- Jul 2021
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
that's why I bolded "same column" with the or query. I can delete the comment altogether, but thought it would be helpful for people perusing "or" query SO questions.
aeon.co aeon.co
It’s a familiar trick in the privatisation-happy US – like, say, underfunding public education and then criticising the institution for struggling.
This same thing is being seen in the U.S. Post Office now too. Underfund it into failure rather than provide a public good.
Capitalism definitely hasn't solved the issue, and certainly without government regulation. See also the last mile problem for internet service, telephone service, and cable service.
UPS and FedEx apparently rely on the USPS for last mile delivery in remote areas. (Source for this?)
The poor and the remote are inordinately effected in almost all these cases. What other things do these examples have in common? How can we compare and contrast the public service/government versions with the private capitalistic ones to make the issues more apparent. Which might be the better solution: capitalism with tight government regulation to ensure service at the low end or a government monopoly of the area? or something in between?
eprint.iacr.org eprint.iacr.org
WhatsApp’s group messaging protocol doesnot provide PCS [35,42].
- Jun 2021
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Bouter, D., Zarchev, M., Neve-Enthoven, N. de, Ravensbergen, S., Kamperman, A., Hoogendijk, W., & Grootendorst, N. (2021). A longitudinal study of mental health in adolescents before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/56kcp
- May 2021
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Zhou, X., Nguyen-Feng, V. N., Wamser-Nanney, R., & Lotzin, A. (2021). Racism, Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms, and Racial Disparity in the U.S. COVID-19 Syndemic [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/rc2ns
- Apr 2021
reallifemag.com reallifemag.com
My surprise that no one is insulted by this is quickly overtaken by surprise that Venmo is condoning alcohol consumption among kindergarteners, the only group in America who is routinely asked, with educational toys like Leapfrog, to match short words with pictures.
I appreciate what Barron is getting at here but I think he's taking an extremely contrarian stance to get at his point. Obviously Venmo is not condoning childhood alcohol consumption - a better and more nuanced take (which he alludes to elsewhere in the article) is that the conditions of modern life have prolonged adolescence for millennials (and generation z) - the traditional signifiers of adulthood are gone and the aesthetics of contemporary corporate app and internet design have adjusted to reflect this shift.
- Mar 2021
journal.disruptivemedia.org.uk journal.disruptivemedia.org.uk
After we posted our initial exchange, and posited our formative thoughts about openness and politics, we could not have anticipated – much less controlled – who would join as reader or conversant, what they would contribute as an annotator, and how we would subsequently react.
Not to mention the fact that the experiment will continue on into the future past the official publication.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Yes, but honestly, and no offense intended, but I don't see the harm in these type questions, nor why some people are offended when they are asked. If I owed a website, I wouldn't mind it because it just creates more pages that can be indexed. I see it as helping the website. But, I did look and didn't see a simple answer. Again, no offense is intended. I've just never understood the complaints.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
This question was asked over a year ago, but it's a good question that I recently encountered as well...
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
I know this is old, but I got the same error and I came here from Google, so in case someone does too, this was my solution:
twitter.com twitter.com
ReconfigBehSci. (2020, November 18). RT @Imperial_JIDEA: For tickets, please visit: Https://t.co/AD2WpkkS5W @ImperialSPH @imperialcollege @MRC_Outbreak @AlistairMB #postCOV… [Tweet]. @SciBeh. https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1329111464758702084
twitter.com twitter.com
ReconfigBehSci on Twitter: ‘RT @AdamJKucharski: Summary of NERVTAG view on new SARS-CoV-2 variant, from 18 Dec (full document here: Https://t.co/yll9beVI9A) https://t.…’ / Twitter. (n.d.). Retrieved 2 March 2021, from https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1341034652082036739
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Chen, S. (2020, November 13). Covid Pushes Real Estate Into the Future. The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/11/13/realestate/real-estate-coronavirus.html
- Feb 2021
www.imperial.ac.uk www.imperial.ac.uk
Imperial News. “Staff ‘need Clearer Guidance’ as COVID Overwhelms ICUs | Imperial News | Imperial College London.” Accessed February 19, 2021. https://www.imperial.ac.uk/news/212833/staff-need-clearer-guidance-covid-overwhelms/.
twitter.com twitter.com
ReconfigBehSci. (2021, February 17). RT @ChildrensComm: Today @annelongfield gives her last speech as Children’s Commissioner for England. Here’s a preview: Https://t.co/XyOoys… [Tweet]. @SciBeh. https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1362019787342282756
Covid: Make children priority after pandemic, Anne Longfield says. (2021, February 17). BBC News. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-56092579
twitter.com twitter.com
David Dye. (2021, January 26). So if you work somewhere already like this maybe suggest how to really run a WFH/mobile collaboration uni, and how we re-tool the physical meeting place we then in light of that? Maybe the philosophers already know this?? [Tweet]. @DavidDye9. https://twitter.com/DavidDye9/status/1354176181042556929
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
„Up to 100 UK Children a Week Hospitalised with Rare Post-Covid Disease“. URL: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/feb/05/up-to-100-uk-children-a-week-hospitalised-with-rare-post-covid-disease
- Jan 2021
link.springer.com link.springer.com
An autobiographical understanding seems to create a mine-ness to our reasons: we don’t just act on reason; we act for reasons that are ours, because we have the possibility of authoring the biographical story through which we act.
www.bloomberg.com www.bloomberg.com
ow the Coronavirus Recovery Is Changing Cities
Plosz. J., (2020/06/22)., How the Coronavirus Recovery Is Changing Cities. Retrieved from https://www.bloomberg.com/features/2020-city-in-recovery/?utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=socialflow-organic&utm_source=twitter&utm_content=citylab
twitter.com twitter.com
ReconfigBehSci[@SciBeh}(2020, August) Videos of talks from July's eBridges conference on "SOCIETY, PSYCHOLOGY AND BEHAVIOUR DURING AND POST COVID-19 LOCKDOWN" are now all available here: Twitter. Retrieved from:https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1297863598144999424
discourse.ubuntu.com discourse.ubuntu.com
( sorry for 2 answers, can’t we edit posts here ? )
- Dec 2020
www.symphonyretailai.com www.symphonyretailai.com
- Oct 2020
www.zeitschrift-luxemburg.de www.zeitschrift-luxemburg.de
Nisreen A Alwan: What exactly is mild covid-19? (2020, July 28). The BMJ. https://blogs.bmj.com/bmj/2020/07/28/nisreen-a-alwan-what-exactly-is-mild-covid-19/
Dennis, A., Wamil, M., Kapur, S., Alberts, J., Badley, A. D., Decker, G. A., Rizza, S. A., Banerjee, R., Banerjee, A., & Investigators, O. behalf of the C. study. (2020). Multi-organ impairment in low-risk individuals with long COVID. MedRxiv, 2020.10.14.20212555. https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.10.14.20212555
news.gallup.com news.gallup.com
Inc, G. (2020, October 13). COVID-19 and Remote Work: An Update. Gallup.Com. https://news.gallup.com/poll/321800/covid-remote-work-update.aspx
academic.oup.com academic.oup.com
Landi, F., Marzetti, E., Sanguinetti, M., Ciciarello, F., Tritto, M., Benvenuto, F., Bramato, G., Brandi, V., Carfì, A., D’Angelo, E., Fusco, D., Lo Monaco, M. R., Martone, A. M., Pagano, F., Rocchi, S., Rota, E., Russo, A., Salerno, A., Cattani, P., … Bernabei, on behalf of the G. A. C.-19 G. T. (n.d.). Should face masks be worn to contain the spread of COVID-19 in the postlockdown phase? Transactions of The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. https://doi.org/10.1093/trstmh/traa085
Post Kinds consists of a few elements A URL parser that takes an input URL and tries to extract it into structured data Enhancements to the Post Editor to add additional structured data to the post object A Taxonomy that takes that structured data and classifies it and dictates behavior A rendering piece that takes the structured data stored in post meta and displays it using templates that can be overridden in the theme by including them in a subdirectory called kind_views
This is a great short description from a WordPress developer perspective of what the Post Kinds Plugin does
premium.wpmudev.org premium.wpmudev.org
I read this post and wonder why Gutenberg doesn't solve the problem by allowing a theme to target all of these options, even when multiple post formats are used in the same post?
