- Jan 2025
www.campaigncatalyst.net www.campaigncatalyst.net
24″ x 18″ Corrugated Yard Signs are the most popular option for marketing and political campaigns. This is because of their quick turnaround time, low cost, and easy installation. 4mm of rigid corrugated plastic make our signs lightweight and easy to display. They also include 2-sided high definition printing with Latex inks for maximum outdoor durability. Every order of Corrugated Yard Signs comes with wire “H” stakes. Campaign Catalyst offers special pricing and FREE shipping* for this product.
Are you looking for high-quality political campaign t-shirts to make a statement during the upcoming elections? Look no further than Campaign Catalyst! Our comfortable and durable election shirts will be the perfect tool for politicians, campaign teams, and supporters alike. You can showcase your candidate's name, logo, or slogan in style on any one of a wide range of designs and colors. Be it just to participate in rallies, take part in some political event, or simply just to let the people hear your voice, our election T-shirts will convey the message across. Order now and take it to the next level!
- Nov 2024
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- date:: 2024-11-03
- Brian O’Donnell
- author:: Phoebe Weston
- Fauna & Flora
- Pierre du Plessis
- Kunming-Montreal pact
- author:: Patrick Greenfield
- COP16 biodiversity
- Campaign for Nature
- Digital Sequence Information
- Catherine Weller
- Convention on Biological Diversity
- Common Initiative
- International Indigenous Forum on Biodiversity (IIFB)
- Global Environment Facility (GEF)
- Oscar Soria
- Bernadette Fischler Hooper
- Sep 2024
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
For example, if you are Netflix and have a Subscription and a WatchHistory object. If a user does not finish watching a video, you may want to remind them that they can finish watching it. If their subscription lapses, you may want to also remind them in a separate campaign.
github.com github.com
- Jul 2024
docdrop.org docdrop.org
there are over 300 edible salt marsh and wetland species that grow exclusively with seawater uh and currently we're only familiar with one or two of them so it's about this culture of of changing mindsets towards 00:11:52 these highly nutritious and valuable food crops as well
for - stats - seawater farming crops - 300 edible species
stats - seawater farming crops - 300 edible species - education campaigns and cooking classes to publicize and new edible crops
- May 2024
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
it's the most appropriate and necessary story of Mother's Day
for - history - Mother's Day - idea - campaign - Mother's Day 2025
to - history of Mother's Day - https://hyp.is/NTOVfBFgEe-C-J_9uUgLsg/www.plough.com/en/topics/culture/holidays/mothers-day/the-original-mother-s-day-proclamation
- Mar 2024
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
'I Am Not A Typo campaign'
example - perspectival knowing - I am not a typo - campaign - perspectival knowing
- Dec 2023
www.fastcompany.com www.fastcompany.com
Consider pushing your company to change its own banking
for: SRG campaign - stop high emissions banking
SRG campaign
- stop - banking with high emission banks
- reset - search for alternate low emissions bank
- go - if criteria is met, do the switch
- Sep 2023
www.krantvandeaarde.nl www.krantvandeaarde.nl
Kick-Off: 80/20 Campagne ter ondersteuning van Chief Dadá
- Aug 2023
macleans.ca macleans.ca
Across the region, roads buckled, car windows cracked and power cables melted. The emerald fringes of conifers browned overnight, as if singed by flame. Entire cherry orchards were destroyed, the fruit stewed on the trees. More than 650,000 farm animals died of heat stress. Hundreds of thousands of honeybees perished, their organs exploding outside their bodies. Billions of shoreline creatures, especially shellfish, simply baked to death, strewing beaches with empty shells and a fetid stench that lingered for weeks. Birds and insects went unnervingly silent. All the while the skies were hazy but clear, the air preternaturally still, not a cloud in sight. The air pressure was so high they’d all dissipated.
- for: climate communication, polycrisis communication, Canadian fires, Canadian wildfires, Canadian forest fires
- Across the region,
- roads buckled,
- car windows cracked and
- power cables melted.
- The emerald fringes of conifers browned overnight,
- as if singed by flame.
- Entire cherry orchards were destroyed, the fruit stewed on the trees.
- More than 650,000 farm animals died of heat stress.
- Hundreds of thousands of honeybees perished,
- their organs exploding outside their bodies.
- Billions of shoreline creatures,
- especially shellfish,
- simply baked to death,
- strewing beaches with empty shells and a fetid stench that lingered for weeks.
