- Last 7 days
bellingcat.gitbook.io bellingcat.gitbook.io
Tools for open source journalism
- Jan 2025
udanax.xanadu.com udanax.xanadu.com
udanax.xanadu.com udanax.xanadu.com
squeak.org squeak.org
was sitting with a climate denier, a collapsist, a deep adaptationist, and an impact investor. You can say a greenwasher if you want to be mean about it. Anyway, they were talking peacefully and respectfully, and I thought, "Wow, this is more than what I thought. This is not just money. This is, there's community there
for - open space for perspectival knowing - SOURCE - Youtube Ma Earth channel interview - Devcon 2024 - Cosmo Local Commoning with Web 3 - Michel Bauwens - 2025, Jan 2
- Dec 2024
4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com 4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com
Open source technology, now responsible for 80% of all used software
for - stats - 80% of all used software is open source - from Substack article - The Cosmo-Local Plan for our Next Civilization - Michel Bauwens - 2024, Dec 20
snikket.org snikket.org
instant messaging
- Nov 2024
Just this week I co-facilitated such a process in Colombia, last week in Brazil at the pre-opening events in Rio (G20), and also with other colleagues earlier this year in Chile (cross-sector), and in Indonesia (with the newly elected government and cabinet).
for - Indyweb dev - Presencing Institute - U-lab - natural application - weaving together these subnets with mindplexes via open source SRG complexity mapping tools in the Indyweb
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:04][^1^][1] - [01:04:37][^2^][2]:
Cette vidéo est un webinaire sur la co-construction d'un événement Festisol au sein d'un collectif. Elle présente divers intervenants et projets axés sur les communs en santé, notamment en Afrique.
Moments forts: + [00:00:04][^3^][3] Introduction et objectifs du webinaire * Présentation des intervenants * Importance des communs en santé * Objectifs de la session + [00:01:00][^4^][4] Présentation de la communauté Africa Osh * Conception de matériel open source * Collaboration entre chercheurs et amateurs * Projets en Afrique + [00:18:01][^5^][5] Discussion sur la gestion des communautés * Importance de l'animation communautaire * Financement et bénévolat * Exemples de projets européens + [00:32:01][^6^][6] Présentation du projet Elsa dott Ayo * Solutions de santé basées sur OpenStreetMap * Validation des données * Stratégies de collecte de fonds + [00:52:01][^7^][7] Intervention de Médard Bayazon * Réseau des fablabs francophones d'Afrique de l'Ouest * Projets de santé et d'éducation * Collaboration Nord-Sud
Résumé de la vidéo [01:04:39][^1^][1] - [01:24:42][^2^][2]:
Cette vidéo traite de la co-construction d'événements Festisol au sein d'un collectif, en mettant l'accent sur les partenariats, la mobilisation des ressources, et l'importance de l'humain dans les projets.
Points forts : + [01:04:39][^3^][3] Mobilisation des ressources * Ouverture à tous types de partenariats * Importance de démontrer l'efficacité des projets * Exemples de projets réussis pendant la crise du coronavirus + [01:06:01][^4^][4] Croissance des fablabs francophones * Expansion rapide du réseau en Afrique de l'Ouest * Importance de la solidarité et des communs * Défis liés à la propriété intellectuelle + [01:08:04][^5^][5] Exemples concrets d'Oxfam * Importance de centrer les projets sur l'humain * Utilisation du téléphone pour améliorer l'accès aux services de santé * Stratégies pour surmonter les obstacles culturels et logistiques + [01:15:03][^6^][6] Stratégies avancées pour la santé * Déplacement des sages-femmes vers les villages * Utilisation de l'échographie mobile et de l'énergie solaire * Formation des marraines pour créer des liens avec les bénéficiaires + [01:21:00][^7^][7] Importance de l'appropriation des projets * Adaptation des solutions techniques aux réalités locales * Partage des résultats et des méthodes * Impact des projets sur les communautés locales
world.hey.com world.hey.com
Automattic is doing open source dirty by [[David Heinemeier Hansson]]
- Oct 2024
context.center context.center
Context Check: What the Hell is Going on With WordPress and WPEngine? <br /> https://context.center/topics/wordpress-wpengine-conflict/
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
for - example - open source - vegan recipe sharing - symmathesy - youtube - open source vegan recipe development
- Sep 2024
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Free/Open Licenses Non-free Licenses
blog.nodejitsu.com blog.nodejitsu.com
You need to understand that the person you are reaching out to has probably spent 100s of hours working on this project, for free. They do not owe you anything. The maintainers are extending a courtesy by giving away their work for free and then making themselves available to support it. The point is, you should try and be nice when filing for support. The maintainer of the project has literally no obligation to help you.
noduslabs.com noduslabs.com
Foam is an open-source alternative to RoamResearch and Obsidian, and it works on the basis of Git version control system and Visual Studio Code code editor.
for - notetaking software - Obsidian - Roam Research - open source alternative to - Foam
notetaking software - Obsidian - Roam Research - open source alternative to - Foam - Microsoft owns Github and Foam is served from Github
to - Foam - https://hyp.is/Pf6tKnXBEe-rkdcD0hmZGA/foambubble.github.io/foam/
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:08][^1^][1] - [00:29:08][^2^][2]:
Ce webinaire présente une formation sur la création de ressources respectueuses du droit d'auteur, organisée par l'Université de Perpignan via Domitia. Sylvain Chatry, maître de conférences en droit, explique les objectifs pédagogiques, la structure du cours et les compétences acquises.
Moments forts: + [00:03:03][^3^][3] Introduction de la formation * Présentation par Sylvain Chatry * Objectifs de la formation * Public cible + [00:05:28][^4^][4] Contenu de la formation * Identification des droits de propriété intellectuelle * Différence entre droit d'auteur et copyright * Conditions de protection par le droit d'auteur + [00:12:23][^5^][5] Respect des droits d'exploitation * Importance de demander des autorisations * Conditions d'utilisation des œuvres protégées * Précautions à prendre lors de l'intégration de contenus + [00:14:00][^6^][6] Structure et durée du cours * Micro-certification de 3 semaines * 15 heures de travail réparties sur 3 semaines * Évaluation par quiz et tâche de certification + [00:20:57][^7^][7] Questions des participants * Coût de la formation * Accessibilité et prérequis * Sessions futures et disponibilité des cours
N'hésitez pas à poser d'autres questions si vous en avez!
- Aug 2024
www.swissre.com www.swissre.com
Inventories of species remain incomplete – mainly due to limited field sampling –to provide an accurate picture of the extent and distribution of all components ofbiodiversity (Purvis/Hector 2000, MEA 2003).
for - open source, citizen science biodiversity projects - validation - open source, citizen science climate departure project - validation
open source, citizen science biodiversity projects - validation - Inventories of species remain incomplete - mainly due to limited field sampling to provide an accurate picture of the extent and distribution of all components of biodiversity - Purvis/Hector 2000, MEA 2003
cdn.netzpolitik.org cdn.netzpolitik.org
Drive the evolution of the internet towards open and interoperable Web
ps.zoethical.org ps.zoethical.org
Sur le plan formel, il me semble que l'efficacité politique d'une lettre ouverte dépend avant tout de deux facteurs : 1. le niveau de responsabilité publique, en particulier médiatique, des décideurs concernés, et 2. le caractère exceptionnel de la situation, c’est-à-dire la gravité de celle-ci combinée à un manque d'autres types d'actions politiques possibles. Or, dans ce cas, j'ai le sentiment que, d'une part, les décideurs sont principalement des experts techniques, peu connus du grand public et peu médiatisés, et d'autre part, qu'une période de consultation publique ouverte à tous a eu lieu il y a deux mois, ce qui me paraît adéquat comme moyen d'action politique.
