284 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
  2. Sep 2024
    1. Extremwettereignisse als Folgen.der globalen Erhitzung haben viele Brücken in den USA beschädigt. Jede vierte der 80.000 Stahlbrücken droht bis 2050 einzubrechen. Vor allem aber gefährdet die hitzebedingte Erosion des Bodens die Stabilität der Pfeiler. Neue Standards für klimaresilienten Brückenbau vergrößern den ohnehin enormen Investitionsbedarf fürdie Erneuerung der US-Infrastruktur. Allein in Colorado düfte das Vier- bis Fünffache der vorhandenen Beträge gebraucht werden. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/09/02/climate/climate-change-bridges.html

  3. Jul 2024
  4. Jun 2024
    1. The appified society is wrong when apps become necessary infrastructure, since infrastructure should be controlled by the people democratically, not privately owned by corporations.
  5. May 2024
    1. BuildingonStar’smotivationtoexploretheinfrastructures’operations – decodingthemaster narratives and exclusion mechanisms – our motivation is also deeply com-mitted to justice and inclusion.
    2. According to Star (2015: 480), “many information sys-tems employ what literary theorists would call amasternarrativeor asinglevoicethatdoes not problematize diversity. ȃis voice speaks unconsciously from the centerof things” (Star 2015: 476, our emphasis). ȃis voice includes and excludes, createsinsiders and outsiders. In this sense, infrastructure is a “fundamentally relationalconcept, becoming real infrastructure in relation to organized practices” (idem).Actually, it is the invisibility that makes the embodied infrastructure moreencompassing. Whereas the physical infrastructure can be permanently up-dated – new buildings, new computers, new collections – the embodied infras-tructure can remain inert throughout these visible changes.Moments of crises – like the present times – make this inertia more visible
    3. Although less visible, this second meaning of infrastructure points to some-thing that is, nonetheless, as real as buildings, rooms, storage shelves, and collec-tions.
    4. (e.g., Star 2015). It is learned as part of membership in a given community of prac-tice.It manifests itself as a set of embodied standards usually perceived as‘natural’by that community’s members.
    5. As a relational concept, infrastructure is a fundamental part of human or-ganization, embedded in other structures, social arrangements, and technologies
    1. Saturday, May 11, 2024BICYCLE TOUR OF PASADENA AFRICAN AMERICAN HISTORY: THE 710 STUBJoin Allen Edson, President of the NAACP Pasadena branch, as he leads a bike tour highlighting the 210 freeway, the 710 stub, and the community displaced by the construction.

      The 710 freeway displaced a large number of people between 1965 and 1974 in West Pasadena.

  6. Apr 2024
    1. InhaltsverzeichnisHinweise zur Zitation von Primärquellen und zu weiteren Konventioneninnerhalb der vorliegenden Arbeit ......................................................................... 6

      !? Offenbar funktioniert die Verlinkung der einzelnen Textteile aus dem Inhaltsverzeichnis heraus nicht (mehr?)! Führt zur Fehlermeldung "410 Gone This resource is no longer available. No forwarding address is given. It appears you have requested out of date content"!

      Die Navigation über das Menü links funktioniert aber noch.

  7. Feb 2024
  8. Jan 2024
    1. Jun 1, 2023


      Sometimes buildings just don't look as important as they are. This the case of One Wilshire Blvd in Los Angeles. At first glance, its a generic office building in downtown. But, that blank facade is hiding one of the most important pieces of digital infrastructure within the United States. In this video we visit 1 Wilshire Blvd, explain how it works, and chat with Jimenez Lai who wrote a story about the building which explores its outsized role in our digital lives.

  9. Dec 2023
  10. Sep 2023
  11. Aug 2023
  12. Jul 2023
    1. Nov 23, 2022

      The internet is the most technically complex system humanity has ever built. Jim Kurose, Professor at UMass Amherst, has been challenged to explain the internet to 5 different people; a child, a teen, a college student, a grad student, and an expert.

