2,378 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2024
  2. Dec 2023
    1. the previous average time for vaccinating 40 percent of the world's population for any other epidemic or pandemic or any other viral disease 00:45:56 had been 80 years 40 percent of the world's population this time we did it in two
      • for: progress trap

      • progress trap: speed of vaccination

        • If the vaccine was imperfect and caused harm, it could have caused harm to 40% of three population in a short period of time.
        • the shorter the time for something to spread globally, the faster unintended consequence can spread and cause harm
  3. Sep 2023
    1. ce disinformation campaigns around vaccines?

      In an article published on March 7, the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) accused the Russian intelligence services of trying to undermine faith in the efficacy of Pfizer-BioNTech and other Western vaccines with false information, such as that the US government had pressured the licenser authority - do you know the accusation? – that vaccines are not sufficiently effective and have too many side effects. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov denied the accusations:

      If we were to attribute all criticism of the Sputnik V vaccine to the American secret services, we would be crazy, since such criticisms appear in all Anglo-Saxon media at all hours of the day.

      According to a US State Department official, articles disguised as science target countries in the Middle East, Africa and Asia, and the publications are under the influence of the SSR, Russia's foreign intelligence service. The publication New Eastern Outlook has been accused of calling the mRNA editing used by Pfizer a "radical experimental technique" that is not precise enough and claiming that the regulatory approval process was controlled by Bill Gates and the president's chief adviser , Anthony Fauci urged and pushed through. According to them, only hymns should be sung about the mRNA technology, which has never been used for vaccine production before, otherwise one will become a Russian agent. While Trump was president, the American papers were full of him being politicallicensing authorities are under pressure . Under Biden, this should no longer be raised.

      According to the WSJ, one of the publications, News Front, is the tool of the FSZB, the successor of the KGB. In January, for example, an article was published stating that people vaccinated with the Moderna vaccine can develop Bell's paresis - facial nerve paralysis - and in February they wrote about a Californian man who became infected with the coronavirus after being vaccinated with Pfizer. I did a bit of research: a combined search for Bell's palsy and Moderna gives two hundred and fifty-five thousand results on the Internet, including the prestigious medical journal The Lancet or the announcements of the American epidemiological authority. It occurs very rarely, seven times out of forty thousand vaccinated, which is exactly seven times that of the control group. The case in California also happened .In these examples, coverage was simply classified as intelligence disinformation.

      On March 12, however, the Russians came forward with the claim that the Americans were organizing a disinformation campaign against Sputnik V. Perhaps this is related to the fact that Free Europe, which operates with American money, already called the Russian vaccine controversial on March 11 .

      Many are concerned that the Russian development program was not transparent enough. Additional concerns are that the European Medicines Agency has not yet approved the vaccine, possible production disruptions, and the fact that the Russians themselves are quite distrustful of Sputnik V.

  4. Mar 2023
    1. Även pandemin har skapat problem. Som vi kunnat konstatera i tidigare rapporter hade extremhögern över hela världen svårt att navigera politiskt under pandemiåren. Det gick inte att skylla problemen på de gamla vanliga syndabockarna som minoriteter eller en politiskt korrekt elit. Skulle man haka på konspirations-teorierna om vaccinet, eller följa riktlinjer för att hålla smittota-len nere? Vi kan idag konstatera att den konspirationsteoretiska linjen till slut fick flest anhängare inom extremhögern. Under början av 2022 hittade också extremhögern ett sätt att politisera pandemifrågan, när de anslöt sig till protesterna mot vaccinpass. Men sammantaget kommer de rasideologiska grupperna stukade ut ur pandemins isolering.
  5. Feb 2023
    1. a peer-reviewed article

      This peer reviewed article titled "The Safety of COVID-19 Vaccinations—We Should Rethink the Policy" uses the mishandling of data provided by scientists to spready disinformation claiming that the Covid-19 vaccine is killing people. This is an example of disinformation because this study is peer reviewed, so the people involved in it are well educated and versed in the development and usage of the vaccine.

  6. Nov 2022
    1. The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision.

      Ιατρικές πράξεις ΜΟΝΟ με ενημέρωμένη συναίνεση χωρίς καμία βία.

  7. Sep 2022
    1. And in July, rapper Kanye West told Forbes that he believed a coronavirus vaccine could “put chips inside of us.”

