290 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. Oiling themselves like roast meat on a spit, and barebacks and shoulders, on the street, in public, and legs, not even stockings onthem, no wonder those things used to happen

      As if they are pieces of meat waiting to be devoured. As if they are responsible for their appeal -- and should hide it. They are being described as food and therefore the object of men's desire.



  2. Sep 2024
    1. havenot been the first then.

      She then knows she is the outside woman. She is the outside woman of the outside woman. She is just one of many pawns to complete the Commander's incompleteness temporarily

    2. "I thought you were enjoying it," he says lightly, watching me, however,with intent bright eyes. If I didn't know better I would think it was fear. "Iwish you would."

      She keeps saying that she knows to see through his intentions and the lack of love that she has realised come through with the Commander. Juxtaposed with "Right now I almost like him."

    3. "What would you like?" he says, still with that lightness, as if it's amoney transaction merely, and a minor one at that: candy, cigarettes."Besides hand lotion, you mean," I say."Besides hand lotion," he agrees."I would like..." I say. "I would like to know.

      This shows the disconnect between the understanding of the severity of the situation. He is still playing with her when she is in fear of her own death, as if it is a simple and equal transaction.

    4. Because of the man's conflicting feelings, because of his sullen and weak inner emotions, his insufficiency in himself, he causes chaos and ruins the lives of women in very real ways. Such as in creating the conditions of Gilead and tempting Offred with a sense of false hope before she eventually is taken away. His loneliness has caused everything. Even the handmaid before who hung herself.

    5. Butter, he said, musing. That's very clever. Butter. He laughed.I could have slapped him.

      Juxtaposition of lack of understanding, the disconnect between men and women.

    6. It was a look you'dgive to an almost extinct animal, at the zoo.

      This imagery of the complete extinction of what women are and were.

    7. I've learned to do without a lot of things. If you have a lot of things, saidAunt Lydia, you get too attached to this material world and you forget aboutspiritual values. You must cultivate poverty of spirit. Blessed are the meek.

      Which contradicts her desire to treat her body, to have skin cream, forcing her to use even butter. Both women are pitted against each other because they have one but not the other -- one has their fertility and the other has their vanity.

  3. Jul 2024
    1. The book changed my point of view. Statistics, surveys, and anecdotes bear out that there are a great many marriages that are soul crushing for a woman based on the traditional marriage roles that still dominate. There’s an inequality of sharing household chores and childcare and an inequality of who sacrifices their desired careers, especially poignant at a time when women are ascendant in their educational attainment and career opportunities. 2Lyz’s book gave me a clear picture of how in many “normal” seeming marriages––no infidelity, no physical or cruel emotional abuse, no addictions or criminal behavior–––a woman might live a far happier and more fulfilling life if she got a divorce or had never married.
    1. in the case of the new world the the the maize plant the wild maize plant had a little cob on it that was only about one centimeter long

      for - corn - thousands of years to breed from 1 cm cob to present size - transition - stone age to agriculture - importance of women

    2. when you've killed off all the big game and you're sort of running around hunting rabbits and small birds and you're starting to think this 00:11:49 really isn't good enough and probably in those those hunting societies is usually the women and children who do the gathering and they were probably uh producing 00:12:02 a bigger and bigger percentage of the food supply from their activities

      for - progress - transition from stone age hunter gatherers to agriculture - role of women and children

  4. Mar 2024
    1. among women, DDP isassociated nwith improved perceptions of ASM – specifically of its impactson access to clean water, health, and general village life

      positive perception of women about DDP since it help improve ohs conditions?

    1. it should be noted that technological transformationsand mechanization of ASGM similarly have gendered effects. In Kamituga, this is most obvious in the recentintroduction of ball mills. Mechanized ball mills have pushed many twangaises out of work, which has in turnopened possibilities for minyangala and bizalu and has extended the production process almost ad infinitum.

      mechanisation effect on women's work in mining

    1. Apart from the specific risks mentioned above, poornutrition and sanitation, hard physical work, anddiscrimination negatively affect the health of boththe female workers and their families.

      ASM effect on women

    1. onsequently, the researchrevealed that formalization and responsible sourcing(particularly traceability) have negatively impactedwomen’s involvement in mining and their income.

      effect of formalisation on women position in ASM

    2. While male actors largely dominateASM, the sector remains an important source of revenue for many women. Women can be directlyinvolved in mining, most often transporting and processing minerals. An estimated 5% of the mineworkers (4,907 of 99,594) in the IPIS sample are female. But, more commonly, women participate indirectlyby providing auxiliary services such as food preparation, transportation of consumer goods or water, andshopkeeping in mining communities.Figure 13: Location of Numbi, Nyabibwe and Nzibira in South Kivu province.ASM is, however, characterized by gender inequality and inequality in decision-making across the supplychains. Gender-based violence is also prevalent with prostitution being common in many of the miningcamps. As IPIS wanted to highlight structural forms of violence in the ASM sector, it collaborated withProfessor Marie-Rose Bashwira Nyenyezi (Centre d’expertise en gestion minière/Université Catholique deBukavu, CEGEMI-UCB). Her study analyzed the structural factors that explain gender inequality in ASM in38

      5% are women

    1. when considering the median, most of men earn around 29 % more than women

      gender gap

    1. the artisanal mining sector. On the one hand, the traceability systemhas made it possible to exclude certain positions, including those oc-cupied by women in mineral supply chains. On the other hand, makingit mandatory for miners to band together in associations can createopportunities for women to organize themselves as well, in turn im-proving their positions in mineral supply chains.

      pros and cons of formalisation for women

    2. This has led some women to commit to formingtheir own cooperatives. But while the Lutonde case provides valuableinspiration, it is still the only women's mining cooperative in 3TG. Itnevertheless epitomizes the motivation and desire of women in easternDRC, specifically their drive to take advantage of new opportunities inASM and their willingness to position themselves to derive benefitsfrom activities throughout the supply chain

      new mining code -new opportunities for women



    1. Women represent just 3% of mine workers at sites visited (1,730female mine workers, out of a total of 55,604). Social norms and security risks act as a barrier to furtherparticipation. Yet women still play an important role in the ASM sector, mainly through auxiliary ser-vice provision. This includes food preparation, transportation, and shopkeeping in mining communities.Women were present at 53% of sites visited, and had greater representation at larger mining sites

      women in mine sites and in mining 3%

    1. not share her thoughts, who could see men pursuing herbut not pay them any attention . . . that's the sort ofwoman—DESDEMONATo do what?DESDEMONAThe sort of woman to do what?IAGOTo suckle fools and chronicle small beer.

      That "perfect woman" or deserving woman will not do her job properly -- a woman must be imperfect to be a woman?

    2. I won his daughter.

      The diction is yet again paralleled to the military aspect that he just mentioned -- he is still a soldier, still a warlord, still someone that wins battles -- not an equal in love ?

    3. Being not deficient, blind, or lame of sense

      Like a puppet, he imposes his own senses, perception as her own

  5. Feb 2024
    1. Across the entry for T. W. Tonkin of Barnes, who had sent in nothingfor a sixteenth-century polemical work against female monarchs, The FirstBlast of the Trumpet Against the Monstrous Regiment of Women by theScottish Protestant Reformer John Knox, he wrote in blue pencil, ‘Impostor –Stole the Book’
  6. Jan 2024
    1. The early warning system also delivers messages like “Let me describe how PMS feels and let you know when it’s here and how we can both avoid a blowout over something small” and “Tears are good for me and do not signal that you’re a bad person or should fix something. Just hang out and make some mild sounds of support.”

      to be able to talk about this without feeling guilty about being a woman.

