353 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2024
    1. GoogleAI head Jeff Dean acknowledged that the paper “surveyed validconcerns about LLMs,” but claimed it “ignored too much relevantresearch.” When asked for comment by Rolling Stone,

      It doesn't seem like he necessarily cared she was leaving and just wanted her gone, and found any excuse to get her off the Google team. Like Buolamwini, she talked to important people to try to get things changed and bettered and it seemed like there wasn't some interest in anything she had to say.

    2. The mask worked,” Buolamwini says, “and I felt like, ‘All right, thatkind of sucks.

      I think there is definitely a connection between the two because they are both struggling with the same problems in their jobs, and as soon as they change skin tones, they are more relevant and people care more about their opinions.

  2. digital-exhibits.libraries.mit.edu digital-exhibits.libraries.mit.edu
    1. Wiener arrived at the ISI at a historic time for India as Mahalanobis had been appointed by Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru to draw up India’s Second Five Year Plan that focused on rapid industrialization and the development of the public sector based on statistical analysis and research at the ISI. Weiner was impressed with what the people and institutions he collaborated with.

      it is interesting to learn that he had a great role to play in the future of our countries development, just because he was a great scientist who wanted to explore beyond his country. It makes me think about how science is universal and scientists are seldom concerned about politics. Yet, bureaucratics and governments consider everything as a product of their country and try to protect it from other nations. For better or worse. Writing this, I also get reminded about Oppenheimer and how it beautifully dissects the crossover in science and governments from the perspectives of both governments and scientists,'

    1. Each layer of an LLM is a transformer,

      This is related to the video because ChatGPT 3.5 uses the same method to change wording. LLM is a very important thing when using ChatGPT because it is able to make sentences transform into more proper and correct sentences

    2. In the attention step, words “look around” for other words that have relevant context and share information with one another. In the feed-forward step, each word “thinks about” information gathered in previous attention steps and tries to predict the next word.

      This is very similar to the ChatGPT video because how ChatGPT produces their answers, is by other peoples answers or searches. Words look for each other to make everything relevant and be put together well, while ChatGPT puts peoples searches together to create one answer.

    1. language models end up learning a lot about how human language works simplyby figuring out how to best predict the next word.

      I'm using this quote again because it connects to the video on where ChatGPT models learn how to predict words for their responses. The prediction from ChatGPT leads to complex possibilities and Dobrin connects to this where context is the main reason why AI can make these predictions.

    2. Some peopleargue that such examples demonstrate that the models are starting to truly understand the meaningsof the words in their training set. Others insist that language models are “stochastic parrots”

      This sentence connects to Dobrin's perspective on ChatGPT limits, arguing whether ChatGPT actually understands the language or just copies answers that sound right. Even in the video, it talks about ChatGPT's model where it creates responses based on context rather that being conscious.

  3. Jul 2024
    1. Conversations are the ultimate intersection.It's where the rubber meets the road. Where we leave the safety of our own mind and force ourselves to make our nebulous ideas legible to ourselves and others. It's dangerous to be at intersections. Thoughts are going in all directions. You might have to merge lanes. You might miss a light. Someone honks at you. Random pedestrians dash out without warning. You might not even know where you're going.

      i love this analogy!

      it's dangerous to be at the intersection but it's where you get closer to where you're going

    1. But he likes playful people, who see conversation as a game. After all, what is conversation for?
  4. Apr 2024
  5. Mar 2024
    1. For example, the Western notion of family changed significantly as populations moved from farm- and household-based economies to industrial factories and into cities.

      This demonstrates the evolution that resembles its eocital organizaitonz and economic foundatons which took place after the Industrial revolution which changed and shifted socital norms moldiing postivity and accepting to live withina stronger societal structure and live ones desired life. #connection

    2. improves one’s sense of self-worth, increasing optimism and positive affect

      I can connect to this saying as having the support from your family is the biggest thing. You are able to do greater things when you know your family will have your back no matter what. Especially through the tough times, you can always count on family. I know I have, and always will.

  6. Feb 2024
    1. Belonging is one of the fundamental aspects of membership in a group

      And everyone experiences this differently. For example, I need to relate to people on a professional level before I'm comfortable relating to them on a personal level. Others need to connect personally before they connect on matters of content/learning, etc.

  7. Jan 2024
    1. Guter Überblick über das Lobbying-Netzwerk der deutschen Gasindustrie. Der Verbraucht an Erdgas hat sich in Deutschland seit 1990 verdoppelt, obwohl Erdgas insgesamt etwa so viel Emissionen verursacht wie Kohle. Die LNG-Infrastruktur, die die deutsche Bundesregierung gerade aufbaut, ist auf um ein Drittel höhere Kapazitäten angelegt, als aus Russland importiert wurden. https://taz.de/Fossile-Politik/!5983492/

  8. Dec 2023
  9. Nov 2023
      • for: sleep apnea - silent reflux connection

      • summary

        • this natural doctor applies nutrition to resolve sleep apnea and silent reflux problem
    1. if you have those symptoms like you're always clearing your throat or you're getting that tickle in your 00:11:47 throat or you're getting that post nasal drip it's not science it's not your sinus most of the time if you're having sleep apnea because that acid if you just tuned in with us that acid is making its way up while you're sleeping 00:11:59 most of the time these symptoms happen at night okay and you can get the residual during the day and you're waking up like you're always doing that i can guarantee that the majority of you you're going to have silent reflex that silent reflex is 00:12:13 affecting your breathing
      • for health - sleep apnea - silent acid reflux connection

      • health - sleep apnea - silent reflux connection

        • if you have sleep apnea and you are experiencing post nasal drip, coughing, clearing throat etc, that is the acid coming up from your stomach and obstructing breathing
    1. In reality, though, many schools and school systems look at students who are struggling in those areas and instead think: How do we discipline them?

