598 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2021
    1. 在 Search On 活动中,Google 引入了几项新功能,综合看来这些新功能是该公司迄今为止最强有力的尝试,让用户不只是在搜索框里简单输入几个单词。通过在一些细节之处应用新的多任务统一模型(Multitask Unified Model,MUM)机器学习技术,该公司希望开启一个良性循环:它将提供更多的细节和语境更为丰富的答案,希望用户会因此询问更为详细、语境更为丰富的问题,最终结果是提供更丰富更深入的搜索体验。Google 负责搜索的高级副总裁 Prabhakar Raghavan 也负责 Assistan、广告和其他产品。他喜欢说——而且他在上周日的一次采访中也重申——“搜索可不是一个已经解决掉了的问题。”这可能是真的,但是他和他的团队现在试图解决的问题与网络上的争吵并没什么关系,而是更多地为了给找到的内容添加语境。 对 Google 而言,该公司将利用机器学习技术,发挥自身识别相关主题关联内容的能力,并且以一种有组织的方式将这些关联内容呈现给用户。即将重新设计的 Google 搜索将开始显示“该知道的事(Things to know)”框,将你送到不同的子主题。当视频中的某个部分与这个主题相关时——即使整个视频与此并无关联——它也会将你送到那里。购物结果将开始显示附近商店的库存,甚至还会显示与你的搜索相关的、不同款式的服装。对你而言,Google 正在提供一种超越文本框的、新的搜索方式。该公司正在积极推动旗下图像识别软件 Google Lens 进入更多地方。它将被内置于 iOS 上的 Google 应用程序以及桌面上的 Chrome 网络浏览器中。Google 希望,通过 MUM,能让用户不仅仅识别鲜花或者地标,而是能够直接使用 Lens 提问和购物。

    1. I have always rooted for Mozilla in preventing Google from obtaining unequivocal control of what has become the most critical software platform in the modern era, one that holds relevance in nearly everyone's life: the web.
    1. For me, using Google Keep has become an Edwardsian notebook of its own right.

      However, this depends on Google "keeping" your notes for the long-haul. Given their propensity to discontinue projects, that seems hazardous. At least Hypothesis provides a mechanism that's more open: i'm not sure whether it can be considered stable and secure for the long-term.

    1. Personalized ASR models. For each of the 432 participants with disordered speech, we create a personalized ASR model (SI-2) from their own recordings. Our fine-tuning procedure was optimized for our adaptation process, where we only have between ¼ and 2 h of data per speaker. We found that updating only the first five encoder layers (versus the complete model) worked best and successfully prevented overfitting [10]
    1. The researchers found that the model, when it is still confused by a given phoneme (that’s an individual speech sound like an “e” or “f”), has two kinds of errors. First, there’s the fact that it doesn’t recognize the phoneme for what was intended, and thus is not recognizing the word. And second, the model has to guess which phoneme the speaker did intend, and might choose the wrong one in cases where two or more words sound roughly similar.
    1. https://www.sheet-posting.me/

      <small><cite class='h-cite via'> <span class='p-author h-card'>Kevin Marks </span> in #indieweb 2021-09-06 (<time class='dt-published'>09/06/2021 16:14:19</time>)</cite></small>

  2. Aug 2021
    1. 作为 Google 旗下第一款即时通讯平台,Google Talk 于 2005 年 8 月 24 日推出。这意味着 Google 开发通讯客户端的时间比某些竞争对手诞生的时间点还要早。但随着过去十五年间持续不断的战略变化、竞争产品的发布以及内部冲突,Google 至今也拿不出一款占据主导地位、甚至真正称得上稳定的即时通讯平台。这十余年间的反复折腾,还给了其他更为专注的厂商们壮大的机会。令人尴尬的是,目前市面上的几乎所有拳头产品都比 Google 的同类方案更年轻。WhatsApp 只有 12 岁,Facebook Messenger 9 岁,iMessage 9 岁,Slack 8岁——而曾经的老大哥 Google Talk 甚至在 Zoom 诞生的四年之前就已经在提供视频聊天功能。 很明显,Google 的通讯产品比不上之前提到的任何一款重量级竞品。事实上,Google 内部一直缺乏一种占据主导的消息应用,白白浪费掉了十几年宝贵光阴。如今的 Google 既无法彻底克服这个问题,也无法集全力构建单一产品。Facebook 与 Salesforce 等厂商都在单一通讯应用上投入了数百亿美元,但 Google 却似乎仅仅满足于一个个由跳槽项目经理负责的,资金不足、人员不稳的小项目。曾经有一段时间,Google 也开发出过一款不错的消息收发解决方案,但随时关停、发展重心的反复转移以及因此对产品成熟度造成的严重破坏,导致 Google 无法将那一点点客户好感留存至今。或者说 Google 的表现有一种特殊性,我们很少看到哪家公司会在同一个坑里挣扎这么长时间、尝试开发这么多不同的产品(Google Chat 才刚刚推出不到一个月)。

