236 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2024
    1. Cities and businesses are key actors driving anthropogenic pressures, but have received less attention in sustainability assessments than countries. The unique challenges associated with these actors need to be understood and resolved in translation methods, and approaches that reflect the specific environmental, social, and economic contexts of cities and businesses need to be developed

      for - Earth system boundaries - importance of developing cross scale translation for cities and businesses as key actors

    2. approaches for translating each ESB to cities and businesses via the sequential steps of transcription, allocation, and adjustment.

      for - cross-scale translation - via transcription - allocation - adjustment

    3. We focus on cities and businesses because of the magnitude of their impacts on the Earth system, and their potential to take swift action and act as agents of change.

      for - rapid whole system change - leverage point - cities - cross-scale translation

    4. for - earth system boundaries - safe and just earth system boundaries - cross translated - to cities and business - planetary boundaries - downscaled planetary boundaries - urban planetary boundaries - Johan Rockstrom - Xuemei Bao - Lancet paper - just and safe earth system boundaries - Earth Commission report

      paper details - title: A just world on a safe planet: a Lancet Planetary Health–Earth Commission report on Earth-system boundaries, translations, and transformations - authors: - Joyeeta Gupta - Xuemei Bao - Johan Rockstrom - Diana M Liverman <br /> - Dahe Qin - Ben Stewart-Koster - et al - publication: Lancet 2024, Sept 11


  2. Aug 2024
  3. Jun 2024
    1. for - Anthropocene - cross-scale spatial and temporal connectivity of water - governance - water - Anthropocene - cross scale - complexity - water governance - Anthropocene - from - Linked In post - new publication alart - to - Linked In post - new publication alert - Moving from fit to fitness for governing water in the Anthropocene

      summary - This is a good review paper that summarizes findings from two decades of water research on river basins and watersheds, - It highlights how recent Anthropocene research shows the global interconnected nature of water systems, - which makes the traditional River Basin Organization form of local governance challenging since - variability in localities far from the governed river basin or watershed can have significant impact on it and vice versa - New governance systems must emerge to deal with this complexity

      from - Linked In post - new publication alert - to - Linked In post - new publication alert - Moving from fit to fitness for governing water in the Anthropocene - https://hyp.is/GdXo1ipKEe-_FbMMhZGIMQ/www.linkedin.com/posts/activity-7207337444281659392-66RF/

  4. May 2024
  5. Apr 2024
    1. Eine extreme Hitzewelle hat in der Sahelzone Hunderte, wahrscheinlich Tausende Menschenleben gefordert. World Weather Attribution zufolge ist die Höhe der Temperaturen eindeutig auf die globale Erhitzung durch Treibhausgase zurückzuführen. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/apr/18/lethal-heatwave-in-sahel-worsened-by-fossil-fuel-burning-study-finds

      Zur Studie: https://www.worldweatherattribution.org/extreme-sahel-heatwave-that-hit-highly-vulnerable-population-at-the-end-of-ramadan-would-not-have-occurred-without-climate-change/

  6. Mar 2024
    1. AU references are indicated by the word " See," " See also,"" compare," etc. preceding the term to which reference is made.
    2. It is the object of crossreferences to bring these materials together again when required.

      Cross references in Kaiser's card system are broadly similar to links from one item to another as a means of helping to associate them or "bringing these materials together again when required."

    1. If you want to write an awk script, which portable to any awk implementations and versions (gawk/nawk/mawk...) it is really hard, even if with --posix (gawk)
    1. nowadays many people work with docker containers. Most default docker images do not have bash and something like [[ $string == *foo* ]] will not work.
    2. It's not so much a criticism as the preference of a more universal solution over a more limited one. Please consider that, years later, people (like me) will stop by to look for this answer and may be pleased to find one that's useful in a wider scope than the original question. As they say in the Open Source world: "choice is good!"
  7. Feb 2024
    1. Regardless of what your arguments are, the personal reasons of the developer are what matters for what platforms this game is provided on. You can choose to pay for the game, or not. Paying for the game supports the developer, and allows them to develop more. It is not reasonable to argue that someone should have put in additional unpaid effort to do something for unknown future benefit, or that they should charge less for a game because it's only available on one platform; that's their choice, and their decision.For context, development of Taiji was started in mid 2015; it took seven years to finish. That's with the Commercial Game Engine, and even with that, there were platform-based bugs that needed to be worked around (issues that won't be present on other platforms, or will have different presentations); here's just one of those, involving an issue around mouse sluggishness:https://taiji-game.com/2020/07/13/68-in-the-mountains-of-madness-win32-wrangling...If the developer is not already familiar with Linux, then there's a small mountain of language barriers around using Linux that needs to be overcome first, before being able to get to the game development phase. It's rare for game development to work on different platforms when it can't be tested on those different platforms. While it might be easy to cross-compile on a Windows system (e.g. via IL2CPP), that's only if everything works perfectly (which is unlikely to be the case). 
  8. Jan 2024
    1. Cross-posted a social post on Mastodon.