      Based on your SL experiences, do you agree that most schools prioritze discipling rather than helping kids to attach, bond, deal with stress, and self-regulate?

  10. Sep 2023
    1. Just as gut bacteria affect the brain, the brain can also exert profound influences on the gut microbiome—with feedback effects on behavior. Numerous studies, for example, have shown that psychological stress suppresses beneficial bacteria.

      Mind effecting gut health

  11. Aug 2023
    1. animalhomificans

      This term comes from Ramon Llull's definition of a man in the Ars Brevis (1303)-the humanifying animal. "Homificans is produced through the realization of the three main activities of the human soul, which for Llull are knowing, remembering, and loving, which correspond to the three superior faculties of the soul: understanding, memory, and will." https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/llull/). An interesting thought exercise that sums up other semi-nebulous terms like "actualized" and "sapient".

  12. May 2023
    1. Kutti’s coat shone with cleanliness, sparkling in the sunshinelike a silk sari

      the girl said she would make his coat shine like that

    2. The lines I drew for the sun’s rays came out pretty wobbly. Idropped a bit of blue paint on the bottom by accident, so I smearedit and made a river. Across it, I painted a bridge. On the bridge Ipainted four stick figures.

      she is drawing the bridge and them

  13. Apr 2023
    1. 13:14 - [Aby] Telegram and telephone destroy the cosmos.13:18 Mythical and symbolic thinking13:20 strives to form spiritual bonds13:22 between humanity and the surrounding world,13:25 shaping distance into the space13:27 required for devotion and reflection,13:31 the distance undone13:32 by the instantaneous electrical connection.

      Telegram and telephone destroy the cosmos. Mythical and symbolic thinking strives to form spiritual bonds between humanity and the surrounding world, shaping distance into the space required for devotion and reflection, the distance undone by the instantaneous electrical connection. —Aby Warburg, [00:13:14] quoted in Aby Warburg: Metamorphosis and Memory (Original quote??)

  14. Feb 2023
    1. The ADDIE model

      The ADDIE model is such an opportunity to integrate the main elements (analyze, evaluate, develop, and implement) and create with integrity to solve a problem.

    2. but also to consider the diversity of learners and learning contexts as well as the difference in the types of content to be learned.

      Designing must be inclusive. All learners experience different needs and have been exposed to different experiences. (ELLs,)

    3. It is also essential to identify the behaviors and characteristics of the learner in order to provide the optimum learning experience.

      As a part of understanding the needs, designers must connect to the use and development of the design to understanding the engagement and challenges.

    1. Finally, I encourage instructional designers—novice and expert alike—to let themselves be inspired by the design research field and human-centered approaches, and then to give back by sharing their design work as design cases

      the design research field and human-centered approaches- I firmly believe that designing must be connected to research, empathy and respect for all.

    1. Last May, The Wall Street Journal reported that more than seven million households moved to a different county during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 -- nearly half a million more than in 2019. Remote working options and the desire for more space spurred a mass exodus from dense metropolitan areas into more affordable areas.

      I have friends who moved here in 2019

    2. Much of what we're seeing in the economy right now can be attributed to the pandemic. In March 2020, the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic caused the US economy to shut down. Millions of employees were laid off, many businesses had to close their doors and the global supply chain was abruptly put on pause. This caused the flow of goods produced and manufactured abroad and shipped to the US to cease for at least two weeks, and in many cases, for months, according to Pete Earle, an economist at the American Institute for Economic Research.

      I have friends who have been laid off during the pandemic

  15. Jan 2023
    1. e first involvedin the writing, which allows for the "call" to get heard in the first place

      if colligere is to collect-- collect usually implies similarity/ connection. there is something that connects you with the writing in the first place to make the interaction possible

    1. the development of media technologies and their global distribution have long since made usfamiliar with the idea that we ourselves are media.

      This claim relates to later statements about humans being in the middle (like medium thinking as media being both an infrastructure of how we act and are) of the pandemic mediation in that humans are part of the process of transformation and intersection between themselves and other nonhuman powers. I think intersection in this instance is more of a cooperative and cohesive existence with nonhuman and human entities that naturally intersect.

    1. can exist only through itsessential correspondence with the eye

      The emphasis on a sense of relation or the act of relating to the world around us is a concept Ingold's piece shares with Imbler's work on the "blue blob." Both authors point towards a necessity to recognize the inherent relation one has to the world around them.

    2. How, you wonder, can you be here, in place and at home in yourbody, and at the same time inhabit an atmospheric world that returnsthe body to you as a spectre? In that existential doubt lies the engine ofperception.

      This idea ties to the subjectivity and objectivity as mentioned in class. Rather the objectivity and subjectivity of sensing and perception can exist simultaneously. It reminds me of the Daoist work of Zhuangzi. This work is comprised of various parables on natural and humanist reflections. A very fundamental principle of Daoism is the mimicry of nature as it exhibits the Dao, or the Way. One such parable depicts Zhuangzi and Huizi, a prime minister, strolling along a dam. Zhuangzi makes a comment that the minnows are so joyful as they "dart around where they please." Huizi rebuts saying "You are not a fish -- how do you know what fish enjoy?" Zhuangzi eventually concludes that he know what the fish enjoy simply by standing by the river. The parable gets at the subjectivity of his observations intertwined with the objectivity of the fish's actions. They are existing together much like the observation of a stars light and the objective luminescence of a star. It gets slightly at perspective but creates a fascinating tension between the objective and subjective. If you want to read the parable is is here: https://terebess.hu/english/tao/Zhuangzi-Burton-Watson.pdf on page 276.

