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- leadership
- public health measures
- social distancing
- identity leadership
- policy
- interdependence
- collective response
- engagement
- responsibility
- punishment
- mandate
- UK
- public
- ventilation
- societal level
- risk
- society
- mitigation
- vaccination programme
- common sense
- laissez faire leadership
- safety
- lang:en
- psychology
- coercive leadership
- COVID-19
- strategy
- authority
- coercion
- is:blog
prospect.org prospect.org
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- school
- homeschooling
- Omicron
- economic oppression
- ventilation
- systemic racism
- online learning
- in-person schooling
- economy
- safety
- is:webpage
- transmission
- disparity
- multigenerational family structure
- mortality
- white supremacy
- work from home
- paediatric hospitalization
- exposure
- people of colour
- race
- school closure
- remote learning
- low-income
- risk
- vaccine
- children
- lang:en
- perception
- priviledge
- COVID-19
- virtual learning
- education
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- healthcare worker
- management
- workplace safety
- UK
- protection
- funding
- government
- is:blog
- risk
- global
- lang:en
- mortality
- mental health
- COVID-19
- Asia
- long-term
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- vaccine effectiveness
- misconception
- young people
- anti-vaccine
- public confidence
- infodemic
- vaccine confidence
- trust
- campaign
- vaccination rate
- social media
- data
- risk
- online
- vaccine
- safety
- lang:en
- is:webpage
- immunization
- speaking engagement
- disinformation
- misinformation
- mortality
- COVID-19
- health information
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- risk perception
- health threat
- vaccine hesitancy
- young people
- anti-vaccine
- herd immunity
- vaccination uptake
- adolescence
- UK
- protection
- government
- statistics
- infection rate
- vaccine
- children
- safety
- lang:en
- transmission
- side effects
- mortality
- COVID-19
- hospitalization
- is:blog
- public health authority
royalsocietypublishing.org royalsocietypublishing.org
Wolfe, K., Sirota, M., & Clarke, A. D. F. (n.d.). Age differences in COVID-19 risk-taking, and the relationship with risk attitude and numerical ability. Royal Society Open Science, 8(9), 201445. https://doi.org/10.1098/rsos.201445
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- risk assessment
- work exposure
- inequality
- resources
- travel
- UK
- government
- ventilation
- protection
- frontline staff
- hospitalization
- face mask
- People's Covid Inquiry
- risk
- key worker
- response
- safety
- lang:en
- transmission
- London underground
- mental health
- wellbeing
- COVID-19
- public transport
- is:blog
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- prevention
- is:news
- safety measure
- office
- vaccine
- anxiety
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- transmission
- ventilation
- COVID-19
- shared work space
- workplace
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- risk perception
- science
- anti-vaccine
- vaccine
- children
- lang:en
- safety
- is:webpage
- heart inflammation
- data
- COVID-19
- myocarditis
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How can we help our students feel safe?
I feel like this question needs to be asked more. We talk about our classrooms as being places where it should be "safe" to take risks and to fail, but it's not enough for us to assert it, and I'd argue not enough for us to implement only the policies which would address our own concerns. We really have to ask how our students perceive their safety.
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- request
- video
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- protective equipment
- lang:en
- safety
- transmission
- bus driver
- concern
- COVID-19
- public health
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