444 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2021
    1. this game is - well not exactly bad, but it also isn't a very good game of the genre - there are some riddles and puzzles that can give you quite the headache. I like hard puzzles, I like games where all isn't quite obvious - but I also like a barrier-free gaming experience.
  2. Mar 2021
    1. One person writing a tweet would still qualify for free-speech protections—but a million bot accounts pretending to be real people and distorting debate in the public square would not.

      Do bots have or deserve the right to not only free speech, but free reach?

    1. The repository also contains the datasets used in our experiments, in JSON format. These are in the data folder.
    1. restrictions on free speech

      Restrictions of free speech on the internet occur in the US and are not limited to the examples provided here. Have you encountered, experienced or read about restrictions on internet based speech lately? Examples

    1. Nothing about the Unix Philosophy explicitly relates to a culture of software sharing. However, it should be no mystery that it comes from the software community where we argue at length about the best way to make our programs properly Free. Software that is developed according to these principles is easier to share, reuse, repurpose, and maintain.
    1. Try before you buy Here's a link to the game on Tabletopia: Judean Hammer on Tabletopia
    1. If you want to try playing to see how these pieces work in the game, you can playtest it on the Iishogi.org site (https://lishogi.org/).  Last year the Iishogi designer asked me to register the Design SHOGI pieces on their site.  This Iishogi.org is a free to play Shogi website.  I was willing to give them permission to use them.  You are free to play and switch pieces design from the piece variation section.  If you register your ID, then you can play vs the A.I. easily.  You can learn how the Design SHOGI pieces work there.
    1. Lori Morimoto, a fandom academic who was involved in the earlier discussion, didn’t mince words about the inherent hypocrisy of the controversy around STWW. “The discussions of the fic were absolutely riddled with people saying they wished you could block and/or ban certain users and fics on AO3 altogether because this is obnoxious,” she wrote to me in an email, “and nowhere (that I can see) is there anyone chiming in to say, ‘BUT FREE SPEECH!!!’” Morimoto continued: But when people suggest the same thing based on racist works and users, suddenly everything is about freedom of speech and how banning is bad. When it’s about racism, every apologist under the sun puts in an appearance to fight for our rights to be racist assholes, but if it’s about making the reading experience less enjoyable (which is basically what this is — it’s obnoxious, but not particularly harmful except to other works’ ability to be seen), then suddenly our overwhelming concern with free speech seems to just disappear in a poof of nothingness.

      This is an interesting example of people papering around allowing racism in favor of free speech.

  3. Feb 2021
    1. Elections are only democratic if they are truly free and fair. This requires the freedom to advocate, associate, contest, and campaign.

      what makes a true democracy

    1. Testing your open source projects will always be free! Seriously. Always. We like to think of it as our way of giving back to a community that connects so many people.
  4. www.kickstarter.com www.kickstarter.com
    1. The author will offer presentation/game sessions on Tabletopia, in French and English. In addition, the game will be freely available for players on Tabletopia as soon as the written rules are available.
    1. What is the opposite of free content?

      The opposite of free/open-source software is proprietary software or non-free software (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proprietary_software).

      So should we call the opposite of free content "non-free content"? Or "proprietary content"?

      Seems likes either would be fine.

      Looks like https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Non-free_content prefers the term "non-free content".

      Couldn't find anyone contrasting these 2 terms (like I could no doubt find for software):

      Not to be confused with:

      • paid content ... just like:
      • free content should not be confused with gratis content (?)
      • free software should not be confused with freeware
    2. A free cultural work (free content) is, according to the definition of Free Cultural Works, one that has no significant legal restriction on people's freedom to: use the content and benefit from using it, study the content and apply what is learned, make and distribute copies of the content, change and improve the content and distribute these derivative works.
    3. A free cultural work (free content) is, according to the definition of Free Cultural Works, one that has no significant legal restriction on people's freedom to:
    4. A free content, libre content, or free information, is any kind of functional work, work of art, or other creative content that meets the definition of a free cultural work.
    1. The Definition of Free Cultural Works is a definition of free content from 2006. The project evaluates and recommends compatible free content licenses.
  5. Jan 2021
    1. When any system is replaced by another, as in the Soviet system of command being replaced by a market system, the new system will require appropriate institutions. The dogmatic view on free markets is the view that such institutions would emerge of their own accord without the visible hand of government.
    2. free market argument. The belief that the emergence of such institutions requires deliberate planning amounts to the pragmatic free market argument. The requisite institutions have to be created by the visible hand of government.

      Further explanation of the difference behind pragmatic and dogmatic free market.

    3. We have thus an example in which the hand behind the invisible hand is visible, in line, therefore, with Mittermaier’s presentation of the pragmatic view in which humans deliberately decide upon an institutional framework within which an invisible hand is supposed to operate. If, however, we were to argue that the appropriate institutional arrangements would have emerged of their own accord, in other words without such planning, Mittermaier would classify us among the ranks of the dogmatic free marketeers. For a dogmatic free marketeer, the hand behind the invisible hand is also invisible.

      The difference behind a pragmatic and dogmatic free market - in a pragmatic market - the hand behind the invisible hand is visible, whereas in a dogmatic market - the hand behind the invisible hand is also invisible.

    4. Two hands appear in Mittermaier’s title and at least one is invisible. Is the other also invisible? By considering answers to the question, Mittermaier classifies a stance on the free market as either dogmatic or pragmatic.

      What is considered a dogmatic market? What is considered a pragmatic market?

    5. Mittermaier asks the question, does the institutional setup also emerge spontaneously via an invisible hand? As the 1996 watershed year specification makes clear, a decision was made to insist on arrangements deliberated upon with an idea to prevent chaos. In other words, in terms of Mittermaier’s argument we could say that in the case of the Burning Man event, the hand behind the invisible hand is visible, which amounts to a pragmatic rather than a dogmatic stance on the emergence of the institutions involved.

      In the initial highlights I asked the question of what a pragmatic stance on the free market doctrine means and this highlights a general answer to my question.

    1. If it is powerful and reliable, that means it serves them better.

      software is often oriented towards performance as primary (if not only) criterium, it is developed through a performance-centric lens.

      other cultural, social, ethical factors are ignored or not taken into account

  6. Dec 2020
    1. It is clear from Bandura’s theory that individuals have the capacity to make their own choices and that several factors influence these choices

      Is there a conflict here with the notion of free will (i.e. that we don't have any)? See Dennet, Harris, Coyne for alternative positions to the notion that we have any agency i.e. that in any situation we could have done something other.