      Very cool! I'd love to read about your setup, will look around.

  9. Dec 2023
    1. For example, if a user's Google Account were compromised, you could temporarily disable Sign In With Google for that user and prevent account recovery emails from being sent to the user's Gmail address.
  10. Nov 2023
  11. Oct 2023
  12. Sep 2023
    1. Why did the chicken cross the road?

      To get to his zettelkasten on the other side!

      But when he got there, he realized he had forgotten the slip of paper with his perfect evergreen note. So the chicken crossed the road once again to retrieve it. But almost as if it were a jokerzettel, on the way back, a gust of wind blew the slip right out of the chicken's beak!

      The chicken tried to catch the runaway slip, but it kept evading him. He chased that slip all over the farm--through the pig sty, over fences, around the grain silo.

      Finally, exhausted but triumphant, the chicken caught the slip and carefully filed it away.

      Moral of the story: Don't count your slips before they're indexed!

    2. Q: Why did the zettelkasten cross the road?

      A: It didn't because Barbara Tuchman, Nicholas Luhmann, Jacques Goutor, Johannes Erich Heyde, and Keith Thomas all recommend only writing on one side.

  13. Aug 2023
    1. the systemwide optimum population cohort for the climate action interventions is a community (P4) of 10 000 persons
      • for: cross-scale translation of earth system boundaries, downscaled planetary boundaries, leverage point

      • stats

        • 10000 to 1 million is optimum size
      • question: investigate rationale
    2. We suggest that prioritizing the analyzed climate actions between community and urban scales, where global and local converge, can help catalyze and enhance individual, household and local practices, and support national and international policies and finances for rapid sustainability transformations.
      • for: cross-scale translation of earth system boundaries, downscaled planetary boundaries, leverage point
      • key finding
        • suitable cohorts and cohort ranges for rapidly deploying climate and sustainability actions between a single individual and the globally projected ∼ 10 billion persons by 2050 is:
        • community scale between 10k and 100k
      • for: cross-scale translation of earth system boundaries, downscaled planetary boundaries, leverage point
      • title: Powers of 10: seeking 'sweet spots' for rapid climate and sustainability actions between individual and global scales
    1. So far, smart city systems are being set up to appropriate and commercialize individual and community data. So far, communities are not waking up to the realization that a capacity they need is being stolen from them before they have it.”
      • for: smart cities, doughnut cities, cosmolocal, downscaled planetary boundaries, cross-scale translation of earth system boundaries, TPF, community data, local data, open data, community data ownership, quote, quote - Garth Graham, quote - community owned data
      • quote
      • paraphrase
        • Innovation in the creation and sustainability of social institutions acts predominantly at the local level.
        • In the Internet of Things, for those capacities to emerge in smart cities, communities need the capacity to own and analyse the data created that models what they are experiencing.
        • Local data needs to be seen as a common, pool resource.
        • Where that occurs, communities will have the capacity to learn or innovate their way forward.
        • So far, smart city systems are being set up to appropriate and commercialize individual and community data.
        • So far, communities are not waking up to the realization that a capacity they need is being stolen from them before they have it.
      • author: Garth Graham
        • leader of Telecommunities Canada
    1. Bailey Pearlescent White Lacquer Ballpoint Pen


      Purchased as a gift on 2023-07-31

      Uses standard Cross refills like Medium Ballpoint Refill #8513.

