- Dec 2022
www.rfc-editor.org www.rfc-editor.org
Operators of recipient mail systems are aware that their users do not make a clear distinction between unsubscription and junk.
- Nov 2022
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
You can definitely set the Return-Path header as a sender. But yes, some receivers might rewrite it (But not always ), or depending on who you're sending through, it might be re-written by them. For instance when using MailGun to send bulk email you have to do things just right in order to set a Return-Path that will be preserved. I know this contradicts the RFC you cite, but it's in practice true.
Return-Path header is written by the receiving server, not by the sending server. And as per the RFC 5321, it is the same as the address supplied in MAIL FROM command.
www.imdb.com www.imdb.com
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
danallosso.substack.com danallosso.substack.com
www.fastcompany.com www.fastcompany.com
- Oct 2022
www.heise.de www.heise.de
Emails nehme ich als "ToDo" Liste her - sie bleiben so lange ungelesen, bis ich die Zeit habe, sie zu bearbeiten.
www.heise.de www.heise.de
Das Email System wird nur noch von Bots verwendet.
www.heise.de www.heise.de
eMail hat tatsächlich nicht mehr den Stellenwert wie früher - als es wirklich noch wie schnellerer Briefverkehr genutzt wurde und deutlich förmlicher und verbindlicher war. Heute sehe ich das auch die Kundschaft eMail schon auf SMS-Niveau benutzt, was mir in der Seele wehtut, weil das eine völlig unwürdige Form der Kommunikation ist.
conteudo.companyhero.com conteudo.companyhero.com
Importante fornecer um e-mail válido para a solicitação da nota fiscal.
- O valor mínimo para comissionamento é de R$100,00. Abaixo disso, ficará em "stand-by" acumulando para pagamento. CNAEs: para emissão da nota fiscal, podem ser utilizados quaisquer CNAEs, exceto consultoria. Os pagamentos ocorrem sempre às segundas. Geramos um lote por semana, portanto, as NFs serão pagas na primeira segunda-feira após o recebimento pelo financeiro. As solicitações de nota podem ocorrer até a terceira semana de cada mês. É muito importante que os CADs mantenham seus cadastros atualizados. E-mail, telefone, etc. Os pagamentos ocorrem no mês subsequente à ativação. Ex: ativação em outubro, receberá em novembro. Só é comissionada a primeira ativação do cliente. Quando um cliente contrata mensal, o pagamento do CAD não se torna recorrente, é apenas na primeira parcela. Não serão comissionadas primeiras ativações que forem advindas de Google ADS.
- Incluir:
- Sep 2022
Heather E. Bullock
Heather E. Bullock is an American social psychologist. She is Professor of Psychology and Director of the Blum Center on Poverty, Social Enterprise, and Participatory Governance at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Bullock is known for her research on people's beliefs about economic disparities and the consequences of stereotypical beliefs about the poor on public policy. This includes work examining attributions about poverty made by news media, and how such attributions influence public support of welfare policies https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heather_E._Bullock
www.pcmag.com www.pcmag.com
Snail mail can be too slow, and email isn't secure. So that leaves us with the decades-old, but still reliable, fax.
email is secure enough. Why do people keep perpetuating this myth?
www.softermii.com www.softermii.com
Если вы владеете бизнесом по продаже товаров или услуг в Интернете и задаетесь вопросом, как сделать его более успешным, эти передовые методы разработки электронной коммерции — это решения, которые можно применить. Зачем они вам нужны для создания этой платформы электронной коммерции? Давайте обсудим следующее. Онлайн-платформа электронной коммерции открывает широкий спектр новых возможностей для вашего розничного бизнеса, поскольку вы можете привлечь больше клиентов из любого места и в любое время. Учтите, что 2,14 миллиарда человек во всем мире совершают покупки в Интернете, что составляет 27,6% населения мира. Прогнозируется, что доля электронной коммерции в общем объеме розничных продаж по всему миру увеличится в течение следующих четырех лет, поскольку молодое поколение предпочитает варианты онлайн-магазинов, а не оффлайн.
- Aug 2022
news.artnet.com news.artnet.com
www.forbes.com www.forbes.com
Social commerce offers something radically different than traditional e-commerce by carefully blending buying and selling with a sense of urgency across communities
www.quora.com www.quora.com
E-commerce sure is tapping the power of the crowds (think ModCloth, Groupon, FashionStake), but I wouldn’t call this social
what we’re calling online “social commerce” today doesn’t look what we’ve seen traditionally. In fact, so much of what we call “social commerce” is not done within our social graphs - rather it’s just any level of involvement of another human being in a user’s purchase decision
- Jul 2022
periodicos.uff.br periodicos.uff.br
E, por fim, o fechamento de creches e escolas e o isolamento social fizeram com que recaísse totalmente sobre as famílias as tarefas de cuidados, incluindo as tarefas domésticas, os cuidados dispensados às pessoas de alguma forma dependentes, acrescido do auxílio às crianças em aprendizado à distância. Como cultural e socialmente as tarefas de cuidado são vistas como trabalho feminino, as mulheres foram mais sacrificadas com o acúmulo de tarefas. 106.
bylinetimes.com bylinetimes.com
Most academics continue to insist that it is still – barely – physically possible to limit warming to no more than 1.5°C. There are strong incentives to stay behind the invisible line that separates academia from wider social and political concerns, and so to not take a clear position about this.But we need to clearly acknowledge now that warming will exceed 1.5°C because we are losing vital reaction time by entertaining fantastic scenarios. The sooner we get real about our current situation and what it demands, the better.
Slight chance. We need nonlinear solutions and to find all the leverage points, social tipping points and idling capacity we can.:
Social tipping dynamics for stabilizing Earth’s climate by 2050 https://hyp.is/go?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pnas.org%2Fdoi%2F10.1073%2Fpnas.1900577117&group=world
An Introduction to PLAN E Grand Strategy for the Twenty-First-Century Era of Entangled Security and Hyperthreats https://hyp.is/go?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.usmcu.edu%2FOutreach%2FMarine-Corps-University-Press%2FExpeditions-with-MCUP-digital-journal%2FAn-Introduction-to-PLAN-E%2Ffbclid%2FIwAR3facE8l6Jk4Msc8C1nw8yWtwnzSCXVZGlO7JLkjqo8CWYTYAqAMTPkTO8%2F&group=world
Science Driven Societal Transformation https://hyp.is/go?url=http%3A%2F%2Fdocdrop.org%2Fvideo%2Fz9ZCjd2rqGY%2F&group=world
- Jun 2022
www.scientificamerican.com www.scientificamerican.com
The Reading Brain in the Digital Age: The Science of Paper versus Screens https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/reading-paper-screens/ by Ferris Jabr Scientific American 2013-04-11 A good overview of reading practices, reading user interfaces, and research literature relevant to it. Lots of abstracts from research which I ought to look at more closely, and thus didn't make note of as much as I'd rather delve into the primary sources.
Most of the research cited here is preliminary to early e-reading devices and has small sample sizes. Better would be to see how subsequent studies have fared with larger and more diverse groups.
Some researchers have found that these discrepancies create enough "haptic dissonance" to dissuade some people from using e-readers. People expect books to look, feel and even smell a certain way; when they do not, reading sometimes becomes less enjoyable or even unpleasant. For others, the convenience of a slim portable e-reader outweighs any attachment they might have to the feel of paper books.
theconversation.com theconversation.com
Under the new rules, consumers will no longer need a different charging device and cable every time they purchase a new device, and can use one single charger for all of their small and medium-sized portable electronic devices. We have also added provisions on wireless charging being the next evolution in the charging technology and improved information and labelling for consumers
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
General Daniel E. Sickles, the commanding Union officer enforcing Reconstruction in South Carolina, ordered in January 1866 that “the constitutional rights of all loyal and well-disposed inhabitants to bear arms will not be infringed.” When South Carolinians ignored Sickles’s order and others like it, Congress passed the Freedmen’s Bureau Act of July 1866, which assured ex-slaves the “full and equal benefit of all laws and proceedings concerning personal liberty … including the constitutional right to bear arms.”
www.scientificamerican.com www.scientificamerican.com
I can see why there's so much backlash on this piece.
