- Mar 2023
Local file Local file
The ability to intentionally and strategically allocateour attention is a competitive advantage in a distracted world. Wehave to jealously guard it like a valuable treasure.
It would seem that the word treasure here is being used to modify one's attention. Historically in books about "knowledge work" or commonplacing, the word was used with respect to one's storehouse of knowledge itself and not one's attention. Some of the effect is the result of the break in historical tradition being passed down from one generation to another. It's also an indication that the shift in value has moved not from what one knows or has, but that the attention itself is more valued now, even in a book about excerpting, thinking, and keeping knowledge!
Oh how far we have fallen!
It's also an indication of the extremes of information overload we're facing that the treasure is attention and not the small tidbits of knowledge and understanding we're able to glean from the massive volumes we face on a daily basis.
web.archive.org web.archive.org
wenn man Sethes Lebensprinzip kennt: "Ich arbeite nur, wenn ich mag. Aber ich mag immer arbeiten."
Kurt Sethes' philosophy was encapsulated as "I only work when I like. But I always like to work." (Translation from German mine.)
theeffortfuleducator.com theeffortfuleducator.com
It appears his quote is widely misunderstood. In his email to me, Dr. Comer states that he’s surprised by how “widely” his statement has been used and that it has grown out of neuroscience findings showing that meaningful relationships with material and experiences are remembered and applied more than others.
Don't share under different contexts, otherwise show what the author meant. Also, don't share without understanding... Suggestion by Mortimer Adler as well.
usa.anarchistlibraries.net usa.anarchistlibraries.net
The lineage of domination from childhood in schools and at home to adulthood in the workplace is clear. Its purpose is to habituate us to hierarchy and psychological enslavement. Our aptitude for autonomy is atrophied and our vitality is suppressed so that we are reconciled with regimentation and can replicate and reproduce it throughout our interpersonal lives, politics, and cultures. That is Why Revolution Needs Therapy.
It's incredible how our work ideology is shaped by a hierarchical way of thinking that you can see in many places of our society.
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
"For this campaign, we surveyed 930 Americans to explore their retirement plans. Among them, 16% were retired, 22% were still working, and 62% were retirees who had returned to work."So, 149 of those surveyed were retired. Of those 149, 25 (1 in 6) are considering returning to work. 13 of those want remote positions.
boffosocko.com boffosocko.com
Simon Winchester describes the pigeonhole and slip system that professor James Murray used to create the Oxford English Dictionary. The editors essentially put out a call to readers to note down interesting every day words they found in their reading along with examples sentences and references. They then collected these words alphabetically into pigeonholes and from here were able to collectively compile their magisterial dictionary.
Interesting method of finding example sentences in words.
bccampus.ca bccampus.ca
So far ChatGPT is failing miserably at making visible how it knows what it knows.
www.stevenhicks.me www.stevenhicks.me
- Feb 2023
medium.com medium.com
https://web.archive.org/web/20230226002724/https://medium.com/@ElizAyer/meetings-are-the-work-9e429dde6aa3 Meetings are regular work, so blindly avoiding meetings is damaging.
Julian Elve follows up https://www.synesthesia.co.uk/2023/02/27/finding-the-real-work-that-meetings-are-good-at/ with lifting out the parts where Ayer discusses the type of meeting that are 'real work' and what they're for. (learning, vgl [[Netwerkleren Connectivism 20100421081941]]
www.youtube.com www.youtube.comYouTube1
"Personal knowledge management is an aid to your work, not the work itself." —Sam Matla #
This is entirely dependent on what and how you're doing it. If you're actively reading and annotating, and placing it somewhere, then that is the work, just in small progressive steps.
He needs to be more specific about what he means by "personal knowledge management" as a definition of something.
autumm.edtech.fm autumm.edtech.fm
What we do know is that ChatGPT’s underlying tech is GPT-3 and OpenAI plans to drop an upgraded version, GPT-4 in 2023. Asking students to train the thing that might take away opportunities from them down the road seems particularly cannibalistic but I also don’t know how you fight something you don’t understand.
Or, since many of our students in higher ed will be entering the knowledge work sector, it's a fair question to ask: what do you want that sector to be like? Do you want those jobs to be more like the minder of intelligent machines? Or do you want it to be a place where the human in the loop is still a craftsman with agency?
Local file Local file
“I only dowhat is easy. I only write when I immediately know how to do it. If Ifalter for a moment, I put the matter aside and do something else.”(Luhmann et al., 1987, 154f.)[4]
https://youtu.be/qRSCKSPMuDc?t=37m30s (all links are on takesmartnotes.com)<br /> Luhmann, Niklas, Dirk Baecker, and Georg Stanitzek. 1987. Archimedes und wir: Interviews. Berlin: Merve.
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
I really liked Shopify's remote model of not closing offices, but turning them into "ports" for teams in major cities to get together throughout the year for planning, team building, and retreats. You had an official place to get together, enjoy the perks of tech company offices, but with the intention of deep short bursts of interaction rather than focused work.
This seems a reasonable alternative alternative to remote-only, office-only and hybrid approaches.
Five years from now, I think we will not see "remote only" for a large company and think "ooh, they value their employees I guess", but rather, "uh oh, they like to think of their employees as being like virtual servers, easy to spin up and easy to shut down the moment you don't need to pay for that capacity".
A contrarian take on remote work
ku.baidu-int.com ku.baidu-int.com
www.chronicle.com www.chronicle.com
“My job involves supporting faculty wellness through pedagogy, but also supporting students’ wellness through the practice of pedagogy,”
Fascinating order in that sentence. I don't think we pay enough attention to the way that course design/practice choices impact faculty wellness.
- Jan 2023
lethain.com lethain.com
These six are split across three operational meetings (each manager with their direct team, technical spec review, incident review), two developmental meetings (staff engineers, engineering managers) and finally a monthly engineering Q&A to learn what the organization is really thinking about.
Six core organizational meetings
My weekly team meetings always include my direct reports, and usually include our key partner in the Recruiting, People, and Finance teams. (I’ve also experimented with including engineers
Ideas for who to include in a weekly team meeting
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
I’m back at the box.
This is a great euphemism for the fun "work" of maintaining a zettelkasten.
via u/A_Dull_Significance at https://www.reddit.com/r/antinet/comments/10gnh3u/box_update/
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
"=μ ²@μ \@@μªμ y@μ2@μ @2xx±μ @ μ Nμ 2μ V@μ @}f2³_μGμT@_μJbμ 8l£@μ*@{@2-±μ (μ8}Eμ 629wμ μ²@zF
In his work The Sickness unto Death, Soren Kierkegaard describes a similar polarity, describing how people wrestle with the conception of themselves as being both finite and infinite. Similar to Merleau-Ponty, Kierkegaard explains that the acknowledgement of these two "poles" results in a deeper understanding and sense of ones self.
How, you wonder, can you be here, in place and at home in yourbody, and at the same time inhabit an atmospheric world that returnsthe body to you as a spectre? In that existential doubt lies the engine ofperception.
This idea ties to the subjectivity and objectivity as mentioned in class. Rather the objectivity and subjectivity of sensing and perception can exist simultaneously. It reminds me of the Daoist work of Zhuangzi. This work is comprised of various parables on natural and humanist reflections. A very fundamental principle of Daoism is the mimicry of nature as it exhibits the Dao, or the Way. One such parable depicts Zhuangzi and Huizi, a prime minister, strolling along a dam. Zhuangzi makes a comment that the minnows are so joyful as they "dart around where they please." Huizi rebuts saying "You are not a fish -- how do you know what fish enjoy?" Zhuangzi eventually concludes that he know what the fish enjoy simply by standing by the river. The parable gets at the subjectivity of his observations intertwined with the objectivity of the fish's actions. They are existing together much like the observation of a stars light and the objective luminescence of a star. It gets slightly at perspective but creates a fascinating tension between the objective and subjective. If you want to read the parable is is here: https://terebess.hu/english/tao/Zhuangzi-Burton-Watson.pdf on page 276.
The painting appeals to us preciselybecause it both chimes with our experience of what it feels like to be underthe stars and affords us the means to dwell upon it - perhaps to discoverdepths in this experience of which we would otherwise remain unaware .
This experience is reminiscent of an approach in the Spiritual Exercises (a series of meditations constructed into a 4-week retreat, written by St. Ignatius of Loyola). Within the Exercises, the retreatant is instructed to make an "application of the senses," revisiting their meditations and paying closer attention to what they hear, feel, taste, smell, etc. Ignatius writes that in meditating this way, the experience and awareness of one's sensations allows them to "draw more profit" from the meditation, prompting a deeper, more revelatory prayer.
The painting appeals to us preciselybecause it both chimes with our experience of what it feels like to be underthe stars and affords us the means to dwell upon it - perhaps to discoverdepths in this experience of which we would otherwise remain unaware
This reminds me of writing, in this instance rhetoric and writing is rhetoric and art, as an affective composition in that the context, style, and signification of the art affects how we are both sensitive to and can sense how it feels to be under the stars and ponder the depths in the experience of being under the stars that one might otherwise be unaware of. This makes Gogh's art "matter" because of its style like metaphysical graffiti from Edbauer.
news.stanford.edu news.stanford.edu
There are also health and attitudinal consequences for managers who are laying people off as well as for the employees who remain. Not surprisingly, layoffs increase people’s stress.
Layoffs increase the odds of suicide by two and a half times.
The tech industry layoffs are basically an instance of social contagion, in which companies imitate what others are doing. If you look for reasons for why companies do layoffs, the reason is that everybody else is doing it.
The main reason for tech layoffs
stevenbuccini.com stevenbuccini.com
I always allocate a year: six months to get up to speed on the internal culture, tools, and processes; another six months to get your first performance review as a “ramped-up” engineer.
