- Apr 2023
mp.weixin.qq.com mp.weixin.qq.com
其实,小红书已经在调整方向。在 2 月底的一场活动上,小红书推出了「种草值」,将更多用户动作纳入监测,比如笔记页面的截图次数、浏览多篇笔记搜索关键词的次数等,进而生成一个量化指标。「种草值」其实是把营销效果 ROI 化,以更直观的数据吸引商家在平台内进行投放。这种以商家为中心的思维范式,与两三年前的以社区为中心存在显著差别。
小红书却做不到这一点。它是社区而非平台,尽管也陆续开设了自家的账号体系,并引入了不少品牌商家,但由于底层基础设施的差异,小红书从来都不具备显著的平台属性。新用户加入小红书,天然包含着是否喜欢平台内容的价值判断;而非像平台型 APP 那样,只与是否需要使用平台提供的某一项功能或产品相关。其结果是,小红书在圈入新一批用户的同时,也在潜移默化中将另一批网民挡在了社区之外。任何一个社区在不断膨胀的过程中,都会随着不同思想的碰撞激荡,逐渐形成自己的风格和氛围,并在用户彼此的惺惺相惜中融入社区基因。这既是获取新用户的过程,同时也是逆向筛选社区参与者的过程。这一过程的发生并非人力所能干预,而是所有社区的天然缺陷:小红书的精致女性,B 站的二次元玩家,知乎的高知精英,乃至豆瓣的文艺青年,虎扑的钢铁直男,都是在没有引导的情况下逐渐演化为社区的主流人群画像,并在未来成为社区打破圈层的严重阻碍。与之呼应的是,「破圈」成为小红书们近年来最头疼的难题。小红书要解「男」题,B 站不想被视为小孩子的玩具,知乎则要竭力避免「人在美国,刚下飞机」的曲高和寡。但目前来看,他们尚未从根源上完成转身。
时至今日,打开小红书 APP,可以发现主要功能仍然围绕笔记的发布、浏览和互动等展开,并没有跨出种草边界。
小红书的商业化盘子也并不大。它主要靠广告和电商业务赚钱,2022 年收入预计为 300 亿元人民币左右,大致与爱奇艺相当。相比之下,抖音、阿里和腾讯三大巨头的年营收都在数千亿量级,收入渠道也丰富得多。
weibo.com weibo.com
我于 2012 年入站,今年是第 11 年。之所以我们今天会看到这个话题,就是因为 B 站「太想一口吃成一个胖子」。地基都没有打稳,就想造 800 米的摩天大楼。以下仅仅是这几年来一些自己的体会感受。1. 丝毫没有经纪。2. 捧新人淘汰老人。3. 没有商业诚信。4. 鼓励恶性竞争。5. 做事根本不考虑后果。6. 架子非常大。7. 永远找不到的领导。最后小总结一下吧。其实这些原因说到底就是 B 站没有哄好自己的 up,就想去抢别人的 up,甚至一度想做成中国的 YTB。
mp.weixin.qq.com mp.weixin.qq.com
铁根也向《中国企业家》表示,断更潮是夸大的行为。「但存在有一些全职 UP 主出现经营困难做不下去的情况,这里有(UP 主)自身经营的问题,也有平台运营的原因。」
36kr.com 36kr.com
《作为一个快 70w 粉的 b 站 up 主,我为什么停更?》这篇文章,我只用了两个小时写作,这些话其实我一年前就想说了。
指的是微信公众号上的 作为一个快70w粉的b站up主,我为什么停更?。
作为一个自媒体或者 IP,生命周期也就几年而已,如果做了一两年还没有完成商业化,那继续下去也不过是充当 B 站股价的加油器罢了。
签约并不代表会得到特殊扶持。很多资深 UP 主跟我抱怨, 「B 站运营能左右很多,必须要搞好和他们的关系」
B 站对于在站外有流量的 UP 主是有扶持的,就是通过给你更好的推荐位,「帮助你涨粉,管到 20 万」,等这个线一过,福利就没了。
还有一点让很多 UP 主们头疼,就是很多弹幕、评论对广告投放不友好。
还有一个更直接的问题,就是「决定广告预算去向的人不上 B 站」。
因为 B 站用户基数本身比抖音小,所以从广告投放的角度,性价比也会比抖音低一些。
B 站用户普遍比较低龄,也是很难商业化的原因。而且 B 站以中长视频为主,其实更适合深度的理性消费种草,比如做相机、电器等评测类开箱视频,就很适合长视频的形式。但这类产品也要求了用户的消费能力要高。可是 B 站用户又很年轻,可支配收入有限,这就成了一个死结。
一句话来讲,B 站涨粉要比抖音难得多,但 B 站粉丝的商业价值却不一定会更高。不像很多人觉得,因为 B 站涨粉慢,似乎粉丝的价值就更高一些了,并不是这个逻辑。
一位持冷静态度的行业人士认为,疫情三年直至当前,整个广告市场都在萎缩,B 站 UP 主接单难,不应该被特殊看待。
www.jiemian.com www.jiemian.com
目前,进驻大陆且顺利扩张的外资便利店就是日系三杰:7-ELEVEn、罗森和全家。尽管 7-ELEVEn 和罗森都源自美国,但进入日本市场后,它们早已被改造成日系便利店,最大的特质是标准化管理、熟食品类丰富、服务周到细致。
邻几的优势在于,非常清晰地知道自己要卖什么,以及怎么卖。邻几的创始人刘建忠有个执念,门店只要塞得下,那么就得尽量放 12 张桌子。邻几的目标,是成为城市里的第三空间,在办公室和家之外,提供一个温馨的场所。
2018 年,十足便利店迈步出省,在苏州、无锡、常州等城市同时开业,成为浙江首个走向全国的便利店品牌。
中国新闻周刊曾这样调侃北京便利店的匮乏:「当上海、广州的朋友热烈讨论罗森新出的甜点蛋糕,7-ELEVEn 关东煮的汤汁最浓,车仔面拌上沙茶酱有多香,全家又出了什么网红零食时,北京的朋友默默退群了。」
mp.weixin.qq.com mp.weixin.qq.com
mp.weixin.qq.com mp.weixin.qq.com
过去三年里,疫情让直营门店成了品牌们最大的风险敞口。就拿卤味来说,做直营的周黑鸭,就比做加盟的绝味要惨烈的多。前者净利润跌去了 94%,后者却能少跌 20%。而在加盟模式里,品牌和加盟商形成的利益共同体中,加盟商会分走一部分利润,往往做不到直营模式那么高的利润率和坪效,但反之,加盟商也分摊了风险,封控营不了业,房租反正也是加盟商在承担。因此,很多品牌扛不住自己做直营的成本压力,也开始拥抱加盟。喜茶在很长一段时间内都坚称「绝不开放加盟」,现在也不得不放下身段,在下沉市场寻找起加盟伙伴;张拉拉、老乡鸡等超过 12 个餐饮品牌都在 2022 年选择开放加盟。
和加盟商做生意,蜜雪冰城是优秀案例。比如蜜雪冰城在四川建了柠檬种植基地,再以低于市场价的价格卖给加盟商;还把一毛、八分采购来的杯子、吸管,加价卖给加盟商,平均毛利率能达到 30%。2021 年,蜜雪冰城营收 103.5 亿元,其中售卖给加盟商的食材和包材两项合计贡献超过 85%[7]。
啤酒本身是一个正在衰落的市场。在 2013 年到达顶峰后一路下滑,而百威、青岛、华润等五大巨头牢牢把控着 80%的市场,像海伦司这样的新品牌难有立足之地。
不同于想从消费者身上多赚钱的同行,海伦司的策略是,先从自己身上缩成本。通过在人工、房租、原材料上的极致抠门,海伦司的门店经营成本还不到 50%,优秀同行则为 70%,海伦司的成本控制堪称业界教科书。
mp.weixin.qq.com mp.weixin.qq.com
消费投资热时,每年一轮资金向这批新消费创业公司注入燃料——是燃料也是悬在创业者头顶的剑。一家餐饮公司不到 10 家店时,融资估值就接近 20 亿元。并不是投资方相信一家 50 平米的小店价值两亿元,只是提前按照几百几千店连锁这样的理想 “终局” 开出价码。风险是双方共同铺就的。不给这样的估值,投资者往往抢不到最热门的项目。而拿到这样的估值,创业者也必须按照 「终局」 提前搭建当前规模不需要的基础设施,把传统品牌 5-10 年的准备压缩在一两年走完。开店成倍加速、风险也成倍聚集,容不下任何意外。
在餐饮行业十几年,胡亭先后开过奶茶店、小笼包店。她一直想做一个更大规模的生意。2014 年,她从外送蛋糕品牌 21Cake 离职,搬去苏州加入西式烘焙连锁店礼颂至品。那年中秋,她注意到泸溪河桃酥在南京开了第一家品牌门店,由此关注起中式糕点。她发现,西式烘焙日常要用 1700 多种原料,中式烘焙只有 300 多个。
mp.weixin.qq.com mp.weixin.qq.com
自有品牌上耕耘,成为了不少新零售的发力点,Costco 和山姆自有品牌的占比分别为 25%和 30%,而盒马自有品牌销售占比超过 35%。
「盒区房」所代表的便利优势,也左右了人们的居住选择和房地产市场的动向。2019 年时,贝壳找房曾发布报告称,在全国北上广深等 10 个城市中,盒区房的平均租房关注量高于周边非盒区房 21.45%,买卖层面,报告发现盒区房的平均交易周期比周边非盒区房快 7 天,流通性相对较强。
mp.weixin.qq.com mp.weixin.qq.com
餐饮是劳动密集型产业,人工成本对业绩会有明显的影响。在人工成本提高的环境下,「小时人效」这把刀将会变得越来越锋利,背后需要的是企业对门店运营的反复迭代。萨莉亚的日本门店可以达到小时人效人民币 400~500 元。一家 300 平米的门店,平均每日销售为 1.5 万元,运营需要 30 小时~35 小时的工时,是大约 4 名员工的工作量。但其中仅有 1 名店长是全职员工,店铺会在午餐和晚餐时间段灵活用工,尽量提高人员效率,减少多余劳动力。
餐品的丰富度是价值感最直接的体现。萨莉亚的日本菜单上共有 65 个 SKU,主食约占 30%。为了提供更多丰富选择,创始人正垣泰彦认为餐品需要坚持 6:3:1 的比例。「6」是放着就能卖出去的单品、「3」是店铺想卖出去的单品、「1」是需要有的单品。例如,墨鱼意面和餐后甜酒销量较低,但有着提升萨莉亚意大利餐厅形象的功能。
日本零售专家渥美俊一曾提到:「连锁餐饮渠道最佳的价格范围,是让消费者可以闭着眼睛点的价格」。为了做到这点,萨莉亚菜品的最高定价尽量不超过最低定价的 2 倍,让消费者每顿午餐平均花费 30 元。低价会让消费者对渠道获得安全感,有意愿全餐段都光顾萨莉亚,获得类似社区食堂的心智定位。一般消费者在早餐、午餐、晚餐的预算比例为 1:2:4。晚餐时间段,消费者会在萨莉亚点更多单品:一份焗饭、一份汉堡肉和一份沙拉,刚好拼到 50 元左右的客单价。
mp.weixin.qq.com mp.weixin.qq.com
拉面出西北最早始于 1980 年代末,那时的化隆人将目光转移到了外出开拉面馆上。故事始于他们发现去「大城市」打工的回族人很难吃到清真食品,便觉得这是一个不错的商机。随着第一批人开始挣钱,他们回乡后的阔绰被同乡人看在眼里,激发了大家致富的雄心。大批的人开始离开化隆,纷纷支起「兰州拉面」的招牌。
- Mar 2023
Wigent, William David, Burton David William Housel, and Edward Harry Gilman. Modern Filing and How to File: A Textbook on Office System. Rochester, N.Y.: Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., 1916. http://archive.org/details/modernfilingate02compgoog.
