372 Matching Annotations
  1. Jun 2021
    1. So yeah, those two years being away from her, my dad had lied to us and said that she didn't want us anymore because she had another kid on the way. And yeah, my dad didn't care. He just lied to us and said that my mom didn't want us.

      Time in US - keeping secrets - abuse - separation - family

    2. Mike: Yeah. Marijuana. I feel like some people don't classify it as a drug, but at the same time, when you're depressed or when you're going through stuff, it really affects you. It affects every decision that you make. And, of course, everybody—I've tried drugs, I'm not going to say exactly which one, but I've experimented.Mike: I've never really liked it though. I don't like to be high because I used to fight a lot. I would always see that when I would smoke, I would always get beat up. This is an everyday thing fighting, because you have to. You are in the wrong hood, you're wearing the wrong color, you're going to get beat up.

      Time in the US, Drugs, Taking/ Addiction

    3. And it took a whole month for the cops to come to my house. So I was with my two little brothers and my little sister was born by that time. She was like three, four. We stayed a whole month with nobody just by ourselves in the house. And I remember this—

      fear from the violence inflicted on them by father caring for younger siblings escaping the violence and being alone

  2. May 2021
    1. On the contrary, war hysteria is continuous and universal in all countries, and such acts as raping, looting, the slaughter of children, the reduction of whole populations to slavery, and reprisals against prisoners which extend even to boiling and burying alive, are looked upon as normal, and, when they are committed by one's own side and not by the enemy, meritorious.
    2. She had become a physical necessity, something that he not only wanted but felt that he had a right to. When she said that she could not come, he had the feeling that she was cheating him.
    3. he was dead! He clasped her against him and found that he was kissing a live warm face.

      necrophilia? plays into his original desire to obtain her/kill her

    4. I hated the sight of you,' he said. 'I wanted to rape you and then murder you afterwards. Two weeks ago I thought seriously of smashing your head in with a cobblestone. If you really want to know, I imagined that you had something to do with the Thought Police.'

      What a declaration!

  3. Apr 2021
    1. C& &* "&&*(&, )(  ': :  ''!;"2">>6

      histoires vraies des violences à l'école (2007)

    1. Axe 5 – Inscrire la santé dans toutes les politiquesStructurer une stratégie de coordination des politiques publiques visant à la mise en cohérence des interventions des acteurs concernant les jeunes les plus vulnérables socialement, notamment les jeunes majeurs non soutenus familialement, scolarisés ou déscolarisés, pour certains en grande précaritépar une action concertée (Conseils départementaux, le conseil régional, l’ASE, etc.).Il est également indispensable d’étendre la stratégie de bientraitance dans les relations adultes/ jeunes, dont les relations dans le cadre éducatif.
  4. Mar 2021
    1. Comme l’a souligné le Défenseur des droits dans son rapport annuel relatif aux droits de l’enfant de 201914, ne pas prendre en compte la parole de l’enfant représente déjà une forme de violence. Les dossiers qui lui sont soumis révèlent la difficulté des équipes éducatives à prendre réellement en compte les allégations des enfants victimes de harcèlement scolaire. En dépit de la structuration d’un réseau de référents académiques et de la diffusion de protocoles, les chefs d’établissement et les équipes éducatives restent trop souvent démunis face à ces violences, qui se trouvent de ce fait banalisées. Or, l’absence de prise en compte de la parole des victimes, en induisant une réponse inadaptée ou tardive, risque d’accroitre le mal-être de celles-ci qui ne se sentent ni crues, ni soutenues.
  5. Feb 2021
    1. 2.L’article 40 du code de procédure pénaleL’article 40 du code de procédure pénale, déjà évoqué, dispose que «toute autorité constituée, tout officier public ou fonctionnaire qui, dans l’exercice de ses fonctions, acquiert la connaissance d’un crime ou d’un délit est tenu d’en donner avis sans délai au procureur de la République et de transmettre à ce magistrat tous les renseignements, procès-verbaux et actes qui y sont relatifs». Cet article a donc pour effet de délier du secret professionnel les officiers publics ou les fonctionnaires en leur imposant de dénoncer au procureur de la République les crimes ou délits dont ils ont acquis la connaissance dans l’exercice de leurs fonctions. Cetteobligation de dénonciation s’impose à tous les fonctionnaires et concerne toutes les infractions. Un médecin de PMI, un médecin scolaire ou un médecin hospitalier peut donc être concerné par cette obligation. Cependant, le non-respect de cette obligation de dénonciation n’est pas pénalement sanctionné, ce qui en limite considérablement la portée.
    1. si les droits des patients ne sont pas respectés, c’est parce que les équipes débordées ne sont pas en mesure de s’interroger assez sur leurs pratiques, parce qu’elles n’ont pas été formées – notamment sur les questions juridiques – ou parce qu’elles n’ont pas connaissance des meilleures pratiques qui pourtant existent, parfois dans le même établissement. » En matière de droits des patients, les manquements observés ne sont pas insurmontables : « la rédaction de documents type et une campagne d’information et de formation ambitieuse » doivent pouvoir « régler ces difficultés »