Il me semble donc que cette lettre rouvre un débat déjà abordé, exprimant un mécontentement généralisé envers une décision provisoire non encore actée. Ceci pourrait potentiellement affaiblir l'impact des lettres ouvertes en général.
En ce qui concerne le fond, notre société semble évoluer vers une centralisation accrue des politiques, des régulations et du financement. Cette centralisation requiert davantage de responsabilité et de transparence. Peut-être que NGI, en soutenant des individus indépendants, rencontre des difficultés à justifier ces financements. En particulier, l'UE s'attend à ce que les investissements produisent des impacts à l’échelle européenne avec une adoption réelle et significative. Il pourrait être intéressant de disposer d’un tableau de bord des indicateurs clés de performance (KPI) pour démontrer la croissance et l’usage des projets NGI.
En revanche, il faut constater que l'adoption reste faible au sein de la communauté. Le graphique sur le financement est explicite : les deux tiers des projets sont à nouveau financés par NGI. Cela peut indiquer un manque d'adhésion de la communauté. Or, l'objectif de ce financement européen est de démontrer une capacité de ne pas dépendre exclusivement de ce financement et de pouvoir générer une activité rentable. Cela confirme mon impression que la communauté technologique continue de se focaliser sur le développement de nouvelles solutions en autonomie, tout en oubliant peut-être que ce financement communautaire doit générer un usage réel et utile. Ne devrions-nous pas mettre l'usage au premier plan de nos objectifs ? Le rapport précise bien que les nouvelles technologies doivent rivaliser avec les usages existants. Il nous faut trouver d'autres solutions, peut-être non technologiques.
Pour conclure, je suggère que la réponse la plus constructive à cette potentielle réduction de financement serait d’admettre que NGI fait face à une concurrence d’autres initiatives sur les mêmes financements. Il serait alors judicieux d’évaluer nos approches et de proposer de nouvelles mesures afin de répondre aux attentes. Une lettre ouverte de protestation envoie un message contraire à une volonté d’adaptation et de collaboration. Que devrions-nous apprendre de cette situation ?
upport cross-divisional thinking and that the best ideas are already in a company and it's just a matter of sort of um getting people together
for - neuroscience - validation for Stop Reset Go open source participatory system mapping for design innovation
neuroscience - validation for Stop Reset Go open source participatory system mapping for design innovation - bottom-up collective design efficacy - What Henning Beck validates for companies can also apply to using Stop Reset Go participatory system mapping within an open space to de-silo and be as inclusive as possible of many different silo'd transition actors
a good projects always benefit from cross-divisional from cross-divisional cooperation from asking some guys from outside not because they are showing the better um the better solution but usually they they give a good they give a good question they ask questions that nobody ever asked before and thereby giving you some kind of some kind of New Perspective
for - Indyweb - Stop Reset Go participatory system mapping - benefits of open source - Henning Beck - neuroscience support
Indyweb - Stop Reset Go participatory system mapping - benefits of open source - Henning Beck validates the importance of an open source design of the Stop Reset Go participatory system mapping - By developing an open source graph for many silo'd actors to participate, they mutually desilo each other - The sharing of diverse perspectives helps to mitigate progress traps
- Jul 2024
The problem is not about Open Source or Free Software. The problem is everything else.
Good catch. There's more to the world than just that.
All of this made possible thanks to open source and millions of hours worked for free by people who contributed to what we thought was "the commons".
When publicly distributed, the open-source code is hidden behind layers of indirection bypassing any packaging/integration effort, relying instead on virtualisation and downloading dependencies on the fly. Thanks to those strategies, corporations could benefit from open source code without any consequence. The open source code is, anyway, mostly hosted and developed on proprietary platforms.
- Jun 2024
you can take a lot more than you are and have a lot more information
for - adjacency - open source - Stop Reset Go complexity mapping - objective - Nora Bateson comment on more information - diversity - Indyweb/Indranet - progress trap mitigation
adjacency - between - Nora Bateson comment - Stop Reset Go complexity mapping<br /> - open source - progress trap mitigation - Indyweb/Indranet
- adjacency relationship
- When Nora talks about the
- oversimplified,
- reductionist
- problem-solving approach that most of modernity employs to tackle wicked problems,
- it boils down to oversimplification.
- There are usually far more causes and conditions to a problem than are known to construct the solution
- In Deep Humanity praxis, this is how we get into progress traps, the shadow side of progress
- The Stop Reset Go complexity mapping system is designed to reveal greater information by
- creating a space for diverse perspectives to systematically engage in addressing the same wicked problem
- This system must be open source in order to create the space for maximum diversity
- The Stop Reset Go process is specifically designed as a workspace for diversity for the purpose of
- mitigating progress traps and
- helping find more effective ways to address wicked problems
- This is done by using Trailmark Markin notation within the Indyweb/Indranet people-centered, interpersonal software ecosystem
- When Nora talks about the
- adjacency relationship
- May 2024
4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com 4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com
open source paradigms, with its copyleft licensing scheme
for - adjacency - open source - copyleft - Achilles Heel - unpaid workers - predatory capitalism
adjacency - between - open source - copyleft - Achilles Heel - predatory capitalism - unpaid workers - adjacency statement - The Achilles Heel of the open source copyleft system is that it allows everyone to participate. Everyone can look at the innovation, including corporate raiders in it for their own self-interest. - This enables predatory capitalism. The well-capitalized corporations take the best open source ideas and integrate them into their own private systems. With their abundant capitalization, they can maintain the existent structural inequality - Meanwhile, most open source software is maintained by underpaid programmers
github.com github.com
brave.com brave.com
- Apr 2024
kb.mozillazine.org kb.mozillazine.org
One problem with using this extension is that the author stopped supporting their extensions years ago and has not been heard from since. You also need to bypass the version check per this article.
ownworld.org ownworld.org
for - open source construction - open source home building - cosmolocal home building - cosmolocal tinyhome construction - ownworld.org
summary - This is a cosmolocal tinyhone project to help people get off the grid.
reference - see video - https://hyp.is/go?url=http%3A%2F%2Fdocdrop.org%2Fvideo%2F8Va1inxaodQ%2F&group=world
for - open source tiny home - open source building - open source construction - open source house - cosmolocal building - cosmolocal home construction - cosmolocal tinyhome construction - Eutopia - Ownworld.org
- Mar 2024
www.gnu.org www.gnu.orggnu.org1
To emphasize that “free software” refers to freedom and not to price, we sometimes write or say “free (libre) software,” adding the French or Spanish word that means free in the sense of freedom. In some contexts, it works to use just “libre software.”
My second language is Spanish, and I understand quite well what 'Libre' means. In my view, there's no real difference between FLOSS and FOSS, since 'Free' translates to 'Libre'. However, when 'Free' pertains solely to 'price', it's more accurate to use 'Gratis', which means 'No Cost'.
Additionally, considering that words can have multiple meanings in English as well, I question the necessity of incorporating an 'L' from another language into an English acronym. Instead of complicating the acronym, I believe in giving a clear explanation.
armorpaint.org armorpaint.org
pine64.org pine64.orgPineNote1
hackaday.com hackaday.com
With the rising popularity of ebooks, it’s more important than ever that we have open hardware and software readers that work on our terms.
www.crowdsupply.com www.crowdsupply.com
hackaday.com hackaday.com
- Feb 2024
Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:05][^1^][1] - [00:22:00][^2^][2]:
La vidéo présente une conférence sur le projet Framaspace, une initiative de Framasoft visant à fournir des services numériques aux associations et collectifs. Le conférencier, Pier Goset, discute des défis politiques, sociaux et technologiques auxquels les associations sont confrontées et comment Framaspace peut les aider à s'organiser et à collaborer efficacement.