    3. namely,that light needs no eyes to exist; it only needs eyes to establish its relevance.

      This reminds me of ideas from Maiello's article "Post-Media Virality." Such as humans being a medium for the Coronavirus. The virus does not need humans specifically to exist. But, without humans there would not be a nearly as large spread, and the virus itself would not be documented.

    4. bƒJƒb™@z²μ >f–›2‚™μ2‚;μ±@˜μ˜‡Ÿ8Vμ˜T@μ–‡Ÿz

      The quote "infinitely distant and yet touch the soul" draws in similar ideas seen in Imbler's article "Are We Really So Different?" Both this quote and Imbler talking of Dr. Morton's perception of deep sea creatures touch on the idea of distance. Although we are far apart from both space and deep sea, we are connected to them because we as beings are connected. Although we are physically far from the stars we feel connected through emotion and art. Although we are far from the deep sea, we are connected beings through empathy and emotional connection. Both articles bring the idea of distance, and turn it into something new.

    5. Of course there could be no experience of light without the incidence ofradiant energy, or without the excitation of photoreceptors in the retina, butas an affectation of being - as the experience of inhabiting an illuminatedworld - light is reducible to neither.

      The affectation of being is interesting given the nature of stars. Many that hit our eyes no longer exist in the cosmos although they are illuminated to us. However, this painting still seems to hold true even in a temporal sense. In other words put "to stand in place and open one's eyes upon the night sky is not to extend one's being along a continuum" (95). This affectation of being is simultaneous and swirling. In some sense there is the being of the stars being along with the being of ourselves that is simultaneously portrayed in conjoined perspectives.

    6. Of course there could be no experience of light without the incidence ofradiant energy, or without the excitation of photoreceptors in the retina, butas an affectation of being - as the experience of inhabiting an illuminatedworld - light is reducible to neither.

      This argues for antireductionism, as the text author argues that because the act of seeing light is such a unique experience, it can not be reduced and/or represented in the basic atmospherical and physiological definitions for why we physically see light.

    7. as though one were looking at the cosmos from afixed perspective, but rather to capture the temporal unfolding of a visualawareness that unites us with the cosmos in the very moment that it dividesus from ourselves.

      This claim of the art capturing the temporal unfolding of a visual awareness that unites us with the cosmos in the very moment and divides us from ourselves furthers his later statements on the art both opening the visual field that (in the instance of the stars in the painting) gives the atmosphere of the sky as long as it merges with the field of the viewer or artists attention connecting ourselves with the cosmos.

    1. cnmr, observe. asse<s, sp11hes1ze. and managernc.1'urernent> of I ar1h proce sc

      Perhaps this is the relationship that is materialized in a post-media world that Maiello was speaking of. We have relegated some of our sense to technology as they enable us to access perceptions that our bodies are unable to. Maybe the differences is translational rather than relational. In this instance with seismic sensors, we can translate senses we do not posses to senses we do possess. Maiello was talking more about the relational sensing that we cannot replace with technology (although it may be tempting).

    2. A< we move throughthe transect of rh1s Cr111calZone, 1he 1cns1ng ofwatery spaces becomes evident le1 a an ac1 ofgen1le flu1d1ry, and more as a cond111on of mundauon and bordering, conresta11on

      It's always the case that technologies made for the sake of innovation will end up being used in unethical ways. The internet can be used for worldwide communication, but it also was used by the NSA to spy on the american population.

    3. These1echn1ques for "1ouch111gwith light'' use iechnolog1Cal mfrasiructures de,dopcd 1hroughm1licari• research to ensc wa1er undtrground 111drough1-pronc region

      this reminded me of a slightly more scientific / modern / sophisticated sentiment to the one that was presented in the seeing with sunbeams text. Both challenge the limits of the senses and what mediums can convey them, specifically in regards to light

    4. he \111,111d1g11alplane, 1ha1 ma1enah,cs here "one diJIrequ1r(:.)addressing the war~ 111 whtlh cnnronmenial data and momtonng m1gl11fnn:dO\l. J\much as propose d1ffcrc111planc1.iry 1nh.1h11.1lion

      This claim of the sensors data and monitoring of the common planet creates a sense-able Earth digital planet which requires a review of how environmental data and monitoring might arrive and exhibit different planetary inhabitations and relations. Thus these sensors express how observation practices are both experiences of the Earth and expressions of how to collectively inhabit Earth. This kinda of relates to Imbler's idea of collectively actively inhabiting the Earth through anthropomorphism.

    1. arguing that intimacy should hold space for strangeness, where all beings canbe their full selves, however incomprehensible those selves may be to others

      The concept of intimacy here provides an alternative response to our "instinct" or tendency to distance ourselves from the things we find strange. Rather than fleeing from the strange thing, one makes intentional, deep contact with it.

    2. confuse or repulse us

      This is abhorrence to the unknown is thought to be part of our psychology. We make patterns and molds in which to fit the world into. It makes internal processing much easier, especially when confronted with a dangerous situation. For example, when things, such as the sea-blob, go against our conceived notions of ocean animals we are more cautious as we don't know to internally lable them as "safe and cuddly" or "they will eat your arm off". (read: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4141622) I'm not a super big fan of this article as its very anthropocentric but it points to some ideas about patterns that have been thought to help us survive. While the above article may refute this, animals do a similar "patternization" of their surroundings. Its a shortcut to take in senses, really, but I think it often leads to, as Juliette said, schismogenesis. In my classes I haven't found much literature contradicting the "pattern" notions of sensing per psychology, as much as I don't like them. I'd be interested to see if other had come across any literature.

    3. o ignore or deny the ways we see ourselves inanimals might enable our exploitation of them, such as through factory farms.