      Unfortunately, the Pandemic and those who denied its true impact on the world increased in magnitude once more celebrities came out to express similar conspiracies. My own father partook in the spreading of the vaccine rumors and did his best to convince me not to get the vaccine. There were celebrities who I never even thought would believe such outlandish theories about the vaccines and the virus itself that amplified misinformation across the web. These conspiracy theories not only put people at physical risk but also affect the mental state of people in their "impact zone" by directly affecting relationships amongst family members and friends. This is similar to the 2016 US Presidential Election and the infamous Thanksgiving Clapbacks that occurred soon thereafter. Donald Trump directly affected my family after both of these massive events. These celebrities and influencers need to be held accountable for the spreading of disinformation. It seems as though the Pandemic has changed the way people interact with influencers by fact-checking everything they say or put out into the digital world. This needs to continue and will continue to be an effective method to disbursing ideaologies and groups similar to Q-Anon.

    1. The North American Division has put together a series of links to offer guidance about vaccines from national and international health organizations, the General Conference, and healthcare experts — with the COVID-19 vaccine highlighted in particular.
  8. Aug 2022
    1. Lucas, C., Vogels, C. B. F., Yildirim, I., Rothman, J. E., Lu, P., Monteiro, V., Gelhausen, J. R., Campbell, M., Silva, J., Tabachikova, A., Peña-Hernandez, M. A., Muenker, M. C., Breban, M. I., Fauver, J. R., Mohanty, S., Huang, J., Shaw, A. C., Ko, A. I., Omer, S. B., … Iwasaki, A. (2021). Impact of circulating SARS-CoV-2 variants on mRNA vaccine-induced immunity. Nature, 1–9. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-021-04085-y

    1. Gilbert, P. B., Montefiori, D. C., McDermott, A., Fong, Y., Benkeser, D. C., Deng, W., Zhou, H., Houchens, C. R., Martins, K., Jayashankar, L., Castellino, F., Flach, B., Lin, B. C., O’Connell, S., McDanal, C., Eaton, A., Sarzotti-Kelsoe, M., Lu, Y., Yu, C., … Teams, U. S. G. (USG)/CoVPN B. (2021). Immune Correlates Analysis of the mRNA-1273 COVID-19 Vaccine Efficacy Trial. MedRxiv, 2021.08.09.21261290. https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.08.09.21261290

    1. Munro, A. P. S., Janani, L., Cornelius, V., Aley, P. K., Babbage, G., Baxter, D., Bula, M., Cathie, K., Chatterjee, K., Dodd, K., Enever, Y., Gokani, K., Goodman, A. L., Green, C. A., Harndahl, L., Haughney, J., Hicks, A., van der Klaauw, A. A., Kwok, J., … Appleby, K. (2021). Safety and immunogenicity of seven COVID-19 vaccines as a third dose (booster) following two doses of ChAdOx1 nCov-19 or BNT162b2 in the UK (COV-BOOST): A blinded, multicentre, randomised, controlled, phase 2 trial. The Lancet, S0140673621027173. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(21)02717-3 s

    1. Chadeau-Hyam, M., Wang, H., Eales, O., Haw, D., Bodinier, B., Whitaker, M., Walters, C. E., Ainslie, K. E. C., Atchison, C., Fronterre, C., Diggle, P. J., Page, A. J., Trotter, A. J., Ashby, D., Barclay, W., Taylor, G., Cooke, G., Ward, H., Darzi, A., … Elliott, P. (2022). SARS-CoV-2 infection and vaccine effectiveness in England (REACT-1): A series of cross-sectional random community surveys. The Lancet Respiratory Medicine, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1016/S2213-2600(21)00542-7

    1. Kustin, T., Harel, N., Finkel, U., Perchik, S., Harari, S., Tahor, M., Caspi, I., Levy, R., Leschinsky, M., Dror, S. K., Bergerzon, G., Gadban, H., Gadban, F., Eliassian, E., Shimron, O., Saleh, L., Ben-Zvi, H., Amichay, D., Ben-Dor, A., … Stern, A. (2021). Evidence for increased breakthrough rates of SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern in BNT162b2 mRNA vaccinated individuals. MedRxiv, 2021.04.06.21254882. https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.04.06.21254882