I posted my interview tracker spreadsheet on Twitter under the guise of “being transparent.” The very next day, I was on a phone screen with a recruiter when they said “Yeah, I looked at the interview spreadsheet you posted on Twitter and just based on that I can tell you’re not going to be a good fit here. I just took this call as a favor to <redacted> since they referred you.”
Just because you’re getting a lot of offers to interview does not mean that you are a hot commodity. Nor does it indicate a high likelihood of obtaining an offer.
If you had asked me right after I got laid off how long it would take me to get back to work, I would have said three months – including two months of vacation. It took me a year.
2-3 months may turn into 1 year
wildcardpeople.com wildcardpeople.com
Wildcards tend to be labelled as "Swiss army knife", "generalist", or "jack of all trades". Each term fails to describe the full range of value that a Wildcard brings to the table.Wildcards fit best into the chaotic nature of early-stage startups.
Wildcard people are good at many things but not a master
- Dec 2022
pressbooks.rampages.us pressbooks.rampages.us
Note taking section, particularly here: https://pressbooks.rampages.us/msw-research/chapter/5-writing-your-literature-review/#chapter-285-section-2
jorzel.github.io jorzel.github.io
Monastic and bimodal modes are rather reserved for professions that can manage work without intensive communication with people, like writers, scientists, researchers, etc. Journalist mode fits best to people that are experienced with deep work and can easily switch into that state. From my experience, the best option to start with deep work is the rhythmic mode.
Advices around 4 different deep work modes
As far as deep work is concerned, it can be performed in four different modes:
4 different modes of deep work (see below)
Evrone always encourages the developers to work on what they love and contribute back to the software world by writing open-source, that's how Cuprite Ruby driver for Capybara was born.
A final point regarding the myth of hard work and poverty is that this mythis particularly powerful because it implies a sense of justice and fairness. Thosewho do well in life through their hard work are seen as deserving, and thosewho do not do well in life through their lack of hard work are also seen as de-serving of their fate.14 There is something comforting about the idea that peopleget their just rewards. Unfortunately, neither the world nor poverty is fair. AsMichael Harrington wrote in his 1963 book, The Other America:The real explanation of why the poor are where they are is that they madethe mistake of being born to the wrong parents, in the wrong section of thecountry, in the wrong industry, or in the wrong racial or ethnic group. Oncethat mistake has been made, they could have been paragons of will and mo-rality, but most of them would never even have had a chance to get out ofthe other America.15
wordpress.org wordpress.org
Now I just have to figure out why Gmail isn’t showing the Unsubscribe option like everyone says it should.
The only negative to this method is that it may not ALWAYS work. If the data is faulty, or the link is inaccurately provided by the sender, Gmail won’t be able to recognise and include the unsubscribe button in Gmail.
You may find this link isn’t available straight away, after a few emails one should appear, this is a common technique with mailing list providers.
- Nov 2022
arena-attachments.s3.amazonaws.com arena-attachments.s3.amazonaws.com
Go to any high-street bookshopand alongside those books promising to instruct readers on how toinfluence others, accumulate fortunes and achieve career success,one can also find a shelf of books telling readers to slow down, finda better ‘work–life balance’, and seek happiness by consuming less.
existe una relacion
Local file Local file
La democracia de la sociedad del trabajo esel sistema de dominio más pérfido de la historia:un sistema de autoopresión
me recuerda a lo que define Byung-Chul Han en La sociedad del cansancio porque la sociedad con exceso de positivad lo que consgue es que no haya un agente que explote a los trabajadores si no que cada uno nos explotemos a nosotros mismos
apartheid social, al poder delegar las tareas domésticas y el cuidado de los niños aempleadas («obviamente» mujeres) mal pagadas
delegar tareas es una cuestión de clase -> jerarquías
«ayuda a la flexibilización»
la conciliación familiar es una excusa para trabajar más.
Estado paternalista empuña ellátigo solo por amor y siempre con la intención deeducar con rigor a sus hijos considerados «perezosos», en nombre de un futuro mejor para ellos
los excluidos tendrán que aceptar cualquier trabajo sucio y esclavo, cualquiera de los «itinerarios de ocupación», por muy absurdos queparezcan, para demostrar su disposición incondicional a trabajar.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
In 1964, after earning four O-levels, including one in art and maths, Eno had developed an interest in art and music and had no interest in a "conventional job".[12]
When did the definition of a so-called "conventional job" emerge? Presumably after the start of the industrial revolution when people began moving from traditional crafts, home work, farm work, and other general subsistence work.
What defines a non-conventional job? Does it subsume caring work? What does David Graeber have to say about this in Bullshit Jobs?
learn.microsoft.com learn.microsoft.com
The Console now supports redeclaration of const variables across separate REPL scripts (such as when you run a statement in the Console), in addition to the existing let and class redeclarations. This support allows you to experiment with different declarations for const variables without refreshing the page. Previously, DevTools threw a syntax error if you redeclared a const binding.
Edge version of this matching release note from the matching Chrome feature:
Interesting, they're copying some content, but not all of it verbatim.
thingrex.com thingrex.com
take a step back and ask a basic question: “What kind of business value are we trying to provide?"
Recommended approach over saying "it depends" to your stakeholders
billyoppenheimer.com billyoppenheimer.com
This reminded me of Robert Greene’s definition of creativity, which is that creativity is a function of putting in lots of tedious work. “If you put a lot of hours into thinking and researching and reading,” Robert says, “hour after hour—a very tedious process—creativity will come to you.”
Robert Green's definition of creativity sounds like it's related to diffuse thinking processes. read: https://billyoppenheimer.com/august-14-2022/
Often note taking, and reviewing over those notes is more explicit in form for creating new ideas.
Come back to explore these.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
I know this is older but I'm surprised by the "Is redrawing 110K glyphs (with metrics and kerning and combining attributes and hinting) too hard?" I used to do typography. A plain, unoriginal typeface with 255 straightforward latin-# oriented letters is at least a couple days of work; probably a couple weeks; couple months for truly good work. 110K is the equivalent of 400+ faces with much harder metrics and such. 15,000 hours of work or drastically more; so at least 7 or so years. So, kinda hard.
www.joinfreehold.com www.joinfreehold.com
The Future of Work is Pseudonymous
- Oct 2022
Local file Local file
Onesuspected that Paxson's love for his work may have tempted him tolabor too long, and that he established a schedule to protect him-self and the keenness of his mind, to keep himself from his deskinstead of at it, as is some men's purpose.
Pomeroy suspects that Paxson may have kept to a strict work schedule to keep his mind sharp, but he doesn't propose or suspect that it may have been the case that Paxson's note taking practice was the thing which not only helped to keep his mind sharp, but which allowed him the freedom and flexibility to keep very regular work hours.
blog.jim-nielsen.com blog.jim-nielsen.com
After decades of experience, he knew and understood that the most meaningful conceptual progress he made on problems was always away from his computer: on a run, in the shower, laying in bed at night. That’s where the insight came. And yet, even after all these years, he still felt a strange obligation to be at his computer because that’s too often our the mental image of “working”.
Work at MIT found that brainstorming—where a bunch of people put their heads together to try to come up with innovative solutions—generally “reduced creativity due to the tendency to incrementally modify known successful designs rather than explore radically different and potentially superior ones.”
The "bad" side of brainstorming
www.zylstra.org www.zylstra.org
Companies are excellent environments for social filtering. Because they sit on large volumes of data and information, going largely unused. Because organisations are a group of people with shared goals and tasks.
This never happened in this way. Another example of how #socsoft became marketing almost exlusively. With the exeception perhaps of async tools like Slack (2013) or Yammer (2008, still exists as part of MS), although filtering is not their point, their users may use it that way. The whole #socsoft for org internal k-work never got much traction. Still a lost opportunity imo. Tools probably need to better fit existing culture/communication styles in org and be internal, but being created as separate place external with its own assumptions.
joelchan.me joelchan.meTest JOB2
Each user and each expert has incentives to work separately toward theconstruction of such a Garden. The users get to find answers, and expertscan rid themselves of commonly asked questions.
This may help me with my own research needs to crowdsource peer review and create "living peer reviews."
ngineerschose not to go to the channel of the highest quality for technical informa-tion, but rather to go to the channel of highest accessibility (i.e., lowestpsychological cost). Allen [1977] argued that the psychological cost was inthe potential lack of reciprocity between giving and obtaining informationand in the status implications of admitting ignorance.
My last company had a page in their wiki with acronyms and downloadable Excel spreadsheets!
sites.google.com sites.google.com
bloodless and shrunken
adjectives that are used to describe to women's fingers. they connote her labor. considering how the lady washed clothes to make her ends meet her bloodless fingers demonstrate her perseverance and work ethic. she willingly take on sacrifices to live another day. overall it can be symbolic to how hard the working class worked during the struggling times of the depression.
www.justworktogether.com www.justworktogether.com
Sometimes bullying comes with prejudice, but often it's a more instinctive behavior. There may be no belief, conscious or unconscious, behind it. It can be a plan or just an animal instinct to dominate, to coerce
abinoda.substack.com abinoda.substack.com
On “good” days, developers spend more time developing and less time collaborating
www.cnbc.com www.cnbc.com
Kyle McCann has always prided himself in his ability to make the best of any situation. So when his boss fired him from the job he started just eight weeks earlier, McCann held back tears and decided to focus on the bright side.
Local file Local file
Thinking is a simultaneous struggle for conceptualorder and empirical comprehensiveness.