      transposable au milieu scolaire

  6. Jan 2021
    1. ’article 434-3 du code pénal prévoit que « toute personne ayant eu connaissance de privations, de mauvais traitements ou d’atteintes sexuelles infligés à un mineur de 15 ans s’expose à des sanctions pénales s’il n’en informe pas les autorités judiciaires ou administratives »
  7. Dec 2020
    1. Diane sur 17 mai 2016 à 22 h 35 min En effet, il est indispensable de comprendre les raisons de cette violence pour bien aiguiller l’enfant vers une aide , mais toute fois , le bien-être des autres élèves est aussi à prendre en considération. A titre d’exemple, je n’envoie pas mon enfant à l’école pour qu’il supporte un autre enfant de 6 ans ingérable , d’ailleurs toute la classe et l’établissement supporte cela depuis des mois . Cette année scolaire , le CP a été affreuse pour mon gamin ; alors autant je comprends qu’un enfant peut avoir des troubles autant je peux vous assurer que récupérer un enfant qui est dégouté, et apeuré de l’école à cause d’un enfant ingérable, c’est difficilement acceptable.
    1. Muriel Conte, porte-parole du collectif de parents, s’est déclarée « scandalisée » par cette décision. « Le dossier a montré que ces agissements inacceptables en classe ont existé depuis au moins dix ans et ont été signalés ailleurs », a-t-elle affirmé à l’AFP
    1. Problèmes éducatifs
    2. Les violences au sein du couple
    3. des conditions d’éducation compromises (11,8%)
    4. Entourage

      En ce qui concerne les violences sexuelles, C'est plus souvent l'entourage que la famille proche

    5. 4.3Des auteurs présumés majoritairement membres de la famille proche de l’enfant
    6. Tableau 9: Répartition des formes de dangers – Nombre d’enfants concernés
    7. 4.1 Une prédominance des violences psychologiques, physiques et des négligences envers l’enfant
    8. Forme de dangerDéfinition
    10. Carte 1: Nombre d'IP pour 100 000 mineurs et jeunes majeurs par département

      Les Yvelines sont en bas de tableau mails il nous faudrait une cartographie départementale

    11. . Un appel traité sur deux donne lieu à une information préoccupante
    12. Les mois de juin-juillet et novembre ont enregistré les plus grands nombre d’appels.
    13. en 2019, une famille sur trois n’était pas connue des départements pour d’autres faits de danger sur mineur


    1. Comme l’a souligné le Défenseur des droits dans son rapport annuel sur les droits de l’enfant de 20191, ne pas prendre en compte la parole de l’enfant représente une forme de violence.
  8. Nov 2020
  9. Oct 2020
  10. Sep 2020
  11. Aug 2020
  12. Jul 2020
    1. Mais ce sont les accumulations de « petits faits » qui peuvent être fréquentes et devenir pesantes à supporter pour les équipes éducatives : les incivilités, les insultes, les menaces, quotidiennes, récurrentes
  13. Jun 2020
    1. Former les professionnels Recommandation 3Le Défenseur des droits recommande aux pouvoirs publics d’organiser la formation de tous les professionnels intervenant auprès d’enfants sur la gestion des situations critiques et notamment sur les méthodes de nature à prévenir tout usage et escalade de la violence. Une obligation de formation en ce sens devrait être notamment instaurée pour tous les professionnels intervenant auprès d’enfants dans un contexte difficile, tels que les lieux de privation de liberté
    2. La violence ne résulte pas seulement de passages à l’acte. Elle peut être engendrée par la carence d’une institution publique qui ne répond pas aux besoins de l’enfant, ne respecte pas ses droits ou ne fait pas de son intérêt supérieur une considération primordiale. Elle est alors indirecte, moins visible et conscientisée
    3. La violence de l’interpellation d’un parent devant son enfant,
    4. Il est communément admis aujourd’hui, grâce notamment aux neurosciences, que les brimades, insultes, humiliations, ou autres formes de violences physiques ou morales entraînent des conséquences sur le développement de l’enfant et sur sa santé future. De tels faits à l’égard d’enfants pris en charge dans des structures d’accueil collectif pourraient être considérés comme relevant de la procédure dite d’urgence et permettre de se dispenser du signalement auprès du supérieur hiérarchique pour donner lieu directement à un signalement à l’autorité judiciaire et être éventuellement médiatisés, tout en bénéficiant de la protection du lanceur d’alerte
    5. S’agissant des violences commises à l’encontre des enfants par des professionnels, elles continuent souvent à être banalisées ou minimisées. Il est encore trop communément admis que la violence légère, voire plus grave, à l’égard des enfants peut se justifier par un objectif éducatif de la part des personnes exerçant une autorité sur eux.

