- Jun 2022
hybridpedagogy.org hybridpedagogy.org
An interesting perspective on ethical and supportive online learning. More questions and explorations than answers, but then framing is a majority of the battle.
I'm generally in agreement with much of the discussion here.
This was a fabulous piece for "thinking against". Thanks Sean Michael Morris, and Lora Taub.
I definitely got far more out of it by reading and annotating than I ever would in its original keynote presentation version.
Best practices will not give these students voices. Best practices will not help them build community. Best practices will not align them with their own agency. You have to do that.
This makes me wonder how one might take a community chat space like the IndieWeb chat and replicate the experience for a classroom or for an entire university? It would require a huge amount of tummeling?
udlguidelines.cast.org udlguidelines.cast.org
www.facultyfocus.com www.facultyfocus.com
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework
Universal Design for Learning framework https://udlguidelines.cast.org/
www.civicsoftechnology.org www.civicsoftechnology.org
tinyclouds.org tinyclouds.org
The fundamental mistake of Node.js was diverging from the browser
- May 2022
www.edweek.org www.edweek.org
Social interactions with other students is undoubtedly a good thing. Online learning has its place as well.
- Apr 2022
www.irrodl.org www.irrodl.org
the technology can be the source of either frustration or motivation
www.colbyrussell.com www.colbyrussell.com
I have a theory that most people conceptualize progress as this monotonically increasing curve over time, but progress is actually punctuated. It's discrete. And the world even tolerates regress in this curve.
www.zeptonaut.com www.zeptonaut.com
The marginal cost to Zoom of onboarding a new customer is almost zero
www.vingle.net www.vingle.net
What is VoIP Services?
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), is a technology it is used to make voice calls using a broadband Internet connection instead of a regular/analog phone lines.
VoIP System has Introduced significantly since the 90s when it first arised. Presently, in most of industries and countries, it has turned into a definitive answer for business communications.
Printing made books affordable to greater numbers than before, as various humanist observers noted, whether they felt this was for the better (Andrea de Bussi, Ludovico Carbone) or for the worse (e.g., Hieronymo Squarcia- fico).17
Example that every new technology will have its proponents and its detractors.
link to Plato/Socrates on the use of writing as a replacement for speaking and memory.
Taking a census every 10 years is better than never taking it, but in the future, say in 100 years, a census should be taken every day. We are perfectly capable of counting all people all the time. Everyone born should have an immovable ID from birth. One based on all the things we base our identity on: from our DNA, to our family ties, to what we look like, to our behavior. Some of those things change a little over time, but together all of them create the web of our identity. We can track this web in real time. We are technically capable of it. Some people will not want to be tracked every day, and that is fine. We don’t need a political census on a daily change. That is to say, we don’t need to count everyone every day. Even if we checked on whether someone was still alive every week, that is all we really need to know, and maybe even more information than we need for political purposes. The important point is we can count people any time we needed to, if we can easily identify them. We know how to do that now. So in 100 years, waiting till every decade to count people will seem very archaic.
Just because we can doesn't mean we should.
plaintextipcc.com plaintextipcc.com
innovation can result in trade-offs that undermine both progress on mitigation and 12 progress towards other sustainable development goals
Broader impacts of engineering. Requires full scope considersation.
laurenhanks.com laurenhanks.com
numinous.productions numinous.productions
it’s difficult not to be disappointed, to feel that computers have not yet been nearly as transformative as far older tools for thought, such as language and writing.
I think this feeling comes more from the our knowledge of how far technology can take us, and less from it being less transformative than older systems.
- Mar 2022
Orality is a technology or as a tool for thinking.
www.scientificamerican.com www.scientificamerican.com
Bottazzi, P. J. H., Maria Elena. (n.d.). A COVID Vaccine for All. Scientific American. Retrieved 22 March 2022, from https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/a-covid-vaccine-for-all/
Local file Local file
Brey (2012) - Anticipatory Ethics for Emerging Technologies - https://is.gd/k8we0n - urn:x-pdf:4b26acaa6eacf534aa5a7694618c5abd
er.educause.edu er.educause.edu
instructional designers and educational technologists (IDs/ETs)
Interesting how this is being bundled together, suggesting that there's still not clear demarcations.
www.cs.umd.edu www.cs.umd.edu
A view of internet technology from 1998. It's filled with techno-utopianism, but provides some thought and admonishment against watching out for design which may have future deleterious consequences.
It's a bit amazing how many problems he highlights as relatively easily solvable are still unsolved and largely untouched: search/search engines, academic publishing workflows, democracy, and general digital humanism.
Democratic processes take time. The goal of a legislation-writing genex is not necessarily to speed the process or increase the number of bills, but to engage a wider circle of stakeholders, support thoughtful deliberation, and improve the quality of the resulting legislation.
What are the problems here in such a democratic process online or even in a modern context?
People who aren't actually stakeholders feel that they're stakeholders and want to control other's actions even when they don't have a stake. (eg: abortion)
People don't have time to become properly informed about the ever-increasing group of topics and there is too much disinformation and creation of fear, uncertainty and doubt.
Thoughtful deliberation does not happen.
The quality of legislation has dropped instead of increased.
Bikeshedding is too easy.
What if instead of electing people who run, we elected people from the electorate at random? This would potentially at least nudge us to have some representation by "one of the least of these". This would provide us to pay more attention to a broader swath of society instead of the richest and most powerful. What might the long term effects of this be?
Since any powerful tool, such as a genex, can be used for destructive purposes, the cautions are discussed in Section 5.
Given the propensity for technologists in the late 90s and early 00s to have rose colored glasses with respect to their technologies, it's nice to see at least some nod to potential misuses and bad actors within the design of future tools.
Local file Local file
Felzmann et al. (2019) - Transparency you can trust - https://is.gd/JxPhr1 - urn:x-pdf:9704a09b68a6cc71366d0c5d6d90e256
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Kourtesis, Panagiotis, Graham Wilson, and Mario Parra Rodrigues. ‘Factors Influencing Acceptance of Technology across Age: Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic’. PsyArXiv, 4 February 2022. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/tsrk4.
www.pharmaceutical-technology.com www.pharmaceutical-technology.com
Pharmaceutical Technology. ‘Infectious Diseases Trends: Covid-19 Most Mentioned on Twitter Feb. 2022’, 4 March 2022. https://www.pharmaceutical-technology.com/comment/infectious-diseases-trends-covid-most-mentioned-twitter-february/.
docdrop.org docdrop.org
the war in Ukraine now, it’s not a natural disaster. It’s a man-made disaster, and a single man. It's not the Russian people who want this war. There's really just a single person who, by his decisions, created this tragedy.
