- Feb 2025
jciv.iidj.net jciv.iidj.net
- Jan 2025
localhost:5567 localhost:5567
Need to figure out the best way to embed images. Via code chunks or indirectly by saving image and embedding here.
- Dec 2024
blogs.dickinson.edu blogs.dickinson.edu
In Flanders fields
redanalysis.org redanalysis.org
Strategy is fundamentally about choices; it reflects a preference for a future state or condition and determines how best to get there (p.6)”.
- Oct 2024
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
non-existent towns and streets used to trap plagiarists
Relation to Genius.com's trap of Google on music lyrics
- Sep 2024
for - The projected timing of climate departure from recent variability - Camilo Mora et al. - 6th mass extinction - biodiversity loss - question - 2024 - Sept 13 - how do we reconcile climate departure with quantification of earth system boundary biodiversity safe and just limit? - to - climate departure map - map of major cities - 2013 - to - researchgate paper - The projected timing of climate departure from recent variability - 2013 - Camilo Mora et al
paper details - title: The projected timing of climate departure from recent variability - author: - Camilo Mora, - Abby G. Frazier, - Ryan J. Longman, - Rachel S. Dacks, - Maya M. Walton, - Eric J. Tong, - Joseph J. Sanchez, - Lauren R. Kaiser, - Yuko O. Stender, - James M. Anderson, - Christine M. Ambrosino, - Iria Fernandez-Silva, - Louise M. Giuseffi, - Thomas W. Giambelluca - date - 9 October, 2013 - publication Nature 502, 183-187 (2013) - https://doi.org/10.1038/nature12540 - https://www.nature.com/articles/nature12540
Summary - This is an extremely important paper with a startling conclusion of the magnitude of the social and economic impacts of the biodiversity disruption coming down the pipeline - It is likely that very few governments are prepared to adapt to these levels of ecosystemic disruption - Climate departure is defined as an index of the year when: - The projected mean climate of a given location moves to a state that is - continuously outside the bounds of historical variability - Climate departure is projected to happen regardless of how aggressive our climate mitigation pathway - The business-as-usual (BAU) scenario in the study is RCP85 and leads to a global climate departure mean of 2047 (+/- 14 years s.d.) while - The more aggressive RCP45 scenario (which we are currently far from) leads to a global climate departure mean of 2069 (+/- 18 years s.d.) - So regardless of how aggressive we mitigate, we cannot avoid climate departure. - What consequences will this have on economies around the world? How will we adapt? - The world is not prepared for the vast ecosystem changes, which will reshape our entire economy all around the globe.
question - 2024 - Sept 13 - how do we reconcile climate departure with quantification of earth system boundary biodiversity safe and just limit? - Annotating the Sept 11, 2024 published Earth Commission paper in Lancet, the question arises: - How do we reconcile climate departure dates with the earth system boundary quantification of safe limits for biodiversity? - There, it is claimed that: - 50 to 60 % of intact nature is required<br /> - https://hyp.is/Mt8ocnIEEe-C0dNSJFTjyQ/www.thelancet.com/journals/lanplh/article/PIIS2542-5196(24)00042-1/fulltext - a minimum of 20 to 25% of human modified ecosystems is required - https://hyp.is/AKwa4nIHEe-U1oNQDdFqlA/www.thelancet.com/journals/lanplh/article/PIIS2542-5196(24)00042-1/fulltext - in order to mitigate major species extinction and social disruption crisis - And yet, Mora et al.'s research and subsequent climate departure map shows climate departure is likely to take place everywhere on the globe, with - aggressive RCP decarbonization pathway only delaying climate departure from - Business-As-Usual RCP pathway - by a few decades at most - And this was a 2011 result. 13 years later in 2024, I expect climate departure dates have likely gotten worse and moved closer to the present
from - Gupta, Joyeeta et al.(2024). A just world on a safe planet: a Lancet Planetary Health–Earth Commission report on Earth-system boundaries, translations, and transformations. The Lancet Planetary Health, Volume 0, Issue 0 - https://hyp.is/go?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thelancet.com%2Fjournals%2Flanplh%2Farticle%2FPIIS2542-5196(24)00042-1%2Ffulltext&group=world
to - climate departure map - of major cities of the world - 2013 - https://hyp.is/tV1UOFsKEe-HFQ-jL-6-cw/www.hawaii.edu/news/2013/10/09/study-in-nature-reveals-urgent-new-time-frame-for-climate-change/ - full research paper - researchgate
- Camilo Mora
- to - The projected timing of climate departure from recent variability
- to - climate departure map - map of major cities - 2013
- from - Gupta, Joyeeta et al.(2024). A just world on a safe planet: a Lancet Planetary Health–Earth Commission report on Earth-system boundaries, translations, and transformations. The Lancet Planetary Health, Volume 0, Issue 0
- climate departure
www.researchgate.net www.researchgate.net
for - The projected timing of climate departure from recent variability - Camilo Mora et al. - 6th mass extinction - biodiversity loss - to - climate departure map - of major cities around the world - 2013
Summary - This is an extremely important paper with a startling conclusion of the magnitude of the social and economic impacts of the biodiversity disruption coming down the pipeline - It is likely that very few governments are prepared to adapt to these levels of ecosystemic disruption - Climate departure is defined as an index of the year when: - The projected mean climate of a given location moves to a state that is - continuously outside the bounds of historical variability - Climate departure is projected to happen regardless of how aggressive our climate mitigation pathway - The business-as-usual (BAU) scenario in the study is RCP85 and leads to a global climate departure mean of 2047 (+/- 14 years s.d.) while - The more aggressive RCP45 scenario (which we are currently far from) leads to a global climate departure mean of 2069 (+/- 18 years s.d.) - So regardless of how aggressive we mitigate, we cannot avoid climate departure. - What consequences will this have on economies around the world? How will we adapt? - The world is not prepared for the vast ecosystem changes, which will reshape our entire economy all around the globe.