      The claim furthers the later points about humans empathy and anthropomorphism as a an appreciation practice towards incomprehensible objects or things. While humans inclination again may be to oppose those things, it creates a sense of reverence towards their "otherness" if you will.

    4. Reports about the blue goo described it as “formless, faceless and limbless,”descriptors defined in opposition to ourselves, our faces and our limbs.

      This idea of defining objects, people, or things in opposition to us, rather than defining and grouping ourselves based on commonalities and inclusivity, we group ourselves by defining and excluding those who are opposed from us. It's like schismogenesis in that we define ourselves against each other.

  16. Dec 2022
    1. Georgetown professor and author of The Necessary Journey, Ella Washington, captured the issue perfectly when she said, “Connecting with employees is often seen as ‘extra’ work for managers, so it goes to the bottom of the list. Companies need to make it clear — it is not extra; it is essential.”

      Connection with employees should be among the top priorities of your leadership team. Creating space for genuine connection inside roles like team lead and manager are essential to your team's long term success and culture development.

  17. Sep 2022
    1. Oh, my goodness. It's kind of scary looking, actually.

      This reminded me of a time when I was on vacation to Iraq in the city of Karbala. There was a blue car on the street, without a driver in the car. The police arrived with dogs that looked very scary. The dogs circled around the car, and they sniffed out explosives. The police then ordered the people to empty the street so everyone can be safe.

    2. no bear so tested in New Mexico has in more than two decades been found to have had rabies.

      Yes, I read about it that there is no any bear so tested in New Mexico has in more than two decades been found to have had rabies

    3. They also changed their diets — without being asked.

      I have also experienced a diet change when I went to sleep early because when I start to make a healthy decision I want to make more healthy decisions.

  18. Aug 2022
    1. A study published back in 2013 found that just five days of shortened sleep can lead to weight gain. In that study, people were allowed to sleep for just five hours for a five-day period. They gained, on average, almost 2 pounds.

      I once read about this thing. A specialized nutritionist gave some tips to maintain the health of our bodies and physical fitness, the most important of which is sleeping enough for eight to nine hours a day and getting up early. It has many other benefits, both physical and mental as well as psychological

    2. "I can go outside and scramble eggs on the sidewalk,"

      This reminds me of a video that spread on social media at the beginning of the summer, when a group of young people in one of the countries in the Middle East took to the street and fried eggs on the sidewalk and actually cooked the eggs because of the high temperature.

    3. ple who eat their main meal early in the day are more successful at losing weight

      I always love to wake up early in the morning and eat my breakfast.

    4. If you're sleeping six or fewer hours per night, you're not doing your health any favors.

      I have experience with that. I was one of the people who slept six hours or less at night, and this caused me many health problems, anxiety, irritability and weak immunity, so I advise whoever sleeps six hours or less to stop this harmful habit.

    5. "I can go outside and scramble eggs on the sidewalk,"

      This reminds me of my country Iraq. In the months of June, July, and August the temperature gets above 100 degrees Fahrenheit.

    6. electric bill for July alone was $385

      It reminds me of my electric bill for July 2020 it was 400$. I was shocked.

    7. "I can go outside and scramble eggs on the sidewalk,

      This sentence reminded me of when I went on a visit with my dad to Kuwait , the temperature there is always above 100.

  19. Jun 2022
    1. I need to find a connection back

      I pull out the invocation game when I feel misaligned. I call on the Muse because my own will feels feckless.


  20. May 2022
    1. Looking back at a problematic choice or action taken provides a useful beginning in the effort to function differently. “Gee, I wish I had not done that,” or “I can’t believe I did the same dumb thing again,” are examples of hindsight that offer an opportunity to pay closer attention and work on problematic behaviors. Insight might occur in the process change. This occurs when a person becomes self-aware during the commission of a regrettable action or behavior. “There I go again,” is the phrase that often accompanies an insightful moment. The advantage of insight over hindsight is that insight may occur in time for a regrettable action or decision to be avoided.
  21. Apr 2022
    1. connection, contact and sense of reality, and immediate social presence are strong influences as well as the sense of community (Melrose & Bergeron, 2006; Rettie, 2003, Sallnäs, 2004).

  22. Mar 2022
    1. Twitch, the popular site where people go to watch other people play video games

      That's an oversimplification -- even video game streamers spend a lot of time just talking to their audience or watching videos.

      Twitch provides on-demand, human connection (like radio or TV before it).

  23. Feb 2022
    1. Victims are more likely to experience depression, anxiety, and problems in developing healthy social connections for years after the experience

      like bullying makes me feel depression , anxiety and health problems so in this situation I will not listen to them or tell my family about them to take the Right decision.

    2. Victims of bullying

      its reminds me of old days in school were the children was bullying at me because of me hair was a little mess .

  24. Jan 2022
    1. Pressley, like many others, says the pandemic added to the ordinary stresses of the job, such as frantic schedules and a lack of paid time off

      This remembered me when the pandemic was new , I had a bad schedule ever at my work and that made me so angry and stressed

  25. Dec 2021
    1. It didn’t matter if homosexuals were successful, law-abiding, and conventional – they were still un-American.

      This shows how they receive and forced from the society to be different from normal people

    2. prohibiting homosexuals from working for the federal government

      It is Another way to deprive their rights.

    3. Hay

      Harry Hay, the person who drove the lqbtq+ community

    4. using public revulsion towards homosexuals in his campaign

      That will provide him and his campaign a lot more power.

    5. moral panic in the media that was capitalised upon by politicians

      Most of the people still bias and think that this will destroy their past culture and believes

    6. someone who could recognise him or herself as part of a wider culture.