Original .pdf converted with docdrop.org for OCR annotation on 2023-03-24.
annotation target: urn:x-pdf:3c1f14d64c91cf4b513efa16df4ed90d
Annotations: https://hypothes.is/users/chrisaldrich?q=url%3Aurn%3Ax-pdf%3A3c1f14d64c91cf4b513efa16df4ed90d
archive.org archive.org
Wigent, William David, Burton David William Housel, and Edward Harry Gilman. Modern Filing and How to File: A Textbook on Office System. Rochester, N.Y.: Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., 1916. http://archive.org/details/modernfilingate02compgoog.
archive.org archive.org
Watts, Charles J. The Cost of Production. Muskegon, MI: The Shaw-Walker Company, 1902. http://archive.org/details/costproduction01wattgoog.
Short book on managing manufacturing costs. Not too much of an advertisement for Shaw-Walker manufactured goods (files, file management, filing cabinets, etc.). Only 64 pages are the primary content and the balance (about half) are advertisements.
Given the publication date of 1902, this would have preceded the publication of System Magazine which began in 1903. This may have then been a prototype version of an early business magazine, but with a single author, no real editorial, and only one article.
Presumably it may also have served the marketing interests of Shaw-Walker as a marketing piece as well.
Tangentially, I'm a bit intrigued by the "Mr. Morse" mentioned on page 109 who is being touted as an in-house consultant for Shaw-Walker.... Is this the same Frank Morse who broke off to form the Browne-Morse Co.? (very likely)
see: see also: https://hypothes.is/a/Sp8s4sprEe24jitvkjkxzA for a snippet on Frank Morse.
archive.org archive.org
Shaw-Walker. Flexowriter File-Desks. Accessed March 24, 2023. http://archive.org/details/TNM_Flexowriter_File-Desks_-_Shaw-Walker_20171021_0001.
An interesting in-desk filing system for punched cards. Interesting I've not seen anything like this prior for a mini card index maintained in an office desk drawer.
Perhaps such a system wouldn't have been as easily accessible for use on a daily basis versus potentially more portable small systems that could have been transferred from desk to desk (person to person).
niklas-luhmann-archiv.de niklas-luhmann-archiv.de
9/8b2 "Multiple storage" als Notwendigkeit derSpeicherung von komplexen (komplex auszu-wertenden) Informationen.
Seems like from a historical perspective hierarchical databases were more prevalent in the 1960s and relational databases didn't exist until the 1970s. (check references for this historically)
Of course one must consider that within a card index or zettelkasten the ideas of both could have co-existed in essence even if they weren't named as such. Some of the business use cases as early as 1903 (earlier?) would have shown the idea of multiple storage and relational database usage. Beatrice Webb's usage of her notes in a database-like way may have indicated this as well.
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
‘‘I think it lets us be more thoughtful and more deliberate about safety issues,’’ Altman says. ‘‘Part of our strategy is: Gradual change in the world is better than sudden change.’’
What are the long term effects of fast breaking changes and gradual changes for evolved entities?
OpenAI had a novel structure, which the organization called a ‘‘capped profit’’ model.
www.ebay.com www.ebay.com
The Shaw=Walker Card Systems catalogue from circa 1899.
www.google.com www.google.com
Seen in a Hoskins business equipment advertisement in Business magazine (1903) for card index:
Close to the phrase "at your finger tips". Would it have appeared before or after this?
Business: The Magazine for Office, Store and Factory. Vol. 16. Business Man’s Publishing Company, 1903. https://www.google.com/books/edition/Business/QKaxezfHjL0C?hl=en&gbpv=0.
books.googleusercontent.com books.googleusercontent.comcontent1
mindex.THIS is the name Howard L. Wilson, of Rochester, N.Y.,hasgivenhisvestpocket cardsystem.Itisa
Geyers Stationer. “Memindex Advertisement.” Geyer’s Stationer: Devoted to the Interests of the Stationery, Fancy Goods and Notion Trades, September 15, 1904. https://www.google.com/books/edition/Geyer_s_Stationer/L507AQAAMAAJ?hl=en&gbpv=0
Howard L. Wilson of Rochester, NY named his vest pocket card index system the Memindex.
www.vistaprint.com www.vistaprint.com
Standard business cards are 3.5″x 2″
Fascinating to see the 8 various types of hole punches different card index systems may have used on their index card filing cabinets.
Advertisement from System, December 1906:
CARD INDEX SYSTEM <br /> If you are using Card Systems, as manufacturers we are in a position to save money for you on these supplies. We make suggestions to anyone desiring to install labor-saving-money- making Card Systems.<br /> Cards supplied for all makes of cabinets.<br /> Write for prices and estimates.<br /> STANDARD INDEX CARD CO.,<br /> 707-09 Arch St., Phila., Pa.
Beyond having people make direct copies of cards by hand or using carbon paper, The Calculagraph Company manufactured a copying machine for duplicating data.
There is an accompanying picture (which I haven't copied here). Advertisement from 1906 System Magazine:
The Calculagraph<br /> Makes individual records of actual<br /> working time on separate cards<br /> which may be used interchangeably<br /> for Cost Accounting, for Pay-rolls and<br /> for a number of other purposes with-<br /> out copying or transcribing a single<br /> figure, by simply assorting the cards<br /> and adding the records directly from<br /> their faces.<br /> A card containing all the work<br /> records of one man for a week may<br /> be useful for pay-roll purposes, but it<br /> is utterly worthless for learning the<br /> cost of products, until all the items<br /> have been copied or transcribed for<br /> classification.<br /> The Calculagraph requires a large<br /> number of cards in a factory employ-<br /> ing several hundred persons, but it<br /> Saves Clerical Labor. (In one<br /> factory it saves $150.00 per week).<br /> Cards Are Cheaper Than Labor<br /> The Calculagraph Makes No<br /> Clerical Errors.<br /> Let us send you our printed matter.<br /> CALCULAGRAPH COMPANY<br /> 1414 JEWELERS BUILDING, NEW YORK CITY
TheSateliteCombinationCard IndexCabinetandTelephoneStand
A fascinating combination of office furniture types in 1906!
The Adjustable Table Company of Grand Rapids, Michigan manufactured a combination table for both telephones and index cards. It was designed as an accessory to be stood next to one's desk to accommodate a telephone at the beginning of the telephone era and also served as storage for one's card index.
Given the broad business-based use of the card index at the time and the newness of the telephone, this piece of furniture likely was not designed as an early proto-rolodex, though it certainly could have been (and very well may have likely been) used as such in practice.
I totally want one of these as a side table for my couch/reading chair for both storing index cards and as a temporary writing surface while reading!
This could also be an early precursor to Twitter!