Post Kinds is a great example of extending Post Formats, but it needs to be dovetailed into the Gutenberg way of doing things.
zachholman.com zachholman.com
As programmers, we’re kind of inherently built to want the ABSOLUTE BEST HIGHEST FIDELITY FORMATS OF ALL TIME. Like dammit, I need the timestamp down to the micromillinanosecond for every cheeseburger that gets added to my bespoke Watch-The-BK-Throne app. If I do not have this exact knowledge to the millisecond of when I consumed this BBQ Bacon WHOPPER® Sandwich From Burger King® I may die.
I totally want this as a Post Kind on my website now!
breadcrumbs.wiobyrne.com breadcrumbs.wiobyrne.com
Chris Aldrich used Hypothesis to annotate my post on Interviewing my digital domains.
Although I'm starting to regret even posting this because I feel like it cheapens what we've accomplished.
But I suppose it comes with the territory when I consider even publishing an article like this. I was sitting on this one for weeks and wasn't sure I was going to publish it until I found myself trying to defend why I didn't just give up before I started.
www.nature.com www.nature.com
Bingham, K. (2020). Plan now to speed vaccine supply for future pandemics. Nature, 586(7828), 171–171. https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-020-02798-0
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Partridge, J. (2020, October 5). Covid-19 has changed working patterns for good, UK survey finds. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2020/oct/05/covid-19-has-changed-working-patterns-for-good-uk-survey-finds
- Sep 2020
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A pandemic is no time to cut the European Research Council’s funding. (2020). Nature, 585(7825), 323–324. https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-020-02620-x
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techcrunch.com techcrunch.com
9 top real estate and proptech investors: Cities and offices still have a future. (n.d.). TechCrunch. Retrieved September 7, 2020, from https://social.techcrunch.com/2020/09/03/9-top-real-estate-and-proptech-investors-cities-and-offices-still-have-a-future/
- prediction
- survey
- is:news
- real estate
- post-pandemic
- urban area
- COVID-19
- government aid
- proptech
- lang:en
- investor
- office
- economy
- workplace
- labor market
www.fastcompany.com www.fastcompany.com
Sorokanich, L., Sorokanich, L., & Sorokanich, L. (2020, June 16). Six experts on how we’ll live, work, and play in cities after COVID-19. Fast Company. https://www.fastcompany.com/90506247/six-experts-on-how-well-live-work-and-play-in-cities-after-covid
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Yelin, D., Wirtheim, E., Vetter, P., Kalil, A. C., Bruchfeld, J., Runold, M., Guaraldi, G., Mussini, C., Gudiol, C., Pujol, M., Bandera, A., Scudeller, L., Paul, M., Kaiser, L., & Leibovici, L. (2020). Long-term consequences of COVID-19: Research needs. The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1016/S1473-3099(20)30701-5
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Infectious Disease Response—To see the forest, not just the trees: What differentiated Japan from the Western countries? | Discuss Japan-Japan Foreign Policy Forum. (n.d.). Retrieved July 18, 2020, from https://www.japanpolicyforum.jp/diplomacy/pt20200605162619.html
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ReconfigBehSci {@SciBeh} (2020) this kind of piece behavioural scientists need to reject! A shallow understanding of the bias literature in an even shallower application to the pandemic- the idea that believing lockdowns brought down infection rates is an example of the "post hoc fallacy" is bizarre 1/3. Twitter. Retrieved from: https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1298939778340184065
www.journalofsurgicalresearch.com www.journalofsurgicalresearch.com
Althouse, A. D. (2020). Post Hoc Power: Not Empowering, Just Misleading. Journal of Surgical Research, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jss.2019.10.049
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psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Nan, Xiaoli, Yuan Wang, and Kathryn Thier. ‘Health Misinformation’. Preprint. PsyArXiv, 4 August 2020. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/6mrgv.
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Bartik, A. W., Cullen, Z. B., Glaeser, E. L., Luca, M., & Stanton, C. T. (2020). What Jobs are Being Done at Home During the Covid-19 Crisis? Evidence from Firm-Level Surveys (Working Paper No. 27422; Working Paper Series). National Bureau of Economic Research. https://doi.org/10.3386/w27422
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Rajkumar, R. P. (2020). COVID-19, hypocortisolism, and psychosomatic sequelae [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/puqea
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- recovery trajectory
- coronavirus crisis
- high-debt countries
- need for transformation
- market rigidity
- is:webpage
- post-crisis economy
- monetary policy
- Next Generation EU
- COVID-19
- resource reallocation
- lang:en
- climate-friendly recovery
- resilience
- Europe
- fiscal policy
- uneven recovery
journals.plos.org journals.plos.org
Lenzen, M., Li, M., Malik, A., Pomponi, F., Sun, Y.-Y., Wiedmann, T., Faturay, F., Fry, J., Gallego, B., Geschke, A., Gómez-Paredes, J., Kanemoto, K., Kenway, S., Nansai, K., Prokopenko, M., Wakiyama, T., Wang, Y., & Yousefzadeh, M. (2020). Global socio-economic losses and environmental gains from the Coronavirus pandemic. PLOS ONE, 15(7), e0235654. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0235654
ccforum.biomedcentral.com ccforum.biomedcentral.com
Roy-Gash, F., Marine, D. M., Jean-Michel, D., Herve, V., Raphael, B., & Nicolas, E. (2020). COVID-19-associated acute cerebral venous thrombosis: Clinical, CT, MRI and EEG features. Critical Care, 24(1), 419. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13054-020-03131-x
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
Marcus, J. (2020, May 11). Quarantine Fatigue Is Real. The Atlantic. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/05/quarantine-fatigue-real-and-shaming-people-wont-help/611482/
knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu
Garrett, G. (2020 May 18) The post-COVID-19 world could be less global and less urban. World Economic Forum. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/05/coronavirus-covid19-urbanization-globalization-change/
science.sciencemag.org science.sciencemag.org
Rosenbloom, D., & Markard, J. (2020). A COVID-19 recovery for climate. Science, 368(6490), 447–447. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.abc4887
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Cook, D. (2020 May 07). Five workplace trends will shape life after lockdown. The Conversation. http://theconversation.com/five-workplace-trends-will-shape-life-after-lockdown-138077
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psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Plomecka, M., Gobbi, S., Neckels, R., Radziński, P., Skórko, B., Lazzeri, S., … Jawaid, A. (2020, May 5). Mental Health Impact of COVID-19: A global study of risk and resilience factors. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/zj6b4
www.psychologicalscience.org www.psychologicalscience.org
Collective Trauma and Stress Following Disasters: APS Journal Articles Publicly Available
- article
- trauma
- understanding
- publication
- research
- stress
- information sharing
- is:webpage
- mental health
- post-traumatic stress disorder
- disaster
- COVID-19
- impact
- lang:en
- resource sharing
psychologicalscience.org/news/collective-trauma-and-disaster-stress-research-publicly-available.html -
www.newstatesman.com www.newstatesman.com
Gray, J. (2020 April 01). Why this crisis is a turning point in history. https://www.newstatesman.com/international/2020/04/why-crisis-turning-point-history
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Larionov, P., & Mudło-Głagolska, K. (2020, July 20). Mental health risk factors during COVID-19 pandemic in the Polish population. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/3ku8w
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www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
On Sunday, city officials promised those who had been evicted that they would receive 250,000 COP ($67) for three months, but locals are not holding their breath.