  13. May 2023
    1. Ooit in NB bij de weg vragen zei een ouder iemand 'straks rechts de macadamweg op', ipv asfaltweg. Macadam roads, named after MacAdam, are a 18th/19th road building concept of layers of stones in decreasing sizes (the top layer smaller than the average wheel), enabling easier road building and maintenance. Tar was used sometimes to reduce dust,, esp after the intro of cars who had much wider tires than carriage wheels and created more dust. Until the top layer stones and the tar were pre-mixed as asphalt. Tarmac= tarred-macadam

      Vgl https://hypothes.is/a/h9luNPx5Ee2ZnxcNCCTotA

    1. Interesting examples of shrinking travel time (and costs) in the UK in the 18th and 19th centuries. These examples fit [[De 19e eeuwse infrastructuren 20080627201224]] [[Sociale effecten van 19e eeuwse infra 20080627201425]] I described at Reboot 10, 2008, where the scale of novel infra allowed a shift of regional perspectives to the aggregation level of a nation state. Stross compares travel times of 18th century roads and 19th century rail to the advent of mass flight in the 20th, which is similar in time/cost. It's also a qualitative shift away from nation to mass and global (but with the nation as go-between and shorthand)

  14. Mar 2023
    1. And if effective moderation turns out to requiremore infrastructure, that could lead to a greater consolidation of instances.This is what happened with email, which, in part due to the investmentsnecessary to counter spam, has become increasingly dominated by Googleand Microsoft.

      Will consolidation of email providers point to consolidation of fediverse instances?

      This is useful to note. The email protocols are open and one can chose to host their own email server that—at a protocol level—can interoperate with any other. At a practical level, though, there is now service requirements (spam filtering) and policy choices (only accepting mail from known good sending servers) that limit the reach of a new, bespoke mail server.

      What would the equivalent of an email spam problem look like on the fediverse?

  15. Jan 2023
  16. Dec 2022
    1. Visions of planetary disaster “[leave] us with an intuitive understanding of infrastructure as almost necessarily a source of friction or impasse,” notes anthropologist Dominic Boyer, in his incisive argument regarding “revolutionary infrastructure.”18 Solarpunk worlds, meanwhile, are rooted in infrastructural logics that promise a viable (and truly revolutionary) way forward.

      Infrastructures! we need more narratives about them. Yet ... my experience is that the moment you mention things infrastructural - #interoperability, for instance - eyes of many people glaze, even those technically minded. Solarpunk is a valiant effort to expose infrastructures.

    1. The technique selected for multiplexing was packetswitching. Au alternative such as circuit switching couldhave been considered, but the applications beingsupported, such as remote login, were naturally served bythe packet switching paradigm, and the networks whichwere to be integrated together in this project were packetswitching networks. So packet switching was acceptedas a fundamental component of the Internet architecture.

      Packet-switched versus circuit-switched

      The first networks were packet-switched over circuits. (I remember the 56Kbps circuit modems that were upgraded to T1 lines.) Of course, it has switched now—circuits are emulated over packet switched networks.

  17. Nov 2022
    1. In an Open Science context,  “infrastructure” -- the "structures and facilities" -- refers to the scholarly communication resources and services, including software, that we depend upon to enable the scientific and scholarly community to collect, store, organise, access, share, and assess research.
  18. Sep 2022
    1. Un format informatique est le lien entre l’infrastructure et la personne qui utilise cette infrastructure.

      Est-ce possible d'avoir plus de détails ?

  19. Aug 2022
    1. I think it leaves social networking, or what will replace it, in a much better place. What about this time around we build products whose primary focus is actually the stated mission? Share with friends and family and the world, to bring it together (not divide it)! Instead of something unrelated, like making lots of ad revenue! What a concept!

      Is the next social network focused on sharing rather than advertising?

      This sounds like what Ethan Zuckerman proposes: re-imagined social media spaces...communities of people owning the rules for the space they are in, and then having loosely connected spaces interact.

  20. Jun 2022
    1. NY and NJ share the same bay, NJ will not join the Oyster program in fear people will eat them and get sick or die. Great post it actually cleaned up our waters where we now have all year visitors including whales, dolphins,tuna, seals all within sight of NYC.

      Despite those findings, Morris is optimistic about nature-based living reefs, which, she says, offer a much better economic and environmental investment than artificial counterparts. “You build these hard seawalls to withstand certain storms, certain events, certain future conditions,” she says, “But once these conditions are reached, they are not adaptive. You have to either build another seawall, or build the seawall higher, or repair them if they’re damaged in a storm.”

  21. May 2022
    1. digital public infrastructure, this idea that maybe our public spaces should actually be paid for with public dollars

      Digital Public Infrastructure

      As an answer to private social spaces.

  22. Apr 2022
    1. Which Components of IT Infrastructure do we need for DevOps?

      Many companies that want to move to DevOps eventually struggle with the question “What are the Components of IT Infrastructure we need? The use of DevOps stems from the desire to be able to release software more often and faster. The traditional Operations Team (OPS) however will not wholeheartedly embrace this because they would rather benefit from maintaining a stable infrastructure and its maintenance.