Technology is an amplifier and as Ronald Wright observed so presciently, our rapid cultural evolution has created advanced cognition in humans, and is like allowing modern software to run on 50,000 year old hardware. Amidst the exponential rate of technological development, biological evolution cannot keep up. So our propensity for violence, with more and more powerful technological weapons at our disposal has resulted in one man, Putin, having the capability to destroy an entire civilization with the press of one finger.
Unless we can understand this, we will not resolve the predicament civilization finds itself in.
- Feb 2022
Local file Local file
Starosielski (2021) - The Politics of Cable Supply from the British Empire to Huawei Marine - https://is.gd/8LgG2R - urn:x-pdf:dce28e61ffb8c3b2ecc2b99241b1d22a
www.joinexpeditions.com www.joinexpeditions.com
Democracy in the age of social media. (n.d.). EXPeditions - Meet the World’s Best Minds. Retrieved February 5, 2022, from https://www.joinexpeditions.com/exps/43
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Devlin, H., & correspondent, H. D. S. (2022, February 3). Novavax Covid vaccine approved for use in over-18s in UK. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/society/2022/feb/03/novavax-covid-vaccine-approved-for-use-in-over-18s-in-uk
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Akanbi, U. (2022). Impact of Covid-19 on cyber Security. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/ktr4y
- Jan 2022
What is End User Computing (EUC)? Thanks to the progressive introduction of DevOps, attention to the role of the end user in software development and testing has increased significantly. It is now important to think like an end user when we develop and test software. After all, that's what we're all doing it for.
What is End User Computing (EUC)? Thanks to the progressive introduction of DevOps, attention to the role of the end user in software development and testing has increased significantly. It is now important to think like an end user when we develop and test software. After all, that's what we're all doing it for.
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
Current approaches to improving digital well-being also promote tech solutionism, or the presumption that technology can fix social, cultural, and structural problems.
Tech solutionism is the presumption that technology (usually by itself) can fix a variety of social, cultural, and structural problems.
It fits into a category of problem that when one's tool is a hammer then every problem looks like a nail.
Many tech solutionism problems are likely ill-defined to begin with. Many are also incredibly complex and difficult which also tends to encourage bikeshedding, which is unlikely to lead us to appropriate solutions.
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
Bartlett, T. (2021, August 12). The Vaccine Scientist Spreading Vaccine Misinformation. The Atlantic. https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2021/08/robert-malone-vaccine-inventor-vaccine-skeptic/619734/
royalsociety.org royalsociety.org
The online information environment | Royal Society. (n.d.). Retrieved January 21, 2022, from https://royalsociety.org/topics-policy/projects/online-information-environment/
- malinformation
- behavioral science
- vaccine
- online platform
- public trust
- misinformation
- interaction
- provenance enhancing technology
- is:webpage
- information
- deepfake
- science
- misleading
- search engine
- climate change
- policymaker
- academic
- censorship
- bots
- information environment
- social media
- scientific information
- decision making
- technology
- lang:en
- shallowfake
www.cathydavidson.com www.cathydavidson.com
Now You See It “Starts where Malcolm Gladwell leaves off, showing how digital information will change our brains. We need this book.”
theconversation.com theconversation.com
US, G. S., Barbara K. Hofer,The Conversation. (n.d.). Don’t Look Up Illustrates 5 Myths That Fuel Rejection of Science. Scientific American. Retrieved January 14, 2022, from https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/dont-look-up-illustrates-5-myths-that-fuel-rejection-of-science/
theconversation.com theconversation.com
Stanford, J. (n.d.). Healthy humans drive the economy: We’re now witnessing one of the worst public policy failures in Australia’s history. The Conversation. Retrieved January 12, 2022, from http://theconversation.com/healthy-humans-drive-the-economy-were-now-witnessing-one-of-the-worst-public-policy-failures-in-australias-history-174606
- government
- Australia
- policy
- manufacturing
- workforce
- staff shortage
- technology
- agriculture
- health care
- is:webpage
- child care
- labour
- logistics
- emergency services
- restrictions
- supply chain
- isolation
- essential services
- Omicron
- lang:en
- lockdown
- production
- COVID-19
- data
- economy
- transportation
- Dec 2021
www.xml.com www.xml.com
Of the many brilliant individual XML leaders from the early days, almost all have moved focus to entirely different technologies. Almost all the companies who sponsored the efforts of these leaders have moved on to different strategic initiatives, seeking competitive advantage elsewhere now that XML has lost its fairy sheen.
www.newyorker.com www.newyorker.com
<small><cite class='h-cite via'>ᔥ <span class='p-author h-card'>Aaron Davis </span> in 📑 Can “Distraction-Free” Devices Change the Way We Write? | Read Write Collect (<time class='dt-published'>12/27/2021 14:09:33</time>)</cite></small>
www.westga.edu www.westga.edu
the relationship between future online education and technology development
What is P2P (peer-to-peer) and what can you do with it? https://www.itpedia.nl/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/fingerworld.jpg.webp In a sense, Peer to Peer (P2P) networks are the social networks of the Internet. Every peer is equal to the others, and every peer has the same rights and duties as the others. Peers are clients and servers at the same time.
Local file Local file
Mumford (1964) - Authoritarian and Democratic Technics
- https://is.gd/LfOwBU
- urn:x-pdf:e96148abca1fcacf41856b98fe30de13
www.wtf.tw www.wtf.tw
Edgerton (2008) - The shock of the old
- https://is.gd/cfQ0Yt
- urn:x-pdf:ba1c8b150da6a972816a7ef5b0945482
Lack of perceived benefit or need.
Had a patron get mad with me because I told them I discover new music through YouTube and other social media. He was one that asked me about it, in the first the place.
Negative feelings about social media.
Not true when people such as Lynn “Lynja” Davis from Cooking with Lynja, is one the most popular cooks on TikTok when is 77 and retired. She literally has more followers than everyone I know personally combined.
Side note Dan Povenmire is the creator of Phineas and Ferb maybe only 58, but he is literally one the best thing on TikTok other than Lynja of course
Had a patron get mad with me because I told them I discover new music through YouTube and other social media. He was one that asked me about it, in the first the place.