It could and should easily have been written without any reference at all to E. O. Wilson and been broadly interesting and true. However given the editorial headline "The Complicated Legacy of E. O. Wilson", the recency of his death, and the photo at the top, it becomes clickbait for something wholly other.
There is only passing reference to Wilson and any of his work and no citations whatsoever about who he was or why his work was supposedly controversial. Instead the author leans in on the the idea of the biology being the problem instead of the application of biology to early anthropology which dramatically mis-read the biology and misapplied it for the past century and a half to bolster racist ideas and policies.
The author indicates that we should be better with "citational practices when using or reporting on problematic work", but wholly forgets to apply it to her own writing in this very piece.
I'm aware that the magazine editors are most likely the ones that chose the headline and the accompanying photo, but there's a failure here in both editorial and writing for this piece to have appeared in Scientific American in a way as to make it more of a hit piece on Wilson just days after his death. Worse, the backlash of the broadly unsupported criticism of Wilson totally washed out the attention that should have been placed on the meat of the actual argument in the final paragraphs.
Editorial failed massively on all fronts here.
This article seems to be a clear example of the following:
Any time one uses the word "problematic" to describe cultural issues, it can't stand alone without some significant context building and clear arguments about exactly what was problematic and precisely why. Otherwise the exercise is a lot of handwaving and puffery that does neither side of an argument or its intended audiences any good.
whyevolutionistrue.com whyevolutionistrue.com
scottaaronson.blog scottaaronson.blog
Scientific American apparently published an unsupported hit piece on E. O. Wilson just following his death.
Desperately sad to hear as I've read many of his works and don't recall anything highly questionable either there or in his personal life, even by current political standards.
SA does seem to have slipped from my perspective and I'm more often reading Quanta instead.
- May 2022
www.usmcu.edu www.usmcu.edu
An Introduction to PLAN E Grand Strategy for the Twenty-First-Century Era of Entangled Security and Hyperthreats
Planetary Boundary / Doughnut Economic Main Category: SOCIO-ECONOMIC: Culture, Education
Although culture and education are chosen as the main categories, Plan E applies to all planetary boundaries and all socio-economic categories as it is dealing with whole system change.
Visit Stop Reset Go on Indyweb for detailed context graph and to begin or engage in discussion on this topic. (Coming soon)
Here, in PLAN E, the concept of entangled security translates this idea into meaning that humanity itself can make a great sudden leap.
An Open Access Deep Humanity education program whose core principles are continuously improved through crowdsourcing, can teach the constructed nature of reality, especially using compelling BEing Journeys. This inner transformation can rapidly create the nonlinear paradigm, worldview and value shifts that Donella Meadows identified as the greatest leverage points in system change.
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
As John Dickerson recently put it on Slate, describing his attempt to annotate books on an iPad: “It’s like eating candy through a wrapper.”
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
estudante.estacio.br estudante.estacio.br
• Métodos (e atributos) declarados públicos na superclasse devem ser públicos nas subclasses. Métodos (e atributos) declarados protegidos na superclasse devem ser protegidos ou públicos nas subclasses. Eles não podem ser privados. • Métodos e atributos privados não são accessíveis às subclasses, e sua acessibilidade não é afetada pela herança.
www.theverge.com www.theverge.com
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Looks like some reasonable export to other services to get your notes out of the Boox e-reader.
lifehacker.com lifehacker.com
- Apr 2022
shop.boox.com shop.boox.com
microbiology.okstate.edu microbiology.okstate.edu
GenExpDB is the world’s largest repository for E. coli gene expression data. This site is a widely used public resource for gene expression analysis.
flipboard.com flipboard.comDesign1
12 leading marketplaces in Europe - E-commerce Germany News
In Europe, the ecommerce market is worth $363 billion, with a 7.3 percent annual growth rate expected. According to experts, the European market volume will be worth up to $481 billion by 2022. This is a lot when you consider that Europe has 50 different countries, more than 200 languages spoken, and 28+ currencies. Obviously, the majority of the action takes place in just three European countries: the United Kingdom, Germany, and France, but we have also included marketplaces that are leading or growing in other parts of Europe on our list.
www.weforum.org www.weforum.org
Humankind’s insatiable demand for electronic devices is creating the world’s fastest-growing waste stream.
This sentence caught my attention the most because not only was it the opening sentence, but it also outlined the problem that was discussed throughout the rest of the article. As society expands and grows upward electronically, there is more and more e-waste. Since this flow of e-waste is becoming so large, it is being labeled as the world's fastest-growing waste stream. This article then goes on to explain this phenomenon.
The article I linked below goes over the toxicological implications of e-waste and I think it ties in well to the topics covered in this article. It shows how it can affect the health of humans and to which degree.
- Mar 2022
readlists.jim-nielsen.com readlists.jim-nielsen.com
<small><cite class='h-cite via'>ᔥ <span class='p-author h-card'>Jim Nielsen</span> in (Re)Introducing Readlists (<time class='dt-published'>03/25/2022 23:09:14</time>)</cite></small>
blog.jim-nielsen.com blog.jim-nielsen.com
Web serendipity has struck again. I was just looking for a tool that would do this very thing and so missed Readlists as a service.
Fun to see Jeremy Keith's book featured here.
musicbrainz.org musicbrainz.org
bass only: alle Spuren per Kontrabass und E-Bass selbst eingespielt
ist "eigentlich" Mitglied des Gewandhaus-Orchesters Leipzig
book.micro.blog book.micro.blog
www.fastcompany.com www.fastcompany.com
Because of the invasion in Ukraine, “people are reminded of the problem, but then they resort to sort of quick fixes, which are not really for the long term,” says Rolf Wüestenhagen, director of the Institute for Economy and the Environment at the University of St. Gallen in Switzerland.
Tradeoff higher gas prices with accelerated climate change and sanctioning Putin.
es.wikipedia.org es.wikipedia.org
modificar la historia
No diria tanto como modificar la historia, me pienso en la posibilidad de enriquecer la historia contada desde diferentes orillas.
- Feb 2022
www.jacobsen.no www.jacobsen.no
Hence an email address/mailbox/addr-spec is "local-part@domain"; "local-part" is composed of one or more of 'word' and periods; "word" can be an "atom" which can include anything except "specials", control characters or blank/space; and specials (the *only* printable ASCII characters [other than space, if you call space "printable"] *excluded* from being a valid "local-part") are: ()<>@,;:\".[] Therefore by the official standard for email on the internet, the plus sign is as much a legal character in the local-part of an email address as "a" or "_" or "-" or most any other symbol you see on the main part of a standard keyboard.
There's a common design flaw on many many websites that require an email address to register; most recently I came across this bug on CNet's download.com site: for some reason they don't accept me when I try to register an email address containing a "+", and they then send me back saying my address is invalid. It isn't!
"+" is a completely valid character in an email address; as defined by the internet messaging standard published in 1982(!) RFC 822 (page 8 & 9)... Any website claiming anything else is wrong by definition, plus they are prohibiting me and many fellow anti-spam activists from tracking where inbound spam comes from:
people.cs.rutgers.edu people.cs.rutgers.edu
Screening is a useful way of avoiding spam and/or other unwanted correspondence.
Filing is the simplest application to take advantage of plus signs.