    1. Infrastructure is a socio-technical system rather than a technical product.

      This is great to see as so often infrastructure is considered to be only within a purely technical layer.

    2. Infrastructure is dynamic.

      Also key: A common view of infrastructure as more permanent structures like "roads and bridges", or even digital networks, shapes understanding away from infrastructure as a more dynamic socio-technical system.

    1. Another Angry Woman. (2022, January 1). A reminder that sometimes “living with it” means taking some mitigations, forever, e.g. How in order to live with cholera we make sure our water doesn’t have shit in it by building infrastructure to make sure our water doesn’t have shit in it. [Tweet]. @stavvers. https://twitter.com/stavvers/status/1477362596097536018

  23. Mar 2022
  24. Feb 2022
  25. Jan 2022
  26. Dec 2021
    1. In my gaze it felt that despite the almost omnipresent governmental presence, human networks took a measure of their importance and along the course of confinement we saw the buildup of the lines of many solidarity networks, not only because we benevolently provided necessary goods for each-other, but also because we shared opinions, information, and a lot of imaginations along the modalities of our existing independent infrastructures, trusting each other, across borders.
    1. A related risk is that the coverage will have gaps. California is a choice spot for installing chargers, but is anyone keen on investing in Nebraska?

      Again, the question of energy equity. What about infrastructure in the global south?

    2. By 2040 around 60% of all charging will need to take place away from home,
    3. Today’s mostly wealthy owners can often plug in their EV at home or at work. But many less-well-off EV drivers will not have a drive in front of their house or a space in the executive car park.

      One of the main questions we need to address in the energy transition is equity of access to the infrastructure that enables the transition.

    4. Yet the charging business suffers from big problems. One is how to co-ordinate between the owners of charging points, the owners of the sites where they will be installed, planning authorities and grid firms.

      The challenge of building an ecosystem of partners who historically have not worked together. There’s also the question of compatibility with the past and future EV fleet.

  27. Nov 2021
    1. it builds on the following key pillars: open scientific knowledge, open science infrastructures, science communication, open engagement of societal actors and open dialogue with other knowledge systems.

      penerbitan makalah di jurnal open access jelas hanyasebagian kecil saja dari lima pilar kunci: open scientific knowledge, open science infrastructures, science communication, open engagement of societal actors.

    1. Structures created by infrastructures can be less visible in today’s information society

      And some knowledge infrastructures (like hypothesis) can be entirely invisible for the majority of people, unless they have installed a specific tool to see the infrastructure.

    1. “You can’t close the digital divide with just pipes and wires,” Huffman said. “You have to also address the human side of the equation.”

      The Scandinavian countries, for that matter the European Union does not have the monopoly issue with Internet access, which in the U.S. turned into the battle for “net neutrality.” However, a related fight in the U.S., regrading digital inclusion, is much better and successfully fought in the Scandinavian countries by not only effectively establishing awareness, but by enabling relative digital equity in their countries, something, which Biden’s plan is just starting to aim

    1. tudents from more advantaged backgrounds may be morelikely to attend schools with better digital infrastructure and where teachers have higherlevels of digital skills.

      Students from more advantaged backgrounds may be more likely to attend schools with better digital infrastructure and where teachers have higher levels of digital skills. p. 19

    2. infrastructure, connectivity

    1. Challenges There was little success in attracting dues-based members. There was some interest in using the BRIDGE ID and its associated data as an open data resource, by not for pay. Beyond the original partners, we found few organizations and companies that wanted to use the BRIDGE ID for data interoperability to keep databases synchronized and current. It was hard to penetrate the market for unique organizational identifiers among established and well-funded vendors such as LEI, DUNNS, and a large number of country-based identification systems world-wide. The level of manual effort necessary to curate and deduplicate country-based organizational data internationally far exceed our funding expectations and challenged our sustainability.
  28. Oct 2021
    1. Many players already struggle with bandwidth and network congestion for online games that require only positional and input data. The Metaverse will only intensify these needs. The good news is that broadband penetration and bandwidth is consistently improving worldwide. Compute, which will be discussed more in Section #3, is also improving and can help substitute for constrained data transmission by predicting what should occur until the point in which the ‘real’ data can be substituted in.

