap is now ‘inevitable’ even if the burning of fossil fuels were to halt overnight. Using satellite observations of Greenland ice loss and ice cap from 2000 to 2019, the team found the losses will lead to a minimum rise of 27 cm regardless of climate change.
A great example of the lag that large, complex systems exhibit when responding to significant input changes.
Lag is something that humans are woefully weak at recognizing and understanding. This, and other systems concepts are what we need to add to the curriculum at all levels of education, to change this very significant shortcoming of "common knowledge".
climatefeedback.org climatefeedback.org
Peter Kalmus, Data Scientist, Jet Propulsion Laboratory: [Update 23 August 2019: This comment was updated for clarity.] What science projects under plausible scenarios of human courses of action is varying degrees of further disruption of fundamental planetary life support systems (e.g. water, agriculture, ecosystems) needed to support the nearly 8 billion humans currently living on Earth. This disruption poses some degree of existential risk to civilization as we know it—with the amount of risk likely still depending on how rapidly we reduce radiative and ecological forcings—but these degrees of risk are not quantified with any certainty. Ice models have had difficulty projecting the melting rate of the Greenland ice sheet; predicting the mechanism of the collapse of civilization and the number of lives lost as a result is a far more complex problem, and there is no scientific consensus that six billion lives will be lost. On the other hand, models have tended to underestimate ice sheet melting, and model projections in general have been systematically “conservative.” I unfortunately don’t see how the possibility of six billion deaths can be ruled out with confidence, especially when the intrinsically unpredictable but real possibility of climate-related war (which could include nuclear weapons) is considered. In other words, Hallam’s claim is speculative, but given the depth and rapidity of anthropogenic change, so is confidently ruling it out. While I don’t agree that “science predicts” the death of six billion people, in my opinion Hallam’s broader warning has qualitative merit and in the context of a lay translation of risk his use of “six billion” might reasonably be interpreted as figurative, an illustration of a worst-case scenario (again, that I don’t think can be ruled out). Whether to interpret this claim literally or figuratively is a question perhaps best left to humanists. Given this ambiguity I judge it “unrateable.”
He is basically saying this is plausible. And his is the most sensible answer here by far IMO.
The whole point of "bad case" scenarios is that they involve feedback effects and breakdown of "civilization" as we know it.
This article as a whole is an illustration of the narrow, conventional thinking.
NB: i came here via https://passivehouseaccelerator.com/articles/building-our-solarpunk-future where they are citing this as evidence future won't be too bad:
For many of us, it’s all too easy to imagine the terrible, particularly as we witness the damage caused by just 1.2°C of global heating today. We’re also bombarded by Doomist messages.
For example, Roger Hallam, the co-founder of Extinction Rebellion, recently said this of climate change: “I am talking about the slaughter, death, and starvation of 6 billion people this century. That’s what the science predicts.”
Only that’s not what the science predicts. According to the fact-checker website, Climate Feedback: “Research shows that continuing climate change results in a broad array of serious threats to humans and other species. However, counter to Hallam’s statement, published studies have not predicted 6 billion human deaths this century and there is no credible mechanism referred to justify how this could happen.”
- Sep 2022
Local file Local file
Leaving aside those far-right doubts about the existence of a climateproblem, any government that wanted to cut carbon emissions substantiallycould not avoid implementing much tougher emissions regulations andhigher business taxes. But any government that did so in advance of othergovernments would only force its corporations to move production andthousands of jobs elsewhere.
!- example : DGC - also, Yellow jackets in France and working class in Sri Lanka paralyzed their respective country due to rising fuel costs - the precariat class is threatened and are also caught in the wicked problem
truthout.org truthout.org
Pollin: Neither negative emissions technologies nor nuclear power can likely contribute significantly to building an alternative global clean energy infrastructure. Indeed, it is more likely that they will create still more severe problems. Let’s start with nuclear.
Notes on some problems with continuing to use nuclear power instead of switching to clean power.
Renewable energy critics argue that wind and solar are not reliable sources because of their variability. Others argue that wind farms encroach on pristine environment and destroy a country’s natural habitat, as is the case with the installation of thousands of wind turbines on scores of Greek islands in the Aegean Sea. How would you respond to such concerns, and are there ways around them?
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.comLinkedIn1
"Respondents across all countries were worried about climate change (59% were very or extremely worried and 84% were at least moderately worried). More than 50% reported each of the following emotions: sad, anxious, angry, powerless, helpless, and guilty. More than 45% of respondents said their feelings about climate change negatively affected their daily life and functioning, and many reported a high number of negative thoughts about climate change (eg, 75% said that they think the future is frightening and 83% said that they think people have failed to take care of the planet).
!- for : Social Tipping Points - Tipping Point Festival - Meaning crisis
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
one of the 00:10:51 things is that our brains were set up for dealing with about a hundred people at a time living by our wits hunting and gathering and dying in the same world we 00:11:03 were born into for hundreds of thousands of years there's no concept of progress in our genes we just don't have it but like all animals we have an enormous set 00:11:17 of genetic apparatus to make us good copers anything happens to us we can find a way of being resilient about it and adapting to it we're copers and 00:11:29 adapters and so when we come up against difficulties our tendency is to cope with these difficulties it's like working for a company go into a company 00:11:42 and the company seems sort of screwed up maybe you can quit you can cope but your chances of actually changing the company are very low because nobody will listen 00:11:56 to reason right that is not what the company is there for they are there for their a task this is something that engelbart the inventor of the mouse pointed out years ago that companies are 00:12:10 devoted to their area a task which is what they think they were about most companies do not have a very good be process which is supposed to look at the 00:12:21 a tasks and make them more efficient but almost no companies have a see process which questions the tasks are our goals still reasonable our processes still reasonable that's the last thing it gets 00:12:35 question
!- applies to : climate change - many are adopting and trying to take a coping strategy instead of one of fundamental change - if coping is the only strategy, it becomes a failing one when whole system change is required
how many people have seen curves that look like these progress against time right everywhere reading 00:48:14 scores test scores people love these yay oh no yay oh no it's bad because our 00:48:32 nervous system is only set up for relative change and in fact there's cause for cheering if that's the threshold but in fact for reading 00:48:43 threshold is this this is all oh no doesn't matter whether it goes up or not because there are many many things that where you have to get to the real 00:48:58 version of the thing before you're doing it at all in the 21st century it doesn't have help to read just a little bit you have to be fluent at it so this is a 00:49:09 huge problem and once you draw the threshold in there immediately converts this thing that looked wonderful into a huge qualitative gap and the gap is 00:49:20 widening and we have two concepts that are enemies of what we need to do perfect and better right so better is a 00:49:36 way of getting fake success we had improvement see it all the time it's the ultimate quarterly report we had improvements here and perfect is 00:49:51 tough to get in this world so both of those are really bad so what you want is what's actually needed and the exquisite skill here which I'm going to use these 00:50:06 two geniuses Thakur and Engels to labor it I'm going to call that the sweet spot the way you make progress here is you pick the thing that is just over that threshold that is qualitatively better 00:50:21 than all the rest of the crap you can do you can spend billions turning around and once you do that you widen up you give yourself a little blue plane to 00:50:34 operate in and for a while everything you do in there is something that is actually going to be meaningful
!- similar to : climate change solutions - Good metaphor for climate change progress
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
How Fast a Low Carbon Transition? Or: Is Vaclav Smil Wrong?
Title: How Fast a Low Carbon Transition? Or: Is Vaclav Smil Wrong? Author: Mark Trexler Date: May 21, 2022
!- for : comparison of green growth vs energy descent
www.vox.com www.vox.com
a big setback for the Republican-led states that have been suing the president over the metric, known as the social cost of carbon: a measure, in dollars, of how much damage results from emitting 1 ton of carbon dioxide. Being able to discuss the damage in terms of a precise dollar amount is important because it allows policymakers to show when the benefits of preventing global warming are greater than the costs. At some point it just becomes cheaper to switch to sustainable systems instead of coping with all the wildfires, floods, droughts, and heat waves that result from unsustainable systems.
The idea of social cost of carbon (SCC) is fascinating: seemingly it aims to make the social costs of climate crisis objective by giving them a price tag. But then it becomes clear that the price tag depends on political / value judgements concerning the future, on which the idea of "discounting" depends.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
let's put the electrical power systems together these electrical power 00:22:29 systems that this is actually on the low side because most industrial action happens with the consumption of coal and gas on site and then it's converted to energy on site this is what's just been drawn off the power grid 00:22:42 so there's a vast amount of energy associated with manufacturing that is not included here and that is actually a huge piece of work to include that so these numbers i'm showing you are very much on the low side 00:22:55 so we're going to put it all together we need 36 000 terawatt hours all there abouts that's a that's a very low estimate
!- key insight : minimum power of energy transition, excluding the large amount of energy for industrial processes ! - for : energy transition, degrowth, green growth
assessment of extra capacity required of alternative energy electrical power systems to completely replace fossil fuels
Title: Assessment of extra capacity required of alternative energy electrical power systems to completely replace fossil fuels Author: Prof. Simon Michaux, Geological Survey of Finland (GTK) Year: 2022
- Aug 2022
regenesis.org.au regenesis.org.au
This comes at a momentous time in Australia’s history as we confront the devastating consequences of whitefella knowledge systems and ways of thinking that have led inexorably to a combination of global warming and environmental degradation that is threatening the viability of human habitation in vast areas of the world.
prilagodba-klimi.hr prilagodba-klimi.hr
Ausführlicher Überblick zu den erwarteten Klimaveränderungen auf kroatischem Staatsgebiet bis 2040, mit einem Ausblick auf 2070. Berücksichtigt vor allem RCP4.5, aber auch RCP8.5. Macht (bei sehr oberflächlichem Durchsehen mit mangelnden Sprachkenntnissen) an manchen Stellen einen etwas verharmlosenden Eindruck.
spectrum.ieee.org spectrum.ieee.org
A good layperson's overview of one effort to increase cloud albedo to counteract climate change. I think that lowering insolation is somehow missing the point of combatting climate change, but it's a legitimate approach that still needs a lot of research.