I do not like to do empirical work if I can possibly avoidit. It m e a n s a great deal of trouble if one has no staff; if onedoes e m p l o y a staff, then the staff is often more troublethan the work itself. Moreover, they leave as soon as theyhave b e e n trained and made useful.
certainly surrounding oneself with acircle of people who will listen and t a l k - - a n d at times theyhave to be imaginary characters--is one of them
Intellectual work requires "surfaces" to work against, almost as an exact analogy to substrates in chemistry which help to catalyze reactions. The surfaces may include: - articles, books, or other writing against which one can think and write - colleagues, friends, family, other thinkers, or even imaginary characters (as suggested by C. Wright Mills) - one's past self as instantiated by their (imperfect) memory or by their notes about excerpted ideas or their own thoughts
Are there any other surfaces we're missing?
nd the way in which these cate-gories changed, some being dropped out and others beingadded, was an index of my own intellectual progress andbreadth. Eventually, the file came to be arranged accord-ing to several larger projects, having many subprojects,which changed from year to year.
In his section on "Arrangement of File", C. Wright Mills describes some of the evolution of his "file". Knowing that the form and function of one's notes may change over time (Luhmann's certainly changed over time too, a fact which is underlined by his having created a separate ZK II) one should take some comfort and solace that theirs certainly will as well.
The system designer might also consider the variety of shapes and forms to potentially create a better long term design of their (or others') system(s) for their ultimate needs and use cases. How can one avoid constant change, constant rearrangement, which takes work? How can one minimize the amount of work that goes into creating their system?
The individual knowledge worker or researcher should have some idea about the various user interfaces and potential arrangements that are available to them before choosing a tool or system for maintaining their work. What are the affordances they might be looking for? What will minimize their overall work, particularly on a lifetime project?
- card index for writing
- inspiration
- Niklas Luhmann's zettelkasten
- minimizing work
- empirical work
- human resources
- conversations with the text
- conversations
- knowledge work
- thinking
- academic writing
- note taking affordances
- training
- evolution of knowledge
- staffing
- intellectual surfaces
- quotes
- maximizing efficiency
- conversations between texts
- order
- zettelkasten design
- C. Wright Mills
world.hey.com world.hey.com
After almost 10 years of remote work, it would be close to impossible for me to go back to an office.
- Sep 2022
Unemployed workers are much more likelyto fall into poverty in countries like the United States, Canada, and Japan,compared with countries such as the Netherlands and Iceland.
Is part of this effect compounded by America's history of the Protestant work ethic (see Max Weber)?
Do the wealthy/powerful benefit by this structure of penalizing the unemployed this way? Is there a direct benefit to them? Or perhaps the penalty creates a general downward pressure on overall wages and thus provides an indirect benefit to those in power?
What are the underlying reasons we tax the unemployed this way?
metalblueberry.github.io metalblueberry.github.io
Some people eventually realize that the code quality is important, but they lack of the time to do it. This is the typical situation when you work under pressure or time constrains. It is hard to explain to you boss that you need another week to prepare your code when it is “already working”. So you ship the code anyway because you can not afford to spent one week more.
docs.openvalidation.io docs.openvalidation.io
The rules recorded in natural language are readable not only by humans but also by the computer and therefore no longer need to be programmed by a software developer. This task is now taken over by openVALIDATION.
Local file Local file
Learned right, which means understanding, which meansconnecting in a meaningful way to previous knowledge, informationalmost cannot be forgotten anymore and will be reliably retrieved iftriggered by the right cues.
Of course this idea of "learned right" sounds a lot like the problems built into "just". He defines it as meaning "understanding" but there's more he's packing into the word. While his vein example is lovely, the bigger issue is contextualizing everything all the time, which is something that commonly isn't done or even done well over time by educators. This work takes time and effort to help students do this as they're not doing it for themselves until much later in life.
This is not "noise"
2 advantages of communicating on group channels instead of using DMs
this medium that we're inventing the dynamic medium 00:25:10 has three very interesting properties
!- antidote : inhumane knowledge work - dynamic medium
this is the cage that we have trapped ourselves in this is the way in which we have constrained our range of experience which we have created a tiny 00:23:03 subset of our intellectual capabilities and restrict ourselves to this tiny subset and have forbidden ourselves to use our full intellect
!- inhumane : knowledge work - this is the cage which constrains us - we have lost many modalities
github.com github.com
Yes, I understand that it had probably been tried. My question was more, "Why didn't twiddling the knob work?”
flowingdata.com flowingdata.com
Self assessment Vgl [[Self Pni 20141228171006]]
Rest self care rated less meaningful. Vgl [[Rest by Alex Soojung-Kim Pang]] and eg Covey's 7th.
Data is available, Nathan Yau made the graph from raw data.
I wonder about the self assessment as meaningful. Meaningful to themselves or meaningful they'd expect others to perceive it as. Rest might be important, but watching tv generally seen as not meaningfull. The activity might be seen as meaningless but the purpose might be nonetheless meaningful. This is not a straightforward evaluation to make. Wonder about the actual questions asked, and how it might impact data.
- Aug 2022
medium.com medium.com
The most important contribution management needs to make in the 21st century is similarly to increase the productivity of knowledge work and knowledge workers.”
!- For : Indyweb - Can Indyweb play a role in increasing productivity by 50x?
twitter.com twitter.com
Prof. Gavin Yamey MD MPH. (2021, October 15). “Italy set a new bar on Friday for major Western democracies seeking to move beyond the pandemic by putting in place a sweeping law that requires the nation’s entire work force—Public and private—To have government-issued health passes.” https://t.co/pBOR37rhhq [Tweet]. @GYamey. https://twitter.com/GYamey/status/1448959207093452801
www.schneems.com www.schneems.com
It can be exhausting to backchannel and “find buy-in” for every little thing.
annotation meta: may need new tag: the need to “find buy-in” for every little thing.
medium.com medium.com
Mob requires good communication skills. There is no space for passive-aggressiveness; or arrogance. If You want to show You are better than Your colleagues, You aren’t a candidate for Mob.
Main requirement of effective mob programming
www.newscientist.com www.newscientist.com
Twitter, Spotify, Reddit, Square and Slack have all announced that they will allow employees to work from home permanently. But for all their talk of boosting productivity and creating a better work-life balance, the move to hybrid work can come with a cost – literally. Facebook and Twitter will pay less for certain work-at-home staff, and Google could slash their salaries by up to 25 per cent.
Claro. Las empresas buscan maximizar a como de lugar. He ahí donde son antagonistas con los empleados, no por decisión de éstos.
ljvmiranda921.github.io ljvmiranda921.github.io
Sometimes, I find digital apps urging me to integrate with another application or extension: connect to calendar, install this, install that (and sure, it may also be my own damn fault). They force me to get into a “system” rather than focus on what the tool provides. It’s overwhelming. Over-optimization leads to empty work, giving me a feeling of productivity in the absence of output, like quicksand. It hampers me from doing actual work.
idstuff.blogspot.com idstuff.blogspot.com
But, let's turn our attention to HyFlex for a moment.
Great points here! How many of our experiments with hybrid online-F2F experiences failed fundamentally because of bad design? "No boundaries" is not a design, and "all things to all people" is not inclusion.
You can have the illusion that watercooler talk "just happens," hence cultivating a community seems seamless in a F2F context, but you're really not examining the factors that lead you there, and how's privileged.
Enormously important. Thought exercise: who is left out of your "seamless" interactions because of design factors like space and time? (And that's before we even get into the questions of for whom a community is cultivated.)
- Jul 2022
Many other investors are also working to broaden ownership of their companies. Insight Global, a staffing company owned by Harvest Partners and Leonard Green, gave each of its 4,500 employees a pathway to ownership: the quit rate fell from 45 per cent in 2017 to 14 per cent today. Similar results have been seen at SRS, a roofing products distributor owned by Berkshire Partners and Leonard Green. Ownership was broadened, employee engagement improved and the quit rate declined by three quarters.
it seems like the benefits of employee ownership are the highest when... * engagement is low * you have a high cashflow / profitable business that someone would actually want to buy
Ingersoll Rand shared ownership with all of its 16,000 employees across more than 80 countries. Over time, the company’s quit rate has dropped from 20 per cent to below 3 per cent. Employee engagement scores from internal company data rocketed from the 20th percentile to the 90th percentile
Gallup surveys show that only 20 per cent of the global workforce is constructively engaged at work
github.com github.com
The goal of this project is to have a single gem that contains all the helper methods needed to resize and process images. Currently, existing attachment gems (like Paperclip, CarrierWave, Refile, Dragonfly, ActiveStorage, and others) implement their own custom image helper methods. But why? That's not very DRY, is it? Let's be honest. Image processing is a dark, mysterious art. So we want to combine every great idea from all of these separate gems into a single awesome library that is constantly updated with best-practice thinking about how to resize and process images.
bafybeicyqgzvzf7g3zprvxebvbh6b4zpti5i2m2flbh4eavtpugiffo5re.ipfs.dweb.link bafybeicyqgzvzf7g3zprvxebvbh6b4zpti5i2m2flbh4eavtpugiffo5re.ipfs.dweb.link
The Life We Live and the Life We Experience: Introducing theEpistemological Difference between “Lifeworld” (Lebenswelt) and “LifeConditions” (Lebenslage)
- Title:The Life We Live and the Life We Experience: Introducing the Epistemological Difference between “Lifeworld” (Lebenswelt) and “Life Conditions” (Lebenslage)
- Author: Bjorn Kraus
- Date: 2015
- Source: https://d-nb.info/1080338144/34
- Annotation status: incomplete
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Ein grofer Teil der Regestenarbeit wird neuerdings demForscher durch besondere Regestenwerke abgenommen, nament-lich auf dem Gebiet der mittelalterlichen Urkunden. Daf diesebevorzugt werden, hat zwei Griinde: erstens sind die Urkundenfur die Geschichte des Mittelalters gewissermafen als festesGerippe von besonderer Wichtigkeit; zweitens sind sie so ver.streut in ihren Fund- und Druckorten, da8 die Zusammen-stellung derselben, wie sie ftir jede Arbeit von neuem erforder-lich wire, immer von neuem die langwierigsten und mtthsamstenVorarbeiten n&tig machen wiirde. Es ist daher von griéStemNutzen, da8 diese Vorarbeiten ein fir allemal gemacht und demeinzelnen Forscher erspart werden.