    1. Sadoff, J., Gars, M. L., Cardenas, V., Shukarev, G., Vaissiere, N., Heerwegh, D., Truyers, C., Groot, A. M. de, Scheper, G., Hendriks, J., Ruiz-Guinazu, J., Struyf, F., Hoof, J. V., Douoguih, M., & Schuitemaker, H. (2021). Durability of antibody responses elicited by a single dose of Ad26.COV2.S and substantial increase following late boosting (p. 2021.08.25.21262569). https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.08.25.21262569

    1. Pozzetto, B., Legros, V., Djebali, S., Barateau, V., Guibert, N., Villard, M., Peyrot, L., Allatif, O., Fassier, J.-B., Massardier-Pilonchéry, A., Brengel-Pesce, K., Yaugel-Novoa, M., Denolly, S., Boson, B., Bourlet, T., Bal, A., Valette, M., Andrieu, T., Lina, B., … Trouillet-Assant, S. (2021). Immunogenicity and efficacy of heterologous ChadOx1/BNT162b2 vaccination. Nature, 1–9. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-021-04120-y

    1. Thuluva, S., Paradkar, V., Turaga, K., Gunneri, S., Yerroju, V., Mogulla, R., Kyasani, M., Manoharan, S. K., Medigeshi, G., Singh, J., Shaman, H., Singh, C., & Rao, A. V. (2022). Selection of optimum formulation of RBD-based protein sub-unit covid19 vaccine (Corbevax) based on safety and immunogenicity in an open-label, randomized Phase-1 and 2 clinical studies (p. 2022.03.08.22271822). medRxiv. https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.03.08.22271822

    1. Shawna Thomas. (2021, October 13). When asked on @CBSMornings about the company’s vaccine mandate for staff, the CEO of @united airlines also said, “Out of our 67,000 U.S. employees, there are 232 who haven’t been vaccinated. They are going through the termination process.” [Tweet]. @Shawna. https://twitter.com/Shawna/status/1448261664650973186

    1. Lauring, A. S., Tenforde, M. W., Chappell, J. D., Gaglani, M., Ginde, A. A., McNeal, T., Ghamande, S., Douin, D. J., Talbot, H. K., Casey, J. D., Mohr, N. M., Zepeski, A., Shapiro, N. I., Gibbs, K. W., Files, D. C., Hager, D. N., Shehu, A., Prekker, M. E., Erickson, H. L., … Self, W. H. (2022). Clinical severity of, and effectiveness of mRNA vaccines against, covid-19 from omicron, delta, and alpha SARS-CoV-2 variants in the United States: Prospective observational study. BMJ, 376, e069761. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj-2021-069761

    1. Dowdy, D. (2021, September 21). On the J&J booster news, keep in mind: 1. Median follow-up since 2nd dose was just 36 days, 2. Efficacy vs moderate COVID was 75% globally, and 3. Total number of cases in the US was 15. Please don’t take this to mean that a 2nd dose provides long-term increase in protection. Https://t.co/RnqDNBmwuD [Tweet]. @davidwdowdy. https://twitter.com/davidwdowdy/status/1440323242942554122

    1. Pritchard, E., Matthews, P. C., Stoesser, N., Eyre, D. W., Gethings, O., Vihta, K.-D., Jones, J., House, T., VanSteenHouse, H., Bell, I., Bell, J. I., Newton, J. N., Farrar, J., Diamond, I., Rourke, E., Studley, R., Crook, D., Peto, T. E. A., Walker, A. S., & Pouwels, K. B. (2021). Impact of vaccination on new SARS-CoV-2 infections in the United Kingdom. Nature Medicine, 1–9. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41591-021-01410-w

    1. Krause, P. R., Fleming, T. R., Peto, R., Longini, I. M., Figueroa, J. P., Sterne, J. A. C., Cravioto, A., Rees, H., Higgins, J. P. T., Boutron, I., Pan, H., Gruber, M. F., Arora, N., Kazi, F., Gaspar, R., Swaminathan, S., Ryan, M. J., & Henao-Restrepo, A.-M. (2021). Considerations in boosting COVID-19 vaccine immune responses. The Lancet, 4. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(21)02046-8