Local file Local file
Lem (2013|1964) - Summa Technologiae
- urn:x-pdf:5031d3c213785432ebeb874d29816262
- https://is.gd/2P81cg
Tang, J.-L., & Abbasi, K. (2021). What can the world learn from China’s response to covid-19? BMJ, 375, n2806. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.n2806
the box of paper slips reaches the East Coast of the United States through librarians who study in Europe and then apply the practice to the cataloging of their growing collections in the course of the nineteenth century.
In the 19th century, the box of paper slips (zettelkasten) as a technology reaches the east coast of the United states by way of librarians who study in Europe and then apply the practice of cataloguing their own collections.
- Nov 2021
er.educause.edu er.educause.edu
In all cases, institutions need to have a security and privacy strategy. Endpoint protection platforms, two-factor authentication, and cloud monitoring tools are some of the technologies that IT staff use to protect institutional data and individuals' identities.
How to ingrain this into an organization without being dictatorial? I imagine: public pronouncements from high levels about the importance of cloud service governance, lots of education for decision-makers and implementers, clearinghouses of common information, open/blameless reports of problems.
librarianshipwreck.wordpress.com librarianshipwreck.wordpress.com
assess the impact of the use of modern technologies on the quality of the education process
www.diva-portal.org www.diva-portal.org[Title]1
Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
drive.google.com drive.google.com
Guarantee access to internet and availability of computers, laptops, or tablets:access to the internet at a decent speed and to proper ICT tools are basicprerequisites for any online teaching and learning strategy.
ICT Information and Communication Technology
osf.io osf.io
Chen, W., & Zou, Y. (2021). Why Zoom Is Not Doomed Yet: Privacy and Security Crisis Response in the COVID-19 Pandemic. SocArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/mf935
www.nextnature.net www.nextnature.net
This is the zombie stance of the technological idiot.
- Oct 2021
bilge.world bilge.world
Over the course of this super link-laden journey, we’d consider the alarmingly hypocritical possibility that it’s been overlooked by mainstream conversations only because it has so long operated in the precise manner we claim is so hopelessly absent from its neighbors in its deliberate, principled, and innovative journey towards a transparent, progressive vision.
In retrospect, the dynamic I'm addressing here is bascially My Whole Shit. That is - one of (if not the) primary forces that have compelled The Psalms.
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Why people believe Covid conspiracy theories: Could folklore hold the answer? | Coronavirus | The Guardian. (n.d.). Retrieved October 26, 2021, from https://www.theguardian.com/world/ng-interactive/2021/oct/26/why-people-believe-covid-conspiracy-theories-could-folklore-hold-the-answer
www.matthewball.vc www.matthewball.vc
And even at ultra-low latency, it makes little sense to stream (versus locally process) AR data given the speed at which a camera moves and new input data is received (i.e. literally the speed of light and from only a few feet away). Given the intensive computational requirements of AR, it’s therefore likely our core personal/mobile devices will be able to do a ‘good enough’ job at most real-time rendering.
Data streaming rates, computing power, video displays, etc, all the technologies will progress at different rates, and this differential will play a role in determining the best solution for advancing
slate.com slate.com
A very prescient article by Annie Murphy Paul from 2011. It doesn't review Davidson's book, so much as to take to task some of the underlying optimistic views of the magic of technology. If only we were able to better adapt and evolve to create the sort of changes in humanity to take advantage of the potential benefits that were assumed. Instead, much of the tech sector adapted instead to hijack our slowly evolving attention to benefit themselves.
I wish we as a culture had had more of this sober sort of outlook about technology at the time.
I'm now even more intrigued by Paul's new book: The Extended Mind: The Power of Thinking Outside the Brain, which is already in my reading queue.
<small><cite class='h-cite via'>ᔥ <span class='p-author h-card'>Annie Murphy Paul </span> in "@ChrisAldrich @amandalicastro @CathyNDavidson Chris, you may be interested in this review of "Now You See It" that I wrote . . . https://t.co/TnnbQ3NHWf" / Twitter (<time class='dt-published'>10/17/2021 10:25:52</time>)</cite></small>
singularityhub.com singularityhub.com
Science fiction writers and futurists, on the other hand, are free from restraints when it comes to imagining the future, and can also offer an outsider’s view.
www.cleveroad.com www.cleveroad.com
What Is the Role of a CTO in a Startup: Skills, Responsibilities, and More
Read this article to learn what does a CTO do.
www.mobindustry.net www.mobindustry.net
IT Technology Trends Driving Logistics in 2021
www.theverge.com www.theverge.com
Time Well Spent
Tristan Harris’ first big idea for the tech industry, the Time Well Spent movement, was an outsized success.
He gave a TED talk about how tech companies could protect us from distractions, and formed the Center for Humane Technology with some friends to lobby them to do better.
- Sep 2021
twitter.com twitter.com
Anti UX UX Club mentioned Tortoise.
www.tortoisemedia.com www.tortoisemedia.com
Tortoise is a response to two problems The daily noise: we are overwhelmed by information. The problem isn’t just fake news or junk news, because there’s a lot that’s good – it’s just that there’s so much of it, and so much of it is the same. In a hurry, partial and confusing. Too many newsrooms chasing the news, but missing the story.The power gap: the divide between the powerful and the powerless is widening. We feel locked out. Alarmed by the lack of vision, hungry for leadership in business, technology and society. We believe in responsibility; we care about dignity.
Slow journalism: a refreshing change in the approach to the news.
I first learned about Tortoise from the Anti UX UX Club on Twitter.
www.niemanlab.org www.niemanlab.org
No one is going to be able to imagine a text online without annotations anymore.” They also foresaw a day when the site’s algorithmic evaluation of your Genius annotations — their “Genius IQ” — would be so widely accepted that it “could impact your grades in primary school and your ability to get a job in a certain field.” (“We’re going to have annotations on other sites, so every other site in the world like the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times are going be Genius-powered and they’re going to have our annotations on them. And then the Genius platform will take over the internet; everyone’s most important statistic that they have in life is their Genius IQ.”)
Great example of the overly optimistic rose colored glasses of the venture fund backed tech elite. How do they still get away with such blatant failures? Who hold them socially and financially accountable?
senseplay.me senseplay.me
Senseplay is an all-in-one ecosystem of biosensing hardware and software SDK to build anything from brain-computer interfaces, neurogames, biofeedback controlled installations and educational applications.
Mark Wagnon shared a product that is exploring the integration of humans with machines.
www.nicholascarr.com www.nicholascarr.com
Nicholas Carr explores cognitive science and media theory to understand how technology is change our brains through neuroplasticity.