Points forts: + [00:00:05][^3^][3] Introduction et remerciements * Remerciements aux étudiants pour la captation + [00:01:02][^4^][4] Présentation de Framasoft et Framaspace * Objectifs et historique de Framasoft * Annonce du projet Framaspace + [00:02:00][^5^][5] Les défis actuels * Problèmes politiques, sociaux et écologiques * Attaques contre la société civile + [00:03:33][^6^][6] Le numérique comme outil d'organisation * Avantages et inconvénients du numérique pour les associations + [00:04:11][^7^][7] Détails techniques de Framaspace * Infrastructure et capacité prévue pour les services + [00:13:12][^8^][8] Bilan et changements depuis l'année dernière * Adoption et feedback sur Framaspace * Mises à jour et améliorations techniques + [00:20:21][^9^][9] Statistiques et utilisateurs de Framaspace * Types d'associations utilisatrices et leurs domaines d'action Résumé de la vidéo [00:22:02][^1^][1] - [00:44:03][^2^][2] : La vidéo traite de l'impact de Framasoft sur les associations, en particulier celles qui sont petites ou sans salariés, et de l'utilisation de Framaspace pour soutenir les initiatives locales et la transition vers une économie sociale et solidaire.
Points forts : + [00:22:02][^3^][3] Framasoft et les associations * Influence sur les petites associations * Soutien à la transition économique + [00:23:01][^4^][4] Histoire et évolution * Associations depuis 1936 * Croissance après 2017 + [00:23:31][^5^][5] Structures sans salariés * Cible principale de Framaspace * Offres adaptées aux besoins + [00:25:01][^6^][6] Nombre de membres et bénéficiaires * Associations touchant moins de 100 personnes * Importance de la taille pour l'impact + [00:26:01][^7^][7] Concurrence et financement * Débat sur la concurrence avec le secteur privé * Financement par les dons + [00:28:00][^8^][8] Exemples de structures * Diversité des utilisateurs de Framaspace * Exemples concrets d'associations Résumé de la vidéo 00:44:04 - 00:56:53 :
La vidéo discute des améliorations potentielles et des fonctionnalités de Nextcloud pour les associations, y compris la diffusion d'informations, la fédération de contenu, et la gestion des membres et de la comptabilité. Elle aborde également les retours d'une enquête sur l'utilisation de Framaspace par les associations.
Points forts : + [00:44:04][^1^][1] Améliorations de Nextcloud * Plus de temps pour des améliorations * Diffusion d'informations militantes + [00:45:17][^2^][2] Mutualisation du financement * Fonctionnalités spécifiques pour les associations * Intégration de Pacho pour la gestion + [00:46:01][^3^][3] Support de production * Utilisation d'Activista pour créer des visuels * Ajout de valeur à Framaspace + [00:46:39][^4^][4] Utilisation de Collectives * Simplification du développement * Publication sur le site web de l'association + [00:47:31][^5^][5] Framaspace fonctionne * Grâce aux dons et au soutien * Appel à la campagne de dons + [00:49:17][^6^][6] Statistiques d'utilisation * Outils de supervision en développement * Évaluation de l'utilisation de Collabora et OnlyOffice
Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:04][^1^][1] - [00:25:09][^2^][2]:
La vidéo présente une discussion sur l'utilisation des pratiques numériques dans le travail social, animée par Morgane Killuw, éducatrice spécialisée et formatrice. Elle est accompagnée de collègues belges, Anne Philipard et Pascal Peau, pour explorer les questions transfrontalières et l'éthique numérique dans le secteur.
Points forts: + [00:00:04][^3^][3] Introduction de la session * Présentation des intervenants et contexte de la rencontre + [00:01:03][^4^][4] Structure de la session * Répartition du temps entre présentation et échange + [00:01:25][^5^][5] Rôle des travailleurs sociaux * Importance de la formation numérique dans leur travail + [00:02:37][^6^][6] Éthique numérique * Nécessité de transformer les habitudes face au numérique + [00:03:22][^7^][7] Adaptation au numérique * Les travailleurs sociaux face à l'évolution numérique non formée + [00:04:17][^8^][8] Impact du numérique sur la société * La société se numérise, influençant les pratiques sociales + [00:05:02][^9^][9] Usage personnel vs professionnel * Différences entre les usages numériques personnels et professionnels + [00:06:13][^10^][10] Recherche en Belgique * Diagnostic des utilisations numériques par les travailleurs sociaux + [00:08:17][^11^][11] Sécurité numérique * Importance de la sécurité numérique dans le travail social + [00:10:50][^12^][12] Schéma d'utilisation du numérique * Présentation d'un schéma pour comprendre l'usage du numérique + [00:13:11][^13^][13] Application du schéma * Utilisation du schéma dans la formation continue + [00:16:17][^14^][14] Conflits éthiques * Dilemmes éthiques rencontrés par les travailleurs sociaux + [00:18:04][^15^][15] Missions d'utilité publique * Responsabilités et défis liés aux données personnelles + [00:19:01][^16^][16] Outils numériques utilisés * Réflexion sur les outils numériques et leur conformité éthique + [00:20:13][^17^][17] Législation française * Lois encadrant le traitement des données personnelles + [00:22:58][^18^][18] Éthique et numérique * Discussion sur l'éthique professionnelle et son application au numérique Résumé de la vidéo [00:25:11][^1^][1] - [00:50:54][^2^][2] : La vidéo traite de l'importance de la réflexion éthique et technocritique dans le travail social, en particulier concernant la gestion des données et l'utilisation des technologies numériques. Elle souligne le manque de formation et de sensibilisation parmi les travailleurs sociaux et propose des initiatives pour intégrer une approche plus critique et éthique du numérique dans le secteur social.
Points forts : + [00:25:11][^3^][3] Importance de la réflexion éthique * Gestion des données * Sensibilisation des travailleurs sociaux + [00:27:00][^4^][4] Différences entre la France et la Belgique * Codes de déontologie * Approches du numérique + [00:31:01][^5^][5] Choix des outils numériques * Confiance et légalité * Alternatives éthiques + [00:35:38][^6^][6] Présentation de projets * Initiatives technocritiques * Projets éducatifs + [00:39:01][^7^][7] Projet ACESA * Open Lab en travail social * Mutualisation des connaissances + [00:49:24][^8^][8] Collectif d'enseignants * Réflexion sur le numérique * Approche technocritique
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:04][^1^][1] - [00:22:15][^2^][2] : La vidéo présente un discours sur l'éducation nationale et le logiciel libre, mettant en lumière l'importance de l'open source dans l'éducation et divers projets éducatifs innovants.
Points forts : + [00:00:04][^3^][3] Introduction au sujet * L'orateur partage son expérience au ministère + [00:01:17][^4^][4] Importance du logiciel libre * Discussion sur l'impact du logiciel libre dans l'éducation + [00:04:07][^5^][5] Projets éducatifs * Présentation de projets pédagogiques utilisant des ressources libres + [00:07:10][^6^][6] Contribution des élèves * Exemples d'élèves contribuant à des projets open source + [00:11:59][^7^][7] Professeurs développeurs * Mise en avant de professeurs créant des ressources éducatives libres + [00:16:02][^8^][8] Initiatives numériques * Illustration de diverses initiatives numériques dans l'éducation + [00:19:26][^9^][9] Vision du ministère * Vision future du ministère sur l'utilisation des ressources libres Résumé de la vidéo [00:22:17][^1^][1] - [00:36:18][^2^][2]: La vidéo aborde l'utilisation de ressources éducatives numériques libres et ouvertes dans le système éducatif français, soulignant l'importance de la souveraineté numérique et de la collaboration entre enseignants.