  14. Jul 2023
    1. my thesis on the form of the web browser and its social effects

      This one:

      Marco, Matthew Tangco. “The Form of the Web Browser and Its Social Effects.” PhD Thesis, Georgetown University, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/10822/552929

  15. Jun 2023
    1. These jazz and fusion influences were especially instrumental in generating theclimax waves in my symphony. All of them are achieved by means of setting a metric groove withthe help of syncopation and cross-rhythms.

      jazz style-elements in nikolsky's organ symphony

  16. May 2023
  17. Apr 2023
  18. Mar 2023
    1. The institutionalization of scholarship led to the formation of disciplines that cre-ated artificial borders between fields of knowledge. Historians were now largelyseparated from scholars in other areas, such as philosophers and linguists, as wellas from fields of study that were historically oriented at that time, such as musi-cology, art, literature, and theology.
  19. Jan 2023
    1. Kandiaronk, who took the position of anegalitarian and skeptical rationalist and held that the punitiveapparatus of European law and religion was made necessary only byan economic system arranged in such a way that it would inevitablyproduce precisely the behaviors that apparatus was designed to




  20. Dec 2022
    1. Thisraises questions about the mechanisms to coordinate andmonitor change across scales, as well as the challenge ofmaintaining coherence over time while wider prioritiesand goals may shift. Given this, and the plethora of localgovernance institutions and arrangements that exist,successfully deploying the doughnut will require re-newed attention to coordination across multilevel gov-ernance regimes [5,53].

      !- challenges of : cross scale coherence - coordination of different government layers will be critical for a coherent strategy

    1. To put any of these ideas into practice requires the involvement of diverse actors across scales from the local to global (Ostrom et al., 1999). While cross-scale translation is necessary to inform decisions by such actors at sub-global scales, translation is complicated by the spatial heterogeneity of pressures and impacts (Biermann & Kim, 2020) and the value-laden (Biermann & Kalfagianni, 2020; Häyhä et al., 2016) and potentially iterative (Pickering & Persson, 2020) judgments involved in the allocation of these targets.

      !- challenges of : cross scale translation - spatial heterogeneity of pressures and impacts - value laden judgments in allocation of the targets

    1. The fundamental departure point of this working group is that there are missing links between the planetary level targets and local actors such as business and cities. There is a need to conduct a systematic review on some of the challenges and methodologies of cross-scale translation,

      !- quotable statement : cross scale translation - Xuemei Bai is expert on cities and one of the co-leaders of the working group

    2. what are the challenges of translating global scale targets into concrete and actionable targets for local actors?

      !- key question : what are the challenges of translating global scale targets into concrete and actionable targets for local actors? - in other words, how do we downscale global indicators such as planetary boundaries?

    3. New Earth Commission Working Group to Focus on the Challenges of Cross-Scale Translation

      !- title : New Earth Commission Working Group to Focus on the Challenges of Cross Scale Translation

  21. Nov 2022
    1. Note that ttx is part of the fonttools mentioned in the accepted answer. It's a Python script, so it's also available on Mac and Linux.
  22. Oct 2022
    1. s notes accumulated, hefiled them under new and subsidiary headings, with cross-references(on the index card) to related headings, which might be numerousand many years remote.
    1. He was especially enamored with cross-references, which weremarked in red type;

      Deutch's zettelkasten is well cross-referenced and he showed a preference for doing these in red type.

    1. Goutor recommends cross-referencing or linking ideas between cards "at the bottom of the note-card, as soon as the note itself is completed." Links shouldn't be trusted to memory and should be noted as soon as possible. Further he recommends periodically sorting through cards and adding adding additional cross references as one ruminates. While he indicates that cross-referencing may seem "cumbersome at first sight, experience will show that it enhances the usefulness of the card file when the time comes to retrieve the information it contains." (p32-33)

      Beyond this he doesn't indicate any additional benefits of creativity or serendipity that have been seen in similar treatises.

    2. Goutor breaks down the post-processing of notes into two phases: "coding" (tagging or categorization) and "cross-referencing". (p31).

    3. On page 24, Goutor cross references one note to another, but only does so at the level of the bigger book or text and not at the level of the individual notes themselves.

      Was this on purpose?

  23. Aug 2022
    1. Chadeau-Hyam, M., Wang, H., Eales, O., Haw, D., Bodinier, B., Whitaker, M., Walters, C. E., Ainslie, K. E. C., Atchison, C., Fronterre, C., Diggle, P. J., Page, A. J., Trotter, A. J., Ashby, D., Barclay, W., Taylor, G., Cooke, G., Ward, H., Darzi, A., … Elliott, P. (2022). SARS-CoV-2 infection and vaccine effectiveness in England (REACT-1): A series of cross-sectional random community surveys. The Lancet Respiratory Medicine, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1016/S2213-2600(21)00542-7

    1. Each type of index card should have a dif-ferent color, and should include in the top right corner abbre-viations that cross-reference one series of cards to another,and to the general plan. The result is something majestic.