Folks have certainly mentioned other incarnations: - annotations in books (person to self), - postcards (person to person), - the telegraph (person to person and possibly to others by personal communication or newspaper distribution)
but this is the first version of short note user interface for both creation, storage, and distribution by means of electrical transmission (via telephone) with a bigger network (still person to person, but with potential for easy/cheap distribution to more than a single person)
Shaw, A. W. System: The Magazine of Business. Vol. 10. A. W. Shaw Company, 1906. https://www.google.com/books/edition/System/3qvNAAAAMAAJ?hl=en&gbpv=0.
via image at https://www.ebay.com/itm/125806081747
W.K.Kellogg,President ofthe ToastedCornFlakeCompanyandalliedBattleCreekinterestsusing 640 drawers,says:"Ourbusiness involvesthehandling ofavastamountofdetail.Thedaily mailsometimescontainsthousandsofletters.IdonotknowhowallthesedetailscouldpossiblyhavebeenhandledwithoutShaw-WalkerSystems.
In the December 1906 issue of System, a magazine which would eventually become Bloomberg Business Week), W. K. Kellogg, the President of the Toasted Corn Flake Company is quoted touting the invaluable nature of the Shaw-Walker filing system at a time when his company was using 640 drawers of their system.
- Calculagraph
- satelite stands
- rolodexes
- clerical errors
- System The Magazine of Business
- card index filing cabinets
- card index for business
- intellectual history
- annotations
- Shaw-Walker
- copyists
- Adjustable Table Company
- references
- office furniture
- Philadelphia Pennsylvania
- technology
- audience
- user interface
- telephones
- W. K. Kellogg
- zettelkasten boxes
- Standard Index Card Co.
- 1906
- copying
- Grand Rapids Michigan
- economics
- evolution of technology
- filing cabinets
- accounting influence on note taking
- Corn Flakes
- accounting
- postcards
- telegraph
www.ebay.com www.ebay.com
Antique Calculagraph Machine Time Clock Card Recorder Old Factory Punch Vintage
For advertisement from 1906, see: https://hypothes.is/a/OGREvL98Ee2mYVO2Fqim6Q
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Arch Wilkinson Shaw<br /> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arch_Wilkinson_Shaw
- Founder of Shaw-Walker with Louis C. Walker,
- publisher of System: The Magazine of Business which was sold to McGraw-Hill Company in 1927/8 and renamed Business Week which was later renamed Bloomberg Business Week.
onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu
catalog.hathitrust.org catalog.hathitrust.org
https://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/100006275<br /> System: The Magazine of Business Published: Shaw-Walker Co., [1900]-1927. Muskegon, Mich.
Later Business Week and then Bloomberg Business Week
pt-br.facebook.com pt-br.facebook.com
Você pode criar somente duas contas no Gerenciador de Negócios
Verificar se é possível ter mais de DUAS CONTAS no Gerenciador de Negócios
Criar um Gerenciador de Negócios
pt-br.facebook.com pt-br.facebook.com
Central de Ajuda da Meta para Empresas
www.ebay.com www.ebay.com
Vintage 1900 Macey Card Business System Fred Macey Company Original Ad 1021 A2<br />
Copy in notes folder as backup
www.ebay.com www.ebay.com
Copy in Notes folder.
- Feb 2023
goodereader.com goodereader.com
Amazon removing titles from Kindle Unlimited due to ebook piracy issues<br /> by Sovan Mandal
Read at Tue 2023-02-28 6:50 AM
www.cbsnews.com www.cbsnews.com
"Prosperity is something created by businessmen for politicians to take credit for."
—Ronald Reagan
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
I agree, of course, with the criticism of the price point. As I often say, $9.99/month (or even $4.99/month) is more expensive than premium email—and no matter how cool you think your thing is, it's way less important than email. You should always return something for ~$20, especially if you already have a free tier. (When I say "for $20" here, I'm talking about a one time payment, or on a subscription basis that maxes out at $20/yr.)
The following musings are highly specific to the market for what's being sold here.
Paying $20 should get you something that you aren't bothered about again for the next year. Maybe to make it even easier, enable anyone to request a refund of their $20 for any reason within the first 7 days. This gives a similar feel to a free trial, but it curbs abuse and helps target serious buyers in the first place. In the event that 7 days is not enough time even for people to convince themselves that they need it, maybe keep open the ability to use a severely limited version of the service for the remainder of the year. E.g. you can continue to log in and simulate what you'd get with the full version, but it's only accessible to you because you can't publish them and/or share links with anyone who doesn't have access to your account.
www.iubenda.com www.iubenda.com
Apple can afford to make user privacy a priority AND be very strict about cookies because its revenue does not strongly depend on advertising.
www.srf.ch www.srf.ch
Stettler, Lucia. “Geheime Gästekartei überlebt Hotelbrand – und birgt Zündstoff.” Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen (SRF), April 8, 2021, sec. Kultur. https://www.srf.ch/kultur/gesellschaft-religion/brisanter-fund-geheime-gaestekartei-ueberlebt-hotelbrand-und-birgt-zuendstoff.
<small><cite class='h-cite via'>ᔥ <span class='p-author h-card'>ManuelRodriguez331</span> in Advantages of Analog note taking : Zettelkasten (<time class='dt-published'>02/07/2023 08:33:25</time>)</cite></small>
Wie durch ein Wunder blieben vier Holzkisten mit hochbrisantem Inhalt verschont. Sie waren zum Zeitpunkt des Infernos in einem anderen Gebäude eingelagert. Sie enthielten 20'000 Gästekarten, die Concierges und Rezeptionisten zwischen 1920 und 1960 heimlich geführt hatten.
Google translate:
four wooden boxes with highly explosive contents were spared. They were stored in a different building at the time of the inferno. They contained 20,000 guest cards that concierges and receptionists had kept secretly between 1920 and 1960.
The Grandhotel Waldhaus burned down in 1989, but saved from the inferno were 20,000 guest cards with annotations about them that were compiled between 1920 and 1960.
At the Grandhotel Waldhaus in Vulpera, Switzerland concierges and receptionists maintained a business-focused zettelkasten of cards. In addition to the typical business function these cards served denoting names, addresses, and rooms, the staff also made annotations commenting on the guests and their proclivities.
Lois Hechenblaikner, Andrea Kühbacher, Rolf Zollinger (Hrsg.): «Keine Ostergrüsse mehr! Die geheime Gästekartei des Grandhotel Waldhaus in Vulpera». Edition Patrick Frey, 2021.Der reich bebilderte Band bietet eine spannende Reise in ein Stück Schweizer Tourismusgeschichte: Die Herausgeber haben die 20'000 Karteikarten aus den Jahren 1920-1960 sehr sorgfältig kuratiert, nach Themen gegliedert und in einen grösseren, gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhang gestellt.Die Leserinnen und Leser erfahren viel über die Klientel im Hotel Waldhaus, zum Teil sogar in kleinen biografischen Porträts; und sie können an konkreten Beispielen verfolgen, wie sich der Sprachgebrauch der Concierges im Laufe der Zeit verändert – gerade zum Beispiel im Zusammenhang mit jüdischen Gästen.
Google Translate:
Lois Hechenblaikner, Andrea Kühbacher, Rolf Zollinger (editors): «No more Easter greetings! The secret guest file of the Grandhotel Waldhaus in Vulpera". Edition Patrick Frey, 2021.
The richly illustrated volume offers an exciting journey into a piece of Swiss tourism history: the editors have very carefully curated the 20,000 index cards from the years 1920-1960, structured them by topic and placed them in a larger, social context.
The readers learn a lot about the clientele in the Hotel Waldhaus, sometimes even in small biographical portraits; and they can use concrete examples to follow how the concierge's use of language has changed over time - especially in connection with Jewish guests, for example.
Die Klientel bewegte sich unter ihresgleichen und hatte keine Ahnung, dass der höfliche Concierge an der Rezeption heimlich seinem Ärger Luft machte – mittels giftiger Kommentare: «Ganz grober Kerl; treibt es arg mit den Weibern», «Grosser Protz à la Neureich», «Rappenspalter», «blöde Ziege» oder «Beisszange».
Google translate:
The clientele moved among their own kind and had no idea the polite concierge at the front desk was secretly venting his anger with venomous comments: 'Very rude fellow; does it badly with the women", "Big Protz à la Neureich", "Rappensplitter", "Stupid Goat" or "Tongs".
- receptionists
- insults
- note collection loss and damage
- Switzerland
- zettelkasten
- zettelkasten for cultural anthropology
- zettelkasten for business
- card index for venting
- cultural anthropology
- card index for business
- concierges
- annotations
- card index as diary
- antisemitism
- fires
- sociology
- read
- digital humanities
- semantic shift
- references
- historical linguistics
- Grandhotel Waldhaus
- hotel fires
- Jan 2023
forum.zettelkasten.de forum.zettelkasten.de
Anybody using this approach to manage contacts? How?
reply to IvanFerrero at https://forum.zettelkasten.de/discussion/1740/anybody-using-this-approach-to-manage-contacts-how#latest
Many of the digital note taking tools that run off of text allow you to add metadata to your basic text files (as YAML headers, inline with a
key:: value
pair, or via #tags). Many of them have search functionality or use other programmatic means like query blocks, DataView, DataViewJS, etc. for doing queries on your files to get back lists, tables, charts, etc. of the data you're looking for.The DataView repository has some good examples of how this works with something like Obsidian. Fortunately if you're using simple text files you can usually put them into one or more platforms to get the data and affordances you want out of them individually.
