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- transmission dynamics
- infection rate
- transmission reduction
- symptomatic
- exposure
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- contact tracing
- household
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- asymptomatic
- family
- public transport
- attack rate
- nursing home
- close contact
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- intervention
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- computational modeling
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- prediction
- superspreading
- transmission dynamics
- quarentine
- contact tracing
- lang:en
- public health
- policy
- isolation
- emergency
- open data
- epidemiology
- mathematics
- pharmaceutical
- antibody testing
- complex network
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- COVID-19
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- effectiveness
- transmission reduction
- Data Evaluation and Learning for Viral Epidemics
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- face mask
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- pre-symptomatic
- Royal Society
- physical distancing
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- federal aid
- adaptation
- funding
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- Jul 2018
wendynorris.com wendynorris.com
From the above we can see that Virilio understands human history in terms of a race with time, of ever-increasing speeds that transcend humans' biological capacity. To theorize culture without the dromosphere, that is, the sphere of beings in motion, he therefore sugges,ts, misses the key point of cultural activity and the uniqueness of the industrial way of life. Without an explicit conceptualization of the contemporary dromosphere -or in my terms timescape -it is thus difficult to fully understand the human-technology-science-economyequity-environmenr constellation. Moreover, it becomes impossible to appreciate that people are che weakest link when the time frames of action are compressed to zero and effects expand to eternity, when transmission and transplantation are instantaneous but their outcomes extend into an open future, when instantaneity and eternity are combined in a discordant fusion of all times.
Adam's critique of Virilio's incomplete theory on time compression as it related to cultural transformation. Claims it lacks adequate theoretical description/understanding of how people in the high-tempo dromosphere in his writings, (timescape in her work) interact with time.
Adam further notes how important it is to understand how people factor into discordant time compressions through everyday sociocultural interactions -- which she refers to as "the human-technology-science-economy-equity-environment constellation."
This is pretty dense theoretical work. Would help to find an example or two in the SBTF time study to make this idea a little more accessible.
the potential capacity of exterrirorial beings to be everywhere at once and nowhere in particular is inescapably tied to operators that are bounded by their embodied temporal limits of terrestrial existence and sequential information processing. The actual capacity for parallel absorption of knowledge, therefore, is hugely disappointing. Equally, the electronic capacity to be now-here and no-where has brought the body to a standstill.
Adam's critique of transmission technologies allowing people to be "now-here and no-where" perhaps also helps unpacks some of the tensions for SBTF's global social coordination.
Could this be some of the unconscious motive to use terms that situate volunteers with one another as they attempt to grapple with tempo-imposed friction points which work against "terrestrial existence" and "sequential information processing"?
The overload of information, for example, is becoming so extensive that taking advantage of only the tiniest fraction of it not only blows apart the principle of instantaneity and 'real-time' communication, but also slows down operators to a pomt where they lose themselves in the eternity of electronically networked information.
High tempo Information overload exacerbates time compression and thus impacts temporal sensemaking through typical means via chronologies, linear information processing, and past/present/future contexts.
The intensive {electronic) present, Virilio suggests, is no longer part of chronological time; we have to conceptualize it instead _as chronoscopic time. Real space, he argues, is making room for decontextualized 'real-time' processes and intensity takes over from extensity.11 This in turn has consequences and, similar to the time compression in transport, the compression in transmission has led to a range of paradoxical effects.
Definition of chronoscopic time: While still bounded and defined by clock-time, like chronological time, chronoscopic experiences are more tempo-driven and focused on a hyper-present real-time. Chronological time is situated in movement across a timeline of past, present, future where history and temporal story narrative arcs.
See Purser (2000) for a dromological analysis of Virilio's work on chronoscopic- and real-time.
With respect to twentieth-century transmission Virilio has in mind the wireless telegraph, telephone, radio and subsequent developments in computer and satellite communication, which have once more changed the relationship between time and movement across space. Together, these innovations in transmission replaced succession and duration with seeming simultaneity and instantaneity. Duration has been compressed to zero and the present extended spatially to encircle the globe: it became a global present.
In the example of ICT advancements (radio, telegraph, computer, etc.), Adam describes a shift in tempo of a person's temporal experience due to real-time transmission capabilities.
Tempo experiences that are successive or have some duration quality are transformed into a perceived sense of instantaneous and simultaneous "real time" experience.
When a sociotemporal experience is lighting up friction points between time and space -- is this where tempo and timelines begin to get entangled?
Is the computer-mediated "movement" between time and space the inflection point where social coordination begins to break down? That we don't have enough time to process or make sense of CMC-delivered information?
- Jul 2017
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Transmission or dialogue