meno di 70€ al mese per tre mesi, ho scritto
Deutsche Post reports strong results, to pay staff bonus. (2020, July 8). CNBC. https://www.cnbc.com/2020/07/08/deutsche-post-reports-strong-results-to-pay-staff-bonus.html
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www.washingtonpost.com www.washingtonpost.com
Goldstein, A., policy, closeAmy G. covering health-care, politics, other social policy issuesEmailEmailBioBioFollowFollowEmily G. closeEmily G. analyst at T. W. P. specializing in public opinion about, elections, & policy.EmailEmailBioBioFollowFollow, public. (n.d.). Almost one-third of black Americans know someone who died of covid-19, survey shows. Washington Post. Retrieved 26 June 2020, from https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/almost-one-third-of-black-americans-know-someone-who-died-of-covid-19-survey-shows/2020/06/25/3ec1d4b2-b563-11ea-aca5-ebb63d27e1ff_story.html
csrc.nist.gov csrc.nist.gov
4.A.2 Security Definition for Encryption/Key-Establishment
Does a non- negligible failure rate affect the security of TLS?
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psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Rahman, M., Ali, G. G. M. N., Li, X. J., Paul, K. C., & Chong, P. H. J. (2020). Twitter and Census Data Analytics to Explore Socioeconomic Factors for Post-COVID-19 Reopening Sentiment [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/fz4ry
- Jun 2020
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Behavioural Economics on a Post-It. (2020, June 16). Impact of Social Sciences. https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/impactofsocialsciences/2020/06/16/behavioural-economics-on-a-post-it/
science.sciencemag.org science.sciencemag.org
Htun, M. (2020). Tenure and promotion after the pandemic. Science, 368(6495), 1075–1075. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.abc7469
unix.stackexchange.com unix.stackexchange.com
It would be better if you asked a new question. In the worst case scenario, it would be marked as a duplicate (which still means you would probably get some sort of resolution).
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Sure, all these other answers show ways to not do what the OP asked, but that really screws up the rest of us who searched for the OP's question.
www.bloomberg.com www.bloomberg.com
Surveillance Technology Will Only Get More Intense After Covid. (2020, June 2). Bloomberg.Com. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-06-02/what-could-the-nsa-do-with-coronavirus-surveillance-technology
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theconversation.com theconversation.com
Yasseri, T. (n.d.). Dominic Cummings: How the internet knows when you’ve updated your blog. The Conversation. Retrieved June 1, 2020, from http://theconversation.com/dominic-cummings-how-the-internet-knows-when-youve-updated-your-blog-139517
- May 2020
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Gobbi, S., Plomecka, M., Ashraf, Z., Radziński, P., Neckels, R., Lazzeri, S., Dedić, A., Bakalović, A., Hrustić, L., Skórko, B., Es haghi, S., Almazidou, K., Rodríguez-Pino, L., Alp, A. B., Jabeen, H., Waller, V., Shibli, D., AghiliBehnam, M., Strutt, A. M., … Jawaid, A. (2020). Worsening of pre-existing psychiatric conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/x6cyg
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A new psychology of work: Workplaces in the post-Coronavirus era. (n.d.). Retrieved May 12, 2020, from https://www.managers.org.uk:443/insights/news/2020/may/a-new-psychology-of-work-workplaces-in-the-post-coronavirus-era
www.mittellaendische.ch www.mittellaendische.ch
COVID-19—Eine Zwischenbilanz oder eine Analyse der Moral, der medizinischen Fakten, sowie der aktuellen und zukünftigen politischen Entscheidungen. (2020, April 7). DIE MITTELLÄNDISCHE ZEITUNG - FÜR MEHR DURCHBLICK. https://www.mittellaendische.ch/2020/04/07/covid-19-eine-zwischenbilanz-oder-eine-analyse-der-moral-der-medizinischen-fakten-sowie-der-aktuellen-und-zuk%C3%BCnftigen-politischen-entscheidungen/
- media
- is:news
- Switzerland
- Trump
- post COVID-19
- influenza
- moral
- origin
- EU
- COVID-19
- comparison
- lang:de
- cardiovascular
- mortality
- China
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Kenward, B., & Brick, C. (2020, May 15). Even Conservative voters prefer the environment to be at the heart of post-COVID-19 economic reconstruction in the UK. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/ebzhs
- Apr 2020
www.youtube.com www.youtube.comYouTube1
How to Annotate the Web with hypothes.is
This is a test of the Hypothes.is tool
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Psychological symptoms of the outbreak of the COVID-19 crisis and confinement in the population of Spain
www.vetta.org www.vetta.org
SciPy – the embarrassing way to code
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
r/BehSciResearch - Planned study: The world post COVID-19. (n.d.). Reddit. Retrieved April 9, 2020, from https://www.reddit.com/r/BehSciResearch/comments/ftkavp/planned_study_the_world_post_covid19/
www.spectator.co.uk www.spectator.co.uk
Dolan, P. P. (n.d.). What is the true cost of the coronavirus lockdown? | The Spectator. Retrieved April 14, 2020, from https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/What-is-the-true-cost-of-the-coronavirus-lockdown
techcrunch.com techcrunch.com
Spontaneity is the big thing you'll miss
Forget the calendar invite. Just jump into a conversation. That’s the idea powering a fresh batch of social startups poised to take advantage of our cleared schedules amidst quarantine. But they could also change the way we work and socialize long after COVID-19 by bringing the free-flowing, ad-hoc communication of parties and open office plans online. While “Live” has become synonymous with performative streaming, these new apps instead spread the limelight across several users as well as the task, game, or discussion at hand.
accessmedicine.mhmedical.com accessmedicine.mhmedical.com
Patients with hemothorax must have a chest radiograph documenting complete evacuation of the chest
- Mar 2020
You have different offers and your customers signed up twice, that's good until you realize that it makes your list seems large with similar (even same) email account.
*With our 3 step email verification technology, you don't have to worry about maintaining your list. We will constantly reviewing your emial list, removing the bots, spam trap, so you don't have to pay for all that trash "renting" your email list.
It will always be real people on your list.*
hackernoon.com hackernoon.com
you're "updating" it to the same data that's already there
or not, when someone else already changed it.
xml.coverpages.org xml.coverpages.org
I would standardize an RPOST (for reliable post) method which would either accept a message ID from the client or return a new URI with a message ID in it.