The "+tag" portion of the email address can then be used both for filing mail and for screening it.
es.wikipedia.org es.wikipedia.org
sino que deja al lector la capacidad de elegir su camino entre varios posibles. En ocasiones no tiene ni siquiera un principio establecido. Casi nunca tiene final. Las versiones más extremas permiten al lector modificar la obra, o bien directamente, o bien colaborando con el autor original.
también encontramos estas propuestas hipertextuales en los juegos de video RPG desde los inicios de los 80s, antes de la era de la internet.
link.springer.com link.springer.com
E-Portfolios sind netzbasierte Sammelmappen, die ver-schiedene digitale Medien und Services integrieren und auch im e-Learning eingesetzt werden, um Kompetenz auszuweisen und Lernprozesse zu reflektieren.
www.issco.unige.ch www.issco.unige.ch
This is a pretty cool looking project for language learning.
<small><cite class='h-cite via'>ᔥ <span class='p-author h-card'>Manny Rayner </span> in Manny Rayner’s review of Abécédaire le petit prince | Goodreads (<time class='dt-published'>02/18/2022 11:40:10</time>)</cite></small>
We have been doing some work recently to make LARA support picture-based texts, and this is our first real example: a multimodal French alphabet book based on Le petit prince. If you're a fan of the book and beginner level in French, you might find it fun! Start Chrome or Firefox and go here.
There's a set of 26 pages, one for each letter, and each page comes in three versions. In the Semantic version, you can click on the picture and hear the word spoken in French; hovering gives you a translation. In the Phonetic version, you can hover over the word and spell though it one letter group at a time. Clicking on a letter group will play the sound and show you other words where that sound occurs. In the Examples version, you'll see a French sentence from Le petit prince which uses the word, annotated with audio and translations both for the individual words and for the sentence as a whole.
The screenshot above illustrates. The D word is dessins ("drawings"). This is the Phonetic version: I've just clicked on the letter group in, and it's played the sound /ɛ̃/, the nasalised vowel that this letter group usually represents in French, and shown me that the same sound also occurs in invisible ("invisible") and jardin ("garden"). If you go to the Examples version, you see the sentence Mon dessin ne représentait pas un chapeau. ("My drawing wasn't supposed to be a hat") from the first chapter of the book.
Comments will be very welcome! We're thinking of doing more of these and want to know where we can improve things.
wvupressonline.com wvupressonline.com
eBook 978-1-952271-05-2 $24.99
because, of course, you've got to read the digital version of this book!
tribe-against-machine.org tribe-against-machine.org
Swatches_Kombucha Lick'o'meter
hff2020.xyz hff2020.xyzhff20201
- Jan 2022
goodereader.com goodereader.com
The most notable are Remarkable, Onyx Boox, Boyue Likebook, Supernote, and now Kobo.
goodereader.com goodereader.com
inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net inst-fs-iad-prod.inscloudgate.net
Demonstrate basic laboratory techniques
I am excited to work in a lab as I haven't in a while!
notebook.wesleyac.com notebook.wesleyac.com
- Dec 2021
www.newyorker.com www.newyorker.com
Pomera, a folding Japanese pocket writer
www.codica.com www.codica.com
How to Choose the Right Marketplace Development Company?DmitryCEOMarketplaceHomeBlogEntrepreneurshipHow to Choose the Right Marketplace Development Company?PublishedMay 8, 2020UpdatedMay 8, 20209 min readDo you want to build a marketplace app but cannot choose the right marketplace development company? There are dozens of web agencies, and their services seem to be quite similar. So how can you know whether you can trust a software provider? We have a solution for you. In this article, we have prepared the most important factors you need to take into account when choosing a marketplace development agency.
Do you want to build a marketplace app but cannot choose the right marketplace development company? There are dozens of web agencies, and their services seem to be quite similar. So how can you know whether you can trust a software provider?
We have a solution for you. In this article, we have prepared the most important factors you need to take into account when choosing a marketplace development agency.
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How to Create a Micro-Job Marketplace Like Fiverr: Features, Cost, TimelineTimurTech JournalistMarketplaceProduct GuideHomeBlogEntrepreneurshipHow to Create a Micro-Job Marketplace Like Fiverr: Features, Cost, TimelinePublishedNov 19, 2021UpdatedNov 19, 202120 min readIt’s no secret that the COVID-19 pandemic has led many people to reconsider their jobs. Now, freelance as an alternative career path steadily becomes a reality. 50.9% of the U.S. workforce will be freelancing by 2027, a Statista survey shows. Businesses like Fiverr and fellow gig-focused companies rode the wave. To be more precise, they adopted a model allowing the hire of independent contractors without any legwork. How do such tools set the new trend in powering freelancers? In this article, we share proven methods geared towards freelance website growth. Moreover, you will get a glimpse of how to create a micro-job marketplace like Fiverr of your own.
It’s no secret that the COVID-19 pandemic has led many people to reconsider their jobs. Now, freelance as an alternative career path steadily becomes a reality. 50.9% of the U.S. workforce will be freelancing by 2027, a Statista survey shows.
Businesses like Fiverr and fellow gig-focused companies rode the wave. To be more precise, they adopted a model allowing the hire of independent contractors without any legwork. How do such tools set the new trend in powering freelancers?
In this article, we share proven methods geared towards freelance website growth. Moreover, you will get a glimpse of how to create a micro-job marketplace like Fiverr of your own.
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- Codica
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- micro-job marketplace
- How to Create a Micro-Job Marketplace Like Fiverr
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- Ruby on Rails marketplace
- Nov 2021
What Makes Ruby on Rails Perfect for Marketplace Development?AlinaE-Commerce & SaaS StrategistMarketplaceRuby/RailsHomeBlogEntrepreneurshipWhat Makes Ruby on Rails Perfect for Marketplace Development?PublishedJul 13, 2020UpdatedJul 13, 202012 min readThe last several years have been marked with the rise of different marketplaces. Airbnb, AliExpress, Etsy, Booking.com are on everyone’s lips. That's not surprising that the idea of launching a second Amazon or eBay seems so appealing. To win the e-commerce race, entrepreneurs focus on providing excellent customer experience and build fast-loading and scalable websites. Besides, business owners take various security measures to protect their customers’ sensitive information. This way, they can gain clients’ trust and boost sales. When building a custom marketplace, what technology stack is best to achieve all these goals? Our answer is simple: Ruby on Rails. In this article, we will fill you in on the Ruby on Rails marketplace development. At Codica, we are passionate fans of this framework and have built numerous e-commerce platforms with its help. Based on our experience, we will discuss the key reasons to choose RoR for building a successful marketplace.
The last several years have been marked with the rise of different marketplaces. Airbnb, AliExpress, Etsy, Booking.com are on everyone’s lips. That's not surprising that the idea of launching a second Amazon or eBay seems so appealing.
To win the e-commerce race, entrepreneurs focus on providing excellent customer experience and build fast-loading and scalable websites. Besides, business owners take various security measures to protect their customers’ sensitive information. This way, they can gain clients’ trust and boost sales.
When building a custom marketplace, what technology stack is best to achieve all these goals? Our answer is simple: Ruby on Rails.
In this article, we will fill you in on the Ruby on Rails marketplace development. At Codica, we are passionate fans of this framework and have built numerous e-commerce platforms with its help. Based on our experience, we will discuss the key reasons to choose RoR for building a successful marketplace.
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www.codica.com www.codica.com
Avoid These Costly Mistakes During Web Application DevelopmentDmitryCEOCustom SoftwareHomeBlogTechnologyAvoid These Costly Mistakes During Web Application DevelopmentPublishedJan 16, 2020UpdatedJan 16, 202015 min readAccording to the Startup Genome Report, over 90% of startups fail after launch. There can be different reasons like skipping the market research, hiring wrong specialists, too early scaling, and so on. However, one of the most important elements of startup success is the product you provide. Neglecting estimates, avoiding the MVP stage, designing unnecessary functionality, and saving time on testing may become fatal errors that can result in a complete failure. In this article, we will tell you about the most costly mistakes you should avoid during web app development to succeed after product launch.