      Finally a concrete statement about actively cross-linking ideas on note cards together!

    1. (see paragraph 28)

      an example within this essay of a cross reference from one note to another showing the potential linkages of individual notes within one's own slipbox.

    2. the slips by the topicalheadings. Guide cards are useful to gdicate the several head-ings and subheadings. Under each heading classif the slipsin writing, discarding any that may not prove useful andmaking cross references for notes which may be needed foruse in more than one lace. This classification will reveal,almost automatically, wiere there are deficiencies in the ma-terials collected which should be remedied. The completedand classified collection of notes then becomes the basis ofcomposition.

      missing some textual context here for full quote...

      Dutcher is recommending arranging notes and cards by topical headings in a commonplace sort of method. He does recommend a sub-arrangement of placing them in logical order for one's writing however. He goes even further and indicates one may "make cross references for notes which may be needed for use in more than one place." Which provides an early indication of linking or cross linking cards to multiple places within in one's card index. (Has this cross referencing (linking) idea appeared in the literature specifically before, or is this an early instantiation of this idea?)

    1. And in thenineteenth and twentieth centuries, as linguistics, philosophy, and psychologyhave uneasily tried to go their separate ways, the classical problems of languageand mind have inevitably reappeared and have served to link these divergingfields and to give direction and significance to their efforts.

      cross-disciplinary studies are becoming a thing for these areas



  24. Jun 2022
    1. The Bugzilla issues don't seem to rule-out the possibility of using CORS for cross-origin download attribute support in the future, but right now using CORS headers does not do anything for the download attribute. It's possible that if other browsers start supporting the attribute, a consensus may yet be reached.


    1. This actually is possible with JavaScript, though browser support would be spotty. You can use XHR2 to download the file from the server to the browser as a Blob, create a URL to the Blob, create an anchor with its href property and set it to that URL, set the download property to whatever filename you want it to be, and then click the link. This works in Google Chrome, but I haven't verified support in other browsers. window.URL = window.URL || window.webkitURL; var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(), a = document.createElement('a'), file; xhr.open('GET', 'someFile', true); xhr.responseType = 'blob'; xhr.onload = function () { file = new Blob([xhr.response], { type : 'application/octet-stream' }); a.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(file); a.download = 'someName.gif'; // Set to whatever file name you want // Now just click the link you created // Note that you may have to append the a element to the body somewhere // for this to work in Firefox a.click(); }; xhr.send();
  25. May 2022
    1. This cross-disciplinary approach allowed him tomake connections across seemingly unrelated subjects, whilecontinuing to follow his sense of curiosity

      For someone like Feynman who worked in areas beyond theoretical physics, tacitly practicing the Llullan combinatorial arts will allow them to apply their knowledge in a more cross-disciplinary way.

      But why apply this sort of thinking to just one person? Abstract it up a few levels. What if multiple people can apply this technique simultaneously?

      Currently it's happening in academic circles with people collaborating across disciplines, but it's more likely happening by oral transmission by holding conversations about the work at hand and combinatorial brainstorming being the engine. What if they were keeping a collective zettelkasten to encourage their work? This presents the issue of the histories of separate knowledge bases and potential context collapse. They still need to have some sort of intervening interface (typically personal presence for memory/reference) to encourage it as search may not be as useful or much more time consuming.

      How might anagora.org act as a potential model for brining these ideas into fruition?

      link directly to portions of https://hypothes.is/a/GZ5kkuAyEeyfDx9azj0VAw

    2. new result, test it against each of your twelve problems to seewhether it helps. Every once in a while there will be a hit, andpeople will say, “How did he do it? He must be a genius!”

      You have to keep a dozen of your favorite problems constantly present in your mind, although by and large they will lay in a dormant state. Every time you hear or read a new trick or a

      Gian-Carlo Rota, Indiscrete Thoughts (Boston: Birkhäuser Boston, 1997), 202.