Points clés: + [00:22:17][^3^][3] Ressources partagées * Nuage pour stockage * Piertube pour vidéos * Pad collaboratif + [00:24:17][^4^][4] Services intégrés * Apps éducation * Identifiant unique * Open source + [00:25:02][^5^][5] Plateforme éducative * Sciences et programmation * Déploiement national + [00:29:16][^6^][6] Formation et licences * Vidéos d'acculturation * Partenariats éducatifs + [00:30:34][^7^][7] Stratégie numérique * Soutien aux communs numériques * Charte et gouvernance + [00:33:54][^8^][8] Feuille de route * Priorité au logiciel libre * Bureau des communs numériques
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:02][^1^][1] - [00:19:31][^2^][2]:
La première partie de la vidéo présente un logiciel de génération d'emplois du temps développé sous licence AGPL version 3, nommé Flop DT. Il vise à résoudre les problèmes complexes de planification dans les établissements éducatifs en permettant une gestion autonome et coopérative des emplois du temps.
Points forts: + [00:00:02][^3^][3] Introduction au logiciel Flop DT * Développé sous licence AGPL v3 + [00:04:53][^4^][4] Technologies utilisées * Django, V JS, PostgreSQL, solveurs linéaires + [00:06:20][^5^][5] Démonstration pratique * Interface utilisateur et gestion des modifications + [00:09:54][^6^][6] Autogestion et modifications coopératives * Chaque prof peut ajuster son emploi du temps + [00:13:02][^7^][7] Génération automatique d'emplois du temps * Utilisation d'un solveur pour créer des plannings + [00:17:59][^8^][8] Flexibilité et paramétrage * Adaptation aux besoins spécifiques des utilisateurs Résumé de la vidéo [00:19:55][^1^][1] - [00:40:53][^2^][2]: La vidéo traite de l'optimisation des emplois du temps dans un contexte universitaire, en utilisant un solveur mathématique pour gérer les contraintes et préférences des enseignants et étudiants. Elle aborde les défis techniques et politiques liés à l'élaboration d'un système autogéré qui respecte les besoins individuels tout en satisfaisant les exigences collectives.
Points forts: + [00:20:00][^3^][3] Défis de l'optimisation * Nécessité de recherche * Temps de résolution variable + [00:21:19][^4^][4] Décision des solutions * Plusieurs solutions possibles * Choix pédagogique crucial + [00:23:26][^5^][5] Personnalisation des préférences * Chacun définit ses disponibilités * Importance de l'équité + [00:25:01][^6^][6] Résultats du solveur * Meilleure solution en 20 minutes * Possibilité d'explorer d'autres options + [00:30:02][^7^][7] Développement de l'outil * Création d'un paquet Debian * Synchronisation avec d'autres outils + [00:33:00][^8^][8] Gestion des droits utilisateurs * Droits selon les rôles * Modifications sous contraintes Résumé de la vidéo [00:40:55][^1^][1] - [00:58:47][^2^][2]: La vidéo discute de l'utilisation d'un logiciel de planification dans divers établissements, y compris des universités et des hôpitaux, pour gérer les emplois du temps. Elle aborde les défis de l'interfaçage avec d'autres logiciels et la possibilité d'une version médicale du logiciel.
Points forts: + [00:41:02][^3^][3] Utilisation dans divers établissements * IUTs, universités, CHU pour les plannings de garde + [00:42:01][^4^][4] Adaptation aux petites structures * Boulangeries associatives, cinémas + [00:42:44][^5^][5] Partage des ressources entre départements * Salles et professeurs partagés + [00:45:01][^6^][6] Génération rapide des emplois du temps * Solutions satisfaisantes en quelques minutes + [00:47:11][^7^][7] Financement et développement * Soutien de la région Nouvelle Aquitaine et des utilisateurs + [00:49:02][^8^][8] Réflexion sur le modèle économique * Contribution financière et bénévolat pour le développement
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:00][^1^][1] - [00:27:22][^2^][2]:
Cette vidéo présente un webinaire sur l'éducation ouverte et les ressources éducatives libres, organisé par le réseau des leaders en ressources éducatives libres et l'Université de Montréal. Il aborde l'importance de l'accès libre à l'éducation, les politiques de soutien, et les pratiques inspirantes dans le domaine.
Points forts: + [00:00:20][^3^][3] Introduction au webinaire * Présentation par Marie des Martels * Reconnaissance territoriale + [00:04:01][^4^][4] Contexte du projet * Soutien de l'UNESCO et objectifs de développement durable * Retard des universités québécoises en ressources éducatives libres + [00:14:06][^5^][5] Soutien du ministère * Importance de l'intégration du numérique en enseignement supérieur * Initiatives pour la formation à distance et les ressources éducatives + [00:16:30][^6^][6] Principes de l'éducation ouverte * Élimination des barrières et favorisation de l'inclusion * Utilisation des licences libres et partage des connaissances + [00:26:02][^7^][7] Licences Creative Commons * Explication des licences et des 5 permissions de "royal" * Recommandation de l'UNESCO pour les ressources éducatives libres Résumé de la vidéo [00:27:25][^1^][1] - [00:50:12][^2^][2]: La vidéo présente des témoignages d'éducateurs et de professionnels sur l'importance des ressources éducatives libres (REL) et l'éducation ouverte. Ils partagent leurs expériences et projets visant à promouvoir l'accès libre et la collaboration dans le domaine éducatif.
Points forts: + [00:27:25][^3^][3] Collaboration éducative * Importance de la co-création * Partage des connaissances + [00:28:05][^4^][4] Projet étudiant * Bourses pour création de REL * Valorisation des productions étudiantes + [00:29:30][^5^][5] Fabrique REAL et réseau des leaders * Projets pour l'éducation ouverte * Financement par le ministère + [00:33:46][^6^][6] Wikipédia et éducation * Potentiel pédagogique * Importance pour les étudiants + [00:37:47][^7^][7] Site web de ressources libres * Engagement moral envers les étudiants * Matériel pédagogique gratuit + [00:48:07][^8^][8] Vision de l'éducation ouverte * Éducation accessible à tous * Partage global des ressources éducatives Résumé de la vidéo 00:50:15 - 01:15:24: La vidéo présente une discussion sur l'éducation ouverte et l'importance de rendre l'apprentissage accessible à tous. Les participants partagent leurs perspectives sur la co-création, l'interdépendance des acteurs éducatifs, et l'importance de l'engagement individuel pour faire avancer l'éducation ouverte.
Points forts: + [00:50:15][^1^][1] L'appel à l'action collective * Importance de l'éducation comme priorité + [00:52:03][^2^][2] Passion pour l'éducation ouverte * Conviction et engagement partagés + [00:54:02][^3^][3] Lien entre éducation et recherche * Nécessité d'une approche intégrée + [00:55:04][^4^][4] Motivation et interdépendance * Rôle clé des différentes parties prenantes + [00:56:49][^5^][5] Les étudiants comme acteurs clés * Créateurs et consommateurs de ressources éducatives + [01:03:48][^6^][6] Le domaine public comme ressource * Potentiel négligé pour l'éducation Résumé de la vidéo [01:15:26][^1^][1] - [01:16:55][^2^][2]:
La partie 4 de la vidéo aborde l'éducation ouverte, les obstacles systémiques à l'éducation, et l'importance de l'inclusion des étudiants et des groupes marginalisés. Elle souligne l'alignement avec les recommandations de l'UNESCO de 2019.