Ein großer Teil der Regestenarbeit wird neuerdings dem Forscher durch besondere Regestenwerke abgenommen, namentlich auf dem Gebiet der mittelalterlichen Urkunden. Daß diese bevorzugt werden, hat zwei Gründe: erstens sind die Urkunden fur die Geschichte des Mittelalters gewissermafen als festes Gerippe von besonderer Wichtigkeit; zweitens sind sie so verstreut in ihren Fund- und Druckorten, daß die Zusammenstellung derselben, wie sie ftir jede Arbeit von neuem erforderlich wire, immer von neuem die langwierigsten und mtthsamsten Vorarbeiten nötig machen würde. Es ist daher von größtem Nutzen, daß diese Vorarbeiten ein fir allemal gemacht und dem einzelnen Forscher erspart werden.
Google translation:
A large part of the regesta work has recently been relieved of the researcher by special regesta works, especially in the field of medieval documents. There are two reasons why these are preferred: first, the documents are of particular importance for the history of the Middle Ages as a solid skeleton; Secondly, they are so scattered in the places where they were found and printed that the compilation of them, as would be necessary for each new work, would again and again necessitate the most lengthy and laborious preparatory work. It is therefore of the greatest benefit that this preparatory work should be done once and for all and that the individual researcher be spared.
While the contexts are mixed here between note taking and historical method, there is some useful advice here that while taking notes, one should do as much work upfront during the research phase of reading and writing, so that when it comes to the end of putting the final work together and editing, the writer can be spared the effort of reloading large amounts of data and context to create the final output.
gist.github.com gist.github.com
4.2 Meaningful work and meaningful relationships aren’t just nice things we chose for ourselves—they are genetically programmed into us.
4.2 Meaningful work and meaningful relationships aren’t just nice things we chose for ourselves—they are genetically programmed into us.
that you know was not connected to any kind of military application there were other examples of this and this is something that you could actually put you know 00:07:36 these cards in a smaller deck that you could review i drove to my conference so it would have been a lot harder to review these when i'm driving however if you're flying or taking a train or you 00:07:49 know something where a passenger seat you could potentially just take these cars make a small deck and carry them with you wouldn't need a computer or anything now that was the priming piece 00:08:03 how did it help next step is i actually went to the agenda into the schedule and looked at it typically when you do that there are some some talks that you're going to want to 00:08:16 go to right and some work groups or tracks that are that have a large application to what you're doing your day job is the other piece is if you're presenting
This is an example about preparation for going into a conference (or battle, which is suggested by this particular conference's topic). The work provides a primer for what is about to happen and can be analogized to ancients taking the ark of the covenant into battle before them. It serves as a cultural talisman representing what they're fighting for, but it also likely served as a mnemonic device for their actual battle strategies and plans from the time. They take it with them as a physical review reminder and device.
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
Thanks /ultwalt This seems to underline the aphorism, that the more you put into something, the more you'll get out of it. It's something that many miss as an underlying benefit to these processes in general.
www.solimanwrites.com www.solimanwrites.com
Think about the sad essay we all used to write for your (insert language here) class: back then you didn’t have permission to generate original ideas.
I'm not sure that's the correct diagnosis.
Alternative take: you were not, at that point in your life, equipped to understand that you could be generating new ideas and that you should walk away from that writing course with an appreciation for writing as a vehicle for what you'd like to accomplish with a given subject/format. It's fine that you didn't—many people don't—and your instructors, institution, parents, community, etc. probably could have done a better job at communicating this to you, but it was there, and it was the point all along.
www.vox.com www.vox.com
We are unwilling to grapple with the difficult questions of how you educate and pay for the education of a workforce”
Local file Local file
All students alluded to the need to developnot only academic skills but also self-management. This included skills such asdeveloping work/life balance, self-control,confidence, and become discerning in theirchoices around study
University life is about developing self and time management skills. Students are expected to be adults, therefore, balacning all aspects of life is an important skills that students will realise and develop in order to servive, progresss and complete their studies.
slite.com slite.com
They are:doers: self-motivated or intrinsically driven to achieve and learndrivers: proactive and decisive; don't wait for orderspromoters: passionate and excited to share what they create for their own benefit and the benefit of others
3 abilities of great async workers
- Jun 2022
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
All this hoopla seems out of character for the sedate man who likes to say of his work: ''Whatever I did, there was always someone around who was better qualified. They just didn't bother to do it.''
Very similar to Nike's tagline "Just Do It"
Local file Local file
The Essential Habits ofDigital Organizers
This chapter is too entailed with productivity advice, which can be useful to some, but isn't as note taking focused for those who probably need more of that.
What is the differentiator between knowledge workers, knowledge creators, students, researchers, academics. How do we even clearly delineate knowledge worker as a concept. It feels far too nebulous which makes it more difficult to differentiate systems for them to use for improving productivity and efficiency.
If we overlay the four steps of CODE onto the model ofdivergence and convergence, we arrive at a powerful template forthe creative process in our time.
The way that Tiago Forte overlaps the idea of C.O.D.E. (capture/collect, organize, distill, express) with the divergence/convergence model points out some primary differences of his system and that of some of the more refined methods of maintaining a zettelkasten.
<small>Overlapping ideas of C.O.D.E. and divergence/convergence from Tiago Forte's book Building a Second Brain (Atria Books, 2022) </small>
Forte's focus on organizing is dedicated solely on to putting things into folders, which is a light touch way of indexing them. However it only indexes them on one axis—that of the folder into which they're being placed. This precludes them from being indexed on a variety of other axes from the start to other places where they might also be used in the future. His method requires more additional work and effort to revisit and re-arrange (move them into other folders) or index them later.
Most historical commonplacing and zettelkasten techniques place a heavier emphasis on indexing pieces as they're collected.
Commonplacing creates more work on the user between organizing and distilling because they're more dependent on their memory of the user or depending on the regular re-reading and revisiting of pieces one may have a memory of existence. Most commonplacing methods (particularly the older historic forms of collecting and excerpting sententiae) also doesn't focus or rely on one writing out their own ideas in larger form as one goes along, so generally here there is a larger amount of work at the expression stage.
Zettelkasten techniques as imagined by Luhmann and Ahrens smooth the process between organization and distillation by creating tacit links between ideas. This additional piece of the process makes distillation far easier because the linking work has been done along the way, so one only need edit out ideas that don't add to the overall argument or piece. All that remains is light editing.
Ahrens' instantiation of the method also focuses on writing out and summarizing other's ideas in one's own words for later convenient reuse. This idea is also seen in Bruce Ballenger's The Curious Researcher as a means of both sensemaking and reuse, though none of the organizational indexing or idea linking seem to be found there.
This also fits into the diamond shape that Forte provides as the height along the vertical can stand in as a proxy for the equivalent amount of work that is required during the overall process.
This shape could be reframed for a refined zettelkasten method as an indication of work
Forte's diamond shape provided gives a visual representation of the overall process of the divergence and convergence.
But what if we change that shape to indicate the amount of work that is required along the steps of the process?!
Here, we might expect the diamond to relatively accurately reflect the amounts of work along the path.
If this is the case, then what might the relative workload look like for a refined zettelkasten? First we'll need to move the express portion between capture and organize where it more naturally sits, at least in Ahren's instantiation of the method. While this does take a discrete small amount of work and time for the note taker, it pays off in the long run as one intends from the start to reuse this work. It also pays further dividends as it dramatically increases one's understanding of the material that is being collected, particularly when conjoined to the organization portion which actively links this knowledge into one's broader world view based on their notes. For the moment, we'll neglect the benefits of comparison of conjoined ideas which may reveal flaws in our thinking and reasoning or the benefits of new questions and ideas which may arise from this juxtaposition.
This sketch could be refined a bit, but overall it shows that frontloading the work has the effect of dramatically increasing the efficiency and productivity for a particular piece of work.
Note that when compounded over a lifetime's work, this diagram also neglects the productivity increase over being able to revisit old work and re-using it for multiple different types of work or projects where there is potential overlap, not to mention the combinatorial possibilities.
It could be useful to better and more carefully plot out the amounts of time, work/effort for these methods (based on practical experience) and then regraph the resulting power inputs against each other to come up with a better picture of the efficiency gains.
Is some of the reason that people are against zettelkasten methods that they don't see the immediate gains in return for the upfront work, and thus abandon the process? Is this a form of misinterpreted-effort hypothesis at work? It can also be compounded at not being able to see the compounding effects of the upfront work.
What does research indicate about how people are able to predict compounding effects over time in areas like money/finance? What might this indicate here? Humans definitely have issues seeing and reacting to probabilities in this same manner, so one might expect the same intellectual blindness based on system 1 vs. system 2.
Given that indexing things, especially digitally, requires so little work and effort upfront, it should be done at the time of collection.
I'll admit that it only took a moment to read this highlighted sentence and look at the related diagram, but the amount of material I was able to draw out of it by reframing it, thinking about it, having my own thoughts and ideas against it, and then innovating based upon it was incredibly fruitful in terms of better differentiating amongst a variety of note taking and sense making frameworks.
For me, this is a great example of what reading with a pen in hand, rephrasing, extending, and linking to other ideas can accomplish.
We’ve been taught that it’s important to work “with the end inmind.” We are told that it is our responsibility to deliver outcomes,whether that is a finished product on store shelves, a speechdelivered at an event, or a published technical document.
Example of someone else saying this...