      Page 6

    6. les enfants sont encore trop souvent victimes d’actes violents ou de harcèlement, commis par des professionnels
    7. La violence est abordée sous l’angle de toute action ou absence d’action qui contrevient à la sécurité de l’enfant ou à son bon développement, donne prééminence aux intérêts de l’institution publique sur les intérêts de l’enfant, lui cause une souffrance physique ou psychologique inutile et/ou entrave son évolution ultérieure.
    8. protection et orientation des lanceurs d’alerte, qui vont venir étayer la défense des droits de l’enfant.

      Certains des parents ou professionnels dénonçant des faits de violence sont dans ce cas

    9. nous nous sommes intéressés aux violences envers les enfants au sein des institutions publiques, qu’elles soient directes ou indirectes, visibles ou invisibles, ainsi qu’aux dispositions prises pour les prévenir et les faire cesser.
    10. Recommandation 6Le Défenseur des droits recommande aux établissements et services sociaux et médico-sociaux d’élaborer un protocole de gestion des situations de violences entre enfants, fixant une procédure claire, respectueuse des droits de la défense, et des sanctions graduelles pour chaque acte de violence. Dans ce cadre, l’exclusion ne doit intervenir qu’en dernier recours, lorsque, après consultation des différents intervenants auprès de l’enfant, la poursuite de son accompagnement par la même structure ne peut être envisagée et qu’un nouvel établissement ou service pouvant le prendre en charge a été trouvé

      valable en école et EPLE

    11. tenir compte du fait que le temps de l’enfant n’est pas celui de l’adulte et qu’un retard de réponse peut entrainer un danger ou un frein au bon développement de l’enfant.
    12. Dans certains cas, la scolarisation « générique » peut constituer une forme de maltraitance.

      C'est parfois de cette façon que l'institution justifie sa non prise en charge. L'école n'imagine pas s'adapter

    13. y compris par voie de délégation

      Ca concerne aussi les transports

    14. Le terme institution est quant à lui entendu de manière large comme le système éducatif
    15. la version de synthèse en 20 pages

    1. Le terme institution peut ainsi être compris comme un ensemble de principes constituant la base d’un système ou d’une organisation. Partant de cette acception, l’institution est entendue dans le cadre de ce rapport de manière large comme le système éducatif, judiciaire, social, médical et médico-social organisant l’accueil, l’accompagnement et la prise en charge des enfants. Il fait référence à tout service ou établissement exerçant une mission de service public, y compris par voie de délégation.
    2. Rémi Casanova5 distingue pour sa part trois types de violences institutionnelles : la violence de mission de l’institution, la violence d’organisation de l’institution, enfin la violence qui se produit dans l’institution et qui est mal ou pas traitée par celle-ci
    3. Stanislas Tomkiewicz a défini la violence institutionnelle comme « toute action commise dans ou par une institution, ou toute absence d’action, qui cause à l’enfant une souffrance physique ou psychologique inutile et/ou entrave son évolution ultérieure »3.Cette définition, couramment retenue, renvoie tant à des passages à l’acte qu’à des négligences ou carences.
    4. Rémi Casanova5 distingue pour sa part trois types de violences institutionnelles : la violence de mission de l’institution, la violence d’organisation de l’institution, enfin la violence qui se produit dans l’institution et qui est mal ou pas traitée par celle-ci.
    5. Stanislas Tomkiewicz a défini la violence institutionnelle comme « toute action commise dans ou par une institution, ou toute absence d’action, qui cause à l’enfant une souffrance physique ou psychologique inutile et/ou entrave son évolution ultérieure »
    6. Plus particulièrement, l’article 19 de la même Convention impose aux États parties de prendre « toutes les mesures législatives, administratives, sociales et éducatives appropriées pour protéger l’enfant contre toute forme de violence, d’atteinte ou de brutalités physiques ou mentales
    7. Elle peut aussi résulter d’un mécanisme de défense, de l’institution et de ses représentants. C’est vrai qu’il est difficile de faire face à la violence à enfants, et les équipes doivent être absolument formées et accompagnées sous peine de privilégier la cohérence et la tranquillité du groupe au détriment de la victime.En tout état de cause, les faits de violence doivent être appréhendés à leur juste hauteur, et les mesures adéquates prises pour reconnaitre la victime, dans l’intérêt de celle-ci mais aussi dans l’intérêt du collectif d’enfants tout entier.
    8. (ONU) a recommandé expressément à l’État de créer « une base de données nationale sur tous les cas de violence à l’égard des enfants »
    9. ar ailleurs, selon l’enquête réalisée en 2015 par l’association Mémoire traumatique et victimologie présidée par Muriel Salmona, médecin psychiatre23, la plus grande part des violences sexuelles signalées se seraient produites dans le milieu scolaire (12%), tout en soulignant que c’est aussi le lieu qui accueille, de loin, le plus grand nombre d’enfants
    10. Ainsi, huit femmes sur mille et trois hommes sur mille déclarent avoir subi des violences commises par des professionnels pendant leur minorité. Un grand nombre de ces violences se seraient produites dans le cadre de la scolarité : à hauteur de 20% pour les femmes et de 50% pour les hommes. Les garçons seraient par ailleurs plus souvent victimes que les filles lorsque les faits sont commis par un éducateur, un animateur ou un travailleur social
    11. Notre rapport montre que chaque fois que l’intérêt supérieur de l’enfant n’est pas pris en compte comme une considération primordiale, il en résulte une prise en charge inadaptée des violences qu’il subit, voire de nouvelles formes de violence à son endroit