      Thats the all point. They are also human just like others

    7. describe and understand their sexual predilections.

      It is new and different to what society have had before

    8. he was himself homosexual

      So he will understand those people the best

    9. attacked officers after the arrest of a number of drag queens, sex workers and gay men.

      They always use violence against each other at the time

    10. have always been part of a contentious battle for identity and ownership

      Lead to the real and right issue of the controversy

    11. might mean.

      Understanable, It always tricky for people to admit something new and figure out is it good or bad for them

    12. different elements

      E.g. social groups, culture,likeness, similarity, organization, social control

    13. remain contentious

      It is impossible to have every single one agree with anything

    14. attracting a few thousand LGBTQ+ activists.

      Christopher Street Liberation Day is another way to make the issue get more attention.

    15. things could never go back to how they were before

      This shows how the situation has gone much far and it is crucial

    16. but I had no one to discuss it with

      Maybe he don’t think there is someone who he can talk comfortably and openly to

    17. specialist Henry Baird

      Main character

  26. Nov 2021
    1. Students don’t know how to make proper use of its vast research options—and they aren’t asking university librarians for help.

      This reminds me of The Breakfast Club where the kids are left alone in a giant library that's overwhelming

  27. Oct 2021
  28. Sep 2021
    1. For the Stop Reset Go project, we are exploring how we achieve a group flow state that can connect us in an experience of deep humanity as we engage in a process of human inner transformation and social outer transformation. The goal of the project is bottom-up whole system change.

      The concept of a builders collective is to document what people are already doing to build a world that works for 100% of life.

    1. I think Marshall McLuhan knew it all. I really do. Not exactly what it would look like, but his view and Postman’s view that we are creating a digital global nervous system is a way they put it, it was exactly right. A nervous system, it was such the exact right metaphor. And he didn’t — it’s not that they saw it exactly, but I really love those mid-century media critics because they saw something happening clearer than we see it now. And it is a nervous system. I’m a huge Marshall McLuhan stan.

      We are creating physical infrastructure to scale, enhance, and amplify human capabilities to extend our reach beyond the constraints of time and space.

    1. "If you look at a map of the distribution of languages around the world and you compare it with maps that show the distribution of mammal species or bird species, you see an extraordinarily similar picture: The hot spots of linguistic diversity, in so many cases, coincide with hot spots of biological diversity," he said.

      Making the connection between language diversity and biodiversity.

    1. Leanne Betasamosake Simpson writes of all her relations with living beings, the land, and the water. She explores the disconnection that results from the building of lift locks, canals, and hydro dams in her stories of Nogojiwanong in her book, Islands of Decolonial Love.

      In our recent Stop Reset Go meeting, we discussed the goal of connection. Leanne Simpson has much to say about connection in her collection of stories.

    1. To be trauma-informed, it is essential to know what lies at the root of depression and anxiety: a lack of connection.

      In our Stop Reset Go meeting on Tuesday, Ferial Puren focused on the goal of connection. “We can leverage our technological advancements to scale our natural human technology of communication, collaboration and connection.”

    1. When patients are asked how their sleep problems started, they’ll typically mention some “stressful event or a big change in their life as a thing that sort of got them off track,” Martin said.

      This happens to me when before a big flight. big test. or even a big night. I cant sleep a wink.

    1. ol their circumstances, or in order not to be submer, ed b reality that they cannot arti

      I really liked this quote and it made me think back to the last text that discussed how the creators of AAVE used it in order to communicate with others in a new land



    1. ow here’s a tricky one for you. This Black English use of done makes possible a tense that has pretty much gone out of white mainstream usage

      Reading about different tenses reminds me of learning Spanish, which further goes to show how AAVE should be respected as its own language

    2. All languages change over time;

      I'm also learning about the instability of language in one of my other classes.



    1. pidgin

      I remember learning about pidgin in a class last semester. Prior to this I always thought that pidgin referred to one language itself and I didn't realize there were different types.



    1. Th

      Personal connection: smokers/former smokers using vapes to help them quit cigarettes would lose the benefit of healthier option if there is a ban.

    2. Amazon noted that authorities will still be able to use the facial recognition technology to help rescue human trafficking victims and reunite missing children with their families.

      The company help people easy to order .

  29. static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
    1. The very choice of what facts or events are relevant is amatter of pure arbitration.

      Reminiscent of the sort of determination or discernment that Cooper talks about.

  30. static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
    1. Finally, rhetorical situations come into existence, then eithermature or decay or mature and persist—conceivably some persistindefinitely.

      I'm anticipating Boyle's "Rhetoric as a Posthuman Practice" having something to say about rhetorical situations outliving the people having them

    2. so.

      Eric Hayot would have a field day with this paragraph. 54545454545454 (...)

    3. None, to my knowledge, has asked the nature ofrhetorical situation.

      I'm having trouble distinguishing between the rhetorical situation that's failing to be sought after and the parts-- audience, subject, speaker, occasion, etc.-- that seem to collectively comprise that situation. It seems that a rhetorical situation is the interplay of those parts, perhaps in a manner similar to the Bakhtinian chronotope? I.e., a sort of contextual intersection?

    1. Black culture that white America loves to hate, yet loves to take

      I thought this was a very powerful line and it also reminded me of the discussion that took place during the last class regarding internet slang that was taken from AAVE.



    1. Ann Arbor Black English case took place in Ann Arbor, Michigan

      This is the case that I have referenced in a few other annotations

    2. From signifying to habitual be to call and response,

      I recall learning about these phrases and what they mean in a class that I took last semester



    1. It is enforced in subtle and not so subtle ways by the judicial speech, but wstem.

      This makes me think of the Rachel Jeantel court issues where she was subjected to a large amount of discrimination due to her language and how she spoke.

