274 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. Do you intend to launch your own company or develop your mobile application? You're in the proper location! The folks at Designveloper provide you with a selection of the good app ideas of the year in this post, along with some advice on how to come up with ideas for developing mobile apps.

      Best 13 Top Mobile App Ideas for Startups in 2025

    1. This is a collection of excellent Kotlin App Examples. While millions of people have downloaded some of them from Google Play after being produced by prestigious corporations, others are well-liked open-source initiatives that developers find valuable.
  2. Sep 2024
    1. Der kalifornische.Generalstaatsanwalt hat einen Prozess gegen Exxon Mobil angestrengt, weil der Konzern.den Verkauf von nichtwiederverwenbarem Plastik über Jahrzehnte mit Fehlinformationen über Recycling gefördert habe. Die Firma hätte gewusst und bewusst verschwiegen, dass eines ihrer Hauptprodukte erheblich zur Plastik-Verschmutzung beiträgt. NGOs, die Exxon ebenfalls verklagten, begrüßen, dass damit ein Ölkonzern auch wegen der Plastikverschmutzung juristisch zur Rechenschaft gezogen wird, under erwarten weitere Prozesse dieser Art. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/09/23/climate/california-exxon-mobil-plastics-pollution-recycling-lawsuit.html

    1. https://web.archive.org/web/20240923184711/https://nlnet.nl/project/MaemoLeste-Telepathy/interview.html

      Maemo Leste is intended to be a mobile OS independent and completely separate from Android and iOS. e/OS in comparison I think is more a degoogled Android. Its origins are in a Nokia project called Maemo (never heard of it).

  3. Jun 2024
  4. Feb 2024
  5. Dec 2023
  6. Oct 2023
    1. Imagine having your own self-contained knowledge manipulator in a portable package the size andshape of an ordinary notebook. How would you use it if it had enough power to outrace yoursenses of sight and hearing, enough capacity to store for later retrieval thousands of page-equivalentsof reference materials, poems, letters, recipes, drawings, animations, musical scores, waveforms,dynamic simulations, and anything else you would like to create, remember, and change?

      Fascinating how Even though we did realized some of this with the mobile phone we still have a system that's so fragmented that it's fundamentally getting in the way of progress

  7. Jul 2023
    1. html <meta http-equiv="Accept-CH" content="DPR, Viewport-Width, Width"> ... <picture> <!-- serve WebP to Chrome and Opera --> <source media="(min-width: 50em)" sizes="50vw" srcset="/image/thing-200.webp 200w, /image/thing-400.webp 400w, /image/thing-800.webp 800w, /image/thing-1200.webp 1200w, /image/thing-1600.webp 1600w, /image/thing-2000.webp 2000w" type="image/webp"> <source sizes="(min-width: 30em) 100vw" srcset="/image/thing-crop-200.webp 200w, /image/thing-crop-400.webp 400w, /image/thing-crop-800.webp 800w, /image/thing-crop-1200.webp 1200w, /image/thing-crop-1600.webp 1600w, /image/thing-crop-2000.webp 2000w" type="image/webp"> <!-- serve JPEGXR to Edge --> <source media="(min-width: 50em)" sizes="50vw" srcset="/image/thing-200.jpgxr 200w, /image/thing-400.jpgxr 400w, /image/thing-800.jpgxr 800w, /image/thing-1200.jpgxr 1200w, /image/thing-1600.jpgxr 1600w, /image/thing-2000.jpgxr 2000w" type="image/vnd.ms-photo"> <source sizes="(min-width: 30em) 100vw" srcset="/image/thing-crop-200.jpgxr 200w, /image/thing-crop-400.jpgxr 400w, /image/thing-crop-800.jpgxr 800w, /image/thing-crop-1200.jpgxr 1200w, /image/thing-crop-1600.jpgxr 1600w, /image/thing-crop-2000.jpgxr 2000w" type="image/vnd.ms-photo"> <!-- serve JPEG to others --> <source media="(min-width: 50em)" sizes="50vw" srcset="/image/thing-200.jpg 200w, /image/thing-400.jpg 400w, /image/thing-800.jpg 800w, /image/thing-1200.jpg 1200w, /image/thing-1600.jpg 1600w, /image/thing-2000.jpg 2000w"> <source sizes="(min-width: 30em) 100vw" srcset="/image/thing-crop-200.jpg 200w, /image/thing-crop-400.jpg 400w, /image/thing-crop-800.jpg 800w, /image/thing-crop-1200.jpg 1200w, /image/thing-crop-1600.jpg 1600w, /image/thing-crop-2000.jpg 2000w"> <!-- fallback for browsers that don't support picture --> <img src="/image/thing.jpg" width="50%"> </picture>

    1. ```js // Log the full user-agent data navigator .userAgentData.getHighEntropyValues( ["architecture", "model", "bitness", "platformVersion", "fullVersionList"]) .then(ua => { console.log(ua) });