According to the Startup Genome Report, over 90% of startups fail after launch. There can be different reasons like skipping the market research, hiring wrong specialists, too early scaling, and so on.
However, one of the most important elements of startup success is the product you provide. Neglecting estimates, avoiding the MVP stage, designing unnecessary functionality, and saving time on testing may become fatal errors that can result in a complete failure.
In this article, we will tell you about the most costly mistakes you should avoid during web app development to succeed after product launch.
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4 Best Payment Solutions for Online MarketplacesDmitryCEOMarketplaceHomeBlogEntrepreneurship4 Best Payment Solutions for Online MarketplacesPublishedAug 7, 2020UpdatedAug 7, 20209 min readDid you know that payment solutions for online marketplaces can shape your e-commerce business and its success? Thus, Uber succeeded in its global expansion right after it switched to Braintree. In early Uber’s scaling, even a dollar-euro currency conversion wasn’t available. Now, with Braintree, it processes mobile payments in 130 currencies in 80+ countries. Of course, each marketplace faces its own payment challenges. So, you should rely on a payment solution with the features vital right for your e-commerce platform. To identify them, let’s dig deeper into two-sided marketplace payment processing, and analyze the best payment gateways for marketplaces.
Did you know that payment solutions for online marketplaces can shape your e-commerce business and its success? Thus, Uber succeeded in its global expansion right after it switched to Braintree.
In early Uber’s scaling, even a dollar-euro currency conversion wasn’t available. Now, with Braintree, it processes mobile payments in 130 currencies in 80+ countries.
Of course, each marketplace faces its own payment challenges. So, you should rely on a payment solution with the features vital right for your e-commerce platform. To identify them, let’s dig deeper into two-sided marketplace payment processing, and analyze the best payment gateways for marketplaces.
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- Codica
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- ecommerce
www.codica.com www.codica.com
Spree Commerce: How to Quickly Build an Ecommerce WebsiteAlinaE-Commerce & SaaS StrategistMarketplaceProduct GuideHomeBlogEntrepreneurshipSpree Commerce: How to Quickly Build an Ecommerce WebsitePublishedAug 31, 2020UpdatedAug 31, 202011 min readThe hype around Amazon and eBay has driven up the demand for marketplace development services. Business owners turn to software consultancies to launch a thriving e-commerce website. Here comes a question: what do they need to get the most successful online marketplace website? We believe that a profitable e-commerce project starts with the right tech stack. The main qualities that a modern marketplace should possess are scalability, easy customizations, and flexibility. Therefore, it’s important to choose the technologies that will help these qualities.
The hype around Amazon and eBay has driven up the demand for marketplace development services. Business owners turn to software consultancies to launch a thriving e-commerce website. Here comes a question: what do they need to get the most successful online marketplace website?
We believe that a profitable e-commerce project starts with the right tech stack. The main qualities that a modern marketplace should possess are scalability, easy customizations, and flexibility. Therefore, it’s important to choose the technologies that will help these qualities.
- startup
- web development
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- spree commerce
- e-markteplace
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- Codica
- marketplace
- ecommerce website
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- marketplace development
- marketplace website
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- ecommerce
www.lib.uchicago.edu www.lib.uchicago.edu
E. V. Rieu's translation of the Odyssey (1946), which launched the series of Penguin Classics in Translation, and the Iliad (1950),
- Oct 2021
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Osculatory targets or plaques were created on pages to give priests
Most modern people don't touch or kiss their books this way and we're often taught not to touch or write in our texts. Digital screen culture is giving us a new tactile touching with our digital texts that we haven't had since the time of the manuscript.
Galpão para os animais. Ajuda na questão de roubos ou predadores, ou para confinamento. Animais de elite. Aprisco precisa ser elevado para limpeza das fezes, quanto mais alto, mior o custo.
marialantin.com marialantin.com
- Sep 2021
Local file Local file
Tipo e número de dentes
Ovinos possuem 32 dentes, os incisivos são os da frente. Incisivos só na parte de baixo (mandíbula e arcada inferior), assim como em todos os ruminantes Arcada inferior: incisivos, pré-molares e molares Ovinos não possuem os dentes caninos
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
Ebooks Are an Abomination: If you hate them, it’s not your fault. by Ian Bogost in The Atlantic https://www.theatlantic.com/books/archive/2021/09/why-are-ebooks-so-terrible/620068/
Ian Bogost has a nice look at the UI affordances and areas for growth in the e-reading space.
Skimming through pages, the foremost feature of the codex, remains impossible in digital books.
This is related to an idea that Tom Critchlow was trying to get at a bit the other day. It would definitely be interesting in this sort of setting.
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>Has anyone built a generalizable text zoom JavaScript library that let's you progressively summarize an article as you zoom in and out?<br><br>(Why yes I am procrastinating my to-do list. You?)
— Tom Critchlow (@tomcritchlow) September 17, 2021 -
So do all manner of other peculiarities of form, including notations of editions on the verso (the flip side) of the full title page and the running headers all throughout that rename the book you are already reading.
I do dislike the running headers of digital copies of books as most annotation tools want to capture those headers in the annotation.
It would be nice if they were marked up in an Aria-like method so that annotation software would semantically know to ignore them.
The iPad’s larger screen also scales down PDF pages to fit, making the results smaller than they would be in print. It also displays simulated print margins inside the bezel margin of the device itself, a kind of mise en abyme that still can’t actually be used for the things margins are used for, such as notes or dog-ears.
It would be quite nice if a digital reader would allow actual writing in the margins, or even overlaying the text itself and then allowing the looking at the two separately.
I do quite like the infinite annotation space that Hypothes.is gives me on a laptop. I wish there were UI for it on a Kindle in a more usable and forgiving way. The digital keyboard on Kindle Paperwhite is miserable. I've noticed that I generally prefer reading and annotating on desktop in a browser now for general ease-of-use.
Also, I don't see enough use of mise en abyme. This is a good one.
In Western art history, mise en abyme (French pronunciation: [miz ɑ̃n‿abim]; also mise en abîme) is a formal technique of placing a copy of an image within itself, often in a way that suggests an infinitely recurring sequence. In film theory and literary theory, it refers to the technique of inserting a story within a story. The term is derived from heraldry and literally means "placed into abyss". It was first appropriated for modern criticism by the French author André Gide.
sakai.duke.edu sakai.duke.edu
. . . the Nuer have no expression equivalent to "time" in our language, and they cannot, therefore, as we can, speak of time as though it were something actual, which passes, can be wasted, can be saved, and so forth. I do not think that they ever experience the same feeling of fighting against time or of having to co-ordinate activities with an abstract passage of time because their points of reference are mainly the activities themselves, which are generally of a leisurely character. Events follow a logical order, but they are not controlled by an abstract system, there being no autonomous points of reference to which activities have to conform with precision. Nuer are fortunate. 129 O
129 E. Evans-Pritchard, op. cit., p. 103.
www.homeexchange.fr www.homeexchange.fr
Équipements TV WiFi Lave vaisselle Sèche linge Lave linge Four micro-ondes Congélateur Four
- there is a TV, wifi, dishwasher, washer and dryer, microwave oven, freezer, and an oven
www.electronjs.org www.electronjs.org
Tool for wrapping web pages into an app
versificator.itch.io versificator.itch.io
Tool for writing interactive fiction
- Aug 2021
jacobfilipp.com jacobfilipp.com
or email me at “j@thisdomain”
academic.oup.com academic.oup.com
Conclusions: Chronic vitamin E administration improves the ratio of cardiac sympathetic to parasympathetic tone in patients with type 2 diabetes. Such an effect might be mediated by a decline in oxidative stress.