    1. i was supposed to mention your "nest" a hallowed thing, hallowed beyond the apparent missing fountain of saint augustine

      Google, and you? Mountain View and the image of a little chick with no wings falling towards the stork's magical encumberance--the ostrich, ostensibly, of the peacock and NBC

      the land where wings sprout upon need, and "were you going to fly?" the answer to the waxy waning of an icarushian delve into the vacuum above the world's firmament and even above the "oh" zone. @google

  3. Jul 2021
    1. Live Caption

      I went to Google Accessibility and played with the Live Caption feature it has. I didn't even know this was a thing. It may be another option for captioning videos. Technology is such a beautiful thing!

    1. Create an account or session

      This is the process of using social login. Google/FB does the authentication part. Once the token has been confirmed, create a new access_token and refresh_token for the user like a normal user who logged in via email/password.

    1. Finding these kinds of sites can be tough, especially if you’re looking for authentic 1990s sites and not retro callbacks, since Google seems to refuse to show you pages from over 10 years ago.

      I think I've read this bit about Google forgetting from Tim Bray(?) before. Would be useful to have additional back up for it.

      Not being able to rely on Google means that one's on personal repositories of data in their commonplace book becomes far more valuable in the search proposition. This means that Google search is more of a discovery mechanism rather than having the value of the sort of personalized search people may be looking for.

    1. 2003 年 Google 成立名为“Search by Location”的内部项目,输入邮政编码或者地址,Google 给出一系列基于这个位置的搜索结果。这本质上还是搜索,只不过是搜索经过认证的黄页信息,组织形式还是一个个网页。

      “实事求是的说,这就是一个毫无用处的项目。”当时的产品经理 Bret Taylor 回忆说,Search by Location 甚至一整天都没有一个用户。Taylor 后来任职 Facebook 的 CTO,现在是协作工具 Quip 的 CEO。

      2004 年,Google 收购了三家地图数据服务商 Keyhole、Where2 和 Zipdash。其中 Keyhole 的核心技术,就是把无数个碎片化的卫星图组合,对应到地图之上。

      2005 年 2 月 8 号,第一版 Google 地图被分享到技术社区 Slashdot 上。“用鼠标拖动显示出来的地图,Cool!”、“这是我见过最棒的网页应用了。”Google 地图一开始得到的评价还不错。


  4. Jun 2021
    1. Google Chat is the name fans have affectionately used to refer to Google’s original messaging service, Google Talk, for many years.

      would have liked to have seen a mention of XMPP interoperability somewhere in this article.

    1. Is Google Making Us Stupid?: What the Internet is doing to our Brains by Nicholas Carr July/August 2008 in The Atlantic

    2. Last year, Page told a convention of scientists that Google is “really trying to build artificial intelligence and to do it on a large scale.”

      What if they're not? What if they're building an advertising machine to manipulate us into giving them all our money?

      From an investor perspective, the artificial answer certainly seems sexy while using some clever legerdemain to keep the public from seeing what's really going on behind the curtain?

  5. May 2021
    1. Google Authenticator

      I've heard that Google Authenticator now allows data to be exported, but I'm not sure about how easy it is.

      The Verge posted this about the matter in late 2020.

    1. Method 1: We can grab the PDF Versions of Google’s TotT episodes or create our own posters that are more relevant to the company and put them in places where both developers and testers can’t be ignored.Method 2 : We can initiate something called ‘Tip of the day’ Mailing System from Quality Engineering Department.