      Richard Feynman indicated in an interview that he kept a dozen of his favorite problems at the top of his mind. As he encountered new results and tricks, he tried applying them to those problems in hopes of either solving them or in coming up with new ideas. Over time by random but combinatorial chance, solutions or ideas would present themselves as ideas were juxtaposed.

      One would suspect that Feynman hadn't actually read Raymond Llull, but this technique sounds very similar to the Llullan combinatorial arts from centuries earlier, albeit in a much more simplified form.

      Can we find evidence of Feynman having read or interacted with Llull? Was it independently created or was he influenced?

      I had an example of this on 2022-05-28 in Dan Allosso's book club on Equality in the closing minutes where a bit of inspiration hit me to combine the ideas of memes, evolution, and Indigenous knowledge and storytelling to our current political situation. Several of them are problems and ideas I've been working with over years or months, and they came together all at once to present a surprising and useful new combination. #examples

      Link this also to the idea of diffuse thinking as a means of solving problems. One can combine the idea of diffuse thinking with combinatorial creativity to super-charge one's problem solving and idea generation capacity this way. What would one call this combination? It definitely needs a name. Llullan combinatorial diffusion, perhaps? To some extent Llull was doing this already as part of his practice, it's just that he didn't know or write explicitly about the diffuse thinking portion (to my knowledge), though this doesn't mean that he wasn't the beneficiary of it in actual practice, particularly when it's known that many of his time practiced lectio divina and meditated on their ideas. Alternately meditating on ideas and then "walking away" from them will by force cause diffuse thinking to be triggered.

      Are there people for whom diffuse thinking doesn't work from a physiological perspective? What type of neurodiversity does this cause?

  26. Apr 2022
    1. Much of this sort of information was later reverse-engineered, and cross-browser support for basic operations is actually quite good. (Browsers still vary widely on the details.)
    1. Last night while watching a video related to The First Astronomers, I came across a clip in which Australian elder Uncle Ghillar Michael Anderson indicates that indigenous dendroglyphs (markings on trees) or petroglyphs (markings on stone in the stony territories) are the libraries of the Indigenous peoples who always relate (associate) their stories from the markings back up to the sky (stars, constellations).

      These markings remind me of some of those found on carved stone balls in neolithic European contexts described by Dr. @LynneKelly in The Memory Code and Memory Craft and carvings on coolamon in Knowledge and Power.

      Using the broad idea of the lukasa and abstract designs, I recently bought a small scale version of the Aberlemno Pictish Cross as a small manual/portable memory palace, which is also an artwork that I can hang on the wall, to use to associate memories to the designs and animals which are delineated in 18 broad areas on the sculpture. (Part of me wonders if the communities around these crosses used them for mnemonic purposes as well?)

      scale model of the Aberlemno Pictish Cross with Celtic designs in the foreground with the life size cross in the background

      Is anyone else using abstract designs or artwork like this for their memory practice?

      Anyone know of other clever decorative artworks one could use and display in their homes/offices for these purposes?

      For those interested in the archeological research on dendroglyphs in Australia: - The Western Yalanji dendroglyph: The life and death of an Aboriginal carved tree - Review: The Dendroglyphs or ‘Carved Trees’ of New South Wales by Robert Etheridge (Content warning: historical erasure of Indigenous culture)

  27. Mar 2022
    1. Around @11:16:

      "What made HyperCard the ubiquitous product it was in the early 90s... was the fact that it was included free with every Macintosh sold. So anybody could use it to create somethnig, then share their creation with somebody else with the confidence that the other person would be able to run it."

      So that was in that day. What is the box today?

      Let me ask it another way: What is available on every computing device[...]?"

      I would encourage us all to find ways to make the system immediately available to users.