      // output { "architecture":"x86", "bitness":"64", "brands":[ { "brand":" Not A;Brand", "version":"99" }, { "brand":"Chromium", "version":"98" }, { "brand":"Google Chrome", "version":"98" } ], "fullVersionList":[ { "brand":" Not A;Brand", "version":"" }, { "brand":"Chromium", "version":"98.0.4738.0" }, { "brand":"Google Chrome", "version":"98.0.4738.0" } ], "mobile":false, "model":"", "platformVersion":"12.0.1" } ```

    1. ```idl dictionary NavigatorUABrandVersion { DOMString brand; DOMString version; };

      dictionary UADataValues { DOMString architecture; DOMString bitness; sequence<NavigatorUABrandVersion> brands; DOMString formFactor; sequence<NavigatorUABrandVersion> fullVersionList; DOMString model; boolean mobile; DOMString platform; DOMString platformVersion; DOMString uaFullVersion; // deprecated in favor of fullVersionList boolean wow64; };

      dictionary UALowEntropyJSON { sequence<NavigatorUABrandVersion> brands; boolean mobile; DOMString platform; };

      [Exposed=(Window,Worker)] interface NavigatorUAData { readonly attribute FrozenArray<NavigatorUABrandVersion> brands; readonly attribute boolean mobile; readonly attribute DOMString platform; Promise<UADataValues> getHighEntropyValues (sequence<DOMString> hints ); UALowEntropyJSON toJSON (); };

      interface mixin NavigatorUA { [SecureContext] readonly attribute NavigatorUAData userAgentData ; };

      Navigator includes NavigatorUA; WorkerNavigator includes NavigatorUA; ```

  8. Jun 2023
    1. There are better parameters to evaluate quality, not quantity, of the time spent staring at your screens

      Questions to ask for validating mobile apps quality

  9. May 2023
  10. Apr 2023
  11. Feb 2023
  12. Jan 2023
    1. Actually, using the hypothesis BOOKMARKLET is much more convinient than 'paste a link' or typing "via.hypothes.is/" in front of every link you want to annotate. With the bookmarklet all you need to do is, when you find a page that you want to bookmark, in the search bar of the mobile browser search for the name you saved the bookmarklet as and click it. It will immediately load hypothesis on the page just like clicking the hypothesis extention would do in pc. To bookmark the bookmarklet link (which can be found in https://web.hypothes.is/start) in the mobile browser, copy the link address of the bookmarklet link (which is a javascript code) and just edit an existing (useless) bookmark already there in the mobile browser replace the url with the bookmarklet link. Also give it a title (like "bookmarklet hypothesis") which you would type in the address bar of the mobile browser to find the bookmarklet bookmark.

      Manual to use hypothes.is in mobile Firefox

      via.hypothes.is does not work as they stopped providing an open proxy. It makes all URL forwarders and standalone apps on Android close to useless.

      The piece of advice provided here works, but it is highly unintuitive.

      The mechanics is this: 1. open a page where you want to add annotation 2. click on a bookmark as if you are opening a new page 3. since the bookmark is actually just a piece of javascript, it will simply load hypothes.is client 4. profit.

      To make it work in Firefox mobile, the instruction is this: 1. create a new arbitrary bookmark on some page. It will appear in the list of your bookmarks. 2. copy the bookmarklet javascript code. I was not able to do it directly in the FF mobile, so I copied it on my desktop and sent it to the phone via an IM 3. edit the newly created bookmark and a) give it a name, e.g., "hypothesize"; and b) replace the URL with the piece of copied javascript code 4. now when you want to add an annotation, follow the process above.

  13. Dec 2022
    1. The EAP-SIM mechanism specifies enhancements to GSM authentication and key agreement whereby multiple authentication triplets can be combined to create authentication responses and session keys of greater strength than the individual GSM triplets. The mechanism also includes network authentication, user anonymity support, result indications, and a fast re-authentication procedure.
    1. In addition to pigeon, crow, and eagle, there is also a “sexy pigeon” option which coos much more sexually than your average pigeon.

      While I will not download this app -- points for creativity.

    1. The survey was conducted using surveymonkey.comand primary data were downloaded by DSRA. Thestatistical analyses, including a principal componentsanalysis, were done with SPSS.


    2. What benefits do teachers attribute to theirparticipation in mobile laboratory programs? Do teachers perceive that the mobile laboratoryexperience has an impact on student learning,student attitudes, and student behaviors? If so, whatis the impact?

      mostly teacher focused questions

      would need to explain why I'm looking at teacher's experiences first

    3. acquiring true control groups and she indicated that much ofthe feedback tended to be anecdotal and somewhat irregula

      eval and feedback is difficult as no true opportunity for control groups, and feedback is often anecdotal and irregular

    4. However, mobile laboratory programs aredesigned to do much more than provide equipment andsupplies. The value added by these programs stems fromaccess to engaging, substantive, and thought-provokinginquiry experiences for students and teachers. These includea range of laboratory experiences that involve studentscarrying out carefully specified procedures to verifyestablished scientific knowledge as well as experiences thatengage students in formulating questions, designinginvestigations, and creating and revising explanatory models[3]. Most mobile laboratory experiences for students rangefrom one to four days of laboratory-based activities thatsupplement required curricula. The flexibility of the mobilelaboratory format allows teachers to customize the time anddepth of the experience to the needs of their students andschool schedule. For example, some teachers opt to haveseveral classes work on the mobile laboratory duringregularly scheduled class periods for four or five days whileother teachers choose an in house field trip format thatallows the students to work on an investigation for the entireschool day. Mobile laboratory programs provideappropriately configured space, state-of-the-art equipment,and pedagogically-rich curricular materials, as well asprofessional staff who work with classroom teachers tocreate meaningful science explorations. The combination offacilities, staff, supplies, and materials enable mobilelaboratories to deliver outstanding laboratory learningexperiences for students and unique professionaldevelopment opportunities for teachers.