Points forts: + [01:15:26][^3^][3] Éducation ouverte * Réflexion sur les obstacles * Développement impliquant les étudiants + [01:15:52][^4^][4] Groupes marginalisés * Préoccupation pour l'inclusion * Perspective intentionnelle sur la diversité + [01:16:13][^5^][5] Recommandations de l'UNESCO * Alignement avec les recommandations de 2019 * Discussion sur l'engagement et la production du webinaire
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Résumé de la vidéo [00:00:00][^1^][1] - [01:04:26][^2^][2]:
Cette vidéo est un webinaire sur les logiciels libres et open source, animé par Laurent Destailleur, expert en solutions libres pour les associations. Il présente les principes, les avantages et les exemples de logiciels libres et open source, ainsi que les solutions adaptées aux besoins des associations.
Points clés: + [00:04:13][^3^][3] Qu'est-ce qu'un logiciel libre et open source ? * Un logiciel qui respecte les quatre libertés fondamentales : utiliser, étudier, modifier et redistribuer le logiciel * Un logiciel dont le code source est accessible et modifiable par tous * Un logiciel qui s'oppose au logiciel propriétaire, qui est fermé et restrictif * Un logiciel qui peut être gratuit ou payant, mais qui garantit la liberté des utilisateurs + [00:11:21][^4^][4] Quels sont les avantages des logiciels libres et open source ? * Une meilleure sécurité, car les failles sont détectées et corrigées plus rapidement par la communauté * Une meilleure transparence, car on peut savoir ce que fait le logiciel et éviter les mouchards ou les logiciels malveillants * Une meilleure pérennité, car le logiciel ne dépend pas d'un éditeur unique et peut être maintenu par d'autres acteurs * Une meilleure adaptabilité, car le logiciel peut être modifié et personnalisé selon les besoins des utilisateurs + [00:19:19][^5^][5] Quels sont les exemples de logiciels libres et open source ? * Il existe des logiciels libres et open source pour presque tous les domaines et tous les besoins * Il existe des logiciels libres et open source qui sont des alternatives aux logiciels propriétaires les plus connus, comme LibreOffice, GIMP, Firefox, etc. * Il existe des logiciels libres et open source qui sont des solutions spécifiques pour les associations, comme Dolibarr, AssoConnect, DoliAsso, etc. * Il existe des logiciels libres et open source qui sont des services en ligne, qui s'installent dans le cloud et qui offrent plus de simplicité et de mobilité + [00:32:51][^6^][6] Quelles sont les solutions libres et open source pour les associations ? * Il faut choisir les solutions en fonction des besoins et des contraintes de chaque association, en tenant compte du budget, du niveau technique, du nombre d'utilisateurs, etc. * Il faut comparer les solutions entre elles, en utilisant des critères objectifs, comme les fonctionnalités, la facilité d'utilisation, le support, etc. * Il faut tester les solutions avant de les adopter, en profitant des périodes d'essai, des versions de démonstration, des formations, etc. * Il faut se faire accompagner par des experts ou des prestataires, qui peuvent aider à installer, configurer, former, maintenir, etc. les solutions choisies
Résumé de la vidéo [00:35:00][^1^][1] - [01:04:26][^2^][2]:
Cette partie de la vidéo présente les solutions libres et open source pour les associations, en distinguant les logiciels installés en local et les logiciels dans le cloud. Elle donne des exemples de logiciels libres pour différents besoins, tels que la bureautique, la comptabilité, la gestion des contacts, la communication, etc. Elle explique également les avantages et les inconvénients de chaque type de logiciel, ainsi que les critères de choix à prendre en compte.
Points clés: + [00:35:00][^3^][3] Les logiciels installés en local * Nécessitent une installation et une maintenance sur chaque poste * Permettent de garder le contrôle des données * Exemples : LibreOffice, Dolibarr, Gimp, Inkscape, etc. + [00:46:00][^4^][4] Les logiciels dans le cloud * Accessibles depuis n'importe quel navigateur web * Facilitent le travail collaboratif et la mobilité * Exemples : BlueMind, Framasoft, AssoConnect, DoliCloud, etc. + [00:58:00][^5^][5] Les critères de choix d'un logiciel libre * La fonctionnalité et la compatibilité avec les besoins * La facilité d'utilisation et la documentation * La pérennité et la communauté du projet * Le coût et le modèle économique * La sécurité et la confidentialité des données
www.hypertrike.org www.hypertrike.org
for - open source - velocar - hypertrike - International Human Powered Vehicle Association
to - http://www.ihpva.org/home/ https://hyp.is/fqMYhsd9Ee6kGac7YpqNow/www.ihpva.org/home/
www.ihpva.org www.ihpva.orgIHPVA1
for - open source - velocar - international human powered vehicle association - IHPVA - human powered vehicle
from - https://hyp.is/I6XF-sd9Ee6WcSsdbA72AQ/www.hypertrike.org/
- Jan 2024
www.stykka.com www.stykka.com
for - circular economy - kitchen - circular economy - furniture - circular kitchen - Stykka - modular furniture
comment - sadly, it's not open source, but this is to be expected with most mainstream businesses. - the problem is in trying to protect one's IP and look after self-interest, it scales very slowly. - we need open-source, circular economy, open-source, circular furniture and open-source circular kitchen
egans.com.au egans.com.au
for - open source furniture
materiom.org materiom.org
for - open source - biomaterials - Materiom
religionnews.com religionnews.com
for - spiritual collectives - non-dogmatic spirituality
summary adjacency between - spiritual collectives - Deep Humanity - Adjacency statement - There is a growing movement of people disenchanted with the contradictions, trauma or dogma of many mainstream religions. - Evangelical pastors and followers are converting to a more open and inclusive spiritual practice. - This growing movement has close resemblance to Deep Humanity in its openess to all religions and spiritual practices as long as they do not bring harm, and the lack of dogmatism. - There could be a good opportunity for synergies since spiritual collectives take an open source / commons approach to spiritual practice wherein we collaborate to surface the best principles to live by. - From a commons / open source perspective, we give this the name - open source religion - open source spirituality
- Dec 2023
cityform.mit.edu cityform.mit.edu
- for: urban planning - open source tools
www.researchgate.net www.researchgate.net
- for: urban planning - open source tools
www.iadb.org www.iadb.org
- for: urban planning - open source tools
www.fastcompany.com www.fastcompany.com
- for: urban planning - open source tools
bugs.webkit.org bugs.webkit.org
Are you two serious? Instead of advocating to fix this bug you go out of your way to post another bug report to advocate the devs to dig in their heels?! How about standardizing some devastating needed questions in the technology industry: 1. How does this help productive members of society? 2. Does this serve a useful purpose? 3. Should I be doing this? 4. Have I had a full, non-interrupted, rational conversation with multiple people who disagrees to help determine if I have objectively determined my answers to the first three questions?
codeberg.org codeberg.org
Codeberg is a collaboration platform providing Git hosting and services for free and open source software, content and projects.
www.onecommunityglobal.org www.onecommunityglobal.org
- for: open source - built environment
4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com 4thgenerationcivilization.substack.com
for: futures - neo-Venetian crypto-networks, Global Chinese Commons, GCC, cosmolocal, coordiNation, somewheres, everywheres, nowheres, Global System One, Global System Two, Global System Three, contributory accounting, fourth sector, protocol cooperative, mutual coordination economics
- learned something new
- I learned a number of new ideas from reading Michel's article. He gives a brief meta-history of our political-socio-economic system, using Peter Pogany's framework of Global System One, Two and Three and within this argues for why a marriage of blockchain systems and cosmolocal production systems could create a "fourth sector" for the transition to Global System Three.