  7. Nov 2020
    1. Express - 19 $ 🏃‍♀️ Skip the Review Queue 🕒 Published in 3 days 💌 Full Customer Support 💚 Support the team

      Wow, after seeing how this site works, I don't like much like it anymore.

      Esp. this below:

      Choose your preferred publish date - 9 $ Feature your project on top for 14 days and get an additional tweet - 19 $

      I hope there is/will be soon a more open/free alternative (like the "awesome" lists that use GitHub PRs instead of an opaque/proprietary submisison form).

    1. hub.cards allows you to create and design your next modern business card for free. Our newly developed editor is like no other on the web and makes all your creative dreams come true. If you're not a creative genius, you can choose from thousands of templates to create an appealing card.

      Best free editor for creating business cards. Digital & physical ones.

  8. Oct 2020
    1. We get a boilerplate-free API where shared state has the same simple get/set interface as React local state (yet can be encapsulated with reducers etc. if needed).
    1. Many of the book’s essayists defend freedom of expression over freedom from obscenity. Says Rabbi Arthur Lelyveld (father of Joseph, who would become executive editor of The New York Times): “Freedom of expression, if it is to be meaningful at all, must include freedom for ‘that which we loathe,’ for it is obvious that it is no great virtue and presents no great difficulty for one to accord freedom to what we approve or to that to which we are indifferent.” I hear too few voices today defending speech of which they disapprove.

      I might take issue with this statement and possibly a piece of Jarvis' argument here. I agree that it's moral panic that there could be such a thing as "too much speech" because humans have a hard limit for how much they can individually consume.

      The issue I see is that while anyone can say almost anything, the problem becomes when a handful of monopolistic players like Facebook or YouTube can use algorithms to programattically entice people to click on and consume fringe content in mass quantities and that subtly, but assuredly nudges the populace and electorate in an unnatural direction. Most of the history of human society and interaction has long tended toward a centralizing consensus in which we can manage to cohere. The large scale effects of algorithmic-based companies putting a heavy hand on the scales are sure to create unintended consequences and they're able to do it at scales that the Johnson and Nixon administrations only wish they had access to.

      If we look at as an analogy to the evolution of weaponry, I might suggest we've just passed the border of single shot handguns and into the era of machine guns. What is society to do when the next evolution occurs into the era of social media atomic weapons?

    1. Anomie (/ˈænəˌmi/) is a "condition in which society provides little moral guidance to individuals".[1] It is the breakdown of social bonds between an individual and the community, e.g., under unruly scenarios resulting in fragmentation of social identity and rejection of self-regulatory values.

      I can't help but see this definition and think it needs to be applied to economics immediately. In particular I can think of a few quick examples of economic anomie which are artificially covering up a free market and causing issues within individual communities.

      College Textbooks: Here publishers are marketing to professors who assign particular textbooks and subverting students which are the actual market and consumers of those textbooks. This causes an inflated market and has allowed textbook prices to spiral out of control.

      The American Health Care Market In this example, the health care providers (doctors, hospitals, etc.) have been segmented away from their consumers (patients) by intermediary insurance companies which are driving the market to their own good rather than a free-er set of smaller (and importantly local) markets that would be composed of just the sellers and the buyers. As a result, the consumer of health care has no ability to put a particular price on what they're receiving (and typically they rarely ever ask, even more so when they have insurance). This type of economic anomie is causing terrific havoc within the area.

      (Aside: while the majority of health care markets is very small in size (by distance), I will submit that the advent of medical tourism does a bit to widen potential markets, but this segment of the market is tiny and very privileged in comparison.)

    1. But that state of consciousness that permits the growth of liberalism seems to stabilize in the way one would expect at the end of history if it is underwritten by the abundance of a modern free market economy.

      Writers spend an awful lot of time focused too carefully on the free market economy, but don't acknowledge a lot of the major benefits of the non-free market parts which are undertaken and executed often by governments and regulatory environments. (Hacker & Pierson, 2016)

    1. Refusing advertising is refusing to privilege moneyed speech. The increasing equation of money with speech—that is, those with the most money can be the loudest and most persistent voices in contemporary media—is denied when advertising is refused.
    1. DURING the middle decades of the eighteenth century, the nature of Northern slavery changed dramatically. Growing demand for labor,

      Free labor became popular in the North, so they started bringing more people from Africa.

    1. The Indian government is pushing a bold proposal that would make scholarly literature accessible for free to everyone in the country

      "... accessible for free ..."

      open access sampai hari ini memang hanya diartikan sebagai membuat artikel ilmiah dapat diunduh dengan membayar APC atau dikenal sebagai modus Gold OA.

      Artikel oleh Peter Suber ini menjelaskan bahwa OA tidak hanya bisa dilakukan melalui jurnal Gold OA.

  9. Sep 2020
    1. Therefore, part of the job of the quarantine-net is to safeguard the amounts of negative-polarity stimulus that gets in so that humans “are not hindered from free choice.” Orion can still get in but only to the degree allowed by karma and calling.

      This reminds me of the action of breathing and "free-will". We can freely choose to "STOP BREATHING". But to continue living in third density our bodies must breath and will KICK IN and automatically breath even if the brain has to make us black out to resume breathing!

    1. two of my wearied countrymen, who were chained together (I was near them at the time), preferring death to such a life of misery, somehow made through the nettings, and jumped into the sea: immediately another quite dejected fellow, who, on account of his illness, was suffered to be out of irons, also followed their example; and I believe many more would soon have done the same, if they had not been prevented by the ship’s crew, who were instantly alarmed.

      These men unfortunately preferred to die and jump over the boat into the treacherous waters of the sea. Equiano also wanted to jump as well, but the ship's crew caught wind of what they were attempting to do and stopped him. This makes me so upset. I cannot imagine ever being in this position and so scared for the unknown future.