Ezra Klein was in conversation with Richard Powers regarding his recent book, Bewilderment, exploring the way technology changes us by changing our environment. The medium is the message.
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
I think Marshall McLuhan knew it all. I really do. Not exactly what it would look like, but his view and Postman’s view that we are creating a digital global nervous system is a way they put it, it was exactly right. A nervous system, it was such the exact right metaphor. And he didn’t — it’s not that they saw it exactly, but I really love those mid-century media critics because they saw something happening clearer than we see it now. And it is a nervous system. I’m a huge Marshall McLuhan stan.
We are creating physical infrastructure to scale, enhance, and amplify human capabilities to extend our reach beyond the constraints of time and space.
pluralistic.net pluralistic.net
We don't need the threat of repo men to keep you paying your car note – miss a Tesla payment and your car will phone home and lock its doors. When the tow arrives, it will flash its lights, honk its horn and back out of its parking space for repossession.
The technology in advanced cars like the Tesla can be used for repossessing them. Is this an intended or unintended consequence?
www.brookings.edu www.brookings.edu
I feel like that is a very broad generalization but I would agree that most people have read something about technology. I'm also not sure if I agree that learning devices enhance learning outcomes for kids. I know there have been studies done that say if you use pencil and paper to write your notes, you are more likely to remember information.
www.who.int www.who.int
Managing the COVID-19 infodemic: Promoting healthy behaviours and mitigating the harm from misinformation and disinformation. (n.d.). Retrieved September 29, 2021, from https://www.who.int/news/item/23-09-2020-managing-the-covid-19-infodemic-promoting-healthy-behaviours-and-mitigating-the-harm-from-misinformation-and-disinformation
- pandemic
- misinformation
- is:news
- technology
- infodemic
- health behavior
- social media
- COVID-19
- lang:en
- disinformation
sakai.duke.edu sakai.duke.edu
ing world. What needs to be said is not that one way of life is better than the other, but that this is a place of the most far-reaching conflict; that the historical record is not a simple one of neutral and inevitable 124
technological change, but is also one of exploitation and of resistance to exploitation; and that values stand to be lost as well as gained.
api.hypothes.is api.hypothes.is
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medium.com medium.com
Thus the idea that ancient Greeks could develop a James Watt style steam engine without advanced guns, wind mills, machining tools, improved mass production systems for iron production etc is rather unthinkable. It is a bit like thinking a society could make a space rocket before having created trains, cars and calculators.
This idea of past flory is spread among present-day Greeks.
longviewoneducation.org longviewoneducation.org
However, there’s no technological imperative that makes blogging more important than discussing books and our experiences in person with friends and colleagues.
I'd like to unpack that idea of "technological imperative".
www.nature.com www.nature.com
Zuckerman, E. (2021). Demand five precepts to aid social-media watchdogs. Nature, 597(7874), 9–9. https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-021-02341-9
- Aug 2021
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
www.politico.com www.politico.com
Inside America’s Covid-reporting breakdown—POLITICO. (n.d.). Retrieved August 23, 2021, from https://www.politico.com/news/2021/08/15/inside-americas-covid-data-gap-502565
zero.sci-hub.se zero.sci-hub.se
While it is clear that technologies of communication change societiesand permit different forms of human organization, it is not clear that theychange the basic human thought processes embedded in language. The humanbrain does adapt differently to different technologies (recall the differences inbrain wiring between readers of ideograms and of phonetic alphabets), butthe evidence to date indicates the human brain adapts in order to translateinformation into language, so as to exchange information and permit concertedaction with others with whom we communicate. This concerted action is nolonger, as at the dawn of language, action undertaken by people in close contactbut rather is activity undertaken because of reliance upon expectations storedin individual and social memory.
www.reuters.com www.reuters.com
Apple delays office return to January as Delta variant spreads—Bloomberg | Reuters. (n.d.). Retrieved August 21, 2021, from https://www.reuters.com/technology/apple-delays-office-return-least-january-bloomberg-news-2021-08-20
www.humanetech.com www.humanetech.com
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Nweke (Ph.D.), F. E. (2021). AN EVALUATION OF NIGERIAN CHORISTERS’ LEVERAGE ON TECHNOLOGY IN THE FACE OF COVID-19 PANDEMIC. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/67zuk
wiki.c2.com wiki.c2.com
This is one of the points made in TheMythOfThePaperlessOffice -- that workplaces often shift from more efficient paper-based technologies to less efficient electronic technologies (electronic technologies can be either more or less efficient, of course) because computers symbolize The Future, Progress, and a New Way Of Doing Things. An office on the move, that's what an office that uses cutting-edge technology is. Not an office that is stuck in the past. And the employees are left to cope with the less productive, but shinier, New Way. -- ApoorvaMuralidhara
New technologies don't always have the user interface to make them better than old methods.
www.beckershospitalreview.com www.beckershospitalreview.com
Provide more opportunities for new talent. Because healthcare has been relatively solid and stagnant in what it does, we're losing out on some of the new talent that comes out — who are developing artificial intelligence, who are working at high-tech firms — and those firms can pay significantly higher than hospitals for those talents. We have to find a way to provide some opportunities for that and apply those technologies to make improvements in healthcare.
Intestesing. Mr. Roach thinks healthcare is not doing enough to attract new types of talent (AI and emerging tech) into healthcare. We seem to be losing this talent to the technology sector.
I would agree with this point. Why work for healthcare with all of its massive demands and HIPPA and lack of people knowing what you are even building. Instead, you can go into tech, have a better quality of life, get paid so much more, and have the possibility of exiting due to a buyout from the healthcare industry.
www.washingtonpost.com www.washingtonpost.com
The Daily 202: Nearly 30 groups urge Facebook, Instagram, Twitter to take down vaccine disinformation—The Washington Post. (n.d.). Retrieved August 2, 2021, from https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/07/19/daily-202-nearly-30-groups-urge-facebook-instagram-twitter-take-down-vaccine-disinformation/?utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=wp_main&utm_medium=social
- Jul 2021
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
In April 2000, Clinton hosted a celebration called the White House Conference on the New Economy. Earnest purpose mingled with self-congratulation; virtue and success high-fived—the distinctive atmosphere of Smart America. At one point Clinton informed the participants that Congress was about to pass a bill to establish permanent trade relations with China, which would make both countries more prosperous and China more free. “I believe the computer and the internet give us a chance to move more people out of poverty more quickly than at any time in all of human history,” he exulted.