- Birds and insects went unnervingly silent.
- All the while the skies were hazy but clear, the air preternaturally still, not a cloud in sight.
- The air pressure was so high they’d all dissipated.
- Across the region,
author: Anne Shibata Casselman
- date: Aug, 2023
- this description is so visceral that it should be made into a short movie,
- a new communication format more powerful than mainstream media presently uses is to record the actual substantial and visceral impacts with video and show to the public
- Nov 2022
laist.com laist.com
He outspent Bass by very wide margins, largely using his own money (see below).
What the hell is Rick Caruso doing spending over $100M!! to defeat Karen Bass? He put in $101,477,500 of his own money along with $3.4M from a group opposing Bass compared to Bass's roughly $18M raise.
So many better things he could have done with that money, if in fact, people really think that he's got ideas that will actively make the city better.
Caruso outspent Bass 5 to 1.
Caruso spent $400 per vote for the 252,476 votes he got (as of 2022-11-09 9:24 AM).
- Aug 2022
fivethirtyeight.com fivethirtyeight.com
Ladyzhets, B. (2021, November 9). The U.S. Is Relying On Other Countries’ Data To Make Its Booster Shot Decisions. FiveThirtyEight. https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/the-u-s-is-relying-on-other-countries-data-to-make-its-booster-shot-decisions/
Are vaccine passports moving the needle on getting people inoculated? (2021, August 5). CP24. https://www.cp24.com/news/are-vaccine-passports-moving-the-needle-on-getting-people-inoculated-1.5535875?cache=%3FclipId%3D89750%3FclipId%3D263414
www.centerforhealthsecurity.org www.centerforhealthsecurity.org
Brunson EK, Schoch-Spana M, Carnes M, Hosangadi D, Long R, Ravi S, Taylor M, Trotochaud M, Veenema TG, on behalf of the CommuniVax Coalition. Carrying Equity in COVID-19 Vaccination Forward: Guidance Informed by Communities of Color. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security; 2021.
www.dutchnews.nl www.dutchnews.nl
More people sign up for a vaccination after coronavirus passport news. (2021, September 16). DutchNews.Nl. https://www.dutchnews.nl/news/2021/09/more-people-sign-up-for-a-vaccination-after-coronavirus-passport-news/
firstdraftnews.org firstdraftnews.org
Cubbon, S. (2021, March 17). Fringe communities feed on RT coverage to undermine Covid-19 vaccinations. First Draft. https://firstdraftnews.org:443/articles/rt-fringe-undermine-covid-vaccinations/
www.local10.com www.local10.com
Milberg, G. (2021, December 21). Florida pulls pro-vaccination television ads, replacing with spots that don’t mention vaccines. WPLG. https://www.local10.com/news/local/2021/12/21/florida-pulls-pro-vaccination-television-ads-replacing-with-spots-that-dont-mention-vaccines/
- Jul 2022
www.oxfam.org www.oxfam.org
The richest 10 percent accounted for over half (52 percent) of the emissions added to the atmosphere between 1990 and 2015. The richest one percent were responsible for 15 percent of emissions during this time – more than all the citizens of the EU and more than twice that of the poorest half of humanity (7 percent).
This is a key leverage point strategy for Stop Reset Go for Rapid Whole System Change (RWSC) strategy. As argued by Kevin Anderson https://youtu.be/mBtehlDpLlU, the wealthy are a crucial subculture to target and success can lead to big decarbonization payoffs.
The key is to leverage what contemplative practitioners and happiness studies both reveal - after reaching a specific level of material needs being met, which is achievable for staying within planetary boundaries, we don’t need any more material consumption to be happy. We need an anti-money song: https://youtu.be/_awAH-JJx1kamd and enliven Martin Luther King Junior’s quote aspirational: the only time to look down at another person is to give them a hand up. Educate the elites on the critical role they now play to solve the double problem of i equality and runaway carbon emissions.
- May 2022
www.usmcu.edu www.usmcu.edu
It orientates around making the threat visible and knowable, to an extent that this inspires automatic configuration and realignment across human tribes
This can be done through a decentralized, zero marginal cost hyperthreat education campaign relying on crowdsourcing via the internet. Since the threat level has become salient to a sufficient scale, these aware actors can be crowdsourced for a scalable education campaign.