    1. Sandra Ciesek. (2021, December 8). Unsere ersten Daten zur Neutralisation von Omicron versus Delta sind fertig: 2x Biontech, 2x Moderna, 1xAZ/1x Biontech nach 6 Monaten 0% Neutralisation bei Omicron, auch 3x Biontech 3 Monate nach Booster nur 25% NT versus 95% bei Delta. Bis zu 37fache Reduktion Delta vs. Omicron https://t.co/w0gHww26sg [Tweet]. @CiesekSandra. https://twitter.com/CiesekSandra/status/1468465347519041539

    1. ReconfigBehSci. (2021, November 26). vaccine equity has been a disaster, but I do wonder whether the exclusive focus on donations does the US/EU comparison justice. The EU allowed the export of huge numbers of EU produced doses at a time when the US did not (and EU itself was struggling to meet demand). [Tweet]. @SciBeh. https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1464255575416520749

    1. ReconfigBehSci. (2021, December 13). RT @DrEricDing: 11) Omicron is doubling every 1.6 days in UK 🇬🇧 according to @DrWilliamKu’s figure. That’s way faster growth than in South… [Tweet]. @SciBeh. https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1470451594378502154

    1. Jay Patel. (2021, December 12). Well captured by @snolen. Even as vaccine supply becomes more reliable, the uptake challenge across Africa is partly down to “vaccine indifference” rather than hesitancy––there are far more pressing problems across the region. [Tweet]. @PatelJay. https://twitter.com/Patel_Jay_/status/1470028858682400772

  9. May 2022
  10. Apr 2022
    1. Michael Armstrong [@ArmstrongGN]. (2021, September 29). NBA player says he doesn’t need vaccine… 40-thousand likes and 1.4 million views. Scientist/doctor corrects NBA player… 4-thousand likes. We’re so screwed… [Tweet]. Twitter. https://twitter.com/ArmstrongGN/status/1443052037160251392

    1. Dr. Deepti Gurdasani [@dgurdasani1]. (2021, October 30). A very disturbing read on the recent JCVI minutes released. They seem to consider immunity through infection in children advantageous, discussing children as live “booster” vaccines for adults. I would expect this from anti-vaxx groups, not a scientific committee. [Tweet]. Twitter. https://twitter.com/dgurdasani1/status/1454383106555842563

    1. Justin Trudeau. (2021, November 22). Update: The first doses of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine for kids between the ages of 5 and 11 have arrived. We’ll have 2.9 million doses in the country by the end of the week—That’s enough for every eligible child to get their first shot. So please, get your kids vaccinated. Https://t.co/sWH0fzdz5R [Tweet]. @JustinTrudeau. https://twitter.com/JustinTrudeau/status/1462613405852999687

    1. 🇺🇦 Meaghan Kall. (2022, January 27). NEW: 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 Vaccine effectiveness (symptomatic infection) data for BA.2 {Omicron’s more infectious sister} NO difference in VE between Omicron (BA.1) and BA.2 Possibly even higher VE for BA.2 but estimates overlap See full thread 🧵 from @freja_kirsebom https://t.co/bJ7uCn2cGV [Tweet]. @kallmemeg. https://twitter.com/kallmemeg/status/1486821549458001927

    1. Payne, R. P., Longet, S., Austin, J. A., Skelly, D. T., Dejnirattisai, W., Adele, S., Meardon, N., Faustini, S., Al-Taei, S., Moore, S. C., Tipton, T., Hering, L. M., Angyal, A., Brown, R., Nicols, A. R., Gillson, N., Dobson, S. L., Amini, A., Supasa, P., … Zawia, A. A. T. (2021). Immunogenicity of standard and extended dosing intervals of BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine. Cell, 184(23), 5699-5714.e11. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2021.10.011

    1. Shalin Naik [@shalinhnaik]. (2021, October 14). 📢The first episode of the @thejabgab http://thejabgab.com is LIVE!! 🎙 Join me and the fabulous comedians @nazeem_hussain and @calbo as they chat about the Delta variant, vaccines …. And cows? With experts @DrKGregorevic and @BedouiSammy! Search your fav platform or... Https://t.co/bo4HiRfqF6 [Tweet]. Twitter. https://twitter.com/shalinhnaik/status/1448510610837159939