      it's not just the tools, it's the time, meaningful connections, and PD for teachers

    5. These“vehicles” may pique the curiosity of students andmotivate them to continue their study of science in highschool and beyond. As such, mobile science laboratoriesmay contribute to increasing the number of studentswho become science-literate citizens and members of thescience workforce



  14. Nov 2022
    1. TEs are transposable elements.

      Transposons are mobile DNA elements.Can move throughout the genome. Can be catagorised as class 1 (retrotransposons) or class 2 (DNA transposons).

      Class 1 comprises TEs with LTRs, retroposons (LINE), SINEs.

      Class 2 comprises TEs that operate under replicative transposition or non-replicative transposition. Replicative transposition (nick and paste) -- a total of two TEs as an end result, one as part of the donor and one as part of the target sequence. cointegrate.

      Non-replicative transposition (cut and paste) - only one TE generated, in the target.

      Examples of DNA-only transposon:

    1. Now I can take an article from almost anywhere on my phone (reading services like Pocket, my feed readers, or even articles within the browser themselves), click share, choose “URL Forwarder” from the top of the list, select “Hypothesize” and the piece I want to annotate magically opens up with Hypothes.is ready to go in my default browser. Huzzah!

      Useful how-to for setting up Hypothes.is for mobile use on Android. Confirmed that this works on Brave mobile browser

    2. http:

      Using "https:" also works (at least with the Brave mobile browser on Android)

    1. How to Turn Obsidian Into a Personal Kanban Organizer

      Checking if Hypothesis works on Android via Brave mobile browser. Here's some LaTex being tested \(A \cup B\)

  15. Oct 2022
    1. On the other end, there was The Good Phone Foundation, a not-for-profit organization founded with a mission to create an open, transparent, and secure mobile ecosystem outside of Big Tech’s reach, who just released their own Android-based mobile OS and were looking for apps to rely on. They contacted me, and after a couple of calls, we realized that partnering up on the smartphone makes a lot of sense for both of us. So, here we are, introducing you to our brand new Simple Phone. Only having control over both software and hardware ensures the ultimate privacy and security. The target audience consists of more privacy-oriented people that do not want to be tracked or rely on big corporations, Google Play, etc. It focuses on people who just want to get things done in a simple way without having to keep closing ads and wondering what does the system do in the background. Not to mention consistency again as the core apps are developed by us. Hope you will like it just like we do 🙂

      Simple Phone's effort to release its own mobile OS is promising for ordinary users. Because Simple Mobile Tools represents a full suite of basic Android applications, in can, ideally, provide a privacy-friendly and user-friendly alternative to stock Android by providing a unified suite of apps. /e/ OS (aka Murena) is attempting something similar, but its app collection is not quite as unified as the Simple Mobile suite.

  16. Sep 2022
  17. Aug 2022
    1. Citation: Kirkpatrick, Keith. The Road to 6G. Communications of the ACM, September 2022, Vol. 65 No. 9, Pages 14-16 10.1145/3546959

      Although it is early in the commercial rollout of 5G mobile networks, countries, companies and standards bodies are gearing up for what will be in the next version—so called “6G” mobile network. There are already experimental allocation of high frequency radio bands and testing that has occurred at about 100m distances. The high frequency will mean higher bandwidth, but over shorter distances. There are experiments to make passive graphene reflectors on common surfaces to help with propagation. What may come is a convergence of 6G with WiFi 6 to support connectivity from body-area networks to low earth orbit satellites.

    1. Mobile Network Hacking, IP Edition. by Karsten Nohl, Luca Melette & Sina Yazdanmehr. Black Hat. London. December 2-5, 2019. 47 minute video. https://www.blackhat.com/eu-19/briefings/schedule/index.html#mobile-network-hacking-ip-edition-17617

      Mobile networks have gone through a decade of security improvements ranging from better GSM encryption to stronger SIM card and SS7 configurations. These improvements were driven by research at this and other hacking conferences.

      Meanwhile, the networks have also mushroomed in complexity by integrating an ever-growing number of IT technologies from SIP to WiFi, IPSec, and most notably web technologies.

      This talk illustrates the security shortcomings when merging IT protocols into mobile networks. We bring back hacking gadgets long thought to be mitigated, including intercepting IMSI catchers, remote SMS intercept, and universal caller ID spoofing.

      We explore which protection measures are missing from the mobile network and discuss how to best bring them over from the IT security domain into mobile networks.