from - Nature publication - https://hyp.is/3wZrokX9Ee-XrSvMGWEN2g/www.nature.com/articles/nature12540
to - climate departure map - of major cities around the globe - 2013 - https://hyp.is/tV1UOFsKEe-HFQ-jL-6-cw/www.hawaii.edu/news/2013/10/09/study-in-nature-reveals-urgent-new-time-frame-for-climate-change/
- sixth mass extinction
- to - Nature publication
- from - nature article - The projected timing of climate departure from recent variability
- to - climate departure map - of major cities around the world
- Camilo Mora et al.
- The projected timing of climate departure from recent variability
- biodiversity loss
manoa.hawaii.edu manoa.hawaii.edu
Map of Year of Climate Departure for World Cities
for - climate crisis - map of climate departure - world cities
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
for - semantic fingerprint - semantic space - semantic folding - cortical.io
- Aug 2024
www.hawaii.edu www.hawaii.edu
for - climate departure map - of major cities around the globe - 2013 - Camilo Mora et al. - from - climate departure paper
from - The projected timeline of climate departure from recent variability - https://hyp.is/0BdCglsHEe-2CteEQbOBfw/www.researchgate.net/publication/257598710_The_projected_timing_of_climate_departure_from_recent_variability
www.kickstarter.com www.kickstarter.comAkkad1
- Jul 2024
www.boites-a-livres.fr www.boites-a-livres.fr
- Mar 2024
The Mapp of Lubberland or the Ile of Lazye (ca. 1670) portrayed an imaginaryterritory in which sloth is contagious and normal men lack the will to work.British Print, #1953.0411.69AN48846001, The British Museum, London, England
When Byrd identified the Carolinians as residents of “Lubberland,” hedrew upon a familiar English folktale that featured one “Lawrence Lazy,”born in the county of Sloth near the town of Neverwork.
- Dec 2023
sonec.org sonec.org
for: SRG - community strategy, TPF - community strategy, epiphany - Indyweb Coalition fair attribution map for all stakeholders
- for SRG and TPF, the citizen launch is the optimal choice as it gives citizens the greatest autonomy.to get the correct framework established before approaching institutional partners for support
epiphany: Indyweb generates detailed and fair attribution and contribution map for all coalition member involved
- Indyweb features will allow for granular attribution to all stakeholders and organizations within a collaborative project
- All contributions are automatically tracked as part of Indyweb workflow via the provenance feature and can be automatically surfaced in granular detail as metadata emergent from the group Indyweb mindplex, the intertwingled shared mindplexs of all participants
- In particular, by using Indyweb's provenance feature, it allows for automatically tracking the exact nature of the contribution
- For a multi-stakeholder coalition like Living Cities Earth, this takes care of fair automatic attribution
- The result is a fair attribution map that shows exactly who contributed and what they contributed
www.collapsemusings.com www.collapsemusings.com
for: climate crisis - multiple dimensions, polycrisis - multiple dimensions, climate crisis - good references, polycrisis - good references, polycrisis - comprehensive map, power to the people, climate change - politics, climate crisis - politics
comment / summary
- The content on this website may be what some call "doomers" that support a narrative of unavoidable catastrophe and civilization collapse
- The author does an excellent job of drawing together many scientifically validated research papers and news media stories on various crisis and integrates them together to support his narrative.
- As the author states, it is still incomplete but it is comprehensive and detailed enough to use as a starting foundation to build a complex polycrisis map upon. becaues it shows the complexities of the interwoven nexus of problems we face and the massive network of feedbacks between them that makes solving any one of them alone in isolation an impossibility
- The Cascade Institute focuses on social tipping points, complexity and polycrisis. We could synthesis a number of tools to map out and reveal effective mitigation strategies including:
- Cascade Institute tools
- Social tipping point tools
- SRG mapping tool along with Indyweb / Indranet
- Culture hacking tools
- SIMPOL strategy
- Downscaled Earth System Boundary tools
- SRG Deep Humanity BEing journey tools
- James Hansen's recommendation that the biggest leverage point is new form of governance
- We need to rapidly emerge a new global third political party that does not take money from special interest groups
- Progressive International comes to the same conclusion as James Hansen, that the key leverage point for rapid whole system change is radically new governance that puts power back to the hands of the people - power to the people
- Indyweb's people-centered, interpersonal methodology is a perfect match for SONEC circle-within-circles fractal structure
- mention to @Gyuri
- I've seen this circle-within-circle fractal, holonic group idea with Tim's software as well as Roberto's
- Feebate from local governance groups (from another Doomer site - Arctic Emergency)
- What the author's narrative shows is
- how precarious our situation is
- how many trends are getting far worse in the immediate future
- how we are already undercapacitated to deal with existing crisis so how will we deal with new ones that are exponentially worse?
