- Nov 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
for - fascism, polarization and climate crisis - interventions - love and listening strategy for climate crisis - Roger Hallam - Trump winning US election - is an opportunity - Roger Hallam - perspectival knowing - Deep Humanity - mini assemblies - Roger Hallam - listening - fascism - social intervention - from - Illuminem article - Proximity: The antidote to fascism - Kasper Benjamin Reimer Bjorkskov - on horizontal and vertical decision-making
Summary - Roger Hallam advocates for a new strategy for the rise of fascism, populism, polarization and the climate crisis - love - He believes that we need a new social strategy based on love, on reaching out to the other side with compassion and listening to them - He cites numerous research studies that show that this can be transformative, for instance, citing pyschologist Carl Rogers - SRG complexity mapping tool, Deep Humanity and Indyweb could be synergistic to this program because both depend on: - diversity and - perspectival knowing
from - Illuminem article - Proximity: The antidote to fascism - Kasper Benjamin Reimer Bjorkskov on horizontal and vertical decision-making - https://hyp.is/0Tv_Rqr3Ee-_-X8fKkCfpg/illuminem.com/illuminemvoices/proximity-the-antidote-to-fascism - Medium article - An Emerging Third Option: Reclaiming Democracy from Dark Money & Dark Tech Seven Observations On 2024 and What’s Next - Otto Scharmer - cutting across political lines / https://hyp.is/exS8dKtNEe-pfz-IhQFiZA/medium.com/presencing-institute-blog/an-emerging-third-option-reclaiming-democracy-from-dark-money-dark-tech-3886bcd0469b
- fascism, polarization and climate crisis - interventions - love and listening strategy for climate crisis - Roger Hallam
- from - Medium article - An Emerging Third Option: Reclaiming Democracy from Dark Money & Dark Tech Seven Observations On 2024 and What’s Next - Otto Scharmer - cutting across political lines
- from - Illuminem article - Proximity: The antidote to fascism - Kasper Benjamin Reimer Bjorkskov - on horizontal and vertical decision-making
- Trump winning US election - is an opportunity - Roger Hallam
- perspectival knowing - Deep Humanity - mini assemblies - Roger Hallam - listening - fascism - social intervention
- Feb 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Kawakatsu et al. (1) make an important ad-vance in the quest for this kind of understanding, pro-viding a general model for how subtle differences inindividual-level decision-making can lead to hard-to-miss consequences for society as a whole.Their work (1) reveals two distinct regimes—oneegalitarian, one hierarchical—that emerge fromshifts in individual-level judgment. These lead to sta-tistical methods that researchers can use to reverseengineer observed hierarchies, and understand howsignaling systems work when prestige and power arein play.
M. Kawakatsu, P. S. Chodrow, N. Eikmeier, D. B. Larremore, Emergence of hierarchy in networked endorsement dynamics. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 118, e2015188118 (2021)
This may be of interest to Jerry Michalski et al.
- Aug 2022
Holford, D. L., Juanchich, M., & Sirota, M. (2021). Ambiguity and unintended inferences about risk messages for COVID - 19. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/w5rd6
Seaman, K. L., Christensen, A. P., Senn, K., Cooper, J., & Cassidy, B. S. (2022). Age Differences in the Social Associative Learning of Trust Information. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/b38rd
- decision making
- trust information
- social cue
- social processing
- developmental psychology
- research
- social cognition
- age difference
- is:preprint
- social associative learning
- behavioral science
- fMRI
- social psychology
- personality psychology
- trust
- lang:en
- judgement
- social science
- working memory
- cognitive psychology
- aging
- learning
- Mar 2022
Local file Local file
“Scarcity: WhyHaving Too Little Means So Much” (2013) by Mullainathan andShafir. They investigate how the experience of scarcity has cognitiveeffects and causes changes in decision-making processes.
I'm reminded of a reference recently to Republicans being upset that poor people of color would "waste" their money on frivolities like manicures and fake fingernails instead of on food or other necessities. How might this tie into the argument made in this book?
- Feb 2022
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Grüning, D. J., Panizza, F., & Lorenz-Spreen, P. (2022). The importance of informative interventions in a wicked environment. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/azsbn
- Jan 2022
royalsociety.org royalsociety.org
The online information environment | Royal Society. (n.d.). Retrieved January 21, 2022, from https://royalsociety.org/topics-policy/projects/online-information-environment/
- vaccine
- shallowfake
- social media
- is:webpage
- information environment
- academic
- scientific information
- climate change
- misleading
- behavioral science
- online platform
- search engine
- public trust
- lang:en
- policymaker
- deepfake
- provenance enhancing technology
- technology
- information
- interaction
- misinformation
- censorship
- bots
- decision making
- science
- malinformation
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