- Nov 2024
Local file Local file
Itdisappears them into jails and prisons, effectively erasing them: Theincarcerated are simply not counted in most national surveys, resulting in afalsely rosy statistical picture of American progress. Poverty measuresexclude everyone in prison and jail—not to mention those housed in psych
wards, halfway houses, and homeless shelters—which means there are millions more poor Americans than official statistics let on.
- Sep 2024
www.thelancet.com www.thelancet.com
We capture the main components by identifying safe boundaries for two complementary and synthetic measures of biodiversity: the area of largely intact natural ecosystems, and the functional integrity of ecosystems heavily modified by human pressures.
for - biodiversity - safe earth system boundaries - 2 measures - intact natural ecosystems - ecosystems modified by human pressures - question - quantification of biodiversity tipping points at various scales
question - quantification of biodiversity tipping points at various scales - As ecologist David Suzuki often says, economy depends on ecology, not the other way around - Is there quantification at different potential tipping points for extinction for biodiversity at different scales and localities?
- May 2024
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Wenn die reichsten Menschen in Europa ihren Energieverbrauch auf 170 Gigajoule pro Jahr reduzieren würden, ließen sich allein damit 10% der EU-Emissionen reduzieren - wobei 170 Gigajoule mehr sind, als 80% der europäischen Bevölkerung verbrauchen. Eine neue Studie zeigt das Potenzial von Reduktionen auf der Nachfrageseite vor allem bei Wohlhabenden. Eine bessere Befriedigung grundlegender Energiebedürfnisse von Armen hat dagegen nur geringe Auswirkungen auf die Emissionen. https://www.derstandard.de/story/3000000179254/energiesparen-bei-reichen-kann-erhoehten-verbrauch-bei-armen-kompensieren
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Conspiracy theories that provide names of the beneficiaries of political, social and economic disasters help people to navigate the complexities of the globalized world, and give simple answers as to who is right and who is wrong. If you add to this global communication technologies that help to rapidly develop and spread all sorts of conspiracy theories, these theories turn into a powerful tool to target subnational, national and international communities and to spread chaos and doubt. The smog of subjectivity created by user-generated content and the crisis of expertise have become a true gift to the Kremlin’s propaganda.
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I annotated the hell out of my 2022 midterm ballot!
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Adam Kucharski. (2021, March 24). This is an interesting perspective on Taiwan (& glad it mentions data/privacy), although I’d like to see more references to what local officials were actually saying about approach in real-time, rather than what UK-based researchers later say it was: Https://t.co/FDu0mQoISh 1/ [Tweet]. @AdamJKucharski. https://twitter.com/AdamJKucharski/status/1374638777814167555
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- staff shortage
- education
- mask wearing
- COVID-19
- workplace
- lang:en
- vaccine
- financial support
- mitigation measures
- school
- lockdown
- Australia
- response
- guidance
- recommendation
- testing
- is:report
- leadership
- Omicron
- business
- hospitalization
- healthcare system
- work from home
- close contact
- government
- face-to-face
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As Goodhart’s law suggests, metrics can fail if given too much power, and over-emphasizing metrics can lead to gaming, manipulation, or “a myopic focus on short-term goals.” Many of the most important parts of digital well-being cannot be captured by quantitative
Goodhart's Law is an adage often stated as "When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure". It is named after British economist Charles Goodhart, who advanced the idea in a 1975 article on monetary policy in the United Kingdom:
Any observed statistical regularity will tend to collapse once pressure is placed upon it for control purposes.
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- responsibility
- psychology
- UK
- laissez faire leadership
- common sense
- coercion
- COVID-19
- lang:en
- identity leadership
- risk
- interdependence
- societal level
- vaccination programme
- leadership
- authority
- public
- punishment
- safety
- policy
- collective response
- strategy
- coercive leadership
- society
- engagement
- ventilation
- social distancing
- public health measures
- mitigation
- mandate
- is:blog
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- antiviral
- lang:en
- transmissibility
- severity
- South Africa
- response
- testing
- detection
- travel ban
- research
- antibody
- Europe
- infection rate
- reinfection
- epidemiology
- booster
- domestic measures
- treatment
- UK
- variant
- mask wearing
- COVID-19
- vaccine
- mutation
- risk
- data
- is:article
- delta
- restrictions
- EU
- Africa
- Omicron
- hospitalization
- work from home
- modeling
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- UK
- travel restrictions
- variant
- mask wearing
- COVID-19
- lang:en
- vaccine
- predominant strain
- data
- England
- South Africa
- travel ban
- testing
- public health measures
- transmission
- Omicron
- hospitalization
- protection
- home-testing kit
- strategy
- mortality
- mask mandate
- health outcome
- science
- government
- vaccine efficacy
- stock market
- immunity
- booster
- virus genome
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- isolation
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- public health measures
- Christmas
- face covering
- booster
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- COVID-19
- lang:en
- vaccine
- regulations
- delta variant
- Israel
- government
- public health measures
- infection
- response
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- UK
- Saudi Arabia
- education
- health measures
- urban
- COVID-19
- lang:en
- rural states
- India
- international
- Qualtrics
- predictors
- sexual minority
- mitigations
- systematic investigations
- hand washing
- Italy
- is:preprint
- US
- employment status
- suburban
- stigma
- social distancing
- adults
- social determinants
- Spain
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- Saudi Arabia
- education
- health measures
- urban
- COVID-19
- lang:en
- rural states
- India
- international
- hygiene
- Qualtrics
- predictors
- sexual minority
- mitigations
- systematic investigations
- is:tweet
- hand washing
- Italy
- US
- public health
- employment status
- suburban
- non-pharmaceutical
- respiratory conditions
- stigma
- social distancing
- adults
- social determinants
- Spain
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- COVID-19
- lang:en
- scepticism
- mortality
- measures
- government
- Zero Covid
- restrictions
- respiratory disease
- efficacy
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- state anxiety
- general trait anxiety
- depression
- contagion
- questionnaire
- measures
- fearful
- mental health
- psychometric properties
- evaluate
- validity
- daily behaviour
- handwashing
- Avoidance of Respiratory Viral Infection Scale
- reliability
- fear
- social distancing
- avoidance
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