This is a solid example of the sort of rose colored glasses too many had for technology in the early 2000s.
Was this instance just before the tech bubble collapsed too?
What was the state of surveillance capitalism at this point?
ayjay.org ayjay.org
e book does not wholly succeed, but Jonas’s central idea ispowerful and has not been given the attention it deserves. !at ideaarises from one governing insight: Under technocratic modernity,“the altered nature of human action, with the magnitude andnovelty of its works and their impact on man’s global future, raisesmoral issues for which past ethics, geared to the dealings of manwith his fellow-men within narrow horizons of space and time, has
left us unprepared.” Although Heidegger found it necessary, in his attempt to rethink metaphysics, to go back to the insights of the pre-Socratic philosophers, Jonas does not believe that any earlier thinkers hold the key to the ethical challenge posed by technocratic modernity, because no previous society possessed powers that could extend its reach so far in both space and time. A wholly new ethics is required, and is required simply because of the scope of our technologies.
Hans Jonas, a student of Martin Heidegger, argues in The Imperative of Responsibility, that modern technology requires a new ethical framework because no previous societies possessed the technical powers to extend their reach so far in time and space as ours currently do.
edwardsnowden.substack.com edwardsnowden.substack.com
The intimate linking of users' online personas with their offline legal identity was an iniquitous squandering of liberty and technology that has resulted in today's atmosphere of accountability for the citizen and impunity for the state. Gone were the days of self-reinvention, imagination, and flexibility, and a new era emerged — a new eternal era — where our pasts were held against us. Forever.
Even Heraclitus knew that one couldn't stand in the same river twice.
www.gutenberg.org www.gutenberg.org
The men were scared every time we turned our electric lamp on them, and fell on their knees and prayed.
I feel so grateful to the man who invented the “Traveller’s” typewriter, and to Mr. Morris for getting this one for me. I should have felt quite astray doing the work if I had to write with a pen...
Dr. Seward feels the same about writing his diaries versus narrating into his phonograph
I had only got his telegram early in the morning
Failure of technology. They couldn't rely on it.
Example of a phonograph from 1897.
"Edison phonograph cylinder duplicator, c 1897 (phonographs; cylinder duplicators)" by Thomas Alva Edison is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
Example of a typewriter of 1897.
"Underwood Typewriter, 1897 (typewriters)" by Wagner, Franz Xavier is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
But do you know that, although I have kept the diary for months past, it never once struck me how I was going to find any particular part of it in case I wanted to look it up?
Flaws of technology
Why, this beats even shorthand!
Excited by innovation and progress
there are things done to-day in electrical science which would have been deemed unholy by the very men who discovered electricity
Science and technology have advanced in such a way they can be confused with magic.
you could catch the quick 3:34 train, which will leave you at Paddington before eight.” He was surprised at my knowledge of the trains off-hand, but he does not know that I have made up all the trains to and from Exeter, so that I may help Jonathan in case he is in a hurry.
Importance of the trains in England and their accuracy.
I shall get my typewriter this very hour and begin transcribing
The objects, which he describes as cylinders, are clay tubes about the size and shape of a little finger—like elongated beads. Because of their shape, and because they were found near pottery vessels inside the tomb, he suspects they might have served as tags that could be strung on the vessels to identify something about them, whether their contents, their owner, or their origin or destination. If that is the case, he speculates that the writing could denote names, or descriptions of property.
These archaeological objects could theoretically have been one of the first written tags in human history.
www.heise.de www.heise.de
Dabei stellt die Verzettelungstechnik die vermutlich mächtigste Verwaltungstechnologie des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts dar, die das Bürowesen ebenso revolutioniert hat wie die Bibliotheksverwaltung und als Mindmapping- und Kreativitätswerkzeug an der Wiege einiger der bedeutendsten literarischen und wissenschaftlichen Werke stand.
The [note box or card catalog] framing technology is probably the most powerful administrative technology of the 19th and 20th centuries, which revolutionized the office system as well as library management and, as a mind mapping and creativity tool, was the cradle of some of the most important literary and scientific works.
The card catalog/index card are one of the most important information technologies of the 19th century.
ayjay.org ayjay.org
A technology whose affordances run contrary to your convictions can rob you of your independence — and any technology deployed on the scale of Canvas will inevitably do that.
One could insert many things here for Canvas.
it’s never true to say that technologies are neutral and what matters is how you use them: every technology without exception has affordances, certain actions that it makes easy, and other actions that it makes difficult or impossible.
www.thenewatlantis.com www.thenewatlantis.com
What a great about page. Reminds me in part of some of the underlying ethos of the IndieWeb.
blog.ayjay.org blog.ayjay.org
Blogging, I want to argue, is a seasoned technology that is ripe for lateral thinking.
I think it was also Robin Sloan who recently directed my attention to this Wikipedia page on the late Nintendo designer Gunpei Yokoi, who promoted what he called “Lateral Thinking with Seasoned Technology”: finding new and unexpected uses for technologies that have been around for a while and therefore (a) have clear patterns of use that you can rely on even when deviating from them, and (b) have decreased in price.
Something interesting about this that I may want to revisit.
- Jun 2021
metascience2021.org metascience2021.org
Metascience 2021. (n.d.). Retrieved June 27, 2021, from https://metascience2021.org/
arxiv.org arxiv.org
Persoon, P. G. J. (2021). Cumulative structure and path length in networks of knowledge. ArXiv:2106.10480 [Physics]. http://arxiv.org/abs/2106.10480
www.psychologicalscience.org www.psychologicalscience.org
Panel Discussions. (n.d.). Association for Psychological Science - APS. Retrieved 14 June 2021, from https://www.psychologicalscience.org/conventions/2021-virtual/panel-discussions
osf.io osf.io
Deviri, D. (2021). From the ivory tower to the public square: Strategies to restore public trust in science. MetaArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31222/osf.io/w3frb
www.amnesty.org www.amnesty.org
G7 support for pharma monopolies is putting millions of lives at risk | Amnesty International. (n.d.). Retrieved June 12, 2021, from https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2021/06/g7-support-for-pharma-monopolies-putting-millions-of-lives-at-risk/
- vaccine inequity
- intellectual property
- pharmaceutical corporation
- vaccine
- supply
- inequity
- patent waiving
- resources
- public health
- funding
- is:webpage
- People's Vaccine Alliance
- UK
- G7 Leaders' Summit
- vaccine production
- health inequality
- vaccine technology
- campaign
- COVID-19
- lang:en
- finance
- government
- G7
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
Maybe I’m just a worrywart. Just as there’s a tendency to glorify technological progress, there’s a countertendency to expect the worst of every new tool or machine.