- He cites evidence of existing trends already pointing in this direction, drawing from his research in P2P Foundation
Contributory accounting
for: open source - contributory accounting, Indyweb - contributory accounting, open source accounting - indyweb - provenance
- Indyweb's people-centered, interpersonal design enables granular contributory accounting within the network through the feature known as provenance, that tracks the evolution of shared ideas within a network
- this is done without blockchain, a blockchainless ecosystem
- definition - somewheres - nowheres - everywheres
- cosmo-local
- protocol cooperative
- blockchainless accounting
- Global System One
- mutual coordination economics
- accronym - GCC
- Global System Three
- cosmolocal
- futures - neo-Venetian crypto-networks
- learned something new
- protocol cooperatives
- Global Chinese Commons
- Global System Two
- Indyweb - contributory accounting
- fourth sector
- definition - coordiNation
- open source accounting - Indyweb - provenance
- open source - contributory accounting
- Nov 2023
Reclaim Hosting / Reclaim Cloud has a one button installer for HedgeDoc
Friends of the Link uses this for collaborative note taking into the anagora.org.
t73f.de t73f.de
Markdown Lock-in<br /> by Detlef Stern
github.com github.com
The thing is I'm finding trouble to dedicate to Ransack lately, so I can't really commit to any date.
- Oct 2023
github.com github.com
- Sep 2023
github.com github.com
www.digitalocean.com www.digitalocean.com
It is open sourced and you can find it at https://github.com/digitalocean/droplet-agent
sites.psu.edu sites.psu.edu
Open Source Models
for: Open source, Open source district heating models
question: could they be applied to residential scale projects?
www.editage.com www.editage.com
- for: open source - science, open science, sci-hub
- Aug 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
to live for the common good is a very good purpose but purpose is a gift and the purpose of our life here on Earth is to change the environment which we met for something better because there is 00:21:54 always an opportunity for something better [Music] or to be in a learning mode and we when we know things to be in a teaching mode 00:22:11 also that is propagating what we know sharing it with others and making this knowledge open source for the world and especially to help train a young 00:22:24 generation of new leaders who are going to be the ones that grapple with these problems
- for: open source, indyweb, open learning commons, radical collaboration, individual / collective entanglement
- paraphrase
- quote
- to live for the common good is a very good purpose but
- purpose is a gift and the purpose of our life here on Earth is to change the environment which we met for something better because there is always an opportunity for something better
- author
- Obiora Ike
- quote
- I would urge us all to be in a learning mode and
- we when we know things to be in a teaching mode also
- that is propagating what we know
- sharing it with others and
- making this knowledge open source for the world and
- especially to help train a young generation of new leaders who are going to be the ones that grapple with these problems
- author
- Jeffrey Sachs
- Jun 2023
media.dltj.org media.dltj.org
10% more or less of academic libraries in the US use an open source system after all that time. And about either 17 or 14, I'd have the number in front of me for and to public libraries are using an open source I L S
Percentage of open source ILS in academic and public libraries
- May 2023
wiki.earthmoonstars.space wiki.earthmoonstars.space
Discussed at Friends of the Lin 2023-05-10
Inspired by the Mondragon Corporation: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mondragon_Corporation
and Lionsberg https://lionsberg.wiki/
openscholarlyinfrastructure.org openscholarlyinfrastructure.org
Open source – All software required to run the infrastructure should be available under an open source license. This does not include other software that may be involved with running the organisation.
{Open Source}
- Apr 2023
dougbelshaw.com dougbelshaw.com
doctorow.medium.com doctorow.medium.com
Twitter is a neat illustration of the problem with benevolent dictatorships: they work well, but fail badly. Because they are property — not protocols — they can change hands, and overnight, you get a new, malevolent dictator who wants to retool the system for extraction, rather than collaboration.
Benevolent dictatorships: work well; fail badly
Twitter is the example listed here. But I wonder about benevolent dictatorships in open source. One example: does Linus have a sound succession plan for Linux? (Can such a succession plan even be tested and adjusted?)
- Mar 2023
gspe21-ssl.ls.apple.com gspe21-ssl.ls.apple.com
The fact that Apple Maps would not/could not exist without OpenStreetMap, and yet Apple, Inc. has not spoken that organization's name aloud once.
When I can get people to just hear me out on that fact, they are almost always astonished and activated.
So, that's why I'm annotating here. Howdy, Timbo!
bitwarden.com bitwarden.com
We believe that being open source is one of the most important features of Bitwarden. Source code transparency is an absolute requirement for security solutions like Bitwarden.
Whisper is a general-purpose speech recognition model. It is trained on a large dataset of diverse audio and is also a multi-task model that can perform multilingual speech recognition as well as speech translation and language identification.
Whisper는 범용 음성 인식 모델입니다. 다양한 오디오의 대규모 데이터 세트를 학습하고 다국어 음성 인식, 음성 번역, 언어 식별을 수행할 수 있는 멀티태스킹 모델이기도 합니다.
www.together.xyz www.together.xyz
OpenChatKit은 다양한 응용 프로그램을위한 특수 및 범용 챗봇을 모두 생성 할 수있는 강력한 오픈 소스 기반을 제공합니다. 우리는 협력 법과 온 토코교육 데이터 세트를 작성합니다. 모델 릴리스 그 이상으로 이것은 오픈 소스 프로젝트의 시작입니다. 우리는 지역 사회 공헌으로 지속적인 개선을위한 도구와 프로세스를 발표하고 있습니다.Together는 오픈 소스 기초 모델이보다 포괄적이고 투명하며 강력하며 능력이 있다고 생각합니다. 우리는 공개하고 있습니다 OpenChatKit 0.15 소스 코드, 모델 가중치 및 교육 데이터 세트에 대한 전체 액세스 권한이있는 Apache-2.0 라이센스에 따라. 이것은 커뮤니티 중심의 프로젝트이며, 우리는 그것이 어떻게 발전하고 성장하는지 보게되어 기쁩니다!유용한 챗봇은 자연 언어로 된 지침을 따르고 대화 상자에서 컨텍스트를 유지하며 응답을 조정해야합니다. OpenChatKit은이베이스에서 특수 제작 된 챗봇을 도출하기위한 기본 봇과 빌딩 블록을 제공합니다.이 키트에는 4 가지 주요 구성 요소가 있습니다:100 % 탄소 음성 계산에 대한 4,300 만 건 이상의 명령으로 EleutherAI의 GPT-NeoX-20B에서 채팅을 위해 미세 조정 된 명령 조정 된 대용량 언어 모델;작업을 정확하게 수행하기 위해 모델을 미세 조정하는 사용자 정의 레시피;추론시 문서 저장소, API 또는 기타 실시간 업데이트 정보 소스의 정보로 봇 응답을 보강 할 수있는 확장 가능한 검색 시스템;봇이 응답하는 질문을 필터링하도록 설계된 GPT-JT-6B로 미세 조정 된 조정 모델.OpenChatKit에는 사용자가 피드백을 제공하고 커뮤니티 구성원이 새로운 데이터 세트를 추가 할 수 있도록하는 도구가 포함되어 있습니다. 시간이 지남에 따라 LLM을 개선 할 수있는 개방형 교육 데이터 모음에 기여합니다.