We focus too much on the achievement and the end goal and the work and process doesn't receive its due.
There is one more layer we can add, though
This four layer processing thing is painful and I suspect few are going to spend this much time on so many potential ideas.
Ahren's framing of fleeting notes and permanent notes is quicker and easier.
Also missing is any sort of inherent link to any other ideas or even to a broader index to make it somewhat easier to find/use. Simply filing it into a folder, even an "important" one seems fairly useless and make-work.
When you use up too much energy taking notes, you havelittle left over for the subsequent steps that add far more value:making connections, imagining possibilities, formulating theories,and creating new ideas of your own
The most valuable work one can do in note taking is creating active links from one piece of knowledge to another, particularly if they're both surprising.
Anecdotally I do see a lot of people putting all of their work into collecting notes, and none of it rephrasing things into their own words to improve understanding or linking ideas together to create new ideas. The latter are both far superior to the former.
- year in reviews
- make work
- project management
- knowledge creators
- zettelkasten
- reviews
- writing
- commonplace books vs. zettelkasten
- misinterpreted-effort hypothesis
- C.O.D.E.
- putting in the work
- commonplace books
- organization
- knowledge workers
- Tiago Forte
- note taking
- note taking advice
- time
- processes
- efficiency
- surprise
- note taking methods
- writing for understanding
- behavioral economics
- work
- knowledge work
- ideas have sex
- visualizations
- writing process
- cognitive bias
- compounding value
- productivity fallacy
- productivity
- work with the end in mind
- imitation for innovation
- divergence/convergence
- goals
- innovation
bulletproofmusician.com bulletproofmusician.com
So when we struggle – like when we have difficulty making sense of a math review problem, or when we can’t seem to get a note to speak in quite the right way in a run-through – it appears that we misinterpret greater effort as an indication of reduced learning. And that this is why we tend to gravitate to activities like re-reading the textbook, which feels easier and more productive than struggling for five minutes to solve a review problem and still getting it wrong.
Re-reading a text or our notes may seem like it's an easier and more productive review strategy for tests, but working through more difficult problems that require one to do work to come up with an answer are much more effective.
the more effort they had to put into the study strategy, the less they felt they were learning.
misinterpreted-effort hypothesis: the amount of effort one puts into studying is inversely proportional to how much one feels they learn.
Is this why the Says Something In Welsh system works so well? Because it requires so much mental work and effort in short spans of time? Particularly in relation to Duolingo which seems easier?
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
the research says is that students often
the research says is that students often don't use the right learning strategy because they react negatively to effort in fact it even is so well demonstrated that it has its own name it's called the ==misinterpreted effort hypothesis== it says that students tend to see a learning strategy feel that it is more effortful more challenging and as a result they will veer away from that because they feel that that effort means that they're either doing it wrong or that the technique is bad they consider more effortful learning with being a bad thing
Students will perceive learning strategies that require more effort and work on their part to be less productive in the long term, often when the opposite is the case. This phenomenon is known as the misinterpreted effort hypothesis.
Link to: - research in Ahrens that rereading and reviewing over material seems easy, but isn't as effective as directly answering questions and performing the work to produce one's own answer. - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0010028519302270
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
le travail au départ c'est la torture
The box is not a substitute for creating. The box doesn’t compose or write apoem or create a dance step. The box is the raw index of your preparation. It is therepository of your creative potential, but it is not that potential realized.
Great quote about what a zettelkasten isn't. This is also one of the reasons why I've underlined the amount of work that one must put into the box to get productive material back out the other end.
you should never save for two meetingswhat you can accomplish in one.
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
The evidence is in: working from home is a failed experiment
Nowhere in this article is any attention paid to how "hybrid work" would be implemented, the variable implementations that might be offered by different organizations, and the influence of corporate culture on the success of a hybrid work implementation.
That’s because there’s this illusion of more independence, flexibility and control over one’s life which is probably why 70% of the workers who participated in the Microsoft survey, despite all their concerns, still desire some type of flexible work options in the future.
The use of the word "illusion" is a bald assertion. None of the studies I've seen have examined "independence, flexibility and control" to see (a) what workers mean by these terms, and (b) how they measured those terms, and (c) whether there's any factual basis in calling it an "illusion".
bitcoinmagazine.com bitcoinmagazine.com
Blockchains address this problem in two ways. First, they enforce a complete ordering on all transactions, which generates a tree of alternative views of history. Second, they define canon for histories, along with a fork-choice rule that selects the canonical branch from the tree of histories.
Blockchains solve the double spending problem in two ways.
(1) They enforce a complete ordering of all transactions, which results in a tree of possible histories. (2) They define a fork-choice rule that selects the canonical branch from the tree of all possible histories.
anchor.digitalocean.com anchor.digitalocean.com
Many believe that companies should give more time to employees to contribute to open source, with 79% agreeing or strongly agreeing that companies should give time during work hours to contribute.
while just 20% have been paid for their contributions to open source, 53% agree or strongly agree that individuals should be paid for open source contributions
- May 2022
www.goodreads.com www.goodreads.com
github.com github.com
At the moment my open source time is much more limited than it used to be so I haven't gotten around to it yet.
That's cool, I get it, it's unpaid open source work :)
In the meanwhile, my was born so I am not going to get back to this issue before a while :)
blog.shimin.io blog.shimin.io
By offering to have a real-time technical discussion, you are reframing the code review process away from an 'instructor correcting student' dynamic and into a 'colleagues working together' mindset.
blog.shimin.io blog.shimin.io
Each developer on average wastes 30 minutes before and after the meeting to context switch and the time is otherwise non-value adding. (See this study for the cost of context switching).
Local file Local file
The second way that people use their Second Brain is to connectideas together. Their Second Brain evolves from being primarily amemory tool to becoming a thinking tool. A piece of advice from amentor comes in handy as they encounter a similar situation on adifferent team. An illuminating metaphor from a book finds its wayinto a presentation they’re delivering. The ideas they’ve capturedbegin gravitating toward each other and cross-pollinating.
Missing from this description is the work that is involved in revisting, re-reading, and interacting with your notes. This is not an easy process, but this paragraph belies the work involved and makes it seem "magical" with the use of the words 'illuminating', 'gravitating', 'cross-pollinating' which are all external processes or forces that don't require work from the individual.
This isn’t the same notetaking you learned in school
Most people weren't taught positive or even useful note taking skills in school, and this is a massive problem in a knowledge-based and knowledge privileged society.
For the first time in history, we have instantaneous access to theworld’s knowledge.
While we may have the impression of instant access to the world's knowledge, this is really far from the truth. It's all there, but being able to search through it for what we want or being able to find or generate insight from it involves a massive mountain of hidden work that no one really wants to do in practice.
wordpress.com wordpress.com
"To summarize, I am prepared to conquer all hurdles in my path to achieving the career of my dreams so that I may contribute to my society. I am a firm believer in the concept of dreams coming true."
www.accreditedschoolsonline.org www.accreditedschoolsonline.org
Strong time management skills.
Ability to work independently
Local file Local file
It's also strategic work. Setting the appetite and coming up with a solution requires you to be critical about the problem.
- What are we trying to solve?
- Why does it matter?
- What counts as success?
- Which customers are affected?
- What is the cost of doing this instead of something else?
Second, we shape the work before giving it to a team. A small senior group works in parallel to the cycle teams. They define the key elements of a solution before we consider a project ready to bet on. Projects are defined at the right level of abstraction: concrete enough that the teams know what to do, yet abstract enough that they have room to work out the interesting details themselves.
- Apr 2022
github.com github.com
There is something nice about aligning with the platform. But it risks being a straitjacket, and I think we can provide better ergonomics when it comes to streaming.
warrenellis.ltd warrenellis.ltd
<small><cite class='h-cite via'>ᔥ <span class='p-author h-card'>Winnie Lim</span> in peeking into people’s routines (<time class='dt-published'>04/24/2022 02:40:01</time>)</cite></small>
www.goodreads.com www.goodreads.comRest1
<small><cite class='h-cite via'>ᔥ <span class='p-author h-card'>Winnie Lim</span> in peeking into people’s routines (<time class='dt-published'>04/24/2022 02:40:01</time>)</cite></small>
www.masoncurrey.com www.masoncurrey.com
<small><cite class='h-cite via'>ᔥ <span class='p-author h-card'>Winnie Lim</span> in peeking into people’s routines (<time class='dt-published'>04/24/2022 02:40:01</time>)</cite></small>
www.themarginalian.org www.themarginalian.org
<small><cite class='h-cite via'>ᔥ <span class='p-author h-card'>Winnie Lim</span> in peeking into people’s routines (<time class='dt-published'>04/24/2022 02:40:01</time>)</cite></small>
www.irrodl.org www.irrodl.org
A common frustrating experience was associated with a poor work ethic and with some members who did not fulfill their obligations. Creating more work for the other members in the group is the direct consequence.
Local file Local file
For this reason, the Secretary of State set out a vision1 for health and care to have nationalopen standards for data and interoperability that are mandated throughout the NHS andsocial care.
threadreaderapp.com threadreaderapp.com
Some useful truths here.
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Lock, S., Otte, J., Gayle, D., & Ambrose, T. (2022, January 11). Record numbers admitted to US hospitals with coronavirus; Sweden to introduce stricter curbs – as it happened. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2022/jan/10/covid-live-news-40-of-israel-could-be-infected-in-current-wave-germany-to-study-rapid-antigen-test-reliability-for-omicron
Local file Local file
A filing system is indefinitely expandable, rhizomatic (at any point of timeor space, one can always insert a new card); in contradistinction with the sequen-tial irreversibility of the pages of the notebook and of the book, its interiormobility allows for permanent reordering (for, even if there is no narrative conclu-sion of a diary, there is a last page of the notebook on which it is written: its pagesare numbered, like days on a calendar).