      Page 4

    12. Le Défenseur des droits a été saisi par une mère qui indiquait que sa fille, scolarisée en classe de CM1, était victime de propos et attitudes humiliantes ainsi que d’accusations non fondées de la part de son enseignante, parfois devant tous les camarades de sa classe. Elle précisait que ces faits avaient eu des conséquences psychologiques importantes sur l’enfant, qui doutait d’elle-même et avait désormais des difficultés à entrer dans les apprentissages.Interrogés par le Défenseur des droits, les services départementaux de l’Éducation nationale ont indiqué que les questions liées à la communication de cette enseignante, sa façon d’entrer en contact avec les élèves et sa posture professionnelle avaient fait l’objet d’échanges et de régulation avec l’inspecteur en charge de l’école. L’école et l’enseignante ont fait l’objet d’un suivi qui devait se poursuivre et être ajusté si besoin.
    13. la version de 101 pages

    1. Le rapport annuelsur les violences institutionnellesCette journée a également été marquée par la publication du rapport annuel sur les droits de l’enfant qui, cette année, montre comment le fonctionnement des institutions intervenant dans la prise en charge des mineurs, et le fait qu’elles ne mettent pas toujours l’intérêt supérieur de l’enfant au cœur de leurs préoccupations, peut créer des violences qui nuisent au développement de l’enfant. Les 22 recommandations contenues dans ce rapport ont pour objectif de les prévenir et de les faire cesser.
  14. May 2020
  15. Apr 2020
  16. Jan 2020
    1. O risco de violência é grande, ainda mais em um estado que ainda convive com as lembranças dos protestos da extrema direita em Charlottesville, em 2017,

      Violência que só ocorreu por conta de grupos declarados "Anti-fa" (Anti-fascistas).

  17. Dec 2019
  18. Oct 2019
    1. Que de sang dans ma mémoire ! Dans ma mémoire sont des lagunes.

      Césaire fait constamment référence au paysage de la Martinique, et le poème déborde d’un merveilleux catalogue de noms : rivières, fleurs, arbres. Aussi beau que soit son pays, il est couvert de violence et de sang. En superposant l’image de la belle nature et de la violence horrible, Césaire rend son image encore plus puissante.

  19. Apr 2019
    1. headaches, dizziness and stomachaches

      Especially at the elementary level, it is important to dig deeper into what is going on with a student if they are constantly complaining about these physical problems. The teacher may just send the student to the nurse to take care of their illness, but the illness may actually be caused by an act of bullying, intimidation, or violence. Therefore, teachers should be aware of the students that constantly complaining of physical problems.

    2. Immunity–A BOE member or school employee who promptly reports an HIB incident to the principal or to any school administrator or safe schools resource officer and who makes the report in compliance with the BOE’s policies and procedures is immune from a cause ofaction for damages arising from any failure to remedy the reported incident.