  10. Aug 2020
    1. Stallman has also stated that considering the practical advantages of free software is like considering the practical advantages of not being handcuffed, in that it is not necessary for an individual to consider practical reasons in order to realize that being handcuffed is undesirable in itself.
    2. Free software thus differs from: proprietary software, such as Microsoft Office, Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides or iWork from Apple. Users cannot study, change, and share their source code. freeware, which is a category of proprietary software that does not require payment for basic use.
    1. GitLab is moving all development for both GitLab Community Edition and Enterprise Edition into a single codebase. The current gitlab-ce repository will become a read-only mirror, without any proprietary code. All development is moved to the current gitlab-ee repository, which we will rename to just gitlab in the coming weeks. As part of this migration, issues will be moved to the current gitlab-ee project.
    2. How does the licensing work in this new setup? Everything in the ee/ directory is proprietary. Everything else is free and open source software. If your merge request does not change anything in the ee/ directory, the process of contributing changes is the same as when using the gitlab-ce repository.
  11. Jul 2020
  12. Jun 2020
    1. Just as journalists should be able to write about anything they want, comedians should be able to do the same and tell jokes about anything they please

      where's the line though? every output generates a feedback loop with the hivemind, turning into input to ourselves with our cracking, overwhelmed, filters

      it's unrealistic to wish everyone to see jokes are jokes, to rely on journalists to generate unbiased facts, and politicians as self serving leeches, err that's my bias speaking

  13. May 2020
    1. The administration and its allies fear that the more people gravitate toward the successful, free-market self-insurance approach, the worse their government-engineered health “reform” will look. We’re already seeing the beginning of this trend.
    1. Requested Dormant Username Enter the username you would like to request, without the preceding URL (e.g., "User" instead of "gitlab.com/User")

      Problem Type: Dormant Username Requests

    1. The GitLab.com support team does offer support for: Account specific issues (unable to log in, GDPR, etc.) Broken features/states for specific users or repositories Issues with GitLab.com availability
    2. Technical and general support for those using our free options is “Community First”. Like many other free SaaS products, users are first directed to find support in community sources such as the following:
    1. Un convertor BUN spre FOARTE BUN din multe puncte de vedere, dar din păcate fișierul DOCX rezultat NU poate fi paginat după cum vreau eu (ORICÂT m-am chinuit NU am reușit să formatez pagina la A4 și marginile la „normal”=2,5 cm)

    1. Un convertor BUN spre FOARTE BUN din multe puncte de vedere, dar din păcate fișierul DOCX rezultat NU poate fi paginat după cum vreau eu (ORICÂT m-am chinuit NU am reușit să formatez pagina la A4 și marginile la „normal”=2,5 cm)