    1. Eric Feigl-Ding [@DrEricDing]. (2021, November 12). 💡BEST. VIDEO. ALL. YEAR. Please share with friends how the mRNA vaccine works to fight the coronavirus. 📌NOTA BENE—The mRNA never interacts with your DNA 🧬. #vaccinate (Special thanks to the Vaccine Makers Project @vaccinemakers of @ChildrensPhila). #COVID19 https://t.co/CrSGGo6tqq [Tweet]. Twitter. https://twitter.com/DrEricDing/status/1459284608122564610

    1. Kolina Koltai, PhD [@KolinaKoltai]. (2021, September 27). When you search ‘Covid-19’ on Amazon, the number 1 product is from known antivaxxer Dr. Mercola. 4 out of the top 8 items are either vaccine opposed/linked to conspiratorial narratives about covid. Amazon continues to be a venue for vaccine misinformation. Https://t.co/rWHhZS8nPl [Tweet]. Twitter. https://twitter.com/KolinaKoltai/status/1442545052954202121

    1. ReconfigBehSci [@SciBeh]. (2021, November 14). Kai Spiekermann will speak the need for science communication and how it supports the pivotal role of knowledge in a functioning democracy. The panel will focus on what collective intelligence has to offer. 3/6 [Tweet]. Twitter. https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1459813528987217926

    1. Ravi K Gupta [@ravgup33_ravi]. (2021, November 24). This one is worrying and I’ve not said that since delta. Please get vaccinated and boosted and mask up in public as the mutations in this virus likely result in high level escape from neutralising antibodies [Tweet]. Twitter. https://twitter.com/ravgup33_ravi/status/1463626745651806208

    1. Jackie Parchem, MD [@jackie_parchem]. (2021, July 29). @MeadowGood @ACOGPregnancy Some of the docs who stepped up and got vaccinated early when we didn’t have the data we do now. What we all knew: Protecting moms protects babies! All have had their babies by now! @IlanaKrumm @anushkachelliah @gumbo_amando @emergjenncy @JuliaNEM33 https://t.co/h9UJo6h3fQ [Tweet]. Twitter. https://twitter.com/jackie_parchem/status/1420785474499645442

    1. ReconfigBehSci [@i]. (2021, November 27). @STWorg @PhilippMSchmid @CorneliaBetsch this clip got me too- for non-German speakers. She is asked whether she is ‘concerned’. Her response: Of course I’m concerned, I’m double vexed, I’m waiting for my booster vaccination, my husband died of Covid, I was in hospital, now I’m avoiding my grand children [Tweet]. Twitter. https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1464660287739596802

    1. ReconfigBehSci on Twitter: ‘@STWorg @PhilippMSchmid @CorneliaBetsch and every now and then we have to watch a clip like this to be reminded what all of this is really about. This pain and suffering is happening in one of the richest countries in the world at a time in the pandemic when we know exactly what to do to avoid it’ / Twitter. (n.d.). Retrieved 22 April 2022, from https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1464662622440144896

    1. ReconfigBehSci [@SciBeh]. (2021, December 6). I do not understand the continued narrative that makes it sound as if extant legal systems don’t already provide the framework for assessing whether rights are unduly infringed by vaxx passports and mandates. This is exactly what constitutions are for. [Tweet]. Twitter. https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1467818167766593538

    1. ReconfigBehSci [@SciBeh]. (2021, November 27). @STWorg @PhilippMSchmid @CorneliaBetsch because I’m worried they will bring something from school and now I’m on my way to the cemetery. It’s outrageous what things are like here, it shouldn’t be like this, and if they had just done something about it in the summer it would all be half as bad." [Tweet]. Twitter. https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1464661059034251266

    1. ReconfigBehSci [@SciBeh]. (2021, November 26). Clearly we haven’t “kept borders closed forever”—Most borders have been open for many months now. The question is whether we urgently close a particular border now. “kept borders closed forever” = straw man (and I say this as a researcher on fallacies of argumentation) [Tweet]. Twitter. https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1464131447799922689

    1. michael wiggins [@mikecompetition]. (2021, November 28). @basmahassan @AllysonPollock @guardian @TheWeek Bingo. The numbers appear contradictory but they’re not if you do the maths on it. Looks like this pic will need to be spread a bit in the near future again. Https://t.co/AqcdGWBHL3 [Tweet]. Twitter. https://twitter.com/mikecompetition/status/1464872123135143936