The answer!
we need to make certain that we set up our system so that multiple POSTs of the same data are not harmful
This is the goal of this article.
www.w3.org www.w3.org
not cacheable, unless the response includes appropriate Cache-Control or Expires header fields
To read more about Cache-Control header see: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7234#section-5.2
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
If a server responds to a POST or other non-idempotent request with a 303 See Other response and a value for the location header, the client is expected to obtain the resource mentioned in the location header using the GET method
www.drupal.org www.drupal.org
- Feb 2020
art.ucsc.edu art.ucsc.edu
Andrew Cole, The Birth of Theory
- Dec 2019
rubydoc.tenderapp.com rubydoc.tenderapp.com
Rubydoc.info can automatically fetch and rebuild your docs from your github project everytime you commit! To add a post-receive (commit) hook to Github, simply select the official Rubydoc.info service hook from the list of service hooks in your project settings.
- Oct 2019
canvas.uoregon.edu canvas.uoregon.edu
“I saw Eto.” “That jerk. What'd he do? Spit on you?” “Yeah, how did you know?” “We got troubles, but that crud's got more and ain't got sense enough to know it. Six months he was in the army. You know that? Six lousy months and he wangled himself a medical discharge. I been hearin' about him. He ever try that on me, I'll stick a knife in him.”
the tension between the Japanese culture grows after the war
Ichiro regarded the bottle skeptically: “You drink all this?” “Yes, tonight.” “That's quite a bit.” “Ya, but I finish.” “What are you celebrating?” “Life.”
the change in Japanese mannerisms after the interment lead to thins like abuse of drugs
- Jul 2019
jarche.com jarche.com
post-truth machine
The word 'machine' implies a designer and a purpose.
xolotl.org xolotl.org
for lack of a better term
I'm not really satisfied using the term "critical theory" either, given that it could include works that aren't really "PoMo" (eg, Marxism or historical materialism). I'd use "post-structuralism", but I don't think that many folks know what it means and it's not totally accurate either. So I decided to just leave it as "critical theory" as in the original rant.
www.journals.uchicago.edu www.journals.uchicago.edu
I am a researcher working on topics related to subjective well-being (sometimes also called happiness).
I should preface by saying that I have relatively modest training in statistics, and the arguments put forth in this paper are quite out of my depth. For example, I have not heard of things like first order stochastic dominance before reading this paper. I hope that by being open about things that I might be somewhat ignorant, this can be a path for me to develop a deeper understanding of the concerns raised in the paper.
I think (which could well be wrong) the paper is saying that in an ordinal measure like happiness, groups and individuals differ in their 'standard' in reporting happiness (e.g., what it takes to push my happiness from 0 to 1 is different from what pushes your happiness from 0 to 1). This makes comparing 'latent' (or true level of) happiness across groups difficult, if not impossible.
Put differently, if I report a 1 and you report a 0, I cannot be certain that I am happier than you. It could be the case that my standard for reporting a 1 is lower than you. The authors showed that by changing this standard around, inferences about 'true' happiness would change.
I think this is an important point. I think happiness researchers have grappled with this to some degree (from a more abstract perspective; instead of the more statistical/mathematical perspective). E.g., A hypothesis about how people report life satisfaction is that they compare their life to an ideal life (here, the ideal life sets the standard; i.e., two people with the exact same life can have different levels of life satisfaction because they have different ideas about ideal life). Related research in social comparison could be interpreted as moving the standard for happiness higher (instead of lowering 'true' happiness). In contrast, things like gratitude may lead to higher happiness ratings because it lowers happiness standard (instead of increasing 'true' happiness). The set point hypothesis can be interpreted as 1) people fully adapting their 'true' happiness to baseline levels after experiencing major life events or 2) people create a new happiness standard after experiencing a major life event.
This paper prompts me to think harder about happiness measures. It could well be the case that the standard people set for their happiness level (a cognitive process?) may be just as important as 'true' happiness itself.
- May 2019
stats.stackexchange.com stats.stackexchange.com
Multiple comparisons: It is not good practice to test for significant differences among pairs of group means unless the ANOVA suggests some such differences exist. Nevertheless, I admit it is tempting to take another look at the comparison of G1 with G3 (ignoring the existence of G2 and perhaps assuming normality), but then you should use a Welch t test to account for the differences in sample variances, and you should not make claims about the result unless the P-value is as low as .01 or .02. Looking at that difference more carefully might prompt a subsequent experiment.
Test for significance among pairs when the overall f test is not significant.
- Apr 2019
boffosocko.com boffosocko.com
/* Changes the font size on the titles of Kinds */section.response > header { font-size: 20px;}
I really like the Kinds plugin, but should look into some of these possibilities.
- Feb 2019
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
Learned vanity, which exceeds that of every other kind, still takes up arms against any thing that is offered as new
Thinking we know everything also makes us think there's nothing left to learn.
This has really important consequences in terms of post-humanist thinking! If we presume that there is a true definition of anything, we are allowing experience, culture, language to limit us. It is better to presume an every shifting definition of the human that responds to the situation at hand. Starting a discussion of the human with the idea that we all obviously know what a human is, is extremely limiting.
- Jan 2019
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
posthuman’ is normatively neutral and itdoes not automatically point to the end of the species
Posthumanism must not be seen as an end, but rather as a beginning. "Post" implies that there was a before -- it is up to us to explain just how we arrived at posthumanism. Dr. Rivers gave the example in last week's class of a math teacher asking students to show their work--how did you arrive at that answer?
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
nt fear of biological and software infecti
The fear of infection and death is still present in the post human world.
wendynorris.com wendynorris.com
Second, I believe that the concept of entrainment could open new doors for understanding post-impact behavior, or the transition from post-impact to pre-impact (or everyday) behavi
Neal argues that the temporal concept of entrainment (two things synchronizng their pace) can help to differentiate another long-standing critique of disaster research -- the different disaster phase impacts on individuals and sub-groups over time. This gets at his concern (see also Brenda Phillips' work) for feminist, post-colonial and critical theory perspectives on the study of disaster and social change.
Here, Neal posits that returning to pre-impact social rhythms could be a better measure of social change catalyzed by a disaster.
"Rather than using economic, demographic, familial or other measures of social change, entrainment could be a key measure in understanding social change and disaster."
wendynorris.com wendynorris.com
Cross-cultural disaster research may also provide further insights regarding disaster phases.
Evokes feminist, critical and post-colonial theory, as well as multi- and inter-disciplinary research methods/perspectives, e.g., anthropology, etc.
These points of view may also provide insights on how disaster phases interact with wholly different notions of social time.
Phillips' (1991) analysis of housing following the Loma Prieta Earthquake confirms these different phases. Also, her study shows that different groups of people, often based upon such factors as social class or ethnicity, go through the phases of housing recovery at different times.
Makes a good case here for the need to use feminist and/or post-colonial lens to study disaster phases.
- Nov 2018
www.the-hospitalist.org www.the-hospitalist.org
And while hospitalists have already moved into post-acute-care settings, Dr. Bessler says that will become an even bigger focus in the next 20 years of the specialty. “It’s not generally been the psyche of the hospitalist in the past to feel accountable beyond the walls of the hospital,” he says. “But between episodic care [and] bundled payments … you can’t just wash your hands of it. You have to understand your next site-of-care decision. You need to make sure care happens at the right location.”