      Ways to implement Google's Testing on the Toilet concept

    2. They started to write flyers about everything from dependency injection to code coverage and then regularly plaster the bathrooms in all over Google with each episode, almost 500 stalls worldwide.

      Testing on the Toilet (TotT) concept

    3. Dogfooding → Internal adoption of software that is not yet released. The phrase “eating your own dogfood” is meant to convey the idea that if you make a product to sell to someone else, you should be willing to use it yourself to find out if it is any good.

      Dogfooding testing method at Google

    1. So the proper unit for this kind of exploratory, semantic search is not the file, but rather something else, something I don't quite have a word for: a chunk or cluster of text, something close to those little quotes that I've assembled in DevonThink. If I have an eBook of Manual DeLanda's on my hard drive, and I search for "urban ecosystem" I don't want the software to tell me that an entire book is related to my query. I want the software to tell me that these five separate paragraphs from this book are relevant. Until the tools can break out those smaller units on their own, I'll still be assembling my research library by hand in DevonThink.

      Search on documents returning something in the neighborhood of 500 words or so seems to be the right amount of information. One wants a few paragraphs related to an idea and not an entire book which takes longer to scan.

      Google search does this type of search and it's also what Google Books attempts to do as well when searching specifically there.

    1. But in response there has been no serious attempt by digital media developers to engage in a constructive public dialogue with historians of information and leading librarians. There is, perhaps, a reason for this. As Geoffrey Nunberg starkly revealed in 2009 in the Chronicle of Higher Education, Google cannot celebrate the history of indexing and cataloguing because it would draw attention to its matrix of errors. As of yet, Google Books does not work as an accurate system of cataloguing and searching for books. Nunberg showed that the seemingly clunky nineteenth-century Library of Congress Classification system is still more accurate. So intellectual history can still offer practical models and lessons to the titans of the Web.

      The Information emperor has no clothes.

  6. Apr 2021
  7. Mar 2021
    1. I'd done that and even did a stand alone view of just that calendar without any luck. I'd even tried deleting and re-adding last night.

      I just deleted the calendar and tried it again from scratch. It seems to be working now, so perhaps it was a cache issue somewhere between the site software and Google Calendar? Maybe a glitch on the edge of having no events in the subscribed calendar and several events in there now?

  8. Feb 2021
    1. In the world of pay-per-click advertising, there are many different targeting options available, each designed to create a unique way for advertisers to reach their target audience.Through platforms like Google Ads, Microsoft Ads, and others, we’re able to serve targeted messages to users based on:Their search behavior.Content they’re viewing.Behaviors they’ve exhibited.And more.

      This chapter mentions Google Ads and Microsoft, do these same suggestions also relate to Bing or Yahoo closely?

    1. For us, technology is not about the devices or the products we build. Those aren’t the end-goals. Technology is a democratizing force, empowering people through information. Google is an information company. It was when it was founded, and it is today. And it’s what people do with that information that amazes and inspires me every day.


    2. As we look to our long-term investments in our productivity tools supported by our machine learning and artificial intelligence efforts, we see huge opportunities to dramatically improve how people work. Your phone should proactively bring up the right documents, schedule and map your meetings, let people know if you are late, suggest responses to messages, handle your payments and expenses, etc.


    3. Looking to the future, the next big step will be for the very concept of the “device” to fade away. Over time, the computer itself—whatever its form factor—will be an intelligent assistant helping you through your day. We will move from mobile first to an AI first world.


    4. In many ways, the founding mission of Google back in ’98—“to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful”—is even truer and more important to tackle today, in a world where people look to their devices to help organize their day, get them from one place to another, and keep in touch. The mobile phone really has become the remote control for our daily lives, and we’re communicating, consuming, educating, and entertaining ourselves, on our phones, in ways unimaginable just a few years ago. 


    5. This year’s Founders' Letter Copy link
  9. aiyprojects.withgoogle.com aiyprojects.withgoogle.com
    1. AIY全称是Artificial Intelligence Yourself,即动手创作你的人工智能。它是一个由Google在2017年启动的项目,目的就是让每个创客(Maker)都可以DIY自己的人工智能产品。


    1. Artificial intelligence has already changed the world in some pretty dramatic ways and will certainly do even more so in the future. But it’s a component technology. The transistor has changed the world. But saying, “How are transistors going to change the world?” is almost the wrong layer of abstraction—it’s like trying to understand a river by talking about H20. So artificial intelligence will participate meaningfully in causing technologies to become more intelligent and will shift how we try to deliver value to people. Less and less will technologies need to do what we want them to do through straightforward mechanical and structural solutions and more and more they’ll solve the problems through the increment of intelligence.


