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Beaumont, P. (2021, September 16). Which countries are enforcing mandatory Covid jabs – and how? The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/sep/16/which-countries-enforcing-mandatory-covid-vaccination
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ReconfigBehSci. (2020, November 24). RT @STWorg: .@Scibeh This is pretty interesting because it does seem to involve some rewriting of history. Https://t.co/O0yJ8dVZhy [Tweet]. @SciBeh. https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1331216108758642690
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Open letter to the UK Government regarding COVID-19. (n.d.). Retrieved March 15, 2021, from https://sites.google.com/view/covidopenletter/home
Covid: Dutch go into Christmas lockdown over Omicron wave. (2021, December 18). BBC News. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-59713503
- lockdown
- policy
- netherlands
- law
- christmas
- government
- restaurant
- omicron
- dutch
- bbc
- COVID-19
- is:news
- Mark Rutte
- variant
- dominant variant
- restriction
- event
- Hugo de Jonge
- lang:en
- vaccination
- infection
- market
- measure
- germany
- france
- UK
- school
- travel restriction
- EU
- booster vaccination
- europe
twitter.com twitter.com
Pouria Hadjibagheri [@Pouriaaa]. (2021, July 14). The state of the UK’s statistical system 2020/21 by @StatsRegulation Thank you! 🎊😀🎉 See the report: Https://osr.statisticsauthority.gov.uk/publication/the-state-of-the-uks-statistical-system-2020-21/pages/8/ https://t.co/dEBmVz3oTm [Tweet]. Twitter. https://twitter.com/Pouriaaa/status/1415371346775838725
- Apr 2022
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ReconfigBehSci [@SciBeh]. (2021, November 14). Kai Spiekermann will speak the need for science communication and how it supports the pivotal role of knowledge in a functioning democracy. The panel will focus on what collective intelligence has to offer. 3/6 [Tweet]. Twitter. https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1459813528987217926
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Petition: Funding for ventilation in all school/college/uni classrooms. (n.d.). Petitions - UK Government and Parliament. Retrieved April 20, 2022, from https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/595205
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Adam Kucharski. (2021, March 11). New summary report on SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants of interest in the UK: https://t.co/hJFljrN22E via @fact_covid https://t.co/43EYkfYzJO [Tweet]. @AdamJKucharski. https://twitter.com/AdamJKucharski/status/1370036245557051401
twitter.com twitter.com
Adam Kucharski. (2021, March 24). This is an interesting perspective on Taiwan (& glad it mentions data/privacy), although I’d like to see more references to what local officials were actually saying about approach in real-time, rather than what UK-based researchers later say it was: Https://t.co/FDu0mQoISh 1/ [Tweet]. @AdamJKucharski. https://twitter.com/AdamJKucharski/status/1374638777814167555
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ReconfigBehSci on Twitter: ‘RT @euronews: COVID-19 vaccine rollout: How do countries in Europe compare? Https://t.co/SsFXS0L8mi’ / Twitter. (n.d.). Retrieved 29 March 2021, from https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1376440206505676807
LSHTM: Updated roadmap assessment – prior to delayed Step 4, 7 July 2021. (n.d.). GOV.UK. Retrieved 1 April 2022, from https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/lshtm-updated-roadmap-assessment-prior-to-delayed-step-4-7-july-2021
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Sir Karam Bales ✊ 🇺🇦. (2022, February 12). Attendees https://t.co/bfGsgnYg4I [Tweet]. @karamballes. https://twitter.com/karamballes/status/1492683854586556419
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- lang:en
- vaccination
- advice
- is:webpage
- health
- UK government
- COVID-19
- adolescent
- vaccine
- young people
- immunization
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Böhm, Robert, Cornelia Betsch, Yana Litovsky, Philipp Sprengholz, Noel Brewer, Gretchen Chapman, Julie Leask, et al. ‘Crowdsourcing Interventions to Promote Uptake of COVID-19 Booster Vaccines’. PsyArXiv, 10 February 2022. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/n5b6x.