Five years ago, it was accountable care organizations and value-based purchasing that SHM glommed on to as programs to be embraced as heralding the future. Now it’s the Bundled Payments for Care Improvement initiative (BCPI), introduced by the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation (CMMI) at the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) back in 2011 and now compiling its first data sets for the next frontier of payments for episodic care. BCPI was mandated by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) of 2009, which included a provision that the government establish a five-year pilot program by 2013 that bundled payments for inpatient care, according to the American Hospital Association. BCPI now has more than 650 participating organizations, not including thousands of physicians who then partner with those groups, over four models. The initiative covers 48 defined episodes of care, both medical and surgical, that could begin three days prior to admission and stretch 30, 60, or 90 days post-discharge. <img class="file media-element file-medstat-image-flush-right" height="220" width="220" alt="Dr. Weiner" typeof="foaf:Image" src="https://www.the-hospitalist.org/sites/default/files/styles/medium/public/images/weinerweb.jpg" title="" />Dr. Weiner “The reason this is so special is that it is one of the few CMS programs that allows providers to be in the driver’s seat,” says Kerry Weiner, MD, chief medical officer of acute and post-acute services at TeamHealth-IPC. “They have the opportunity to be accountable and to actually be the designers of reengineering care. The other programs that you just mentioned, like value-based purchasing, largely originate from health systems or the federal government and dictate the principles and the metrics that as a provider you’re going to be evaluated upon. “The bundled model [BCPI] gives us the flexibility, scale, and brackets of risk that we want to accept and thereby gives us a lot more control over what physicians and physician groups can manage successfully.”
“If we can’t build what I think of as a pyramid of care with one doctor and many, many other people supporting a broad group of patients, I don’t think we’re going to be able to find the scale to take care of the aging population that’s coming at us,” she says. Caring for patients once they are discharged means including home nurses, pharmacists, physical therapists, dietitians, hired caregivers, and others in the process, Dr. Gorman says. But that doesn’t mean overburdening the wrong people with the wrong tasks. The same way no one would think to allow a social worker to prescribe medication is the same way that a hospitalist shouldn’t be the one checking up on a patient to make sure there is food in that person’s fridge. And while the hospitalist can work in concert with others and run many things from the hospital, maybe hospital-based physicians aren’t always the best physicians for the task. “There are certain things that only the doctor can do, of course, but there are a lot more things that somebody else can do,” Dr. Gorman says, adding, “some of the times, you’re going to need the physician, it’s going to be escalated to a medication change, but sometimes maybe you need to escalate to a dietary visit or you need to escalate to three physical therapy visits. “The nitty-gritty of taking care of people outside of the hospital is so complex and problematic, and most of the solutions are not really medical, but you need the medical part of the dynamic. So rather [than a hospitalist running cases], it’s a super-talented social worker, nurse, or physical therapist. I don’t know, but somebody who can make sure that all of that works and it’s a process that can be leveraged.” Whoever it is, the gravitation beyond the walls of the hospital has been tied to a growing sea change in how healthcare will compensate providers. Medicare has been migrating from fee-for-service to payments based on the totality of care for decades. The names change, of course. In the early 1980s, it was an “inpatient prospective payment system.”
Dr. Bessler says that as HMGs continued to focus on improving quality and lowering costs, they had little choice but to get involved in activities outside the hospital. “We got into post-acute medicines because there was an abyss in quality,” he says. “We were accountable to send patients out, and there was nobody to send them to. Or the quality of the facilities was terrible, or the docs or clinicians weren’t going to see those patients regularly. That’s how we got into solving post-acute.”
Aside from NPs and PAs, another extension of HM has been the gravitation in recent years of hospitalists into post-acute-care settings, including skilled-nursing facilities (SNFs), long-term care facilities, post-discharge clinics, and patient-centered homes.
Finally, financial penalties for readmis-sions have led many hospitalists to staff post–acute care facilities to improve coordination with col-leagues at acute care hospitals.
- Oct 2018
- Aug 2018
averyreview.com averyreview.com
Marcus Vitruvius, the classical Roman architect, defined architecture in proportion to the human body—an ideal building, as he saw it, had to reflect the ideal dimensions of a man. Today such anthropocentric design, indeed male-body centered design, seems irrelevant, perhaps even irresponsible, as the magnitude of our self-inflicted environmental disasters poses fundamental challenges to architects and designers. If the human body was the correct proportion for architecture for Vitruvius, what should the scale of design be that addresses today’s environmental challenges? Climatic change, species depletion, and oceanic pollution are worldwide problems. What is left of Vitruvius’s ideal of human reach has stretched to new global scales and millennial time frames. How can architecture conceptualize a planet on which humans have become involved in vast geological forces?
Framing a post-humanist question for architecture. What would this mean in service design?
international.kk.dk international.kk.dk
Since November 1st you will get your mail from public authorities and institutions as Digital Post. This means you have to read it online. It is important that you know how to find and read your Digital Post.
Digital Posts for Government Mails and Instructions
wendynorris.com wendynorris.com
ut it will also have to come to terms with confronting 'the Other' (Fabian, 1983), with 'the curious asymmetry' still prevailing as a result of advanced industrial societies receiving a mainly endogenous and synchronic analytic treatment, while 'developing' societies are often seen in exogenous, diachronic terms. Study of 'Time and the Other' presupposes, often implicitly, that the Other lives in another time, or at least on a different time-scale. And indeed, when looking at the integrative but also potentially divisive 'timing' facilitated by modern communication and information-processing technology, is it not correct to say that new divisions, on a temporal scale, are being created between those who have access to such devices and those who do not? Is not one part of humanity, despite globalization, in danger of being left behind, in a somewhat anachronistic age?
Nowotny argues that "the Other" (non-western, developing countries, Global South -- my words, not hers) is presumed to be on a different time scale than industrial societies. Different "cultural variations and how societal experience shapes the construction of time and temporal reference..."
This has implications for ICT devices.
only structural functional theory, but all postfunctionalist 'successor' theories for their lack in taking up 'substantive' temporal issues, he was also pleading from the selective point of view of Third World countries for the exploration of theoretically possible alternatives or, to put it into other words, the delineation of what in the experience of western and non-western societies so far is universally valid and yet historically restric-ted. Such questions touch the very essence of the process of moderniz-ation. They evoke images of a closed past and an open or no longer so open future, of structures of collective memory as well as shifting collec-tive and individual identities of people who are increasingly drawn into the processes of world-wide integration and globalization. Anthropologi-cal accounts are extremely rich in different time reckoning modes and systems, in the pluritemporalism that prevailed in pre-industrialized societies. The theory of historical time - or times - both from a western and non-western point of view still has to be written. There exists already an impressive corpus of writings analysing the rise of the new dominant 'western' concept of time and especially its links with the process of industrialization. The temporal representations underlying the different disciplines in the social sciences allow not only for a reconceptualization of their division of intellectual labour, but also for a programmatic view forward towards a 'science of multiple times' (Grossin, 1989). However, any such endeavour has to come to terms also with non-western temporal experience.
Evokes Adam's critique of colonialization of time, commodification/post-industrial views, and need for post-colonial temporal studies.
- Jul 2018
wendynorris.com wendynorris.com
This is so because all cultures, ancient and modern, have established collective ways of relating to the past and future, of synchronizing their activities, of coming to terms with finitude. How we extend ourselves into the past and future, how we pursue immortality and how we temporally manage, organize and regulate our social affairs, however, has been culturally, historically and contextually distinct. Each htstorical epoch with its new forms of socioeconomic expression is simultaneously restructuring its social relations of time.
Sociotemporal reactions/responses/concepts have deep historical roots and intercultural relationships.