    2. We do keep track of projects, especially after we’ve killed them. For two reasons: No. 1, we don’t want to reinvent the wheel. We don’t want someone who gets hired two years after we kill a project to come up with the same idea and then spend three months rediscovering it. Reason No. 2 is we want to keep track of the ideas that we’ve had—and we do have a database—because sometimes there are presumptions [that could be revisited]. Say we’re going to not work on this project because one of the necessary constituent ingredients is a battery with 10 times the energy density of lithium-ion; it doesn’t exist, we don’t consider that a safe bet that it will appear in the next five years, so let’s not start this project. But then if that battery appeared, we would want to be able to go back and say, “Hey, wait a second, now we can reconsider this as a potential moonshot because that was the reason we killed it and that technology has now appeared.”


      第二个原因:我们要记下我们已经有的想法 。我们有一个数据库, 因为有时有的假设可能会被再次考虑。假设我们因为一个必要的组成成分是锂离子能量密度的10倍的电池,而废掉了某个项目。因为这种电池根本不存在,并且没有可靠的证据表明在未来五年它会出现。但是如果这个电池问世了,我们还是可以回去说:“嘿,等一下,现在我们可以重新考虑这个项目,因为这是我们当时否定它的原因,现在必要的技术可以实现了。”

    3. So our process is first you have to say what the huge problem is you’re trying to solve. You have to be able to describe it in order for it to have any chance of taking root at X. And there has to be some articulatable, hard but potentially solvable, technology problem at the middle of it. Once that’s true, we go down a path where instead of saying, “What’s most fun to do about this or what’s easiest to do first?” we say, “What is the most likely reason this project won’t make it?”


    1. “In Google Wave you create a wave and add people to it. Everyone on your wave can use richly formatted text, photos, gadgets, and even feeds from other sources on the web. They can insert a reply or edit the wave directly. It’s concurrent rich-text editing, where you see on your screen nearly instantly what your fellow collaborators are typing in your wave. That means Google Wave is just as well suited for quick messages as for persistent content—it allows for both collaboration and communication. You can also use ‘playback’ to rewind the wave and see how it evolved.”

      “在Google Wave中,你可以创建wave,并添加人员。Google Wave中的每个人都可以使用富文本、照片、小工具,以及网络上其他来源的文件。他们可以插入回复或直接编辑wave。这是一款富文本编辑工具,可供多人同时编辑,你可以通过屏幕实时地看到其他协作者在wave中输入的内容。Google Wave既适用于持久性内容,也支持快速消息,可用作协作和交流。你还可以使用回放的功能,重新查看wave的发展经过。”

    2. Wave’s story started in October 2004 when Google bought a mapping startup called Where 2 Tech. That acquisition came bundled with a fledgling technology that would eventually become commuters’ favorite, Google Maps. The responsibility for the new project was given to brothers Lars and Jens Rasmussen who became its lead developers. As they worked toward an initial Maps release, the brothers started to think about what might be next for them at Google.

      Wave的故事始于2004年10月,当时Google收购了一家名为Where 2 Tech的创业公司。这项收购与新兴技术的结合,最终诞生了人们出行时最喜爱的Google地图。

      新项目由主力开发人员的Lars和Jens Rasmussen兄弟负责。当初他们二人合力发布了第一版的Google地图,后来这俩兄弟开始思考下一步在Google干什么。

    1. What: Perhaps the single most famous studio-house, Giverny was not just an inspiration for Claude Monet’s famous paintings; it offers the spectacle of the landscape itself made over to look like an Impressionist painting. With a few clicks, you can stroll its pathways, go inside the house, and see vistas like the one at the top of this article, taken from the property’s Japanese-style bridge.


    2. Want to Visit Monet’s Giverny Gardens From Your Desk? Here Are 11 Historic Artists’ Homes You Can See on Google Street View
    1. we picked out a selection of famous photographs from the last 100 years and revisited them through Google. A lot has changed. Formerly gritty New York streets are today lined with chain stores and pharmacies, and the Las Vegas Strip, once covered in neon signage, is today home to marijuana dispensaries and shooting ranges catering to bachelorette parties.