As an example, I have a script block in my daily note in Obsidian for birthdays in my notes that fall on today's date:
```dataview LIST birthday FROM "Lists/People" WHERE birthday.day = date(2023-01-18).day ```
If I put the text
birthday:: 1927-12-08
into a note about Niklas Luhmann, his name and birthday would appear in my daily note on his birthday. One can use similar functionality to create tables of books they read with titles, authors, ratings, dates read, etc. or a variety of other data input which parses through your plaintext files. Services like Obsidian, Logseq, et al. are getting better about allowing these types of programmatic searches for users without backgrounds in programming and various communities usually provide help for pre-made little snippets like the one above that one can cut and paste into their notes to get the outputs that they need. Another Obsidian based example that uses text files for tracking academic journal articles can be found at https://nataliekraneiss.com/your-academic-reading-list-in-obsidian/; I'm sure there are similar versions for other text-based platforms.In pre-digital times, for a manual version of a rolodex like this in paper, one could use different color cards as pseudo-tags (doctors are on yellow cards, family members on blue cards, friends on green cards, etc.) or adding edge notches or even tabs to represent different types of metadata. See for example the edge colored cards in Hawkexpress' Pile of Index Cards: https://www.flickr.com/photos/hawkexpress/albums/72157594200490122
papers.ssrn.com papers.ssrn.com
<small><cite class='h-cite via'>ᔥ <span class='p-author h-card'>Peter Smith</span> in Zettelkasten (<time class='dt-published'>01/17/2023 16:52:31</time>)</cite></small>
petersmith.org petersmith.org
I have a bit of a soft spot for Niklas Luhmann ever since David Seidl introduced me to his ideas. I think it was at an EGOS conference in the early 2000s.
Peter Smith was introduced to Niklas Luhmann at an European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) Conference in the early 2000s, ostensibly a business related group.
I came across this via an IndieWeb reference and webmention.
www.igotbiz.com www.igotbiz.com
Listed on Igotbiz.com
archive.org archive.org
<small><cite class='h-cite via'>ᔥ <span class='p-author h-card'>u/stockwestfale</span> in Requesting antinet hivemind assistance: ANALOG ACCOUNTING/BUDGETING/BOOKKEEPING : antinet (<time class='dt-published'>01/08/2023 12:04:20</time>)</cite></small>
tedgioia.substack.com tedgioia.substack.com
creative fields like music and writing live and die based on creativity, not financial statements and branding deals.
- Dec 2022
www.newyorker.com www.newyorker.com
The band began rehearsing in Eno’s house, with Eno acting as “sound manipulator,” a cross between a live-sound engineer and a band member.
Sound manipulator, what a great title for a business card.
Reply to:
Who is Zettelkasten note-taking system for? <br /> u/Beens__<br /> https://www.reddit.com/r/Zettelkasten/comments/zhyu5i/who_is_zettelkasten_notetaking_system_for/
Perhaps your use case may benefit from knowing the longer term outcomes of such processes, particularly as they relate to idea generation and innovation within your areas of interest? Keeping notes which you review over periodically and between which you create potential links will help to foster more productive long term combinatorial creativity, which will help you create new and potentially useful ideas much more quickly than blank page-based brainstorming.
Her method was much more ad hoc than the more highly refined methods of Luhmann which allowed him to write, but perhaps there's something you might appreciate from the example of the character Tess McGill in the movie Working Girl. Even more base in practice is that of Eminem, which shows far less structure, but could still have interesting long term creativity effects, though again, it bears repeating that one should occasionally revisit their notes (even if they're only in "headline form") in attempts to refresh their memory and link old ideas to new to generate completely new ideas.
One of the clear signs that the bottleneck to low-income adults working moreresults from their lack of opportunities is provided by looking at their hours of workover the business cycle. When the economy is strong and jobs are plentiful, low-incomeworkers are more likely to find work, find work with higher pay, and be able to securemore hours of work than when the economy is weak. In 2000, when the economy wasclose to genuine full employment, the unemployment rate averaged 4.0 percent and thepoverty rate was 11.3 percent; but in 2010, in the aftermath of the Great Recession, theunemployment rate averaged 9.6 percent and the poverty rate was almost 15.1 percent.What changed in those years was not poor families’ attitudes toward work but simplythe availability of jobs. Among the bottom one-fifth of nonelderly households, hoursworked per household were about 40 percent higher in the tight labor market of 2000than in recession- plagued 2010.Given the opportunity for work or additional work hours, low-income Americanswork more. A full-employment agenda that increases opportunities in the labor market,alongside stronger labor standards such as a higher minimum wage, reduces poverty.
How can we frame the science of poverty with respect to the model of statistical mechanics?
Unemployment numbers have very little to do with levels of poverty. They definitely don't seem to be correlated with poverty levels, in fact perhaps inversely so. Many would say that people are lazy and don't want to work when the general reality is that they do want to work (for a variety of reasons including identity and self-esteem), but the amount of work they can find and the pay they receive for it are the bigger problems.
www.ebay.com www.ebay.com
Buddy Single Drawer Index Card File Holds 1600 Cards #1335 Catalog 16" New
- Nov 2022
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
To add some other intermediary services:
- ko-fi (site for contribution)
- GitHub sponsors (for GitPages)
- itch.io (for games)
- Gumroad (for sites and repositories)
- Patreon (for fan interaction)
To add a service for groups:
To add a service that enables fans to support the creators directly and anonymously via microdonations or small donations by pre-charging their Coil account to spend on content streaming or tipping the creators' wallets via a layer containing JS script following the Interledger Protocol proposed to W3C:
If you want to know more, head to Web Monetization or Community or Explainer
Disclaimer: I am a recipient of a grant from the Interledger Foundation, so there would be a Conflict of Interest if I edited directly. Plus, sharing on Hypothesis allows other users to chime in.
- business
- film
- online ledger
- video
- uphold
- mozilla festival
- youtube
- svelte
- donation
- fans
- subscriptions
- gridsome
- hugo
- exclusive
- model
- Patreon
- moodle
- gumroad
- pricing
- pwyw
- 11ty
- microdonation
- Interledger
- open-source
- payment pointer
- web
- education
- mozilla
- collective
- pricing strategies
- research
- coil
- gftw
- plug-in
- gatsby
- open
- web standards
- pay-what-you-want
- premium
- gaming
- nonprofit
- wallet
- tips
- dev.to
- payment
- monetization
- contribution
- web monetization
- gatehub
- protocol
- tools
- revenue sharing
- privacy
- strategies
- ngx
- ko-fi
- vuepress
- tessy
- open source
- pay what you want
- podcast
- sponsors
- open web
- browser
- pipe web
- freemium
- mozfest
- open collective
- Interledger Protocol
- w3c
- jekyll
- wordpress
- community
- art
- Consortium
- stream
- github
- games
- revenue
- micropayment
- gratuity
- extension
- micro-donation
www.forbes.com www.forbes.com
A typical ridiculous, unquestioned business adage is "If you can't measure it, you can't manage it." That's BS on the face of it, because the vast majority of important things we manage at work aren't measurable, from the quality of our new hires to the confidence we instill in a fledgling manager.
hlthcodeus.hub.biz hlthcodeus.hub.biz
pipdecks.com pipdecks.com
Something @chrisaldrich mentioned on Reddit as examples of someone selling niche Zettelkasten decks. Seem more like protocol-kasten decks to aid problem-solving in specific contexts.
threadreaderapp.com threadreaderapp.com
I'm slowly getting the feeling that Musk is a system one thinker who relies on others to do his system two thinking.
thingrex.com thingrex.com
take a step back and ask a basic question: “What kind of business value are we trying to provide?"
Recommended approach over saying "it depends" to your stakeholders
www.provenexpert.com www.provenexpert.com
HLTH Code on ProvenExpert
mycompanies.fandom.com mycompanies.fandom.com
Yawman & Erbe Manufacturing Company
Some fascinating advertisements for Yawman and Erbe
- Oct 2022
gist.github.com gist.github.com
Because it's easy money. You just set up OpenVPN on a few servers, and essentially start reselling bandwidth with a markup.
How to start a VPN business
glasp.notion.site glasp.notion.site
Business ModelWill I get charged at some point? How do you make money to run this product?TBD
"TBD 🚀🚀🚀" is such a bad indication for the future of a product
ghuntley.com ghuntley.com
spamming open-source as a growth strategy is a super bad idea
- Aug 2022
www.bps.org.uk www.bps.org.uk
Decision-making in uncertainty | BPS. (n.d.). Retrieved November 22, 2021, from https://www.bps.org.uk/events/decision-making-uncertainty
app.participate.com app.participate.com
In the end, universities live off of being exclusive.
www.amazon.com www.amazon.com
Annotate Books has added a 1.8-inch ruled margin on every page. The ample space lets you to write your thoughts, expanding your understanding of the text. This edition brings an end to does convoluted, parallel notes, made on minute spaces. Never again fail to understand your brilliant ideas, when you go back and review the text.
This is what we want to see!! The publishing company Annotate Books is republishing classic texts with a roomier 1.8" ruled margin on every page to make it easier to annotate texts.
It reminds me about the idea of having print-on-demand interleaved books. Why not have print-on-demand books which have wider than usual margins either with or without lines/grids/dots for easier note taking and marginalia?
hechingerreport.org hechingerreport.org
many of their parents are still paying back their student loans.
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
Harris said this model is often better for the textbook authors OpenStax works with, whom Harris called "the long tail" behind the minority of financially successful academic authors -- those who wouldn't necessarily sell enough units to make a lot in royalties, but who are committed to their work nonetheless.
