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- herd immunity
- media narrative
- misinformation
- behavioural fatigue
- care homes
- reasoning
- government policy
- COVID-19
- Boris Johnson
- spread infection
- lang:en
- is:twitter
- delaying lockdown
- public communication
- transmission
- vaccine
- epidemiology
- asymptomatic
- pseudo-scientific justifications
- public health
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- herd immunity
- COVID-19
- one-sided automation
- conversation
- lang:en
- artificial account
- misinformation
- inorganic activity
- modeling
- transmission
- social media
- online misinformation
- bot
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- herd immunity
- attitudes
- is:webpage
- temporary immune response
- immunity
- strategy
- natural infection
- vaccine plus
- reinfection
- pandemic management
- science
- variant
- risk
- prevention
- Omicron
- hospital
- COVID-19
- protection
- lang:en
- mortality
- global coordination
- airborne transmission
- vaccine
- global solidarity
- elimination
- equity
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- herd immunity
- COVID-19
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- natural immunity
- natural infection
- anti-vaxxer
- children
- government
- vaccine
- advisory
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- vaccine
- safety
- risk perception
- health threat
- UK
- public health authority
- hospitalization
- protection
- COVID-19
- side effects
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- adolescence
- vaccination uptake
- anti-vaccine
- vaccine hesitancy
- young people
- infection rate
- children
- government
- statistics
- transmission
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- epidemiology
- vaccine confidence
- scepticism
- vaccine acceptance
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- policy
- government
- vaccine
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- dose
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- COVID-19
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The Swedish Public Health authority has never admitted that the goal of their chosen strategy is to reach herd immunity. However, from an epidemiological stand point, all strategies depend on reaching herd immunity in one way or another. A vaccination based strategy also builds on getting to herd immunity, it just chooses a different way to reach it. At some point in the relatively near future, every country on Earth will have developed herd immunity to covid, either by letting the disease spread until that point is reached, or by vaccinating enough people to reach that point.
All pandemic strategies end up reaching herd immunity.
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