    2. We Revisited the Scenes of 8 Iconic Photographs on Google Street View to Capture What Has—and Hasn’t—Changed
    1. A synopsis of some of what Twitter has been doing wrong, opportunities squandered, and what it could be doing. Reasonable analysis of what some new competitors are doing to generate value in tangential spaces.

    1. Facebook wanting to make clothes like real in games, Microsoft trying to make sports more inclusive and Google wanting to make it easier to spy on your parents.


    1. Google 员工 James Damore 在公司内网发布了一份长达 10 页的宣言,题为《谷歌的意识形态回音室》(Google’s Ideological Echo Chamber),在 Google 内部引起轩然大波。

      Damore 的核心观点是:女性程序员偏少,不是因为她们受到了偏见和歧视,而是基于生理因素的先天差异。他进而批评 Google 的性别多元化(Diversity)政策,为女性或少数族裔提供的教育培训过多了。并认为公司没有直面这一问题,一些想法太神圣以至于不能开诚布公地讨论,从而造成了一种意识形态的回音室。

      随后,Damore 被 Google 开除,而他本人已向美国劳工关系委员会投诉,选择与 Google 对簿公堂。

      Google on Anti-Diversity Manifesto: Employees Must 'Feel Safe Sharing Their Opinions'

  10. Jan 2021
    1. Google threatened to stop its search engine from Australia if the country’s code on News Media Bargaining becomes a law.

      What makes it a problem for the search giant is the fact that with the proposed law, it will be necessitated to pay for links and snippets in Search. Google says this provision “would set an untenable precedent” for its business which is actually “not compatible with how search engines work.”

      Mel Silva, VP Google Australia and New Zealand, in her opening statement to the Senate Economics Committee Inquiry, had said that the principle of free linking between websites is fundamental to Search.

      Also with the difficult financial and operational risk if this part of the Code becomes law, Google will have no choice but to stop making Search available in Australia.

      “That’d be a bad outcome not just for us, but for the Australian people, media diversity and small businesses who use Google Search.” the Mel Silva says

      Google has, however, proposed technical review in 3 areas to address the issue it has with the proposed law. The company stated that these amendments will make pay available to publishers for value, without breaking Google Search.

    1. If we're not careful, it could become the new 'systemd' problem It probably already is. I don't want to sound too Stallman, but this is the inevitable "company" influence you'll always have. Companies do have their objectives which they will pursue determinedly, since they are not philanthropic (no judgment, just observation). Systemd and Red Hat. Nvidia and their drivers. Google and Android. Apple and iOS. Manufacturers with MS only support. And Canonical also has a history there: the Amazon links, Unity, Mir, and now snap.
  11. Dec 2020
    1. website developers and extension authors

      Like, for example, Google having a problem with ad-blockers in Google Chrome. This is an example of why monopolies aren't great; Google makes money selling ads but they also control a browser that most people use. There's a conflict here when the users of the browser install extensions that limit Google's ability to show you ads.

  12. Nov 2020
  13. Oct 2020
    1. "As for the Apple Google app, it fundamentally changes the locus of control and takes out the middle person and the middle person is the contact tracer, the people who have kept us safe," Dr Coatsworth told Channel Ten's The Project. "There's no way we're shifting to a platform that will take out the contact tracers."

      not going to use the #Google #Apple app (do they mean the Google-Apple API?) because it takes out the contact tracer.

    1. At Google, 80% of all tracked trainings are run through an employee-to-employee network called “g2g” (Googler-to-Googler)

      A look at what Googles G2G (Googler-to-Googler) training program is about. It is a short infographic that describes methods that the program uses.


    1. Sarah Brown is a Learning Strategist and Designer at Google.

      This is an interview with a google employee about what she does to keep Google heading in the right direction for the development and learning of its employees.


    1. Learning & Development Best Practices from the Top Silicon Valley Companies

      Interesting read about what top tech companies are doing to promote a growth mindset within their company. From Google to Amazon each company has a different approach that is working for them.