"We are fully committed to providing affordable, high-quality learning solutions for students," Joyner said. "We are excited to think openly and collaboratively with key partners like OpenStax to ensure that we, and our authors, are able to reach as many students as possible in new and highly accessible ways."
en.itpedia.nl en.itpedia.nl
5 ERP system examples (who benefits from ERP?)
The term EnterpriseResourcePlanning (ERP) system refers to a large number of integrated softwaresuites used by companies to manage day-to-day operations and business workflows, including datamanagement, inventory control, accounting, CRM, and projectmanagement. Thus, in order to remain an effective contender in an era of digital commerce, ERP_systems are an important part of the business information technology infrastructure.
timdenning.com timdenning.com
The guru of community-led products is Greg Isenberg. I follow his content religiously. Why? The future of business won’t be customer-led. Nope. It’ll be community-led. Customers are transactional. They care about price. They shop around for the best deal.
Is the future of business something that is someting you've seen or read elsewhere (except out of the mouth of the undoubtedly rhetorically gifted Greg. But i have not actually looked for othe best deal for something in a community - or does that also mean checking reddit /r/tabletbrand to see what is wrong with it? what is the involvement for it to be a community...
- Jul 2022
Useful guide from the LOM. Analyze and compare with https://sloboda-studio.com/blog/how-to-build-a-startup/. Make some addings.
www.techemails.com www.techemails.com
The WhatsApp UI sucks, but they took the hit on UI to focus on reliable sending and fast growth. Those are arguably the features that win over users, not UI.
At the end, the top priority is solving problems for users.
The way I think about things, consider FB a giant fly-wheel.... You want the external edge to move very quickly and iteratively -- and small dings when you get things wrong don't cost much, but the deeper you go in the stack / towards the infrastructure core (and really the human capital core even below that), you want things to move more slowly and predictably.
This is an interesting analogy
www.theartnewspaper.com www.theartnewspaper.com
“The idea makes sense, but perhaps the timing was bad,” says the art market economist and author Magnus Resch, who in June published the book How To Create And Sell NFTs. “Prohibitively high prices and a complicated entry into collecting are the biggest problems with NFTs. But by holding events and educating people you’re building trust.”
A lot of the crypto/web3 ideas focus on "exiting" the physical world status quo. However, being more inclusive seems to be a better way to help better adoption of web3.
Opening up physical galleries feels very expensive, though.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Don't recommend unless you have 100 hours to follow up on everything here that goes beyond the surface.
Be aware that this is a gateway for what I'm sure is a relatively sophisticated sales funnel.
Motivational and a great start, but I wonder how many followed up on these techniques and methods, internalized them and used them every day? I've not read his book, but I suspect it's got the usual mnemonic methods that go back millennia. And yet, these things are still not commonplace. People just don't seem to want to put in the work.
As a result, they become a sales tool with a get rich quick (get smart quick) hook/scheme. Great for Kwik's pocketbook, but what about actual outcomes for the hundreds who attended or the 34.6k people who've watched this video so far?
These methods need to be instilled in youth as it's rare for adults to bother.
Acronyms for remembering things are alright, but not incredibly effective as most people will have issues remembering the acronym itself much less what the letters stand for.
There seems to be an over-fondness for acronyms for people selling systems like this. (See also Tiago Forte as another example.)
- Jun 2022
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
It was as if Silicon Valley had made a secret pact to subsidize the lifestyles of urban Millennials. As I pointed out three years ago, if you woke up on a Casper mattress, worked out with a Peloton, Ubered to a WeWork, ordered on DoorDash for lunch, took a Lyft home, and ordered dinner through Postmates only to realize your partner had already started on a Blue Apron meal, your household had, in one day, interacted with eight unprofitable companies that collectively lost about $15 billion in one year.
...but we'll make up for it in volume.
why is the moment you ask someone is a woman as electable as a man how come the moment you ask that everything changes yeah this is this was one of those really remarkable we didn't do this 00:21:01 research so i can brag about it right right it's regina bateson this is really fantastic research looking at gender bias in politics right because it's unbelievable 00:21:14 like women are so underrepresented in intellectual politics it's just you can't it's but like here's the thing like it's important to understand what's driving that and and for sure let's just be clear just straight up sexism 00:21:27 certainly is involved sometimes like that that's certainly the case but what what uh dr bateson found what i think was really fascinating is that given our winner-take-all um like sort of two-party system 00:21:41 so much is dependent on what the gatekeepers think who who because now like if we were doing something like ranked choice voting it doesn't really matter i don't have to care what i think anybody else thinks right but in a winner-take-all system i 00:21:54 have to do a little bit of guessing about who do i think most people are going to vote for right because otherwise my vote is quote unquote wasted right if i take a flyer on that so what was interesting is if you look at how women perform when they are 00:22:08 nominated in general elections women win at the same rate as white men it's just so i suggest obviously it's not a general election problem and what what she found was that it was like 00:22:20 party leaders especially donors right they're like well wait a minute i'm not sexist but i think most people in the party are so i don't think you're going to be able to win and so they don't get the support they don't get the the 00:22:32 resources and it becomes self-fulfilling it's so clear when you put it that way how that becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy but there there is so much pressure within certain groups to say this the the dominant ideology and just 00:22:44 like don't like if you can't it's like a cult right because like the second you question maybe you're like what does the evidence actually show they're like you're out you're not being loyal um wow 00:22:57 yeah so that's it's actually um in the book i i was looking at what i call these conformity traps like these these three kinds of situations where you are likely to slip into blind conformity and you are quite likely to do that 00:23:10 under an illusion to begin with and you know this this sort of identity trap where you've got these groups that matter so much to who you are right and and especially when it's just one group that group has cult-like power 00:23:23 over you
In summary, women don't do well in politics (and probably business) due to a collective illusion effect of the gatekeepers who believe everyone else thinks that they are rocking the boat.
Groups can influence a cult like power on individual group members.
Free public projects private projects starting at $9/month per project
For many tools and apps payment for privacy is becoming the norm.
Examples: - Kumu.io - Github for private repos - ...
pros: - helps to encourage putting things into the commons
cons: - Normalizes the idea of payment for privacy which can be a toxic tool.
- May 2022
en.itpedia.nl en.itpedia.nl
The 6 Business Objectives of SaaS
The main business objectives of a company are to address the problems and needs of their customers with products or services that are a solution for them. The importance of technology in our daily lives means that we simply cannot ignore SaaS when it comes to running our business.
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
Templates for recurring projects.
Food for thought.
How do companies that produce goods (light notebooks and graph paper) turn a profit? (For either of the two aforementioned examples, anyone can make their own from possibly cheaper primitives. Making graph paper, for example, is just putting lines on paper.)
Those goods being disposable and tangibly/temporally "rivalrous" in the physical world is one part of it, but it's not everything. People pay for convenience. (Look to e.g. paid Netflix subscriptions versus just pirating the stuff.) "Buy this ready-to-consume ebook" is one example of potentially profitable convenience that has made at least some inroads with the general public. Why shouldn't "buy this ready-to-use template" belong to the same set? Yeah, you could make your own, but this is graph paper.
www.latimes.com www.latimes.com
- Apr 2022
sloboda-studio.com sloboda-studio.com
Best Ways to Scale a Startup or Business Successfully
Your dream project is no longer merely a concept. It's now a reality. You've successfully launched your product, and it's gradually growing in popularity. You might be wondering now, "How does one scale a startup?"
However, there is another critical question to consider: Is your project ready to scale?
According to the Startup Genome Report, up to 90% of all startups fail because they try to scale too quickly. You risk a lot if you make a mistake and start scaling a business before you're ready.
It's not easy, but you can avoid those dangers. In this blog post, we'll show you how to tell if your startup is ready for scale, and if it isn't, how to get ready. We’ve
12ft.io 12ft.io
design reviews exist to persuade stakeholders that you’re offering the best solution at the intersection of customer and business needs.
Shenkar wouldlike to see students in business schools and other graduate programs taking
courses on effective imitation.
If imitation is so effective, what would teaching imitation to students look like in a variety of settings including, academia, business, and other areas?
Is teaching by way of imitation the best method for the majority of students? Are there ways to test this versus other methods for broad effectiveness?
How can we better leverage imitation in teaching for application to the real world?
An alternative kind of note-taking was encouraged in the late Middle Agesamong members of new lay spiritual movements, such as the Brethren of theCommon Life (fl. 1380s–1500s). Their rapiaria combined personal notes andspiritual reflections with readings copied from devotional texts.
I seem to recall a book or two like this that were on the best seller list in the 1990s and early 2000s based on a best selling Christian self help book, but with an edition that had a journal like reflection space. Other than the old word rapiaria, is there a word for this broad genre besides self-help journal?
An example might be Rhonda Byrne's book The Secret (Atria Books, 2006) which had a gratitude journal version (Atria Books, 2007, 978-1582702087).
Another example includes Rick Warren's The Purpose Driven Life (Zondervan, 2002) with a journal version (Zondervan, 2002, 978-0310807186).
There's also a sub-genre of diaries and journals that have these sort of preprinted quotes/reflections for each day in addition to space for one to write their own reflections.
Has anyone created a daily blogging/reflection platform that includes these sorts of things? One might repurpose the Hello Dolly WordPress plugin to create journal prompts for everyday writing and reflection.
Referencebooks also typically offered a larger collection of excerpts than most individualscould amass in a lifetime.
This makes me wonder if it would be a useful product to have a highly linked note collection to sell to others in a modern context? It could be done entirely in text files for compatibility with Roam Research, Obsidian, Logseq, et al. Ideally it would be done in a more commonplace way with quotes and interlinked and could be expanded upon by the purchaser.