  18. Jul 2022
    1. D2M allows for the direct streaming of multimedia content to phones. The technology’s theory is that it can be used to directly broadcast information geared toward citizens, as well as to combat fake news, send out emergency warnings, and aid in disaster management, among other things. In addition, live sports, news, and other content can be broadcast on mobile devices. Furthermore, there should be zero internet data usage while the material streams without any buffering at all. Furthermore, there should be zero internet data usage while the material streams without any buffering at all.

      Definition DIrect 2 Mobile

    1. The definition of “super app” is fuzzy, but companies and their leaders most often use it to describe a state of cramming ever more features and functions into their apps—often ones adjacent to, but distinct from, their core functionality. So, for example, a financial-tech super app might start with payments and bolt on buy-now-pay-later, cryptocurrency and in-app storefronts. For social media, it could mean incorporating things like shopping. And for a delivery and ride-hailing company, it might mean adding new modes of transportation or other categories of goods for drivers to convey.

      Definition of "super-app"

      Not yet common in the U.S., but exemplified by WeChat in China. This is a response to the decline in mobile app user tracking and the corresponding ad-tech. It is about capturing more time and attention from mobile computing uers.

  19. Jun 2022
  20. May 2022
    1. Hello, my name is Evans Dominique from the United States am here to give a testimonial on how I met one of the best Hacker so far on my incredible moment of pain I lost a huge amount of money to a fake investor, I invested 105,000 USD to this investment company with my belief that I will have a huge return when it was time for me to get my return they company no longer pick my calls or reply to my email I was so devasted that my sister saw my pain and sad sorrow she have no choice than to introduce me to this great hacker called Wizard Brixton. I tell him everything about my situation and he asked for the company email address and the mobile number he promises to help me retrieval my funds if I will be able to cooperate and give him the vital information needed less than 24 hours he was able to give me the necessary details about the company and how he will get my funds back without the company approval. Contact him: Wizardbrixton@gmail.com WhatsApp with (+1- /807-23 ) 4-0428 ;) I was very happy when he recovered all my funds and gave me 2% of the profit the company could have given to me. so I promise to make him go viral for everyone to contact him in different aspects of hacking software program in your life he proves the best in his job CONTACT HIM: Wizardbrixton@gmail.com

  21. Apr 2022
    1. A professional hacker, I can introduce you to is Wizard Brixton Group of Hackers he is the best Hacker for funds Recovering. Bitcoin recovery, Usdt recovery, Data recovery, Bank account payment recovery, Bitcoin hacks, increased Credit score boost to 800, School result upgrading, cryptocurrency, Binary option funds recovery, Bitcoin Mining, Social media hacks, Payment for our services will only be collected after Customers have certified and confirmed the completion of their job. For no reason do we collect upfront for services? But note that Customers will have to pay for Hacking Equipment if necessary before a job would be done. contact them on ( WIZARDBRIXTON(AT) GMAIL (DOT) COM ) WhatsApp +1- /807-234-0428

    1. How to Use Hypothesis on Mobile Devices

      As diegodlh mentioned, you can use mobile browsers that do support Chrome extensions.

  22. Mar 2022
    1. Learning about the difficulties to create a mobile app is critical for developers to understand what works and what doesn't. This blog will assist you in understanding deeply about them along with learning about the ways to resolve the same.
    1. The companies or businesses, therefore, need to provide exclusive and personalized services to their clients to survive. Digitizing business through a robust mobile application is the need of the hour. 
    1. We can help you build a stunning website & mobile application, custom software development, highly optimized hardware & device firmware, and connected IoT solutions for businesses of all sizes and verticals.
  23. Feb 2022
    1. Reposant sur le protocole d'authentification EAP-SIM, FreeWiFi_Secure est entièrement sécurisé, chaque abonné se connectant automatiquement au réseau WiFi communautaire par une adresse IP dédiée et dont les communications sont chiffrées (WPA). L'avantage majeur d'EAP-SIM réside dans le fait qu'aucune saisie d'identifiant n'est nécessaire, l'authentification s'effectue automatiquement, avec la carte SIM. Tous les téléphones vendus par Free sont compatibles avec FreeWiFi_Secure - EAP-SIM. 
  24. Jan 2022
  25. Dec 2021
  26. Nov 2021
  27. Aug 2021
  28. Jul 2021
  29. Jun 2021
    1. when it first came out, cubicity: slide puzzle was full of mobile shenanigans, but based on feedback the developers quickly 'de-mobilized' it during launch week
  30. May 2021
    1. Recently, Apple released a seemingly innocuous software update: a new privacy feature that would explicitly ask iPhone users whether an app should be allowed to track them across the other apps and sites that they use.

      Apple privacy feature

    1. Despite an initial falloff due to the Covid pandemic, digital advertising spending grew 12.2% year over year in 2020, according to a new report commissioned by the Interactive Advertising Bureau and conducted by PwC.

      Digital Spending grew according to PwC

    1. Email tools/clients are inconsistent in how they render HTML and CSS. A designed email might look great in Gmail, broken in Outlook, and unreadable in Apple Mail. Half of all emails are opened on mobile devices (according to one study). Email looks good in different clients? Great, now make it work on a 4" screen just as well as on a desktop.
  31. Apr 2021
    1. Machine learning app development has been gaining traction among companies from all over the world. When dealing with this part of machine learning application development, you need to remember that machine learning can recognize only the patterns it has seen before. Therefore, the data is crucial for your objectives. If you’ve ever wondered how to build a machine learning app, this article will answer your question.