      It is critical to offer immunity to BOE or employees who report an HIB incident. In some cases individuals may feel uncomfortable or unprepared stepping in to remedy an incident for fear of making the situation worse or putting themselves in the line of fire. The most obvious incident that could cause this is a case of violence in the classroom or hallways. Teachers would feel unprepared and unsafe jumping into a fight and they should not be penalized for that if they are calling the appropriate responders to handle the situation appropriately.

    3. environments

      Classroom and school environment is so important. Students need to have a sense of belonging and safety and it starts the moment they get onto the bus. If students feel safe and comfortable in their environment and also have the tools to use if a situation arises, they will have behaviors that are appropriate for the situations.

    4. Recognize that bullyingprevention must occur in the broader school environment

      In just the few months that I have been in my clinical placement, I have seen that the majority of incidents that occur between students happen in the lunchroom or on the playground. Therefore having adult supervision in these "hot spots" is crucial to preventing HIB, especially in relation to violence. These areas are the environments that violence can occur because there tends to be less structure and supervision. It is so important that bullying and opportunities for violence is recognized and addressed so that all students can feel safe in every school environment, free from physical or emotional harm.

  20. Feb 2019
    1. By this means, his sentiments are perverted; nor have the same beauties and blemishes the same influence upon him, as if he had imposed a proper violence on his imagination, and had for­gotten himself for a moment. So far his taste evi­dently departs from the true standard; and of con­sequence loses all credit and authority

      This is stuffed to the gills with assumptions. And while there is a good deal of boilerplate Enlightenment business going on, Hume also seems to be planting the seeds later authors will reap.

      Hume is requiring of the listener/taster/receiver, which is not new. "You think rap is good because you don't understand 'art' " is a common refrain. The elites have always used exposure to canonical works and forms as a method of discrediting those outside the circle, and have dismissed emerging works and forms as "lowbrow."

      What strikes me about Hume, and perhaps posthumanism (along with Foucault) would find this noteworthy, is that this "violence on" a person is not done by the community, but by the person themself.

  21. Sep 2018
    1. "The ideas of the First Amendment are not designed to deal with what it took to make the materials [of pornography.]" [5:56-5:59]

    2. "The 'freely choosing women'... As if you've raised a freely choosing black person [who decides to 'freely choose'] to clean toilets. That's the equivalent. You call that freedom. It's called freedom when women choose to do it and it's sex because people believe that sex is free. However, pornography is selling yourself for sex. The idea of money is supposed to make it free. Usually, when people have sex with another person and choose to do it, they're not being paid, it's free because you're not being paid. In other words, this is an arm of prostitution." [NOT VERBATIM] [3:53-4:31]