- zettelkasten
- gratitude journal
- business ideas
- self-help
- prosperity gospel
- The Secret
- The Purpose Driven Life
- rapiaria
- Saddleback Church
- spirituality
- note taking
- gratitude
- eisegesis
- idea generators
- examples
- journals
- Logseq
- Brethren of the Common Life
- florilegium
- protestantism
- commonplace books
- Rick Warren
- Feb 2022
edmontonjournal.com edmontonjournal.com
Mackenzie County won’t contract businesses with ‘coercive’ COVID-19 vaccine mandates, reeve says. (n.d.). Edmontonjournal. Retrieved 28 February 2022, from https://edmontonjournal.com/news/local-news/mackenzie-county-wont-contract-businesses-with-coercive-covid-19-vaccine-mandates-reeve-says
www.cnbc.com www.cnbc.com
Hur, K. (2022, February 16). Restaurateur says he spends around $750,000 on security to deal with unruly diners. CNBC. https://www.cnbc.com/2022/02/16/restauranteur-says-he-spends-around-750000-on-security-to-deal-with-unruly-diners.html
- business
- protection
- US
- is:news
- staff shortage
- hospitality
- security
- COVID-19
- inflation
- lang:en
- restaurant
- economy
- labor shortage
- supply chain
- cost
en.itpedia.nl en.itpedia.nl
Gap analysis in 4 steps Instead of groping around in the dark, a gap analysis of the gap leads us through a detailed investigation of where our organization is currently and where we want to be. This allows us to act on the basis of facts, not on the basis of assumptions.
Local file Local file
integrierten IT-basierten Management- und Entscheidungsunterstützung (Business Intelligence)
Business Intelligence
Major COVID course correction immediately required. (n.d.). Retrieved February 7, 2022, from https://ozsage.org/media_releases/major-covid-course-correction-immediately-required/
- business
- staff shortage
- response
- education
- recommendation
- financial support
- Omicron
- Australia
- mitigation measures
- healthcare system
- hospitalization
- school
- workplace
- is:report
- face-to-face
- guidance
- close contact
- COVID-19
- government
- work from home
- lang:en
- testing
- mask wearing
- vaccine
- leadership
- lockdown
Therefore, they were frequently used as lottery tickets, marriage and death announcements, notepads, or busi-ness cards.
With blank backs, French playing cards in the late 1700s were often used as lottery tickets, marriage and death announcements, notepads, and business cards.
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Smith, J., & Duncan, P. (2022, February 3). Firms handed £1.3bn in Covid contracts claimed £1m in furlough grants. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2022/feb/03/dozen-uk-companies-given-vip-covid-ppe-contracts-also-claimed-furlough-grants
every.to every.to
Most writing is chasing clout, rather than insight
As the result of online business models and SEO, most writing becomes about chasing clout and audience eyeballs rather than providing thought provoking insight and razor sharp analysis. The audience reaction has weakened with the anger reaction machines like Twitter.
We need better business models that aren't built on hype.
Founded in partnership with a team of entrepreneurial journalists who believe in a better model to create excellent content while narrowing the synapse between elite creators and their audiences.
Another platform play of journalists banding together to find a niche space of readers.
therebooting.substack.com therebooting.substack.com
Aligning editorial mission and business model is critical.
One of the most complex questions in journalism in the past decade or more is how can one best align editorial mission with the business model? This is particularly difficult because the traditional business model(s) have been shifting in the move to online.
Axios Pro is bundling newsletters together in a high-priced subscription product ($2,500 for the bundle; $599 each) aimed squarely at deep-pocketed investors.
Old business advice: find the rich and charge them a pretty penny for something they either think they need or fear they can't live without.
- Jan 2022
thehustle.co thehustle.co
The finding is supported by a related spike in face-lifts when elective surgeries opened last summer.
Booming time to start a plastic surgeon affiliate marketing business targeted at frequent Zoom callers!
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
Even major corporations such as Qantas Airlines, Red Bull, and the Los Angeles Clippers have started putting a Linktree in their Instagram and TikTok bios, Anthony Zaccaria, Linktree’s co-founder and chief commercial officer, told me. These companies all have expensive websites, but he said that link-in-bios have come to represent a space in between social media and websites: a regularly updated page where artists can plug their new music, airlines can promote their new flight routes, and even non-influencers can list out the TV shows they’re currently watching. While a traditional website might remain relatively static over time—an airline like Qantas, for instance, is always going to want its flight-booking tool to be front and center—a link-in-bio is a sort of ever-shifting homepage, the ideal spot for brands and influencers to house updates or tout new products.
Who says the link in bio needs to go to a company's homepage? Why couldn't it be a custom landing page geared toward the social media site the link is placed on?
The reasoning here is completely false.
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Elliott, L., & editor, L. E. E. (2022, January 24). Omicron pushes UK business growth to 11-month low. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2022/jan/24/uk-business-growth-omicron-covid-variant-january
en.itpedia.nl en.itpedia.nl
Is ITIL Losing Importance Due To SaaS? ITIL is a set of procedures and practices of IT service management when we mistakenly believe that we don't have to worry about that in SaaS. However, ITIL has many aspects and facets that encompasses running IT in an organization. Moreover, it is not a checklist for the implementation of specific services in specific environments. For SaaS, we can just use a different toolset to follow the general ITIL guidelines.
twitter.com twitter.com
Prof. Gavin Yamey MD MPH. (2022, January 10). Yes, Neoliberal John Snow wins the Internet today 👏 H/T @gregggonsalves Reminds me of this…. Https://t.co/zt9tINBxal [Tweet]. @GYamey. https://twitter.com/GYamey/status/1480527550531186696
www.taylorfrancis.com www.taylorfrancis.com
An interesting coming book grouping various application issues (business, crime, military and terrorism).
twitter.com twitter.com
Prof. Christina Pagel. (2022, January 19). This makes it so clear that the release of all measures right now (esp masks, esp schools) is only to protect himself & his job. Boris has zero interest in protecting others from getting sick, needing hospital or dying. Or protecting businesses, schools, NHS from disruption. [Tweet]. @chrischirp. https://twitter.com/chrischirp/status/1483884632651313152
www.thebalancesmb.com www.thebalancesmb.com
How to Write a Sales Letter
Follow the the methods of 'HOPPP'
- Headline
- Offer
- Proof
- Persuade
- P.s.
getmailspring.com getmailspring.com
Mailspring isn't VC funded and doesn't need to make millions to succeed. Just a thousand paid subscriptions will make Mailspring a stable business and we have big ideas for the future of email.
blog.thepete.net blog.thepete.net
When a product manager trusts that the engineers on the team have the interest of the product at heart, they also trust the engineer’s judgment when adding technical tasks to the backlog and prioritizing them. This enables the balanced mix of feature and technical work that we’re aiming for.
Why is it so common for engineering teams to be mistrusted by other parts of the business?
Part of that is definitely on engineers: chasing the new shiny, over-engineering, etc.
That seems unlikely to account for all of it, though.
The Business Strategy stems from a detailed strategic planning process. However, the question we want to answer in this article is whether we can execute multiple strategies side by side while they do not interfere with each other. We compare multiple strategies for business, information provision and IT and focus on Strategic planning.
Business strategy alignment and the secrets of strategic planning https://en.itpedia.nl/2022/01/02/business-strategie-alignment-en-de-geheimen-van-strategische-planning/ The Business Strategy stems from a detailed strategic planning process. However, the question we want to answer in this article is whether we can execute multiple strategies side by side while they do not interfere with each other. We compare multiple strategies for business, information provision and IT and focus on Strategic planning.
- Dec 2021
pathedits.com pathedits.com
Warning: End-of-year exhaustion coming. We can receive some advice to assist us in expanding our company while preserving your creative spark.
twitter.com twitter.com
Kim Willsher. (2021, December 16). Let’s try again...new “drastic” regulations for anyone planning to come to France from UK. There must be a “compelling” reason. This does not include tourism or business French nationals/residents can return but must have a negative Covid test within 24hrs before departure. 1/2 [Tweet]. @kimwillsher1. https://twitter.com/kimwillsher1/status/1471401803828764682
Green computing, or green information technology, is the practice of environmentally sustainable computing. In this article we take a closer look at: * Greening the workplace. * A green workplace business case. * Opportunities to make Data Centers greener by: - Other IT equipment. - The cooling of IT spaces. - The data center buildings.
Green computing : Workplace and data center, a real business case https://en.itpedia.nl/2021/12/11/green-computing-werkplek-datacenter-business-case/ Green computing, or green information technology, is the practice of environmentally sustainable computing. In this article we take a closer look at: Greening the workplace. A green workplace business case. * Opportunities to make Data Centers greener by: - Other IT equipment. - The cooling of IT spaces. - The data center buildings.
www.montrealfinancial.ca www.montrealfinancial.ca
That being said, often rental properties don’t generate significant amounts of net income after deducting mortgage interest and other expenses including property tax, insurance and repairs.
Does that mean you don't pay much taxes at least while you're paying mortgage on the property? Maybe but remember that you can only claim the mortgage interest not the mortgage principal.
Much of the taxes paid are refundable and can be recovered if you pay yourself a dividend, which must then be declared on your personal taxes.
Look into how this works
A corporation whose principal purpose is to derive income from property is usually considered a specified investment business, and is not eligible for the small business deduction.
What happens in my case? Would the principal purpose be categorized as mentorship or investment.
www.moneysense.ca www.moneysense.ca
Corporations generally pay tax at about 50% on net rental income, and at about 25% on a rental property capital gain (rates differ by province). This is similar to what a top-rate taxpayer might pay if they owned the same property personally. Therefore, many people would pay less tax to own a rental property personally instead of corporately, and could also avoid the cost and complexity of the corporate structure.