This is plausibly the reason why antioxidants enhance sleep. Though it is likely that there are other mechanisms as well, such as reduced neuroinflammation. Come to think of it, given that ME/CFS appears to be caused by high sympathetic tone during sleep, antioxidants are the perfect treatment. Antioxidants are proven in placebo-controlled trials to help with sleep in healthy subjects and insomniacs alike. I doubt that antioxidants can cure ME/CFS, but I'm confident they will help.
www.frontiersin.org www.frontiersin.org
Wang, C.-Y., Zhang, Y.-Y., & Chen, S.-C. (2021). The Empirical Study of College Students’ E-Learning Effectiveness and Its Antecedents Toward the COVID-19 Epidemic Environment. Frontiers in Psychology, 0. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.573590
www.hebrew4christians.com www.hebrew4christians.com
annotating this page, it is the hebrew4christians site with the "broken vav" that I repeatedly quote
Sacred Consciousness and "the matrix jack" are connecting to llowell and eschatology at this time where we had betterr start fearing god fearing shit because there's no way we are going to bere4shit.
the Universe is closed; per the Holy of Holies etc @VGA
on the legatus and the idea that something per az per azrael perun and per adranus links the "blood rite" of being "made" with knowledge that we are in fact a created bride apparently in the midst of a mating cycle.
CELO, EPT; ANNUIT COEPTUS; "god is with us"
OLLY, NORTH BY NINTENDO--HEART OF NEC AND I. NAGAMOTO AND SATOSHI'S SEE, OUR RB IN THE BARK IS ... "an entire world reading sche-b-chol, hay LAY LOT .. and believing the display of synchronicity has something to do with the obvious plugging of google or baidu into our matrix jacked "minds"
think fast--the lack of discussion of elon's version of illustrious "why love lace?" ADA @MFC
awarm.space awarm.space
Always fun to see people trying some of the same experiments I've done. A few interesting tidbits here to refine some of the process perhaps?
- Jul 2021
forum.obsidian.md forum.obsidian.md
Some interesting resources here, though none currently suit workflows I'm keen to support yet. There is a reference to FuturePress' epub.js which could be intriguing, though even here, I'm more likely to stick with Hypothes.is for annotating and note taking to keep context.
forum.obsidian.md forum.obsidian.md
This is a clever hack for getting ebooks from Calibre to be readable within Obsidian, potentially for cutting/pasting and taking notes directly.
I think I still prefer my other methods, but this might be fun to play around with since I have so much stored in Calibre.
forum.artofmemory.com forum.artofmemory.com
Has anyone read The Memory Arts in Renaissance England 16?
@Josh I'd picked up a copy of this recently and have started into it. The opening is a quick overview of some general history, background, and general techniques.
The subtitle is solidly accurate of the majority of the book: "A Critical Anthology". The bulk of the book are either translations or excerpts of pieces of memory treatises in English throughout the Renaissance. They also include some history of the texts, their writers, and some analysis of the pieces.
Some of us have been digging up old editions of books and struggling with reading and creating context. These authors have done yeoman's work on a lot of this and collected some of the more interesting historical works on the memory arts and added lots of context, at least for works in English (and focused on England) during the Renaissance. It's a great text for those interested in the history as well as more readable versions of some of the (often incomprehensible) middle/late English. They also have some analysis often conflicting with statements made by Frances Yates about some of the more subtle points which her broad history didn't cover in detail.
Given it's anthology nature, its a nice volume to pick up and read self-contained portions of at leisure based on one's interest. It isn't however comprehensive, so, for example, they've got "translated portions" of part of Peter of Ravenna's The Phoenix, but not all of it, though they do outline the parts which they skip over. (Cross reference https://forum.artofmemory.com/t/peter-of-ravenna/27737.) Other segments are only a page or so long and may contain tangential passages or even poems about the art to better situate it for scholars/students looking at it historically.
I've corresponded a bit with Bill Engel, one of the authors who has been wonderfully helpful. He said he's got another related book Memory and Morality in Renaissance England (Cambridge) coming out later this summer as well as a few other related books and articles thereafter. Some are mentioned on his site: https://www.williamengel.org/.
- Jun 2021
www.edrlab.org www.edrlab.org
Thorium Reader is an EPUB reader for Windows 10, MacOS and Linux.
readium.org readium.org
I totally want this!
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Last month, Amazon announced what could be a landmark in electronic marginalia: public note sharing for the Kindle
A decade on, I'm sorry to say that it has some useful features, but doesn't have a very usable UI or any worthwhile discovery. Lack of broad use and support prevents it from being as useful as it might.
I can't really follow the annotations of anyone I might like to and finding any at all can be a bear.
This gave me an epiphany — a grand vision of the future of social reading. I imagined a stack of transparent, margin-size plastic strips containing all of my notes from “Infinite Jest.” These, I thought, could be passed out to my friends, who would paste them into their own copies of the book and then, in turn, give me their marginalia strips, which I would paste into my copy, and we’d all have a big virtual orgy of never-ending literary communion.It was a hopelessly clunky idea: a vision right out of a Library Science seminar circa 1949.
Goofy as this physical version sounds, I could imagine a digital overlay version that could go along with digital books in much the same way that Google Maps has digital overlays.
The problem lies with registration and location of words to do the overlay properly. The UI would also be a major bear.
Hypothes.is has really done a spectacular job in their version, the only issue is that it requires doing it all in a browser and isn't easily usable in any e-readers.
booktwo.org booktwo.org
I like the idea of this checklist.
If one replaced Ebooks on this list with "personal website" it would sound very IndieWeb in spirit.
syndicated copies:
booktwo.org booktwo.org
<small><cite class='h-cite via'>ᔥ <span class='p-author h-card'>Sam Anderson</span> in ‘What I Really Want Is Someone Rolling Around in the Text’ - The New York Times (<time class='dt-published'>06/09/2021 12:13:02</time>)</cite></small>
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
The more pieces of information we can “access” and the faster we can extract their gist, the more productive we become as thinkers.
But are Google's tools really making us more productive thinkers? One might argue that it's attempting to do all the work for us and take out the process of thought all together. We're just rats in a maze hitting a bar to get the food pellet.
What if the end is a picture of us as the people on the space ship at the end of WALL-E? What if it's keeping us from thinking?
What if it's making us more shallow thinkers rather than deep thinkers?
Cross reference P.M. Forni.
- May 2021
interpersonal.stackexchange.com interpersonal.stackexchange.com
Nowadays when I want technical support I will email my web host and give them all the necessary information, i.e. what I have tried to do to resolve, what I think the problem is etc and usually it is fixed first time within a few hours. If I need urgent assistance I will ring them but 99% of the time email is sufficient and less stressful, rarely do I need to send a second email.
If you email helpdesk (us specifically), if you use appropriate technical detail you will probably get someone who knows what they're doing, and will greatly appreciate it. If you call, you will get me only. I will ask you lots of questions, with awkward pauses in between while I write my notes, and at the end of it I probably won't be able to help you. Technical detail is still welcome, but there are some questions I will ask you anyway even if they sound useless to you
Calling over e-mailing has a number of advantages, you're able to empathize with the person and they're able to hear how comfortable you are with the topic over the phone.