    2. ll the evidence indicates that there is still blatant discrimination in employment, >firms. ®eesing, education, the media, the courts and in everyday interaction. Despite the passing ae = Gvil Rights legislation, despi

      I also brought this up in last weeks annotation, but this reminds me of the lawsuit that was brought up at a nearby school due to students being discriminated against due to their usage of AAVE.



    1. he concept that different language varieties are suited to different situations can be summed up in the distinction which is often drawn between correctness and appropriateness of language.

      This also reminds me of the idea of code switching, which was heavily discussed in one of my classes last year

    2. is accepted by linguists that no language or dialect is inher- ently superior or inferior to any other,

      I was also discussing a similar idea to this in another class. We were looking at an anthropologists ideas regarding Native Americans and their languages and culture

    3. Teacher: You can see on the bottom of your sheet, ‘We ain’t got no money.’ That is typically a London accent—the ten- dency to drop the aitch off the front of words, d’you see? It’s a lazy way-of speaking

      I read about an old case that went on by a high school near my old town where teachers were deeming students as special needs due to their way of speaking. Luckily, there was a law suit filed in order to correct this



    1. Itshould be clear by now why linguists consider the idea ofa spoken standardized language to be a hypothetical construct.

      This was a idea highlighted a large portion of the idea that I studied last year in one of my course, regarding AAVE and its legitimacy as a language



    1. he level of our human relationships has never béen so low. We live in a social nd state jobs are environment where there is little or no respect for human or natural life;

      There is a very limited amount of things said in this reading that I wish to try to make connections to because I know I cannot even if I wish to. This, though, I see on a much broader scale. Our connections with each other, the way we form them, and the willingness we have to form them in the first place.



    1. Another important virtue for the teacher is patience and its opposite, impatienc

      I admire here the point the writer makes about the importance of impatience just as much as patience because it takes one to understand the other.

    1. ã©^Q€¦ƒ^˜ ̧

      The container or recipient's significance makes sense; in addition to whatever's found out in the field for subsistence, if 15 hours could cover a full week's worth of supplies, anything surplus would probably have to be stored or carried somehow.

    1. Medium design also potentially expands the repertoire for shifting those conditions that support oppression and ,riolence.

      this refers back to medium design's disdain for the violence inherent in dialectic

    2. Since the world's big bullies and bulletproof forms of power thrive on this oscillation between loop and binary, it is as if there is nothing to counter them -only more ways of fighting and being right and providing the rancor that nourishes their violence.

      This smacks of Cooper's, Deleuze's, and Whitehead's departures from Hegelian dialectic.

    1. as the Church was in the days of old

      Texts like Joyce's Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man suggest that the days of old mightn't've been all that long ago, and that's got its pros and cons

    2. "hidden transcript.

      The hidden transcript is reminiscent of the the "hidden curriculum" that Jessica McCrory Calarco aims to shed light on in her A Field Guide to Grad School. Although McCrory Calarco's binary is more about those with access to knowledge of the ins and outs of academia vs those who don't, the dynamic for Scott is similar in its separating those for whom the system works and those for whom it outwardly seems an obstacle to education.

    3. with, not for

      I think these prepositions are important because, otherwise, the dynamic that puts the professor lording over the student similar to the banking model could just be perpetuated in a new guise.

    4. Scott disrupts this familiar depiction of the world gone wrong by observing that it rests on the assumption that there are those who mis- perceive reality and those who perceive it clearly, those with false consciousness and those with a scientific or true understanding of social reality

      This reminds me of what we talked about in our last class. That is, how we believe that someone else is wrong because their "logic" is faulty. Such a belief implies that logic is purely objective, when it in fact, may not be. The question that arises from this observation is: who is to say who perceives the world clearly and who "misperceive[s] it?" How can we decipher which belief is correct?

    5. One reason that Freire's pedagogy has so much appeal is that it comes armed with a rhetoric that overwhelms and neutralizes any effort to point out this tension between the Freirian insistence on a collaborative methodology, where people are taught not what to think but how, and a practice that, almost magically, produces peo- ple who know exactly what to think about injustice and how it should be redressed

      I think Cooper goes along with this as well. That is, like Freire, she holds the overwhelmingly positive belief that if teachers just show students how to learn, then they will "know exactly what to think" about an issue. Such a philosophy is partially troubling because it implies that there is only one "correct" way of thinking, and that it is relatively easy to convince students to accept it.

    6. Freire

      Nearly all our readings are responding to Freire's claim that the "banking concept" of education is extremely wrong and ineffective. In her book, Cooper provided ways for teachers to divorce themselves from tradititional pedagogy teaching practices. One of the biggest ways is through classroom discussion, where everyone, not just the teacher, has a chance to talk and voice their opinions. This overrides the assumption that the teacher is the only person with knowledge and intellect in the class.

    1. We have to decide when our efforts to influence the system are merely serving to reinforce our fears of powerlessness in the face of profound change. We are not powerless. We have ourselves. We have each other. Perhaps it is time for our interconnection to become our focus.
  31. Aug 2021
  32. Jun 2021
    1. you must

      "you must" is used 8 times- building with intensity. insisting on what must get done. I'm reminded of William Stafford's "A Ritual to Read to Each Other" https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/58264/a-ritual-to-read-to-each-other Stafford how ever uses "should" not must

    1. Mike: But I believe that if you're really, really dedicated, anything is possible, and I feel like that country made me realize it. That hope. That even though I'm here, if I made it out there I could make it out here. And I just love America. There's nowhere else that's the same as that spot. It taught me a lot of things and I feel like both of them are like my mother countries. They're just like my stepmother. But I love both countries to death.