Current ways of thinking about time continue to be significantly influenced by post-industrial socio-economic constructs, like clock-time, labor efficiencies (speed), and value metaphors (money, attention, thrift).
the Reformation had a major role to play in the metamorphosis of time from God's gift to commodified, comp�essed, colonized and controlled resource. These four Cs of mdustrial time -comrnodification, compression, colonization and control -will be the focus in these pages, the fifth C of the creation of clock time having been discussed already in the previous chapter. I show their interdependence and id�ntify some of the socio-environmental impacts of those parttcular temporal relations.
Five C's of industrial time: Commodification, compression, colonialization, control, and clock time.
- Jun 2018
www.linuxjournal.com www.linuxjournal.com
Today is Privmas Eve
I'm thinking now that this needs to be a stand-alone page rather than a post. Something timeless rather than a post that scrolls into the past. Thoughts?
- Feb 2018
www.jstor.org www.jstor.org
I am not concerned here to enter into debates about whether Joyce shoidd be considered a postcolonial writer nor whether Ireland can properly be located under the increasingly capacious umbrella of the postcolonial.4
It's interesting to me that there is a gray area surrounding Joyce as a postcolonial writer, in comparison to more traditional postcolonial authors, like Salman Rushdie or post-colonial theorist, Frantz Fanon.
maestriadesarrollo.com maestriadesarrollo.com
Se debe tener cuidado, por supuesto, en no caer en la defensa acrítica de tradiciones que alberguen alguna forma de opresión (el patriarcado, por ejemplo). Pero es legítimo preguntar si algunos tipos de tradición pueden ser utilizados hoy en día como herramientas para la crítica, la futurización y la sustentabilidad.
- Jan 2018
maestriadesarrollo.com maestriadesarrollo.com
Esto sólo se puede lograr trabajando contra la corriente de los cuatro fundamentos principales de la visión patriarcal moderna: los imperios, los establecimientos eclesiásticos, el Estado nación y las corporaciones.
- Nov 2017
www.educause.edu www.educause.edu
Our vision around the phrase reclaim is at least in part inspired by the documented work that Boone Gorges and D'Arcy Norman have been doing to take back their online presence from third-party services since 2011. While their approach is far more drastic than what we are advocating, Project Reclaim represents an ethos that is diametrically opposed to the innovation outsourcing that is prevalent in higher education IT shops at the moment.
more than just a student's schoolwork; they should also include personal photos, videos, transcripts, X-rays, dental records, police records, and a million other digital life-bits.
In the accompanying article "Innovation Reclaimed," we share some projects that are working toward the vision of educational institutions reclaiming innovative learning on the web.
Speaking of “counting them”.
Do everything possible to minimize reliance on an enterprise LMS. Explore ways to support activity and content development in environments that foster collaboration and also interoperability with a wide range of tools. Before directing activity to a complex, locked-down system, ask: "Do we really need to do it this way? Is there a simpler, cheaper, open alternative that will do the job?"
support alternative systems, such as blogs and wikis
equip them with practical web skills
mandate the use of "learning management systems."
Therein lies the rub. Mandated systems are a radically different thing from “systems which are available for use”. This quote from the aforelinked IHE piece is quite telling:
“I want somebody to fight!” Crouch said. “These things are not cheap -- 300 grand or something like that? ... I want people to want it! When you’re trying to buy something, you want them to work at it!”
In the end, it’s about “procurement”, which is quite different from “adoption” which is itself quite different from “appropriation”.
Five Arguments against the Learning Management System
- Post-LMS
- D’Arcy Norman
- Domain of One’s Own (DoOO)
- procurement
- Innovative Learning
- 21st Century Skills
- LMS (Learning Management System)
- #MoneyQuote
- Boone Gorges
- #BuriedLede
- Learner Agency
- Webskills
- #TechnologicalAppropriation
- #LearnerData
- #LMS
- Norman Law of LMS
- #LearningAnalytics
- Innovation Adoption
- agency
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
“I want somebody to fight!” Crouch said. “These things are not cheap -- 300 grand or something like that? ... I want people to want it! When you’re trying to buy something, you want them to work at it! [Instructure] just didn’t.”
mfeldstein.com mfeldstein.com
Let's imagine a world in which universities, not vendors, designed and built our online learning environments.
the backbone of for a distributed network of personal learning environments
the tools shouldn’t dictate the choice
opensource.com opensource.com
DW: How does H5P allow users to create rich content in content management systems?
courses.openulmus.org courses.openulmus.orgLMSs1
Currently, Canvas and Sakai are the only LMSs reviewed which has somesupport for xAPI (emphasis on some). Blackboard, D2L, Sakai and Canvas all have support for IMS Caliper, a more edu specific format.
courses.openulmus.org courses.openulmus.org
ecosystem mindset to delivering course experiences
www.imsglobal.org www.imsglobal.org
An institution has implemented a learning management system (LMS). The LMS contains a learning object repository (LOR) that in some aspects is populated by all users across the world who use the same LMS. Each user is able to align his/her learning objects to the academic standards appropriate to that jurisdiction. Using CASE 1.0, the LMS is able to present the same learning objects to users in other jurisdictions while displaying the academic standards alignment for the other jurisdictions (associations).
Sounds like part of the problem Vitrine technologie-éducation has been tackling with Ceres, a Learning Object Repository with a Semantic core.
pepperdine-graphic.com pepperdine-graphic.com
“I think the biggest challenge [with] higher education today is the growing economic and racial segregation,” Pasquerella said.
oli.cmu.edu oli.cmu.eduFAQs |1
OLI courses provide an entire experience based on our unique development process.
www.bnedloudcloud.com www.bnedloudcloud.com
Learning Management,
www.lynn.edu www.lynn.edu
Enhanced learning experience Graduate students now receive upgraded iPads, and all students access course materials with Canvas, a new learning management software. The School of Aeronautics is now the College of Aeronautics; and the College of Business and Management is hosting a business symposium Nov. 15.
This from a university which had dropped Blackboard for iTunes U.
www.eduappcenter.com www.eduappcenter.com
This site is run by Instructure.
mfeldstein.com mfeldstein.com
Feldstein's Law: Any educational app that is actively developed for long enough and has a large enough user base will become indistinguishable from a badly designed LMS.
itnews.iu.edu itnews.iu.edu
Download Dr. Brad Wheeler leads university-wide IT services for IU's eight campuses. He has co-founded and led many multi-institutional collaborations with his current work focused on the Unizin Consortium, Kuali, and IU’s mass Media Digitization and Preservation Initiative.
mfeldstein.com mfeldstein.com
Moodle Pty—more widely known within the Moodle community as Moodle HQ—does most of the development of the core Moodle code and maintains tight control over which code submitted by third parties gets accepted into the code base
Information from this will be used to develop learning analytics software features, which will have these functions: Description of learning engagement and progress, Diagnosis of learning engagement and progress, Prediction of learning progress, and Prescription (recommendations) for improvement of learning progress.
As good a summary of Learning Analytics as any.
www.moodlenews.com www.moodlenews.com
Better yet, tangerines and oranges.
Is that about the colours favoured by both platforms? Does sound like it weakens the point (going from comparing fruits to comparing one citrus with another). The point, eventually, is that Canvas and Moodle occupy a similar space: course-based “learning” management systems.
full Caliper Analytics compliance
Oh? Not xAPI?
etudier.uqam.ca etudier.uqam.ca
Remarque Université d'été Sous les Baobabs, Burkina Faso
Bon moyen de spécifier ce petit aspect logistique.
opencontent.org opencontent.org
Publishers can compete with free textbooks by making their more-restrictive-than-all-right-reserved offerings 70% more affordable.