- Apr 2022
asapbio.org asapbio.org
Considering campaigns to post journal reviews on preprints. (n.d.). ASAPbio. Retrieved April 29, 2022, from https://asapbio.org/considering-campaigns-to-post-journal-reviews-on-preprints
twitter.com twitter.com
ReconfigBehSci [@i]. (2021, December 7). @STWorg @CorneliaBetsch @PhilippMSchmid @philipplenz6 @stefanmherzog indeed... But it is still very welcome now, with German vaccination campaign stalling! [Tweet]. Twitter. https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1468169212116058118
twitter.com twitter.com
Eric Topol. (2021, June 9). Despite increasing incentives, the US vaccination campaign is really struggling. Notably, the top 5 states are approaching 60% total population fully vaccinated which should provide strong protection vs the delta variant. A different story for the bottom 5 states @OurWorldInData https://t.co/boqk3Khhuc [Tweet]. @EricTopol. https://twitter.com/EricTopol/status/1402413221667954690
twitter.com twitter.com
Dr Ellie Murray. (2021, February 23). A thing I feel is weird about how we are all reacting to this pandemic: Mourning is still so individual & private. It surprises me there aren’t campaigns for armbands, ribbons, wreaths on doors, or some sort of flag in the window to say “a loved one was lost to COVID here”. [Tweet]. @EpiEllie. https://twitter.com/EpiEllie/status/1364033220904427524
twitter.com twitter.com
ReconfigBehSci on Twitter: ‘RT @FassnachtMartin: #Vaccination-#campaign #GER vs. FRA🇫🇷 // Let me put it this way: We can learn A LOT from France… https://t.co/SgR1B7qj…’ / Twitter. (n.d.). Retrieved 16 August 2021, from https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1412452204297048070
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Unite against COVID-19. (2021, May 2). Ka kite, COVID. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TcIQATtAkS0
twitter.com twitter.com
Brianna Wu. (2021, June 5). MRNA is unbelievably fragile. The enzymes that degrade it are literally everywhere. That’s why they had to develop specialized lipid nanoparticles to deliver it. It would last two seconds in a sewer system. Also, it gets separated from the delivery system after it’s injected. Https://t.co/35dZ6r6UAq [Tweet]. @BriannaWu. https://twitter.com/BriannaWu/status/1400998163968933888
- Mar 2022
www.cnn.com www.cnn.com
Actually asking people to do this would be something of a last resort, said Ben McWilliams, a climate and energy analyst at Bruegel.<img alt="These US cities tried to cut natural gas from new homes. Republicans and the gas lobby stepped in" class="media__image" src="//viahtml.hypothes.is/proxy/im_///cdn.cnn.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/220217094013-01-cities-fossil-fuel-emissions-large-169.jpg">These US cities tried to cut natural gas from new homes. Republicans and the gas lobby stepped in"But who knows? It's an unprecedented situation. I could imagine a kind of political campaign, a real push by European leaders saying, look, if you can help us by turning down 1 degree on your thermostat, it's going to help. And you can see people uniting behind this, against Russian gas," he told CNN. "But ultimately, you'll need much more than this in response."One approach would be to replace around half the gas from other sources, McWilliams said. The United States is already shipping Iiquefied natural gas (LNG) to Europe, and EU officials are also looking to countries like Azerbaijan and Qatar. The other half will need to come from cutting demand, McWilliams said, especially as Europe prepares for next winter.Heavy industries, like steelmaking and chemical production, will need to reduce their operations. Homeowners investing in solar panels and heat pumps could help take some pressure off heating systems.Tara Connolly, a campaigner with the international NGO Global Witness who specializes in gas, says that Europe must launch an emergency program to insulate homes, replace gas boilers with heat pumps and accelerate the transition to renewable energy."It is abundantly clear that Europe's gas dependence has provided Putin with the resources to engage in his bloody venture in Ukraine, whilst hampering Europe's response,"
A feasibility study would be informative.