What's particularly good about this article is how it manages to demonstrate how complex the problem is without smothering the reader in technobabble.
- Jul 2022
climateactiontracker.org climateactiontracker.org
Zusammenfassende Studie zu den Auswirkungen des Ukraine-Kriegs auf Gas-Förderung und Konsum
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Ein weiteres Argument dafür, dass der ganze COP-Prozess nicht funktioniert. Die Steigerung der NDCs ist der Zweck der Prozesses, und nach der COP26 wurde gerade darauf gesetzt.time:
bafybeiac2nvojjb56tfpqsi44jhpartgxychh5djt4g4l4m4yo263plqau.ipfs.dweb.link bafybeiac2nvojjb56tfpqsi44jhpartgxychh5djt4g4l4m4yo263plqau.ipfs.dweb.link
Should something new be experienced, it will be unexpected, may beoverwhelming and may not fit into any meaningful representation or expression at all. The new assuch, the possible source of transformation, regeneration and vision, does not submit to the orderimposed by the personware, it is naturally on a collision course with it and a source to various degreesof cognitive dissonance. As such, it poses a threat that a well-functioning cognitive system mustmediate.
!- for : climate change, rapid whole system change * This is a common response of people conditioned to the status quo personware - it is overwhelming and threatening * Defensiveness and conservatism to preserve the familiar elements of the status quo is a common response, including all forms of climate denialism * Early stages of pandemic in which people were afraid to don masks for fear of being ostracized
governance rather encompasses all localdecision-makers as well, as it is actually almost entirely within their own respective dominions ofcontrol where the overall success or failure is determined.
All local decision-makers are included in the global governance of climate change as well.
For example, in respect to the goal of reducing the global emissions of carbon dioxide, the relevantsystem of governance is not limited to those who conclude that there is a global risk, those whoaccept or reject the conclusion, those who formulate objectives, those who choose to adhere to or toignore them, who conceive of regulations, who choose to implement them or not, who determineprogress, decline or failures, those who select means by which to influence the desired local industrialinvestment, or consumption choices and so on.
In other words, the role of governance goes beyond the traditional decision-makers, and is more inclusive. Who else gets to participate?
Could social systems be finally reprogrammed, at long last, ‘as if peoplemattered’ [ 8]?
- They are currently programmed by minority power holders to serve their interest.
- Many individuals and projects are trying to do this
- Climate change is a classic example of power holders dictating the agenda
www.tagesschau.de www.tagesschau.de
Zum Klimabericht der Deutschen Bundesbank.Die Daten sind offenbar wenig aussagekräftig. Es fehlen vor allem Daten über die Klimawirkung von Interventionen.
There are temperature ceilings that humans and mammals (and many other animals) cannot survive, if breached. What those limits are, and what happens when they are crossed, will have profound implications for agriculture and biodiversity in a warming world.
!- for : climate departure * Camilo Mora's 2013 Climate Departure paper: https://hyp.is/go?url=https%3A%2F%2Fbafybeihfoajtasczfz4s6u6j4mmyzlbn7zt4f7hpynjdvd6vpp32zmx5la.ipfs.dweb.link%2FTheprojectedtimingofclimatedeparture2013.pdf&group=vnpq69nW * 2021 ecological disruption from climate change paper - Christopher Tritos: https://hyp.is/go?url=https%3A%2F%2Fbafybeihtmvfurik7dk3ksfjwn6bnbqnzgfpkokfwcvgo5xarmqseedajiy.ipfs.dweb.link%2Fthe%2520projected%2520timing%2520of%2520abrupt%2520ecological%2520disruption%2520from%2520climate%2520change%252010.1038%40s41586-020-2189-9.pdf&group=vnpq69nW
What happens if the world gets too hot for animals to survive? By Matthew Huber | July 20, 2022
- Title: What happens if the world gets too hot for animals to survive?
- Author: Matthew Huber
- Date: July 20, 2022
bafybeihfoajtasczfz4s6u6j4mmyzlbn7zt4f7hpynjdvd6vpp32zmx5la.ipfs.dweb.link bafybeihfoajtasczfz4s6u6j4mmyzlbn7zt4f7hpynjdvd6vpp32zmx5la.ipfs.dweb.linkuntitled4
The projected timing of climate departurefrom recent variability
- Title: he projected timing of climate departure from recent variability
- Author: Camilo Mora et al.
- Date: 2013*
Although several studies have documented theareas on Earth where unprecedented climates is likely to occur inresponse to ongoing greenhouse gas emissions24,25 , our understandingof climate change still lacks a precise indication of the time at which theclimate of a given location will shift wholly outside the range of his-torical precedents.To provide an indication of the projected timing of climate depar-ture under alternative greenhouse gas emissions scenarios, we havedeveloped an index that determines the year when the values of agiven climatic variable exceed the bounds of historical variabilityfor a particular location (Fig. 1a). We emphasize that although ourindex commonly identifies future dates, this does not imply thatclimate change is not already occurring. In fact, our index projectswhen ongoing climate change signals the start of a radically differentclimate.
Climate departure for a specific location on the planet is defined as the year when the values of a given climatic variable exceed the bounds of historical variability.
Climate is a primary driver of biological processes, operating fromindividuals to ecosystems, and affects several aspects of human life.Therefore, climates without modern precedents could cause large andpotentially serious impacts on ecological and social systems 1–5 . Forinstance, species whose persistence is shaped by the climate canrespond by shifting their geographical ranges 4–7 , remaining in placeand adapting 5,8 , or becoming extinct 8–11 . Shifts in species distributionsand abundances can increase the risk of extinction 12 , alter communitystructure 3 and disrupt ecological interactions and the functioning ofecosystems. Changing climates could also affect the following: humanwelfare, through changes in the supply of food 13 and water 14,15 ; humanhealth 16, through wider spread of infectious vector-borne diseases 17,18,through heat stress19 and through mental illness20; the economy, throughchanges in goods and services21,22; and national security as a result ofpopulation shifts, heightened competition for natural resources, viol-ent conflict and geopolitical instability23. Although most ecological andsocial systems have the ability to adapt to a changing climate, themagnitude of disruption in both ecosystems and societies will bestrongly determined by the time frames in which the climate will reachunprecedented states1
As climate departure is projected to occur under all IPCC RCP scenarios, this implies profound changes will take place everywhere on the planet.
The biosphere will react to this unprecedented shift in equally unprecedented ways. Each species has a comfort zone temperature band to exist within. If the temperature falls outside that zone, it can remain in place and adapt, shift geographical location (migration) or go extinct.
In an ecosystem, species all depend on each other. When a number of these shift their patterns, it will affect the others, increasing total ecosystem disruptions. Since human activity is dependent on nature, this will also ripple up to humans in a variety of ways.
Ecological and societal disruptions by modern climate change are critically determined by the time frame over whichclimates shift beyond historical analogues. Here we present a new index of the year when the projected mean climate ofa given location moves to a state continuously outside the bounds of historical variability under alternative greenhouse gasemissions scenarios. Using 1860 to 2005 as the historical period, this index has a global mean of 2069 (618 years s.d.) fornear-surface air temperature under an emissions stabilization scenario and 2047 (614 years s.d.) under a ‘business-as-usual’scenario. Unprecedented climates will occur earliest in the tropics and among low-income countries, highlighting thevulnerability of global biodiversity and the limited governmental capacity to respond to the impacts of climate change.Our findings shed light on the urgency of mitigating greenhouse gas emissions if climates potentially harmful to biodiversityand society are to be prevented.
Read this abstract and let the profound implications sink in!
In other words, climate departure will occur REGARDLESS OF WHICH RCP (Representative Concentration Pathway) is taken, whether it is the best or the worst path as defined by IPCC, climate departure will happen! (Climate departure is defined in the second paragraph of the paper) Using historical data between 1860 and 2005 for defining normative climate around the globe, If the worst IPCC emissions scenario (RCP85) happens, climate departure (projected near-surface air temp of the average location on earth) around the globe at the average location happens by 2047 (+/- 14 years). if the BEST IPCC emissions scenario (RCP45) happens, then.climate departure still happens but moves beyond historical variability by 2069 (+/-18 years)
In other words, NO MATTER WHAT RCP of the ones IPCC publishes we take, climate departure is going to happen! How does the planet plan for such a drastic shift of every ecosystem on the globe? If it is unavoidable, then resiliency will be a key intervention.
bylinetimes.com bylinetimes.com
So what can we make of politicians who continue to argue that ‘1.5°C is still alive’? Are they misinformed or are they simply lying?I believe many are in denial about the types of solutions the climate crisis demands. Rather than do the – admittedly – very difficult political work of eking out our supplies of fossil fuels while accelerating a just transition to post-carbon societies, politicians are going all out on technological salvation. This is a new form of climate denial, which involves imagining large-scale carbon dioxide removal that will clean up the carbon pollution that we continue to pump into the atmosphere. While it may seem much safer to stick to the script and say that it is still physically possible to limit warming to no more than 1.5°C, while pointing out that the scale of change demands much more political will, I believe that this can no longer be a credible response to the climate crisis.We have warmed the climate by 1.2°C since pre-industrial periods. If emissions stay flat at current levels, then in around nine years the carbon budget for 1.5°C will be exhausted. And, of course, emissions are not flat – they are surging. 2021 saw the second-largest annual increase ever recorded, driven by the rebound in economic activity after Coronavirus lockdowns. We did not ‘build back better’.The clock has been stuck at five minutes to midnight for decades. Alarms have been continuing to sound. There are only so many times you can hit the snooze button.