If that's true then it makes no sense to run a rental business through your corporation.
www.canadianlawyermag.com www.canadianlawyermag.com
Critics of petition against COVID-19 measures say it is grounded in hyperbole and misinformation. (n.d.). Retrieved December 9, 2021, from https://www.canadianlawyermag.com/news/general/critics-of-petition-against-covid-19-measures-say-it-is-grounded-in-hyperbole-and-misinformation/362441
Standard algorithms as a reliable engine in SaaS https://en.itpedia.nl/2021/12/06/standaard-algoritmen-als-betrouwbaar-motorblok-in-saas/ The term "Algorithm" has gotten a bad rap in recent years. This is because large tech companies such as Facebook and Google are often accused of threatening our privacy. However, algorithms are an integral part of every application. As is known, SaaS is standard software, which makes use of algorithms just like other software.
- But what are algorithms anyway?
- How can we use standard algorithms?
- How do standard algorithms end up in our software?
- When is software not an algorithm?
- Nov 2021
en.itpedia.nl en.itpedia.nl
Should Financial Executives lead the IT department? A bit of IT-financials thinking... https://en.itpedia.nl/2021/11/23/moeten-financial-executives-leiding-geven-aan-de-it-afdeling/
www.codica.com www.codica.com
How to Create a Minimum Viable Product (MVP): Best Examples and Key BenefitsDmitryCEOMVPProduct GuideHomeBlogEntrepreneurshipHow to Create a Minimum Viable Product (MVP): Best Examples and Key BenefitsPublishedFeb 14, 2019UpdatedNov 26, 202139 min readAs an entrepreneur, you may eventually come to the point of planning a startup and launching your software product. Initially, you only have the idea of the project. What’s next? MVP development for startups is something that will help you at the beginning. You will learn what it is from this article. But first, some statistics. In 2020 the failure rate of startups exceeded 90%. And Euler Hermes’ latest research is even more disappointing. It shows that the number of global business bankruptcies will have increased by 15% by 2022. Can you guess what the reason is? It is a lack of demand among the users in the market. That’s why when you have a brilliant idea, do not rush building a fully-featured product and spending months on hard work. There’s a more efficient way to initially understand whether your idea will be required in the market. And this implies developing a minimum viable product (MVP). This popular approach in startup product development will help you test your business idea and save both time and resources. This way, you understand what users need and can create an offering that they are ready to pay for. Thanks to this article, you will know how to define a minimum viable product. You will also learn all about the MVP approach. We will start with the definition of this term and take a look at the best minimum viable products built by famous companies. Finally, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to create a minimum viable product.
Thanks to this article, you will know how to define a minimum viable product. You will also learn all about the MVP approach. We will start with the definition of this term and take a look at the best minimum viable products built by famous companies. Finally, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to create a minimum viable product.
www.cnbc.com www.cnbc.com
Rattner, N. (2021, October 28). Some 5% of unvaccinated adults quit their jobs over Covid vaccine mandates, survey shows. CNBC. https://www.cnbc.com/2021/10/28/covid-vaccine-some-5percent-of-unvaccinated-adults-have-quit-their-jobs-over-a-mandate-survey-shows.html
- business
- Labor department
- is:news
- vaccine mandate
- leave job
- COVID-19
- survey
- lang:en
- compliance
- testing mandate
- workforce
- Joe Biden
www.ciemnastrona.com.pl www.ciemnastrona.com.pl
Dogadać się z firmami z podobnej branży i umieszczać u siebie zdjęcia ich produktów, bez żadnego kodu. Napisać czasem (odpowiednio oznaczony) artykuł sponsorowany. Dodać link do bezpośrednich wpłat na swoje konto. Pomysłów jest multum. Niestety wielu wybrało najłatwiejszą opcję i podpięcie się pod globalne sieci reklamowe. Niekoniecznie zyskują na tym „partnerstwie”. Elementy reklamowe zbierają informacje o użytkownikach nawet jeśli ich nie klikniemy (a zatem i tak nie przyniesiemy zarobków właścicielom stron).
Why it's worth to use ad blockers & how site owners could replace this business model
www.mobindustry.net www.mobindustry.net
10 Ideas to Start a SaaS Business in 2021
Software as a service, or SaaS, is one of the most promising business models in 2021. It’s popular among entrepreneurs, investors, and customers alike. Learn about the most promising ideas you can tap into to build your own SaaS startup and make it successful.
careframework.org careframework.org
also into business models that can better serve the interests of both students and educators.
We are at a point in time where we need to reflect on our business practices. The question should be who are we serving and how do we show we are serving them.
- Oct 2021
medium.com medium.com
A common good (CG) process begins with an initiator proposing the production of a common good. Then, during the predefined lifetime of the process, funders who care about this common good may pledge funds for its production, being reassured that their money will only be used retroactively, had the common good been eventually produced — no risk taken. Executors who wish to produce the common good may do so, being reassured that they will be compensated by the pledged funds had they been successful. And profit-seeking investors may buy a portion of the potential reward from executors (in the form of per-executor tokens that are made redeemable against the future reward had they been successful), and by that provide them with liquid funding for operation. Finally, if and when executors achieve the desired outcome, as decreed by a predefined judge, the pledged funds are released as a reward to the successful executors and the investors who bought their tokens. If no success has been reached after some predefined limit of time, the funds go back to the funders who provided them. Executors and investors only see profit, and funders only spend it, if and only when the common good is produced.
A trustless conditional reward model for production of common goods.
In the future envisioned here, decentralized networks play the role of governments, municipalities and intentional commons, fostering common goods. It is possible to produce common goods when a big-enough community cooperates to bear the cost of production and its implementation; but this, correspondingly, requires large-scale coordination, and large-scale coordination is generally a very hard problem. In this article we introduce Common Good, a blockchain-based application that solves this problem by enabling the coordination and motivation of different relevant actors for achieving a desired common good, by providing it with a “business model” just as in the profit-seeking sector. Our solution takes inspiration from the Social Impact Bonds (SIB) model.
A proposal to use decentralized blockchain to make large scale coordination possible.
www.excellentwebworld.com www.excellentwebworld.com
The best part is you can start your transportation business with one single van and later expand as you grow. We’ll talk more on this later in the blog.
www.strategyzer.com www.strategyzer.com
Visualize and communicate a simple story of your business model.
leanstack.com leanstack.com
Lean Canvas is a 1-page business plan template created by Ash Maurya that helps you deconstruct your idea into its key assumptions. It is adapted from Alex Osterwalder's Business Model Canvas and optimized for Lean Startups. It replaces elaborate business plans with a single page business model.
succinctstories.wordpress.com succinctstories.wordpress.com
The lean canvas is an adaption of Alex Osterwalder’s “Business Model Canvas” which he describes in his book: “Business Model Generation”
Lean Canvas has been adapted by Ash Maurya from the very popular Business Model Canvas by Alexander Osterwalder
- Sep 2021
101entrepreneurship.org 101entrepreneurship.org
Why is entrepreneurship important?
The entrepreneur is a problem-solving person who stays focused on developing a solution. They are talented leaders who work for improving society and giving jobs to others. Let’s have a look at the reasons that prove entrepreneurship is important below:
Lowers unemployment The jobs are created by entrepreneurship that helps others earn well. The entrepreneurs take risks for giving employment to the society. They continuously focused on growing their business that directly creates jobs. It helps in lowering the unemployment rate.
Make Change There are natural dreams in the ideas of entrepreneurs that can change the concept globally. It can range from the development of a new product for solving the transport problem or a system that purifies the air. While checking history, one can see how tremendous sort of things delivered by entrepreneurs for the world.
Boost the nation’s economy As we all know, entrepreneurship can lead to the generation of money that can enhance the economy of the country. The growth of new markets occurs due to the new ideas or improved services provided by entrepreneurs. Description
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
US to lift Covid travel ban for vaccinated passengers from UK and most of EU | US immigration | The Guardian. (n.d.). Retrieved September 21, 2021, from https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/sep/20/us-travel-ban-lifted-uk-eu-flights-allowed-vaccinated-latest-covid-restrictions
- business
- trade
- is:news
- fully vaccinated
- travel ban
- policy
- airline
- UK
- travel
- loosening restrictions
- masking
- contact tracing
- EU
- COVID-19
- government
- vaccine
- Europe
api.hypothes.is api.hypothes.is
Solana NFT Marketplace Development
The huge trend of non-fungible tokens has necessitated the creation of a digital environment to facilitate their exchange. NFT marketplace platforms dedicated to launching and trading NFTs offer a beneficial experience for both makers and takers.
Maticz is a top-rated NFT Marketplace Development Company that offers premium Solana NFT marketplace development to help you to launch your own NFT marketplace platform that gives a seamless user experience and helps you to stand out from the competitors. Our Solana NFT marketplace platforms come with a robust trading engine, storefront, advanced searching filters, and so forth.
Know more: Solana NFT Development >>>
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
www.excellentwebworld.com www.excellentwebworld.com
Let me in you on a big secret. You can start a car rental business with a large fleet of vehicles, a single car, or even without owning any cars.
commonplace.knowledgefutures.org commonplace.knowledgefutures.org
hypothes.is hypothes.is
How to Create NFT MarketPlace?
Owing to the worldwide requirement of the current Digital world, the NFT aspirants are actively looking for an efficient NFT Marketplace to showcase their collectibles. Statistics have defined that OpenSea and Rarible are bound to offer enhanced performance than most other NFT marketplaces. If you are an active entrepreneur or investor looking to launch your own NFT Marketplace Platform? You are in the right place!