    1. Over the years, Google has gone from recommending uploading a text file, to parsing RDFa with a slightly modified Microformats vocabulary, to going all-in on Microdata, to then replacing Microdata with JSON-LD and the new Schema.org vocabulary. In the mean time, the Microformats hReview vocabulary hasn't changed, and has continued to be parsed by Google since it is so widely deployed. It would seem there is some advantage to using a format that was developed externally from Google, since they are unable to simply turn their backs on it and replace it with a new format whenever they want. For this reason, I'm sticking with publishing the Microformats 1 hReview markup for my reviews.
    1. People come to Google looking for information they can trust, and that information often comes from the reporting of journalists and news organizations around the world.

      Heavy hit in light of the Facebook data scandal this week on top of accusations about fake news spreading.

    2. we drove 10 billion clicks a month to publishers’ websites for free.

      Really free? Or was this served against ads in search?

  14. Sep 2020
    1. cognitive dissonance

      google definition also says, the state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially as relating to behavioral decisions and attitude change.

    1. Bavadekar, Shailesh, Andrew Dai, John Davis, Damien Desfontaines, Ilya Eckstein, Katie Everett, Alex Fabrikant, et al. ‘Google COVID-19 Search Trends Symptoms Dataset: Anonymization Process Description (Version 1.0)’. ArXiv:2009.01265 [Cs], 2 September 2020. http://arxiv.org/abs/2009.01265.

  15. Aug 2020
    1. The mass surveillance and factory farming of human beings on a global scale is the business model of people farmers like Facebook and Google. It is the primary driver of the socioeconomic system we call surveillance capitalism.
    1. This is interesting for many reasons, and it is especially interesting for content strategists. It shows how closely different semiotic practices/forms of content are interrelated, e.g. emails and official statements. It also shows how difficult it is to distinguish between content strategy and propaganda. Via Jeff Jarvis auf Twitter

  16. Jul 2020
  17. Jun 2020
    1. Google’s novel response has been to compare each app to its peers, identifying those that seem to be asking for more than they should, and alerting developers when that’s the case. In its update today, Google says “we aim to help developers boost the trust of their users—we surface a message to developers when we think their app is asking for a permission that is likely unnecessary.”
    1. This advertising system is designed to enable hyper-targeting, which has many unintended consequences that have dominated the headlines in recent years, such as the ability for bad actors to use the system to influence elections, to exclude groups in a way that facilitates discrimination, and to expose your personal data to companies you’ve never even heard of.

      Where your Google data goes to

    2. if you search for something on Google, you may start seeing ads for it everywhere.

      In comparison to DuckDuckGo, Google presents you ads everywhere, not just in the search results

    3. Alarmingly, Google now deploys hidden trackers on 76% of websites across the web to monitor your behavior and Facebook has hidden trackers on about 25% of websites, according to the Princeton Web Transparency & Accountability Project. It is likely that Google and/or Facebook are watching you on most sites you visit, in addition to tracking you when using their products.

    1. "You wanted open source privacy-preserving Bluetooth contact tracing code? #DP3T software development kits/calibration apps for iOS and Android, and backend server, now on GitHub. iOS/Android apps with nice interface to follow." Michael Veale on Twitter (see context)