Going all out on technological salvation is a form of climate denialism.
We are at 1.2 Deg C and emissions have climbed after rebounding after Covid. If they flatline for the next nine years, we will hit 1.5 Deg C.
We Need to Stop Pretending we can Limit Global Warming to 1.5°C
Title: We Need to Stop Pretending we can Limit Global Warming to 1.5°C Author: James Dyke Date: 6 July 2022
docdrop.org docdrop.org
all kinds of regressions along the way um and there's many things that are getting worse um but for most um for most indicators of human well-being uh the world is in a 00:02:18 great trajectory and the last few centuries have been um a great direction uh however we're now confronted with a series of x-risks um or how uh david one of the 00:02:30 researchers in the um in our team likes to put public bads in extreme public baths that we have to have to really avoid and these especially the ones that are human caused um 00:02:44 present extreme challenges for us to get through and we we sort of control the speed at which we'll uh hit these uh but especially things like nuclear war and engineered pandemics and on ai 00:02:57 uh those kinds of risks
Don't forget climate change!
report.ipcc.ch report.ipcc.ch
Chapter 5: Demand, services and social aspects of mitigation
Public Annotation of IPCC Report AR6 Climate Change 2022 Mitigation of Climate Change WGIII Chapter 5: Demand, Services and Social Aspects of Mitigation
NOTE: Permission given by one of the lead authors, Felix Creutzig to annotate with caveat that there may be minor changes in the final version.
This annotation explores the potential of mass mobilization of citizens and the commons to effect dramatic demand side reductions. It leverages the potential agency of the public to play a critical role in rapid decarbonization.
- Jun 2022
This isn't fantasy, anymore; it really happening. The floating city has six integrated systems: #zerowaste and #circularsystems, closed-loop water systems, food, net-zero energy, innovative #mobility, and coastal habitat regeneration. These interconnected systems will generate 100 percent of the required operational energy on-site through floating and rooftop #photovoltaicpanels.
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
NY and NJ share the same bay, NJ will not join the Oyster program in fear people will eat them and get sick or die. Great post it actually cleaned up our waters where we now have all year visitors including whales, dolphins,tuna, seals all within sight of NYC.
Despite those findings, Morris is optimistic about nature-based living reefs, which, she says, offer a much better economic and environmental investment than artificial counterparts. “You build these hard seawalls to withstand certain storms, certain events, certain future conditions,” she says, “But once these conditions are reached, they are not adaptive. You have to either build another seawall, or build the seawall higher, or repair them if they’re damaged in a storm.”
theconversation.com theconversation.com
Most of us are familiar with data visualization: charts, graphs, maps and animations that represent complex series of numbers. But visualization is not the only way to explain and present data. Some scientists are trying to sonify storms with global weather data. That could be easier to get a sense of interrelated storm dynamics by hearing them.
www.science.org www.science.org
dire warning
Really? What's the dire warning? Whatever creatures dominated at the time of the warm period flourished and expanded their ranges. Even now, humanity flourishes most in warmer places (http://www.luminocity3d.org/WorldPopDen/#3/12.00/10.00).
Contrary to the climate alarmist suggestion that warming should be stopped, the study shows that a warmer Earth has been the norm - and when it was, life of all kinds flourished.
That's the opposite of a "dire warning" to any sensible person.
But if people wake up to the scientific reality, why would anyone want to pay scientists to come up with ways to keep us trapped in the ice age we've been in for most of human history?
besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com
(a) What are the key levers and leverage points in social systems that might drive transformative change towards sustainability? (b) How are these derived from and perceived within and across academic literatures and in practice? (c) How might the levers and leverage points work together?
Key questions are asked and the nexus approach of looking at the entire gestalt, consisting of many moving parts and their feedbacks is critical for avoiding and mitigating unintended consequences, also known as progress traps.
Bringing this to a global public space to create engagement is critical to create a groundswell. The public must understand that leverage points offer us our greatest hope. Once they understand them, everyone can help to identify and participate in leverage points.
Collectively mapping them and their many feedbacks in a global, open source map - an open knowledge commons (OKC) or open wisdom commons (OWC) for system change will drive global participation.
bafybeiccxkde65wq2iwuydltwmfwv733h5btvyrzqujyrt5wcfjpg4ihf4.ipfs.dweb.link bafybeiccxkde65wq2iwuydltwmfwv733h5btvyrzqujyrt5wcfjpg4ihf4.ipfs.dweb.link
Title: The Economics of Immense Risk, Urgent Action and Radical Change: Towards New Approaches to the Economics of Climate Change
Stop Reset Go Annotation
bafybeieahubpyssaodlciia3o3rminifeb63mpmgafqxliqj4nwilkojze.ipfs.4everland.io bafybeieahubpyssaodlciia3o3rminifeb63mpmgafqxliqj4nwilkojze.ipfs.4everland.io
The projected timing of climate departurefrom recent variability
gloss - Climate Departure
Climate Departure is the year that the local climate changes so radically that local species no longer recognize it as their environment.
- May 2022
www.nature.com www.nature.com
Crop harvests for direct food use insufficient to meet the UN’s food security goal
Planetary Boundary / Doughnut Economic Main Main Category: SOCIO-ECONOMIC: Food
Visit Stop Reset Go on Indyweb for detailed context graph and to begin or engage in discussion on this topic. (Coming soon)
www.usmcu.edu www.usmcu.edu
the current global military buildup could represent a situation whereby many nations are entering, unconsciously or perhaps because there seems to be no other option, into a new type of mutually assured destruction (MAD) scenario, or even the Homo sapiens death spiral.
It sucks enormous material and energy resources whose purpose is to destroy built environments, human lives, nonhuman lives and the built environment .... not very climate friendly! Military spending only sucks up valuable resources required to fight the climate change hyperthreat.
climate and environment change (CEC) hyperthreat
climate and environment change (CEC)
- Apr 2022
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Schools and other public buildings in Italy will be forbidden from setting their air conditioning to any setting lower than 25C from next month, under a scheme intended to help the country dodge an energy crisis exacerbated by the war in Ukraine.
Air conditioning limits.
www.nola.com www.nola.com
- Mar 2022
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Studie von @kevinclimate und anderen (@tyndallcentre): Die reichen Länder müssen die Öl- und Gasproduktion spätestens 2034 beenden, damit eine Chance auf 1,5 Grad bleibt. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/mar/22/rich-countries-must-stop-producing-oil-and-gas-by-2034-says-study
thereader.mitpress.mit.edu thereader.mitpress.mit.edu
The flotsam and jetsam of our digital queries and transactions, the flurry of electrons flitting about, warm the medium of air. Heat is the waste product of computation, and if left unchecked, it becomes a foil to the workings of digital civilization. Heat must therefore be relentlessly abated to keep the engine of the digital thrumming in a constant state, 24 hours a day, every day.
"Cloud Computing" has a waste stream, and one of the waste streams is heat exhaust from servers. This is a poetic description of that waste stream.
www.fastcompany.com www.fastcompany.com
Because of the invasion in Ukraine, “people are reminded of the problem, but then they resort to sort of quick fixes, which are not really for the long term,” says Rolf Wüestenhagen, director of the Institute for Economy and the Environment at the University of St. Gallen in Switzerland.
Tradeoff higher gas prices with accelerated climate change and sanctioning Putin.
At a global climate meeting Monday, Ukraine’s representative, Svitlana Krakovska, pointed out the connection: “Human-induced climate change and the war on Ukraine have the same roots—fossil fuels—and our dependence on them,”
Kill two birds with one stone.
docdrop.org docdrop.org
If humans, some humans, start making bad decisions and start destroying the institutions that kept the peace, then we will be back in the era of war with budgets, military budgets going to 20, 30, 40 percent. It can happen. It's in our hands.
An economic diversion of this scale would make it far more likely that humanity will not be able to prevent, but indeed accelerate planetary tipping points! Hence the urgency of this crisis for the climate movement. This implies that the climate movement and the antiwar movement must now synchronize resources and form a coherent, unified strategy
I hope, for the sake of everybody -- Ukrainians, Russians and the whole of humanity -- that this war stops immediately. Because if it doesn't, it's not only the Ukrainians and the Russians 00:11:39 that will suffer terribly. Everybody will suffer terribly if this war continues. BG: Explain why. YNH: Because of the shock waves destabilizing the whole world. Let’s start with the bottom line: budgets. We have been living in an amazing era of peace in the last few decades. And it wasn't some kind of hippie fantasy. You saw it in the bottom line. 00:12:06 You saw it in the budgets. In Europe, in the European Union, the average defense budget of EU members was around three percent of government budget. And that's a historical miracle, almost. For most of history, the budget of kings and emperors and sultans, like 50 percent, 80 percent goes to war, goes to the army. 00:12:31 In Europe, it’s just three percent. In the whole world, the average is about six percent, I think, fact-check me on this, but this is the figure that I know, six percent. What we saw already within a few days, Germany doubles its military budget in a day. And I'm not against it. Given what they are facing, it's reasonable. For the Germans, for the Poles, for all of Europe to double their budgets. And you see other countries around the world doing the same thing. 00:12:58 But this is, you know, a race to the bottom. When they double their budgets, other countries look and feel insecure and double their budgets, so they have to double them again and triple them. And the money that should go to health care, that should go to education, that should go to fight climate change, this money will now go to tanks, to missiles, to fighting wars. 00:13:25 So there is less health care for everybody, and there is maybe no solution to climate change because the money goes to tanks. And in this way, even if you live in Australia, even if you live in Brazil, you will feel the repercussions of this war in less health care, in a deteriorating ecological crisis, 00:13:48 in many other things. Again, another very central question is technology. We are on the verge, we are already in the middle, actually, of new technological arms races in fields like artificial intelligence. And we need global agreement about how to regulate AI and to prevent the worst scenarios. How can we get a global agreement on AI 00:14:15 when you have a new cold war, a new hot war? So in this field, to all hopes of stopping the AI arms race will go up in smoke if this war continues. So again, everybody around the world will feel the consequences in many ways. This is much, much bigger than just another regional conflict.
