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- research
- transmissibility
- effectiveness
- vaccine
- data
- prediction
- UK
- symptom tracker app
- staff shortage
- variant
- daily cases
- India
- hospitalization
- Omicron
- COVID-19
- booster
- lang:en
- parents
- Denmark
- subvariant
- vaccine passport
- plan B
- loosening restrictions
- school
- infection rate
- children
- mask wearing
- England
- is:news
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A Marm Kilpatrick. (2021, November 24). How do we get broad immunity to SARS-CoV-2 that will protect against future variants? 2 studies (are there more?) suggest that vaccination followed by infection gives broader protection than infection followed by vaccination. @florian_krammer @profshanecrotty @GuptaR_lab https://t.co/rqdf6rE9ej [Tweet]. @DiseaseEcology. https://twitter.com/DiseaseEcology/status/1463391782742335491
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Abraar Karan. (2021, December 9). “Participants who received a booster at least 5 months after a second dose of BNT162b2 had 90% lower mortality due to Covid-19 than participants who did not receive a booster.” #covid19 https://t.co/zmXHyE7Lqb [Tweet]. @AbraarKaran. https://twitter.com/AbraarKaran/status/1468849516199563265
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Tom Moultrie. (2021, December 17). A 1-figure Gauteng update, bringing in data through Wednesday 15/12 (PCR only; by date of collection). The turn continues. On similar metrics (not shown) ALL northern provinces (NW, GT, MP, LP) seem to have now turned. Https://t.co/6Bh3kZsooK [Tweet]. @tomtom_m. https://twitter.com/tomtom_m/status/1471723711287996416
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Jay Varma. (2021, December 16). Um, we’ve never seen this before in #NYC. Test positivity doubling in three days 12/9—3.9% 12/10—4.2% 12/11—6.4% 12/12—7.8% Note: Test % is only for PCR & NYC does more per capita daily than most places ~67K PCR/day + 19K [reported] antigen over past few days (1/2) https://t.co/PhxsZq55jn [Tweet]. @DrJayVarma. https://twitter.com/DrJayVarma/status/1471485885447389186
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Dr Duncan Robertson. (2021, December 15). Cases on the dashboard exclude reinfections.And there are a lot of reinfections as far as Omicron is concerned h/t @AlistairHaimes and @Peston And this is only cases reported today—Not from infections today With a 2-day doubling time for Omicron, this isn’t great https://t.co/fU2RLhshtn [Tweet]. @Dr_D_Robertson. https://twitter.com/Dr_D_Robertson/status/1471156538681315336
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- domestic measures
- transmissibility
- EU
- antibody
- UK
- work from home
- South Africa
- detection
- hospitalization
- COVID-19
- booster
- vaccine
- epidemiology
- mask wearing
- mutation
- is:article
- research
- delta
- data
- severity
- treatment
- reinfection
- Africa
- variant
- Europe
- risk
- testing
- restrictions
- Omicron
- lang:en
- antiviral
- response
- infection rate
- modeling
- travel ban
twitter.com twitter.com
💉💉 Henry Madison DPhil. (2021, December 12). Denmark, already up shit creek because of Delta, has just met Omicron. Near-vertical growth. #auspol #covid19aus https://t.co/Jhvs3dWWhK [Tweet]. @RageSheen. https://twitter.com/RageSheen/status/1470125914788818944
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Theo Sanderson. (2021, December 8). SGTF Regional data to Dec 6 from https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1039470/Omicron_SGTF_case_update.pdf (Last data point would be expected to be incomplete based on the dates and so to slightly understate growth. And also will already have moved substantially from the midpoint of that last week on 3rd Dec.) https://t.co/1L6tM0sXIZ [Tweet]. @theosanderson. https://twitter.com/theosanderson/status/1468648673668128775
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Lindiwe Mazibuko. (2021, November 27). When literally every country “banning” you has a higher infection rate 🙄 https://t.co/NZMuf9Pfx5 [Tweet]. @LindiMazibuko. https://twitter.com/LindiMazibuko/status/1464539078611939333
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Andrew L. Croxford. (2021, December 1). Switzerland just clocked 10,466 cases today, which normalised to the U.K. would be 81,500, with a positive test frequency of 15.83%. Https://t.co/fxjSaL9n3O [Tweet]. @andrew_croxford. https://twitter.com/andrew_croxford/status/1466034479156404226
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Gearoid Reidy. (2021, November 22). Tokyo coronavirus case count for today is just 6 Previous two Mondays: 7, 18 7-day average: 17.1 Serious cases -1 to 8 Newly reported deaths: 1 https://t.co/RMcui7EaZf [Tweet]. @GearoidReidy. https://twitter.com/GearoidReidy/status/1462694865964175361
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- protection
- COVID-19
- research
- lang:en
- booster
- UK
- breakthrough infection
- data analysis
- transmission
- science
- vaccine
- epidemiology
- risk
- is:news
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- Coronavirus
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- statistical confidence
- attendant accountability
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- authoritative estimate
- India
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- infection
- preprint
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- mental health
- social science
- social distancing
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- policy
- government
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