- all these crisis will impact our supply chains. Why are these important? Our reliance on technology is dangerous and makes us very vulnerable
- Think of your laptop, cellphone or other electronic device that relies on a vast, complex and globally operational internet. Imagine that tidal surges wipes out the globally critical data centers located in New York. Or imagine electronic factories in China and Taiwan are wiped out due to extreme weather. How will you get or fix a broken piece of electronic equipment? We rely on each millions of specialized jobs all working smoothly in order for our laptop to continue working and communicating with each other.
- recommendation for new Indyweb / Indranet tools
- independent time and date stamp tool for every online, virtual sentence we write so we recognize in a long composition when we inserted a new idea
- ability to trace rapid trains of thought to reveal how new insights emerge from within our consciousness
- While writing this, I just recalled that we should have a way to time and date stamp every single virtual online action, like in this annotation because recall happens so nonlinearly and we won't have a hope to trace and trailmark without it. Hypothesis doesn't have time and date stamps of every sentence available to the user. So we don't know what nonlinear memory recall led to a specific sentence in an annotation. We need some independent Indyweb / Indranet tool that will do this universally. Trains of thoughts are so fragile we can forget the quick cascades very easily.
- Sep 2023
forgottenfiles.substack.com forgottenfiles.substack.com
- Aug 2023
www.garn.org www.garn.org
- Jul 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
we compiled all the species that we try and get a handle on and we then tried to 00:05:06 relate those species list to Manhattan Island through a new kind of science that we call muir webs and that kind of data it turns out that you can visualize and understand as a network
- for: progress trap, species map, indra's net
welikia.org welikia.org
Muir Web
- for Indra's Net of Jewels, progress trap
- definition
- Muir Web
- A diagram that shows all the relationships between species of a particular ecological habitat
- Muir Web
- Jun 2023
patents.google.com patents.google.com
There is a format for recording information based around connections called a concept map. Concept maps are spatial representations of knowledge, in which a concept is represented as a circle (node) and a connection/statement is represented as a line connecting two circles (edge). But concept mapping is limited in its current forms. Making a concept map is messy and often when handwritten. It is very difficult to have enough foresight in making a concept map as to prevent lines (representing edges) from crossing each other all over the page. Moreover, though concept maps have advantages over bullet points and other linear note-taking techniques in their ability to store and model nonlinear knowledge, existing software that is meant for creating concept maps is meant more for presentational purposes, e.g., creating a diagram that might be included in a report, than for recording notes in real time and understanding, organizing, or manipulating notes.
Concept map software could definitely be improved. It would be nice if a index of concepts could be derived from ones notes or highlights and then the user could select index concepts to drag into a canvas and begin to map out the connections. Selecting a concept could then surface all related notes and highlights or other concepts that are tangential.
- May 2023
- Feb 2023
- Jan 2023
landportal.org landportal.org
www.lightpollutionmap.info www.lightpollutionmap.info
- Dec 2022
Local file Local file
Moller, Violet. The Map of Knowledge: A Thousand-Year History of How Classical Ideas Were Lost and Found. 1st ed. New York: Doubleday, 2019. https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/546484/the-map-of-knowledge-by-violet-moller/.
- Nov 2022
community.interledger.org community.interledger.org
Publishers can create interactive stories on the platform and incorporate them in their website.
I love this! It is similar to Prezi or VoiceThread.
Do you also support collaborative editing (public or with invited collaborators)? If yes, a high-resolution world map could be used for collaborative pinning of local events, meetups, news, videos, and so on, such as radio.garden or YouTube Geofind.
theinformed.life theinformed.life
Mark: Cathy Marshall at Xerox PARC originally started speaking about information gardening. She developed an early tool that’s the inspiration for the Tinderbox map view, in which you would have boxes but no lines. It was a spatial hypertext system, a system for connecting things by placing them near each other rather than drawing a line between them. Very interesting abstract representational problem, but also it turned out to be tremendously useful.
Cathy Marshall was an early digital gardener!
www.btcstudy.org www.btcstudy.org比特币网络全景图1
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
- Jul 2022
runestone.academy runestone.academy
1.10.4. Hash Tables
La colección (o contenedor) del STL que guarda pares ordenados key/value en un hash table se llama el unordered map.