  18. May 2020
    1. You should then also create a new View and apply the following filter so as to be able to tell apart which domain a particular pageview occurred onFilter Type: Custom filter > AdvancedField A --> Extract A: Hostname = (.*)Field B --> Extract B: Request URI = (.*)Output To --> Constructor: Request URI = $A1$B1
    1. Google encouraging site admins to put reCaptcha all over their sites, and then sharing the resulting risk scores with those admins is great for security, Perona thinks, because he says it “gives site owners more control and visibility over what’s going on” with potential scammer and bot attacks, and the system will give admins more accurate scores than if reCaptcha is only using data from a single webpage to analyze user behavior. But there’s the trade-off. “It makes sense and makes it more user-friendly, but it also gives Google more data,”
    2. For instance, Google’s reCaptcha cookie follows the same logic of the Facebook “like” button when it’s embedded in other websites—it gives that site some social media functionality, but it also lets Facebook know that you’re there.
    3. Previously, Google has said that the data captured from reCaptcha is not used for ad targeting or analyzing user interests and preferences. After this story was published, Google said that the information collected through reCaptcha will not be used for personalized advertising by Google.
    4. one of the ways that Google determines whether you’re a malicious user or not is whether you already have a Google cookie installed on your browser.
    5. Website administrators then get access to their visitors’ risk scores and can decide how to handle them: For instance, if a user with a high risk score attempts to log in, the website can set rules to ask them to enter additional verification information through two-factor authentication. As Khormaee put it, the “worst case is we have a little inconvenience for legitimate users, but if there is an adversary, we prevent your account from being stolen.”
    1. Apparently Firefox does have translation built-in, it's just not enabled due to lack of usage agreement / API keys. https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/rev/a3eb8e502006
    2. Thank you for letting me know about this move by Google. Definitely something to watch. While I agree with Google's position from an end user experience perspective, it unfortunately puts Firefox at a further disadvantage since Mozilla does not have its own language translation initiatives.
  19. Apr 2020
    1. Google Tag Manager allows you to avoid tagging scripts as described below, although this is limited to a certain category of scripts – scripts that are not positional/do not define a position. It, therefore, does not handle embed scripts such as those related to advertising banners, youtube video widgets, facebook like buttons etc.
    1. Before we get to passwords, surely you already have in mind that Google knows everything about you. It knows what websites you’ve visited, it knows where you’ve been in the real world thanks to Android and Google Maps, it knows who your friends are thanks to Google Photos. All of that information is readily available if you log in to your Google account. You already have good reason to treat the password for your Google account as if it’s a state secret.
    1. Whenever I think of entrepreneurship, I'm drawn to a few of the slides (23, 24, 34) from Eric Schmidt's "How Google Works"

      First you have to attract your smart creatives. They aren't easily fooled.

      This starts with culture. Smart creatives need to care about the place they work.

      Never forget that hiring is the most important thing you do.

      I also think back to how Jack Welch was famous (ignoring what he was infamous / the final performance of GE) for was spending more than 50% of his time:

      getting the right people in the right places and then helping them to thrive. He would involve himself in hiring decisions that most global CEOs would delegate.

    1. COVID-19 Reklamlarınızın Fişini Çekmesin Ülkemiz ve dünyamız koronavirüsün yayılmasıyla karşı karşıya kaldıkça, sizinki gibi işletmeler umutsuzca gemilerini daha sonra nereye yönlendireceklerini bulmaya çalışıyorlar. Yükünüzü azaltmak için bir şeylerden vazgeçmeyi düşünüyorsanız, reklamlarınız bunlardan biri olmamalı. Koronavirüs sırasında pazarlama her endüstri için uygun olmasa da dijital pazarlama , COVID-19 sırasında hayatta kalan işinizin kritik bir parçası olabilir.
    1. COVID-19 Pandemi Sürecinde Google Güncellemeleri Koronavirüs gündemi sürerken Google da bu süreçte bazı güncellemeler ve iyileştirmeler yapıyor. Bu güncellemeler arasında Google arama ve Google Haritalarda hangi restoranların teslimat ve paket servis sunduğu, duyurular yapmanın yeni yolları, Google Haberler'de COVID-19 gündemi, Topluluk Hareketliliği Raporlarının oluşturulması ve reklam içerik politikasındaki değişiklikler gibi veriler var.
    1. Yüksek Dönüşüm Sağlayan Görüntülü Reklamlar Nasıl Oluşturulur? Ürünlerinizin ve hizmetlerinizin çevrimiçi reklamının yapılması söz konusu olduğunda, görüntülü reklamlar bunu yapmanın en iyi yollarından biridir. Ancak bunları yalnızca oluşturmak için oluşturmak istemezsiniz; sahip olduğunuz her görüntülü reklamın sizin için olabildiğince çok çalıştığından emin olmak istersiniz. Yüksek dönüşüm sağlayan görüntülü reklam oluşturmak için yazımıza bir göz atın.
    1. Google Ads 2020 Güncellemeleri Sizi internette gezinmenin zahmetinden kurtarmak için, Google Ads'in 2020 ilk çeyreğinde yaptığı en önemli güncellemelerden bazılarını derledik.
    1. 我才知道,图片搜索的字是每次搜索时联想出来的。