www.buttecounty.net www.buttecounty.net
No records were ever located to support The RIBA team member’s conclusion that the Shoe Fly poles would most likely fail due to heavy rain. According to the Manager in Transmission Asset Management, The RIBA team member was an expert on the RIBA process who was assigned to assist “the engineer walk through the process.” Based upon the records the Manager in Transmission Asset Management identified the engineer as the engineer most familiar with the overall project and assigned to do the RIBA scoring for the project. According to an undated PG&E Org Chart, the engineer assigned to score the project was a Senior Engineer assigned to Transmission Asset Development and reported directly to the Manager in Transmission Asset Management. According to the notes on the scoring sheet, as interpreted by the Manager of Transmission Asset Development, “the concern here is the note says that the structures would go down during rainy and wet storm. And what’s not shown here is that the wildfire is not likely, because on the wet ground not likely to have wildfire.” No records in support of Senior Engineer’s conclusion were ever located. On the other hand, the TL Relocate 10 Towers project scored 581. According to the scoring sheet, the Senior Engineer was also the engineer assigned to score this project. Despite the fact that by 2014 the scope of the project was limited to the replacement of insulators so that money spent on the project prior to cancellation could be charged to the Capital Budget, the project scored 18 points out of 10,000 possible points for safety110. Despite the fact that the project involves the same Caribou-Palermo line the Reliability Risk Score is 562. 434 of those points are justified because “WRDI is possible contact with public leading or to other facilities causing potential injuries to few employees” according to the notes on the scoring sheet. The 2014 RIBA scoring is used to highlight the subjective nature of the comparative risk analysis. Because they are subjective the risk scores are easily manipulated. PG&E was highly motivated to complete the TL Relocate 10 Towers project in order to be able to charge the budget overruns, money already spent, to the capital budget. By 2014 the Replace 5 Damaged Towers project was about future spending. The best example of the manipulation is the WRDI justifications. One of the oft-stated justifications for the TL Relocate 10 Towers Project was the fact that the ten towers were located in a remote, inaccessible location. The towers were so inaccessible that PG&E had to use helicopters to fly personnel to the towers. Also, there was no evidence that any of the ten towers was on the verge of collapse according to the 2009 email from the manager who cancelled the project in 2009. On the other hand, the Shoe Fly was built on Camp Creek Road and any, or all of those poles, could reasonably be expected to fall down within a year. Another example of manipulation of facts in the 2014 RIBA was the RIBA team member’sconclusion, apparently based upon the Senior Engineer’s scoring note that “structures would go down only if it is rainy and wet”; and restated several times by the Manager in Transmission Asset Management that the wood Shoe Fly poles would probably only collapse during heavy rain
Evidence of the subtle way that profit-incentives in a complex environment create risk ...
Can this be addressed by incentives or only by culture? By culture only i think.
listenaminute.com listenaminute.com
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
An overview of Milman Parry's life, work, and some of his impact on Homeric studies and orality as media.
goodereader.com goodereader.com
These all look interesting, but my primary worry is the ability to do cross-platform note taking with them. Perhaps worth delving into some more custom reviews, but the price points of these compared to my laptop versus the functionality and flexibility needs to improve greatly.
bold.expert bold.expert
The COVID-19 crisis mustn’t be used to rationalize hasty education reforms. (2020, May 19). BOLD. https://bold.expert/the-covid-19-crisis-mustnt-be-used-to-rationalize-hasty-education-reforms/
www.multiplikatoren-projekt.peoplemanagement.uni-muenchen.de www.multiplikatoren-projekt.peoplemanagement.uni-muenchen.de
verbs in conjugation VII
- Apr 2021
Among the many responses to my request for a mnemonic sentencefore, the following seemed to me particularly noteworthy:To expresse, remember to memorize a sentence to simplify this.( John L. Greene, Beverly Hills, California.)To disrupt a playroom is commonly a practice of children.( Joseph J. Guiteras, Baldwinsville, New York.)By omnibus I traveled to Brooklyn. (David Mage, New York, NewYo r k . )It enables a numskull to memorize a quantity of numerals. (GeneWidhoff, Burbank, California.)TheEnciclopedia universal ilustrada, in an article on “Mnemo-tecnia,” gives the following Spanish sentence fore:Te ayudar arecordar la cantidad a indoctos si relesme bien. Several Italian versesforewill be found on page 755 ofMatematica Dilettevole e Curiosaby Italo Ghersi.
Mnemonic sentences for the number e.
I know of no similar aids in English to recalle, the other commontranscendental number. However, if you memorizeeto five deci-mal places (2.71828), you automatically know it to nine, becausethe last four digits obligingly repeat themselves (2.718281828). InFranceeis memorized to 10 places by the traditional memory aid:Tu aideras rappeler ta quantit beaucoup de docteurs amis.Perhapssome reader can construct an amusing English sentence that willcarryeto at least 20 decimals.
mutabit.com mutabit.com
La tecnología digital supone ya uno de los cambios más radicales de nuestro tiempo,
Esta idea de lo inevitable que carcteriza el discurso de las tecnologías en general, se supone que responde a un cambio cultural de la época y que toca a todas las personas, incluyendo a los niños; sin embargo tapa otras motivaciones, otras urgencias para esta innovación tecnológica que es bastante evidente; se relaciona con los planes de negocios y económicos, los planes de las empresas tecnológicas para las cuales la idea de este cambio inevitable, desde los cuales se presentan sus propuestas digitales, es funcional a sus estrategias de mercado. las empresas necesitan que se crea que se tiene que entrar en esos escenarios de cambios y de innovación para poder vender los productos que sacan al mercado.
Aunque la mayoría de los niños que están en línea lo ven como una experiencia positiva,
La idea de una era digital se ha naturalizado, por tanto los niños acceden a su uso e interactúan en las redes con desconocimiento frente a los riesgos que estos medios pueden contener.
nternet es todas estas cosas, que reflejan y amplifican lo mejor y lo peor de la naturaleza humana. Es una herramienta que siempre se usará para hacer el bien y para hacer el mal. Nuestra labor consiste en mitigar los daños y ampliar las oportunidades que la tecnología digital hace posible.
Preparar a los niños para enfrentar los nuevos tiempos, no es prepararlos para adaptarse sino para resistir la constante violencia a la que el mundo globalizado con su economía y sus relaciones de consumo somenten a las personas ( en especial a la infancia) en esta era (tecnológica). Demanda de la escuela y nosotros los maestros, la construcción de un espacio ético desde el cual podamos construir junto con los niños una mirada crítica sobre esas reaciones que se están dando y buscar formas de deconstrucción, de desingenuación de esas mismas relaciones tan perjudiciales, tan nocivas.
- Mar 2021
jangawolof.org jangawolof.orgPhrases1
Fibar bi jàngal na taawan bu góor ni ñuy dagge reeni aloom.
Le guérisseur a appris à son fils aîné comment on coupe les racines du Diospyros.
fibar -- (fibar bi? the healer? as in feebar / fièvre / fever? -- used as a general term for sickness).
bi -- the (indicates nearness).
jàngal v. -- to teach (something to someone), to learn (something from someone) -- compare with jàng (as in janga wolof) and jàngale.
na -- pr. circ. way, defined, distant. How? 'Or' What. function indicator. As.
taaw+an (taaw) bi -- first child, eldest. (taawan -- his eldest).
bu -- the (indicates relativeness).
góor gi -- man; male.
ni -- pr. circ. way, defined, distant. How? 'Or' What. function indicator. As.
ñuy -- they (?).
dagg+e (dagg) v. -- cut; to cut.
reen+i (reen) bi -- root, taproot, support.
aloom gi -- Diospyros mespiliformis, EBENACEA (tree).
- ni
- fibar
- man
- taaw
- jàng
- feebar
- dagge
- ebenacea
- cut
- son
- sickness
- -e
- reeni
- jàngale
- support
- góor
- -i
- aloom
- taawan
- bu
- taproot
- mespiliformis
- wolof
- fièvre
- -an
- healer
- teach
- they
- taught
- learn
- what
- the
- roots
- ñuy
- first
- distant
- dagg
- diospyros
- of
- his
- na
- as
- child
- gi
- bi
- to
- reen
- fever
- tree
- how
- male
- jàngal
- janga
- eldest
Mims, C. (2020, November 21). Four Reasons the Stay-at-Home Economy Is Here to Stay. Wall Street Journal. https://www.wsj.com/articles/four-reasons-the-stay-at-home-economy-is-here-to-stay-11605934806
www.amazon.com www.amazon.com
- Feb 2021
github.com github.com
First time I've seen someone create a validator by simply matching against
from std lib. More often you see people copying and pasting some really long regex that they don't understand and is probably not loose enough. It's much better, though, to simply reuse a standard one from a library — by reference, rather than copying and pasting!!