- May 2022
www.macquariedictionary.com.au www.macquariedictionary.com.au
The decision not to refer primary school children to online language resources such as AustLang and the Gambay map was appropriate as it would create difficulties for both those readers and their teachers. Those resources are usually used by Indigenous language speakers and experts with a sound training in linguistics.
edutech.technologiestiftung-berlin.de edutech.technologiestiftung-berlin.de
anvaka.github.io anvaka.github.io
- Apr 2022
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Times, T. N. Y. (2020, March 3). Coronavirus in the U.S.: Latest Map and Case Count. The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/us/covid-cases.html
- Mar 2022
queer-topia.a-thousand-channels.xyz queer-topia.a-thousand-channels.xyz
- Feb 2022
urbanomonte-4db4a.web.app urbanomonte-4db4a.web.app
type.world type.world
twitter.com twitter.com
ReconfigBehSci on Twitter: ‘RT @bhrenton: Preliminary look into the visitor locations to https://t.co/j5ei0O4u1e mapped with new COVID-19 cases shows some overlaps, bu…’ / Twitter. (n.d.). Retrieved 13 February 2022, from https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1483697294373531652
- Dec 2021
www.nature.com www.nature.com
To test whether these distributed representations of meaning are neurally plausible, a number of studies have attempted to learn a mapping between particular semantic dimensions and patterns of brain activation
dasaptaerwin.net dasaptaerwin.net
tulisan ini terbit tahun 2009, sementara peta yang diacu tahun 1979. apakah tidak ada data yg lebih update saat itu?
Map of the study area. Red triangle indicates the location of Mount Ciremai
peta perlu diperbaiki
svelte.dev svelte.dev
A Map of root-level context key-value pairs to supply to the component
bnonews.com bnonews.com
News, B. N. O. (2021, November 26). Tracking COVID-19 variant Omicron. BNO News. https://bnonews.com/index.php/2021/11/omicron-tracker/
- Nov 2021
oxfamilibrary.openrepository.com oxfamilibrary.openrepository.com
Figure 6: Changing geographic source of emissions of world’s richest 1% 2015–2030
China and India will have the largest growth of elites between 2015 and 2030. Therefore, strategic, culturally appropriate interventions need to be applied to this elite demographic.
www.robinwood.de www.robinwood.de
- Oct 2021
arxiv.org arxiv.org
Yang, P., & Colavizza, G. (2021). A Map of Science in Wikipedia. ArXiv:2110.13790 [Cs]. http://arxiv.org/abs/2110.13790
gamestorming.com gamestorming.com
The empathy map, one of Gamestorming’s methods for understanding audiences, including users, customers, and other players in any business ecosystem, has gotten some press lately because it was featured in Alex Osterwalder‘s excellent book, Business Model Generation as a tool for discovering insights about customers.
www.pinterest.ca www.pinterest.ca
The original idea for the empathy map comes from Dave Gray, author of Gamestorming.
medium.com medium.com
In the Stop Reset Go project, I have been tasked with a journey map. How do we get a billion people to press a button? What happens when they press the button?
designinfluences.com designinfluences.com
Michael Saup
The work of Michael Saup explores the unintended consequences of design: Orbis Lumen.
+b (ORBIT) shows Buckminster Fuller’s Dymaxion Map of the earth built from multiple layers of white industrial sugar cubes and illuminated by the complete sequence of all nuclear explosions from 1945 until now. Using the cubes as three-dimensional pixels, +b emphasizes the intimate relationship between information, energy, resources and their impact on society and nature. +b stages the most extreme power released by humankind, irreversibly transforming the atmosphere and igniting the epoch of the nuclear Anthropocene with its application and supposed mastery of atomic power.
The work illustrates how this mastery is really the reiteration of a profound error and the subsequent compounding of that error. We keep on making mistakes. Some of these errors are extraordinarily beautiful and useful, some are terrifyingly destructive with long-term planetary impact, and many are both.
Dymaxion map of the Earth
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
“Tuesday, I had a conversation with Ilaria Forte to discuss our collaboration on the Plenum: A Collective Story of Regeneration. We discussed the possibility of working with Michael Saup to create a Dymaxion map of the Earth, based on his work for Orbis Lumen, with points of light to indicate locations for the stories of regeneration represented by the Design Science Studio.”
1001suns.com 1001suns.com
+b (ORBIT) shows Buckminster Fuller’s Dymaxion Map of the earth built from multiple layers of white industrial sugar cubes and illuminated by the complete sequence of all nuclear explosions from 1945 until now. Using the cubes as three-dimensional pixels, +b emphasizes the intimate relationship between information, energy, resources and their impact on society and nature. +b stages the most extreme power released by humankind, irreversibly transforming the atmosphere and igniting the epoch of the nuclear Anthropocene with its application and supposed mastery of atomic power.The work illustrates how this mastery is really the reiteration of a profound error and the subsequent compounding of that error. We keep on making mistakes. Some of these errors are extraordinarily beautiful and useful, some are terrifyingly destructive with long-term planetary impact, and many are both.