    1. Entify your Techtale with #1 Website and Mobile App Development Company.

      Apptale is one of the top-notch web design and mobile app development company enriched with efficient and experienced developers who are all sincere and dedicated to work on the projects prior to the deadline. The high-end technologies are integrated to develop and deliver the projects with utmost results and make our clients satisfied.

    1. GitHub Actions is GitHub’s platform for automation workflows. A workflow is a sequence of jobs that can run either in series or in parallel. A job usually contains more than one step, where each step is a self-contained function. To learn more about GitHub Actions, go through the tutorial on Continuous Integration for Android.

      Brief description on what GitHub Actions is.

    1. Preferences DataStore and Proto DataStore DataStore provides two different implementations: Preferences DataStore and Proto DataStore. Preferences DataStore stores and accesses data using keys. This implementation does not require a predefined schema, and it does not provide type safety. Proto DataStore stores data as instances of a custom data type. This implementation requires you to define a schema using protocol buffers, but it provides type safety.

      Currently, I am using SharedPreference which is still alright to use. However, there is a better option called DataStore. This allows data to be stored asynchronously.

    1. In a mobile application development trends surface, we have only one phenomenon in which it dependent mobile app developers and client base business which operated by online process market.
    1. The privacy agreement allows Niantic Labs to snap a photo of what the user thinks is a Pikachu but Niantic knows is $500,000 worth of market research. Now imagine the client is a police chief, or the Department of Homeland Security.

      The implications of this are huge and cannot be understated. Pokemon Go has seen a bit of a decline in it's user base since the article was published, but as this data breakdown shows - one key takeaway from this data breakdown is that this app maintains an impressive user base and signifiant marketshare even 4 1/2 years on from it's debut - clearly the pairing of a famously cute intellectual property with an addictive gaming model is a recipe for success.

  32. Mar 2021
    1. Just join the conversation. This is the idea behind a new social startup called Clubhouse, which is ready to take advantage of flexible quarantine schedules for people. In this article, we’ll cover the Clubhouse’s features, tech stack, development stages, ways of monetization, its cost, etc.
  33. Feb 2021
    1. Why make A snow plow App?

      The snow plow business is central in regions where heavy snowfall is a common environment situation, like Canada, Europe, Russia, North America, and others. Right when such heavy snow hinders people's regular day to day existence, there is a constant demand for snow plow. There are two sorts of business models watching out. The essential model is the contract type in which an organization would offer a contract for the entire winter or unequivocal months for their administration. In the second model, the home or business owner would contact the expert center at whatever point they need the assistance.

      The contract model's obstacle is that, if there was only a couple of long stretches of heavy snowfall in the entire winter, the whole contract transforms into a bothersome expense. The on demand model prods a spike in interest during heavy snowfall, and the expenses for the equipment or the assist would be high with canning where the customer needs it. The chances for the stuff being out of reach during the hour of need are similarly high.

      Right when you choose to make a snow plow app, you can offer an on demand model of administration with more straightforwardness and down to earth. Right when a customer look "snow plow administration near me", it gets more straightforward for them to find the administrations closer to them, at whatever point they need it. The drivers and the customers get connected by methods for a comparable stage, allowing them to recognize the work effectively without an unnecessary measure of authoritative commotion.

      Do you need the online stage to help start your online Snow Plowing startup? Or on the other hand willing to make a tremendous proportion of advantage with authentic utilization of online Snow Plowing administrations? Hence, in this context, your answer or answer is confirmed, by then our discussion and article both will go probably as accommodating along with huge resource for you, as a business visionary, which will give the absolute nuances to dispatch your online Snow Plow On Demand administrations. Therefore, the present time and place range will wind up being the advantage or appropriate time for you as a business person to create the online mechanized presence in the overall market utilizing the latest and advanced web development apparatuses.

      How our on demand organizing app functions

      Pick A Service

      Plan It


      The snow plow app mobile app development has opened up promising conditions for the businesses just as for individuals looking for low support/regular occupation during the season. If, despite everything that you look at the business express bits of knowledge,

      The snow plowing industry gets around $22.7 billion yearly;

      The total business unequivocal pay addresses 25%;

      Snow and Ice the chiefs association is creating at a speed of 3.5% consistently;

      These figures clearly depict that it justifies placing assets into an undertaking overseeing snow plowing to bring most prominent pay for your business. An on demand snow plow app development urges you to attract your customers with less drudgery

      Starting with the benefits of snow plow app development:

      By developing a snow scooping and snow plow app, you will stop a ton of regulatory work that again consumes a lot of time.;

      You can enough arrangement with the entire gathering of plow bosses and monitor their working conduct.