    1. RAND terms exclude intangible goods which the producer may decide to distribute at no cost and where third parties may make further copies. Take for example a software package that is distributed at no cost and to which the developer wants to add support for a video format which requires a patent licence. If there is a licence which requires a tiny per-copy fee, the software project will not be able to avail of the licence. The licence may be called "(F)RAND", but the modalities discriminate against a whole category of intangible goods such as free software[11] and freeware.[12]
    2. The Free Software Foundation suggests the term "uniform fee only" (UFO) to reflect that such "(F)RAND" licenses are inherently discriminatory.
    1. Features and Capabilities The following list is a short overview of some of the features and capabilities which GIMP offers you: A full suite of painting tools including brushes, a pencil, an airbrush, cloning, etc. Tile-based memory management, so image size is limited only by available disk space Sub-pixel sampling for all paint tools for high-quality anti-aliasing Full Alpha channel support for working with transparency Layers and channels A procedural database for calling internal GIMP functions from external programs, such as Script-Fu Advanced scripting capabilities Multiple undo/redo (limited only by disk space) Transformation tools including rotate, scale, shear and flip Support for a wide range of file formats, including GIF, JPEG, PNG, XPM, TIFF, TGA, MPEG, PS, PDF, PCX, BMP and many others Selection tools, including rectangle, ellipse, free, fuzzy, bezier and intelligent scissors Plug-ins that allow for the easy addition of new file formats and new effect filters.
    1. Introduction         Many are not aware or not very clear about the Copyrights in Music and therefore functioning of Indian Performing Right Society Limited (IPRS). They often ask, “What is the business of IPRS?”          In short, IPRS is to legitimize use of copyrighted Music by Music users by issuing them Licences and collect Royalties from Music Users, for and on behalf of IPRS members i.e. Authors, Composers and Publishers of Music. Royalty thus collected is distributed amongst members after deducting IPRS’s administrative costs. Composers are those who are better known as Music Directors, Authors are better known as Lyricists, Publishers of Music are the Music Companies, or those who hold Publishing Rights of the Musical & Literary Works. Authors and Composers are sometimes referred to as Writers which can mean any or both of them.
  14. Apr 2020
    1. Public Domain Music ( pdmusic.org ) is a place to learn about music and hopefully get inspired to pick up an instrument and start playing. So many people are interested in music, but they think they can’t learn how to play an instrument because it’s too difficult. Or worse, they want to learn how to play an instrument, but they get discouraged in the beginning and never end up following through on their goals.
    1. What is this site all about?This is a community music remixing site featuring remixes and samples licensed under Creative Commons licenses. Music on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons license. You are free to download and sample from music on this site and share the results with anyone, anywhere, anytime. Some songs might have certain restrictions, depending on their specific licenses. Each submission is marked clearly with the license that applies to it. Sometimes, however, a contributor might accidentally upload copyrighted materials he or she doesn’t have permission for. If you know of such a case or are the copyright holder of something posted here without your permission or a Creative Commons license, please let us know. 
    1. What is CPDL? The Choral Public Domain Library (CPDL), is an Internet-based free sheet music website which specializes in choral music. Begun in December 1998, CPDL is one of the world's largest free sheet music sites. The goal of CPDL is to host a large collection of music scores and other supporting files (such as midi or other sound files) which can be freely downloaded and used. Most of the scores on CPDL are modern editions based on older works whose copyright has lapsed (or which are otherwise in the public domain), but some scores are newly composed and offered for download by the composer. The primary goals of CPDL are: To make vocal sheet music available for free. To create a website for public domain music that includes only legally downloadable scores (we operate under United States law). To allow development of a viable collaborative model for sheet music distribution. To publish scores that are not otherwise commercially viable. To create a website that catalogs a large number of other free sheet music websites. To encourage (through the CPDL Bulletin Boards) sharing between lovers of vocal music. As well as scores, you can use CPDL to find texts and lyrics, translations, and information about composers - all available for use under a license such as the CPDL license. In August 2005, CPDL was ported to a wiki system. The following page details the transition:
    1. IMSLP stands for International Music Score Library Project and started on February 16, 2006. It is a project for the creation of a virtual library of public domain music scores based on the wiki principle; it is also more than that. Users can exchange musical ideas through the site, submit their own compositions, or listen to other people's composition; this makes IMSLP an ever-growing musical community of music lovers for music lovers.
    1. FreePD.com - 100% Free Music - Free for Commercial Use, Free Of Royalties, Free Of Attribution, Creative Commons 0 * It is "copyright free" to the extent that the law allows.
    1. bout Freesound What is this site anyway? Freesound aims to create a huge collaborative database of audio snippets, samples, recordings, bleeps, ... released under Creative Commons licenses that allow their reuse. Freesound provides new and interesting ways of accessing these samples, allowing users to: browse the sounds in new ways using keywords, a "sounds-like" type of browsing and more upload and download sounds to and from the database, under the same creative commons license interact with fellow sound-artists! We also aim to create an open database of sounds that can also be used for scientific research and be integrated in third party applications. Using the Freesound API researchers and developers can access Freesound content a retrieve meaningful sound information such as metadata, analysis files and the sounds themselves. See the developers section and the API documentation for more information. Freesound API usage is free for non-commercial use, but it can also be licensed for being used in commercial applications.
    1. About Open Music Archive The Open Music Archive is situated within the current discourse surrounding notions of authorship, ownership and distribution, reanimated by a porting of Free/Libre and Open Source software models to wider creative contexts. The Open Music Archive concerns itself with the public domain and creative works which are not owned by any one individual and are held in common by society as a whole. Under copyright law, a music recording has two automatically assigned property rights: A musical composition has a property right and a recording has a separate and independent property right. These property rights are limited by term. In the UK, the term of copyright in a literary, dramatic, musical or artistic work is limited to the life of the author plus 70 years, while the term of copyright in a sound recording is limited to 50 years from the date of recording. The archive attempts to gather recordings and information about recordings whose proprietary interests have expired and make them accessible to a wider public. Artists Ben White & Eileen Simpson have initiated this project following a series of projects which involved researching and gathering music which has fallen out of copyright. Much of this music, although legally in the public domain, is tied to physical media (for example gramophone records) and locked away in archives or private collections which are not widely accessible. The Open Music Archive aims to digitise as much of this music as possible in order to free it from the constraints of a physical collection. The project aims to share the existing resource and to build a larger archive in open collaboration with others. The archive aims to distribute this music freely, form a site of exchange of knowledge and material, and be a vehicle for future collaborations and distributed projects.
    1. Musopen (www.musopen.org) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit focused on improving access and exposure to music by creating free resources and educational materials. We provide recordings, sheet music, and textbooks to the public for free, without copyright restrictions. Put simply, our mission is to set music free.Musopen is a U.S. registered 501(c)(3) tax-deductible non-profit charity, operating out of Palo Alto, California. To verify our non-profit status, please click this link and search for Musopen.
    1. Scores Available for Adoption These items link to a listing of "tiff" files from a scanned set of printed scores. In several cases, we already have some items from the scores (see below). These items have already been granted copyright clearances. Note that these tend to be fairly large files. Alkan (various scores) Beethoven
    1. The Sheet Music Project From Project Gutenberg, the first producer of free eBooks. Jump to: navigation, search From approximately 2001-2006, Project Gutenberg volunteers were been engaged in digitizing public domain sheet music, using a variety of techniques, to enable study and performance. For the most part, the musical pieces created were chamber music, with composers such as Brahms and Beethoven. This sub-project is no longer active, because there are other efforts that have stronger workflows for sheet music. Project Gutenberg is, mostly, focused on text. Completed scores ready to download and enjoy. The Sheet Music Project In Progress List, including scanned scores ready for transcription. No longer maintained. The Music HOWTO, describing how to get started. No longer maintained. Thanks to ClassicalArchives.com, source of musical performances for many composers, in many formats. ClassicalArchives.com worked with Project Gutenberg on our sheet music project. Project Gutenberg also received a donation from an anonymous family foundation to help start the sheet music project. Interested in other similar projects? We recommend the Mutopia Project, which has many pieces of sheet music.
    1. Free Sheet Music for Everyone 2124 pieces of music – free to download, modify, print, copy, distribute, perform, and record – all in the Public Domain or under Creative Commons licenses, in PDF, MIDI, and editable LilyPond file formats.
    1. The Open Music Archive aims to gather together information about and recordings of public domain music. This is music whose copyright has expired. This music can be used by anyone for any purpose.
    1. How Long Does Copyright Protection Last? How long does a copyright last? The term of copyright for a particular work depends on several factors, including whether it has been published, and, if so, the date of first publication. As a general rule, for works created after January 1, 1978, copyright protection lasts for the life of the author plus an additional 70 years. For an anonymous work, a pseudonymous work, or a work made for hire, the copyright endures for a term of 95 years from the year of its first publication or a term of 120 years from the year of its creation, whichever expires first. For works first published prior to 1978, the term will vary depending on several factors. To determine the length of copyright protection for a particular work, consult chapter 3 of the Copyright Act (title 17 of the United States Code). More information on the term of copyright can be found in Circular 15a, Duration of Copyright, and Circular 1, Copyright Basics. Do I have to renew my copyright? No. Works created on or after January 1, 1978, are not subject to renewal registration. As to works published or registered prior to January 1, 1978, renewal registration is optional after 28 years but does provide certain legal advantages. For information on how to file a renewal application as well as the legal benefit for doing so, see Circular 15, Renewal of Copyright, and Circular 15a, Duration of Copyright.
    1. Autobiography of Andrew Carnegie Andrew CARNEGIE (1835 - 1919) This autobiography of Andrew Carnegie is a very well written and interesting history of one of the most wealthy men in the United states. He was born in Scotland in 1835 and emigrated to America in 1848. Among his many accomplishments and philanthropic works, he was an author, having written, besides this autobiography, Triumphant Democracy (1886; rev. ed. 1893), The Gospel of Wealth, a collection of essays (1900), The Empire of Business (1902), and Problems of To-day (1908)]. Although this autobiography was written in 1919, it was published posthumously in 1920. (Summary by William Tomcho)
    1. About LibriVox LibriVox Objective To make all books in the public domain available, for free, in audio format on the internet. Our Fundamental Principles Librivox is a non-commercial, non-profit and ad-free project Librivox donates its recordings to the public domain Librivox is powered by volunteers Librivox maintains a loose and open structure Librivox welcomes all volunteers from across the globe, in all languages
    1. Project Gutenberg is a library of over 60,000 free eBooks. Choose among free epub and Kindle eBooks, download them or read them online. You will find the world's great literature here, with focus on older works for which U.S. copyright has expired. Thousands of volunteers digitized and diligently proofread the eBooks, for enjoyment and education.
    1. The future of eBooks is not in the production of digital photocopies you can read by the pool. The future of eBooks lies in re-imagining the book as an open, easily accessible, immersive experience; a connected community of discovery. Scott Abel The Content Wrangler
    1. I'm not your personal lookup service And finally, for everyone who contacts me privately and says "but could you just look up my own password", please understand that you're one of many people who ask this. I try and reply to everyone who asks and politely refer them to my previous writing on the subject, but even then, all the time I spend replying to these requests is time I can't spend building out the service, adding more data, earning a living doing other things or spending time with my family. For the last 3 and a half years that I've run HIBP, I've kept all the same features free and highly available as a community service. I want to keep it that way but I have to carefully manage my time in order to do that so in addition to all the reasons already stated above, no, I'm not your personal lookup service.
  15. Mar 2020
    1. Skype is a clear example: when one person uses the non-free Skype client software, it requires another person to use that software too – thus surrendering their freedoms along with yours. (Google Hangouts have the same problem.) We should refuse to use such programs even briefly, even on someone else's computer.

      which should be an alternative solution?