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Dr. Deepti Gurdasani. (2022, February 21). Did anyone hear any mention of long COVID, an illness affecting 1.3 million people, of whom 500,000 have had this for more than a year during the briefing? Are we just going to pretend it doesn’t exist? [Tweet]. @dgurdasani1. https://twitter.com/dgurdasani1/status/1495839416262311938
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indie_SAGE. (2022, February 11). Indie_SAGE 11.02.2022. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0GC9QsKfrNc
Boris Johnson: Do not throw caution to the wind on Covid. (2022, February 20). BBC News. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-60446908
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Adam Bienkov. (2021, December 15). “Wear face masks indoors,” says Boris Johnson, who has repeatedly refused to wear face masks indoors. Https://t.co/8v8AYTqR7x [Tweet]. @AdamBienkov. https://twitter.com/AdamBienkov/status/1471168011096961024
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Gabriel Hébert-Mild™ ⓥ. (2022, February 12). Well well well. Source: Https://gov.uk/government/publications/sars-cov-2-variants-of-public-health-interest/sars-cov-2-variants-of-public-health-interest-11-february-2022 https://t.co/LhrPXp2ooA [Tweet]. @Gab_H_R. https://twitter.com/Gab_H_R/status/1492517768738058243
twitter.com twitter.com
Eric Topol. (2022, January 18). It seems the people who write the vaccines w/ a booster aren’t working against Omicron are completely out of touch with the data I’d consider ~90% effectiveness vs hospitalization pretty, pretty damn good https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1046853/technical-briefing-34-14-january-2022.pdf Especially compared with 44% without a booster https://t.co/y8ixbmG8uH [Tweet]. @EricTopol. https://twitter.com/EricTopol/status/1483543711623512065
twitter.com twitter.com
Ben Bradshaw. (2021, October 19). Very disappointing non-answer from the Health Secretary to my question why the U.K. has the highest #Covid19 infection, hospitalisation & death rates in Western Europe. Https://t.co/jrxb872YpB [Tweet]. @BenPBradshaw. https://twitter.com/BenPBradshaw/status/1450426408614993923
twitter.com twitter.com
Deepti Gurdasani. (2022, February 9). I don’t even know what to say. There were 2.8 million people estimated to have prevalent infection in the last ONS survey. 1 in 19 people in the community in England. ~1,800 deaths/wk in the UK. Removing requirements for self-isolation will lead to preventable illness & death.🧵 [Tweet]. @dgurdasani1. https://twitter.com/dgurdasani1/status/1491426843135655936
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Smith, J., & Duncan, P. (2022, February 3). Firms handed £1.3bn in Covid contracts claimed £1m in furlough grants. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2022/feb/03/dozen-uk-companies-given-vip-covid-ppe-contracts-also-claimed-furlough-grants
twitter.com twitter.com
James 💙 Neill - 😷 🇪🇺🇮🇪🇬🇧🔶. (2022, January 27). Norman has NOIDea Covid is almost entirely notified by labs not GPs. Norman is an embarrassment to @QMUL 🤦 https://t.co/3EqNd25OXZ [Tweet]. @jneill. https://twitter.com/jneill/status/1486671110372577290
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Woolcock, E. Y., Chris Smyth, Nicola. (n.d.). Record school infections mean national Covid cases no longer falling. Retrieved January 27, 2022, from https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/record-school-infections-mean-national-covid-cases-no-longer-falling-k2t6js59s
“Endemic” Covid? The pandemic will only be over when the world is jabbed. (2022, January 15). Inews.Co.Uk. https://inews.co.uk/news/politics/endemic-covid-the-pandemic-will-only-be-over-when-the-world-is-jabbed-1402691