    1. My noble father,I do perceive here a divided duty.To you I am bound for life and education.My life and education both do learn meHow to respect you. You are the lord of duty.I am hitherto your daughter. But here’s my husband.And so much duty as my mother showedTo you, preferring you before her father,So much I challenge that I may professDue to the Moor my lord

      Shows that she is nothing as an individual but solely as an asset to both-- who she recognizes herself as is completely solely based on her roles in men's life.

    2. BRABANTIOMy daughter! Oh, my daughter!BRABANTIOMy daughter! Oh, my daughter!ALLDead?ALLIs she dead?BRABANTIOAy, to me.She is abused, stol'n from me, and corruptedBy spells and medicines bought of mountebanks

      Her father considers her dead because she has shown a side of her that doesn't fit in his stereotypical thinking -- she has shown dynamism, less of an object and more of a person.

    3. I say again, hath made a gross revolt,Tying her duty, beauty, wit, and fortunesIn an extravagant and wheeling strangerOf here and everywhere

      These are all the characteristics they value in her, like a new car.

    4. Even now, now, very now, an old black ramIs tupping your white ewe.

      Dehumanization and picturing the relationship as a horrid rape and beastiality between Desdemona and Othello, capturing the Social Identity Theory at its finest.

    5. Presently.Therefore confess thee freely of thy sin,For to deny each article with oathCannot remove nor choke the strong conceptionThat I do groan withal. Thou art to die.

      Evidence to show that, explicitly, no matter what she says or does, he has excluded her reason and fixed his mind on one solution: to kill her, to be rid of her. Shows the stubbornness of the mind and his view of her still as an object. Manhood/chivalry = Isolated and stubborn choices.

    6. Preferment goes by letter and affection,And not by old gradation, where each secondStood heir to th' first.

      A kind of juxtaposition between the "womanly" / "witch-like" Michael Cassio and the "chivalrous" and "honest" man Iago (as seen by him), showing the perception of men and women.

    7. A fellow almost damned in a fair wife

      Demonstrates the view of women as two-dimensional tools with specific and sole uses for men, who cannot take or assume any other role that men may.

  7. Nov 2023
    1. typically men more than women when they gain weight tend to store fat in their tongue and so 00:01:55 their tongues will swell you can see that really nicely on MRI actually because fat shows up as basically white tissue on MRI the other thing is that men's Airways are larger and so because of the law of Laplace which we don't 00:02:07 have time to get into larger Airways are more collapsible and so they're easier to close off with pressure placed on the outside so that's why men are typically more at risk for obstructive sleep apnea 00:02:18 but women are also at risk for sleep apnea especially after menopause
      • for: sleep apnea - enlarged tongue in overweight men, sleep apnea - post menopause in women, sleep apnea - increased risk - overweight men, sleep apnea - increased risk - post menopause women

      • increased risk: sleep apnea

        • men: overweight
        • women - post menopause
    1. The role of white women in leadership has evolved in contrast to black women, who are underrepresented in these positions.
    2. Notwithstanding, studies have shown that a large proportion of black women aspire to be leaders, but encounter barriers and challenges during their journey, which are quite different from those experienced by white women and black men.
    1. Quotas can increase women's representation even without social and economic prerequisites. The adoption of quotas highlights the role of political elites in recruitment practices and the production and mitigation of inequalities in representation
  8. Oct 2023
    1. represent the capitulation of the powerless to the demands of the powerful.

      Greer argues porn is just exploitation of powerless by powerful, capitalist

    2. Germaine Greer argues that pornography is primarily a business that exploits both those who create it and those who consume it.
    3. ecriminalizing the sex-trade industry would give sex workers more control and better working conditions
    4. Dworkin's writings are powerful because they analyze violent pornography and include graphic depictions of sexualized violence.
    1. Wilson’s translations are the first in English to jettison slurs or euphemisms that mask the abjection of women in a society where a goal of war, according to the Iliad, was to rob men of their women, and where female captives of every rank were trafficked for sex and domestic labor.
  9. Jun 2023
    1. One) Successful men realize that the most important decision in their life is the woman they choose, because outside of work, this is what they'll be spending most time on. The woman must understand the man's grand ambition, and support them with it. (Cf. Flow & The Intellectual Life as well). Women should be chosen on personality, not looks. Looks fade (attraction as well), personality "stays".

      Two) Everyone deserves an opinion but not everyone deserves a say. Charlie Munger sums this up right: "I don't ever allow myself to have [express] an opinion about anything that I don't know the opponent side's argument better than they do." Or Marcus Aurelius, who says: "The opinion of ten thousand men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject." In short: Only state your opinion when you can back it up!; knowledge and experience. The same goes for judging opinion (and advice) from others.

      Three) Successful people buy assets when the money is enough. Assets > Luxury. (See also: Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki). Only buy glamor and other "interests" once your assets are there to secure your financial success.

      Four) Be pragmatic. Do what's practical, not what is "sexy". Notice inefficiencies and solve them. The entrepreneurial mindset.

      Five) The morning sets the tone for the rest of the days. Time is subjective, waking up early doesn't matter as much as waking up later. It depends on the person. Someone who wakes up at 10am can be as successful as someone who wakes up at 6am. Instead, what defines success, is a highly effective morning routine.

      Six) The less you talk, the more you listen. Talking less means less mistakes. In addition, the less you talk, the more people will listen when you do speak. It puts extra weight on your message. Listening means analysis and learning.

      Seven) Pick the right opportunity at the right time. Pick the right vehicle. Do the right things in the right order! The advice "don't do what someone says, do what they do" is bullshit, as you can't do what someone is able to do after ten years of experience.

      Eight) Discipline > Motivation. Motivation, like Dr. Sung says, fluctuates and is multifactorial dependent... When you are lead by motivation you will not be as productive. Don't rely on chance. Rely on what is stable.

      Nine) Once a good career has been made, buy A1 assets and hold on to them to secure a financially successful future.

      Ten) Just because you won, you are not a winner. Being a winner is a continuous process, it means always learning and reflecting as well as introspecting. Don't overvalue individual wins but do celebrate them when appropriate.

      Eleven) Build good relationships with the banks early on. At times you need loans to fund certain ventures, when having a good relation with them, this will be significantly easier. Understand finance as early as possible. Read finance books.

      Twelve) Keep the circle small. Acquintances can be many, but real close relationships should be kept small. Choose your friends wisely. "You become the average of the five people you spend most time with." Privacy is important. Only tell the most deep secrets to the Inner Circle, to avoid overcomplication.

      Thirteen) Assume that everything is your fault. Responsibility. It leads to learning. It requires reflection and introspection. It leads to Dr. Benjamin Hardy's statement: "Nothing happens to you, everything happens for you."

      Fourteen) Work like new money, but act like your old money. Combine the hunger of the new with the wisdom of the old.

      Fifteen) Assume that you can't change the world, but slightly influence it. It prevents disappointments and gives a right mindset. Do everything (that has your ambition) with an insane drive. Aim to hit the stars. To become the best of the best.