Most writing systems and forms force a beginning and an end, they force a particular structure that is both finite and limiting. The card index (zettelkasten) may have a beginning—there's always a first note or card, but it never has to have an end unless one's ownership is so absolute it ends with the life of its author. There are an ever-increasing number of ways to order a card index, though some try to get around this to create some artificial stability by numbering or specifically ordering their cards. New ideas can be accepted into the index at a multitude of places and are always internally mobile and re-orderable.
link to Luhmann's works on describing this sort of rhizomatic behavior of his zettelkasten
Within a network model framing for a zettelkasten, one might define thinking as traversing a graph of idea nodes in a particular order. Alternately it might also include randomly juxtaposing cards and creating links between ones which have similarities. Which of these modes of thinking has a higher order? Which creates more value? Which requires more work?
docdrop.org docdrop.org
The Card Index as Creativity Machine
Rowan Wilken admits that Cornelia Vismann's use of files for transmission, storage, cancellation, manipulation, and destruction are remarkable, but that the key feature of the card index as a file type is its use for creative production.
crucial difference between traditional apprenticeships and modern schooling: inthe former, “learners can see the processes of work,” while in the latter, “theprocesses of thinking are often invisible to both the students and the teacher.”Collins and his coauthors identified four features of apprenticeship that could beadapted to the demands of knowledge work: modeling, or demonstrating the taskwhile explaining it aloud; scaffolding, or structuring an opportunity for thelearner to try the task herself; fading, or gradually withdrawing guidance as thelearner becomes more proficient; and coaching, or helping the learner throughdifficulties along the way.
This is what’s known as a cognitive apprenticeship, a term coined by Allan Collins, now a professor emeritus of education at Northwestern University. In a 1991 article written with John Seely Brown and Ann Holum, Collins noted a
In a traditional apprenticeship, a learner watches and is able to imitate the master process and work. In a cognitive apprenticeship the process of thinking is generally invisible to both the apprentice and the teacher. The problem becomes how to make the thinking processes more tangible and visible to the learner.
Allan Collins, John Seely Brown, and Ann Holum identified four pedagogical methods in apprenticeships that can also be applied to cognitive apprenticeships: - modeling: demonstrating a task while focusing on describing and explaining the steps and general thinking about the problem out loud - scaffolding: structuring a task to encourage and allow the learner the ability to try it themself - fading: as the learner gains facility and confidence in the process, gradually removing the teacher's guidance - coaching: as necessary, the teacher provides tips and suggestions to the learner to prompt them through potential difficulties
Interested in launching a similar experiment in your organization?
The model really assumes a work environment where a whole team can be compelled to participate. Can you make this kind of culture change with a coalition of the willing? For the participants, is a cohort enough? Or does a partial attempt just reinforce the divisions between groups in the organization?
Drexelportrayed note-taking as the best kind of mine, one that would never fail to re-ward diligent work.3
- Mar 2022
encyclopedia.1914-1918-online.net encyclopedia.1914-1918-online.net
The 1911 census recorded 98,128 female servants, 20,357 female dressmakers and seamstresses, and 5,269 women working in clothing factories; teaching and nursing were other common forms of female waged labour.[3]
work stuff
More than half the Canadian population lived in rural areas, and farm women not only worked inside their homes, but also engaged in gardening, dairying, and other outdoor work to supplement the family diet and income.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Hilarious clickbait title for someone who makes productivity videos on YouTube, but she talks about finding some balance.
She's definitely selling something though...
it's 00:59:37 a lot about unlearning and that is sometimes more difficult [Music] and it's probably one of these 00:59:50 simple but not easy easy things
Using a zettelkasten is a bit about unlearning how you used to do things, but most importantly it requires the work input and following the process to get the "magical" outputs.
every.to every.to
A manifesto about what the Every platform is all about. They're trying to create a new(?) economic model for writers working together.
I'm not really sure how this is dramatically different from prior efforts or if the economic incentives are actually properly aligned here. Many writers without critically looking at the whole may be led here as much by marketing hype as anything else. It almost sounds like they're recreating The Huffington Post, but giving away some of the value up front instead of leaving all the value in one person's hand for a future sale.
Who owns the copyright of the created works? Are editors and proofreaders just work for hire here? What about their interests?
alexturek.com alexturek.com
This isn’t MAIN_PRIORITY, so we aren’t going to do it until at least ESTIMATED_DONE_DATE. Right now our priority is MAIN_PRIORITY because of ONE_SENTENCE_JUSTIFICATION, and this is 100% our shipping focus. I agree this sounds like a really useful feature - once we finish MAIN_PRIORITY, should we consider dropping SECOND_PRIORITY and do it?
Templates for saying NO
www.cs.umd.edu www.cs.umd.edu
Creative work is not complete until it is disseminated
This is an interesting perspective, but are there cases where it's false?
Link to the idea at CAA that you haven't really read a script unless you've actively acted upon what you've read.
Users who expe rience empowering designs that are comprehensible, predictable, and controllable, may be inspired to pursue quality in their work products.
This sounds a lot like the management philosophy of W. Edwards Deming who encouraged managers to empower workers to take ownership of their craft and work.
Local file Local file
RichardFeynman once had a visitor in his office, a historian who wanted tointerview him. When he spotted Feynman’s notebooks, he said howdelighted he was to see such “wonderful records of Feynman’sthinking.”“No, no!” Feynman protested. “They aren’t a record of my thinkingprocess. They are my thinking process. I actually did the work on thepaper.”“Well,” the historian said, “the work was done in your head, but therecord of it is still here.”“No, it’s not a record, not really. It’s working. You have to work onpaper, and this is the paper.”[33]
Genius: The Life And Science of Richard Feynman,” James Gleick, Pantheon Books, 1992 (see pg. 409).
- Feb 2022
fivethirtyeight.com fivethirtyeight.com
First, consider who gets to make the rules. Tenured scholars who, as we’ve noted, are mostly white and male, largely make the rules that determine who else can join the tenured ranks. This involves what sociologists call “boundary work,” or the practice of a group setting rules to determine who is good enough to join. And as such, many of the rules established around tenure over the years work really well for white scholars, but don’t adequately capture the contributions of scholars of color.
Boundary work is the practice of a group that sets the rules to determine who is and isn't good enough to join the group.
Link to Groucho Marx quote, "I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member."
founder-fodder.ghost.io founder-fodder.ghost.io
Without meeting notes and documentation, companies become reliant on unreliable verbal accounts, 1:1 updates, and needing to be in the room to get things done.
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
Yong, E. (2022, February 16). The Millions of People Stuck in Pandemic Limbo. The Atlantic. https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2022/02/covid-pandemic-immunocompromised-risk-vaccines/622094/
Local file Local file
If we put effort into the attempt of retrievinginformation, we are much more likely to remember it in the long run,even if we fail to retrieve it without help in the end (Roediger andKarpicke 2006)
Learning requires effort, because we have to think to understandand we need to actively retrieve old knowledge to convince ourbrains to connect it with new ideas as cues. To understand howgroundbreaking this idea is, it helps to remember how much effortteachers still put into the attempt to make learning easier for theirstudents by prearranging information, sorting it into modules,categories and themes. By doing that, they achieve the opposite ofwhat they intend to do. They make it harder for the student to learnbecause they set everything up for reviewing, taking away theopportunity to build meaningful connections and to make sense ofsomething by translating it into one’s own language. It is like fastfood: It is neither nutritious nor very enjoyable, it is just convenient
Some of the effort that teachers put into their educational resources in an attempt to make learning faster and more efficient is actually taking away the actual learning opportunities of the students to sort, arrange, and make meaningful connections between the knowledge and to their own prior knowledge bases.
In mathematics, rather than showing a handful of methods for solving a problem, the teacher might help students to explore those problem solving spaces first and then assist them into creating these algorithms. I can't help but think about Inventional Geometry by William George Spencer that is structured this way. The teacher has created a broader super-structure of problems, but leaves it largely to the student to do the majority of the work.
A coach is not there to do the work,but to show us how to use our time and effort in the most effectiveway.
Much as coaches help their athletes become better, teachers are there to help students use their time and work efforts in the most effective ways.
Writing is not what follows research, learning or studying, it is themedium of all this work. And maybe that is the reason why we rarelythink about this writing, the everyday writing, the note-taking anddraft-making.
Here in a nutshell is the thrust of the entire book to come!
Notes allow one to do small pieces of work over time, then by editing one's notes together to weave a story or create a broader thesis, one is primarily ordering and editing their prior work which isn't as difficult as staring at a blank piece of paper and wondering where to begin.
twitter.com twitter.com
Deepti Gurdasani. (2022, February 8). Exactly this 👇 We never talk about the huge benefits mitigations have had in reducing other respiratory illnesses... Which means deaths from other causes have reduced. Excess deaths are not a good indicator of COVID-19 deaths—Which we should be doing a lot more to prevent! [Tweet]. @dgurdasani1. https://twitter.com/dgurdasani1/status/1491123632349024256
Because of the constantly growing number of volumes, and to minimize coordination issues, Gottfried van Swieten emphasizes a set of instructions for registering all the books of the court library. Written instructions are by no means common prior to the end of the eighteenth century. Until then, cataloging takes place under the supervision of a librarian who instructs scriptors orally, pointing out problems and corrections as every-one goes along.
Unlike prior (oral) efforts, Gottfried van Swieten created a writtten set of instructions for cataloging texts at the Austrian National Library. This helped to minimize coordination issues as well as time to teach and perfect the system.
Written rules, laws, and algorithms help to create self-organization. This is done by saving time and energy that would have gone into the work of directed building of a system instead. The saved work can then be directed towards something else potentially more productive or regenerative.