Harari makes some excellent points here. Huge funds originally allocated to fighting climate change and the other anthropocene crisis will be diverted to military spending. Climate change, biodiversity, etc will lose. Only the military industrial complex will win.
Remember that the military industry is unique. It's only purpose is to consume raw materials and capacity in order to destroy. What is the carbon footprint of a bomb or a bullet?
www.democracynow.org www.democracynow.org
This is a moment that we should seize, in all seriousness, in order to take on the two huge existential plagues that face us this morning: the climate crisis, outlined in this new IPCC report, and the fact that we have a madman with nuclear weapons who’s used the revenues from oil and gas to intimidate and terrify the entire world.
This is the critical observation - everything is interconnected. It is a nexus of problems that requires that we deal with all dimensions of the problem simultaneously.
Putin is the nexus of so much that is wrong with the world. He is like an octopus that has its arms in multiple crisis of the planet.
The political polarization of the US, the ascendancy of the puppet government of Trump and the blatant cognitive dissonance of the extreme right who are impervious to facts is reminiscent of the propaganda imposed upon the Russian people themselves for one reason - it was part of Putin's master plan: https://youtu.be/FxgBuhMBXSA The US population has been split by Putin's information warfare system, the same one he uses on the Russian population.
The fake news programmed by Russian propaganda about the Ukraine war has worked effectively to mislead the Russian populus: https://youtu.be/kELta9MLOzg The same pattern of psychological manipulation has also had the same impact in the belief system of the typical hardcore Trumpist.
- Feb 2022
www.vox.com www.vox.com
(For comparison, most organizations can’t avert a metric ton for less than $2. The average American causes around 16 metric tons of emissions per year.)
So, taxing people, say, $50 per year would allow the government to fund those charities, right? Sounds like an excellent way to facilitate climate change mitigation.
The Founders Pledge report used countries’ climate targets and projected policies to estimate how many metric tons of carbon can be saved by avoiding various lifestyle choices.
Are there countries that haven't already blown past their own targets and had to reset them? It seems quite naive of them to suggest that any country will be able to meet their targets. Indeed, considering how many countries that produce lots of GHGs have had to step back from their climate change targets, I would expect that accounting for policy changes would actually make population reduction even better.
www.jeyamohan.in www.jeyamohan.in
அண்மையில், The Tallest Story, Can the novel handle a subject as cataclysmic as climate change? என்ற கட்டுரை படித்தேன். நான் உங்கள் தளத்தை தொடர்ந்து படித்து வருவதால் உங்கள் வாசகர்கள் விரும்பிப் படிப்பார்கள் என்று தோன்றியது. என்னுடைய மூலத்தை சற்று மாற்றிய சுமாரான தமிழ் வடிவம்: வைகுண்டம் https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Climate_fiction வானிலைப்புனைவு – [cli-fi The Tallest Story]
Climate Fiction - Tallest story - JMo web article
source/reference/inspiredfrom: https://www.economist.com/books-and-arts/2019/04/04/can-the-novel-handle-a-subject-as-cataclysmic-as-climate-change
www.rferl.org www.rferl.org
Eckel, M. (14:25:51Z). RT America Received More Than $100 Million In Russian Government Funding Since 2017, Filings Show. Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty. https://www.rferl.org/a/russia-rt-america-funding/31427870.html
wblau.medium.com wblau.medium.com
Blau, W. (2022, February 14). Climate Change: Journalism’s Greatest Challenge. Medium. https://wblau.medium.com/climate-change-journalisms-greatest-challenge-2bb59bfb38b8
www.annualreviews.org www.annualreviews.org
Markets are politically regulated institutional processes far removed from idealized, perfect competition, and prices are negotiated between small numbers of powerful brokers (84) involving hidden subsidies, e.g., for infrastructure
Das Konzept des Marktversagens geht davon aus, dass Märkte ohne politisch/institutionelle Regulierunge funktionieren könnten.
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Pauer, S., Rutjens, B., & Harreveld, F. van. (2022). Trust is good, control is better: The role of trust and personal control in response to risk. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/dvb5x
- Jan 2022
notesfromasmallpress.substack.com notesfromasmallpress.substack.com
If booksellers like to blame publishers for books not being available, publishers like to blame printers for being backed up. Who do printers blame? The paper mill, of course.
The problem with capitalism is that in times of fecundity things can seem to magically work so incredibly well because so much of the system is hidden, yet when problems arise so much becomes much more obvious.
Unseen during fecundity is the amount of waste and damage done to our environments and places we live. Unseen are the interconnections and the reliances we make on our environment and each other.
There is certainly a longer essay hiding in this idea.
www.lowtechmagazine.com www.lowtechmagazine.com
In comparison, the average household energy use for gas heating in Belgium – which has a moderate climate – is 20,000 kWh per year. Assuming that the average Belgian heating system is used for six months per year, daily energy use corresponds to 109.6 kWh per day. This energy could heat roughly 900 water bottles per day – enough to keep the whole neighbourhood comfortable.
Nice calculations about energy consumption at a personal level (110kWh/day).
twitter.com twitter.com
WHO/Europe. (2022, January 24). 732 days of #COVID19 in the WHO European Region – in 15 figures 👉 https://bit.ly/3rHKfAB Find out more in the thread 👇 https://t.co/3QGLeQ4jsO [Tweet]. @WHO_Europe. https://twitter.com/WHO_Europe/status/1485650319489052674
royalsociety.org royalsociety.org
The online information environment | Royal Society. (n.d.). Retrieved January 21, 2022, from https://royalsociety.org/topics-policy/projects/online-information-environment/
- is:webpage
- shallowfake
- climate change
- misinformation
- science
- social media
- academic
- information
- misleading
- behavioral science
- lang:en
- public trust
- vaccine
- malinformation
- interaction
- scientific information
- censorship
- deepfake
- decision making
- policymaker
- search engine
- bots
- information environment
- provenance enhancing technology
- technology
- online platform
theconversation.com theconversation.com
US, G. S., Barbara K. Hofer,The Conversation. (n.d.). Don’t Look Up Illustrates 5 Myths That Fuel Rejection of Science. Scientific American. Retrieved January 14, 2022, from https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/dont-look-up-illustrates-5-myths-that-fuel-rejection-of-science/
www.jwz.org www.jwz.org
Cryptocurrencies are not only an apocalyptic ecological disaster
arxiv.org arxiv.org
Vega-Oliveros, D. A., Grande, H. L. C., Iannelli, F., & Vazquez, F. (2021). Bi-layer voter model: Modeling intolerant/tolerant positions and bots in opinion dynamics. The European Physical Journal Special Topics, 230(14–15), 2875–2886. https://doi.org/10.1140/epjs/s11734-021-00151-8
cognitiveresearchjournal.springeropen.com cognitiveresearchjournal.springeropen.com
Swire-Thompson, B., Cook, J., Butler, L. H., Sanderson, J. A., Lewandowsky, S., & Ecker, U. K. H. (2021). Correction format has a limited role when debunking misinformation. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications, 6(1), 83. https://doi.org/10.1186/s41235-021-00346-6
- Dec 2021
Hignell, B., Saleemi, Z., & Valentini, E. (2021). The role of emotions on policy support and environmental advocacy. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/45pge
ruralindiaonline.org ruralindiaonline.org
Concepts in the > climate justice space
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Extinction Rebellion has been at the forefront of a fundamentally new message which is if a government doesn't change, it's your right and as we've identified, your duty, if you're not going to be complicit, 00:34:43 to go into a rebellion a nonviolent civil disobedience against the government in order to fundamentally reduce carbon emissions. It's not actually that complicated, Is it? If you ask the average person who controls the economy, right? They know it's the banks, the big banks, right? And we had the banks, I think they did it pretty deliberately ten years ago. 00:35:12 They pulled our chain and we had the most massive transfer of wealth that the world has ever seen the bank bailout, right? Trillions and trillions of dollars. We're seeing the same thing now with covid and the banks have got to be behind it, right? If the banks wanted and decided that emissions have to decline from today 00:35:36 fast in a matter of years, the banks can do it, right? Because the banks hold the strings. All governments now are in a massive amount of national debt . we have an axis of evil if you want, we have the big banking corporations. We have the big fossil fuel corporations and we have the compliant government.
The big three institutions making up the climate axis of evil: banks, governments and dirty energy.
While XR does this, it is also possible to apply pressure on another front, a bottom-up, rapid, citizen-led transformation effort.