      Since it is the ideal chance to move to the credit only example, you can get prompt portions into your record. You can allow the customers to pay for the administrations using either a Mastercard or a check card or through some other portion section;

      Your customers can see the assistance revives continuously;

      You can connect more customers and contact them out with no issue;

      Snow plow app development licenses you to meet your customer needs promptly in addition to in an exceptional way;

      It will give an effortlessness of administrations to liberating the hail from snow with several ticks;

      By giving strong, ensured, and top notch professionals, you can win the trust of incalculable customers;

      You can take off the arrangements by offering the customers some historic feature set.

      Like Uber and Lyft, each city has snow plow drivers who connect with customers, and give on demand administration. This revolutionizes the business, allowing drivers to help customers without massive contracts or the issue of phone calls.

      How should a mobile app help your snow plow business?

      Business expansion and web business integration

      It is essential to offer a one-stop solution for your administrations, which is smartphone reasonable. Beyond your middle thing or administration, a capable app will add additional impact to your picture regard. You can in like manner arrange it with a web business stage for selling plowing and grass care stuff and additional parts. This integration will give business availability consistently. Your application will transform into a phase for certain businesses and consultants to make a reliable transaction.

      Basic administration

      It is conceivable to manage different resources and handle various tasks by using an application. You can coordinate resource allocation, following, and portion through the application. Such straightforward administration will put aside time and money and besides improves the versatility of the business. Beyond these, the application grants continuous after of consumer unwaveringness, director execution, and control of various variables.

      10,000 foot see

      Your application will be your overall viewpoint all in all business measure. You can figure out your business and resources enough. The application energizes you track the recorded background of exercises, portions, and utilization of resources. You can make a polyline on your guide and make zones for straightforward administration of your business. Such an interaction will help in improving online advantage.

      So would you say you are set up to develop a snow plow app? don't hesitate to connect with our expert for startup consulting. Next time you or a companion wish getting your carport plowed was simpler, recall, there's an app for that!

      Source: Snow plow app

  34. Jan 2021
    1. Tippy provides first-class support for touch devices. Tooltips can be tricky to get right on touch devices because of the nature of touch input.
    1. Addevice is a custom mobile app development company delivering solutions to startup and enterprise clients. Over 6 years of our history, we’ve successfully delivered a lot of projects and helped our clients and brands establish a strong online presence. Here are a few benefits that we’ll deliver to you:

      Addevice is a custom mobile app development company delivering solutions to startup and enterprise clients. Over 6 years of our history, we’ve successfully delivered a lot of projects and helped our clients and brands establish a strong online presence. Here are a few benefits that we’ll deliver to you:

  35. Dec 2020
  36. Nov 2020
    1. Hover states will never be seen on tablet and mobile because your fingers can’t ‘hover’.
  37. Oct 2020
    1. Through the telemedicine app, you can quickly get service from a doctor without walk away from one step from home. Here are the best telemedicine apps, which have been getting the best ratings, reviews, and overall reliability through users.
  38. Sep 2020
    1. People are scared to go to the doctor or take medicine from the medical and not going there is a comforting thing but, this does not seem to be right in the time of the pandemic of corona disease.
  39. Aug 2020
    1. Exactly how much does it cost to develop an app like UberEats? We reach across this topic almost always when we consider app development for developing an app like UberEats. Read on to discover it!
    1. To the fact, 77% of the users will stop using an app within 3 days of its download. Only those apps will survive who have soothing mobile usability and UX/UI designs.
    1.  Some of the top companies that use the flutter framework for creating their mobile apps include Alibaba, realtor.com, eBay, and Dream11, and so on. 
    1. Open Source flutter Apps permits you to make lovely native apps on iOS and Android from one codebase. The most goal of this repository is to seek out free open supply apps and begin contributive. Be at liberty to contribute to the list, any suggestions square measure welcome!
  40. Jul 2020
    1. Jeffrey, B., Walters, C. E., Ainslie, K. E. C., Eales, O., Ciavarella, C., Bhatia, S., Hayes, S., Baguelin, M., Boonyasiri, A., Brazeau, N. F., Cuomo-Dannenburg, G., FitzJohn, R. G., Gaythorpe, K., Green, W., Imai, N., Mellan, T. A., Mishra, S., Nouvellet, P., Unwin, H. J. T., … Riley, S. (2020). Anonymised and aggregated crowd level mobility data from mobile phones suggests that initial compliance with COVID-19 social distancing interventions was high and geographically consistent across the UK. Wellcome Open Research, 5, 170. https://doi.org/10.12688/wellcomeopenres.15997.1

  41. Jun 2020
    1. Using OpenBTS, which we will be including in FreedomBox soon, and with cheap additional hardware, a FreedomBox can talk directly to GSM handsets, to provide alternatives to commercial mobile services.
  42. May 2020
    1. Flutter for Cross-Platform App Development is an associate degree source, cross-platform mobile development framework from Google. It permits superior, stunning applications to be designed for iOS and Android from one codebase. It’s additionally the event platform for Google’s future Fuchsia OS.

