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Atari, M., Reimer, N. K., Graham, J., Hoover, J., Kennedy, B., Davani, A. M., Karimi-Malekabadi, F., Birjandi, S., & Dehghani, M. (2021). Pathogens Are Linked to Human Moral Systems Across Time and Space. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/tnyh9
- loyalty
- moral foundation theory
- cross-cultural psychology
- care
- pathogen
- US
- psychiatry
- evolution
- social and behavioral science
- infectious diseases
- cultural difference
- COVID-19
- moral code
- Pathogen Avoidance
- is:preprint
- behavioral science
- social and personality psycholgy
- cultural psychology
- culture
- lang:en
- moral behavior
- linguistics
- purity
- morality
- adaptive moral system
- research
- computational linguistics
Holford, D. L., Juanchich, M., & Sirota, M. (2021). Ambiguity and unintended inferences about risk messages for COVID - 19. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/w5rd6
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- personality psychology
- working memory
- cognitive psychology
- social processing
- social psychology
- trust information
- learning
- developmental psychology
- social science
- social associative learning
- is:preprint
- trust
- judgement
- behavioral science
- social cue
- aging
- age difference
- fMRI
- lang:en
- decision making
- research
- social cognition
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- social media
- compliance
- conspiracy theory
- anti-vaccine
- infodemic
- communication
- misinformation
- critical thinking
- is:webpage
- Germany
- COVID-19
- scientific knowledge
- exposure
- far-right
- vaccine
- COVID denial
- social distancing
- risk
- empathy
- lang:en
- conversation
- motivational interviewing
- research
- disinformation
- science
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Example of a professor/research who has apparently made his Tweets public, but intends to re-lock them majority of threat is over.
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- germany
- social influence
- descriptive norms
- vaccination
- belief
- india
- argentina
- thailand
- nigeria
- availability
- vaccine hesitancy
- conformity
- italy
- mexico
- acceptance
- behavioral science
- france
- philippines
- pakistan
- lang:en
- poland
- japan
- research
- brazil
- united states
- egypt
- indonesia
- COVID-19
- vietnam
- is:preprint
- turkey
- united kingdom
- colombia
- experiment
- bangladesh
- malaysia
- romania
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COVID-19 Social Science Tracker - Google Sheets
- social media
- sheets
- conspiracy theory
- misinformation
- COVID-19
- publication
- infection
- social science
- mental health
- social norm
- spreadsheet
- community
- uncertainty
- data collection
- medicine
- is:other
- isolation
- analysis
- behavior
- international
- social distancing
- unofficial
- preprint
- lang:en
- policy
- tracker
- research
- government
- healthcare
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- social challenge
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- cooperation
- open science
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- technology
- peer review
- scholarship
- research
- science
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- public health
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- COVID-19
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- healthcare
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The students who exerted more self-control were not more successful in accomplishing their goals. It was the students who experienced fewer temptations overall who were more successful when the researchers checked back in at the end of the semester.
Reduce the number of distractions you get better results.