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Karam Bales🐝🚫🐄. (2022, January 23). Gov: Its all about managing personal risk, No not that like that Right, ill have to ban you then https://t.co/mrFBxdYOyJ [Tweet]. @karamballes. https://twitter.com/karamballes/status/1485327422912356360
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Devlin, H., & correspondent, H. D. S. (2022, January 21). Mixed messages? How end of Covid plan B could change behaviour in England. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jan/21/mixed-messages-how-end-of-covid-plan-b-rules-could-change-behaviour
twitter.com twitter.com
Prof. Christina Pagel. (2022, January 19). This makes it so clear that the release of all measures right now (esp masks, esp schools) is only to protect himself & his job. Boris has zero interest in protecting others from getting sick, needing hospital or dying. Or protecting businesses, schools, NHS from disruption. [Tweet]. @chrischirp. https://twitter.com/chrischirp/status/1483884632651313152
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Halliday, J., & correspondent, J. H. N. of E. (2022, January 17). ‘Christmas was awful’: On the Omicron frontline at the Royal Preston hospital. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jan/17/christmas-was-awful-on-the-omicron-frontline-at-the-royal-preston-hospital
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Covid-19: Cutting self-isolation to five days would be helpful, Nadhim Zahawi says. (2022, January 9). BBC News. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-59925702
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Siddiqui, T. R., Virginia Pietromarchi,Usaid. (n.d.). UK PM Johnson rules out new COVID curbs before Christmas. Retrieved January 16, 2022, from https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2021/12/21/omicron-now-dominant-in-the-us-as-who-sounds-alarm-live
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Devlin, H., Davis, N., & correspondents, N. D. S. (2022, January 14). Expect another Omicron wave in early summer, Sage says. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jan/14/expect-another-covid-omicron-wave-in-early-summer-sage-says
twitter.com twitter.com
David Spiegelhalter. (2022, January 6). Good news: Admissions for flu not quite as tiny as last year, but close. Https://gov.uk/government/statistics/national-flu-and-covid-19-surveillance-reports-2021-to-2022-season https://t.co/YILvkQ4Vqu [Tweet]. @d_spiegel. https://twitter.com/d_spiegel/status/1479139047515856901
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Sample, I., & editor, I. S. S. (2022, January 13). Covid isolation to be cut to five full days in England, says Sajid Javid. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jan/13/covid-isolation-to-be-cut-to-five-full-days-in-england-says-sajid-javid
twitter.com twitter.com
Stephen Reicher. (2022, January 13). Following evidence is that peak infectivity with Omicron comes 3-6 days after symptoms emerge (https://niid.go.jp/niid/en/2019-ncov-e/10884-covid19-66-en.html), the isolation period is cut to 5 days. How is this “following the science” https://t.co/XRf0pbgiHG [Tweet]. @ReicherStephen. https://twitter.com/ReicherStephen/status/1481652386993041415
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Cutler, S. (2022, January 13). Cutting the Covid isolation period to five days is foolhardy and dangerous. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/jan/13/cutting-covid-isolation-period-five-days-foolhardy-dangerous
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Pagel, C. (2021, October 26). Why the UK was so vulnerable to another Covid outbreak. Prospect Magazine. https://www.prospectmagazine.co.uk/science-and-technology/why-the-uk-was-so-vulnerable-to-another-covid-19-outbreak-coronavirus
- lang:en
- home working
- government
- mask mandate
- outbreak
- vulnerable
- advantage
- England
- COVID-19
- error
- UK
- virus
- British Medical Association
- is:news
twitter.com twitter.com