    1. Matthew Mayer, a professor of educational psychology at Rutgers’ Graduate School of Education, says that among experts the best solutions to school shootings are not really in dispute: basic gun control, more and better mental-health services and a robust national threat-assessment program. We also need to help educators create an atmosphere where students who hear about a potential threat feel comfortable sharing that information with adults. (Many student shooters, including Gabe Parker at Marshall County, hint about their plans to at least one other person or tell them outright. Getting those others to inform teachers is one of our best options for preventing shootings from happening in the first place.) In February, Mayer and his colleagues circulated an eight-point document titled “A Call for Action to Prevent Gun Violence in the United States of America,” which summarized these and other key actions needed to reduce the risk of school shootings. So far, 4,400 educators and public-health experts have signed it. But political will is still missing. “We keep revisiting the same conversations every five or six years without learning or changing much of anything,” Mayer says. “Armed guards and metal detectors make it look like you’re doing something. You get far fewer points for talking about school climate and mental health.”
    2. From the inside, a mass shooting can feel distinctly unchartable. But Reed — and Pynoos, and Melissa Brymer, his colleague at the National Center for Child Traumatic Stress — say that while each school shooting is different in its particulars, several features are common to all. For example, Brymer says, it can be the secondary trauma that undoes a school’s recovery. “After a shooting, everyone wants to talk about how to find the next shooter so that this doesn’t happen again,” Brymer says. “But that’s not what the school itself needs to focus on. We’ve had suicides, car accidents, overdoses.” For a school that’s already traumatized, she says, these follow-up events can be incredibly devastating. Brymer advises schools to conduct mental-health screenings before anniversaries, to find the people who are struggling most and help them. The hierarchy of hurt can split in surprising ways. For the most part, people closest to the carnage are the most traumatized, and people farther away are less so. But any teacher might be plagued by any number of things, including what they saw and how they responded in the moment. One educator might flee the building in a panic, leaving his students behind, only to be devastated by guilt afterward. Another might behave heroically, then seethe with resentment over not getting enough recognition. Each will need counseling and support to fully recover.
    3. Teachers are at the quiet center of this recurring national horror. They are victims and ad hoc emergency workers, often with close ties to both shooter and slain and with decades-long connections to the school itself. But they are also, almost by definition, anonymous public servants accustomed to placing their students’ needs above their own. And as a result, our picture of their suffering is incomplete. We know that the trauma that teachers experience after a school shooting can be both severe and enduring. “Their PTSD can be as serious as what you see in soldiers,” says Robert Pynoos, co-director of the federally funded National Center for Child Traumatic Stress, which helps schools coordinate their responses to traumatic events. “But unlike soldiers, none of them signed up for this, and none of them have been trained to cope with it.” We know that teachers who were least able to protect their students in the moment tend to be especially traumatized. “For teachers, the duty to educate students is primary,” Pynoos says. “But the urge to protect those students is deeper than that. It’s primal.” And we know that their symptoms can include major sleep disturbance, hair-trigger startle responses and trouble regulating emotions.
    4. For all the fear they inspire, school shootings of any kind are technically still quite rare. Less than 1 percent of all fatal shootings that involve children age 5 to 18 occur in school, and a significant majority of those do not involve indiscriminate rampages or mass casualties. It has been two decades since Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold ushered in the era of modern, high-profile, high-casualty shootings with their massacre at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colo. According to James Alan Fox, a criminologist at Northeastern University, just 10 of the nation’s 135,000 or so schools have experienced a similar calamity — a school shooting with four or more victims and at least two deaths — since then. But those 10 shootings have had an outsize effect on our collective psyche, and it’s not difficult to understand why: We are left with the specter of children being gunned down en masse, in their own schools. One such event would be enough to terrify and enrage us. This year, we had three.
    5. Teachers were the first responders. Before police officers and medics arrived, they gathered sobbing, vomiting, bleeding kids into the safest rooms they could find, then locked the doors and kept vigil with them through the stunned and terrified wait. They shepherded the injured to hospitals in their own cars. And they knelt on the ground with the ones who were too wounded to move, stanching blood flow with their own hands and providing whatever comfort and assurance they could muster.
  22. Aug 2018
    1. There's also potential for confusion within the CRDC itself. While this particular item refers clearly to "a shooting," the previous item asks about a long list of incidents, some involving "a firearm or explosive device" and others involving "a weapon."
    2. A separate investigation by the ACLU of Southern California also was able to confirm fewer than a dozen of the incidents in the government's report, while 59 percent were confirmed errors.
    3. For comparison, the Everytown for Gun Safety database, citing media reports, listed just 29 shootings at K-12 schools between mid-August 2015 and June 2016. There is little overlap between this list and the government's, with only seven schools appearing on both.
    4. Our reporting highlights just how difficult it can be to track school-related shootings and how researchers, educators and policymakers are hindered by a lack of data on gun violence.
    5. In 161 cases, schools or districts attested that no incident took place or couldn't confirm one. In at least four cases, we found, something did happen, but it didn't meet the government's parameters for a shooting. About a quarter of schools didn't respond to our inquiries.
    1. These social-emotional learning practices have been found in hundreds of studies to reduce negative behavior and violence in schools, making schools safer while also increasing academic achievement. The guidance builds on what we know about how to increase school safety through “conflict resolution, restorative practices, counseling and structured systems of positive interventions.” The guidance also provides research-based resources to address students’ mental health needs, as well as proven practices that make students feel more connected to school and part of a community, so they are less likely to engage in negative and harmful behavior.
    1. Blog that is critical of the fear or disgust of men, that addresses the very factual reasons why men are more frightening than women.

      "Androphobic feminists insist that fear of men is not irrational and present us with statistics that 99% of sexual crime against adults, 75% of violent crime and 60% of domestic violence is committed by men. (Figures are more equal in relation to child abuse although men are still somewhat over-represented in most categories except infanticide, sexual assault of boys and psychological abuse of girls.) Furthermore, they tell us that these figures indicate that we have a culture which normalises and condones violent and sexual crime against women by men and masculinity itself needs to revised. However, the vast majority of men do not commit violent and sexual crime against women, women are not the primary victims of violent crime and most sexual crime is committed by a small number of recidivist criminals."

  23. Mar 2018
    1. Peccato che non si sia raccontata tutta la storia.

      Wrong. The whole attack by three trans activist assailants on Maria MacLachlan was captured in three separate videos taken from three different angles - including one taken by someone in the group of trans activists. Watch them and read her story here: When vicious entitled thugs attack, I fight back!.