      Reflections, The United States, Favorite parts

    1. Luisa: [Sniffles] Because of my mom, I got to meet extremely interesting people that opened up my worldview more so than it already was, because reading transports you to different places and different languages and cultures and you learn so much, and you feel like you have actually been there, but you've never been. It's funny, but that's how it works. My mom, she started working for this store [unclear] and she was doing her design school, and they specialized in Muslim attire and my mom was like, "You know what? I'm going to be independent," so she moves aside. She starts her own thing, and she starts making a bunch of clothes.

      Time in the US, Homelife, Parents, Jobs

  33. May 2021
  34. Apr 2021
  35. Mar 2021
  36. Feb 2021
    1. Aknin, L., Neve, J.-E. D., Dunn, E., Fancourt, D., Goldberg, E., Helliwell, J., Jones, S. P., Karam, E., Layard, R., Lyubomirsky, S., Rzepa, A., Saxena, S., Thornton, E., VanderWeele, T., Whillans, A., Zaki, J., Caman, O. K., & Amour, Y. B. (2021). A Review and Response to the Early Mental Health and Neurological Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/zw93g

    1. In general, the surrogate mother not only gave the infants no security, but instead appeared to serve as a fear stimulus. The emotionality scores of these control subjects were slightly higher during the mother-present test sessions than during the mother-absent test sessions.

      Early connection with a surrogate mother created more sense of security and emotional attachment and will rush to the surrogate when presented, even in a delayed fashion. The monkeys who were not introduced to any kind of surrogate approached the surrogate immediately while the other monkeys were more hesitant and cautious.

    1. They’re also filling the lungs of California’s children with smoke, with potentially grave effects over the course of their lives

      Looking at what I study with one of my majors in Communication Sciences and Disorders, I recognize and understand the struggles that they may have in the future with breathing as well as speaking due to the wildfires.

  37. Nov 2020
  38. Oct 2020
    1. shouting and screaming with excitement

      This description of the Trojans matches with their description in book three as "clamouring like birds, like cranes". The Trojans may be fierce but they are not all that organized.

    2.                                         “Ajax, one of the gods dwelling on Olympus, in a prophet’s shape, tells us both to fight on by the ships. For that man was no prophet Calchas,                                                [70] who reads our omens. It was easy for me, as he went away, to see that from the back                                 80 by the markings on his feet and legs. Besides, it’s easy to recognize the gods.

      Recognition of the gods can be connected to an earlier comment that I made about what form they appear in. Here it seems the "voice" of Poseidon comes from within rather than taking on a physical form. Poseidon chooses to speak through Calchas who can see signs of the gods through birds. Birds are referenced in the paragraph before which is an interesting correlation (between Poseidon and Calchas) as well as a shout out to Calchas and all his bird wisdom.

    1. Looking at a few isolated examples doesn’t really represent the enormity of the maintenance problem when you modify objects that you shouldn’t. To understand this point of view, it’s helpful to take a step back and look at moral philosophy (aka ethics).
  39. Sep 2020
    1. What is particularly interesting to me is this criticism of technology, especially in the midst of an intense focus on learning new tools—Zoom, Panopto, Slack, Google Meetings, etc—in order to be in closer contact with my students.

      Who do technologies include, and who do they leave out? When we choose a technology, what biases (preferences) are we exposing?

    1. Give up this quarrel. Don’t draw your sword.

      Athena pleads with Achilles to not resort to violence in this rivalry between the two of them. Shortly after, at 1.304 Nestor does the same thing.

    1. She never told us how she felt about being bound to you. Never even called you by name. Just called you her anchor. The thing weighing her down, tying her to this world and stopping her destiny.
    2. Big talk. But Agnes is dead. And I don’t know if you heard, but your little woodland circle’s been broken. So I don’t really see, anything getting in my way, if I wanted to burn the flesh, off your snarky bones.
    1. I’m curious to see what it was she did to derail this big ritual, because I’m sure she didn’t pay poor Jack Barnabas to fall in love with Agnes. (beat) Well, ninety percent sure.

      Jon you know what she did, the ritual circle from Burnt Offering.

    2. As for you, (shaky inhale) whatever you did, and whatever protection it might have afforded you is severed with Agnes’s death. Arthur has told us not to harm you yet, but this whole thing has really rather weakened his authority, and many of us are now looking towards Diego for leadership. But we shall see, I suppose.
    1. It seems we humans are timekeeping machines. And we require regular sleeping and eating habits to keep our body clocks in sync — and our health in check.

      This is true because I went through a period when I did not have regular eating and sleep habits and my health was a bit deteriorating.

  40. Aug 2020
    1. They are generative processes which are defined by sets of instructions that produce or generate designs.


  41. Jul 2020
    1. She enjoys sitting on her porch, especially to watch the sunrise

      This is my best thing that I do every morning when i waked up I sat on my porch and drink my coffee this is an amazing feeling for relaxation.

  42. Jun 2020
    1. The Passionate Mind Revisited: Expanding Personal and Social Awareness

      I got this book and the first few chapters blew my mind. They directly addressed the reader and the process of reading and said something like "this needs to be a conversation. we're trying to point at dimensions of your experience. if you just orient to us as an authority to be accepted or rejected, you won't get much from this book"

      and they did that in a really humorous way

  43. May 2020
    1. The idea behind ACE is that we elevate three characteristics that are clear, context sensitive, values driven and mission aligned, and we use them to plan assignment-, course- and institution-level responses to COVID-19 in the areas of our university that are connected to teaching and learning.

      You know I love a good framework, and the ACE framework from Robin DeRosa is aces! Adaptability: create flexibility for learners (and everyone). Connection: connect activities beyond the classroom. Equity: include everyone.