    2. Both non-free software and SaaSS can spy on the user, shackle the user, and even attack the user.
    1. The free software movement is a social movement with the goal of obtaining and guaranteeing certain freedoms for software users, namely the freedom to run the software, to study and change the software, and to redistribute copies with or without changes.
    1. Rojas-Lozano claimed that the second part of Google’s two-part CAPTCHA feature, which requires users to transcribe and type into a box a distorted image of words, letters or numbers before entering its site, is also used to transcribe words that a computer cannot read to assist with Google’s book digitization service. By not disclosing that, she argued, Google was getting free labor from its users.
  16. Feb 2020
  17. Jan 2020
    1. McCarthy next asks: “Who selects what is to be recorded or transmitted to others, since not everything can be recorded?” But now, everything can be recorded and transmitted. That is the new fear: too much speech.
  18. Dec 2019
    1. The beauty of using Google Sheets or another spreadsheet tool for your to do list is that you have so many formatting options. Sometimes I change the color of a cell to indicate that it's high priority. Other times I bold it. And other times I just write IMPORTANT in front of it. Whatever works. But if you like to be more consistent, you can choose colors to indicate specific things: priority, level of effort, type of tasks, or anything else you want to be able to see at a glance. For example, I always highlight a row in blue if I'm going to be out of the office. That way, I don't overschedule the week. And I highlight a row in red if it's a non-negotiable—something I have to do the day it's scheduled because of an external deadline. And because you have text formatting options—which many to do lists don't—you can make your formatting as granular as you'd like. Bold certain types of tasks, italicize others, or even add a border around cells. Whatever stands out to you visually, go with that

      Free-form text formatting has its pros and its cons.

      Pros: It's very flexible. Since it's free-form, you can ad hoc make any new system you want, and designate, say, bold or blue to mean whatever you want it to.

      Cons: No way to enforce the rules you made for yourself. In fact, it may be hard to even remember the rules you made for yourself. You may have to create a key/legend for yourself to be safe.

      This is like why I dislike software where the only way to change font is to manually choose a font. I like it better when you can define a style/class (I think Word can do this, IIRC; and obviously HTML/CSS can), choose how that class should be formatted (font, etc.) and then can style any text with that class. This is a better way to go because classes have semantic meaning. This is the same dilemma I remember facing ~10 years ago when WYM editor was fairly new: It let you select use semantic classes/elements, whereas WYSIWIG editors were the norm (probably still are) and only let you do manual free-form formatting, with no semantic meaning conveyed.

    1. It's not for beginners, but it's extremely flexible once you get a handle on things. If sticking to a system is hard for you, I highly recommend giving this system a try.
    1. There are thousands of to-do list apps out there, in part because no system works perfectly for everyone. I’m not going to say todo.txt is the exception, and that it will work for everyone, because that would be crazy. But todo.txt is the most flexible tool I’ve come across. In part, this is because of the sheer number of clients available, but also because the simplicity lends itself to improvisation.

      First time I've seen improvisation used like this.

    1. The beauty of todo.txt is that it's completely unstructured; the fields you can attach to each task are only limited by your imagination.
    1. The tools are free... ... but support is not. I'm always happy to receive reports of errors or unclear spots in my Tips or tools, but they don't generally include free support. To the extent that you're operating outside your comfort zone, please retain professional advice from either iSystems Technical support, or from an experienced Evolution consultant. I'm available on an hourly basis, or with retainer plans that provided prioritized responses and reduced hourly rates.
  19. Nov 2019
    1. I started this project mainly to explore using a React Native app to build React Native apps. There is a lot missing... I had to abandon while it was in progress since I don't have as much free time any more.
    1. were the peoples of the world to grasp the true significance of the words of God, they would never be deprived of their portion of the ocean of His bounty

      Bounty comes from understanding the words. The Revelation is, firstly, the words (and the spiritual energy they contain).

  20. Oct 2019
  21. Sep 2019
  22. Aug 2019
  23. Jul 2019
    1. Unplanned pregnancies are a significant problem in the United States. According to a 2012 Brookings Institution report, more than 90 percent of abortions occur due to unintended pregnancy.

      This is crucial to realize the importance of this statistic. Up to 90 percent of abortions that occur could be prevented, if we could help lower unintended pregnancies. After doing a lot of research I found that the, about 90 percent of abortions are unintended statistic, is quite accurate and average across America.

  24. Jun 2019
  25. May 2019
  26. Apr 2019
    1. After 4 months of waiting, that is the response I got from Widevine, Google’s DRM for web browsers, regarding a license agreement. For the last 2 years I’ve been working on a web browser that now cannot be completed because Google, the creators of the open source browser Chrome, won’t allow DRM in an open source project.

      Google blocks this open-source web browser as created by Samuel Maddock, because it's open source.

  27. Mar 2019
    1. This page enables one to download the book "How People Learn" for free and allows one to link to related content. This book was not originally written for adult learning but is included here because it is a valuable resource, an entire book provided for free, with immediate relevance to adult learning even if every example, etc. is not based on adult learning. Rating 4/5

    1. Campus Technology magazine This is the website for a magazine that is also published on paper. Articles are freely accessible (a subscription is not required). The design of the page is messy and as with any magazine, the content varies, but the site does give a description of the use of technology in higher education. The same technologies can sometimes be applied in adult learning in general. Rating 4/5

    1. such as scope, simplicity, fruitfulness, accuracy

      Theories can be measured according to multiple metrics. The current default appears to be predictive accuracy, but this lists others, such as scope. If theory A predicts better but narrower and theory B predicts worse (in A's domain) but much more broadly, which is a better theory?

      Others might be related to simplicity and whatnot. For example, if a theory is numerical but not explanatory (such as scaling laws or the results of statistical fitting) this theory might be useful but not satisfying.

  28. Feb 2019
    1. Amazing Article great work go ahead yet hold up hold up pause... I have another article like this observe here

      Amazing Article great work go ahead yet hold up hold up pause... I have another article like this observe here

      Earn Robux.Today is a ROBUX earning website, where Roblox users can earn ROBUX for free!