The NFT marketplace can be built in two significant ways.
Build NFT marketplace from Scratch.
White Label NFT Marketplace
White Label NFT MarketPlace solutions are pre-built ones. It can be customized based on the client's requirements. It is more beneficial for the people who want to start an NFT with less capital investment. Development costs and the time to Create NFT Marketplace by opting for White Label NFT MarketPlace Software solutions are minimal.
Building an NFT Marketplace from Scratch
Building NFT MarketPlace from Scratch involves some basic steps like Blockchain selection, Finalizing features & functionalities, Developing Smart Contracts, UI Creations, Smart Contract Auditing & Bug fixing, Testnet deployment, release beta version or mainnet release. These NFT platforms are built based on the client's requirements. It is fully customized and we can integrate any unique features on it.
Create NFT MarketPlace on your desired Blockchain network
There are so many NFT Marketplace solution providers present in the crypto market. So tie up with the trustworthy NFT MarketPlace Development Company and check out the live demo of their white label nft marketplace and then create your own NFT marketplace on the desired blockchain network such as Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, and TRON as per your wish.
NFT MarketPlace Development
Desire to Enter the Industry that generates Million Dollar Revenue, Our NFT Marketplace Development Services are perfect for you. Whether for Art, Music, Games, Real Estate or any Unique Digital Collectible, We Maticz leading NFT Marketplace Development Company develop domain-specific NFT Software Solutions to help meet your unique business demands.
Cryptocurrency Exchange Development
Build a robust, secure and user-friendly Cryptocurrency Exchange Platform for your traders with our Cryptocurrency Exchange Software. As a best-in-class Cryptocurrency Exchange Development Company, Maticz offer top-notch Cryptocurrency Exchange Development Services on White Label mode to ensure growth-centric digital transformation. Get Complete Cryptocurrency Exchange Software solutions to unlock revenue and growth for your Crypto business.
Know more: Cryptocurrency Exchange Development Services
- Aug 2021
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Morris, S. (2021, August 26). ‘It’s really hit us now’: Newquay becomes England’s Covid capital. The Guardian. http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2021/aug/26/newquay-cornwall-becomes-england-covid-capital
www.edsurge.com www.edsurge.com
“The real economics of college have shifted so much during the last 70 years, and we have not made adjustments to all those changes. Students are in an equation that has not adapted to the circumstances.”
www.codica.com www.codica.com
How to Build a SaaS Startup in 10 Smart StepsAlina NechvolodE-Commerce & SaaS StrategistSaaSStartupHomeBlogEntrepreneurshipHow to Build a SaaS Startup in 10 Smart StepsJul 30, 202018 min readSaaS solutions are noted for their flexibility. This quality serves as a key reason why 37% of businesses switch to cloud-based systems. Given their growing popularity, the idea of launching a company offering SaaS products seems very lucrative. So, how to build a SaaS startup? In this article, we will answer this question, and guide you through the main stages of starting a SaaS business. You will learn to make market research and write a lean plan. Also, we will discuss the most suitable pricing models and effective marketing strategies. Finally, you will know how to track the progress of your startup.
SaaS solutions are noted for their flexibility. This quality serves as a key reason why 37% of businesses switch to cloud-based systems. Given their growing popularity, the idea of launching a company offering SaaS products seems very lucrative.
So, how to build a SaaS startup? In this article, we will answer this question, and guide you through the main stages of starting a SaaS business.
You will learn to make market research and write a lean plan. Also, we will discuss the most suitable pricing models and effective marketing strategies.
Finally, you will know how to track the progress of your startup.
www.codica.com www.codica.com
7 Top Strategies To Attract Sellers to Your Peer to Peer MarketplaceDaniil TorkutDeveloper AdvocateMarketplaceHomeBlogEntrepreneurship7 Top Strategies To Attract Sellers to Your Peer to Peer MarketplaceJun 4, 20208 min readUser acquisition is one of the most important aspects to make your marketplace website successful. When you attract sellers and buyers to your platform, you start making a profit and improve your market presence. Our previous article covered the topic of attracting buyers for a peer to peer marketplace. We have considered 4 simple techniques that will help you solve the chicken and egg problem even before you launch your marketplace. These are a referral system, landing page, free offers, and constraints that can help you attract early buyers. Today we want to discuss the second important aspect - acquisition of sellers. We prepared 7 quick ways to attract vendors to your peer to peer marketplace platform. This detailed guide will help you make your e-commerce website profitable and successful.
User acquisition is one of the most important aspects to make your marketplace website successful. When you attract sellers and buyers to your platform, you start making a profit and improve your market presence.
We prepared 7 quick ways to attract vendors to your peer to peer marketplace platform.
www.fastcompany.com www.fastcompany.com
Peters, Adele, Adele Peters, and Adele Peters. “Turning Empty Office Buildings into Housing Could Instantly Transform Post-COVID Cities.” Fast Company, July 30, 2021. https://www.fastcompany.com/90659901/turning-empty-office-buildings-into-housing-could-instantly-transform-post-covid-cities.
www.codica.com www.codica.com
How to Build a Marketplace Website MVP and Not FailDmitry ChekalinChief Executive OfficerKate DavydovaMarketplace Growth StrategistMarketplaceMVPHomeBlogEntrepreneurshipHow to Build a Marketplace Website MVP and Not FailApr 9, 202013 min readDo you want to know how to build a marketplace website that will become popular and profitable? And you don’t want to risk money and waste a lot of time, right? A great plan is to start with a minimum viable product (MVP). This way you will not spend a lot of time and money, and you will get valuable feedback on the product and its primary features. Using this approach, you will definitely understand whether your idea is worth investing in or not. Today, we want to discuss how to build a marketplace MVP through several simple steps.
Do you want to know how to build a marketplace website that will become popular and profitable? And you don’t want to risk money and waste a lot of time, right?
A great plan is to start with a minimum viable product (MVP). This way you will not spend a lot of time and money, and you will get valuable feedback on the product and its primary features. Using this approach, you will definitely understand whether your idea is worth investing in or not.
Today, we want to discuss how to build a marketplace MVP through several simple steps.
bangordailynews.com bangordailynews.com
a technology that uses waste wood products to produce ethyl levulinate, which it says is a carbon-neutral substitute for home heating oil.
blog.kowalczyk.info blog.kowalczyk.info
Open source is not a good business model.If you want to make money do literally anything else: try to sell software, do consulting, build a SAAS and charge monthly for it, rob a bank.
Open-source software is not money friendly
- Jul 2021
blog.jonudell.net blog.jonudell.net
Some basic data patterns and questions occur in almost any business setting and having a toolset to handle them efficiently for both the end users and the programmers is an incredibly important function.
Too often I see businesses that don't own their own data or their contracting out the programming portion (or both).
www.latimes.com www.latimes.com
www.migrationencounters.org www.migrationencounters.org
Ben: The business started blossoming when we were in Texas. I had told my wife to give me…Within five years we'll have a house and we'll both have good vehicles, dependable vehicles, but it's going to take a while. Well within a year and a half from when I started, we bought out first house and we both had good, dependable vehicles. However, it was still tight when I took a project on in Akron, Ohio. And when I took that project on, I did not want to go up there for many reasons. One, because I had this immigration issue on me and I'm going near the Canadian border. Another, I didn't really want to be away from my family.Ben: But when these customers get persistent, "What's it going to take? What's it going to take?" And I said, "It's just out of the question. I can't go up there, I got all these jobs going on. Plus, I got bad equipment, my equipment’s old and if my equipment breaks down up there, I'm not going to be able to meet the schedules and we're all going to be in trouble.” "Is that it? Really?" The last price he had upped the price of what the contract was to pay, and the pay was fine. I had other reasons why I didn't want to go. Well when he says, "I'll throw in a brand-new texture machine on top of it, but I'll sign off on the paperwork after you complete the project.” And I go, "You'll do that?" "I'll do that and when have you known me to not keep my word?" And I go, "Done deal.”Ben: One of those texture machines, the price tag at that time was about $30,000. Right now, it's probably closer to $40,000 because we're talking about 1996. And he followed through, I came up to Akron, when I got up to Akron though, they had projects, there were projects everywhere, Kentucky, Michigan. And the pay, the pay was awesome. And that is where it really, within I think about the second month that I was up north, it just completely changed.Ben: But I hadn't seen my wife and children since I had taken off up there. So, I told her to come up there and visit and I started discuss with her. I go, "Look these other jobs,” and I had already said I was going to take them, but I didn't tell her that. I told her, she says, "What if you go to be traveling?" I go, "It's worth it to be traveling back and forth, but I'm not going to be traveling back and forth. We're going to just take the kids; we're going to move up here and we're going to be together".Ben: And so that's when I moved them to Indianapolis. We stationed in Indianapolis although I did travel quite a bit. I was on the road quite a bit because I had later ended up with jobs as far down as Orlando, Florida. And I ended up in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina to repair a bunch of apartments which we had worked on before. But it was a pretty wild ride, but we really were doing really well, and it was really amazing.
Time in the US, Jobs/employment/work, Small business owner, Earnings, Careers, Construction; Time in the US, States, Texas, Indiana, Louisiana, Florida, Ohio
Anne: So, you were in Texas initially, is that where you got married?Ben: Yes, in Texas.Anne: Your wife. When did the business start blossoming to help you move out of Texas?
Time in the US, States, Texas
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Policy Opportunities for the Remote Economy | Upwork. (n.d.). Retrieved July 2, 2021, from https://www.upwork.com/press/releases/policy-opportunities-for-the-remote-economy