      The three videos are at the top of that blog post, but here they are separately:

      Clear footage of the assault on a woman by transgender activists at Speakers' Corner

      Trans Activists Violently Attack Women at Speakers Corner, London 13092017

      Third video of attack on Maria

      But remember to watch them from the beginning of the attack, not from the end of the attack when MacLachlan was trying to recover her camera from her assailants as those stills show.

      Portraying those carefully selected stills from the end of the attack as if they show 60-year-old MacLachlan was responsible for the attack by three twenty-something assailants simply shows that you have either swallowed the lies put about by some trans activists or that you are incapable of thinking for yourself.

      Which is it?

      By the way, there is a fourth video of the attack: the police have that and it will be shown at the trial in Hendon Magistrates Court in London of one the male attackers on 12 and 13 April 2018. He has been charged with 'assault by beating'.

  24. Nov 2017
    1. She noted that he had struggled with mental illness and an occasionally violent temper.

      oh great. Now they'll blame it on mental illness again.

  25. Sep 2017
    1. One could conceivably argue that just as these personal decisions about medical procedures are insulated from the state power, so, too, should be the decisions someone makes about whether to receive a particular kind of psychiatric or psychological treatment.

      Except states regularly infringe upon these rights and/or limit/remove the means of exercising such rights

    2. Thus, the Court has drawn on the Constitution—and specifically its “due process” requirements and the safeguards they raise against arbitrary restrictions on bodily freedom—to assure that government does not impose such treatment on prisoners or mental patients without powerful reasons.

      This is false. For instance, there are countless documented cases in which the state has forcibly sterilized prisoners or used unwilling sterilization as a means of obtaining early parole for segments of the population deemed lesser (i.e., women of color, poor people, etc.)

  26. Apr 2017
    1. eliberatelyandunavoidablystagestheincision,thecut,theintro-ductionofadifferencingzone,astructureofdifferancethatinbeingdividedmakesmeaningpossible

      More violent language, and the violent division which allows for creativity/meaning, as described by Anzaldua.

    1. ambience

      Related to my other note on violence/parasitic imagery, it's so interesting that ambient music is his metaphor. I think language/rhetoric/rhetorical situations have for the most part been associated with ruptures, conflicts, lava. Now we have ambient music which doesn't really have major musical shifts or discordant sounds and seems completely different.

    2. AndTaylornowtellsus:writingishaunted,foritiscomprisedofthe"spectralinterplayofparasitesandhosts"

      This idea of writing/language as sinister, parasitic or violent is in several of our readings for this week.

    1. Who is to say that robbing a people of its language is Jess violent than war? -RAY GWYN SMITH'

      This is particularly evident when examining American policies aimed at "civilizing" native peoples and remaking tribal worlds in the image of America (and by extension, England and Western civilization). A central piece of the violence the American government perpetrated against Native peoples of North America was forcing them to abandon their own languages in favor of English. In other words, "taming" the native populations of North America inherently involved the "taming" of a "wild tongue."

  27. Mar 2017
    1. cribe and influence human motives

      Language as action, not just description; rhetoric is not only reflective, but also integral to formation and motivation. Interesting to think about when considering Burke's historical context i.e. the early 20th century was marred by intensely violent acts such as wars, revolution, and genocide. Perhaps the physical omnipresence of violence contributed to a conceptualization of words as a kind of violence.

  28. Feb 2017
    1. male hecklers who threatened violence,

      This is only loosely related to Grimke's personal struggle, but I do want to point out that the women's suffrage movement did retaliate measure-for-measure. Edith Garrud, the woman in the cartoon trained her fellow suffragettes in judo and ambush tactics against the police that included barbed wire traps and escape artistry.

    2. male hecklers who threatened violence,

      This is a partial answer to my concern about Stewart's speaking experiences. I wonder whether heckling (and its consequences) was better recorded against the Grimke sisters because they were white women (and therefore viewed as more fragile and worthy of protection).

    3. which wa.'i burned to the ground by an angry mob shortly after she spoke.

      A second example of a well-documented consequence of women speaking to a mixed crowd. (Though, to be fair, it would be sort of difficult to overlook this one/fail to record it. It's pretty dramatic.)

  29. Oct 2016
    1. Formally, this violence takes the form of the logic of the comic panel, the ripping apart of images from one another in order to produce the visionary effect of motion and action.

      This makes an interesting way to move the eye of the reader through the page, by following these acts of violence.