Here Carr touches on the overly rose colored glasses technologists had in the early aughts. This began turning sometime around 2012 when a small handful of corporate giants began consuming everything in sight.
The mechanical clock, which came into common use in the 14th century, provides a compelling example. In Technics and Civilization, the historian and cultural critic Lewis Mumford described how the clock “disassociated time from human events and helped create the belief in an independent world of mathematically measurable sequences.” The “abstract framework of divided time” became “the point of reference for both action and thought.”
Description of how a technology the clock changed the human landscape.
Similar to the way humans might practice terraforming on their natural environment, what should we call the effect our natural environment has on us?
What should we call the effect our technological environment has on us? technoforming?
Evolution certainly indicates that there's likely both short and long-term effects.
Who else has done research into this? Do we have evidence of massive changes with the advent of writing, reading, printing, telegraph, television, social media, or other technologies available?
Any relation to the nature vs nurture debate?
blogs.lse.ac.uk blogs.lse.ac.uk
we propose that the value of a well-run journal does not lie simply in providing publication technologies, but in the user community itself. Journals should be seen as a technology of social production and not as a communication technology.
Such a powerful shift.
- May 2021
www.wired.com www.wired.com
It's important to know when gamification will work and be beneficial and to know when it may be harmful.
www.bsg.ox.ac.uk www.bsg.ox.ac.uk
<small><cite class='h-cite via'>ᔥ <span class='p-author h-card'>Maria Farrell</span> in What is Ours is Only Ours to Give — Crooked Timber (<time class='dt-published'>05/18/2021 11:28:17</time>)</cite></small>
www.global-solutions-initiative.org www.global-solutions-initiative.org
<small><cite class='h-cite via'>ᔥ <span class='p-author h-card'>Maria Farrell</span> in What is Ours is Only Ours to Give — Crooked Timber (<time class='dt-published'>05/18/2021 11:28:17</time>)</cite></small>
crookedtimber.org crookedtimber.org
I am now definitely Team Maria!
gutenberg.net.au gutenberg.net.au
There were telescreens all round the pediment.
he new aristocracy was made up for the most part of bureaucrats, scientists, technicians, trade-union organizers, publicity experts, sociologists, teachers, journalists, and professional politicians. These people, whose origins lay in the salaried middle class and the upper grades of the working class, had been shaped and brought together by the barren world of monopoly industry and centralized government. As compared with their opposite numbers in past ages, they were less avaricious, less tempted by luxury, hungrier for pure power, and, above all, more conscious of what they were doing and more intent on crushing opposition. This last difference was cardinal. By comparison with that existing today, all the tyrannies of the past were half-hearted and inefficient. The ruling groups were always infected to some extent by liberal ideas, and were content to leave loose ends everywhere, to regard only the overt act and to be uninterested in what their subjects were thinking. Even the Catholic Church of the Middle Ages was tolerant by modern standards. Part of the reason for this was that in the past no government had the power to keep its citizens under constant surveillance. The invention of print, however, made it easier to manipulate public opinion, and the film and the radio carried the process further. With the development of television, and the technical advance which made it possible to receive and transmit simultaneously on the same instrument, private life came to an end. Every citizen, or at least every citizen important enough to be worth watching, could be kept for twenty-four hours a day under the eyes of the police and in the sound of official propaganda, with all other channels of communication closed. The possibility of enforcing not only complete obedience to the will of the State, but complete uniformity of opinion on all subjects, now existed for the first time.
new society, new aristocracy, total power, television, technology
With the development of machine production, however, the case was altered. Even if it was still necessary for human beings to do different kinds of work, it was no longer necessary for them to live at different social or economic levels. Therefore, from the point of view of the new groups who were on the point of seizing power, human equality was no longer an ideal to be striven after, but a danger to be averted.
He thought of the telescreen with its never-sleeping ear. They could spy upon you night and day, but if you kept your head you could still outwit them.
The words of these songs were composed without any human intervention whatever on an instrument known as a versificator.
It was like trying to make a move at chess when you were already mated. Whichever way you turned, the telescreen faced you.
There were no telescreens, of course, but there was always the danger of concealed microphones by which your voice might be picked up and recognized;
librarianshipwreck.wordpress.com librarianshipwreck.wordpress.com
A strong and cogent argument for why we should not be listening to the overly loud cries from Tristan Harris and the Center for Human Technology. The boundary of criticism they're setting is not extreme enough to make the situation significantly better.
It's also a strong argument for who to allow at the table or not when making decisions and evaluating criticism.
But “humane technology” is precisely the sort of pleasant sounding but ultimately meaningless idea that we must be watchful for at all times. To be clear, Harris is hardly the first critic to argue for some alternative type of technology, past critics have argued for: “democratic technics,” “appropriate technology,” “convivial tools,” “liberatory technology,” “holistic technology,” and the list could go on.
A reasonable summary list of alternatives. Note how dreadful and unmemorable most of these names are. Most noticeable in this list is that I don't think that anyone actually built any actual tools that accomplish any of these theoretical things.
It also makes more noticeable that the Center for Humane Technology seems to be theoretically arguing against something instead of "for" something.
Big tech can patiently sit through some zingers about their business model, as long as the person delivering those one-liners comes around to repeating big tech’s latest Sinophobic talking point while repeating the “they meant well” myth.
Yet in Harris’s Sinophobic comments about “the rise of China” one can detect the thinking of two fairly forgotten writers on technology: Oswald Spengler and Ernst Jünger. Writing in interwar Germany, these reactionary modernist thinkers, wrote at length about the ways that technology was changing the world. And what Spengler and Jünger both argued was that technology could only be properly harnessed, could only be effectively controlled, if it was done so by “Western” societies. With open xenophobia dripping from their words, Spengler and Jünger warned that “Western” societies needed to master technology lest it should be deployed against them by foreign others.