Há uma anorexia emocional que as pessoas só pautam as próprias vidas na medida em que olham a vida do outro. O esvaziamento da vida pode se dar pelo uso e abuso da rede social
Hoje temos muito disso, porque estamos muito distraídos com as pautas morais e ficamos presos aos julgamentos e não à capacidade de pensar, de criticar.
O desconforto e o contraditório têm que existir em uma sala de aula, e não ir na rede social e ler exatamente o que eu penso e o que eu gosto, porque, além de me identificar com isso, eu acabo por exorcizar o outro. Daí surgem os discursos de ódio que tanto vemos nas redes sociais.
Assim como a tecnologia invadiu a família, o trabalho invadiu os lares, não sabemos mais os limites e ficamos muito partidos. E quando estamos partidos adoecemos, pois ficamos desconectados de nós mesmos e infelizes. O trabalho tem uma função social na vida do homem importantíssima, deveria ser vivido como uma fonte de prazer e não deve estar misturado na relação com a família.
Não existem fórmulas, mas quando o sujeito estiver tomado pela angústia, e se essa angústia for maior do que ele suporta, acho que é o momento de reavaliar a vida e pedir ajuda. Quando a angústia interfere na vida da gente, seja no trabalho ou nas relações familiares e amorosas, é a hora de parar. O problema é que quando temos uma subjetividade anestesiada, conforme falamos no início, ela adoece sem perceber.
Normalmente quando a criança usa excessivamente jogos e celulares é porque a família também tem esse uso. Muitas vezes uma mãe dá o smartphone para a criança porque lhe falta tempo para cuidar. E falta mesmo. Então, acho que a família deve rever a própria postura em relação ao tempo dedicado aos filhos.
O alerta entra na nossa vida quando não conseguimos mais nos conectar efetivamente com o outro, quando eu não consigo mais estabelecer um momento de estudo para uma criança, quando não consigo estabelecer para o adolescente um momento de conversa, quando não consigo ter com o meu parceiro ou com os meus amigos um momento de diálogo. O celular hoje é uma prótese, não conseguimos mais viver sem, mas temos que saber utilizar.
A outra coisa que percebemos, especialmente em sala de aula, quando o aluno mexe no celular, é que não ficamos inteiros nas relações. Ficamos divididos quando estamos em uma conversa presencial e pegamos o celular para checar as mensagens do WhatsApp.
Cada vez mais vamos às mídias sociais em busca de um igual, de uma identidade que venha a nos confortar. E, na maioria das vezes, eu percebo que as mídias sociais vieram anestesiar as pessoas.
Como fica o limite entre trabalho e lazer, já que as demandas por WhatsApp e e-mail extrapolam o horário comercial?
O Brasil é um dos campeões mundiais em tempo de permanência na internet: está em terceiro lugar. O internauta brasileiro fica, em média, nove horas e 14 minutos por dia conectado. O número, levantado pela Hootsuite e We Are Social
reinteractive.com reinteractive.com
Download this free e-book to learn how.
ifenglishthenlogic.blogspot.com ifenglishthenlogic.blogspot.com
Fans of e-readers and e-books are a point down in the print v digital reading debate. E-books make a poor background in Zoom meetings.
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Lo, C., Mani, N., Kartushina, N., Mayor, J., & Hermes, J. (2021, February 11). e-Babylab: An Open-source Browser-based Tool for Unmoderated Online Developmental Studies. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/u73sy
www.bloomsburycollections.com www.bloomsburycollections.com
Electronic literature as DH
librobianco-responsive-city-fpa-2020.readthedocs.io librobianco-responsive-city-fpa-2020.readthedocs.io
Gli strumenti individuati per consolidare nel futuro una relazione più articolata, empatica e di prossimità tra amministrazione e cittadinanza attengono soprattutto a: abilitazione di strumenti di monitoraggio e gestione delle fragilità sociali e funzionali del sistema cittadino; attivazione di reti permanenti di collaborazione con operatori e stakeholder del territorio per il supporto alla popolazione più vulnerabile; attivazione di portali unici per l’informazione alla cittadinanza sui servizi e le agevolazioni disponibili, interoperabili con altre piattaforme abilitanti per la finalizzazione delle domande.
Premesso che è ottima la lista degli "strumenti individuati", nel contempo ritengo che sia necessario l'esercizio di specificare i progetti, le iniziative che si intendono proporre e perseguire proprio per dare contenuto e finalizzazione alle "lesson learned", ovvero all'esperienza fatta nell'ultimo anno. E magari partendo da ciò che già esiste sul territorio, come la Tessera Salvavita per i Senzatetto o la Busta Rossa del Municipio di Milano e di Cinisello Balsamo.
- Jan 2021
www-nature-com.ezproxy.rice.edu www-nature-com.ezproxy.rice.edu
We have identified several safe insertion regions (SIRs) within E. coli MG1655 that do not contain any known genes or regulatory regions
- Dec 2020
elearning.uab.pt elearning.uab.ptuntitled1
Phantom emotionsPsychological determinants of emotional experiences on the InternetAzy Barak
- Nov 2020
library.harvard.edu library.harvard.edu
library Harvard
libraries.mit.edu libraries.mit.edu
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es.wikisource.org es.wikisource.org
oxfordmedicine.com oxfordmedicine.com
Oxford Rheumatology Library
Oxford Rheumatology Library
www.rheumatology.org www.rheumatology.org
Rheumatology Image Library
Rheumatology Image Library
bibliotecavirtual.ser.es bibliotecavirtual.ser.esInicio1
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Sociedad Española de Reumatología (SER)
www.reumatologia.sld.cu www.reumatologia.sld.cu
www.facmed.unam.mx www.facmed.unam.mx
Biblioteca de la Facultad de Medicina.
www.instituteofhealthscience.org www.instituteofhealthscience.org
medlinet.amedd.army.mil medlinet.amedd.army.mil
ebiblioteca.org ebiblioteca.org
www.conricyt.mx www.conricyt.mx
- Oct 2020
files.eric.ed.gov files.eric.ed.gov
The authors spend time noting and comparing new perspectives between andragogy and pedagogy. The authors compare teaching strategies and personality types. They conclude by defining several rules observed for e-learning in adult education.
Rating: 7/10
filmhistories.commons.gc.cuny.edu filmhistories.commons.gc.cuny.edu
In the film Hiroshima Mon Amour we are shown some of the fallout from the bombing of Hiroshima, Japan during WW II. We not only see the human and physical carnage from the atomic bomb, we later see the affects of the war go far beyond physical but there are also emotional and psychological effects that are long lasting. The main female character tells us of her own suffering of falling in love with a man who was from the other side of the war. When she is discovered she is punished severely not only by the people of the town but her own parents. She has brought disgrace on her family and for this they cut off her hair and tell people they've sent her away but she is actually being hidden in a basement and it seems that she's being starved or mistreated. She's also fallen into a deep depression from the soldier's death . When she finally confesses this to the Japanese man she has started having an affair with. She loses her sanity a bit again. He slaps her dramatically and she is quickly brought back to reality in a bar. These two contrasting stories of the war in Europe as well as in Japan, speak to the ugliness of war. The Japanese man wasn't their when the bomb was dropped but his family was still affected. Perhaps the director is trying to teach us a lesson, that everyone involved in a war suffers in one way or another. You don't have to be physically affected by the war to experience trauma. The fallout of war can last a lifetime.
www.sciencedirect.com www.sciencedirect.com
This would be another great source for support. The information so far will provide insight on my mixed group of adult learners. It would be helpful in revealing a sort of hidden factor in the learning process.