      Sixteen) Private victories lead to public victories. The solid maxim is the following: "The bigger the public victory, the more private victories went into it." Work in private. Social media doesn't need to known the struggle. Let your results talk for you. This is also why you should never compare yourself to others, but rather to your own past self.

      Seventeen) After extreme experience, the most complicated task will look elegant and effortless. Unconscious competence.

  10. Dec 2022
  11. www.janeausten.pludhlab.org www.janeausten.pludhlab.org
    1. the very material matrimonial point of submitting your own will, and doing as you were bid

      To a modern eye this line is very uncomfortable.

      Doing as you're told, like a child! No wonder Emma wants to avoid marriage.

  12. Oct 2022
    1. The punishment for raping a woman also varied quite a bit: it might be castration, execution, or a simple fine.

      and at someplaces hitting a womens punishment would be getting your hands cut off

  13. Aug 2022
  14. www.janeausten.pludhlab.org www.janeausten.pludhlab.org
    1. nothing

      Mary's selfishness knows no bounds. Anne is a much more capable person and does care for Louisa, it sounds rude to refer to their connection as "nothing" it echoes how Anne's family seem to regard her. It also leaves the two unmarried women to travel unaccompanied with an unrelated male - perhaps had they appealed to Mary with her importance as a married woman they may have had success

  15. Jul 2022
    1. What were (or still are) the relative attitudes towards issues related to gender at our respective institutions? What did the students at our respective institutions think about the gender issues of their day? We take particular focus on trans, queer, and women’s issues where they arise.

      Viewing group 2's project pitch, I believe that this group and my group (group 1) share a similar research question with some distinct variations. In group 1, we plan to go through the digital collections as well as publications from institutions that our members attend to find out about the students' attitude towards women during different gender discrimination eras. Meanwhile, this group covers a broader range of research in the study of genders. I am impressed with the meticulous explanation of the timeline that this group narrows down and also with the media that the group bases on for their sources of research. I hope that the research will be a success and I can learn new, interesting aspect of group 2's research to apply on my group's future research.

    1. இதுதான் யதார்த்தம், ஆண்கள் இதை ஏற்றுக்கொண்டே ஆகவேண்டும். நம் சூழலில் கலையிலக்கியங்களில் முதன்மையார்வம் கொண்டு அவற்றுக்காக உலகியல் வாழ்க்கையில் விட்டுக்கொடுக்கும் மனநிலை கொண்ட திருமணமாகாத இளம்பெண்கள் அரிதினும் அரிதினும் அரிதினும் அரிதானவர்கள். லட்சத்தில் ஒருவர் என்றே சொல்லத்துணிவேன்.

      JMo - Women role in Literature

  16. Jun 2022
    1. Lois Weber<br /> - First woman accepted to Motion Picture Director's Association, precursor of Director's Guild<br /> - First directors committee of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences<br /> - Mayor of Universal City<br /> - One of the highest paid and most influential directors in Hollywood of her day<br /> - one of first directors to form her own production company

      See also: - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lois_Weber

    1. why is the moment you ask someone is a woman as electable as a man how come the moment you ask that everything changes yeah this is this was one of those really remarkable we didn't do this 00:21:01 research so i can brag about it right right it's regina bateson this is really fantastic research looking at gender bias in politics right because it's unbelievable 00:21:14 like women are so underrepresented in intellectual politics it's just you can't it's but like here's the thing like it's important to understand what's driving that and and for sure let's just be clear just straight up sexism 00:21:27 certainly is involved sometimes like that that's certainly the case but what what uh dr bateson found what i think was really fascinating is that given our winner-take-all um like sort of two-party system 00:21:41 so much is dependent on what the gatekeepers think who who because now like if we were doing something like ranked choice voting it doesn't really matter i don't have to care what i think anybody else thinks right but in a winner-take-all system i 00:21:54 have to do a little bit of guessing about who do i think most people are going to vote for right because otherwise my vote is quote unquote wasted right if i take a flyer on that so what was interesting is if you look at how women perform when they are 00:22:08 nominated in general elections women win at the same rate as white men it's just so i suggest obviously it's not a general election problem and what what she found was that it was like 00:22:20 party leaders especially donors right they're like well wait a minute i'm not sexist but i think most people in the party are so i don't think you're going to be able to win and so they don't get the support they don't get the the 00:22:32 resources and it becomes self-fulfilling it's so clear when you put it that way how that becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy but there there is so much pressure within certain groups to say this the the dominant ideology and just 00:22:44 like don't like if you can't it's like a cult right because like the second you question maybe you're like what does the evidence actually show they're like you're out you're not being loyal um wow 00:22:57 yeah so that's it's actually um in the book i i was looking at what i call these conformity traps like these these three kinds of situations where you are likely to slip into blind conformity and you are quite likely to do that 00:23:10 under an illusion to begin with and you know this this sort of identity trap where you've got these groups that matter so much to who you are right and and especially when it's just one group that group has cult-like power 00:23:23 over you

      In summary, women don't do well in politics (and probably business) due to a collective illusion effect of the gatekeepers who believe everyone else thinks that they are rocking the boat.

      Groups can influence a cult like power on individual group members.

  17. May 2022
    1. A creative state refers to the idea that a nation state can transform in an intra-active way in response to new demands presented by the hyperthreat. The creative state can emerge as a far more powerful but just and agile entity, with increased agency to protect its people and natural systems. For democratic nations, the creative state also refers to democratic repair, which includes devolution of greater decision-making, analysis, and resources to local levels.

      One way to affect the creative state is to promote a global campaign to encourage eco-civilizationally and social justice minded women to enter into local political leadership roles. Recent research shows that such system level change can result in far greater impact than ineffective individual scale change.

    1. is one of the solid East's who's you know all the Enlightenment salons have had sort of women facilitators who of course it's been forgotten and and marginalized in the history but she was one of those and she wrote a book which

      Enlightenment-era salons were led by women facilitators, but they have largely been marginalized since for their contributions.


    1. https://colinwalker.blog/?date=2022-03-08#p2

      Some interesting looking female bloggers listed here.

  18. Apr 2022
  19. Feb 2022
    1. A review of Stanley's work explaining why women are often left out of the conversation on technological contributions.