- Nov 2021
docdrop.org docdrop.org
for example arctic char the fish species that's already 00:09:00 all across the arctic region living at its temperature level about 24 degrees celsius in freshwater ecosystems one fraction of a decree further and we 00:09:13 will enter into a cycle of fish death events that will cascade in food security loss of culture and many other things of this keystone species on the aquatic ecosystems for 00:09:25 communities and nature alike
See Camilo Mora's nature 2013 paper on climate departure:.https://www.nature.com/articles/nature12540
she pointed out that climate finance to small island states declined by 25 percent in 2019 but she also offered 00:22:36 what she called a sword that can cut down this gordian knot of finance and she reminded us that 25 trillion dollars of quantitative easing has been produced in the last 13 years and that 9 trillion 00:22:49 of that was just in the last 18 months alone in order to deal with the covet crisis an annual increase in special drawing rights of 500 billion dollars a year for 20 years putting trust to finance the 00:23:01 transition is what she suggested is the real gap that we need to close not the 50 billion being proposed for adaptation and she concluded by saying if 500 billion sounds big it's just two percent 00:23:14 of that 25 trillion dollars that has already been created through quantitative easing so my question is is actually not an economic question it's more of a political question really what are the barriers to using that mechanism for the 00:23:28 enormous threat of climate change in the way it's been used for the frankly lesser threat of of covid and what can be done to build support for it
Excellent comparison give here. Unless we have salient comparison of figures, we can think a number sounds big.
i 00:35:57 think that's really important but i want to come back to a bigger issue which is the lack of the hundred billion dollars and also loss and damage and i think that actually goes back to a lack 00:36:09 of knowledge and education in the developed world about our history and i think this is incredibly important that we need to think not just about the science but actually educating people 00:36:20 about colonization about how much we've actually admitted i think that if we can get the developed world to actually understand uh the crimes of our past to 00:36:32 be able to understand why there is this trust issue i think that's actually critical and it sounds really strange to deal with history to actually save the planet to deal with climate change but 00:36:44 i've become more convinced having heard politicians who supposedly studied history and politics at university must admit it was a very strange small oxford university you know they're not very 00:36:56 good but again i think we really have that whole education piece to do before we can acknowledge those crimes and move forward
Education about the history of colonization is critical to helping developed country leaders understand and prioritize the transfer of funds.
if the trust equation is undermined then there is little hope that the 00:15:22 integrity of the carbon equation will be maintained
This is a critical link between successful decarbonization and climate justice - no climate justice means no successful decarbonization/
arctic fox is now gone it's no longer nesting in in 00:09:38 finnish army and arctic areas and uh its habitats are overtaken by red fox more southern and boreal species so the species on the move is one of the factors that's really altering the kind 00:09:51 of life that we know here
Arctic Fox is being replaced by Red Fox
thenarwhal.ca thenarwhal.ca
Trans Mountain said there have not been any oil leaks due to the flooding, which has triggered an emergency shutdown of the pipeline lasting longer than any previous stoppage in its nearly 70-year-history.
docdrop.org docdrop.org
The climate catastrophe we're facing is the result of three issues, three processes.
- The tragedy of the commons, the free-rider problem
- Coordination (money is there)
- Capitalist beast eating up everything to survive.
The first 2 are solvable - for the 3rd we need to reconsider [[property rights]].
branch.climateaction.tech branch.climateaction.tech
we believe that knowledge must be shared in order for humanity to survive and thrive—and that it is essential to help fight climate change.
The open movement must develop a clear and deep relationship of collaboration with the climate movement, most importantly because the latter is the locus of political renewal and connection of an intersectional approach to action and change.
www.thegreenwebfoundation.org www.thegreenwebfoundation.org
What resources are powering our projects and how do we manage those resources? Are we willing to approach our work with a set of values that centers several generations after us? And how do we do that?What protections do we need to fight for in the workplace to hold companies accountable around climate justice goals?How do we measure our impact on the climate crisis?Are we willing to sundown projects if mitigating their negative impact on the environment is impossible or creates little impact?
great questions
www.innovationforum.co.uk www.innovationforum.co.uk
ns often accounting for the highest
Don t miss any climate action events in 2021, this climate change conference will focus entirely on supply chain decarbonisation. Throughout the conference, we’ll focus on the practical steps that businesses can take to shift mindsets from ‘less harm’ to ‘more good’.
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
Poultry scientists have also succeeded in selecting for parthenogenesis, increasing the incidence in Beltsville small white turkeys more than threefold, to 41.5 percent in five generations. Environmental factors—like high temperatures or a viral infection—also seem to trigger poultry parthenogenesis.
Parthenogenesis can be selected for in breeding.
What might this look like in other animal models. What do the long term effects of such high percentages potentially look like?
Could this be a tool for guarding against rising temperatures in the looming climate crisis?
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Lowering these risks and adapting to those we can no longer avoid will require a mobilisation of resources on the scale of a war economy.
A Good War: Mobilizing Canada for the Climate Emergency by Seth Klein
We did it for the Second World War. We can do it again.
beyondnuclearinternational.org beyondnuclearinternational.org
Not feasible due to high cost, setup time, not variable enough, producing more waste power kWh. Unproven technology eliminating the prospect for cost reductions due to scaling manufacturing (chicken-egg}.
blog.viktomas.com blog.viktomas.com
e.g. Idea from Yuval Harari’s Sapiens that Europe and Asia developed better civilisation than Americas because Americas span vertically lot of climates making it harder to share agriculture progress between different climates.
Apparently Yuval Harari didn't footnote very well as this idea is directly from Jared Diamond's Guns, Germs, and Steel which predated Harari's book.
- Oct 2021
there’s a group of us who are figuring out what this Centre for Climate Justice is going to be and what its scope is going to be.
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Ulichney, G., Jarcho, J., Shipley, T., Ham, J., & Helion, C. (2021). Social Comparison for Concern and Action on Climate Change, Racial Injustice, and COVID-19. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/6j2zq
www.csmonitor.com www.csmonitor.com
A recent survey found that only 14% of people they surveyed in the United States talk about climate change. A previous Yale study found that 35% either discuss it occasionally or hear somebody else talk about it. Those are low for something that over 70% of people are worried about.
Conversation is not happening! There is a leverage point in holding open conversations where we understand each other’s language of different cultural groups. Finding common ground, the common human denominators (CHD) between polarized groups is the lynchpin.
For a talk at one conservative Christian college, Dr. Hayhoe – an atmospheric scientist, professor of political science at Texas Tech University, and the chief scientist for The Nature Conservancy – decided to emphasize how caring about climate change is in line with Christian values and, ultimately, is “pro-life” in the fullest sense of that word. Afterward, she says, people “were able to listen, acknowledge it, and think about approaching [climate change] a little differently.”
We often talk about the same things, share the same values, have the same common human denominators, but couched in different language. It is critical to get to the root of what we have in common in order to establish meaningful dialogue.
I was speaking in Iowa, and I was asked, “How do you talk to people in Iowa about polar bears?” I said, “You don’t; you talk to them about corn.” If we begin a conversation with someone with something we already agree on, then the subtext is: “You care about this, and I care too. We have this in common.”
This stresses the importance of applying Deep Humanity wisely by finding the most compelling, salient and meaningful common human denominators appropriate for each conversational context. Which group are we interacting with? What are the major landmarks embedded in THEIR salience landscape?
The BEing journeys we craft will only be meaningful and impactful if they are appropriately matched to the cultural context.
The whole mind- body understanding of how we cognitively construct our reality, via Deep Humanity BEing journeys, can help shift our priorities.
I am frequently shamed for not doing enough. Some of that comes from the right side of the [political] spectrum, but increasingly a larger share of that shaming comes from people at the opposite end of the spectrum, who are so worried and anxious about climate impacts that their response is to find anyone who isn’t doing precisely what they think they should be doing and shame them.
Love, or recognizing the other person in the other tribe as sacred, is going to connect with that person because we are, after all, all of us are human INTERbeings, and love is the affective variable that connects us while shame is a variable that DISconnects us. Love is , in fact, one of our most powerful common human denominators.
When we practice active hope, when we look at what people are doing, and we share those stories with others and talk about what we can do together, then we realize that the boulder is already at the top of the hill and is rolling down in the right direction, and has millions of hands on it. It’s just not going fast enough.
This statement is right on. It has now become a question about the RATE of system change we can achieve to avoid a degraded future. The faster we act, the less degraded it will become.
- common human denominator
- Climate communication
- effective climate communication
- Common human denominators
- common denominators
- Depolarization
- human interbeing
- climate change communication
- climate change conversations
- Rate of decarbonization
- Shaming
- katherine hayhoe
- climate delay
- deep humanity
- climate conversation
- BEing journeys
- climate communication
- polarization
bafybeiery76ov25qa7hpadaiziuwhebaefhpxzzx6t6rchn7b37krzgroi.ipfs.dweb.link bafybeiery76ov25qa7hpadaiziuwhebaefhpxzzx6t6rchn7b37krzgroi.ipfs.dweb.link
Fundamental features of human psychology can constrain the perceived personal relevance andimportance of climate change, limiting both action and internalization of the problem. Cognitiveshortcuts developed over millennia make us ill-suited in many ways to perceiving and respondingto climate change (152),including a tendency to place less emphasis on time-delayed and physicallyremote risks and to selectively downplay information that is at odds with our identity or worldview(153). Risk perception relies on intuition and direct perceptual signals (e.g., an immediate, tangiblethreat), whereas for most high-emitting households in the Global North, climate change does notpresent itself in these terms, except in the case of local experiences of extreme weather events.
This psychological constraint is worth demonstrating to individuals to illustrate how we construct our values and responses. These constraints can be demonstrated in a vivid way wiithin the context of Deep Humanity BEing journeys.
drillednews.com drillednews.com
The fossil fuel industry helped to create the PR industry, and publicists came up with disinformation and manipulation tactics that they deployed for oil, tobacco, and chemical companies for decades.