Torcuil Crichton. (2022, January 3). Sign of the covid times—Front page Scotland edition contrasting with front page London edition https://t.co/qCitRaa0b9 [Tweet]. @Torcuil. https://twitter.com/Torcuil/status/1477997545628577792
twitter.com twitter.com
Prof. Christina Pagel. (2022, January 10). I agree with pretty much all of this @FT article https://ft.com/content/e200156f-2e5a-4165-8aa2-28c24fe3c036 https://t.co/zhqPpqdyn7 [Tweet]. @chrischirp. https://twitter.com/chrischirp/status/1480568139947692041
- transmission
- lockdown
- mortality
- policy
- government
- physical distancing
- airborne transmission
- hospital
- political leadership
- quarantine
- lang:en
- contact tracing
- England
- COVID-19
- staff shortage
- ventilation
- hospitalization
- testing
- variant
- daily cases
- is:tweet
- remote working
- data
- isolation
- vaccine
- prevention
- UK
- risk
- Omicron
- mask wearing
- social distancing
blogs.bmj.com blogs.bmj.com
Up the line to death: Covid-19 has revealed a mortal betrayal of the world’s healthcare workers. (2021, January 29). The BMJ. https://blogs.bmj.com/bmj/2021/01/29/up-the-line-to-death-covid-19-has-revealed-a-mortal-betrayal-of-the-worlds-healthcare-workers/
- is:blog
- mortality
- mental health
- government
- management
- Asia
- COVID-19
- protection
- funding
- workplace safety
- global
- healthcare worker
- lang:en
- long-term
- UK
- risk
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Banerjee, A. (2022, January 12). I’m leading a long Covid trial – it’s clear Britain has underestimated its impact. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/jan/12/long-covid-trial-britain-short-term-virus
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Blackall, M. (2021, May 8). Outgoing vaccine chief claims Covid will not be circulating in UK by August. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/may/08/clive-dix-claims-covid-not-in-uk-by-august-vaccine
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Shoss, M., Hootegem, A. V., Selenko, E., & Witte, H. D. (2022). The Job Insecurity of Others: On the Role of Perceived National Job Insecurity During the COVID-19 Pandemic. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/qhpu5
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Cowper, A. (2022). Omicron: Who needs action when you’ve got Plan B? BMJ, 376, o15. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.o15
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Sample, I., & Davis, N. (2022, January 6). First Covid wave raised UK adult risk of death by 40%, study finds. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jan/06/first-covid-wave-raised-uk-adult-risk-of-death-by-40-study-finds
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Omicron peak could be “long and drawn out”, Sage scientists warn as pressure mounts on NHS. (2022, January 3). Inews.Co.Uk. https://inews.co.uk/news/politics/omicron-covid-variant-uk-peak-long-drawn-out-sage-scientists-warning-nhs-1380110
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Stephen Reicher. (2022, January 3). NHS Chiefs: “Hospitals in Crisis” Head Teachers: “Schools in Crisis” Prime Minister: “Crisis? What Crisis?” (i.e. You will have to sort it out without any support from us) https://t.co/OWDdGFrWl2 [Tweet]. @ReicherStephen. https://twitter.com/ReicherStephen/status/1478124355431419904
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Coronavirus: Nothing in current data to support new curbs in England - ministers. (2022, January 2). BBC News. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-59853621
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Elgot, Jessica, and Jessica Elgot Deputy political editor. ‘England Could Fit Covid Air Filters to All Classrooms for Half Cost of Royal Yacht’. The Guardian, 27 December 2021, sec. Education. https://www.theguardian.com/education/2021/dec/27/covid-air-filters-for-all-classrooms-in-england-would-cost-half-of-royal-yacht.