OpenChatKit은 다양한 응용 프로그램을위한 특수 및 범용 챗봇을 모두 생성 할 수있는 강력한 오픈 소스 기반을 제공합니다. 우리는 협력 법과 온 토코교육 데이터 세트를 작성합니다. 모델 릴리스 그 이상으로 이것은 오픈 소스 프로젝트의 시작입니다. 우리는 지역 사회 공헌으로 지속적인 개선을위한 도구와 프로세스를 발표하고 있습니다.
Together는 오픈 소스 기초 모델이보다 포괄적이고 투명하며 강력하며 능력이 있다고 생각합니다. 우리는 공개하고 있습니다 OpenChatKit 0.15 소스 코드, 모델 가중치 및 교육 데이터 세트에 대한 전체 액세스 권한이있는 Apache-2.0 라이센스에 따라. 이것은 커뮤니티 중심의 프로젝트이며, 우리는 그것이 어떻게 발전하고 성장하는지 보게되어 기쁩니다!
유용한 챗봇은 자연 언어로 된 지침을 따르고 대화 상자에서 컨텍스트를 유지하며 응답을 조정해야합니다. OpenChatKit은이베이스에서 특수 제작 된 챗봇을 도출하기위한 기본 봇과 빌딩 블록을 제공합니다.
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100 % 탄소 음성 계산에 대한 4,300 만 건 이상의 명령으로 EleutherAI의 GPT-NeoX-20B에서 채팅을 위해 미세 조정 된 명령 조정 된 대용량 언어 모델;
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- Feb 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
I have you two sheet boxes I gave up on that I'm using a to buy from a colleague of mine he's written a small program 00:46:58 based on lumen set accustomed but it's a one-man show I mean he's it's not an open-source project but it's the only one that really tries to emulate that system so 00:47:11 I'm using that at the moment
Ahrens had started out using his method in an analog process using shoe boxes, but in 2018 was using a small program based on Luhmann's process, but it was a one man show and wasn't an open source project.
(I'm pretty sure this is Daniel Lüdecke's ZKN3, but should double check.)
www.sciencedirect.com www.sciencedirect.com
= Open Source Decarbonization - Professor = Joshua Pearce - presents the case that = open source hardware - can play a major role to rapidly decarbonize human civilization - This is because = open source hardware - innovation happens a lot more rapidly and the designs are scalable to the most marginalized people on the planet - = HardwareX - is a new journal dedicated to rapidly disseminating open hardware designs - A template is provided that if followed, essentially allows you to publish in the journal - All normal fees are waived to incentify the spread of Open Source Decarbonization hardware designs
= ABSTRACT: - The world is facing a = climate emergency. - We must reduce our reliance on fossil fuels and their export and, instead, develop renewable and efficient energy. - electrification of heating with : heat pumps - can radically reduce natural gas use, - electrical vehicles cut the need for oil, - energy efficiency and renewable energy can help meet the greater demand this electrification causes, - while cutting coal and natural gas use, carbon emissions and resultant climate destabilization.
- = Free and open source hardware design has proven to be an effective method to
- increase innovation and decrease costs of equipment and products
- over a wide range of industries.
- It can accelerate
- practical action
- implementation of policies and strategies to reduce our use of coal, oil and gas.
- We explain the power of open source to:
- improve the performance and decrease the costs
- of decarbonization technologies.
- Refer to the = HardwareX - special issue on = Open Source Decarbonization for a Sustainable World
- = Free and open source hardware design has proven to be an effective method to
Open source decarbonization for a sustainable world
= TITLE: = Open source decarbonization - for a sustainable world
www.tandfonline.com www.tandfonline.com
anadian professors’ views on establishing opensource endowed professorships
= TITLE: - Canadian professors’ views on establishing - = open source endowed professorships
= ABSTRACT: - To accelerate scientific progress by - advancing the spread of = open access and free and open source software and hardware in academia, - this study surveyed - university professors in Canada - to determine their willingness to accept = open source (OS) endowed chair professorships. - To obtain such an open source endowed chair, in addition to demonstrated excellence in their field, professor would need to agree to - ensuring all of their writing is distributed via open access and releasing all of their intellectual contributions in the public domain or under OS licenses.
- Results of this study show
- 81.1% Canadian faculty respondents would be willing to accept the terms of an OS endowed professorship.
- 34.4% of these faculty would require no additional compensation.
- Respondents that favor traditional rewards for endowed chairs were shown to greatly favor receiving funds that would help benefit research
- 28% for graduate assistants to reduce faculty load
- 46.7% for a discretionary budget-the most common response
- These results show that, in Canada,
- there is widespread shared sentiment in favor of knowledge sharing among academics
- open source endowed professorships would be an effective way to catalyze increased sharing
- for the benefit of research in general and Canadian academia in particular.
- Results of this study show
www.sciencedirect.com www.sciencedirect.com
= Highlights - Patents granted for unoriginal inventions if prior art outside of the patent literature missed. - Misses most of free and open source software and hardware - number in millions. - = Open Source Hardware Association - created a certification database - centralized prior art. - Novel tool has a semi-automated way of certification from = MediaWiki - websites. - = OSHWA - certification completed on average in 62.5% less than direct form filling.
Towards open source patents: Semi-automated open hardware certification from MediaWiki websites
= TITLE - Towards = open source patents - Semi-automated = open hardware - certification - from = MediaWiki websites
www.sciencepolicyjournal.org www.sciencepolicyjournal.org
Executive Summary
= Policy Position Paper = Executive Summary - Changes in science funders’ mandates - have resulted in open access to data, software, and publications. - Research capacity, however, is still unequally distributed worldwide, hindering the impact of these efforts. - To achieve the SDGs, open science policies must shift focus from products to processes and infrastructure, - including access to open source scientific equipment. - - Conventional, black box, proprietary approaches to science hardware - reinforce inequalities in science and slow down innovation everywhere, - while also threatening research capacity strengthening efforts. - Three policy recommendations to promote open science hardware for research capacity strengthening: - incorporating open hardware into existing open science mandates, - incentivizing demand through technology transfer and procurement mechanisms, - promoting the adoption of open hardware in national and regional service centers.
Equitable Research Capacity Towards theSustainable Development Goals: The Case forOpen Science Hardware
= TITLE - Equitable Research Capacity - Towards the SDGs: - The Case for = Open Science Hardware
AUTHORS: - Julieta Arancio - https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=1bFSyMQAAAAJ - Mayra Morales Tirado - https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=d0u_n6UAAAAJ - Joshua Pearce -https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=QZ8lPxwAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&sortby=pubdate
thesiswhisperer.com thesiswhisperer.com
I’m edging towards a new book, which is pretty formless at the moment, so I need a better solution for keeping my writing ‘chunks’ organised. I started playing around with a new piece of database software called Obsidian after recording an episode about it for the On The Reg podcast with my co-host Dr Jason Downs. Obsidian makes your notes more useful by ‘linking your thinking’. Basically, any word in an Obsidian note can become a link to another note, so, over time, your notes become like your own personal wikipedia. Obsidian also makes a cool visualisation of all the links between your notes, so you can surf through them, visually. Pages are represented as nodes; pages which have a lot of incoming links become bigger in the visual graph, literally showing you where an idea is ‘growing’:
I'm not sold on Obsidian. I think TiddlyWiki has equivalent (and more) features (albeit requiring plugins for graphing), a more robust architecture, and a more open license.