      Data/bandwidth/access inequality will be among the next big concerns/issues: areas offering high speed reliability will enable residents of those markets opportunity to transact & experience things off limits to "underserved" data markets (solvable via satellite internet?) in ways that pose a severe disadvantage to the latter

      Control over the distribution & availability of this technology will be extremely vital (and will hopefully be egalitarian, but... it means $$$ and vested interests will seek to establish gatekeeper roles).

      Per the chart below, it appears some markets will remain substantially ahead of others (who knows how the tech will ultimately be deployed), but the rollout of web 3metaverse technology will likely NOT be an egalitarian digital immersion accessible by all people, not even close.

  29. Sep 2021
    1. I love investing because I love ideas. People sometimes talk about ideas as being “a dime a dozen.” The limitation on any idea is the infrastructure that lets it expand

      Ideas lead to investing, both need infrastructure. The quality of these three factors are interlinked, defending on each other

    1. We need more SCOSS-like experimentation. We need initiatives with short iterations of conceptualization and execution, a sort of trial-and-error mentality as we navigate this complex issue. We need research organisations and libraries to create budget lines for open infrastructures. We need funders to start supporting the maintenance of open infrastructures like the eLife Innovation Initiative or the Chan Zuckerberg Foundation.

    1. Knowledge Futures Group is a 501c3 nonprofit building open source technology and collaborating with communities of practice to design and build the public digital infrastructure needed for effective, equitable, and sustainable knowledge futures.
  30. Aug 2021
  31. Jun 2021
    1. So, what problem is blockchain solving for identity if PII is not being stored on the ledger? The short answer is that blockchain provides a transparent, immutable, reliable and auditable way to address the seamless and secure exchange of cryptographic keys. To better understand this position, let us explore some foundational concepts.

      What problem is blockchain solving in the SSI stack?

      It is an immutable (often permissionless) and auditable way to address the seamless and secure exchange of cryptographic keys.

  32. May 2021
  33. Apr 2021
  34. Mar 2021
    1. his environment of uncontrolled information is not all bliss, however. Some critics point out that the same giant media companies that dominated the older forms of media produce much of the content available on the internet.

      Tada! And major companies also own most of the infrastructure on which the internet runs.

  35. Feb 2021
  36. Jan 2021
    1. I started using Cronicle a few weeks ago and really like it. Runs on a server... https://github.com/jhuckaby/Cronicle

      This also ticks a lot of my desired features.

      Really easy to set up if you already have node ready to go.

      UI is very slick and feels right to me out of the box.

      Multi-server support.

      Jobs can be assigned to categories. A given category can have max concurrent processes running at the same time (so run 1 backup task a time, even though 5 tasks are scheduled within the same time period). Individual tasks can also be set to be singleton or configurable max concurrency.

      Supports configurable retry (number of attempts, delay between).

      Supports optional catchup runs if runs are missed or queued runs.

      Supports killing and erroring out if timeouts or resource limits are hit.

      Time from download to first job setup... 2 minutes? Very intuitive UI.

      Has management API, not clear if it has an existing good CLI interface.

      Also supports setting up users to be able to run pre-defined scripts and see output.

      Need to figure out how to back-up and restore jobs.

    2. RUNDECK

      Very quick impression is this ticks a lot of my desired features.

      I'm not wild about the community edition default dashboard - I'd rather a more high level view of everything configured and its statuses.

      UI is clunky when compared to Cronicle. Lots of steps to get from setting it up to actually running something. No quick click from a run task to its log output. No good resources/stats view that I found.

      Like the fact it keeps track of logs, runtime (and can alert if runtime deviates from normal), gives you an estimated time to complete, lets you run on a schedule and/or manually.

      Like the fact it supports farming tasks off through SSH or other, or running them locally. Can auto-discover nodes using a script you provide (e.g. query AWS nodes) or using static config.

      Really interested in the multi-user capabilities. This may solve a problem I didn't really know I had at work (giving a semi-technical person access to kick off jobs or monitor them before asking me).

    3. Running all that manually (more than 100 scripts across all devices) is an awful job for a human. I want to set them up once and more or less forget about it, only checking now and then.