  44. Apr 2020
    1. idea of life upon them as impossible or improbable

      From DANAHAY 41: Reference to a Victorian debate regarding the existence of intelligent life on Mars. See Wells's article "Intelligence on Mars" in the Saturday Review 8 (April 4, 1896), p. 345-46.

      More information:

    2. a man with a microscope might scrutinise the transient creatures that swarm and multiply in a drop of water

      From DANAHAY 41: Wells was interested in the microscope to the point where he visited a microscope factory for his article "Through a Microscope."

      More information:

  45. Mar 2020
    1. looking up topics that we were interested in.

      topic selection This is similar strategy to what I saw in IF interview. "Looking up" topics - in this case unrelated to each other - to see what kind of information is out there. This student was definitely looking at topics that were of personal interest to him.

  46. Nov 2019
    1. But the enemy, like brave soldiers, were not to be thus beaten back. Heated by the fight, five or six of the bravest junks attacked the Hector from all sides; whose warriors, in trying to save it, caused such a dense smoke by firing its cannon from below, above, front and behind, that neither the Hector nor the junks could be observed from the Castle, from which this battle could otherwise have been easily watched.

      Did tactics overwhelm technology in this instance? The Chinese may have had inferior cannons at the time (Andrade) but still blew up the Hector

  47. Sep 2019
    1. In matters of life and death, who gives a second thought to blood and kin?

      I took an English/POSC class about the effects of genocide and mass violence on human psyches and the literature that comes from survivors of trauma, and this line reminds me of the unimaginable devastation that people in Hiroshima felt after the Atomic Bomb. This loss of connection between kin was common as people tried to rebuild and put their lives back together; especially with the issue radiation poisoning. These types of poetry of witness are important accounts of the human reaction to mass trauma.

  48. Feb 2019
    1. Being part of such a batch naturally constrains the student tobehave, as best he can, as though he were prototypical; it is theeasiest way to fit into the collective activity he is part of

      Again, so connected to the root of critical and culturally responsive pedagogies that often begin with a critique of Euro-centric schooling (and heteronormative, patriarchical, Judeo-Christian- centered schooling).

  49. Jan 2019
    1. People’s lives and livelihoods also hang in the balance

      The difficulty here is that human benefits of environmental degradation are often immediate whereas the negative impacts take time to be seen. (one of the major difficulties with combating climate change)

    2. potential for cheating

      Similar to mutualistic relationships in the animal world - they occur most when cheating (one species getting the benefit from another without giving any benefit) is averted.

    3. damaging

      Ex: DDT on eagle and peregrine eggs.

    1. (Janz

      Dan Janzen was the leading scientist of the Guanacaste project I mentioned earlier.

    2. relatively het- erozygous individuals are frequently more fit than relatively homozygous

      Also known as overdominance!

    3. egalitarianism and equal rights among species

      Although I'm not vegetarian myself, I'm pretty sure that vegans, vegetarians, and animal rights activists have followed that same line of thought as well.

    4. culling, eradi- cation, wildlife immunization, habitat protection, and artificial transfers.

      Culling and other such means of neutralization have proven in many cases to be the most effective and cost efficient means of population control within many parks. They often result in public outcry though which causes parks to switch to less harmful and effective means, in turn this often leads to damaging of the ecosystem ironically.

    5. random disappearance of resources or habitats will occur fre- quently in small sites but rarely, if ever, in large ones

      Reminds me of the Single Large or Several Small/SLOSS debate on habitat patch size.

    6. about design and management before he or she is com- pletely comfortable with the theoreti- cal and empirical bases of the an

      I read "The Green Pheonix" last semester in Ecological Restoration which is an amazing story about the restoration of Guanacaste National Park in Costa Rica. It was the first large scale restoration effort and very much relates to what the author is saying here. It was lead by highly knowledgeable scientists, but it was the first time this sort of thing was ever tried and so there was a lot they had to do and plan without complete certainty of the outcomes.

    7. social science disciplines

      Hence why the conservation biology has a boatload of non-science requirements!

    8. crisis-oriented disci- plines

      One of my summer field station professors said something similar to this - he had the opinion that there's a great deal of knowledge we can gain from simply studying how species and communities and landscapes work, but even better is doing something with all that knowledge to actively help the wildlife that we study.

    9. s intuition as well as informatio

      With this wording, the author definitely makes it sound like experience is invaluable for accurately gauging and resolving conservation situations (as I've learned from the world of applying to science jobs, experience is a huge part of getting the job, or getting the job done, in this case)

    1. it also constitutes a certain way of manifesting oneself to oneself and to others.

      At the core of communication is the inherent need for connection.

  50. Sep 2018
    1. A bit of a personal connection here, but I participate in activities such as these! I recently started my own fanart blog and the feedback I've received boosted my confidence in my art! It also pushed me to improve my technique and learn new styles!

      There's a huge difference between drawing art for a blog and for education. When you're drawing for your blog, it's up to you to push yourself to learn and whatnot. In a way, it's easier to do because you get to choose what you learn, but it's also a nonlinear type of learning. While a professor will typically push you on a linear path on what skills to learn.

    1. lar biologists, and evolutionary biologists had an answer

      I remember reading "The Hot Zone" by Richard Preston several years ago about all of the symptoms of Ebola, and how they scanned every millimeter of a bat cave to find the origin of the virus, but ended up with nothing. Crazy to think a tiny little virus in such isolation has so much potential power.

    2. The mitochon-dria of both males and females are inherited from the mother;

      I didn't know that mitochondria is always inherited by the mother! In research, I found that only proteins expressed in the female eye mapped to the MT (mitochondrial genes) so this makes sense!