  20. Mar 2020
    1. I usually write in Google's online word processor Google Docs, even when noting the company's shortcomings. This article is different: it was drafted in a similar but more private service called Graphite Docs.
    1. Did you know accurate data reporting is often capped? Meaning once your website traffic reaches a certain limit, the data then becomes a guess rather than factual.This is where tools like Google Analytics becomes extremely limited and cashes in with their GA360 Premium suite. At Matomo, we believe all data should be reported 100% accurately, or else what’s the point?
    1. This method has the advantage of being quite fast but with the limit of working only for scripts that don’t require a specific position. Google Tag Manager is therefore not effective for all scripts that display a specific element in a specific position of the page (such as the Facebook Like button).
    1. If your agreement with Google incorporates this policy, or you otherwise use a Google product that incorporates this policy, you must ensure that certain disclosures are given to, and consents obtained from, end users in the European Economic Area along with the UK. If you fail to comply with this policy, we may limit or suspend your use of the Google product and/or terminate your agreement.
    1. If you want to disable Google Analytics-tracking for this site, please click here: [delete_cookies]. The cookie which enabled tracking on Google Analytics is immediately removed.

      This is incomplete. The button is missing.

    1. This tool will allow you to create a customised cookieless Google Map that does not use privacy-invasive cookies.
    1. Most Google users will have a preferences cookie called ‘NID’ in their browsers. A browser sends this cookie with requests to Google’s sites. The NID cookie contains a unique ID Google uses to remember your preferences and other information, such as your preferred language (e.g. English), how many search results you wish to have shown per page (e.g. 10 or 20), and whether or not you wish to have Google’s SafeSearch filter turned on.

      They seem to claim (or hope that their description will make you think) that ‘NID’ is only used for storing preferences, but if you read further down, you see that it's also used for targeting.

      These should be separate cookies since they have separate purposes, and since under GPDR we have to get separate consent for each purpose of cookie.

    1. Google Analytics created an option to remove the last octet (the last group of 3 numbers) from your visitor’s IP-address. This is called ‘IP Anonymization‘. Although this isn’t complete anonymization, the GDPR demands you use this option if you want to use Analytics without prior consent from your visitors. Some countris (e.g. Germany) demand this setting to be enabled at all times.
    1. How "Invisible Captcha" Works Invisible Captcha, or reCAPTCHA, requires end-users to click a button that says "I'm not a robot" and Google can determine whether to prompt the user with additional question (i.e. select pictures that best describe X) to verify if that person is in fact not a robot.

      That's not accurate. Invisible Captcha is only one kind of reCAPTCHA. The terms are not simply interchangeable, as is implied here.

      From https://www.google.com/recaptcha/admin/create, we can see 2 main reCAPTCHA types:

      • reCAPTCHA v3 - Verify requests with a score
      • reCAPTCHA v2 - Verify requests with a challenge

      And these subtypes for reCAPTCHA v2:

      • "I'm not a robot" Checkbox - Validate requests with the "I'm not a robot" checkbox
      • Invisible reCAPTCHA badge - Validate requests in the background
      • reCAPTCHA Android - Validate requests in your android app
    1. but if you have any questions or need additional assistance, please let us know via our Help system or visit: http://impermium.com/typepad-antispam

      If you follow the link, it simply says:

      Impermium has been acquired by Google, Inc.

      Seriously, you couldn't leave up some more helpful content, like explaining what happened to this anti-spam service?

    1. Rojas-Lozano claimed that the second part of Google’s two-part CAPTCHA feature, which requires users to transcribe and type into a box a distorted image of words, letters or numbers before entering its site, is also used to transcribe words that a computer cannot read to assist with Google’s book digitization service. By not disclosing that, she argued, Google was getting free labor from its users.
    1. We no longer provide new access to Google Translate's Website Translator. This change does not affect existing use of the Website Translator. We encourage users looking to translate webpages to use browsers that support translation natively.
    1. Another “decision” to make GoogleYoutube crappier and crappier with every passing day. The corporation seems stridently dedicated to deprecating its own products and abusing its customers.Search is now suckier than DuckDuckGo. Fuzzy and/or cherry-picked results.YouTube flooded with reposts/stolen vids and the “recommended” videos have literally nothing to do with your viewing behavior.Politicization and one-way censorship.Translator used to be nearly limitless (no text limit, websites translatable, etc) — now it’s basically a severely nerfed mini-tool to translate short phrases.