Major COVID course correction immediately required. (n.d.). Retrieved February 7, 2022, from https://ozsage.org/media_releases/major-covid-course-correction-immediately-required/
- vaccine
- financial support
- lockdown
- school
- testing
- COVID-19
- healthcare system
- mask wearing
- work from home
- Australia
- close contact
- mitigation measures
- business
- response
- government
- leadership
- is:report
- education
- staff shortage
- lang:en
- guidance
- workplace
- Omicron
- recommendation
- face-to-face
- hospitalization
A couple of weeks ago I did a mock interview with an executive I’m coaching. One of the interview questions I posed was this: “You have employees, external customers, internal customers (stakeholders or peers), and your boss. Put them in order of priority in terms of serving their needs.Regardless of the type of company or organization, here’s the answer and why:1. External customersThe purpose of any company or business is to win and keep customers. Without customers, there’s no business, no shareholder value, and no jobs. Since there are a finite number of customers, in practical terms, they are irreplaceable. They’re always the highest priority.2. Your bossYour boss is more important to the success of the company than you and your peers. You may not like hearing that, but in just about every case, it’s true. You may think you’re more competent than your boss and you might even be right. But that doesn’t change the fact that his function incorporates yours and is higher up on the org chart so, by definition, his needs top yours or your peers.3. Internal customers (stakeholders or peers)Each and every one of you has peers, stakeholders, internal customers whose functions are intertwined with yours and whose needs are important. Marketing folks, for example, should count product groups and sales as their stakeholders. You should make it a priority to meet with them periodically and ask them how you’re doing. Next to paying customers and your boss, they’re needs matter most. 4. EmployeesSo, here we are. The dirty little secret no executive, business leader, or manager ever wants to admit. Nevertheless, it’s true. Employees are at the bottom of the totem pole in terms of how important their needs are to their management. That’s all there is to it.Don’t get me wrong. Creating a culture where employees are empowered, challenged, and supported, where they can really make a difference, should be huge for any company. But all things being equal, as priorities go, employees come in dead last on that list. Sobering as that sounds, it’s entirely as it should be.
This really gets to the heart of the matter, it is justifiable that Employees are the lowest of the priorities for an executive.
Based on the article priorities are: 1. External Customers - They bring money into the company 2. Your boss - They being money into you 3. Internal Customers (stakeholders or peers) - They make things work for external customers and your boss 4. Employees - They are paid to work for the company and are the lowest of the four priorities if you have to stack rank
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Akanbi, U. (2022). Impact of Covid-19 on cyber Security. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/ktr4y
www.bloomberg.com www.bloomberg.com
Many American employers continue to make their job offers contingent on fine-print conditions, such as noncompete clauses and forced arbitration, that can make it almost impossible to jump to a better workplace or hold management accountable when things go wrong. They seek out foreign workers who often, in theory or practice, lack the legal protections of U.S. citizens. They argue that they aren’t liable for any mistreatment of their subcontracted staff by the companies that technically employ those workers. And they charge staff for equipment or training essential to their duties, establishing a cycle of debt that, in conjunction with low wages, tends to build on itself
- Jan 2022
scattered-thoughts.net scattered-thoughts.net
Exposing myself to addictive interactions trained me to self-interrupt - whenever I encountered a difficult decision or a tricky bug I would find myself switching to something easier and more immediately rewarding. Making progress on hard problems is only possible if I don't allow those habits to be reinforced.
Highlighting this, but really the whole section is almost perfectly written. Hardest is achieving your desired inner discipline and then having to fight with people who don't understand this shit (because their performance never matters, or they don't give a damn).
karenraycosta.medium.com karenraycosta.medium.com
Over the past several weeks, I’ve seen more faculty declining learning opportunities and expressing a need to protect their time than ever before in fifteen years of doing this work.
Protect their time for what, I wonder?
uni-bielefeld.de uni-bielefeld.de
One could say: there must be a local solution (i.e. connection or internal fit)only. This indicates, accordingly, that the positioning of a special subject within this system of organizationreveals nothing about its theoretical importance — for there are no privileged positions in this web of notes:there is no top and no bottom
While it may be important that there are no privileged positions, hierarchies, or immediate structures within Luhmann's (or others') zettelkasten, this belies the value of making (even by force) at least one link from each new note to the other notes. This helps begin to create the valuable interconnections of the system which are crucial for later use. Without this "linking hierarchy" one is left with just a pile of notes which will need the aforementioned additional work and context.
Furthermore thistechnique enabled the collection not only to grow in absolute numbers, but to grow “inwardly” withoutthe limitations of a systematically order
Previous historical examples of note taking ended up in large scrap heaps that provided value only to their creators, who had at least some knowledge of their context. Those who inherited them found them relatively useless because they required vast amounts of work to make useful. Linking notes and cross referencing or indexing them with subject headings and links to their sources can go a long way to immeasurably increase their value both to the initial user, who may forget these things, but also to subsequent users. The small amounts of work required upfront when making one's notes will pay off immeasurably in the long term.
Link this to the specific examples in Paper Machines (chapter 2) just before the time of Vincentius Placcius.
twitter.com twitter.com
Prof. Gavin Yamey MD MPH. (2022, January 10). Yes, Neoliberal John Snow wins the Internet today 👏 H/T @gregggonsalves Reminds me of this…. Https://t.co/zt9tINBxal [Tweet]. @GYamey. https://twitter.com/GYamey/status/1480527550531186696
The script is in batch with some portions of powershell. The base code is fairly simple and most of it came from Googling ".bat transfer files" followed by ".bat how to only transfer certain file types" etc. The trick was making it work with my office, knowing where to scan for new files, knowing where not to scan due to lag (seriously, if you have a folder with 200,000 .txt files that crap will severally slow down your scans. Better to move it manually and then change the script to omit that folder from future searches)
It essentially scans the on-site drive for any new files, generates hash values for them, transfers them to the Cloud, then generates hash values again for fidelity (in court you have to prove digital evidence hasn't been tampered with).
Script to automate an 8 hour job: The firm gets thousands of digital documents, photos, etc on a daily basis. All of this goes on a local drive. My job is to transfer all of these files to the Cloud and then verify their fidelity.
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Devlin, H., & correspondent, H. D. S. (2022, January 21). Mixed messages? How end of Covid plan B could change behaviour in England. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jan/21/mixed-messages-how-end-of-covid-plan-b-rules-could-change-behaviour
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
Yes, precisely because I've been involved in maintaining codebases built without real full stack frameworks is why I say what I said.The problem we have in this industry, is that somebody reads these blog posts, and the next day at work they ditch the "legacy rails" and starts rewriting the monolith in sveltekit/nextjs/whatever because that's what he/she has been told is the modern way to do full stack.No need to say those engineers will quit 1 year later after they realize the mess they've created with their lightweight and simple modern framework.I've seen this too many times already.It is not about gatekeeping. It is about engineers being humble and assume it is very likely that their code is very unlikely to be better tested, documented, cohesive and maintained than what you're given in the real full stack frameworks.Of course you can build anything even in assembler if you want. The question is if that's the most useful thing to do with your company's money.
The spider web system was, in fact, a work in progress; the resulting hypertext was designed to be open-ended.
One's lifetime of notes could be thought of as a hypertext work in progress that is designed to be open-ended.
learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.content.blackboardcdn.com learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.content.blackboardcdn.com
Interestingly, early French observers attached little importance tosuch economic distinctions, especially since foraging or farming was,in either case, largely women’s work
Note the erasure of women's work by the hierarchical society.
prospect.org prospect.org
DrPH, M. D. H., M. D. (2022, January 11). The Folly of School Openings as a Zero-Sum Game. The American Prospect. https://prospect.org/api/content/4a1fc36e-7263-11ec-9e7d-12f1225286c6/
- vaccine
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- risk
- low-income
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- paediatric hospitalization
- exposure
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- perception
- systemic racism
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- priviledge
- multigenerational family structure
- transmission
- education
- in-person schooling
- disparity
- lang:en
- remote learning
- school closure
- Omicron
- online learning
- economic oppression
- virtual learning
- white supremacy
- COVID-19
- safety
- people of colour
- ventilation
- children
- homeschooling
twitter.com twitter.com
Jennifer K McDonald. (2021, October 16). Here’s the rebreathed fraction of air table from the all-knowing @DavidElfstrom [Tweet]. @JenniferKShea. https://twitter.com/JenniferKShea/status/1449380211435479047
www.abc.net.au www.abc.net.au
Mask mandate expanded as Queensland records 2,266 new cases of COVID-19. (2022, January 1). ABC News. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-01-01/qld-coronavirus-covid-omicron-latest-new-cases/100732908
kingjcy.github.io kingjcy.github.io
我们来看filebeat的启动过程。 1、执行root命令 在filebeat/main.go文件中,main函数调用了cmd.RootCmd.Execute(),而RootCmd则是在cmd/root.go中被init函数初始化,其中就注册了filebeat.go:New函数以创建实现了beater接口的filebeat实例 对于任意一个beats来说,都需要有: 实现Beater接口的具体Beater(如Filebeat); 创建该具体Beater的(New)函数。 beater接口定义(beat/beat.go): type Beater interface { // The main event loop. This method should block until signalled to stop by an // invocation of the Stop() method. Run(b *Beat) error // Stop is invoked to signal that the Run method should finish its execution. // It will be invoked at most once. Stop() } 2、初始化和运行Filebeat 创建libbeat/cmd/instance/beat.go:Beat结构 执行(*Beat).launch方法 (*Beat).Init() 初始化Beat:加载beats公共config (*Beat).createBeater registerTemplateLoading: 当输出为es时,注册加载es模板的回调函数 pipeline.Load: 创建Pipeline:包含队列、事件处理器、输出等 setupMetrics: 安装监控 filebeat.New: 解析配置(其中输入配置包括配置文件中的Input和module Input)等 loadDashboards 加载kibana dashboard (*Filebeat).Run: 运行filebeat 3、Filebeat运行 设置加载es pipeline的回调函数 初始化registrar和crawler 设置事件完成的回调函数 启动Registrar、启动Crawler、启动Autodiscover 等待filebeat运行结束 我们再重代码看一下这个启动过程
quantifiedself.com quantifiedself.com
It might just be a way to organize and deepen your thinking.
i like the deepen here a lot
- Dec 2021
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
I think one of the ways that remote work changes this is that I can do other things while I think through a tricky problem; I can do dishes or walk my dog or something instead of trying to look busy in a room with 6-12 other people who are furiously typing because that's how the manager and project manager understand that work gets done.