Sounds a bit like what Clay Shirky was trying to say about the Napster moment coming to Higher Education, five years ago. Skimmed the critique of Shirky’s piece and was mostly nodding in agreement with it. But there might be a discussion about industries having learnt from the Napster moment. After all, the recording industry has been able to withstand this pressure for close to twenty years. Also sounds like this could be a corollary to Chris Anderson’s (in)famous promotion of the “free” (as in profit) model for businesses, almost ten years ago. In other words, we might live another reshaping of “free” in the next 9-10 years.
courses.openulmus.org courses.openulmus.org
we need to look beyond the LMS, that place that so many love to hate
dev.tiki.org dev.tiki.org
Add xAPI -> https://h5p.org/documentation/x-api Tiki should become a Learning Record Store or a FLOSS solution picked for WikiSuite.
- Oct 2017
www.spiegel.de www.spiegel.de
post-modernism was the worst thing that could have happened to our democracy
I hope that is not a lie...... wait is a politician they lie 90% of the time
www.cegid.com www.cegid.com
It’s precisely to meet these demands that Cegid recently launched a Learning Management System (LMS) specifically dedicated to Healthcare, a sector that is converting more and more to cloud-based systems.
Norman's Law of eLearning Tool Convergence
Any eLearning tool, no matter how openly designed, will eventually become indistinguishable from a Learning Management System once a threshold of supported use-cases has been reached.
- Sep 2017
canvas.lauragibbs.net canvas.lauragibbs.net
In Canvas, the goal is clearly to stop anyone from having fun because everything is supposed to look exactly the same in every course everywhere all the time.
the LMS is the minivan of education. Everyone has them and needs them, but there’s a certain shame having one in the driveway.
www.chronicle.com www.chronicle.com
Learning-management systems, like any product, evolve because of a kind of natural selection — or unnatural selection, in this case.
github.com github.com
Tsugi is a multi-tenant scalable LTI library and tool hosting environment. It is intended to make it more tractable to implement the Application Store that we will need for the Next Generation Digital Learning Environment.
mfeldstein.com mfeldstein.com
A Flexible, Interoperable Digital Learning Platform: Are We There Yet? Posted on May 28, 2017 Categories:Ed Tech, Interoperability, Learning Apps, LMS & Learning Platforms Tags:IMS, IMS Caliper, Learning Platform, LMOS, LTI, NGDLE By Michael FeldsteinIn 2005, some colleagues and I had been tasked with identifying a single LMS that could serve the needs of all 64 campuses of the State University of New York—from Adirondack Community College to SUNY Stony Brook to the two medical schools. We came to the conclusion that no single LMS at the time could meet such diverse needs. We proposed instead that SUNY should build a modular system from which each campus, and indeed each educator, could create their own fit-for-purpose digital learning environment. We called this idea the Learning Management Operating System, or LMOS.
mfeldstein.com mfeldstein.com
Next Generation Digital Learning Environment (NGDLE) As mentioned in the Medium blog, the setup for the commons was described as going in the direction described by the EDUCAUSE NGDLE report. One thing North Carolina is doing is turning the typical LMS-driven procurement approach on its head. When I asked Rascoff how the apps would be pulled together, he said that the primary plan was to set up all accepted apps with Single Sign On (SSO) capabilities. Rascoff described that since the LMS is not where learning occurs for the most part, his team is leaving that decision up to the campuses and focusing their efforts on the learning apps.
mfeldstein.com mfeldstein.com
Just about every school in the US and Canada, and many across the world, has an LMS, and every LMS has a grade book. While the degree to which faculty utilize it varies greatly, it is typically one of the most utilized tools, at least for the basic purposes of communicating grades to students and the registrar. In fact, many schools require faculty to enter grades in the LMS grade book.
ineducation.ca ineducation.ca
In the mid-1990s, largely unaware of Bloom's challenge, innovative faculty members and students at universities throughout the world began thinking about ways to leverage the Internet and the World Wide Web to improve teaching and learning. The result was the creation of a new category of web-based software: the "course management system" or CMS. Alternatively labeled learning management systems (LMSs), learning content management systems (LCMSs), and virtual learning environments (VLEs), such software has generally been focused primarily on helping teachers increase the efficiency of the administrative tasks of instruction (e.g., distribute documents, make assignments, give quizzes, initiate discussion boards, assign students to working groups, etc.). This instructor-centrism comes despite the best intentions and efforts of system designers, early adopters, and instructional support staff who sought to use these systems to transform the dominant learning modality of higher education from traditional, classroom-based instruction to online and hybrid courses. In practice, the vast majority of instructors who adopted the CMS largely ignored Bloom's challenge to make an "educational contribution of the greatest magnitude," instead focusing on increasing the administrative efficiency of their jobs.
edutechnica.com edutechnica.com
Could different co-teaching and collaborative course approaches or more modern pedagogical practices move the needle more than the latest LMS features?
Over the course of many years, every school has refined and perfected the connections LMSs have into a wide variety of other campus systems including authentication systems, identity management systems, student information systems, assessment-related learning tools, library systems, digital textbook systems, and other content repositories. APIs and standards have decreased the complexity of supporting these connections, and over time it has become easier and more common to connect LMSs to – in some cases – several dozen or more other systems. This level of integration gives LMSs much more utility than they have out of the box – and also more “stickiness” that causes them to become harder to move away from. For LMS alternatives, achieving this same level of connectedness, particularly considering how brittle these connections can sometimes become over time, is a very difficult thing to achieve.
blog.scienceopen.com blog.scienceopen.com
The problems here stem from a lack of comprehensiveness, interoperability, and critical mass uptake as the de facto platform for PPPR. The result of this is a mess of different platforms having different types of commentary on different articles, or sometimes the same ones, none of which can be viewed easily in a single, standardised way. That doesn’t seem very efficient.
This is really key.
- Jul 2017
www.vanityfair.com www.vanityfair.com
Haberman is in Trump’s head so deep she could be his psychiatrist, and she has had extraordinary access to the president and the administration. She is a regular commentator on TV about life “inside the castle.”
This is absolutely incredible and profound. As an old school wannabee journalist, I applaud these efforts. If only the Charlotte Observer would lower their prices to about $5 a month for digital, I would subscribe, even on my income.
www.michaelgeist.ca www.michaelgeist.ca
But the goal of the dealing was also, from York’s perspective, to keep enrolment up by keeping student costs down and to use whatever savings there may be in other parts of the university’s operation.
What a crass analysis.
- May 2017
www.npr.org www.npr.org
But let's properly define the problem. History and experience tell me it's not a post-truth era: Facts have always been hard to separate from falsehoods, and political partisans have always made it harder. It's better to call this a post-trust era.
We are not post-truth, we're post-trust.
Kind of. A lot of people "trusted" the Denver Guardian because it fit within their pre-existing narrative framework. Maybe we are "post-trust" with the institutions and organizations that got us this far: traditional mainstream media, higher ed, researchers and scientists.
www.huffingtonpost.com www.huffingtonpost.com
Step one: You lie yourself, all the time. Step two: You say it’s your opponents and the journalists who lie. Step three: Everyone looks around and says, “What is truth? There is no truth.”
A pretty accurate picture.