While individuals use these tools in the hope that their training will improve their performance, this relationship is not a given. This paper proposes that an individual's level of digital literacy affects her performance through its impact on her performance and effort expectations. To explain the influence of digital li
This is the very reason I selected this paper. Digital literacy is also a factor in determining one's technological acumen.
Adult learning theories are not just a collection of jargons, concepts, and ideas about how adults learn. These theories help you plan your course during conception, development, and execution, in a way that will facilitate the learning process.
Outlines adult learning "theories": Andragogy, Transformational Learning, and Experiential Learning, and states that they are important to educational designers, but doesn't really connect them to instructional design, let alone e-design. 3/10
Vicariously Through Impressio
In addition to this passage from The Geography of Plants, Humboldt, in his book, Cosmos, references impressionist art, i.e., European landscape painting, poetry, and plant cultivation. He writes, "I regard it as one of the fairest fruits of general European civilization that it is now almost everywhere possible for men to obtain-by the cultivation of exotic plants, by the charm of landscape painting, and by the power of the inspiration of language,- some part, at least, of that enjoyment of nature, which, when pursued by long and dangerous journeys through the interior of continents, is afforded by her immediate contemplation" (Humboldt, 100).
Humboldt, Alexander V. Cosmos, 7th ed. London: John Murray, Albemarle Street, 1849.
Both passages embody centralized globalization. Humboldt writes of cultural globalization specifically by describing exploration and translation of experience to an art form for the common man to experience. What is written of less is the concurrent economic and political globalization occurring as explorers (botanists included) extract people, plants, and animals from places of origin either literally or symbolically (in art) and colonizing or dominating the plant species Humboldt so lovingly mentions. Praise of impression of natural ephemeral qualities is especially interesting to read about in the current time of a pandemic when our only access to lands unbeknownst to us is through the image- rather written or seen, we are quite literally the man isolated in this passage.
Jane Hutton refers to Humboldt's exploitation of the guano for the intention of scientific analysis in France in the early 1800s- like we have spoken of Francis Bacon's dissection/ research approach to the ecological phenomenon, Humboldt's "analysis" turning into globalized trade is another example of the evolution of human detachment and compartmentalization of the earth.
Hutton, Jane. Reciprocal Landscapes: Stories of Material Movements. London: Routledge, 2019.
E. O. Wilson was quoted in an interview with PBS, saying, "Children who learn about nature solely from television and computers are not developing fully', Wilson argues. 'They need to experience wildlife firsthand, like this child holding a snail." Wilson focuses on children's upbringing in the time of technology, suburbia, and "soccer moms." He compares children absorbed in technology to cattle in a feedlot. However, both species are content in their spaces; they are not fully the species that they have the potential to be. They are not in their most natural environment. He claims that this comparison is quite extreme. Wilson claims that children are perfectly content experiencing African wildlife or even dinosaurs from a computer screen where they cannot fully develop the sense of discovery and physiological euphoria experienced in the wild on their own. I see this thought translating not only to children but to all people, post-Globalization. One can go to an art museum or botanical garden and experience what they might imagine the actual wilderness may feel. We live now, more than ever, in an imaginative world that debilitates us from actually experiencing the earth.
"A Conversation With E.O. Wilson." PBS: Public Broadcasting Service. Last modified April 1, 2008. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/article/conversation-eo-wilson/.
arxiv.org arxiv.org
Yuan, Yuan, Muzhi Guan, Zhilun Zhou, Sundong Kim, Meeyoung Cha, and Yong Li. ‘Disruption in the Chinese E-Commerce During COVID-19:A Case Study of the Beidian Platform’. ArXiv:2009.14605 [Physics], 22 July 2020. http://arxiv.org/abs/2009.14605.
The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) includes discarded CRT monitors in its category of “hazardous household waste”.
And legally, cannot be discarded in a landfill. Rather, is sold to "recycling" companies or sent to other countries.
Computers and entertainment centers and other electrical appliances convert the alternating current they are receiving to direct current which the equipment will use to power its activities using less electricity
It seems unlikely that broken and unused appliances are still creating electromagnetic waves.
- Sep 2020
www.library.wisc.edu www.library.wisc.edu
www.library.illinois.edu www.library.illinois.edu
www.uib.no www.uib.noBiology1
nbviewer.jupyter.org nbviewer.jupyter.org
Currents from 100 to 200 milliamperes generally cause death because the heart usually goes into fibrillation, a condition in which the heart begins to “quiver” and the pumping action stops. Currents above 200 milliamperes cause the heart to squeeze shut. When the current is removed, the heart usually returns to a normal pumping action.
Que03 and Que04
- Jul 2020
www.nber.org www.nber.org
Chang, H.-H., & Meyerhoefer, C. (2020). COVID-19 and the Demand for Online Food Shopping Services: Empirical Evidence from Taiwan (Working Paper No. 27427; Working Paper Series). National Bureau of Economic Research. https://doi.org/10.3386/w27427
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Händel, M., Bedenlier, S., Gläser-Zikuda, M., Kammerl, R., Kopp, B., & Ziegler, A. (2020). Do Students have the Means to Learn During the Coronavirus Pandemic? Student Demands for Distance Learning in a Suddenly Digital Landscape [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/5ngm9
lejournal.cnrs.fr lejournal.cnrs.fr
Mais cela ne risque-t-il pas, à terme, d’affaiblir notre mémoire ?
On suppose qu'il s'agit d'une mémoir à long terme. D'autre recherche montre que le mémoire de travail et de sequentiel s'améloire en utilisant l'Internet.
- Jun 2020
theplosblog.plos.org theplosblog.plos.org
Yeolekar, M. (2020, April 30). The Digital Migration: Lessons About Open Science Arising from the COVID19 Crisis. The Official PLOS Blog. https://theplosblog.plos.org/2020/04/the-digital-migration-lessons-about-open-science-arising-from-the-covid19-crisis/
- May 2020
www.smartcitiesdive.com www.smartcitiesdive.com
Miami pilots e-cargo bikes to reduce congestion, pollution. (n.d.). Smart Cities Dive. Retrieved May 25, 2020, from https://www.smartcitiesdive.com/news/miami-e-cargo-bike-pilot-dhl-city-congestion-pollution/578115/
edtechmagazine.com edtechmagazine.com
Castelo, M. (2020 April 15). 4 Cyberhygiene Practices for Secure Remote Learning. EdTech. edtechmagazine.com/k12/article/2020/04/4-cyberhygiene-practices-secure-remote-learning
blogs.sciences-po.fr blogs.sciences-po.fr
Vincent Berger a insisté pour sa part sur l’impact du numérique à l’Université.
Vincent Berger présente les avantages de la pédagogie numérique en plusieurs arguments. Dans leur majorité ces arguments sont dialectiques Pro et épistémiques comparatifs car il s'agit pour l'auteur de défendre les bénéfices de l'enseignement en ligne contre le système éducatif classique en présentiel.
- Apr 2020
www.lorentzcenter.nl www.lorentzcenter.nl
Center for Scientific Workshops in All Disciplines—Lorentz-eScience Competition. (n.d.). Retrieved April 16, 2020, from https://www.lorentzcenter.nl/lorentz-escience-competition.html
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
jb.asm.org jb.asm.org
Promoter, terminator, and operator sites should be indicated as described by Bachmann and Low
For operon abcDEF, in which abcD is the first gene transcribed, the naming would be abcDo (operator), abcDp (promoter), abcDe(leader), abcDa (attenuator), andabcDi (initiator) Linkage map of E.coli K12 - Edition 6
www.multiplikatoren-projekt.peoplemanagement.uni-muenchen.de www.multiplikatoren-projekt.peoplemanagement.uni-muenchen.de
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- Mar 2020
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www.pequotlibrary.org www.pequotlibrary.org
- Jan 2020
www.statista.com www.statista.com
Online revenue in the Ride Hailing market in the United Kingdom from 2017 to 2023,