  20. Dec 2021
  21. Nov 2021
  22. Oct 2021
    1. Out of a belief that women were naturally good at nurturing children, Froebel had cultivated a network of female teachers who would champion his ideas and emigrate with their knowledge to other countries.
  23. Sep 2021
    1. Adornment is frequently seen as a style extra for finishing an outfit. For some, a look isn't finished until the correct frill are added. A "exemplary" look, for example, requests pearls and precious stones for fruition. Adornments has assumed a significant part in human existence for millennia. We gain from history that antiquated civilisations appreciated adornments and it was utilized to feature the characteristic magnificence of its wearers. Various pieces were worn to represent various messages like security, astuteness, polish, and thriving. Numerous ladies like to wear gems as an image of gentility or to grandstand economic wellbeing. Adornments can likewise cause a lady to feel sure and delightful. Here are five reasons adornments is imperative to advanced ladies: 1. It's a fundamental adornment for unique events. Adornments is truly significant to ladies and it's significance in their lives today isn't difficult to comprehend given the way that it has been worn by people for quite a long time. It's fame just increments as time advances as new styles and plans enter the commercial center. Going to unique events, like weddings, graduations, grant functions, birthday celebrations, and commemoration meals, without wearing adornments isn't a possibility for most of ladies. They would feel dull and under-dressed without certain bits of gems to embellish themselves. 2. It tends to be a wise speculation. Money master, Alister Clare from Credit Capital says, "adornments isn't just utilized for design, however certain things can likewise fill in as extraordinary ventures and will hold their worth uncertainly. A gems assortment can be an incredible security reserve. She adds, "purchasing gems venture pieces, particularly the costly ones, permits you to purchase what you love, anyway you should guarantee that you are purchasing from legitimate sources." Precious stones have been pursued for quite a long time and are consistently sought after paying little mind to any fluctuating economies and happenings in the public arena. The appeal for precious stones, just as gold, guarantees that gems holds its worth and will consistently be not difficult to sell when required. Gold is a valuable metal, and gold arm bands, rings, and neckbands can without much of a stretch be liquefied down and transformed into bullion bars and new bits of adornments. The estimation of gold remaining parts generally stable dissimilar to that of money, which vacillates relying upon financial components. Gems with high gold substance will consistently have a high worth. For example, the current worldwide monetary emergency isn't affecting gold costs, which keeps on expanding. 3. It causes them to feel better and gives them fearlessness. Gems has an undeniable capacity to draw out the best in a lady's highlights and character when the correct piece is worn by the opportune individual to the correct event. It is significant for ladies as it can cause them to feel excellent, classy, extraordinary, and certain. It eventually assumes a major part in causing a lady to have a positive outlook on herself, which is the reason it's so important to numerous ladies. 4. It's regularly perhaps the most costly and significant blessings a lady gets from her better half. There is an immense scope of various bits of adornments a man can purchase for a lady, and his decision relies upon the event and the measure of cash he needs to or can pay. Gems can go from $10 to countless dollars in cost. Things containing platinum and precious stone are the most costly, while silver gems is generally reasonable. White gold is the most mainstream decision right now. 5. It can have wistful worth. A few bits of adornments that ladies own have a wistful worth a lot higher than their financial worth. For instance, a 500 dollar wedding band can have boundlessly more noteworthy inborn worth and be something to treasure until the end of time. Besides, its wistful worth can increment as it's given over to people in the future. Feel certain and lovely! Click here for special lovely deals on braceletshttps://helbeau.com/product/womens-casual-round-quartz-watch-with-leather-strap/

      Exellence Obong

    2. The fact is that jewelry has exuded a specific value for thousands of years. People have always worn gold, silver, and other substances to underline a high position, their wealth, or simply their beauty. Those who possessed rare natural materials liked to show it too, and those who hunted animals wore their bones as evidence of their strength and courage. This perhaps makes the jewelry items most useful. Accessories have always shaped the image of the wearer. As a gift, jewelry is even more meaningful because it shows how much a person means to the giver. This is why women like to emphasize who gave them their jewelry and for what reason. So jewelry is a timeless gift. It underlines the characteristics of the wearer. Jewelry designers are aware of this and therefore create a wide variety of shapes and colors. That was also the case centuries ago: The goldsmiths in ancient Egypt or among the Greeks and Romans made jewelry depending on the client to make it extraordinary. In addition, such a gift is always associated with fond memories of special events. A ring naturally represents the beginning of a marriage, and jewelry is generally also considered a kind of investment - especially materials such as gold, silver, and platinum.

      Chad Jones

    3. Those ladies (even gentlemen, vice versa), who are weak minded, not having strong mentality, depend upon others wear jewelry. These ladies by showing jewelry want to attract wealthy men for survival. Moreover jewelry has got liquidity. In any peril it pays immediate money. It has got assets value. I have seen several beautiful ladies with high education and intelligence do not use much jewelry as they are self dependent.

      Ronnjone Sam

    4. Personally, as a girl, I like jewelry because it looks nice and goes with a lot of outfits. Really, I can respect the desire to buy jewelry with precious materials, but you'll find me shopping for a five dollar necklace at a thrift store. I'd feel like I was wasting my time with gold or real gemstones.


    5. I think gold jewelry is an important ornament for all special occasions a woman goes through in life - like wedding, anniversary. Jewelry is also one of the best and expensive gifts that a husband can offer to his wife. So, jewelry has a great importance in women’s life because it can make a woman feel special, stylish and beautiful.

      Maria Berg

    6. Women love jewelry for the same reason men love watches: it makes them feel attractive and high status. Feeling high status applies both to romantic and to peer relationships. In other words, people feel more confident when they wear jewelry. To learn more about how to sell jewelry to people, read our post here on the topic: 6 Keys To Selling Jewelry For Beginners - ELF925 Blog

      Peter Evans

    7. In my opinion, there are not many reasons why women like jewelry. Women are naturally soft. They are born to pursue beauty, and jewelry is one of the beauty.

      Fang Li

    8. Jewellery has been an asset to humans since time immemorial. It has remained a symbol of power and beauty for us. Women have always been attracted to owning a piece of jewellery, be it in the form of a pendant or an earring. When we talk about precious metal jewellery, it is a symbol of everlasting love and joy. These non-decaying metals symbolise ever glowing beauty and power, an apt choice for ladies around the world. Women have always had a fascination to look their best at all times. They want to look different yet cast a lasting impression on others. The easiest way to do so is by wearing the perfect piece that adds to the glow. For instance, a pair of classic rose gold earring will go a long way in adding to the versatility of any woman. Be it a formal occasion or a family wedding, it is the jewellery of the woman that makes her stand out among other ladies. Praadis Jewellers, a leading jewellery brand of India located in Aashima Anupama Mall, Bhopal offers various designs to cater to all your jewellery needs. You can check out their collection here for more info.

      Rahul Vishwakarma

    9. Jewelry has always been used to enhance the beauty of the person wearing it. He or she chose his or her jewelry according to the budget and ultimate point is to look good and feel good wearing it. Jewelry is one of the important parts of a woman’s beauty. Jewelry helps to enhance beauty if it is used in the right manner. Buying a piece of jewelry is an emotional purchase. Especially when one is shopping for an engagement ring. Buying diamonds & jewelry have always been one of the most popular trends for couples during Valentine's Day, birthdays, anniversaries, mother's day & religious holidays along with roses as it is one of the most universal symbols of love in a tangible form. Wearing jewelry can represent a lot of different personality traits. It can also be a symbol of accomplishment, success, confidence, social status or even self-worth for those who treat themselves. Everywhere in the world and for centuries, the woman has worn jewelry for many.It is one of the few things in life you can purchase that ultimately can be owned for a lifetime. Some women like to own jewelry for the simple fact that it is something that can be passed down generation after generation that potentially becomes a family heirloom. Whether it is an engagement ring that was passed down from your grandmother or a necklace that your mother received on her wedding day and decided to continue the tradition.