      The Orientation of Flutter for Cross-Platform App Development Became Perfect App

    1. Launched by Google in 2017, Flutter could be a dynamic cross-platform development framework. These apps are developed from Flutter framework and they have extreme capabilities:
    1. Dynamic Link Builder API on iOS and Android. This is the preferred way to dynamically create links in your app for user-to-user sharing or in any situation that requires many links

      sharing function

    2. four ways you can create a Dynamic Link
    1. Android App Links on Android 6.0 (API level 23) and higher allow an app to designate itself as the default handler of a given type of link
  43. Apr 2020
    1. Q. Can an app work for my small business in the long term? A. You need to assess your product and then come up with an app which offers excellent solutions for your customers. Be sure to incorporate some new and innovative features in it which can make your app work well in the long term and isn’t termed as outdated by your customers. And what better way to get the support of a top mobile app development company having a great track record in this concern.

  44. Mar 2020
    1. Steven Hoober shed light on the three ways users hold their phones.

      3 most popular ways people use their smartphones:

  45. Feb 2020
    1. Devstringx Technologies opened for business in 2014. Today, Devstringx is India’s most recommended IT company for software product development, mobile app development and independent software testing services which headquarter in Noida, India.

      Website and software development square measure the basics part of running a profitable business. In current promoting, the necessity of custom software is rise day by day. Devstringx technologies one in all the most effective custom software development company in Noida, India. Custom software may be used with none long-time investment. They are doing not need constant development to suit company necessities. You'll be able to expend the software at any time. There square measure multiple advantages of custom advantages development like- efficient, measurability, flexible, compatible, customized answer, security.

      Our experienced, energetic and dedicated team of custom software developers and that we provide complete it software services with budget suited to your pockets. Our consultants recognize alright the key parameter of your business and deliver the proper results on time. We provide additional complete software testing services like functional testing services, performance testing services, Api testing services, usability testing services, content testing services, agile testing services, regression testing services, compatibility testing services, automation testing services, web application testing services in India.

      We've a separate team for every field like software developers, software tester, web developer...! Our team invariably able to work and that they commit the leads to future commitment towards your company. We give higher priority to our client's satisfaction. We specialized in providing the most effective automation testing services in Noida, India.

    1. Mobile App Development Agency with Dedicated App Developers

      Need help turning your great idea into an app on the App Store? ROEMIN Creative Technology has the mobile app developers that can turn your dream into a reality. Did you know that there are numerous apps that start from great ideas, but fail because of poor development or positioning in the App Store or Google Play? Don’t let a great idea go to waste! Work with professional mobile app developers that know how to turn it into a top app.

  46. Dec 2019
    1. Android App Development Company

      As being a top Android app development Company, we provide robust, industry specific & adaptable android app development services to SMEs, enterprises & startups across USA, Australia and across the globe.

    1. iPad App Development Company

      At being a bespoke iPad App Development company - Vnnovate Solutions, we’re strategists and full stack iPad app developers, who know how to develop latest iOS 12 compatible mobile applications and deliver comprehensive iOS app development services.

  47. Nov 2019
    1. Create A Music Streaming App In 2019

      How To Create A Music Streaming App?

      Now that you know that music apps can make pretty good money for their owners, you are probably dying to make your own app and start making money with it. But it’s not so easy.

      Here is a step by step process –

      Validating your app idea Understand the target audience Copyright matters to consider Radio or on-demand? Sketch the prototype Creating MVP Choose the features How to make your music app secure The cost to create a music app like Spotify

    1. The study examines uses of mobile technology, namely cloud computing and self assessment, to improve nursing instruction. The authors evaluate mlearning environments and the potential barriers to their success.


    1. As educational technologies, instructional design and online learning/content delivery platforms keep evolving, more learners with more needs and motives will be drawn to taking online courses – a growing demand that in turn will spur further improvements in technology and delivery.

      Educational Technology offers free articles with sources.

      Rating: 5/10

    1. From Peg Cheechi, an instructional designer at Rush University: informing faculty members about the advantages of working with experts in course design.

      The Chronicle of Higher Education is a website and newspaper informing students and faculty of college affairs and news.

      Rating: 9/10

  48. Oct 2019
    1. It is optimized for building complex, data-dense web interfaces for desktop applications which run in modern browsers and IE11. This is not a mobile-first UI toolkit.
    1. Restaurant App Development Company

      As being a reputed mobile app development company, 4Life Innovations delivers highly polished and customizable mobile apps solutions for your restaurant with both sides, customer and owner side.

    1. Custom Mobile App Development Company

      At 4Life Innovations, we absolutely believe all roads lead to mobile, which is why we specialize in mobile app development services. Our mobile app development team comes with a full solution for mobile application development and working on various popular mobile platforms like iOS and Android.

  49. Sep 2019
    1. MONSAM Portable Sinks are one of the leading manufacturer of Portable sinks. They offer 3 compartment portable self-contained sinks which are perfect for use as a commercial portable sink, a food service sink, a portable science sink, a medical sink, a mobile kitchen or a coffee cart portable sink.

    1. Monsam Enterprises, Inc. offers the best mobile hand wash stations. They have a huge variety of portable sinks, which includes 1, 2 ,3 or 4 Basin Mobile Sinks, Food and Coffee Cart Portable Sinks, Kitchen Portable Sink and much more. They also specialize in Custom Design Portable Sinks form last 18 years.