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McKie, R. (2022, January 2). Britain got it wrong on Covid: Long lockdown did more harm than good, says scientist. The Observer. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jan/02/britain-got-it-wrong-on-covid-long-lockdown-did-more-harm-than-good-says-scientist
- Dec 2021
twitter.com twitter.com
Shaun Lintern. (2021, December 30). Just so I have this clear in my own mind...the Govt has relentlessly pushed the narrative of no need for more restrictions and yet the NHS is building makeshift field hospitals in its car parks 🤷♂️ [Tweet]. @ShaunLintern. https://twitter.com/ShaunLintern/status/1476469941381570561
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Murray, J. (2021, December 28). Omicron is ‘not the same disease’ as earlier Covid waves, says UK scientist. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/dec/28/omicron-is-not-the-same-disease-as-earlier-covid-waves-says-uk-scientist
twitter.com twitter.com
Peter den Haan. (2021, December 21). @dgurdasani1 Two headlines, one year apart. ~74,000 dead. Nothing learned whatsoever. Https://t.co/pjEmUoXxfA [Tweet]. @revpdh. https://twitter.com/revpdh/status/1473252947903590402
www.standard.co.uk www.standard.co.uk
Quadri, S. (2021, December 20). Piers Corbyn arrested after urging public to ‘burn MPs’ offices’. https://www.standard.co.uk/news/uk/piers-corbyn-arrested-protest-video-mp-offices-burn-b972788.html
twitter.com twitter.com
Sam Coates Sky. (2021, December 16). For posterity this is what the Joy Morrissey now deleted tweet said: Https://t.co/IZHX2tZrGs [Tweet]. @SamCoatesSky. https://twitter.com/SamCoatesSky/status/1471428868573732876
Covid: UK reports highest daily cases since the pandemic began. (2021, December 15). BBC News. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-59673150
- policy
- mental health
- government
- modeling
- booster
- statistics
- Christmas
- mask mandate
- education
- covid pass
- epidemic
- COVID-19
- ventilation
- hospitalization
- socialising
- is:news
- variant
- testing
- daily cases
- guidance
- lang:en
- data
- delta
- restrictions
- UK
- vaccine
- legislation
- Omicron
- mask wearing
twitter.com twitter.com
Adam Bienkov. (2021, December 14). Conservative MP Desmond Swayne says the “carnage” on UK roads is “certainly killing more people than Covid at the moment”. For context there were just 1,460 deaths on British roads in the whole of 2020, compared to more than 4,000 deaths of people with Covid last month alone. Https://t.co/NVD6SxhTKB [Tweet]. @AdamBienkov. https://twitter.com/AdamBienkov/status/1470783359064358929
twitter.com twitter.com
shinydoc. (2021, December 12). I love how I, an actual GP...who was involved in the initial covid vaccination programme ...has to tune in at 8pm with the public to find out that apparently we are vaccinating the entire adult population with boosters by the end of the year [Tweet]. @irishayesha. https://twitter.com/irishayesha/status/1470123478221303810
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Diseases, T. L. I. (2021). Emerging SARS-CoV-2 variants: Shooting the messenger. The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1016/S1473-3099(21)00770-2
twitter.com twitter.com
Dave Keating. (2021, December 8). Boris Johnson’s continued pretence that UK is one of the most vaccinated countries in the world, repeated again in press conference just now announcing new restrictions, is getting tiresome. That has not been the case for many many months, despite 🇬🇧🇺🇸 vaccine hoarding early on. Https://t.co/tQt6aXGtNI [Tweet]. @DaveKeating. https://twitter.com/DaveKeating/status/1468655107436802052
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Mason, R., & Devlin, H. (2021, December 8). Boris Johnson rushes in Covid plan B amid Christmas party scandal. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/dec/08/boris-johnson-plan-b-covid-measures-england-omicron-vaccine-passports-mask-wearing
Hignell, B., Saleemi, Z., & Valentini, E. (2021). The role of emotions on policy support and environmental advocacy. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/45pge
Whitty: Public would need to back more Covid curbs. (2021, November 26). BBC News. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-59434196
Cotterill, J. (2021, November 26). South African anger over ‘rushed’ Covid travel restrictions. Financial Times. https://www.ft.com/content/6a177732-4faf-4ecb-adc1-667c22248e0f
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Sridhar, D. (2021, November 28). How bad will the Omicron Covid variant be in Britain? Three things will tell us. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/nov/28/omicron-covid-variant-britain-southern-africa
- transmission
- mortality
- government
- booster
- mask mandate
- South Africa
- predominant strain
- England