      Simran Kaur

    10. It is difficult to pinpoint the correct time with reference to when ladies began cherishing gems. History has more than once demonstrated a lady's propensity for wearing something delightful on her neck, arms, ears and fingers. Furthermore, whatever the plan of the piece - be it basic pendants, hoops, or thick bangles - the women will dependably be pulled in to these improving pieces more than the noble men. Some mental examinations may bolster this reality, stipulating that numerous young ladies are by and large attracted to glossy, sparkly and brilliant things. This is the reason, in many examples, wonderful adornments is constantly connected with a lady, as it is relatively synonymous. So for what reason do young ladies cherish adornments? There are two or three reasons that ring a bell: The women love to look beautiful. For a certain something, ladies are touted as more trendy and more cognizant with regards to looking in vogue and respectable. Contrasted with the men, the women put such a great amount of care into their appearances, and in all actuality society puts such a great amount of desire for them to look well. So to influence themselves to seem more satisfactory, it has dependably been set - maybe since the start of development - that young ladies should dependably wear beautiful things particularly with regards to attire, shoes, frill or gems. Furthermore, now and again, it isn't just about wearing any sort of gems. A few young ladies even go the additional mile by wearing brilliant and shaded pieces that truly summon consideration. The more the pieces snatch the enthusiasm of the general population around her, the more it is speaking to wear. This isn't to state, in any case, that numerous ladies are vain about looking great and getting acclaims for it. Be that as it may, of course, regardless of whether people concede this or not, vanity while thought about a bad habit by a few, can likewise be something to be thankful for, particularly among the female populace. Since there is nothing amiss with looking pretty and utilizing adornments to do only that. The women place an incentive in their fortunes. Women cherishing gems may likewise have a remark with the way that each piece they possess conveys a nostalgic esteem, paying little heed to how much its genuine cost is worth. Be it costly or reasonable, they keep most blessings they get, especially when it is gems. They hold specific connection to their rings, pieces of jewelry and wrist trinkets, particularly when these speak to critical minutes in their lives. They welcome the images and portrayals of the gemstones that accompany the blessings, and comprehend the significance behind it. They gather adornments pieces, regardless of whether they just wear this once, and they definitely know which ones they will pass on to their girls or other female relatives when the perfect time comes. Men appreciate offering gems to their better half, sweetheart, little girls, mother and other noticeable females throughout their life for every one of these reasons. All things considered, there is some incredible fulfillment from the supplier in observing that the adornments they have skilled to that exceptional lady in their life is so esteemed and loved. Notoriety of Women's Jewelry It should not shock anyone in this way, that ladies visit adornments web based shopping destinations, since most young ladies love to look for gems whenever and anyplace, it is very nearly a given that stores ought to have these. Beside ladies, adornments online stores are looked for by men searching for gems to blessing to the unique ladies in their lives.

      Jakir Hossain

    11. Being a contemporary women's and unisex fashion jewelry designer myself, I find that women and men alike wear jewelry as a way to communicate their personality. If an individual will take the time to put an accessory on like jewelry, they like expressing to the world through it. Examples include women wearing an engagement ring because they want the world to know they're getting married or with my collection, people show they want to support one of a kind designs and take pride in wearing art that not everyone has and is originally and locally crafted. Besides wearing my own jewelry brand, I seek out fashion that is top quality, made from new production methods or just interesting materials, and play with color palettes and silhouette shapes that get my creative gears going- what I wear is a part of artistic expression.

      Ashley Koprowski

    12. Not all women do. But for those who do, there's multiple reasons why jewelry is attractive.It's fashionable. Good jewelry is an accessory that can be used with many different outfits and styles. It is a form of art that interacts well with one's style.It's a social signifier. It shows wealth and status to others around.It represents sacrifice. If it was given as a gift, the giver has to have extra money and is a good provider.It's an emergency stash. If needed, you can sell your jewelry and get money.Added 9/11/13: Many pieces are heirlooms. These are a vital link to people's family and a sense of history.

      Miguel Valdespino

    13. Jewelry is like a woman's soul mate. The secret of a woman is clearest. Jewelry shows the beauty of a woman. The pursuit of beauty is a woman's instinct, no matter how many instant jewelry, one will always feel that one is missing. 1. Elegance 2. Self-confidence 3. A sense of ritual 4. The pursuit of beauty 5. Make yourself happy 6. Jewelry is taste Do you know FashionTIY? You can buy jewelry, earrings, necklaces, bracelets, etc. on it. The quality of jewellery is better, and you will not feel cheap.

      Ange Sherry

    14. Their craze for jewellery is unexplainable. Jewellery enhances a woman's beauty and looks, and it’s like a topping on the cake. Women obsessed with jewellery are emotionally and personally attached to it. Some women are not ready for an occasion until they wear their gold or silver ornaments.These days, many people have started their online businesses for jewellery. They are providing beautiful yet unique designs at reasonable prices. Like pearls necklace, rose gold rings, and moon magic pendants, etc. These unique designs have created a boom, and women are captivated by them. And have discovered a few reasons like an addition in the women’s treasures or their desire to look pretty. Well, in this article, we are going to discuss a few points that might explain and clear their obsession with Jewellery. Desire to Look Pretty:It is the most primary reason that comes into mind whenever we discuss this topic. As we all know, women are more conscious and possessive when it comes to their looks and appearance. They do not even bother to go far in this case, as some women opt for very, colourful gems to be the centre of attention. But that is their way to add charm to their personality. To Look Unique and Different:By wearing unique, uncommon and different rings or necklaces increases their individuality and they look separate and distinct from the others. The women who want to maintain their legacy and uniqueness have their style to wear these pieces of Jewellery that do not only glam their personality, but they separate them from the herd. That is why you have never encountered a high profile woman with low mined diamonds. To Draw Attention to Her Features:Another reason for such obsession is to draw attention to their best features. Many women purchase Jewellery for their favourite features only or where they want to get the attention of people. Like if a woman has blessed with pretty hands, then you will mostly see her with a few gold or diamond rings on her fingers. And a woman with a long, slim neck will mostly go with a beautiful yet elegant necklace or earrings. One cannot deny the fact that as compared to men, women are more attracted to shiny things and they are crazy for gold or diamond Jewellery. Whether they are running late for an event, their preparation is not complete until they add charm to their look with these unique designs of ornaments. For some women, it is a sign of social status that enhances their beauty and makes them pretty and different from others.

      Jessie Hull

    15. Jewellery for the longest time has been an Integral part of several cultures throughout the world. Both men and women of the old times wore jewellery as it was a symbol of of their wealth and prosperity amongst the common men. But in the Modern Times the jewelry has become the statement symbol of women all around the globe.Numerous ladies today purchase jewelry for themselves, since it's exceptionally compensating in an "inherent" sort of way, and gets specific energy or feeling. The sort of ladies who purchase jewelry for themselves is generally the individuals who have business certainty, monetary freedom, and confidence. They need to make an individual, proficient, and surprisingly nostalgic proclamation.Jewelry reflects who a lady is and how she can accomplish her objectives in her day-to-day existence, love, and profession. For ladies, jewelry is clearly the most standout thing. The significance of jewelry in ladies life can be clarified by the way that they love to wear it for a long time. The notoriety of jewelry is expanding with the progression of time as numerous new plans and styles are on their way into the market. It is a significant trimming for all extraordinary and propitious events.Wherever you are on the planet, ladies are wearing a sufficient assortment of jewelry. Regardless of whether it is in the form of studs, necklaces, or bracelets jewelry is very mainstream. Purchasing jewelry for themselves is energizing, as ladies can move up to higher carat weight in precious stones, or from silver to gold, or to platinum. It's a method of how a few ladies measure their longings, monetary and individual accomplishments. Jewelry is profound and doesn't actually matter how enormous or little it is.