      My ideals for all of my regular processes and servers:

      • Centralized configuration and control - I want to go into a folder and configure everything I'm running everywhere.
      • Configuration file has the steps needed to set up from scratch - so I can just back up the configuration and data folders and not worry about backing up the programs.
      • Control multiple machines from the central location. Dictate where tasks can run.
      • [nice to have] Allow certain tasks to running externally, e.g. in AWS ECS or Lambda or similar
      • Command-line access for management (web is great for monitoring)
      • Flexible scheduling (from strict every minute to ~daily)
      • Support for daemons, psuedo-daemons (just run repeatedly with small delays), and periodic tasks.
      • Smart alerts - some processes can fail occasionally, but needs to run at least once per day - some processes should never fail. A repeating inaccurate alert is usually just as bad as no alert at all.
      • Error code respect (configurable)
      • Logs - store the program output, organize it, keep it probably in a date-based structure
      • Health checks - if it's a web server, is it still responding to requests? Has it logged something recently? Touched a database file? If not, it's probably dead.
      • Alerts support in Telegram and email
      • Monitor details about the run - how long did it take? How much CPU did it use? Has it gotten slower over time?
      • Dashboard - top-level stats, browse detailed run stats and logs

      So much of the configuration/control stuff screams containers, so more and more I'm using Docker for my scripts, even simpler ones.

      I'm pretty sure a lot of this is accomplished by existing Docker orchestration tools. Been delaying that rabbit hole for a long time.

      I think the key thing that makes this not just a "cron" problem for me, is I want something that monitors and manages both itself and the tasks I want to run, including creating/setting up if not already. I also want to ideally focus my mental energy into a single controller that handles my "keep this running" things all together, be they servers or infrequent tasks.

      Doesn't have to be a single project. Might be multiple pieces glued together somehow.

  37. Dec 2020
  38. Nov 2020
    1. The beauty of the bicycle infrastructure network in Copenhagen is the uniform design of the infrastructure. There are, by and large, four types of infrastructure - all represented in this graphic. Based on the speed limit for cars, you select the appropriate style of infrastructure and off you go.
      • 10-30 kph (under 18 mph): no separation necessary
      • 30-50 kph (18-31 mph): painted bike lanes to the right of the parking lane
      • 50-70 kph (31-43 mph): curb-separated bike lanes to the right of the parking lane
      • 70+ kph (over 43 mph): full median-separated bike lanes
  39. Oct 2020
    1. The default groups, that we talked about before, like domain users and domain admins are security groups. They're used to grant or deny access to IT resources.
    2. A distribution group, is only designed to group accounts and contacts for email communication. You can't use distribution groups for assigning permission to resources.
    1. The service that hosts copies of the Active Directory database are called domain controllers, or DCs
      • Hosts a replica of the Active Directory database and group policy objects.

      • Serve as DNS servers to provide name resolution and service discovery to clients.

      • Provides central authentication through a network security protocol called Kerberos

      • Decides whether or not clients have access to shared resources like file systems and printers

    2. Active Directory has been used to centrally manage networks of computers
      • A native service for Microsoft Windows
      • Knows how to speak LDAP protocol and can interoperate with Linux, OS-X and other non-windows hosts
      • Central repository of Group Policy Objects (GPOs)
    3. One of the most common methods for this authentication is using Kerberos.
      • Kerberos is a network authentication protocol that is used to authenticate user identity, secure the transfer of user credentials, and more
    4. role-based access control, or RBAC
      • Is an approach to restricting system access to authorized users.

      • Controlling access to resources isn't all you can do. You can also centralize configuration management.

        You wouldn't want to setup printers or software for each and every user.

    1. Useful mass transportation doesn’t suddenly appear. It is carefully nurtured from a tiny seedling of a good idea to a fully-formed organism that breathes life into a city. It is a process that takes time and effort and patience as well as money.

      Could sub out mass transportation with open scholarly infrastructure! ... "Useful mass transportation doesn’t suddenly appear. It is carefully nurtured from a tiny seedling of a good idea to a fully-formed organism that breathes life into a city. It is a process that takes time and effort and patience as well as money."

  40. Sep 2020
  41. Aug 2020
  42. Jul 2020
  43. Jun 2020
  44. www.tumblr.com www.tumblr.com
    1. Opting out of ads or paying not to have ads will be the likely initial way that we'll all move towards the inevitable truism of platform business, which is that ad-only models aren't predominant for a reason.

      I personally wouldn't bother to pay. I'll just block the ads or get the content / tool someplace else. Abundant alternative options....