The epoch of the nuclear Anthropocene
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Nicholas, J., & Evershed, N. (n.d.). Covid-19 vaccine Australia rollout tracker by state: total number of people and per cent vaccinated, daily vaccine doses and rate of progress. The Guardian. Retrieved September 20, 2021, from https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/datablog/ng-interactive/2021/sep/20/covid-19-vaccine-rollout-australia-vaccination-rate-progress-how-many-people-vaccinated-percent-tracker-australian-states-number-total-daily-live-data-stats-updates-news-schedule-tracking-chart-percentage-new-cases-today
ourworldindata.org ourworldindata.org
Coronavirus Pandemic Data Explorer. (n.d.). Our World in Data. Retrieved March 3, 2021, from https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus-data-explorer
- Fiji
- Canada
- Saint Kitts and Nevis
- San Marino
- Pakistan
- Togo
- Europe
- Malaysia
- Mauritania
- Guinea
- Mexico
- South Africa
- Tunisia
- Saint Helena
- Macao
- Myanmar
- South America
- Philipines
- Switzerland
- Yemen
- New Zealand
- Serbia
- Morocco
- Luxembourg
- Sudan
- Bahrain
- Grenada
- Iceland
- COVID-19
- Japan
- Samoa
- Sao Tome and Principe
- Niger
- Taiwan
- Trinidad
- Sierra Leone
- Tobago
- Thailand
- Mongolia
- France
- Bhutan
- Namibia
- Nepal
- Maldives
- Romania
- Jersey
- Chile
- Tanzania
- Turkey
- Georgia
- Costa Rica
- El Salvador
- Afghanistan
- Botswana
- Liechtenstein
- Jordan
- Brazil
- Mozambique
- Palestine
- Argentina
- Vatican
- Zambia
- Herzegovina
- Papua New Guinea
- Cayman Islands
- Kosovo
- Guatemala
- Norway
- Asia
- World
- map
- Jamaica
- Guyana
- Indonesia
- Greenland
- Equatorial Guinea
- Kuwait
- Kyrgyzstan
- Denmark
- Haiti
- Syria
- Lebanon
- Netherlands
- Egypt
- Congo
- Lithuania
- Burkina Faso
- Israel
- Antigua
- Somalia
- Angola
- Greece
- Bolivia
- Guernsey
- Central African Republic
- China
- lang:en
- Cambodia
- Portugal
- Iraq
- Vanuatu
- Bermuda
- Libya
- is:webpage
- Andorra
- Albania
- Kazakhstan
- Malawi
- chart
- Mauritius
- Ukraine
- Russia
- Anguilla
- Timor
- Rwanda
- Cote d'ivoire
- Bahamas
- Azerbaijan
- graph
- Algeria
- Mashall Islands
- Grenadines
- Belarus
- table
- case
- death
- Venezuela
- Estonia
- Djobouti
- Saudi Arabia
- Ecuador
- Turks and Caicos Islands
- Hong Kong
- Croatia
- Benin
- UK
- Slovenia
- Honduras
- Singapore
- data
- case fatality rate
- Malta
- Saint Vincent
- Africa
- Gambia
- Finland
- Burundi
- Seychelles
- United Arab Emirates
- mortality
- North America
- Senegal
- Micronesia
- Uzbekistan
- Czechia
- North Macedonia
- Falkland Islands
- Ethiopia
- Hungary
- Cape Verde
- Liberia
- Nigeria
- Saint Lucia
- Paraguay
- Uganda
- Australia
- Faeroe Islands
- Gibraltar
- South Sudan
- Suriname
- Vietnam
- Sweden
- Oceania
- Moldova
- Belgium
- Latvia
- Monaco
- Tajikistan
- Dominica
- Madagascar
- Isle of Man
- Europian Union
- Lesotho
- Germany
- Solomon Islands
- Ghana
- Peru
- Bangladesh
- Colombia
- Democratic Republic of Congo
- Zimbabwe
- Spain
- Ireland
- Qatar
- Sri Lanka
- Panama
- Mali
- Barbuda
- Oman
- India
- Italy
- Gabon
- Comoros
- Barbados
- Iran
- Laos
- vaccine
- Montenegro
- Uruguay
- Bosnia
- Austria
- Slovakia
- Armenia
- Cyprus
- Kenya
- Chad
- Eritrea
- Northern Cyprus
- Guinea-Bissau
- Nicaragua
- Cameroon
- test
- Poland
- Eswatini
- Belize
- Cuba
- Dominician Republic
- South Korea
- Bulgaria
qap.ecdc.europa.eu qap.ecdc.europa.eu
COVID-19 | European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. (n.d.). Retrieved March 1, 2021, from https://qap.ecdc.europa.eu/public/extensions/COVID-19/COVID-19.html#global-overview-tab
www.pinterest.ca www.pinterest.ca
Components of a Customer Journey Map
- Review Goals
- Gather Research
- Touchpoint & Channel Brainstorms
- Empathy Map
- Brainstorm with Lenses
- Affinity Diagram
- Sketch the Journey
- Refine & Digitize
- Share & Use
This is the same process outlined in this journey map.