- Feb 2022
thestarphoenix.com thestarphoenix.com
COVID-19 vaccine mandates a key issue in federal election campaign. (n.d.). Thestarphoenix. Retrieved February 22, 2022, from https://thestarphoenix.com/news/local-news/covid-19-vaccine-mandates-a-key-issue-in-federal-election-campaign
- Jan 2022
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
Bartlett, T. (2021, August 12). The Vaccine Scientist Spreading Vaccine Misinformation. The Atlantic. https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2021/08/robert-malone-vaccine-inventor-vaccine-skeptic/619734/
Kirby, J. (2021, December 23). Omicron collides with a struggling global vaccination campaign. Vox. https://www.vox.com/22846774/omicron-global-vaccines-covronavirus-covid-19
www.theglobeandmail.com www.theglobeandmail.com
Reguly, E. (2022, January 10). Support growing among European governments for COVID-19 vaccine mandates as Omicron cases surge. The Globe and Mail. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/world/article-compulsory-covid-vaccine-mandates-are-coming-to-europe/
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Augustin, E. (2022, January 5). Cuba’s vaccine success story sails past mark set by rich world’s Covid efforts. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jan/05/cuba-coronavirus-covid-vaccines-success-story
www.nature.com www.nature.com
Happi, C. T., & Nkengasong, J. N. (2022). Two years of COVID-19 in Africa: Lessons for the world. Nature, 601(7891), 22–25. https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-021-03821-8
- Dec 2021
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Dirk Jacobs. (2021, December 7). German brands, incl. Food companies and retailers, teaming up in the pro-vaccination 💉 campaign #ZusammenGegenCorona https://t.co/pOc1Z4xcb1 [Tweet]. @DirkJacobsEU. https://twitter.com/DirkJacobsEU/status/1468162770801762308
Cotterill, J. (2021, November 26). South African anger over ‘rushed’ Covid travel restrictions. Financial Times. https://www.ft.com/content/6a177732-4faf-4ecb-adc1-667c22248e0f
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Smith, B. (2021, November 29). Inside the ‘Misinformation’ Wars. The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/28/business/media-misinformation-disinformation.html
- Nov 2021
onlinelibrary.wiley.com onlinelibrary.wiley.com
Pugel, J., Long, E. C., Fernandes, M. A., Cruz, K., Giray, C., Crowley, D. M., & Scott, J. T. (n.d.). Who is listening? Profiles of policymaker engagement with scientific communication. Policy & Internet, n/a(n/a). https://doi.org/10.1002/poi3.273
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Santora, M., & Minder, R. (2021, October 1). In Portugal, There Is Virtually No One Left to Vaccinate. The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/01/world/europe/portugal-vaccination-rate.html
acpinternist.org acpinternist.org
Frost, M. (n.d.). Busting COVID-19 vaccination myths. Retrieved November 2, 2021, from https://acpinternist.org/archives/2021/11/busting-covid-19-vaccination-myths.htm
- vaccine effectiveness
- infodemic
- anti-vaccine
- COVID-19
- public confidence
- online
- vaccination rate
- vaccine confidence
- vaccine
- data
- risk
- mortality
- misconception
- safety
- social media
- immunization
- speaking engagement
- campaign
- lang:en
- is:webpage
- young people
- trust
- health information
- disinformation
- misinformation
- Oct 2021
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Andersson, P., Västfjäll, D., & Tinghög, G. (2021). The effect of herd immunity thresholds on willingness to vaccinate against COVID-19 [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/b2qx8
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Thaker, J., & Richardson, L. (2021). COVID-19 Vaccine Segments in Australia: An Audience Segmentation Analysis to Improve Vaccine Uptake [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/y85nm
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Back from the brink: How Japan became a surprise Covid success story | Japan | The Guardian. (n.d.). Retrieved October 15, 2021, from https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/oct/13/back-from-the-brink-how-japan-became-a-surprise-covid-success-story
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Denmark campaign rebuilds confidence in HPV vaccination. (n.d.). Retrieved October 6, 2021, from https://www.euro.who.int/en/health-topics/disease-prevention/vaccines-and-immunization/news/news/2018/3/denmark-campaign-rebuilds-confidence-in-hpv-vaccination
www.vaccinestoday.eu www.vaccinestoday.eu
Team, E. (2019, May 20). Vaccine Champions: Young people demand healthier future. VaccinesToday. https://www.vaccinestoday.eu/stories/vaccine-champions-young-people-demand-healthier-future/
- Sep 2021
www.cnn.com www.cnn.com
Global air traffic is expected to double to 8.2 billion passengers in 2037, according to IATA, which predicts that aviation's 2019 emissions peak of around 900 million metric tons of CO2 will be exceeded within the next two to three years.At the same time, the window to cut the world's reliance on fossil fuels and avoid catastrophic changes to the climate is closing rapidly. The International Energy Agency forecasts that aviation's share of global carbon emissions will increase to 3.5% by 2030 from just over 2.5% in 2019 in the absence of efforts to further decarbonize.