- Apr 2017
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
it quickly becomes apparent that people are frequently persuaded by things that most of us would not readily call arguments (and that certainly are not pri-marily linguistic). For instance, we are often persuaded by images, or sounds, or even by physical structures.
Ah ha! I was wondering how this was related to post-humanism. Maybe I'm slow on the uptake, but I'm only finally making these connections. So by expanding this view of rhetoric, "things" can persuade, too.
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
but as an ongoing series of mediated encounters
Like annotations-on-annotations-on-annotations, but less human-centric?
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
it really so easy, forexample, to distinguish between a speaker, an audience, a message, anda context?
After last week, we can probably agree that "no"--it isn't. Vatz and Bitzer were talking inside the same "box," regarding the speaker, audience, and context as discrete parts, and the post-human is part of the movement which pushes us outside that box, wanting to argue that the parts are not, in fact, discrete.
enst31501sp2017.courses.bucknell.edu enst31501sp2017.courses.bucknell.edu
They have been taught the ways of a newly dead society,
Education served as a hallmark policy of the Soviet region, who wished to most impact the lives of the northern peoples through the implementation of an education which would garner an understanding and appreciation for the socialist system under which they lived. Upon the dissolution of the Soviet Union, this appreciation would no longer serve a function, and created a sense of disillusionment among the Nenets.
For more information on the details of Soviet initiatives during the intermediary period of rule (1937-1957), read chapter six of the below text:
Terence Armstrong, The Russians in the Arctic: Aspects of Soviet Exploration and Exploitation of the Far North, 1937-1957 (Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press Publishers, 1972).
nfnh2017.scholar.bucknell.edu nfnh2017.scholar.bucknell.edu
Fort Chipewyan
Fort Chipewyan is located on the northwest shore of Lake Athabasca. Fort Chipewyan was founded in 1788 by the Northwest Trading Company and is the oldest settlement in Alberta (Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo). The North West Company and Hudson Bay companies established the first fur trading post at Fort Chipewyan because of its proximity to three rivers (Alberta Museum Association). These rivers provided easy opportunity for trade. Today, Fort Chipewyan has 1,261 residents made up of Mikisew Cree First Nation, Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation, and Metis ethnic groups. Trapping and fishing are popular resident activities, which continue Fort Chipewyan’s longstanding tradition that was established by the original trading post. Lake Chipewyan is a tourist destination that gives opportunity for visitors to enjoy the outdoors and visit a professional sized synthetic ice rink (Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo). Fort Chipewyan is isolated by water and can only be reached by visitors in a plane or boat during the summer months. In the winter, an ice road can be used to access Fort Chipewyan. In 2009, a recreation center was created with an ice rink, fitness center, youth center, playground, and office space, which led to increased community involvement (Fort Chipewyan Aquatic Centre). In 2016, an aquatic center, including pools and a water park, was opened for community use. Since it’s original establishment, Fort Chipewyan has created community development and fostered tradition.
"Fort Chipewyan." Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo. Accessed April 06, 2017. http://www.rmwb.ca/living/Communities/Fort-Chipewyan.htm.
"Fort Chipewyan Aquatic Centre." Fort Chipewyan Aquatic Centre | Regional Recreation Corporation of Wood Buffalo. Accessed April 06, 2017. http://www.rrcwb.ca/fort-chip-aquatic.
"Fort Chipewyan Bicentennial Museum." Alberta Museum Association - Museums. Accessed April 06, 2017. http://public.museums.ab.ca/museums.cfm?ItemID=46
hemisphere-gauche.blogs.liberation.fr hemisphere-gauche.blogs.liberation.fr
Présidentielles et bulles de filtres: le référencement politique de Facebook passé au crible
Hypothes.is est un outil permettant d'annoter à n'importe qui d'annoter des pages web et de commenter au fil du texte.
- Feb 2017
journals.plos.org journals.plos.org
Pivotal roles are played by three enzymes, (phospho-fructokinase (PFK), pyruvate kinase (PK) and phosphofructoki-nase/fructose-2,6-bisphosphatase (PFKFB)) through their inhibi-tion or activation by three reaction intermediates (fructose-1,6-bisphosphate (F16BP), fructose-2,6-bisphosphate (F26BP), andphosphoenolpyruvate (PEP)) in glycolysis. These enzymes havemultiple isoforms (PFKL/M/P, PKM1/M2/L/R and PFKFB1-4)which are subjected to contrasting allosteric regulations [9–11].Each isoform, therefore, affects the glycolytic activity in a distinctmanner.All three isoforms of PFK are activated by F6P and F26BP [12],but only PFKM and PFKL are activated by F16BP [13–15].PFKFB is a bifunctional enzyme whose kinase and bisphosphatasedomains catalyze the formation and hydrolysis reaction of F26BP,respectively [9,16]. Isozymes of PFKFB differ in their kinase andphosphatase activities as well as in their sensitivity to feedbackinhibition by phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) [17–19]. Thus, eachisozyme of PFKFB has a profoundly distinct capacity inmodulating PFK activity. Pyruvate kinase (PK) in mammaliansystems is encoded by two genes that can produce two isoformseach. Except for the PKM1 isoform, the other three isoformsof PK, PKM2, PKL and PKR, are activated by F16BP to varyingextents [11]. The M2 isoform of PK, in addition to activation byF16BP, is also under the control of a host of allosteric modulatorsincluding serine, succinylaminoimidazolecarboxamide ribose-5-phosphate (SAICAR) and phenylalanine among others [
Need a figure presenting the regulation network.
- Dec 2016
karpathy.medium.com karpathy.medium.com
A good blog post on why do you need to understand backpropagation links to videos from CS231n by karpathy.
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
What is the practical effect of this new truth on everyday life? Well, consider one example. In Turkey today, we are obliged to indulge a debate about whether minors should be married to their rapists. It is predicated on the “real people’s” truth that in rural areas girls get married even when they are just 13, and thus have sexual maturity. It is, we are told, a thoroughly elitist argument to insist that a minor cannot give consent.
this mobilised and organised ignorance has no time for any kind of intellect, even that which helped it capture the political stage in the first place.
We found, as you are now finding, that the new truth-building process does not require facts or the underpinning of agreed values. We were confronted – as you are being confronted – by a toxic vocabulary: “elite”, “experts”, “real people” and “alienated intellectuals”. The elite, with experts as mouthpieces of that oppressive elite, were portrayed as people detached from society, willing to suppress the needs, choices and beliefs of “real people”.
- Nov 2016
sites.google.com sites.google.com
"American Idiot" - Green Day
Green Day's first number one album since 1994's multi-platinum Dookie--which is likely due to the fact that while the lyrics may have a deeper meaning, the hooks are still there, and they are played with the same intensity that made the group famous more than a decade ago. Spin said the title track was "Green Day's most epic song yet.
Now everybody do the propaganda,And sing along to the age of paranoia.
The work challenges listeners to dig deeper than the high-octane guitars and thundering drums that drive the record's jubilant pop sheen. This is a multi-layered, literate narrative that effectively wields anger, wit, and bombast to expose the ugliness that seeps below the surface of this country's patriotism, commercialism, and nationalism.
- Porosky, Pamela. "Fear & loathing in a post-9/11 America: Green Day's Billie Joe Armstrong rails against idiocy and indifference." Guitar Player Feb. 2005: 70+. Student Resources in Context. Web. 27 Oct. 2016.
- "Green Day." UXL Biographies. Detroit: UXL, 2011. Student Resources in Context. Web. 27 Oct. 2016.