  28. Jan 2022
    1. If we follow the caper star clockwise, starting with “checklist” and signifying just the facts as they are presented, we have ready at hand a way to begin rethinking the types of inquiry proper to certain areas of thought [FIGURE 7]. On the first of the five points then, “checklist,” let us hang journalism, objective accounts, and the raw data of scientific research. On the second, concerning “characters” and their relations, let us place psychology, sociology, anthropology, and politics. The third, at the bottom left, concerning “words,” let us imagine linguistics, philology, rhetoric, and dialectic. The fourth point, “questions,” accommodates philosophy broadly speaking, and the generating of topics and concepts, as well as modes of inquiry, whether inductive or deductive, proper to law and medical research. And finally, the top point, concerning “U” (a tag which stands for “you” as well as the first letter of “universal”), let us place ethics, religion, theology, and practices conducive to reflection and self realization—any means of understanding your place in the world and your stake in the matter under consideration. As the crossing lines of the five-pointed star indicate, all points are interrelated. As for the center, whatever one wants to place there can be illuminated by the five categories broadly conceived as just outlined.
    1. Eusebius, a historian and bishop of the coastal city of Caesarea, in Palestine, assembled Christian writings in the local library. He also devised a system of cross-references, known as “canon tables,” that enabled readers to find parallel passages in the four Gospels—a system that the scholar James O’Donnell recently described as the world’s first set of hot links.
  29. Dec 2021
    1. on Windows, since that's what I'm using

      Good example of why leveraging the browser's runtime is better. i wouldn't have guessed that the md2blog creator was using Windows. (And I didn't. I just assume that everyone is using a Mac, even though I'm on neither.)

  30. Nov 2021
  31. Oct 2021
  32. Sep 2021
    1. Mac: "3-bar" menu button (or Firefox menu) > Preferences Windows: "3-bar" menu button (or Tools menu) > Options Linux: "3-bar" menu button (or Edit menu) > Preferences
    1. When you are using postman they are not restricted by this policy. Quoted from Cross-Origin XMLHttpRequest: Regular web pages can use the XMLHttpRequest object to send and receive data from remote servers, but they're limited by the same origin policy. Extensions aren't so limited. An extension can talk to remote servers outside of its origin, as long as it first requests cross-origin permissions.
  33. Aug 2021
  34. Jul 2021
    1. The miscellanies, numbered and indexed, would often be noted in the margins of his Bible as well, especially if the note was an expansion of an exegetical point.

      Interesting to see that Jonathan Edwards cross referenced his commonplace book to his bible as well.

  35. Jun 2021
    1. Different ways to prepend a line: (echo 'line to prepend';cat file)|sponge file sed -i '1iline to prepend' file # GNU sed -i '' $'1i\\\nline to prepend\n' file # BSD printf %s\\n 0a 'line to prepend' . w|ed -s file perl -pi -e 'print"line to prepend\n"if$.==1' file
    1. That means if an attacker can inject some JavaScript code that runs on the web app’s domain, they can steal all the data in localStorage. The same is true for any third-party JavaScript libraries used by the web app. Indeed, any sensitive data stored in localStorage can be compromised by JavaScript. In particular, if an attacker is able to snag an API token, then they can access the API masquerading as an authenticated user.
    2. But there’s a drawback that I didn’t like about this option: localStorage is vulnerable to Cross-site Scripting (XSS) attacks.
  36. May 2021
    1. In contrast to a general export ban, EU law and practice have also allowed cross-border commerce to continue, including the EU/U.S. bilateral trade and investment partnership valued at about 6 trillion euros

      And more importantly, a general lack of enforcement by most DPAs.

    1. the majority of XSS attacks target theft of session cookies. A server could help mitigate this issue by setting the HttpOnly flag on a cookie it creates, indicating the cookie should not be accessible on the client.
  37. Apr 2021
    1. Is there an OS agnostic way of doing this? I like the script command on macOS because you don't have to wrap the command in quotes. The script runs and sends output to the tty which is duplicated in the supplied file, but I can't seem to get the linux version to behave the same way... I'm probably doing something wrong. So what's the equivalent linux script command for this on macOS: script -q -t 0 tmp.out perl -e 'print "Test\n"' Test cat tmp.out Test
    1. TTY is right there in the name, but this article makes no attempt to clarify what exactly the relationship between a pseudoterminal and a TTY. I feel like a whole paragraph about the relation to TTY would be warranted, including a link to TTY article, of course, which does link [back] to and explain some of the relation to pseudoterminal:

      In many computing contexts, "TTY" has become the name for any text terminal, such as an external console device, a user dialing into the system on a modem on a serial port device, a printing or graphical computer terminal on a computer's serial port or the RS-232 port on a USB-to-RS-232 converter attached to a computer's USB port, or even a terminal emulator application in the window system using a pseudoterminal device.