  30. Jan 2016
  31. Dec 2015
  32. Oct 2015
    1. And when civic engagement was not enough, when government failed, when private banks could no longer hold the line, Chicago turned to an old tool in the American repertoire—racial violence. “The pattern of terrorism is easily discernible,” concluded a Chicago civic group in the 1940s. “It is at the seams of the black ghetto in all directions.” On July 1 and 2 of 1946, a mob of thousands assembled in Chicago’s Park Manor neighborhood, hoping to eject a black doctor who’d recently moved in. The mob pelted the house with rocks and set the garage on fire. The doctor moved away

      This reminds me of a scene from the movie Remember the Titans when someone threw a brick through Coach Boone's window as an act of racial violence. After looking through an interview with the real coach, I found that this event did actually occur but instead of a brick thrown through the window of his home it was a toilet.

  33. Sep 2015
    1. BushmanandAnderson and others have marshalled a lot of evidence looking at the experimental effectsof playing violent video games, and not only does it tend to increase aggression (althoughthat finding is a little bit controversial right now), but just as importantly, kind ofsaturatingyourself in these violent images and these violent games what it definitely does is itreducesyour cooperative, kind tendencies. So be wary of, or be mindful of, these violent,saturatedplaces of our culture.
    1. First, children securely attached to their parents, compared to insecurely attached children, tend to be sympathetic to their peers as early as age three and a half, according to the research of Everett Waters, Judith Wippman, and Alan Sroufe. In contrast, researchers Mary Main and Carol George found that abusive parents who resort to physical violence have less empathetic children.
  34. Jul 2015
    1. The violence that undergirded the country, so flagrantly on display during Black History Month, and the intimate violence of the streets were not unrelated.

      But how exactly are they related? And doesn't this (of course it does) deeply complicate the concerns about "black-on-black" crime, making the violence experience by a black youth all part of a connected system of violence?

    2. either failed at enforcing its good intentions or succeeded at something much darker.

      Why do we have to accept this as either/or here? Why can't we continue to embrace both sides of this opposition?

    3. a popular news show
  35. Jun 2015
    1. In an article about racial violence, this erasure of whiteness is absurd. The race of the victims is relevant, but somehow the race of the killers is incidental. If we’re willing to admit that race is a reason blacks were lynched, why are we unwilling to admit that race is a reason whites lynched them?
  36. Mar 2014
    1. Coes, when the Mytilenaeans received him, was taken out and stoned

      Hdt. 5.38 The Mytilenaeans - instigated by Aristagoras - seize and stone Coes/Koes (a representative of the Achaemenid Empire).

    2. This was the way in which they perished, they and all their retinue.

      Hdt. 5.21 Alexandros, the son of Amyntas, punishes the Achaemenid messengers of Megabazos for their ill treatment of the Macedonian women. He has them killed and his duplicity is hidden from Darius. Nevertheless, the Macedonians are under the thumb of Darius.

  37. Feb 2014
    1. he stole out and killed Candaules

      1.12. Gyges assassinates Candaules and takes the throne of Lydia, establishing the Mermnad dynasty.

    2. Tomyris filled a skin with human blood, and searched among the Persian dead for Cyrus' body; and when she found it, she pushed his head into the skin,

      1.214 Queen Tomyris stuffs Cyrus head in a wineskin filled with blood.

    3. But Spargapises, the son of the queen Tomyris, after the wine wore off and he recognized his evil plight, asked Cyrus to be freed from his bonds; and this was granted him; but as soon as he was freed and had the use of his hands, he did away with himself.

      1.213 Spargapises kills himself after Cyrus cuts his bonds.

    4. They sailed in a long ship to Aea, a city of the Colchians, and to the river Phasis: and when they had done the business for which they came, they carried off the king's daughter Medea

      1.2. Herodotus reports the story of Jason and the Argonauts, without naming names. He frames the departure of Medea as an abduction, as with Io and Europa, rather than a willing elopement, as the story appears in e.g. Euripides' Medea.

    5. So he carried off Helen

      1.3. Alexander (Paris), son of Priam, king of Troy, abducts Helen, wife of Menelaus, from Sparta. Other authors were less certain about Helen's lack of complicity.

    6. Io and others were seized and thrown into the ship

      1.1. Io is seized by an unidentified Phoenician merchant.

    7. He ordered that the blazing fire be extinguished as quickly as possible, and that Croesus and those with him be taken down, but despite their efforts they could not master the fire.

      1.86 Cyrus redacts his orders to burn Croesus on a pyre. Whether he does this to be in good standing with the gods or through some realization of humanity is up for debate (according to Herodotus).

    8. e. The Persians took him and brought him to Cyrus, who erected a pyre and mounted Croesus atop it, bound in chains

      1.86 Croesus is captured after the siege is broken and taken to Cyrus to be sacrificed. All this in fulfillment of prophecy.

  38. Oct 2013