Way work often looks like during remote dev work
we found this extraordinary paper from 1951 I think by Goldschmidt Walter Goldschmidt which nobody's read it has 00:29:14 got a very strange title something like a contribution to ethical and philosophical sociology or something which tells you very little about its content but it's about these Californian foragers who live next door to the 00:29:27 highly aristocratic slave keeping fishermen of the northwest coast and what Goldschmidt who was a student of Alfred Kroeber I believe the great sort of Dayan of 00:29:40 California anthropology what he argues there point four point is that these Californian hunter-gatherers actually had a kind of work ethic which is remarkably similar to what Max Weber 00:29:54 classically described as the Protestant work ethic of central and northern Europe
Walter Goldschmidt had a 1951 paper about coastal Californian foragers next to aristocratic slave keeping fishermen. These hunter-gatherers apparently had a work ethic similar to that of Max Weber's Protestant work ethic.
Did these fishermen have totem poles (aka decorated wood
Goldschmidt was a student of Alfred Kroeber. Would he have known or worked with Milman Parry?
Kroeber received his PhD under Franz Boas at Columbia University in 1901, the first doctorate in anthropology awarded by Columbia.
Mahase, E. (2021). Covid-19: Do vaccines work against omicron—and other questions answered. BMJ, 375, n3062. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.n3062
- vaccine
- risk
- testing
- UK
- infection rate
- work from home
- data
- epidemiology
- EU
- Africa
- modeling
- lang:en
- booster
- Europe
- Omicron
- is:article
- hospitalization
- domestic measures
- delta
- reinfection
- variant
- COVID-19
- mask wearing
- restrictions
- research
- transmissibility
- response
- travel ban
- severity
- antiviral
- treatment
- South Africa
- antibody
- detection
- mutation
The card index appeared to be simply what it was: a wooden box for paper slips. On one of these file cards, Luhmann once summarized his own reflections on just such an experience: ‘People come, they see everything and nothing more than that, just like in porn movies; consequently, they leave disappointed’ (Figure 1).8
- Cf. Schmidt, ‘Luhmanns Zettelkasten’, 7. The heading of this file card is formulated in form of a question: ‘Geist im Kasten?’ (‘Does Spirit hide in the filing cabinet?’). Obviously, the answer is no. Many thanks to Johannes Schmidt for providing the image of this file card.
In a zettel in his system entitled "Does Spirit hide in the filing cabinet", Niklas Luhmann wrote the note: "People come, they see everything and nothing more than that, just like in porn movies; consequently, they leave disappointed." This is a telling story about the simplicity of the idea of a slip box (zettelkasten, card catalog, or commonplace book).
Niklas Luhmann, Zettelkasten II, index card no. 9/8,3
It's also a testament to the fact that the value of it is in the upfront work that is required in making valuable notes and linking them. Many end up trying out the simple looking system and then wonder why it isn't working for them. The answer is that they're not working for it.
- Nov 2021
er.educause.edu er.educause.edu
Leaders need to continue that communication and develop those relationships in remote and hybrid working environments, whether those environments become an ongoing fixture of the institution or are only part of a business continuity plan.
This is the tough bit. Working fully remote for two organizations now, I find it is important to have in-person time with colleagues—meetings, meals, relaxation—to build relationships that can weather rough patches when people aren't face-to-face. In addition to communication plans for remote and hybrid, leaders need to recognize that humans are social creatures and almost all will benefit from having relationship-building time.
sharonede.medium.com sharonede.medium.com
Many studies have been undertaken on the value of unpaid domestic and care work, which is also non-market, non-transactional and not included in formal economic accounts. Similarly, the unpaid care work for the wider community is missing off the balance sheet. Both are essential for the functioning of the economy that is counted.In Australia, this was estimated to be almost half of the country’s GDP, with those statistics from over twenty years ago. More recent statistics for the state of Victoria reveal a similar picture.
These studies illustrate the huge under appreciation of the value contribution of the commons and work not showing up on GDP, the dark matter of GDP.
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
Evangelical Christians have been held together more by political orientation and sociology than they have by a common theology. This has set them up for a schism which has been exacerbated by Donald J. Trump, COVID-19, and social changes.
Similar to Kurt's quote, "We go to church to see and be seen", too many churches are focused on entertainment and being an ongoing institution that they aren't focusing on their core mission. This is causing problems in their overall identity.
Time at church and in religious study is limited, but cable news, social media, and other distractions are always on and end up winning out.
People are more likely to change their church because of politics than to change their politics because of church.
The dichotomy of maleness and femaleness compound the cultural issues of the evangelical church.
Southernization of the Church
Pastors leaving the profession due to issues with a hostile work environment. Some leaving because parishioners are organizing and demanding they be fired.
Peter Wehner looks at the rifts that are appearing in the Christian evangelical movement in America, some are issues that have been building for a while, while others are exaggerated by Donald J. Trump, the coronavirus, the culture wars, political news, political beliefs, and and hypocrisy.
www.newscientist.com www.newscientist.com
Le Page, M., Wilson, C., Hamzelou, J., Wong, S., Lawton, G., Vaughan, A., Quilty-Harper, C., Murugesu, J. A., & Liverpool, L. (2021, November 22). Covid-19 news: Austria goes back into lockdown. New Scientist. https://institutions.newscientist.com/article/2237475-covid-19-news-austria-goes-back-into-lockdown/
drive.google.com drive.google.com
discussion and group work
group work needs more. again immersive teaching and learning offers more opportunities
bugs.launchpad.net bugs.launchpad.net
This is actively being worked on - for those interested you can follow the progress in https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10836
blog.viktomas.com blog.viktomas.com
I watched Christian from Zettelkasten.de taking notes from a book. He’s a professional note-taker, and it still took him two hours to take four notes in the first video - it does take forever to make good permanent notes.
An example of someone taking notes in public to model the process. Also an example of the time it takes to make notes.
Has Dan Allosso (@danallosso) done something along these lines as an example on his YouTube channel?
But was it worth three hours of my time?
Here's a good example of someone asking if the time it takes to make good reading notes is worth it.
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Excerpting requires effort and thus combats natural laziness; inhis regimen there is no reading without taking notes, which would be idleand vain, and no time wasted because every free moment can be put to usereading over one’s notes (seeA,p. 84).
Even early in the history of note taking treatises Jeremias Drexel acknowledges the idea that good note taking, and particularly excerpting, takes work.
Modern students seem to have now lost both the ars memoria as well as the note taking arts which helped supplant it. We really need to be able to regain both of these traditions, but it will obviously take commitment to do the work.
- Oct 2021
twitter.com twitter.com
Professor Lucy Easthope. (2021, October 20). WFH really is only for a very privileged few now. Not sure how that can stay a “thing” as an NPI. Too many harms being done by a fractured society where people are thriving by getting other people to bring them stuff/ make them things/ look after their family members for them [Tweet]. @LucyGoBag. https://twitter.com/LucyGoBag/status/1450842213613772802
www.taskade.com www.taskade.com
The references were probably worth more than reading the article. I can't say that there is anything new here to take away - who would reference wikipedia or the encyclopedia britannica these days? - as there is plenty of literature on Stoicism. Pigliucci is a central figure in modern Stoicism, but his tweets are not very scholarly, to be honest.
www.scienceintheclassroom.org www.scienceintheclassroom.org
So in a 2013 study, Ting’s team accelerated the process and boosted cyanide production by creating two new strains of the bacteria, each of which had an extra copy of the genes controlling enzyme production (2). The researchers included a new DNA sequence, called a promoter, which allowed them to trigger enzyme production by adding a chemical. The engineered strains cranked out 51 to 68% more cyanide, and the fraction of gold recovered rose from 11% to 25 to 30%.
Genetic engineering and optimization of the process.
Although the handling and processing of e-waste are hard to track, government documents and scientific reports suggest that only 20% of it is being properly recycled worldwide (1).
Estimates of e-waste that is properly recycled.
www.npr.org www.npr.org
Rachel Quednau is the program director for Strong Towns, an urban planning think tank focused on incremental development. She writes that Spirit Halloween's business model is based on utilizing otherwise unusable retail space. "Today's Spirit is pretty much a bottom-feeder business that works only at the expense of other stores," Quednau writes. "If there weren't vacant storefronts, this business wouldn't exist."
This is awfully inflamatory. Why exactly is this company a bottom-feeder? How does it work at others' expense? It's utilizing an underutilized resource and providing some income to landlords that they otherwise wouldn't have.
That I can see there's nothing bad or predatory about what they're doing. If they didn't have physical space, they would (and probably are) sell directly online or pay larger rents in other spaces.
Thousands of pumpkin patches and Christmas tree lots follow the same pattern for ages.
medium.com medium.com
Cost — it’s by far the most affordable headset in its class, and while I have a tendency to be lavish with my gadgetry I’m still a cheapskate: I love a good deal and a favorably skewed cost/benefit ratio even more.
Oculus seems to be offering a good quality/cost ratio