      Monica Hughes

    16. Women will never get tired of admiring precious metals and stones. I always check out the gemstone jewelry wholesale because can’t help buying something for myself at least once a month. Especially if I notice a discount, nobody can hold me from the purchase. Jewelry can make even the most modest image bright and refined. If you choose the right set of products, it will be easy to win the attention of the crowd and attract representatives of the strong half of humanity. Beautiful and exquisite jewelry can create a special aura around a woman. They make my eyes "glow" from the inside. I like the feeling when I put on new jewelry. It’s equivalent to a new hairstyle or to buying an amazing dress. Jewelry for a woman is an indicator of her self-realization. Therefore, the more of them, the better. A woman will not get tired of admiring her reflection in the mirror when she is wearing beautiful earrings, a necklace, a chain with a pendant, or looking at bracelets and rings on her hands. Such is the feminine essence.Here’s a video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtZXdd4SK_Q where Carol Lipworth explains why women love jewelry and shares a big secret with the guys.

      Jennefer Walsh

  24. Jul 2021
  25. Jun 2021
    1. To Mrs. SAVILLE, England. St. Petersburgh, Dec. 11th, 17--. YOU will rejoice to hear that no disaster has accompanied the commencement of an enterprise which you have regarded with such evil forebodings

      "Frankenstein" does not begin in the way we expect. This seems pedestrian and boring. What you might not realize is just how clever this ruse is and how much information is packed into the very beginning.

      The epistolary aspect introduces a frame narrative. The letters belonging to Margaret Walton Saville give us the story of her brother Robert Walton. Walton conveys to her (and us) the story of Victor Frankenstein. Frankenstein's narrative yields the story of the Creature. The Creature's story includes the story of Safie and the De Lacey family.

      The outer "frame" belongs to Margaret Walton Saville -- notice that these are the same letters, or "initials," (M. W. S.) as Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley.

      Notice as well the place and the date. You may not know it but St. Petersburgh is like Las Vegas, Brasilia, or Dubai. It is an out of the way place, not particularly hospitable to humans, where a major city was artificially created. It was originally a swamp but the leaders decided to create a major, new city as an exemplary modern metropolis (and center of culture).

      Founded in 1703 in the westernmost corner of Russia’s territory, St. Petersburg was laid out according to the urban planning ideals of Western European enlightenment.

      This is a leading theme of the Enlightenment and the book: the dream of the artificial and planned, which is entirely new.

      Notice also that the book is squarely set in the eighteenth century, in the Enlightenment.

      Note, as well, that December 11 should strike one as a time of winter darkness and not at all propitious for an arctic expedition.

      Lastly, we have the first intimation of the lively controversy (in this book and elsewhere) between men and women: female domesticity (and due caution) versus male ambition and the drive for adventure.

      To me this shows just how artfully constructed this text actually is, right from the start. Which reveals it to be not boring.

  26. May 2021
    1. it struck him for the first time that she was beautiful. It had never before occurred to him that the body of a woman of fifty, blown up to monstrous dimensions by childbearing, then hardened, roughened by work till it was coarse in the grain like an over-ripe turnip, could be beautiful. But it was so, and after all, he thought, why not? The solid, contourless body, like a block of granite, and the rasping red skin, bore the same relation to the body of a girl as the rose-hip to the rose. Why should the fruit be held inferior to the flower? 'She's beautiful,' he murmured. 'She's a metre across the hips, easily,' said Julia. 'That is her style of beauty,' said Winston.

      shifting view for W

    2. Julia was twenty-six years old. She lived in a hostel with thirty other girls ('Always in the stink of women! How I hate women!' she said parenthetically)
    3. n enormous prole and an almost equally enormous woman, presumably his wife, who seemed to form an impenetrable wall of flesh.
  27. Apr 2021
  28. Mar 2021
    1. Ci taatu guy googu la jigéeni Ajoor yi di jaaye sanqal.

      C'est sous ce baobab que les femmes originaires du Kayor vendent de la semoule de mil.

      ci -- close; at @, in, on, inside, to.

      taat+u (taat) wi -- base, bottom, foundation, buttocks.

      guy gi -- baobab. 🌴

      googu -- that (closeness).

      la -- (?).

      jigéen+i (jigéen) bi ji -- sister versus brother; woman as opposed to man. 👩🏽

      ajoor bi -- person from Kayor.

      yi -- the (plural).

      di -- be; mark of the imperfective affirmative not inactual.

      jaay+e (jaay) v. -- sell.

      sanqal si -- millet semolina. 🌾

  29. Feb 2021
    1. Most importantly, let us support all of those who are using sport as a force to advance equality and opportunity;

      A viable way to solve the gender inequality as a whole.

    2. Not only are successful sportswomen showing girls that they can excel on the field; many are using their status to start important conversations about gender equality and to advocate for women’s rights more widely.

      Being a role model that shows the world the problem of gender inequality would be a viable solution.

    3. We also need more male athletes to step up with us, and model a culture that reflects equality, respect for diversity and non-violence, within and beyond sport.

      Solution that may work.

    4. Even when laws and policies are in place, deep-seated attitudes about gender roles can hold back substantive change

      Some solution may not work even though it seems like it will. This means that we can't solve this on a government level, but on a individual's thought.

    5. It’s only recently that instances of violence and other forms of abuse have been more systematically brought to light within the sports community. All too frequently in the past, athletes, coaches and officials have turned a blind eye to sexual harassment and abuse. This has led to a culture of victim-blaming for those who come forward and the reinforcement of a “boys will be boys” culture that normalises, and therefore perpetuates, abuse

      Evidence for the previous post.

    6. In many communities, it’s not just discrimination, but gender-based violence that keeps girls off the playing field.

      This is the second problem that the article addresses. Violence in sports causes many problem for female players.

    7. In November 2018, Fenerbahçe Sports Club, one of the oldest and most popular multi-sports clubs in Turkey, joined forces with HeForShe in an ’Equal together’ initiative involving its male football players, and seen by its global fan base of 25 million. They aim to achieve gender equality transformation through sport, with women- and children-friendly stadium practices, and a zero-tolerance approach to all sorts of discrimination against women and girls

      A solution for combating gender inequality in sports. We can create a new program that allows equal rights and wages for all genders.

    8. Similarly, in the sports arena, we see massive gaps in the prize money, sponsorships, facilities and equipment allocated to women athletes

      This is the problem about unequal pay. However, this can't be changed because there isn't much people who are interested in women sports. This means that there wouldn't be enough money to pay the female players equally as male players.

    9. At the same time, the world of sport remains plagued by many of the same gender inequalities that we see more broadly; issues such as unequal pay, gender-based violence, a lack of targeted investment and negative stereotypes and social norms

      This is the problem that this article tackles.

    10. Match scheduling is also a form of investment. Where women’s matches conflict with men’s, competition for viewership can create a vicious cycle of ratings being used to justify lower prize money, lower pay for female athletes and feed into the narrative of women’s sport being of lesser value

      Evidence for lower wages.

    11. It makes a strong public commitment to invest in and improve the women’s game—not only as the right thing to do, but from the very practical standpoint of tapping into its massive revenue-generating potential

      Evidence for the previous statement.

    12. “Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. It has the power to unite people in a way that little else does. It speaks to youth in a language they understand. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair”.

      This is a quote that I could use to start my research paper.