  29. Dec 2018
    1. play poker

      Play free poker online with the most variant of poker for fun. You can also enjoy the poker game with your family by playing free poker in a private table. Join 9stacks and enjoy the benefits of best offers and promotion on the largest tournament of poker than anywhere else.

  30. Nov 2018
    1. SurveyMonkey

      SurveyMonkey is a FREE survey platform that allows for the collection of responses from targeted individuals that can be easily collected and used to create reports and quantify results. SurveyMonkey can be delivered via email, mobile, chat, web and social media. The platform is easy to use and can be used as an add on for large CRMs such as Salesforce. There are over 100 templates and the ability to develop customized templates to suit your needs. www.surveymonkey.com

      RATING: 5/5 (rating based upon a score system 1 to 5, 1= lowest 5=highest in terms of content, veracity, easiness of use etc.)

  31. Oct 2018
    1. "I am really pleased to see different sites deciding not to privilege aggressors' speech over their targets'," Phillips said. "That tends to be the default position in so many online 'free speech' debates which suggest that if you restrict aggressors' speech, you're doing a disservice to America—a position that doesn't take into account the fact that antagonistic speech infringes on the speech of those who are silenced by that kind of abuse."
    1. Literary association PEN America has filed a lawsuit against Trump for using government power to harass the press.

  32. Sep 2018
    1. For the longest time, we thought that as speech became more democratized, democracy itself would flourish. As more and more people could broadcast their words and opinions, there would be an ever-fiercer battle of ideas—with truth emerging as the winner, stronger from the fight. But in 2018, it is increasingly clear that more speech can in fact threaten democracy. The glut of information we now face, made possible by digital tools and social media platforms, can bury what is true, greatly elevate and amplify misinformation and distract from what is important.
  33. Aug 2018
  34. Jul 2018
    1. But the air! If you stopped to notice, was the air always like this?

      This is one of a handful of examples of "free indirect discourse" or "free indirect style": the impersonal, third-person narrator conveys Laura's thoughts without markers such as "Laura thought" or "Laura said." This narrative mode enables the text to seamlessly move in and out of characters' subjectivities. Would it be possible to write a program to identify instances of free indirect discourse?

  35. Apr 2018
    1. an effective marginal cost of zero

      This aspect of information goods is oft quoted as a distinguishing feature whose existence supports a radically different approach from previous publishing methods.

      It's true that the marginal cost is dramatically decreased with digital publishing. But there's a big difference between "closer to zero than before" and actually zero. The marginal cost of digital information goods is not actually zero. That people are willing to trade their privacy in exchange for someone else bearing the costs of managing information is one piece of evidence of this.

    1. This fall, my colleagues and I released gobo.social, a customizable news aggregator. Gobo presents you with posts from your friends, but also gives you a set of sliders that govern what news you see and what’s hidden from you. Want more serious news, less humor? Move a slider. Need to hear more female voices? Adjust the gender slider, or press the “mute all men” button for a much quieter internet. Gobo currently includes half a dozen ways to tune your news feed, with more to come.

      Gobo, a proof of concept.

  36. Mar 2018
    1. At the moment, several projects in the space are working to adopt new supplementary protocols, with the intent of building better bridges between one another. The proposed development might end up looking like this:<img class="progressiveMedia-noscript js-progressiveMedia-inner" src="https://via.hypothes.is/im_/https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/1600/1*3pEK-Fwq7bNOVcnXfVdNuQ.png">Diaspora at this time has no plans for new protocols, having just significantly upgraded its own. postActiv intends to adopt support for Diaspora federation in a future release. Mastodon just released support for ActivityPub, and Pleroma , Socialhome and GNU Social are thinking of adopting it. Nextcloud is also notably getting into the federation space, and Hubzilla and Friendica will likely both support the ActivityPub protocol as extensions.

      Where we discover that Friendica (and Hubzilla) are clearly the best options for navigating The Free Network.

      It's a shame that the connectivity to Twitter and other non-free networks and services is not better highlighted. It's clearly by being compatible with the non-free networks that the Free Network will win in the end -- by allowing people to escape en masse.

    1. Last month at Portland State University, when biologist Heather Heying made the point that women and men are biologically different, protesters in the audience screamed and excoriated her and tried to damage the sound system before they were removed. “We should not listen to fascism. Nazis are not welcome in civil society,” a protester scowled.

      The belief that sexism is at the root of fascism, although well founded, causes hyperactivists to censor scientists.

  37. Feb 2018
    1. ATTACHMENT 12This will set forth the understanding of the Parties regarding ArticleXX(A), of the Basic Agreement:With respect to a Minor League Player with no existing Major LeagueContract, whose Minor League contract has been assigned to a MajorLeague Club, it is understood that the placing of such a Player on theMajor League Club’s Active Reserve List (40-man Roster) and the ten-dering to such a Player of a Major League Contract without the neces-sity of renewing the Minor League contract will provide the MajorLeague Club with reservation rights to such a Player. Thus, such aPlayer will not become a free agent under Article XX(A)(2)(d), whichprovides that a Player will become a free agent if his Club fails to exer-cise its contract renewal rights, there being no prior Major LeagueContract to renew

      Although relatively minor, this attachment lays out an exception to an earlier portion of the CBA, and in effect further restricts minor league players' access to free agency. If a minor league player who is not currently under any contract is signed by a Major League club, free agency rules would not apply should the club choose not to renew his contract.

    2. E. Individual Nature of Rights

      After multiple consecutive seasons in the 1980s when no free agents received bids from competing clubs, the MLBPA responded by negotiating for this language to be added to the CBA to prevent or at least penalize future collusion against free agents.

      No equivalent or similar protections exist for minor league players, since they are not able to achieve free agent status until achieving a minimum amount of required service time.

    3. (b) There shall be no restriction or interference with the right ofa free agent to negotiate or contract with any baseball club outsidethe structure of organized baseball, nor shall there be any compen-sation paid for the loss of a free agent except as provided for in thisArticle XX(B)

      With foreign professional leagues and independent leagues in the United States growing in financial stability and level of play, the MLBPA made it possible for professional players to negotiate with teams outside the monopoly of Major League Baseball.

    1. With respect to a Minor League Player with no existing Major LeagueContract, whose Minor League contract has been assigned to a MajorLeague Club, it is understood that the placing of such a Player on theMajor League Club’s Active Reserve List (40-man Roster) and the ten-dering to such a Player of a Major League Contract without the neces-sity of renewing the Minor League contract will provide the MajorLeague Club with reservation rights to such a Player. Thus, such aPlayer will not become a free agent under Article XX(A)(2)(d), whichprovides that a Player will become a free agent if his Club fails to exer-cise its contract renewal rights, there being no prior Major LeagueContract to renew.