    1. Cities are cradles. Nests made of carefully knitted infrastructure holding us up. When a city's infrastructure is exposed - a hole in the pavement, arteries under sun - we're reminded of our dependence on a deeper physical reality and our implicit vulnerability as a result. We're reminded that our cities are engineered and technical places as much as they are natural expressions of the Human and the Social, whose buildings echo ancient grouping of people at work, play, or home. What we expect from infrastructure is that it works, because when it doesn't , it isn't. We want infrastructure to seamlessly integrate with the existing world — in the ground like water rather than an accessory above. After all, infrastructure is here to support us; an expression of what may be our most endemic myth, that the world is here for us. But with every receding seam, from cable to code, comes a techno-political risk. Without edges we cannot know where we are and nor through whom we speak.

      "our most endemic myth, that the world is here for us."

      I thought about the article about how we have a bad understanding of mapping the exact placements of utilities under manhattan.

    1. But that is changing.

      who would've thought we'd cycle back to being at war and distance

      as divisive as ever (?)

      how technology is accused of bringing the faraway closer but distancing the nearby

    1. Media is supported by ads, ads want clicks, clicks come from outrage, so therefore – the media’s goal has shifted to create as much outrage as possible

      our social and media infrastructure are outrage machines, icentivised

  45. May 2020
  46. Apr 2020
    1. Establish standard models and criteria for funding alternatives to “pay for access” or “pay to publish” (transactional funding models) so that libraries can more easily invest in diverse content and services, including open infrastructure


    1. pas forcément rationalisables

      la nature dynamique du phénomène numérique le rend justement non cristallisable; son actualisation permanente (donc toujours virtuel, jamais tout à fait actuel) en fait un structure «pas forcément rationalisable»

  47. Feb 2020
  48. Jan 2020
    1. Between 2011 and 2013, china used 50% more cement than the United States in the 20th century.Of the world’s 100 highest bridges, 81 are in China, including some unfinished ones.

      China's infrastructure is growing amazingly fast

  49. Dec 2019
  50. Nov 2019
    1. From Peg Cheechi, an instructional designer at Rush University: informing faculty members about the advantages of working with experts in course design.

      The Chronicle of Higher Education is a website and newspaper informing students and faculty of college affairs and news.

      Rating: 9/10

  51. Oct 2019
  52. Jul 2019
  53. Jun 2019
    1. What are the risks in digitizing these materials outside the library? Are there possibilities of this collection not being well integrated with other holdings? Did you collaborate with metadata experts?

    1. On one hand, DH pedagogy can no longer be meaningfully said to be entirely in service of or secondary to the research project.


      Yes! How does DH end up caught in the trap of focusing solely on research? I'm loving the notion of more attention to DH pedagogy separate from the research discussion

  54. May 2019
    1. By “Infrastructure” we mean

      ​The definition of "open infrastructure" (or the software component of open infrastructure) should include an explicit requirement for open-source code.​ Even an explicit recommendation short of a requirement would be better than the current definition, which is entirely silent the value of opening the code. The Elsevier acquisition of bepress (to use one example among many) would have been much less harmful to the community if the code had been open and user institutions could hold on to the platform, fork it if they wanted, take it in their own direction, and continue using it without becoming Elsevier customers.

    1. Hey all, this is Michael – I am writing to test out this platform and to begin to build something in this document. I realize it’s slightly obscure at the moment how this pad will come to be useful during Publishing Sphere – I believe this will be come clearer in the coming days as we begin to roll out some of the sites, info, and programming for the gathering.

      Danny and I will be meeting tomorrow (Thursday, the 2nd of May) to discuss the publishing apparatus we have been discussing, and will begin to introduce it to the group as something to work off, develop in new directions, or to create publication systems concurrent to this one. Once we have this initial formulation mapped out, I’ll let him introduce it to you all to begin to discuss and edit.

      Shortly, I’ll post some info that I think is relevant to the gathering more generally, and then some additional information about you all so that you might begin to become more aware of the other members of the group. I’m truly looking forward to witnessing how you might all begin to work with one another.

      More soonest~


  55. Apr 2019
    1. It's the act of creating the curriculum in a particular form that will be useful to Minnesota 3rd grade teachers that generates revenue for me, and not the content which is created.

      This is the clearest expression for me, of what David Wiley might be talking about when he calls OER infrastructure.

    1. chemistry lab simulation is the “wrong” content if students are supposed to be learning world history

      Isn't this exactly why it isn't helpful to think of content as infrastructure?

    2. Apache is a piece of software that meets the need of its developers

      Okay, so the open source software analogy has deep roots. But I still (looking at this a dozen years later) think this analogy is flawed. Apache was a webserver (infrastructure) that could serve any page (content). I think the proper analog to Apache in OER is a platform or app (Pressbooks, Hypothes.is), not any particular Pressbook or annotation.