- Sep 2021
www.thisisservicedesigndoing.com www.thisisservicedesigndoing.com
The book, This is Service Design Doing, includes journey maps as a method for participatory design and co-creation workshops.
I suggested to the Stop Reset Go team that we should map out the interactions and touch points to engage people with the process of bottom-up whole system change.
www.lboro.ac.uk www.lboro.ac.uk
the global elite (i.e. both global managers and the global super-rich) must be regarded as transnational for three main reasons, as Sklair (1997) outlines.
Mapping out where they are is a useful exercise in order to identify the wealthy communities they may live in. Of course, citizens who live long enough in an city, town or community get to know where the affluent parts of town are.
Of course many of the super elite live in exclusive homes far away from population centers. Wealth buys geographic exclusivity snd seclusion from prying eyes.
twitter.com twitter.com
ReconfigBehSci on Twitter. (n.d.). Twitter. Retrieved 13 September 2021, from https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1436020285195493398
- Aug 2021
www.gutenberg.org www.gutenberg.org
What we call progressconsists in coordinating ideas with realities
"The map is not the territory" is there as a basic sentiment long before General Semantics
- Jun 2021
www.straitstimes.com www.straitstimes.com
Living normally, with Covid-19: Task force ministers on how S’pore is drawing road map for new normal, Opinion News & Top Stories—The Straits Times. (n.d.). Retrieved June 29, 2021, from https://www.straitstimes.com/opinion/living-normally-with-covid-19
- May 2021
twitter.com twitter.com
Peter Sheridan Dodds. (2021, March 7). The map is not the territory. And the mapmakers are not the map. [Tweet]. @peterdodds. https://twitter.com/peterdodds/status/1368559285182099463
- Apr 2021
www.scrum.org www.scrum.org
Refinement usually consumes no more than 10% of the capacity of the team.
It used to give me a good reason to point to the Scrum Guide when the team was annoyed by the number of refinement hours during a sprint.
With more experience, it becomes clear that the number of refinement hours spent should not depend on the Scrum Guide but on the readiness of work. A better measure, and this differs from team to team, is how many stories shall be ready at all times? One to three sprints worth of ready work? At least enough work should be ready before Sprint Planning, so that the actual sprint delivers done work (and not more refinement work, only.)
Refinement hours spent also depend on how predictable the work is on the Product Owner’s roadmap and if there is a need to do first iterations of refinement on future releases, months away to have a very high level estimate of effort.
- Mar 2021
zhuanlan.zhihu.com zhuanlan.zhihu.com
- Feb 2021
stay-grounded.org stay-grounded.org
territories.indigenousknowledge.org territories.indigenousknowledge.org
Diego Ribero's map of the world (1529)
zume.vision zume.vision
churchwithoutwallsinternational.org churchwithoutwallsinternational.org
www.housechurchconnect.com www.housechurchconnect.com
noplaceleft.net noplaceleft.net
- Dec 2020
www.mapbox.com www.mapbox.com
We're pushing this data live as we process it, and will complete everything by early January.
www.radical-guide.com www.radical-guide.com
- Nov 2020
boardgamegeek.com boardgamegeek.com
opinionatedgamers.com opinionatedgamers.com
www.kickstarter.com www.kickstarter.com
- Oct 2020
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Leatherby, L. (2020, October 15). U.S. Virus Cases Climb Toward a Third Peak. The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/10/15/us/coronavirus-cases-us-surge.html
docs.google.com docs.google.com
coronavirus.app coronavirus.app
storymaps.arcgis.com storymaps.arcgis.com
www.arcgis.com www.arcgis.com
441187 total confirmed cases 111933 recovered 19784 deadhs
- Sep 2020
twitter.com twitter.com
Tim spector on Twitter. (n.d.). Twitter. Retrieved September 25, 2020, from https://twitter.com/timspector/status/1308873677807792129
www.euromomo.eu www.euromomo.eu
Graphs and maps from EUROMOMO. (n.d.). EUROMOMO. Retrieved September 18, 2020, from https://euromomo.eu/dev-404-page/
www.bbc.co.uk www.bbc.co.uk
Biswas, T. V. and D. J. T., Soutik. (2020, September 14). Tracking the pandemic: Where are the global hotspots? BBC News. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-51235105
twitter.com twitter.com
ReconfigBehSci on Twitter: “RT @ScottGottliebMD: See how quickly you can find Sweden on this map.... https://t.co/bhXACObtnQ” / Twitter. (n.d.). Twitter. Retrieved June 29, 2020, from https://twitter.com/scibeh/status/1276799757575315457
- Aug 2020
hyperlink.academy hyperlink.academy
Online courses tend to be based around linear playlists of videos, along with associated readings and other activities. These often look like university courses filmed and translated more or less directly to online form. More internet native courses tend to be shorter and more focused, but still just as linear and video-centric.
agree with this.
I've often thought that at times learning feels more like the Path fo Exile skill spider-web than a linear path.