  38. Mar 2021
  39. Feb 2021
  40. Jan 2021
  41. Dec 2020
  42. Nov 2020
  43. Oct 2020
    1. 5 Cross-Training Lessons from Disney

      The article focuses on why the cross training practice Disney implements is an effective model and lists its 5 key benefits.

      8/10, its not to in-depth but it provides a great starting point for adult learning in a company.

  44. Sep 2020
    1. By bringing both designers and non-designers alike into Figma, they create a cross-side network effect. In a direct network effect, a homogenous group gets more value from a product as more of them join. In contrast, a cross-side network effect involves two (or more) distinct groups that grow in size and value as the other group does, too. Figma’s cross-side network effect between designers and non-designers is one of the primary and under-appreciated sources of their compounding success over the last few years. As more designers use Figma, they pull in the non-designers they work with. Similarly, as these non-designers use Figma, they encourage the other designers they work with to use Figma. It’s a virtuous circle and a powerful compounding loop.

      By bringing non-designers into the design process, Figma created cross-side network effects for itself.

      Where typically the designers would get their designer peers to use the tools they're excited about, now non-designers would experience the value and recommend Figma to designers and non-designers alike.

  45. Aug 2020
    1. Mateus, J., Grifoni, A., Tarke, A., Sidney, J., Ramirez, S. I., Dan, J. M., Burger, Z. C., Rawlings, S. A., Smith, D. M., Phillips, E., Mallal, S., Lammers, M., Rubiro, P., Quiambao, L., Sutherland, A., Yu, E. D., Antunes, R. da S., Greenbaum, J., Frazier, A., … Weiskopf, D. (2020). Selective and cross-reactive SARS-CoV-2 T cell epitopes in unexposed humans. Science. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.abd3871

    1. Havers, F. P., Reed, C., Lim, T., Montgomery, J. M., Klena, J. D., Hall, A. J., Fry, A. M., Cannon, D. L., Chiang, C.-F., Gibbons, A., Krapiunaya, I., Morales-Betoulle, M., Roguski, K., Rasheed, M. A. U., Freeman, B., Lester, S., Mills, L., Carroll, D. S., Owen, S. M., … Thornburg, N. J. (2020). Seroprevalence of Antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 in 10 Sites in the United States, March 23-May 12, 2020. JAMA Internal Medicine. https://doi.org/10.1001/jamainternmed.2020.4130

  46. Jul 2020
    1. Used by global platforms like Google, Bing and Twitter, AMP allows users a native-feeling experience across all platforms by defaulting to AMP pages when available.
  47. wordpress.org wordpress.org
    1. AMP formerly stood for “Accelerated Mobile Pages”, but now works completely across desktop and mobile.
  48. Jun 2020
    1. Hsiang, S., Allen, D., Annan-Phan, S., Bell, K., Bolliger, I., Chong, T., Druckenmiller, H., Huang, L. Y., Hultgren, A., Krasovich, E., Lau, P., Lee, J., Rolf, E., Tseng, J., & Wu, T. (2020). The effect of large-scale anti-contagion policies on the COVID-19 pandemic. Nature, 1–9. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-020-2404-8

  49. May 2020
    1. Flutter for Cross-Platform App Development is an associate degree source, cross-platform mobile development framework from Google. It permits superior, stunning applications to be designed for iOS and Android from one codebase. It’s additionally the event platform for Google’s future Fuchsia OS.

      The Orientation of Flutter for Cross-Platform App Development Became Perfect App

    1. The content can be loaded by external applications which handle the content delivery to the client, meaning that the content can be (re-)used by multiple applications and channels (web, mobile app, audio guides, IOT).
    1. That app you desperately need in order to function? We probably have it. The vast software libraries of Ubuntu and Flatpak combine to make all of your tools available in a single location, called the Pop!_Shop.
  50. Apr 2020
    1. Running the same code in the browser and on the server in order to avoid code duplication is a very different problem. It is simply a matter of good development practices to avoid code duplication. This however is not limited to isomorphic applications. A utility library such as Lodash is “universal”, but has nothing to do with isomorphism. Sharing code between environments does not give you an isomorphic application. What we’re referring to with Universal JavaScript is simply the fact that it is JavaScript code which is environment agnostic. It can run anywhere. In fact most JavaScript code will run fine on any JavaScript platform.
    1. The Authenticity Token is a countermeasure to Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF). What is CSRF, you ask? It's a way that an attacker can potentially hijack sessions without even knowing session tokens.