SRG education campaign for air travellers ( mostly middle class and rich) to do their part and minimize air travel until the breakthrough technologies are here. Temporary abstinence or voluntary lotto system.
epjdatascience.springeropen.com epjdatascience.springeropen.com
Mattei, M., Caldarelli, G., Squartini, T., & Saracco, F. (2021). Italian Twitter semantic network during the Covid-19 epidemic. EPJ Data Science, 10(1), 1–27. https://doi.org/10.1140/epjds/s13688-021-00301-x
- Aug 2021
twitter.com twitter.com
(2) Dr Nicole E Basta on Twitter: “There is SO MUCH misunderstanding about what a #vaccine #mandate IS & what a vaccine mandate DOES. No one is calling for anyone to be banned. No one is calling for anyone to be forcibly vaccinated. Please, gather 'round and listen up, so you know what we’re talking about... 1/n” / Twitter. (n.d.). Retrieved August 23, 2021, from https://twitter.com/IDEpiPhD/status/1428410251884302336?s=20
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OpenTable Adds COVID Vaccine Safety Measures. (n.d.). Retrieved August 22, 2021, from https://www.delish.com/food-news/a37349657/opentable-vaccine-requirements
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‘Spreading like a virus’: Inside the EU’s struggle to debunk Covid lies | World news | The Guardian. (n.d.). Retrieved August 18, 2021, from https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/aug/17/spreading-like-a-virus-inside-the-eus-struggle-to-debunk-covid-lies?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
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Do your neighbors want to get vaccinated? (n.d.). MIT Technology Review. Retrieved 11 February 2021, from https://www.technologyreview.com/2021/01/16/1016264/covid-vaccine-acceptance-us-county/
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This is Our Shot 🇨🇦 #ThisIsOurShotCA on Twitter: “Tonight is the night! LIVE Town Hall. Real experts. Real answers. 8 pm ET/ 5 pm PT. Tune in at https://t.co/FvdIjdi9SF https://t.co/4ugZ3kTaef” / Twitter. (n.d.). Retrieved June 28, 2021, from https://twitter.com/thisisourshotca/status/1395017500539097095
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Knock, E. S., Whittles, L. K., Lees, J. A., Perez-Guzman, P. N., Verity, R., FitzJohn, R. G., Gaythorpe, K. A. M., Imai, N., Hinsley, W., Okell, L. C., Rosello, A., Kantas, N., Walters, C. E., Bhatia, S., Watson, O. J., Whittaker, C., Cattarino, L., Boonyasiri, A., Djaafara, B. A., … Baguelin, M. (2021). Key epidemiological drivers and impact of interventions in the 2020 SARS-CoV-2 epidemic in England. Science Translational Medicine, eabg4262. https://doi.org/10.1126/scitranslmed.abg4262
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- patent waiving
- government
- People's Vaccine Alliance
- pharmaceutical corporation
- COVID-19
- vaccine production
- vaccine inequity
- public health
- G7 Leaders' Summit
- funding
- health inequality
- vaccine
- resources
- intellectual property
- vaccine technology
- campaign
- inequity
- supply
- lang:en
- is:webpage
- finance
- G7
- UK
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Institute of Medicine (US) Forum on Medical and Public Health Preparedness for Catastrophic Events. (2010). The 2009 H1N1 Influenza Vaccination Campaign: Summary of a Workshop Series. National Academies Press (US). http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK54185/
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- Jan 2021
theconversation.com theconversation.com
In addition, a recent study analyzed 10,000 words from Trump’s and President-elect Joe Biden’s campaign speeches. It concluded – perhaps surprisingly – that Trump and Biden’s language was similar. Both men used ample emotional language – the kind that aims to persuade people to vote – at roughly the same rates. They also used comparable rates of positive language, as well as language related to trust, anticipation and surprise. One possible reason for this could be the audience, and the persuasive and evocative nature of campaign speeches themselves, rather than individual differences between speakers.