Many 'road maps', 'how to' feels like a ladder - and then it's not always clear how much you need to learn about a certain step before moving onto the next step, while also failing to realize that you may have learned the outcomes from the step in another way.
public.tableau.com public.tableau.com
Roll over each school to find out more information on their respective plans. (n.d.). Tableau Software. Retrieved August 2, 2020, from https://public.tableau.com/views/NESCACFallPlansMap/Dashboard1
- Jul 2020
nlihc.org nlihc.org
Federal Moratoriums. (n.d.). National Low Income Housing Coalition. Retrieved July 2, 2020, from https://nlihc.org/federal-moratoriums
- Jun 2020
mw.lojban.org mw.lojban.org
XML Topic Maps will be put online in that fashion, and thus, that book will become a living document.
jbloomlab.github.io jbloomlab.github.io
Interactive Heat Map - SARS-CoV-2 - Bloom Lab
- May 2020
www.ukcdr.org.uk www.ukcdr.org.uk
UKCDR - COVID-19 Research Project Tracker
ltcwrk.com ltcwrk.com
The Map is Not the Terrain
As George Box said, "All models are false, some are useful." Understanding the importance and value of mental models is vital, but it must be balanced with an understanding that they are, at best, an approximate representation of reality, not reality itself - the map is not the terrain
www.kickstarter.com www.kickstarter.com
- Apr 2020
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Duration from onset of symptoms to radiological confirmation of pneumonia, days5 (3–9)5 (3–7)Duration from onset of symptoms to ICU admission, days9 (6–12)11 (7–14)Heart rate, beats per min89 (20)89 (15)Systolic blood pressure, mm Hg133 (20)140 (21)
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Heart rate, respiratory rate, and mean arterial pressure did not differ between patients who received ICU care and patients who did not receive ICU care. These measures were recorded on day of hospital admission for all patients, then divided into those who were later admitted to the ICU or not.
experience.arcgis.com experience.arcgis.com
- Mar 2020
serendipia.digital serendipia.digital
iniciativa sociedad civil,datos,favorito
www.bing.com www.bing.com
interaktiv.morgenpost.de interaktiv.morgenpost.de
www.arcgis.com www.arcgis.com
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
coronavirus.jhu.edu coronavirus.jhu.edu
www.endcoronavirus.org www.endcoronavirus.org
bnonews.com bnonews.com
coronavirus-disasterresponse.hub.arcgis.com coronavirus-disasterresponse.hub.arcgis.com
nssac.bii.virginia.edu nssac.bii.virginia.edu
who.maps.arcgis.com who.maps.arcgis.com
hgis.uw.edu hgis.uw.edu
www.healthmap.org www.healthmap.org
gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com
www.cidrap.umn.edu www.cidrap.umn.edu
- Nov 2019
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
const setRefs = useRef(new Map()).current; const { children } = props; return ( <div> {React.Children.map(children, child => { return React.cloneElement(child, { // v not innerRef ref: node => { console.log('imHere'); return !node ? setRefs.delete(child.key) : setRefs.set(child.key, node)
Illustrates the importance of having unique keys when iterating over children, since that allows them to be used as unique keys in a Map.
- Oct 2019
mapchart.net mapchart.net
- Sep 2019
Local file Local file
If Jill goesahead and believes her eyes anyway, then her belief is not as well-foundedas it could be, because it is formed on the basis of an experience that lacksthe baseline amount of epistemic power that the same experience couldhave, if it weren’tinfluenced by fear. Her experience is merelydowngraded,meaning its epistemic power is reduced below the baseline
Alternate explanation
- Aug 2019
github.com github.com
- May 2019
SA Transit map
- Apr 2019
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
The Piri Reis map is a world map compiled in 1513 from military intelligence by the Ottoman admiral and cartographer Piri Reis (pronounced [piɾi ɾeis]). Approximately one third of the map survives; it shows the western coasts of Europe and North Africa and the coast of Brazil with reasonable accuracy. Various Atlantic islands, including the Azores and Canary Islands, are depicted, as is the mythical island of Antillia and possibly Japan. The map's historical importance lies in its demonstration of the extent of global exploration of the New World by approximately 1510, and in its claim to have used a map of Christopher Columbus, otherwise lost, as a source. Piri also stated that he had used ten Arab sources and four Indian maps sourced from the Portuguese. More recently, the map has been the focus of claims for the pre-modern exploration of the Antarctic coast.
wals.info wals.info
mapthesystem.sbs.ox.ac.uk mapthesystem.sbs.ox.ac.uk
- Mar 2019
dougengelbart.org dougengelbart.org
they meet at their concept and terminology interface and work out little shifts in meaning and use which each can find digestible in his system, and which permit quite precise definitions in each system of the terms and concepts in the others.
This seems to be what topic mapping and merging is about.