    1. 4Life Innovations would love to help you on your journey and build a custom mobile App for you whether it is for business or games. Our professional Mobile App developers work closely with you to ensure that it turns out into a great Mobile App and is correctly positioned in the Apple Store or Google Play.

      4Life Innovations would love to help you on your journey and build a custom mobile App for you whether it is for business or games. Our professional Mobile App developers work closely with you to ensure that it turns out into a great Mobile App and is correctly positioned in the Apple Store or Google Play.

    1. It’s time to Hire iPhone App Developer From small startups, SME’s to large enterprises,  4Life Innovations, a top-notch iPhone app development company has established its mark in the potential market by delivering highly scaled, innovative and robust iPhone apps.

      IT’S TIME TO HIRE IPHONE APP DEVELOPER From small startups, SME’s to large enterprises, 4Life Innovations, a top-notch iPhone app development company has established its mark in the potential market by delivering highly scaled, innovative and robust iPhone apps.

    1. How to Make an App – What No One Told You Before Ever!

      What are the things you don’t know about app building? How to make turn your idea to be successful? Get to know about how to make an app here.

    1. The Agile Software Development Process – How We Do It

      To get your tech startup going you have to deal with a lot of challenges, and come through it unscathed. Otherwise, the failure to deal with those challenges may directly lead to mistakes and problems during the actual software development process- hampering your chances of scaling your development process.

  50. Aug 2019
  51. Jun 2019
    1. ‘This idea that every kid has to have one device per student is going to seem obscene in 20 years’ time when these devices aren’t sustainable anymore. The amount of rare minerals and just plastic products and power and everything associated with using technology use needs to be rethought,’ he says.

      This is a point that I tried to capture in my reflection on mobile devices.

  52. May 2019
    1. Remote Config now lets you use combinations of Analytics user properties to create conditions, allowing you to customize your app for segments of your user base that you have defined
  53. Apr 2019
    1. The  Use  of  Mobile  Devices  for  Academic  Purposes  at  the  University  of  Washington:  Current  State  and  Future  Prospects

      Professional development opportunities and incentives for faculty to integrate mobile devices and as a teaching and learning tool.

    1. Can Tablet Computers Enhance Faculty Teaching?

      Studies faculty provided with tablet computers and peer mentoring workshops to help increase understanding and use of mobile devices in pedogogical approaches

  54. Mar 2019
    1. 25 examples of mobile teaching This is a brief page that is cluttered with some irrelevant content that occurs in the form of rather large graphics. It is oriented toward higher education environments though the ideas would be quite easy to implement in other contexts, such as for training adult learners. The text is not in depth enough to be tremendously helpful but this resource does nonetheless make a contribution not made by other resources in that it shows actual teaching techniques. rating 4/5

    1. A context aware personalize M-learning application based on m-learning preferences This is a scholarly paper presented in the context of engineering and is not readily accessible by the layperson; it is also dated. Nonetheless it includes some scenarios and recommendations for consideration of learner preferences. It is included in this list solely because it introduces the concept of context aware personalized mobile learning. rating 1/5

    1. Top ten benefits of personalization of e-learning The text that addresses this question is toward the bottom of the page. These include increased ROI (a rationale for this is not presented).It is an enumerated list with sufficient readability and usability although the viewer does have to scroll past less relevant information to get to the list. rating 3/5

    1. 2018 mobile learning This is a Pinterest style presentation of various posts related to mobile learning and its advantages. It relates primarily to adult learning and also includes information about trends and apps. It is neatly presented. rating 5/5

    1. The benefits of personalized learning through technology This resource is included in part because it connects personalized learning and technology. A brief list of benefits, such as increasing student engagement and bridging the gap between teachers and students, are listed. This is presented by a marketing unit of a university so there may be an agenda. Nonetheless it provides useful considerations such as helping learners develop 'design thinking.' rating 3/5

    1. learning in the 21st century mobile devices + social media = personalized learning This appears to be oriented toward K-12 students but several components seem applicable to professional learning. The context is schools. Key findings are listed at the beginning of the report. The report is somewhat dated but still makes some points worth considering, such as the potential for devices to serve as a distraction just as much as a tool. rating 2/5

    1. personalized learning: how does it differ from traditional learning Some of the text here is gray and it is also small, so that does not make it easy to read. Nonetheless it is an infographic about personalized learning from which a fair amount of information can e learned in a short time. rating 4/5

    1. 25 apps for professional development As the title suggests, this lists 25 apps for professional development. They are suited to micro and mobile learning, for the most part. In some cases, the apps seem suited to an early career employee rather than a mid career employee. There are reader comments. rating 3/5

    1. is your company embracing just in time learning This article, by shift learning (a credible if not foremost publisher) lists benefits of just in time learning. Among those are the ability to provide up to date and easily accessed information. They argue that it creates more engaged employees but do not provide data to support this argument. rating 3/5

    1. Evaluation of technology enhanced learning programs for health care professionals: systematic review This article is included because it is a systematic review. It is presented in academic language. The intention is to evaluate the quality of the articles themselves, not to guide e-learning development. Criteria for evaluating articles was established in advance. The utility of the article for my purposes may be a new search term, continuous professional development. rating 2/5