This is the missing curriculum in design education.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
The climate of Japan is predominantly temperate but varies greatly from north to south. The northernmost region, Hokkaido, has a humid continental climate with long, cold winters and very warm to cool summers. Precipitation is not heavy, but the islands usually develop deep snowbanks in the winter.[85]
Climate of japan
- Sep 2021
www.cbc.ca www.cbc.ca
www.cnn.com www.cnn.com
Global air traffic is expected to double to 8.2 billion passengers in 2037, according to IATA, which predicts that aviation's 2019 emissions peak of around 900 million metric tons of CO2 will be exceeded within the next two to three years.At the same time, the window to cut the world's reliance on fossil fuels and avoid catastrophic changes to the climate is closing rapidly. The International Energy Agency forecasts that aviation's share of global carbon emissions will increase to 3.5% by 2030 from just over 2.5% in 2019 in the absence of efforts to further decarbonize.
SRG education campaign for air travellers ( mostly middle class and rich) to do their part and minimize air travel until the breakthrough technologies are here. Temporary abstinence or voluntary lotto system.
www.tagesspiegel.de www.tagesspiegel.de
Vorabbericht über den Kompass für Deutschland an dem Wissenschaftler/innen und Unternehmerinnen mit u.a. Maja Göpel und Johan Rockström gearbeitet haben: Maßnahmen für eine Transformation der Wirtschaft hin zu Klimaneutralität. Eine große Rolle spielen dabei neue Methoden der Bilanzierung und der Messung von Wohlstand.
www.propublica.org www.propublica.org
Since about 70% of water delivered from the Colorado River goes to growing crops, not to people in cities, the next step will likely be to demand large-scale reductions for farmers and ranchers across millions of acres of land, forcing wrenching choices about which crops to grow and for whom — an omen that many of America’s food-generating regions might ultimately have to shift someplace else as the climate warms.
Deep Concept: The US Government, in the 1960's/70's provided a crystal ball glimpse into the future by defining climate change (man-made global warming) as a national security concern. Various reports warned of "exponential" growth (population) and related man-made factors (technology etc.) that would contribute to climate change and specifically discussed the possibility of irreconcilable damage to "finite" natural resources.
The tunnel far below represented Nevada’s latest salvo in a simmering water war: the construction of a $1.4 billion drainage hole to ensure that if the lake ever ran dry, Las Vegas could get the very last drop
Deep Concept: Modern America is mostly corrupt from it's own creation of wealth. Wealth is power, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely! Money and wealth have completely changed the underlying foundation of America. Modern America is the corrupted result of wealth. Morality and ethics in modern American have been reshaped to "fit" European Aristocracy, ironically the same European aristocracy America fled in the Revolutionary War.
Billions and billions of tax payer money is spent on projects that could never pass rigorous examination and best public ROI use. Political authoritative conditions rule public tax money for the benefit of a few at the expense of the many. The public "cult-like" sheep have no clue how they are being abused.
The authoritative abusers (politicians) follow the "mostly" corrupt American (fuck-you) form of government and individual power tactics that have been conveniently embedded in corrupt modern morality and ethics, used by corrupted lawyers and judges to codify the fundamental moral code that underpins the original American Constitution.
fs.blog fs.blog
No one but Humboldt had looked at the relationship between humankind and nature like this before.
Apparently even with massive globalization since the 1960s, many humans (Americans in particular) are still unable to see our impacts on the world in which we live. How can we make our impact more noticed at the personal and smaller levels? Perhaps this will help to uncover the harms which we're doing to each other and the world around us?
www.arctictoday.com www.arctictoday.com
rare for lightning to strike at all in Iqaluit.
- Aug 2021
inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net
Politics of COVID-19 Misinformation. (n.d.). HackMD. Retrieved 4 August 2021, from https://hackmd.io/@scibehC19vax/misinfo_politics
- Jul 2021
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
What is behind the latest fall in cases of Covid across the UK? | Coronavirus | The Guardian. (n.d.). Retrieved July 27, 2021, from https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/jul/26/what-is-behind-the-latest-fall-in-cases-of-covid-across-the-uk
www.ipcc.ch www.ipcc.ch
Limiting warming to 1.5°C implies reaching net zero CO2 emissions globally around 2050 and concurrent deep reductions in emissions of non-CO2 forcers, particularly methane (high confidence). Such mitigation pathways are characterized by energy-demand reductions, decarbonization of electricity and other fuels, electrification of energy end use, deep reductions in agricultural emissions, and some form of CDR with carbon storage on land or sequestration in geological reservoirs.
This is where the net zero by 2050 comes from. Note in this scenario it requires CDR ... plus massive transformations in energy and production systems.
Pathways that aim for limiting warming to 1.5°C by 2100 after a temporary temperature overshoot rely on large-scale deployment of carbon dioxide removal (CDR) measures, which are uncertain and entail clear risks.
People supporting CDR are supporting a hail mary.
Limiting warming to 1.5°C depends on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions over the next decades, where lower GHG emissions in 2030 lead to a higher chance of keeping peak warming to 1.5°C (high confidence). Available pathways that aim for no or limited (less than 0.1°C) overshoot of 1.5°C keep GHG emissions in 2030 to 25–30 GtCO2e yr−1 in 2030 (interquartile range). This contrasts with median estimates for current unconditional NDCs of 52–58 GtCO2e yr−1 in 2030.
i.e. current commitments have 2x the amount of CO2 emitted per year in 2030 that is compatible with 1.5°.
- Jun 2021
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
van Lange, P., & Rand, D. G. (2021). Human Cooperation and the Crises of Climate Change, COVID-19, and Misinformation [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/6tpa8
extinctionrebellion.uk extinctionrebellion.uk
Ultimately, having access to the top political decision makers and using biased studies, the industrial lobbies have managed to sabotage the reforms the Convention Citoyenne pour le Climat called for. A context and tactic we are only too familiar with.
Details? What biased studies? how did they sabotage this?
www.reuters.com www.reuters.com
Medics march to WHO headquarters in climate campaign | Reuters. (n.d.). Retrieved June 6, 2021, from https://www.reuters.com/business/environment/medics-march-who-headquarters-climate-campaign-2021-05-29/
twitter.com twitter.com
Doctors for XR on Twitter: “https://t.co/OwN3VQsGqw @richardhorton1 speaking to @DrTedros today on video link at #WHA74 about the similarities of #COVID19 and #climatecrisis and the cost of inaction. This before Tedros addressed Doctors + Nurses protesting at the WHO. #WHO #RedAlertWHO https://t.co/yComw7YNR3” / Twitter. (n.d.). Retrieved June 6, 2021, from https://twitter.com/DoctorsXr/status/1398656730570145796
- May 2021
www.opendemocracy.net www.opendemocracy.net
the climate movement is also structurally vulnerable to doomist intellectuals who claim that science supports their ideas.
Betrifft das Verhältnis von wissenschaftlichen zu anderen Texten. Das Privileg des Doomism ist also auch eines der Klimakommunikation.
phirephoenix.com phirephoenix.com
71% of global emissions can be traced back to 100 companies,
This would seem to fall into the Pareto principle guidelines. How can we minimize the emissions from just these 100 companies?
C.1.3. Limiting global warming requires limiting the total cumulative global anthropogenic emissions of CO2 since the pre-industrial period, that is, staying within a total carbon budget (high confidence).1414By the end of 2017, anthropogenic CO2 emissions since the pre-industrial period are estimated to have reduced the total carbon budget for 1.5°C by approximately 2200 ± 320 GtCO2 (medium confidence). The associated remaining budget is being depleted by current emissions of 42 ± 3 GtCO2 per year (high confidence).
With a total remaining budget of around 580 Gt => we have 10y max at current rates ..
And this was written in 2014! So approx by 2025.
twitter.com twitter.com
Robert Saunders on Twitter. (2020). Twitter. Retrieved 1 March 2021, from https://twitter.com/redhistorian/status/1326802784168124416
crookedtimber.org crookedtimber.org
Right now, most of the blockchain mining in the world happens in China, where provinces with the cheapest energy set up mining operations to do the ‘proof of work’ calculations that the dominant paradigm of blockchain requires. Factories that ostensibly make other things now acquire significant computing hardware and dedicate energy in order to, essentially, print money that’s then stored offshore. A recent study shows that 40% of China’s mostly bitcoin mining is powered by coal-burning. We also already know that non-blockchain server farms in cheap energy countries consume so much energy they distort national grids, and throw off huge amounts of heat that then need cooling for the servers to operate, creating a vicious cycle of energy consumption
www.vcoe.at www.vcoe.at
Die österreichischen CO2-Emissionen sind 2019 das fünfte Jahr in Folge gestiegen statt gesunken. Sie betragen rund 24. Millionen Tonnen. Sie liegen deutlich über dem im Klimaschutzgesetz vorgesehenen Ziel (21,8 Mill. Tonnen). Es wurden 2,7 Milliarden Liter mehr getankt als 2018.
tc.copernicus.org tc.copernicus.org
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Zahl und Größe der Gletscherseen haben in 30 Jahren um rund 50% zugenommen. Eines der sichtbarsten Indizien der globalen Erhitzung.
www.efsyn.gr www.efsyn.gr
- Apr 2021
www.scientificamerican.com www.scientificamerican.com
Given the circumstances, Scientific American has agreed with major news outlets worldwide to start using the term “climate emergency” in its coverage of climate change
www.bmj.com www.bmj.com
Hotez, P. (2021). Covid-19: A disaster five years in the making. BMJ, 373, n657. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.n657
www.sciencedaily.com www.sciencedaily.com
Despite important agricultural advancements to feed the world in the last 60 years, a Cornell-led study shows that global farming productivity is 21% lower than it could have been without climate change. This is the equivalent of losing about seven years of farm productivity increases since the 1960s.