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Covid vaccines: What is patent waiving and will it solve the global shortage? | Coronavirus | The Guardian. (n.d.). Retrieved May 7, 2021, from https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/may/06/covid-vaccines-what-is-patent-waiving-and-will-it-solve-the-global-shortage
twitter.com twitter.com
Full Fact on Twitter. (n.d.). Twitter. Retrieved 5 March 2021, from https://twitter.com/FullFact/status/1330922811448315911
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Marques, M. D., Kerr, J., Williams, M., Ling, M., & McLennan, J. (2021). Associations Between Conspiracism and the Rejection of Scientific Innovations. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/y9mnb
- Apr 2021
libraryfutures.net libraryfutures.net
<small><cite class='h-cite via'>ᔥ <span class='p-author h-card'>Internet Archive</span> in (6) Why Trust A Corporation to Do a Library’s Job? - YouTube (<time class='dt-published'>04/28/2021 11:46:41</time>)</cite></small>
www.matthewball.vc www.matthewball.vc
Until 1991, Billboard charts weren’t based on actual unit sales or radio play. Instead, it was assembled using (white) retail clerk estimates of what was selling best and what (white) DJs considered to be “hottest” each week. According to The Atlantic, both groups had reasons to lie. For example, labels would pressure radio stations to favour “hand-picked hits” if they wanted to keep receiving the newest single on time (stations sometimes received bribes to play specific tracks, too). Meanwhile, labels would force inventory on their retailers, who would then overreport sales to convince music fans to buy excess inventory.Naturally, those who ran the music industry saw little need to overhaul how it worked. And thus while the book and film industries had shifted to computerized sales databases in the 1980s, not one of the top six record distributors signed onto SoundScan before its release in June 1991. But this resistance didn’t stop N.W.A.’s N***az4life from debuting #2 on the Billboard Top 100 the very next month under SoundScan. This was the highest charting performance in rap history – and happened without any radio airplay, music video airings on MTV, or a concert tour. The failings of the old honour system were further demonstrated by the fact that N.W.A. debuted at only #21 on Billboard’s R&B chart, which wasn’t yet on SoundScan. Somehow it was possible that N***az4life was the second biggest album in the country by units purchased, but 21st in its own genre when it came to what was “selling” and “hottest.” One week after it’s release, the album hit #1 on the Billboard chart (displacing R.E.M) as hundreds of thousands flocked to the record store in search of the “surprise” hit.In the following years, the R&B/hip hop genre achieved three other industry “firsts." It saw the fastest rise from a non-top ten genre to Billboard’s most popular one, has been the most dominant #1 by share, and holds the longest run as #1 (note the chart below ends in 2010, but this reign persists through to date).
Was it Nirvana that changed 1991 or SoundScan?
- Mar 2021
www.efsyn.gr www.efsyn.gr
Βλέποντας τις μεγάλες ιδιωτικές πλατφόρμες (φατσοβιβλία κ.λπ.) στις μέρες μας, αντιλαμβανόμαστε ότι δεν διαμορφώθηκε απολύτως καμία αθηναϊκή αγορά (το ιδανικό), αλλά ενισχύθηκε απεριόριστα το «Ολα για την κυκλοφορία» (η πραγματικότητα).
Σε αυτή τη συγκεκριμένη κρίσιμη φάση, μια χαλαρή ένωση συγγραφέων, χάκερ, καλλιτεχνών και επιχειρηματιών από τη Δυτική Ακτή των ΗΠΑ πέτυχαν να διαμορφώσουν μια ετερογενή ορθοδοξία για την εποχή της πληροφόρησης - την ιδεολογία (;) της Καλιφόρνιας. Αυτή η νέα πίστη (;) αποτελεί μια σύντηξη των κουλτουριάρικων μποέμ του Σαν Φρανσίσκο και των βιομηχανιών υψηλής τεχνολογίας της Σίλικον Βάλεϊ, συνδυάζοντας δηλαδή τα πνεύματα των χίπις και των γιάπις, και σχηματίζοντας μια υπερβολικά αισιόδοξη εικόνα του μέλλοντος.
Ενδιαφερουσα νυξη για την θρησκευτική φύση της πίστης στην τεχνολογία.
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
The internet is not the first promising technology to have quickly turned dystopian. In the early 20th century, radio was greeted with as much enthusiasm as the internet was in the early 21st. Radio will “fuse together all mankind” wrote Velimir Khlebnikov, a Russian futurist poet, in the 1920s. Radio would connect people, end war, promote peace!Almost immediately, a generation of authoritarians learned how to use radio for hate propaganda and social control. In the Soviet Union, radio speakers in apartments and on street corners blared Communist agitprop. The Nazis introduced the Volksempfänger, a cheap wireless radio, to broadcast Hitler’s speeches; in the 1930s, Germany had more radios per capita than anywhere else in the world.** In America, the new information sphere was taken over not by the state but by private media companies chasing ratings—and one of the best ways to get ratings was to promote hatred. Every week, more than 30 million would tune in to the pro-Hitler, anti-Semitic radio broadcasts of Father Charles Coughlin, the Detroit priest who eventually turned against American democracy itself.
There is definitely a history of fast enthusiasm marked by misuse and abuse for many communication technologies.
www.animikii.com www.animikii.com
Local file Local file
Kaebnick, Gusmano (2018) - Making Policies about Emerging Technologies
- https://is.gd/J7iCum
- urn:x-pdf:f2b20104791b5a95968d139260313afa
rachelcoldicutt.medium.com rachelcoldicutt.medium.com
And it’s tempting for engineers to think decentralising the Web can be achieved with technology. But really, it’s people who will make it happen. Rather than staying put in our little filter bubbles, we can burst out of them — and be radically sociable, delinquent, and make a scene.
off label uses of technology are important
I'm reminded of how Kicks Condor has appreciated my "people work" in the past.
Back in 1987, Cheris Kramarae wrote in Technology and Women’s Voices: Keeping in Touch:“Technological processes developed by men for men are nearly always interpreted by women in ways other than those intended by men.”
www.newscientist.com www.newscientist.com
Stokel-Walker, C. (n.d.). Concerns raised about pubs collecting data for coronavirus tracing. New Scientist. Retrieved June 25, 2020, from https://www.newscientist.com/article/2246965-concerns-raised-about-pubs-collecting-data-for-coronavirus-tracing/
theadhocracy.co.uk theadhocracy.co.uk
the community is both endlessly creative and genuinely interested in solving big issues in meaningful ways. Whether it's their commitment to careful (and caring) community stewardship or their particular strain of techno-ethics, I have been consistently (and pleasantly) surprised at what I've seen during the last twelve months. I don't always see eye-to-eye with their decisions and I don't think that the community is perfect, but it's consistently (and deliberately) striving to be better, and that's a fairly rare thing, online or off.
unherd.com unherd.com
UnHerd. ‘Should Big Pharma Profit from Covid?’, 17 November 2020. https://unherd.com/2020/11/should-big-pharma-profit-from-covid/.
www.opendemocracy.net www.opendemocracy.net
Reconceptualising joy as dopamine activity in the brain's reward centres, melancholy as serotonin deficiency, attention as the noradrenalin-induced modulation of stimulus-processing, and, not least, love as a consequence of the secretion of centrally acting bonding hormones, changes not only our perspective on emotional and mental states, but also our subjective experience of self. That does not mean that we experience the physiological side of feelings like love or guilt any differently, but it does make us think about them differently. This, in turn, changes the way we perceive, interpret and order them, and hence the effect they have on our behaviour.