- COVID-19
- protection
- vaccine efficacy
- stock market
- hospitalization
- is:news
- testing
- variant
- lang:en
- immunity
- health outcome
- data
- strategy
- home-testing kit
- virus genome
- UK
- vaccine
- travel ban
- travel restrictions
- public health measures
- science
- Omicron
- mask wearing
www.vice.com www.vice.com
How the Far-Right Is Radicalizing Anti-Vaxxers. (n.d.). Retrieved December 2, 2021, from https://www.vice.com/en/article/88ggqa/how-the-far-right-is-radicalizing-anti-vaxxers
- misinformation
- nationalist
- vaccine hesitancy
- extremism
- Telegram
- radicalization
- British National Party
- neo-Nazi
- anti-vaxxer
- COVID-19
- online community
- protest
- anti-government
- lang:en
- social media
- ideology
- conspiracy theory
- anti-lockdown
- is:webpage
- mandate
- anti-vaccine
- UK
- vaccine
- antisemitism
- disinformation
- right-wing
- far-right
- moderation
news.sky.com news.sky.com
COVID-19: Most Omicron cases are “mild” and there’s no evidence to suggest vaccines may be less effective against the variant, says WHO official. (n.d.). Sky News. Retrieved December 2, 2021, from https://news.sky.com/story/covid-19-most-omicron-cases-are-mild-and-theres-no-evidence-to-suggest-vaccines-may-be-less-effective-against-the-variant-says-who-12483729
twitter.com twitter.com
Progressive International. (2021, November 29). BREAKING: 2.5 million nurses from 28 countries have filed for a UN investigation of human rights violations by the EU, UK, Switzerland, Norway, and Singapore for blocking the waiver on Covid-19 vaccine patents as new strains proliferate: Http://covid19criminals.exposed https://t.co/Rj37RqDA4J [Tweet]. @ProgIntl. https://twitter.com/ProgIntl/status/1465202919687348227
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Sparrow, A. (2021, November 30). Boris Johnson says people should not cancel Christmas parties over Omicron – as it happened. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/live/2021/nov/30/uk-covid-omicron-threat-booster-vaccine-masks-boris-johnson-coronavirus-latest-updates
- Omicron
- government
- booster
- Christmas
- isolation
- face covering
- England
- COVID-19
- UK
- public health measures
- is:news
- variant
- mask wearing
- Nov 2021
www.bloomberg.com www.bloomberg.com
Why Is It So Hard to Get a Rapid Covid Test in the U.S.? (2021, November 23). Bloomberg.Com. https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2021-11-23/why-is-it-so-hard-to-get-a-rapid-covid-test-in-the-u-s
- policy
- government
- resources
- COVID-19
- infection control
- test kit
- sensitivity
- testing
- Covid test
- lang:en
- is:webpage
- UK
- vaccine
- travel ban
- rapid testing
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- dominant strain
- sore throat
- lang:en
- sneezing
- government
- infection
- advice
- headache
- COVID-19
- Delta variant
- UK
- epidemiology
- is:news
- runny nose
- symptom
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- lockdown
- infection rate
- government
- Europe
- control
- COVID-19
- epidemic
- mask
- Britain
- lang:en
- infection
- surge
- is:opinion
- winter
- UK
- plan B
- Germany
- vaccine certification
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- lang:en
- government
- infection
- rapid action
- winter
- intervention
- COVID-19
- measure
- advisor
- UK
- harsh
- long-lasting
- is:news
- warning
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- transmission
- infection rate
- mortality
- is:blog
- government
- statistics
- vaccine hesitancy
- risk perception
- safety
- COVID-19
- herd immunity
- protection
- hospitalization
- vaccination uptake
- lang:en
- public health authority
- adolescence
- health threat
- side effects
- anti-vaccine
- vaccine
- young people
- UK
- children
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- government
- business
- Europe
- airline
- loosening restrictions
- COVID-19
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- trade
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- transmission
- travel
- is:blog
- mental health
- government
- resources
- safety
- COVID-19
- protection
- ventilation
- hospitalization
- People's Covid Inquiry
- frontline staff
- lang:en
- response
- risk assessment
- face mask
- work exposure
- wellbeing
- London underground
- UK
- inequality
- key worker
- public transport
- risk
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- vaccine hesitancy
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- COVID-19
- mass testing
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- data
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- government
- inequity
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- pharmaceutical corporation
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- vaccine production
- patent waiving
- finance
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