- Mar 2021
www.derstandard.at www.derstandard.at
In der 30-jährigen Geschichte der Klimapolitik gab es bislang zwei Phasen, in denen das Thema dominiert hat. Beide wurden von einer noch akuteren Krise jäh beendet.
uebermedien.de uebermedien.de
Blogpost von Stefan Niggemeier
voody.online voody.online
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
The owners of coal-burning power stations in the UK have not obtained the consent of everyone who owns a lake or a forest in Sweden to deposit acid rain there.
Reply to Rothbard absolute libertarianism.
a simple and coherent explanation of why libertarianism is so often associated with climate change denial, and the playing down or dismissal of other environmental issues.
They don't want to pay what is owed to the planet.
climatecite.com climatecite.com
Manmade CO2 Does Not Cause Measurable Warming
Actually, CO2 does cause measurable warming. The warming effect is not huge, and not worrisome, but it is not zero, and it is large enough to be measurable.
There really is no question about the fact that the Earth's average temperature has warmed slightly, as CO2 levels have risen, over the last six decades. The magnitude of that change is debatable: different "global" composite temperature indices vary in their measured trend by approximately a factor of two. But none of them show zero trend.
The "climate sensitivity" of the Earth's temperatures to changes in CO2 level can be estimated by careful comparison of measured temperatures to measured CO2 levels. Here's an example on my web site, showing how that can be done:
Climate change is a highly politicized issue, so, as is the case for any politicized issue, if you want to understand it you need to seek out balanced information. If you want to learn about the SCIENCE of climate change, instead of political spin, here's a list of resources which can help:
It has:
● accurate introductory climatology information
● in-depth science from BOTH skeptics & alarmists
● links to balanced debates between experts on BOTH sides
● information about climate impacts
● links to the best blogs on BOTH sides of the issue
www.newscientist.com www.newscientist.com
Vaughan, A. (n.d.). UK citizens’ assembly shows big support for green covid-19 recovery. New Scientist. Retrieved June 23, 2020, from https://www.newscientist.com/article/2246693-uk-citizens-assembly-shows-big-support-for-green-covid-19-recovery/
www.reuters.com www.reuters.com
Could COVID-19 mark a ‘turning point’ in the climate crisis? (n.d.). World Economic Forum. Retrieved May 29, 2020, from https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/05/green-recovery-can-revive-virus-hit-economies-and-tackle-climate-change-study-says/
www.weforum.org www.weforum.org
We must prioritise climate change as we emerge from COVID-19. (n.d.). World Economic Forum. Retrieved May 29, 2020, from https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/05/climate-action-top-global-agenda-covid-19/
arxiv.org arxiv.org
Baker, C. M., Campbell, P. T., Chades, I., Dean, A. J., Hester, S. M., Holden, M. H., McCaw, J. M., McVernon, J., Moss, R., Shearer, F. M., & Possingham, H. P. (2020). From climate change to pandemics: Decision science can help scientists have impact. ArXiv:2007.13261 [Physics]. http://arxiv.org/abs/2007.13261
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
reddit. ‘R/BehSciResearch - Hackathon: Climate Denial and COVID-19 Misinformation: Birds of a Feather?’ Accessed 6 March 2021. https://www.reddit.com/r/BehSciResearch/comments/jjjzgs/hackathon_climate_denial_and_covid19/.
www.thelancet.com www.thelancet.com
Ratner, Austin, and Nisarg Gandhi. ‘Psychoanalysis in Combatting Mass Non-Adherence to Medical Advice’. The Lancet 396, no. 10264 (28 November 2020): 1730. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(20)32172-3.
science.sciencemag.org science.sciencemag.org
Thorp, H. Holden. ‘Gradually, Then Suddenly’. Science 370, no. 6517 (6 November 2020): 639–639. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.abf5396.
www.breitbart.com www.breitbart.com
after many online called for her firing over a social media post that likened the experience of Jews during the Holocaust to the U.S. political climate
www.carbonbrief.org www.carbonbrief.org
The study, published in Nature Food, presents EDGAR-FOOD – the first database to break down emissions from each stage of the food chain for every year from 1990 to 2015. The database also unpacks emissions by sector, greenhouse gas and country.
twitter.com twitter.com
ReconfigBehSci. (2020, November 9). Now underway at SciBeh workshop are our 3 hackathons: 1. Combatting COVID-19 misinformation with lessons from climate change denial 2. Optimising research dissemination and curation 3. ReSearch Engine: Search Engine for SciBeh’s knowledge base & beyond [Tweet]. @SciBeh. https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1325796158887882752
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
Hackathon: Climate denial and COVID-19 misinformation: birds of a feather? : BehSciAsk. (n.d.). Reddit. Retrieved 6 March 2021, from https://www.reddit.com/r/BehSciAsk/comments/jjk00r/hackathon_climate_denial_and_covid19/
www.riffreporter.de www.riffreporter.de
„Die Meinung einer Minderheit kann in der Öffentlichkeit als Mehrheit erscheinen, wenn ihre Anhänger nur selbstbewusst genug auftreten und ihre Meinung öffentlich mit Nachdruck vertreten.“
Einleitung (überarbeitet) des Handbuchs Klimakommunikation, das auf Noelle-Neumanns Konzept der Schweigespirale zurückgreift.
www.project-syndicate.org www.project-syndicate.org
In this pivotal year for climate action, much will depend on the updated 2030 emissions-reduction target that the US sets for itself. To meet the challenge at hand, the new target will need to be even more ambitious than the 50% reduction in greenhouse-gas emissions (from 2005 levels) that is currently being floated in Washington.
- Feb 2021
extinctionrebellion.de extinctionrebellion.de
Aufhänger ist die Petition, die Anfang März im Bundestag behandelt wird. Viel Hintergrund, u.a. Ausbildung in der Architektur.
www.cbc.ca www.cbc.ca
Pennycook, Gordon. ‘How the COVID-19 Crisis Exposes Widespread Climate Change Hypocrisy’. CBC, 22 May 2020. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/saskatchewan/opinion-climate-change-should-believe-dont-understand-1.5482416.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
More recently, from 2009 to 2014, Hastrup ran Waterworlds, a major European research project analysing social responses to climate change,[5] followed by fieldwork in Greenland, where she researched the effects of the modern world on a small community of hunters.[6]
programm.ard.de programm.ard.de
Die Dokumentation erhielt die Auszeichnung als „Bester Wissenschaftsfilm“ beim Internationalen Green Screen Naturfilmfestival in Eckernförde 2020. Die Einschätzung der internationalen Jury des Green Screen Festivals in der Laudatio zum Film: „Er zeigt anhand anschaulicher Einzelschicksale und verstörender Bilder die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf Rentierhirten und die Natur Sibiriens, ohne den globalen Bezug aus den Augen zu verlieren." Außerdem gewann der Film 2020 beim „Jackson Wild Festival“ in der Kategorie „Best Changing Planet Film - Long Form“.
Ein differenzierter und bedrückender Film über die Folgen der globalen Erhitzung in Sibirien. Zwei Zitate: "In Sibirien wurde die Büchse der Pandora geöffnet." Und: "Die Nenzen stehen schon jetzt vor einer Entscheidung, die den Verursachern des Klimawandels noch erspart bleibt, der zwischen zwei Übeln. In ihrem Fall: Sollen ihre Rentiere verhungern oder erfrieren?"
Time. ‘The Great Reset: How to Build a Better World Post-COVID-19’. Accessed 19 February 2021. https://time.com/collection/great-reset/.
vimeo.com vimeo.com
Climate change myth for nuclear.
www.scinexx.de www.scinexx.de
Gute Erklärung der aktuellen Kältewelle durch ein „Berliner Ereignis“. Via @rahmstorf auf Twitter.
www.whitehouse.gov www.whitehouse.gov
Section 1-102 of Executive Order 12898 of February 11, 1994
NYU's Institute for Policy Integrity publish a report which
"provides background on Executive Order 12,898 and explains how renewed national attention to environmental justice presents an opportunity to improve agency compliance with the Order." See: "Improving Environmental Justice Analysis: Executive Order 12,898 and Climate Change," By Iliana Paul, Christine Pries, and Max Sarinsky, January 28, 2021
- Jan 2021
www.whitehouse.gov www.whitehouse.gov
sectoral decarbonization,
Hopefully, the focus on "decarbonization" will include all greenhouse gases, even those that contain no Carbon. It is important to recognize that carbon-free gases, including nitrogen oxides, hydrogen, and others, also have a significant Global Warming Potential (GWP) -- often much greater than that of carbon dioxide. According the EPA, nitrous oxide (N2O) has a GWP 265–298 times greater than CO2, which has a GWP of 1. Researchers report a GWP of 5.8 for hydrogen.
a report identifying the climate strategies and technologies that will result in the most air and water quality improvements
One would expect such a report to say much about reducing emissions from electricity generation, however, in many states, particularly those in the Northeast and North, electricity generation and use only produces a small portion of GHG emissions. In New York State, electricity generation is responsible for less than 20% of emissions while heating and transportation each produce between 35% and 40% of emissions. Thus, in New York, emissions from electricity are a third-level priority. In New York, a focus on adoption of heat pumps and electric vehicles will contribute more to cleaning our air and water than a focus on electricity.
It is important that this report identify strategies and technologies which are appropriate for the various regions of the country.
www.nature.com www.nature.com
Ein kurzer Text von Brigitte Nerlich, der—wenn ich es richtig sehe—einige wichtige Elemente ihres Zugangs zur Analyse der Sprache wissenschaftlicher Texte enthält.