  30. Jan 2021
  31. Dec 2020
  32. Oct 2020
    1. This absolute self-dependence is a great virtue in a man. In a woman it has a serious drawback of morally separating her from the mass of her sex, and so exposing her to misconstruction by the general opinion

      Once again not the best view of women, but at least this is different from the other critiques of Rachel's femininity that we've seen.

    1. t’s not clear why the sequence of the vaccines only mattered in girls, partly because there has been very little research into how male and female immune systems are different. “Somehow immunology has been blind to sex,” says Aaby. “If you read research about mortality in low income countries, there is no such thing as boys and girls – there are children. So we perceive that they have to be the same, and they are definitely not the same.”

      Take away: "Immune training" or bystander effects from other vaccinations may help to fight off Covid-19 or other infections, in spite of not being specific to that pathogen. Some of these effects are sex-specific.

      Claim: "Somehow immunology has been blind to sex"

      The evidence: This is not entirely true- there is actually a LOT of research into sex differences in the immune response, and it is well-known that women can generally mount stronger Th1-type immune responses against viral infections than men. This is thought to be partially linked to estrogen cycling, and partly due to the fact that women have 2 active copies of genes associated with immunity because those are encoded on the X chromosomes. Men only have 1 copy, and thus they don't generally mount as strong an inflammatory response. However, women are also more prone to autoimmune diseases as a consequence of having stronger inflammatory responses than men, which is seen in diseases such as multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and lupus.

      Sources: (https://www.nature.com/articles/nri.2016.90).

  33. Sep 2020
    1. On this occasion, however, she not only disappointed–she really shocked me. There was an absence of all lady-like restraint in her language and manner most painful to see

      Interesting to see Clack having a pretty similar view of femininity to Betteredge even though she is a woman herself.

    2. But the law insists on your smoking your cigar, sir, when you have once chosen it.

      So this is clearly a joke based on Franklin's response, but isn't it also like basically Betteredge's view on women/his marriage? He didn't explicitly say he stayed with her because the law forbid him from leaving, but he didn't really paint a loving picture of his marriage either. Like is this just the victorian equivalent of the "I hate my wife" joke, because it seems to at least be true for Betteredge.

    3. “Miss Verinder appears to be a little out of temper about the loss of her Diamond,” remarked the Sergeant. “It’s a valuable jewel. Natural enough! natural enough!”

      Dismissal of Rachel's sudden change in temper towards Mr. Franklin in particular is written off as hysterics typical of women by the men in charge. Also ignored in favor of social customs rather than seen as something to be paid attention to

    4. But it is a maxim of mine that men (being superior creatures) are bound to improve women–if they can

      Once again Betteredge frames femininity through male action. it is the responsibility of the man to improve his woman. It's an interesting sort of twist though where although he places the moral superiority and power in the hands of the men, the men are working to improve the character of the women apparently for the sake of the women themselves. He doesn't say it's so that they may make better wives or are better suited for men, he just leaves it at improving.

    5. Add one thing more to this, and I have done.

      It strikes me now just how much rank is deeply interwoven with Betteredge's relationship with women. He's rambling here three lengthy paragraphs about Miss Rachel, his lady's daughter, describing anything but the color of her back teeth, while designating about two dry sentences to describing his previous wife, Selina, and same for his own daughter!

      It can also be seen in the way he unfailingly refers to Rachel as Miss Rachel, whereas to his female servants (even Rosanna, who's 25!) as "girl."

  34. Aug 2020
  35. Jul 2020
  36. Jun 2020
  37. May 2020
    1. Lai, J., Ma, S., Wang, Y., Cai, Z., Hu, J., Wei, N., Wu, J., Du, H., Chen, T., Li, R., Tan, H., Kang, L., Yao, L., Huang, M., Wang, H., Wang, G., Liu, Z., & Hu, S. (2020). Factors Associated With Mental Health Outcomes Among Health Care Workers Exposed to Coronavirus Disease 2019. JAMA Network Open, 3(3), e203976–e203976. https://doi.org/10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2020.3976

  38. Apr 2020
  39. Dec 2019
    1. she desired permission to address the court

      Women were not allowed to address the court or testify in criminal cases unless there were special circumstances, including in the United States. The legal silencing of women in law courts was discussed in Mary Wollstonecraft's The Wrongs of Woman (published posthumously by William Godwin in 1798).

  40. Nov 2019
    1. The children watched an educational video that included clips from Sesame Street and covered math topics such as counting and addition as well as reading topics for comparison

      Base of mathematical experiment

    2. boys and girls as old as 8 had similar abilities when it came to perceiving numbers and grasping elementary mathematics concepts

      Girls and boys at age 8

    3. study of 104 children from ages 3 to 10 found similar patterns of brain activity in boys and girls as they engaged in basic math tasks

      Math looks the same in the brains of boys and girls

    4. factors other than biological differences explain why girls are less likely to pursue degrees and jobs in math and science
    5. women in these countries are under less pressure to choose a field that promises an economic payback and have more freedom to pursue what interests them most.
    6. Yet paradoxically, females in wealthier countries with more gender equality, including the U.S., were less likely than females in other countries to get degrees in fields such as math and computer science.

      The wealthier the country, the least women in STEM

  41. Aug 2019
    1. There is no shortage of stories about legendary Japanese samurai warriors in modern pop culture; but most stories only feature the male ones.  

      Never knew this!

    1. urgeonmooisaWood--1113wuc19.tm~11]1-wayintheF

      Dr. Wood's wife is the only woman at Fort Snelling

    2. tWM‘Lodbrthrow“qu-3,r;.1hearinginh.oneoftherecent30.11139.

      the "scalp dance" to celebrate the recent victory over the Sioux is led by three Squaws

    3. saweqthfromthefeet,thatshe3.1...mysmakesthearden,in0.5muchastheInd.dagge-itde'gmja'dtnghim“elftouseM9435thehueorMS

      the women are the only ones who work the garden because the men find it degrading to use a hoe or axe

  42. Jun 2019
    1. Criado Perez notes that women are 53% more stressed at work than men. One in three women in the world lack access to safe toilets. It took until 2011 for carmakers in the US to start using crash test dummies based on the typical female body.

    2. It is “undermining behaviour from managers” that is forcing women out of the tech industry.

    1. It is “undermining behaviour from managers” that is forcing women out of the tech industry.

    2. Criado Perez notes that women are 53% more stressed at work than men. One in three women in the world lack access to safe toilets. It took until 2011 for carmakers in the US to start using crash test dummies based on the typical female body.

    3. Criado Perez notes that women are 53% more stressed at work than men. One in three women in the world lack access to safe toilets. It took until 2011 for carmakers in the US to start using crash test dummies based on the typical female body.

    1. It is “undermining behaviour from managers” that is forcing women out of the tech industry.

  43. May 2019
  44. Apr 2019
    1. Everyone was striving to be a part of the legal profession (if you weren’t, what was wrong with you?). Everyone was applying for summer placement schemes, Legal Practice Course places, training contracts, all the next stages that you needed to tick off to succeed.

      This is interesting.

  45. Mar 2019
  46. Feb 2019
    1. your Friendships arc not cemented by Intrigues nor spent in vain Diversions, but in the search of Knowledge

      Women's rhetorical sphere and a space/place for knowledge/information exchange: women's conversations

    2. Firmness and strength of Mind ·,_ 1 • ..will carry us thro all these little persecutions,, ..... ..-orrt ... • h' h . r • • w 1c may create us some uneasiness 1or a.. .t...t 0r while, but will afterwards end in our Glory and-....:� Triumph.