      Although relatively minor, this attachment lays out an exception to an earlier portion of the CBA, and in effect further restricts minor league players' access to free agency. If a minor league player who is not currently under any contract is signed by a Major League club, free agency rules would not apply should the club choose not to renew his contract.

    2. E. Individual Nature of Rights

      After multiple consecutive seasons in the 1980s when no free agents received bids from competing clubs, the MLBPA responded by negotiating for this language to be added to the CBA to prevent or at least penalize future collusion against free agents.

      No equivalent or similar protections exist for minor league players, since they are not able to achieve free agent status until achieving a minimum amount of required service time.

    3. (b) There shall be no restriction or interference with the right ofa free agent to negotiate or contract with any baseball club outsidethe structure of organized baseball, nor shall there be any compen-sation paid for the loss of a free agent except as provided for in thisSection B

      With foreign professional leagues and independent leagues in the United States growing in financial stability and level of play, the MLBPA made it possible for professional players to negotiate with teams outside the monopoly of Major League Baseball.

    1. E. Individual Nature of Rights

      After multiple consecutive seasons in the 1980s when no free agents received bids from competing clubs, the MLBPA responded by negotiating for this language to be added to the CBA to prevent or at least penalize future collusion against free agents.

      No equivalent or similar protections exist for minor league players, since they are not able to achieve free agent status until achieving a minimum amount of required service time.

    2. b) There shall be no restriction or interference with the right ofa free agent to negotiate or contract with any baseball club outsidethe structure of organized baseball, nor shall there be any compen-sation paid for the loss of a free agent except as provided for in thisSection B

      With foreign professional leagues and independent leagues in the United States growing in financial stability and level of play, the MLBPA made it possible for professional players to negotiate with teams outside the monopoly of Major League Baseball.

    1. E. Individual Nature of Rights

      After multiple consecutive seasons in the 1980s when no free agents received bids from competing clubs, the MLBPA responded by negotiating for this language to be added to the CBA to prevent or at least penalize future collusion against free agents.

    2. (b) There shall be no restriction or interference with the right of a free agent to negotiate or contract with any baseball club outside the structure of organized baseball, nor shall there be any compensation paid for the loss of a free agent except as provided for in this Section B

      With foreign professional leagues and independent leagues in the United States growing in financial stability and level of play, the MLBPA made it possible for professional players to negotiate with teams outside the monopoly of Major League Baseball.

    1. ATTACHMENT 15 This will set forth the understanding of the parties regarding Article XX(A), of the Basic Agreement: With respect to a National Association Player with no existing Ma-jor League Contract, whose National Association Contract has been assigned to a Major League Club, it is understood that the placing of such a Player on the Major League Club's Active Reserve List (40-man Roster) and the tendering to such a Player of a Major League Contract without the necessity of renewing the National Association Contract will provide the Major League Club with reservation rights to such a Player. Thus, such a Player will not become a free agent under Article XX(A)(2)(d), which provides that a Player will become a free agent if his Club fails to exercise its contract renewal rights, there being no prior Major League Contract to renew.

      Although relatively minor, this attachment lays out an exception to an earlier portion of the CBA, and in effect further restricts minor league players' access to free agency. If a minor league player who is not currently under any contract is signed by a Major League club, free agency rules would not apply should the club choose not to renew his contract.

    2. F. Individual Nature of Rights

      After multiple consecutive seasons in the 1980s when no free agents received bids from competing clubs, the MLBPA responded by negotiating for this language to be added to the CBA to prevent or at least penalize future collusion against free agents.

    1. G. Outright Assignment to National Association Club ( 1) Election of Free Agency. (a) Any Player who has at least 3 years of Major League service and whose contract is assigned outright to a National Association Club may elect, in lieu of accept-ing such assignment, to become a free agent. ( b) In the event that such Player does not elect free agency in lieu of accepting such assignment, he may eleot free agency between the end of the then current Major League season and the next following October 15, unless such Player is returned to a Major League roster prior to making such election. ( 2) A Player who becomes a free agent under this Section G shall immediately be eligible to negotiate and contract with any Club without any restrictions or qualifications. Such Player shall not be entitled to receive termination pay. Such a free agent shall receive transportation and travel expenses in the same manner as he would if he had been unconditionally released except he shall be limited to receiving travel expenses to his new club if he reports to it directly, provided such expenses are less than to his home city. ( 3) Procedure. Not earlier than 4 days0 prior to the contem-plated date of an outright assignment, the Club shall give written notice to the Player, with a copy to the Players Association, which shall advise the Player that he may either (a) accept the assign-ment or ( b) elect to become a free agent, and that in the event he accepts the assignment, he may elect free ,agency between the end of the then current Major League season iand the next following October 15, unless he is returned to a Major League roster prior to making such election. The Player shall also be informed in the notice that, within 3 days0 after the date of the notice, he must advise the Club in writing as to his decision whether to accept the assignment. If the Club fails to give written notice, as set forth herein, to the Player prior to the date of such assignment, the Player may, at any time, elect to become a free agent pursuant to this Section G, provided, however, that if the Club subsequently gives such written notice to the Player, he shall, within 3 days0 thereafter, advise the Club in writing as to his decision

      However, the salary protections and playing time incentives included in free agency procedures did not include any immediate substantive changes for minor league players who had not achieved the minimum service time to be eligible as free agents. In this sub-article, only Major League players with the required minimum service time who are assigned to a minor league team are eligible to declare as free agents.

    1. F. Outright Assignment to National Association Club (I) Election of Free Agency. Any Player who has at least 3 years of Major League service and whose contract is assigned out-right to a National Association Club may elect, in lieu of accepting such assignment, to become a free agent. A Player who becomes a free agent under this Section F shall immediately be eligible to negotiate and contract with any Club without any restrictions or qualifications. Such Player shall not be entitled to receive termina-tion pay. Such a free agent shall receive transportation and travel expenses in the same manner as he would if he had been uncondi-tionally released except he shall he limited to receiving travel ex-penses to his new club if he reports to it directly, provided such expenses are less than to his home city. ( 2) Procedure. Not earlier than 4 days0 prior to the contem-plated date of an outright assignment, the Club shall give written notice to the Player, with a copy to the Players Association, which shall advise the Player that he may either (a) accept the assign-ment or (b) elect to become a free agent. The Player shall also be informed in the notice that, within 3 days0 after the date of the notice, he must advise the Club in writing as to his decision. If the Club fails to give written notice, as set forth herein, to the Player prior to the date of such assignment, the Player may, at any time, elect to become a free agent pursuant to this Section F, provided, however, that if the Club subsequently gives such written notice to the Player, he shall, within 3 days°' thereafter, advise the Club in writing as to his decision.