Smith, R., Myrick, J. G., Lennon, R. P., Martin, M. A., Small, M. L., Scoy, L. J. V., & Group, D. R. (2020). Optimizing COVID-19 Health Campaigns: A Person-Centered Approach. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/xuefh
- Oct 2020
medium.com medium.com
Feldman, J. (2020, October 11). The “herd immunity strategy” isn’t part of a scientific debate about COVID-19. Medium. https://medium.com/@jmfeldman/the-herd-immunity-strategy-isnt-part-of-a-scientific-debate-about-covid-19-abddf6bc7c13
- opinion
- policy
- politics
- epidemiology
- agenda
- COVID-19
- campaign
- is:blog
- lang:en
- accountability
- discussion
- herd immunity
- strategy
- debate
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
r/BehSciResearch—Review on combatting the COVID misinformation flood. (n.d.). Reddit. Retrieved October 12, 2020, from https://www.reddit.com/r/BehSciResearch/comments/j9mrlp/review_on_combatting_the_covid_misinformation/
- Sep 2020
github.com github.com
FreeOurKnowledge/discussion. (2020). Free Our Knowledge. https://github.com/FreeOurKnowledge/discussion (Original work published 2019)
github.com github.com
FreeOurKnowledge/discussion. (n.d.). GitHub. Retrieved September 10, 2020, from https://github.com/FreeOurKnowledge/discussion
- Aug 2020
Benton, R. A., Cobb, J. A., & Werner, T. (2020). Firm Partisan Political Positioning and Perceptions of COVID-19-Related Risk [Preprint]. SocArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/tazux
- Jul 2020
www.nber.org www.nber.org
Dave, D. M., Friedson, A. I., Matsuzawa, K., McNichols, D., Redpath, C., & Sabia, J. J. (2020). Did President Trump’s Tulsa Rally Reignite COVID-19? Indoor Events and Offsetting Community Effects (Working Paper No. 27522; Working Paper Series). National Bureau of Economic Research. https://doi.org/10.3386/w27522
osf.io osf.io
Grow, A., Perrotta, D., Del Fava, E., Cimentada, J., Rampazzo, F., Gil-Clavel, S., & Zagheni, E. (2020). Addressing Public Health Emergencies via Facebook Surveys: Advantages, Challenges, and Practical Considerations [Preprint]. SocArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/ez9pb
- Jun 2020
Madsen, J. K. (2020). Trustworthiness of Doctors from Public Health Campaigns [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/zhw6j
- May 2020
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Heffner, J., Vives, M. L., & FeldmanHall, O. (2020, April 15). Emotional responses to prosocial messages increase willingness to self-isolate during the COVID-19 pandemic. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/qkxvb
- Apr 2020
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Yoeli, E., & Rand, D. G. (2020, April 17). A checklist for prosocial messaging campaigns such as COVID-19 prevention appeals. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/rg2x9
- Apr 2019
ejournals.bc.edu ejournals.bc.edu
The message of the campaign, to “see beauty in imperfections” and not to “worship stereotypes,” has both raised the morale of women worldwide and greatly increased Dove sales revenue (Dove).
Dove changes the way they see themselves.
- Jan 2019
www.jinse.com www.jinse.com
在求变的过程中,总会有两派行动纲领互为对斥的声音站出来相互抨击。例如当人们谈论「本土」和「外域」时,本土原教旨主义者和全球化开放主义者之间的吵闹声总是尖锐刺耳,但恰恰是在这种极端到偏颇的较量之中产生了张力,推动现世朝着互不偏倚的方向演进,避免了演化成所谓的「分叉」(fork)。 <br/><br/> 有趣的是,即使是处在矛盾两端的反义词也可以互相转化,就像「草食男」也可以被视作「性感」一样,清晰的定义为「模糊另面」赋予了合理性。既然如此,那么像商业应用这么中庸且自制的容器也就更没有理由冒天下之大不韪去自立门户。创业者们不应该用工程化融合的方案看待技术,他们应该用这种视角去审视技术背后的人。
- Nov 2018
outline.com outline.com
Mr. Trump intervened directly to suppress stories about his alleged sexual encounters with women
The evidence of Trump’s involvement in the payments is legally significant, as it backs up Cohen’s claim that Trump directed payments that were found to have been in violation of federal law. The most damning evidence of all, however, isn’t just regarding Trump’s involvement in the payments, but the details of discussions of a cover-up.
This is problematic for Trump, as campaign finance violations, such as illegal corporate contributions or donations that exceed the maximum allowable amount, require willful violation of federal law. Trump’s denials and discussion of how to keep his name out of it would help support allegations that he knew the payments were illegal.