- Feb 2019
www.emeraldinsight.com www.emeraldinsight.com
Exploring the usage of the CASE software through various research and development funded initiatives, is an on‐going process with the results informing the development process of the system. Future directions in the context of CASE software design include: automatic “mind‐map” diagrams; user defined highlighting and layout preferences; user special‐interest groups; automated and peer‐reviewed scoring of annotations for display; automated abuse filtering; intelligent grouping of learners; and middleware applications to support improved integration with on‐line learning environments.
iphysresearch.github.io iphysresearch.github.io
See Better Before Looking Closer: Weakly Supervised Data Augmentation Network for Fine-Grained Visual Classification
一篇来自中科院的 paper。充分利用每个样本的 attention map 在训练和测试阶段都作为有效信息送入模型来“学习”和“检验”模型,从而实现数据扩增(成对生成正反 label)和对非相关噪声特征更加鲁棒。
- Nov 2018
planetblender.com planetblender.com
Make a wet version of the material
- Aug 2018
oermap.org oermap.org
OER Impact Map
- Jul 2018
www.hacksparrow.com www.hacksparrow.com
- Apr 2018
geopandas.org geopandas.org
python-visualization.github.io python-visualization.github.io
- Mar 2018
sites.udel.edu sites.udel.edu
Web Mapping
- Jan 2018
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
- Jun 2017
www.swamirara.com www.swamirara.com
- May 2017
enst31501sp2017.courses.bucknell.edu enst31501sp2017.courses.bucknell.edu
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR)
This map shows northern Alaska, the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge region, and the 1002 area which will be explained in a later section. The ANWR spans 19.2 million acres, and the 1002 area is 1.5 million acres.
"ANWR: Producing American Energy and Creating American Jobs." House Committee on Natural Resources. Accessed May 05, 2017. http://naturalresources.house.gov/anwr/.
- Apr 2017
wisc.pb.unizin.org wisc.pb.unizin.org
Edinburgh, Scotland
- Mar 2017
nfnh2017.scholar.bucknell.edu nfnh2017.scholar.bucknell.edu
Banks Island
Banks Island is the 5th largest western Arctic island in the Northwest Territories of Canada. The island was discovered by Lieutenant Frederick Beechey on Sir William Parry’s expedition in 1820. Parry named the island after Sir Joseph Banks, who was the president of the Royal Society in England. The island was first inhabited by Europeans in 1850 by the crew of Robert McClure after their ship, the Investigator got trapped. His men inhabited the island for two months before they were discovered and rescued. The island has been inhabited for different periods of time for roughly 3000 years by the Pre-Dorset, Thule, and Copper Inuit people, but now mainly houses trappers (Marsh 2010). Banks Island is well known for its wildlife, including Arctic foxes, wolves, caribou, polar bears, and a diverse bird population (Encyclopedia Britannica 2005). A bird sanctuary is located on Banks Island to protect bird breeding grounds from physical disturbances associated with thawing permafrost (Banks Island Migratory Bird Sanctuary n.d.). Banks Island is bordered by the Beaufort Sea, Amundsen Gulf, McClure Strait, and Prince of Wales Strait, as shown on the attached map. The topography of Banks Island varies between a northern and southern plateaus and low lands in between. Many glacier lakes can be found on Banks Island due to glacier erosion (Marsh 2010). Map: Description
Sources: “Banks Island.” Encyclopaedia Britannica. May 19, 2005. Accessed March 04, 2017. https://www.britannica.com/place/Banks-Island.
Marsh, James H. "Banks Island." The Canadian Encyclopedia. November 30, 2010. Accessed March 04, 2017. http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/banks-island/.
"Banks Island Migratory Bird Sanctuary (NT017)." Banks Island Migratory Bird Sanctuary (NT017). Accessed March 04, 2017. http://www.ibacanada.ca/mobile/site.jsp?siteID=NT017.
- Jan 2017
www.vox.com www.vox.com
which Nigerian states have implemented a form of sharia law (purple), which have implemented sharia law in some cases relating to family or personal law (yellow), and which use purely secular law (green).
- Sep 2016
allaboardhe.org allaboardhe.org
- Feb 2016
tachesdesens.blogspot.com tachesdesens.blogspot.com
A map without a story which engages
I read this line and questioned it. Then I thought about the Lord of the Rings and JRR Tolkien's map of Middle Earth.
Hailey, age 10, and I are reading the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. We're on the fifth of six books in this little epic fantasy of anthropomorphized cats forever at war for territory. My daughter and I have committed this map to memory generally but we still break from the narrative to study it when we can't quite picture where the latest cat drama is taking place. At bedtime and in our leisure time we worry, we predict, we rejoice and we study these fictional cats who are forever at war for territory.
impedagogy.com impedagogy.com
By the map, this map is a doozy to refold.
As all maps are .. once unfolded, they take on a story of their own ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYLPe9WLqe0
- Jan 2016
www.economist.com www.economist.com
- Oct 2015
cs231n.github.io cs231n.github.io
full loss function as coming from a Gaussian prior over the weight matrix WW, where instead of MLE we are performing the Maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimation. We mention these interpretations to help your intuitions, but the full details of this derivation are beyond the scope of this class.
Can anyone provide resources where I can find this derivation? In particular, the derivation for the regularization term \(R(W)\) coming from a Gaussian prior on \(W\).