      However, the salary protections and playing time incentives included in free agency procedures did not include any immediate substantive changes for minor league players who had not achieved the minimum service time to be eligible as free agents. In this sub-article, only Major League players with the required minimum service time who are assigned to a minor league team are eligible to declare as free agents.

    1. Regardless of any provision herein to the contrary, this Agreement does not deal with the reserve system. The parties have differing views as to the legality and as to the merits of such system as presently constituted. This Agreement shall in no way prejudice the position or legal rights of the Parties or of any Player regarding the reserve system. It is agreed that until the final and unappealable adjudication ( or voluntary discontin-uance) of Flood v. Kuhn et al., now pending in the federal district court of the Southern District of New York, neither of the Parties will resort to any form of concerted action with respect to the issue of the reserve system, and there shall be no obligation to nego-tiate with respect to the reserve system. Upon the final and unappealable adjudication (or voluntary discontinuance) of Flood v. Kuhn et al., either Party shall have the right to reopen negotiations on the issue of the reserve system as follows:

      While this CBA was being negotiated, the result of Curt Flood's legal battle for free agency rights was yet undetermined. The ultimate success of the MLBPA in securing free agency for players would radically transform the conditions of labor in Major League Baseball, while also further complicating the legal status and financial stakes of minor league baseball labor.

    1. “These are unprecedented, brazen acts of censorship by a corporate monopoly that controls a primary channel of public communication,” said Nehlen, who’s running against Ryan in the GOP congressional primaries in Wisconsin. “It has severely compromised the integrity of our election processes, and Congress needs to hold public hearings and conduct a full investigation into these matters without delay.”

      This language is ripe for studying.

  38. Nov 2017
    1. And I see no good reason why we should require the production of educators and students to be fair game for resellers who want to pluck it for free out of the commons and charge money for it to those not lucky enough to be a part of our community.

      To many a student, the notion that somebody else could profit from their “free labour” is particularly offputting. Including (or especially) those who prepare to become the heads of commercial entities.

    1. Publishers can compete with free textbooks by making their more-restrictive-than-all-right-reserved offerings 70% more affordable.

      Sounds a bit like what Clay Shirky was trying to say about the Napster moment coming to Higher Education, five years ago. Skimmed the critique of Shirky’s piece and was mostly nodding in agreement with it. But there might be a discussion about industries having learnt from the Napster moment. After all, the recording industry has been able to withstand this pressure for close to twenty years. Also sounds like this could be a corollary to Chris Anderson’s (in)famous promotion of the “free” (as in profit) model for businesses, almost ten years ago. In other words, we might live another reshaping of “free” in the next 9-10 years.

    1. “free” as in “free and unfettered markets”
    2. Everyone has a right to free speech, but in practice many individuals have very little access to free speech. When we try to address this on platforms, by clamping down on things like harassment or bots, it’s portrayed as “curtailing” free speech, in the same way that making the rich pay more tax or follow regulations is seen by conservatives as “curtailing” economic opportunity.

  39. Oct 2017
    1. The abuse is the free speech issue. Kicking Nazis off of Twitter reduces the platform of a small number of people who are using that platform to terrify and silence others. Leaving them on suppresses, in all meaningful terms, the voices of entire classes of female intellectuals, people of color, and any other subgroup the mob decides to turn it spotlight towards when that subgroup gets a little too uppity.

  40. Sep 2017
    1. It is up to me, not the state, what beliefs I adopt, what opinions I voice, or what religion I practice.

      Except not really. Social institutions like school, religion, saluting the flag, etc. socialize us into acceptable thought/behavior. We are free, to an extent, to rebel against these socializations, but rarely without backlash from friends, family, community, etc. See also: Red Scare

    1. free indirect speech translates the internal contradictions of Austen’s characters to her readers.36 Charlotte is granted by Austen that formal device which critics have long agreed mediates the complexity of her characters at other moments—when her motives shift from relieving Elizabeth of Mr. Collins’s irksome companionship to thinking about the benefits of securing him as her own husband, for example—but here, when Charlotte wants to make clear to her friend that she has not chosen an unhappy life, she is articu-lately straightforward. Charlotte’s mode of communication only adds to Elizabeth’s discomfort about her friend’s attitude toward intimacy.

      More mention of narrative and strong example of Austin's FID. Charlotte's language changes when her subject manner changes. Does Austen choose to make Charlotte a complex, or flat character? I find it amazing that Austen's language (which, as a reader, is easy to overlook) provides so much detail and depth to her characters and their situations.

    1. patterns

      That there are patterns in the structures of networks that cut across nature, people and technology makes me wonder about human control, free will and agency. Is life controlled by networks rather institutions, culture and choice?

  41. Aug 2017
    1. The request from the DOJ demands that DreamHost hand over 1.3 million visitor IP addresses — in addition to contact information, email content, and photos of thousands of people — in an effort to determine who simply visited the website. (Our customer has also been notified of the pending warrant on the account.)

      That information could be used to identify any individuals who used this site to exercise and express political speech protected under the Constitution’s First Amendment. That should be enough to set alarm bells off in anyone’s mind.

  42. Jul 2017
  43. Jun 2017
    1. CINNA. I am not Cinna the conspirator. FOURTH CITIZEN. It is no matter, his name’s Cinna; pluck but his name out of his heart, and turn him going.

      In this act, mistaken identity is used to break tension. Apart from the obvious comedic relief this scene adds to the ever mounting tension and drama in the play, this scene also indicates the disintegration of society and the lack of social restraints of the general public after Caesar’s death.

      In this scene, the plebeians initially surround Cinna the poet after confusing him with Cinna the conspirator. Even when Cinna repeatedly tells them “I am not Cinna the conspirator”, the citizens, in their bloodthirsty rampage, still decide to kill him, stating that “It is no matter, his name’s Cinna”. This degradation of social standards and the crumbling of the social foundations of Ancient Rome bolster the image of the plebeians as ‘sheep’ to be swayed and controlled by the ruling classes, and solidifies their position in the play.

      It is also no coincidence that Shakespeare made Cinna a poet. In the citizens’ interrogation of Cinna, Cinna not only speaks for himself, but as a poet and as a projection of those in scholarly fields and free speech as a whole. With this, Shakespeare compels the audience to question whom poets and those who provide information to the public are accountable to, and whether free speech is more important than a stable and safe society.