Hulme and colleagues set out to reveal patterns of attention and, in particular, patterns of framing6 with regards to how climate change is portrayed in these editorials, and how these patterns are related to wider political and scientific events. The authors identified frames by reading and discussing nearly 500 editorials on climate change (333 in Nature, 160 in Science) published in the two journals between 1966 and 2016, extracted using search terms such as ‘climate’, ‘greenhouse’, ‘carbon’, ‘warming’, ‘weather’, ‘atmosphere’ and ‘pollution’.
www.state.gov www.state.gov
Zeige wahrscheinlich gut die Richtung der neuen amerikanischen Regierung.
www.deutsches-klima-konsortium.de www.deutsches-klima-konsortium.de
Für die Klimakommunikation aber ist es jetzt Zeit für eine Schwerpunktverschiebung: weg von der Frage der Generierung von Aufmerksamkeit, Interesse und Verständnis für das existenzielle Thema und hin zur Kommunikation von Lösungen, zur Beteiligung an Debatten und zur Ermutigung zum Diskurs, zum Engagement – und zum Wandel.
www.carbonbrief.org www.carbonbrief.org
Die drei meistzitierten Papiere beschäftigen sich mit ökologischen Veränderungen und Artensterben.
www.carbonbrief.org www.carbonbrief.org
The small size of the remaining carbon budget emphasises the need for net-zero CO2 emissions targets at the international, national and even subnational level.
Ein wichtiger Punkt sind die Net Zero Targets auf subnationaler Ebene,
The relationship between cumulative CO2 emissions and temperature change is known as the “Transient Climate Response to Cumulative Emissions” (TCRE) and is a robust predictor of CO2-induced warming across a wide range of emissions levels and pathways.
Ist für mich ein weiterer Topic bei der Darstellung der globalen Erwärmung.\(Insert LaTeX\)
In the context of net-zero targets, our 230-440bn tonne range would be consistent with a scenario where CO2 emissions decrease linearly from 2019 levels to net-zero by between 2032 and 2042.
Das ist die Begründung für die XR-Forderung nach Dekarbonisierung bis 2025 in den reichen Ländern.
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Kerry, the former US secretary of state, acknowledged that America had been absent from the international effort to contain dangerous global heating during Donald Trump’s presidency but added that “today no country and no continent is getting the job done”.
www.deutsches-klima-konsortium.de www.deutsches-klima-konsortium.de
Alle an Klimakommunikation beteiligten Akteure können einen Beitrag leisten, die Debatte immer wieder auf den entscheidenden Punkt zu bringen: Was können wir und insbesondere diejenigen, die in Wirtschaft und Politik Verantwortung tragen, hier und jetzt tun, um die Emissionen von Kohlendioxid und anderen Treibhausgasen einzugrenzen? Die folgenden sechs Empfehlungen sind nicht als Allheilmittel oder Universalrezept gemeint, sondern als Anregung, darüber nachzudenken, wie wir über das Thema Klimawandel kommunizieren. Das zentrale Kriterium effektiver Kommunikation müsste dabei die Frage sein: Bringt das, was wir zum Thema sagen, die Menschen dazu, hier und jetzt über Klimaschutz nachzudenken?
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Hintergrund zu Bidens Klimapolitik, internationale Erwartungen.
Even before Mr. Biden was inaugurated on Wednesday, some Republicans lashed out against his new policy direction.
Bericht über die ersten Executive Orders Bidens zum Klimanotstand und über die Widerstände dagegen.
www.spiegel.de www.spiegel.de
Dieser Artikel enthält die wichtigsten Elemente des Temperaturrekords als eines historischen Events: Einordnung in eine Reihe, Extensivität und Konkretisierung (Europa). Temperatuurekord in Europa, Verweis auf die Temperaturen der Ozeane, Verlinkung auf wissenschaftliche Institutionen als Quellen. Bezug zum vorindustriellen Niveau. Verweis auf die Zukunft.
www.realclimate.org www.realclimate.org
Yesterday was the day that NASA, NOAA, the Hadley Centre and Berkeley Earth delivered their final assessments for temperatures in Dec 2020, and thus their annual summaries. The headline results have received a fair bit of attention in the media (NYT, WaPo, BBC, The Guardian etc.) and the conclusion that 2020 was pretty much tied with 2016 for the warmest year in the instrumental record is robust.
Links zur Berichterstattung in der englischsprachigen Presse. Der Artikel geht vor allem auf die Sicherheit und Unsicherheit der Angaben zur Durchschnittstemperatur ein.
callforcode.org callforcode.org
Call for Code (2020) Accept the 2020 Call for Code Global Challenge. Retrieved from:https://callforcode.org/challenge/?utm_content=buffere99fc&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Das einzige vergleichbar heisse Jahr war das El Nino-Jahr 2016. Hervorgehoben wird die Hitzewelle in Westeuropa Ende Juli Anfang August.
profstevekeen.medium.com profstevekeen.medium.com
People thrive in a wide range of climates. The projected climate change is small relative to the diurnal cycle. It is therefore rather peculiar to conclude that climate change will be disastrous. Those who claim so have been unable to explain why. https://twitter.com/RichardTol/status/1313182006310731776?s=20
This is shocking!
These predictions are absurd. A 3°C increase could trigger, and a6°C increase would trigger, every “tipping element” shown in Table 2. The Earth would have a climate unlike anything our species has experienced in its existence, and the Earth would transition to it hundreds of times faster than it has in any previous naturally-driven global warming event (McNeall et al., 2011). The Tropics and much of the globe’s temperate zone would be uninhabitable by humans and most other life forms. And yet Nordhaus thinks it would only reduce the global economy by just 8%?Comically, Nordhaus’s damage function is symmetrical — it predicts the same damages from a fall in temperature as for an equivalent rise. It therefore predicts that a 6°C fall in global temperature would also reduce GGP by just 7.9% (see Figure 3). Unlike global warming, we do know what the world was like when the temperature was 6°C below 20th century levels: that was the average temperature of the planet during the last Ice Age (Tierney et al., 2020), which ended about 20,000 years ago. At the time, all of America north of New York, and of Europe north of Berlin, was beneath a kilometre of ice. The thought that a transition to such a climate in just over a century would cause global production to fall by less than 8% is laughable.Again, I found myself in the position of a forensic detective, trying to work out how on Earth could otherwise intelligent people come to believe that climate change would only affect industries that are directly exposed to the weather, and that the correlation between climate today and economic output today across the globe could be used to predict the impact of global warming on the economy? The only explanation that made sense is that these economists were mistaking the weather for the climate.
Bericht über eine Fernsehsendung mit Michael Mann, bei der es insbesondere darum geht, dass ein rascher stop der CO2 Emissionen schon in wenigen Jahren dazu führen kann, dass sich die globale Erhitzung nicht länger fortsetzt.
insideclimatenews.org insideclimatenews.org
The widespread idea that decades, or even centuries, of additional warming are already baked into the system, as suggested by previous IPCC reports, were based on an “unfortunate misunderstanding of experiments done with climate models that never assumed zero emissions.”
www.spiegel.de www.spiegel.de
Ein Gastbeitrag von Stefan Rahmstorf Dramatisch übertriebene Berichte über Forschungsergebnisse können Resignation auslösen. Ein aktuelles Beispiel machte wieder Schlagzeilen – dabei war die Methode wenig aussagekräftig.
bg.copernicus.org bg.copernicus.org
The Zero Emissions Commitment (ZEC) is the change in global mean temperature expected to occur following the cessation of net CO2 emissions and as such is a critical parameter for calculating the remaining carbon budget. The Zero Emissions Commitment Model Intercomparison Project (ZECMIP) was established to gain a better understanding of the potential magnitude and sign of ZEC, in addition to the processes that underlie this metric. A total of 18 Earth system models of both full and intermediate complexity participated in ZECMIP. All models conducted an experiment where atmospheric CO2 concentration increases exponent
www.pik-potsdam.de www.pik-potsdam.de
Ausführliche Presseaussendung des PIK zu der Arbeit von Churkina, Schellnhuber u.a. über das Transformationspotenzial des Baustoffs Holz im globalen Maßstab.
removal of atmospheric carbon dioxide decreases radiative forcing, but is largely compensated by slower loss of heat to the ocean,
Diese Ergebnisse sind inzwischen wohl revidiert.
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Wie in Deutschland ist also die englische Klimapolitik widersprüchlich, und die reale Politik widerspricht den erklärten Zielen.
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
This reprieve will not necessarily spare polar ice sheets or evade tipping points that cannot be recrossed, the scientist cautions, and Earth is already experiencing “much more extreme weather … than we expected 10 years ago”.
Die relativ optimistische Erkenntnis, dass ich die Erwärmung in den nächsten Jahren noch relativ schnell stoppen lässt, bedeutet also nicht, dass nicht vorher schon Kippelemente ausgelöst werden könnten. Michael Mann spricht hier ausdrücklich von einem Minenfeld, in dem sich die Menschheit bewegt.
If we are going to avert ever more catastrophic climate change impacts, we need to limit warming below a degree and a half Celsius, a little less than three degrees Fahrenheit,” Mann said.
Michael Mann hält eindeutig am 1,53° Ziel fest.
climateactiontracker.org climateactiontracker.org
The recent wave of net zero targets has put the Paris Agreement’s 1.5°C within striking distance. The Climate Action Tracker (CAT) has calculated that global warming by 2100 could be as low as 2.1°C as a result of all the net zero pledges announced as of November 2020