      I think it's important to note that the words Astell is using are not unusual or incredibily difficult to understand -- they are, in fact, pretty conversational, and don't seem pretentious or alienating. She's working with her audience.

    3. became acquainted with other female intellectual leaders such as Lady Mary Wortley Monlagu and Lady Catherine Jones. Astell's new friends respected her learning and intelligence and encouraged her to publish her views.

      We can see how the importance of female-only/female-dominated spaces in Astell's life played a major role in how she envisioned female learning/education could/should look like.

    4. to serve God whatever their circumstances and lo support themselves through teaching if that hecame necessary.

      Oooo this is a very clever way to educate women so that they can support themselves. To serve God -- duh. Of course.

    5. she did not advocate extensive reading. She wanted her program to be within the reach of every woman-

      I'm thinking this is also a nod at the time women had/didn't have because of the various duties they had to fulfill. Also maybe a nod at the fact that women would probably not really have a space/place in which they could extensively read. Yes?

    6. Aslell specified in lhe charter or lhe school that it should alwuys he directed by women.

      And once again, we see how the importance of female-only/female-dominated spaces/places in Astell's life influenced her beliefs on female learning/education.

    7. hut they soon abandonl!d her.

      Wow. Mary just can't catch a break.

      Between her unusual education and loss hounding her, she couldn't help but become a writer, could she?

    8. Madonella.

      Meaning "little Madonna" or "small Madonna." What is fascinating about this reference is the history behind the Madonnelle street shrines (little Madonnas) in Rome/other Italian cities. These little Madonnas were seen as the protectors of the communities in which they looked over (literally believed to be protecting them from evil). Also, lamps in front of the shrines were lit at night to guide passer-bys through the darkness, and, unlike other Madonna icons, these little Madonnas gazed directly at the viewer, establishing "a personal connection between the two." Maybe not such a ridicuous bluestocking figure to compare Mary Astell to afterall?

    1. being able to wear clothing that enabled better mobility. Walker chose to wear what was known as the "Bloomer costume" as a modified uniform all throughout the war. It was a dress-and-trouser combination that had gone out of favor long before the war began, but she didn't care -- she wore it anyway.

      From the time she was a girl she wore pants and she continued to do so even in the military.

    2. In 1863, her medical credentials were finally accepted, so she moved to Tennessee, where she was appointed as a War Department surgeon

      The phrasing of this appears to be somewhat biased. It sounds like her credentials weren't up to snuff or something but really, the military was low on surgeons at that time and simply didn't want a woman. https://hyp.is/vAWzXCtjEem5j1tLLCQ8dg/cfmedicine.nlm.nih.gov/physicians/biography_325.html

    3. Because of her credentials, she didn't want to be a nurse, either, so she chose to volunteer for the Union Army.

      This is some what conflicting information. According to https://hyp.is/vAWzXCtjEem5j1tLLCQ8dg/cfmedicine.nlm.nih.gov/physicians/biography_325.html she did work as a Nurse, she just wasn't paid.

    4. Walker went into private practice for a few years, but then the Civil War broke out in 1861. She wanted to join the Army as a surgeon but wasn't allowed because she was a woman.

      She was a surgeon in private practice but wanted to join the war effort.

    5. in 1855 graduated as a medical doctor from Syracuse Medical College

      She was the second women surgeon at that time.

    1. in 1863 she was briefly appointed surgeon in an Ohio Regiment.

      She finally was appointed a surgeon near the end of the war.

    2. Dr. Mary Walker was an outspoken advocate for women's rights, and the first woman ever awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor.

      She wore her medal everyday and also modified her uniform in the war to have pants. In 1917 they took all medals of honor away for anyone who hadn't been "in combat". She refused to give her medal up and wore it until the day she died. Jimmy Carter later reinstated her medal in 1977.

    3. At the outbreak of the Civil War, she volunteered in Washington to join the Union effort, and worked as a nurse in a temporary hospital set up in the capital.

      She worked as an unpaid nurse because she was not allowed to join as a surgeon in the US military.

  47. Jan 2019
    1. Of course men haven't been discriminated against as much a women in the work place. Men are "meant" to do jobs in STEM, while women aren't really seen in the STEM program as much. Women deserve to be recognized in anything as much as men are they're just as good.

    1. handbag

      I don't know why this word in particular made me so upset, but like... dude, women are always holding shit. Handbags, babies, oats, always fucking something. And whatever that thing is that we're holding, it's almost always something that either a) sustains life, or b) is life.

    1. Access to gender-responsive substance use disorder treatment services, especially for pregnant women

      Stigma is particularly high for this group, along with the felt shame that pregnant women bear, which serve as barriers to accessing high quality drug addiction support. Because group therapy is one common form of treatment, retention is lower because the group majority is male. Women who do seek out help do not always feel psychologically safe in these treatment settings. Additionally, they may not appropriately address the unique needs of mothers and expecting mothers. I wonder about regional differences, SES, race/ethnicity...

  48. Dec 2018
    1. not only designed the first true word processor; in 1969, she was also a founder and the president of the Redactron Corporation, a tech start-up on Long Island that was the first company exclusively engaged in manufacturing and selling the revolutionary machines.

      Pretty incredible, especially given the era!

    1. buried two husbands

      This is the first remarried woman in Austen's writing. While it was discussed in Persuasion, it was in much more generic terms, and mostly regarding men. This is an interesting dynamic.

  49. Oct 2018
  50. Sep 2018
    1. “Some of us just like that stuff,” she said. “We like suspense, we like to be scared, we like to have visceral reaction in the theater. Maybe I’m starved for adrenaline, but for me watching a horror movie is very pleasurable. So making one was kind of a dream.”
    1. But if you have, and still can shake hands with the murderers, then are you unworthy the name of husband, father, friend, or lover, and whatever may be your rank or title in life, you have the heart of a coward, and the spirit of a sycophant.

      Paine is appealing here to his reader's sense of independence and manhood. What might this indicate about eighteenth-century ideas about gender roles?

    1. and have no other preliminaries to settle with the reader, than that he will divest himself of prejudice and prepossession, and suffer his reason and his feelings to determine for themselves ; that he will put on, or rather that he will not put off the true character of a man, and generously enlarge his views beyond the present day.

      Paine assumes here that his reader is male, and associates an openness of thought with being "manly."

    1. man

      Paine is using "man" to refer to all of humanity. It is important to remember, however, that women were excluded from formal participation in politics as citizens. They could not vote. Neither could most African-Americans and Native Americans.

    2. Paine is using "man" to refer to all of humanity. It is important to remember, however, that women were excluded from formal participation in politics as citizens. They could not vote. Neither could most African-Americans and Native Americans.

    1. "The ideas of the First Amendment are not designed to deal with what it took to make the materials [of pornography.]" [5:56-5:59]

    2. "The 'freely choosing women'... As if you've raised a freely choosing black person [who decides to 'freely choose'] to clean toilets. That's the equivalent. You call that freedom. It's called freedom when women choose to do it and it's sex because people believe that sex is free. However, pornography is selling yourself for sex. The idea of money is supposed to make it free. Usually, when people have sex with another person and choose to do it, they're not being paid, it's free because you're not being paid. In other words, this is an arm of prostitution." [NOT VERBATIM] [3:53-4:31]

  51. Aug 2018