Horses for courses I guess, but depending on Obsidian's evolution, I suspect other writers might end up looking for alternatives.
- Jan 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
so my earnest request to every business leader is start 00:28:35 believe you can take action collaborate I will share all the Technologies we have we spend hundreds of millions of dollars a year develop developing them 00:28:49 you can have our technology for free but make a start because the alternative is both uneconomic eliminating emissions is great business 00:29:03 but it's also catastrophic if you do nothing today thank you
!- Andrew Forrest : Open sourcing all their IP - as encouragement for others to participate
www.theverge.com www.theverge.com
It’s almost something of an arms race, where the Nerf internet community one-ups each other by making their toy blasters shoot more foam faster, farther, and more accurately, whether to show off or to perform that much better in an actual game of Nerf. And while Hasbro is clearly taking some notes from the upstart maker community, 3D printers in particular are giving makers an edge they’ve never had before.
This is the classical story of the open source challenge to an incumbent / dominant actor in a market. In this case it's about Nerf and toy blasters. The interesting bit is that this was hardware-led revolution (3d printing); and the open source spirit is optional - chosen by some actors, but not others.
www.benji.dog www.benji.dogbenji1
- Dec 2022
gitlab.com gitlab.com
Soapbox, a front end product running Mastodon.
Found via this user's instance: https://social.arinbasu.online/notice/AR6oc4sUUpwBPfApHs
Evrone always encourages the developers to work on what they love and contribute back to the software world by writing open-source, that's how Cuprite Ruby driver for Capybara was born.
- Nov 2022
www.mygard.info www.mygard.infoGard1
Gard is an open-source project on a mission to make hydroponics more accessible, enabling people to grow their food in a sustainable way.
community.interledger.org community.interledger.org
🌟 Highlight words as they are spoken (karaoke anybody?). 🌟 Navigate video by clicking on words. 🌟 Share snippets of text (with video attached!). 🌟 Repurpose by remixing using the text as a base and reference.
If I understand it correctly, with hyperaudio, one can also create transcription to somebody else's video or audio when embedded.
In that case, if you add to hyperaudio the annotation capablity of hypothes.is or docdrop, the vision outlined in the article on Global Knowledge Graph is already a reality.
- knowledge
- remixing
- simultaneous
- learning
- video
- timing
- web monetization
- lite
- language
- navigation
- conference
- repurposing
- roam
- transcript
- creative
- translate
- hyperaudio
- commons
- docdrop
- speech2text
- annotation
- ML
- mobile
- plugin
- interactive
- speech to text
- captions
- open
- audio
- translation
- speech
- wordpress
- monetization
- global
- graph
- sharing
- open source
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
To add some other intermediary services:
- ko-fi (site for contribution)
- GitHub sponsors (for GitPages)
- itch.io (for games)
- Gumroad (for sites and repositories)
- Patreon (for fan interaction)
To add a service for groups:
To add a service that enables fans to support the creators directly and anonymously via microdonations or small donations by pre-charging their Coil account to spend on content streaming or tipping the creators' wallets via a layer containing JS script following the Interledger Protocol proposed to W3C:
If you want to know more, head to Web Monetization or Community or Explainer
Disclaimer: I am a recipient of a grant from the Interledger Foundation, so there would be a Conflict of Interest if I edited directly. Plus, sharing on Hypothesis allows other users to chime in.
- jekyll
- mozilla
- video
- youtube
- gratuity
- education
- open-source
- payment
- art
- micro-donation
- dev.to
- sponsors
- browser
- exclusive
- collective
- pipe web
- gatsby
- pricing
- mozfest
- github
- pricing strategies
- wallet
- gridsome
- svelte
- open
- revenue sharing
- gaming
- hugo
- uphold
- wordpress
- microdonation
- tessy
- revenue
- protocol
- micropayment
- podcast
- strategies
- stream
- payment pointer
- web monetization
- gumroad
- premium
- Interledger
- film
- open web
- web standards
- 11ty
- mozilla festival
- plug-in
- w3c
- ngx
- nonprofit
- donation
- Patreon
- pay what you want
- Consortium
- coil
- community
- extension
- model
- vuepress
- privacy
- web
- tips
- pwyw
- freemium
- moodle
- research
- ko-fi
- Interledger Protocol
- gftw
- subscriptions
- fans
- contribution
- open collective
- pay-what-you-want
- business
- online ledger
- monetization
- gatehub
- games
- tools
- open source
www.vice.com www.vice.com
Mastodon is extremely messy compared to its shiny, centralized predecessors.
What in the God's name of the fuck are you talking about??
wesleyfinck.org wesleyfinck.org
A beautiful example of a note that imbeds core zettels that simultaneously make connections within a Zettelkasten. Each page for a note displays the network of notes and their connections. The website is based on an open-source template
The source code for the site is here
- Oct 2022
www.indxd.ink www.indxd.inkIndxd1
A digital, web-based index tool for your analog notebooks. Ostensibly allows one to digitally index their paper notebooks (page numbers optional).
It emails you weekly text updates, so you've got a back up of your data if the site/service disappears.
This could potentially be used by those who have analog zettelkasten practices, but want the digital search and some back up of their system.
<small><cite class='h-cite via'>ᔥ <span class='p-author h-card'>sgtstretch </span> in @Gaby @pimoore so a good friend of mine makes [INDXD](https://www.indxd.ink/) which is for indexing analog notebooks and being able to find things. I don't personally use it, but I know @patrickrhone has written about it before. (<time class='dt-published'>10/27/2022 17:59:32</time>)</cite></small>
@route @twalpole as a community I think we're super grateful for your work on a CDP alternative to chromedriver/selenium, poltergeist etc. I do think collaboration could be very valuable though, although it would likely mean abandoning one of the projects and teaming up on the other, you both obviously have very deep knowledge of CDP and therefore would get a load more done than any of us "end users" trying to wade in there. The status for us on our Rails project is that Apparition fails with a ton of errors, they all seem related to handling timing events (accept_prompt doesn't work, opening new windows seems problematic etc etc etc) whereas Cuprite only rails with a cookie gem we're using (easy fixed) and doesn't support drag_to yet. So to me Cuprite seems more complete, but I don't know much about the internals.
As both projects are written by 2 different people independently there's huge difference in the code. I don't think I have time or wish to merge them because it's huge amount of work. The common thing between them is only CDP that's all. Though Cuprite is already stable and supports all features that Capybara requires, we run tests and do many cools things with it in production.
As a history mark, when back then I asked Thomas if he started to work on CDP, he said yes but never finished it, so I started this project from scratch which by now feels completed. After releasing it I only yesterday realized that he open-sourced his project and keeps working on it. I think it just feels hard to throw everything you have written to trash, but I wasn't proposed at the beginning to work together on common project and this is the reason Cuprite had began. Though since this project is completed I see no sense to work on something else especially for me, the only difference would be in Ruby implementation which is boring as you can do things in a different manner and CDP has issues too so the difference could be only how we workaround them.
And yeah, you two should probably gang up :)
what is the difference? and why do you write it from scratch?
Haven't really looked through your code, so not sure what the difference is - I would guess not too much. I told you about my version when we were discussing the issues you were having on cuprite -- It was 70+ percent done so I released it and finished up most of the rest. I guess one difference is that you appear to be aiming at bleeding edge Chromium, whereas I'm more focused on things working on Chrome release since I think that's more important for people to test with (no customer is going to be running Chromium alpha).
I also was surprised to see 2 "kind of similar" new drivers both targeting CDP I wonder if joining forces ultimately would be a good idea?