- Sep 2018
cnx.org cnx.org
I dont believe some of this, blacks never had a voice during . That time if they were to speak up during that time they would often get punished. Blacks had no say in there freedom, slavery wasn't abolished to help slaves, Abraham Lincoln didn't do it out of the kindness out of his heart.
- https://hypothes.is/groups/q2jXEin4/f18-51-hybrid)
- Although some abolitionists were wealthy white men, most were ordinary people, including men and women of both races. White women and blacks were able to actively assist in the campaign to end slavery despite the fact that, with few exceptions, they were unable to vote. Similarly, the right to vote once belonged solely to white men until the Fifteenth Amendment gave the vote to African American men.
- May 2017
www.philly.com www.philly.com
Campaign for Working Families
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generocity.org generocity.org
Campaign for Working Families
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www.burlingtoncountytimes.com www.burlingtoncountytimes.com
Campaign for Working Families
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www.montgomerynews.com www.montgomerynews.com
Campaign for Working Families
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www.lifenews.com www.lifenews.com
Campaign for Working Families
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www.bizjournals.com www.bizjournals.com
Campaign for Working Families
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www.prnewswire.com www.prnewswire.com
Campaign for Working Families
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abcnews.go.com abcnews.go.com
Campaign for Working Families
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naijaoversabi.com naijaoversabi.com
Campaign for Working Families
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www.onenewsnow.com www.onenewsnow.com
Campaign for Working Families
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- Oct 2016
www.mostdamagingwikileaks.com www.mostdamagingwikileaks.com
Bird-dogging is a technique whereby activists get candidates on the record about their position on an issue. The term comes from the analogy of a bird-dog which flushes birds out of hiding. In the metaphor, candidates for office often want to conceal their positions on controversial issues or keep their language around them vague. Bird-doggers go to events and ask carefully crafted questions on issues they wish to talk about to try to "flush a candidate's opinions into the open."
Bird-doggers often work in issue advocacy organizations, and are less concerned about who wins an election than about getting their issues addressed as part of the campaign.
The term was popularized in 2004 by New Hampshire Quaker activist Arnie Alpert who noted that the way people were asking questions at "town halls" with presidential candidates was allowing the candidates too much wiggle room:
"If you simply go in there and say, ‘What do you think about health care? What do you think about Iraq?’ the candidate can pretty much say anything and have it sound like it’s a good answer,” said Arnie Alpert, the program coordinator in New Hampshire for the American Friends Service Committee, a Quaker group.
So in the lead-up to the 2004 primary, he started teaching people how to ask questions. Basically, it takes planning, precision and a little bit of courage. (see New York Times story)
Albert's techniques were later adopted by Priorities NH, a Ben Cohen (of Ben and Jerry's) group trying to get military spending issues addressed, as well as other groups in the 2008 primary. The rise of citizen video made such techniques an important tool of activism.
Rhetoric around a 2016 controversy created by James O'Keefe wrongly portrayed bird-dogging as a Clinton campaign term dealing with the instigation of violence at Trump rallies. The term pre-dates the Clinton campaign and has never been used in this way.
New York Times Article: Bird-Dogging in N.H. and Iowa, March 2007
From the 2016 book Service Sociology and Academic Engagement in Social Problems: "Bird-dogging means attending a political candidates public appearances with the specific aim of challenging or seeking clarification of a particular issue."
From 2011 book The Young Activist's Guide to Building a Green Movement and Changing the World: "Bird-dogging refers to attending public events where a candidate for public office or an elected representative will appear and calling on him or her to publicly address an issue, support your cause, or reconsider a stance already taken."
- Apr 2016
His point: the way elections are funded isn’t “just a detail,” but an essential, foundational issue. “If you’re a Republican and you want to simplify the tax code, there’s no way to simplify tax code as long as this is the way we want to fund campaigns,” he said to CNN. “If you’re a Democrat and you want climate change legislation or real healthcare reform, there’s no way to get those reforms until you change the way you fund elections.”
Elementary, my dear friends...
- Jul 2015
arkansasnews.com arkansasnews.com
The measure would require outside groups that spend at least $2,000 on political ads to disclose their donors and would urge Congress to support, and the Arkansas Legislature to ratify, a constitutional amendment declaring that Congress and the states have the power to limit spending on elections and to distinguish between people and corporations in setting those limits.
YES, THIS! If the Supreme Court won't let this happen on the national/federal level, try to do it at the state level!