Being aware of how we operate is probably worthwhile but not when this understanding is subverted to create more profits for owners of vast algorithmic empires, e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Google, etc.
www.ispringsolutions.com www.ispringsolutions.com
Here are some tips on how you can apply your knowledge of adult learning theory to inspire your learners.
This resource discusses six different learning theories for adult learning and how to use them in your practice. This can be used for professional development and help you find a solution on which theory you can use that will fit your learning environment. Rating: 8/10
sites.google.com sites.google.com
Social constructivist, connectivism, and transformative learning theories all have components of building communities through dialoguing, discussing, and reflecting to allow learners to develop deeper understandings and gain knowledge.
This resource discusses the emerging theories and online learning environments for adult learning. It discusses how to create online learning environments for adults, the students roles and how the instructors should be trained. Rating: 8/10
books.google.com books.google.com
Technology and Innovation in Adult Learning
This book discusses technology and innovation in adult learning. The different chapters go more in depth on how technology is a new foundation for learning, how scaffolding is an essential skill, discusses andragogy and different e-Learning models. Rating: 8/10
bera-journals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com bera-journals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com
Since online learning has a different setting from the conventional classroom, online educators need to use some special techniques and perceptions to lead to success. Moreover, adults have special needs and requirements as learners compared with children and adolescents, thus online educators should know how adults can learn best because of their special characteristics.
This resource is a research article about how constructivism can be used for adult learners in online learning environments. It also provides guidelines for using the constructivist approach in online learning for adults. Rating: 10/10
The adult learning theories of andragogy, experiential learning, self-directed learning, transformational learning, and neuroscience point to five principles for designing instructional activities for adult learners.
This resource discusses how developers can create digital learning opportunities for adult leaners. It discusses andragogy, experiential learning, self-directed learning, transformational learning, and neuroscience. Rating: 9/10
www.nap.edu www.nap.edu
Technologies with the potential to support literacy development in adults and adolescents are rapidly emerging and becoming more affordable.
The chapter in this book discusses technologies that support adult literacy. Using technology in adult education and using new approaches will have its benefits when it is better understood and can enhance instructional approaches. Rating: 7/10
newprairiepress.org newprairiepress.org
Instructors and programs in adult education and literacy classrooms face challenges with technology integration due to minimal internet and mobile phone service availability,and limited financial support for professional development.
This article discusses the challenges that instructors can face in adult education due to minimal internet and limited professional development. Rating: 5/10
lincs.ed.gov lincs.ed.gov
In this section, we provide ideas on how you can use the technology you have more effectively in the teaching and learning environment. We recognize the challenges adult education settings have with uneven technology infrastructure (to say the least); however, there are ways to be creative, and we hope to inspire you to try out some of these ideas.
This resource helps adults use technology more effectively in a learning environment. This provides strategies on how to use technology and make it enjoyable. Rating: 10/10
Utilizing different types of technology in the classroom, including a virtual classroom, creates learners who are actively engaged with learning objectives. The implementation of technology also creates pathways for differentiated instruction to meet the unique needs of students as individual learners within a broader classroom climate.
This resource will help with my coaching/professional development on how teachers can effectively use technology in their classroom. It discusses how to integrate technology, the importance, and how to use it. Rating: 6/10
eric.ed.gov eric.ed.gov
But, innovative, technologically advanced learning environments still benefit from a solid foundation in adult learning theory, instrumental theories like John B. Watson's Behaviorism, Lev Vygotsky's Social Development Theory, Jack Mezirow's Critical Reflection and John M. Dirkx's Nurturing Soul in Adult Learning. These theories should serve as the foundation for an enriched online learning experience.
This resource gives a description of foundations in adult learning theory, discusses behaviorism, social development theory, and critical reflection. Knowledge in these theories can help set a foundation for an enriched online learning experience. Rating: 7/10
eric.ed.gov eric.ed.gov
The learning needs for adults that result from the constant increase in technology are rooted in the adult learning concepts of (a) andragogy, (b) self-directed learning, (c) learning-how-to-learn, (d) real-life learning, and (e) learning strategies.
Study that describes learning strategies for adults to use and to engage in an online auction process. The findings can be great for researching learning strategies for adults.
www.bl.uk www.bl.uk
ComputingCulturalHeritage. (n.d.). The British Library; The British Library. Retrieved 6 March 2021, from https://www.bl.uk/projects/computingculturalheritage
oii.zoom.us oii.zoom.us
Welcome! You are invited to join a webinar: ‘Understanding Digital Racism After COVID-19’ with Professor Lisa Nakamura. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the webinar. (n.d.). Zoom Video. Retrieved 6 March 2021, from https://oii.zoom.us/webinar/register/2216016571338/WN_TrfmBBp-Rrm_ASHWL5e6nA
www.fastcompany.com www.fastcompany.com
Minimize the face sizes of attendees into grid view, and sit back a bit to allow yourself more personal space.
I'm curious how much people already have adapted these things. What is MORE exhausting is the amount of micro-tasking that often has to be done throughout the meeting.
Mims, C. (2020, November 21). Four Reasons the Stay-at-Home Economy Is Here to Stay. Wall Street Journal. https://www.wsj.com/articles/four-reasons-the-stay-at-home-economy-is-here-to-stay-11605934806
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Chen, S. (2020, November 13). Covid Pushes Real Estate Into the Future. The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/11/13/realestate/real-estate-coronavirus.html
- Feb 2021
www.sciencedirect.com www.sciencedirect.com
Partha, D., & David, P. A. (1994). Toward a new economics of science. Research Policy, 23(5), 487–521. https://doi.org/10.1016/0048-7333(94)01002-1
github.com github.com
Trailblazer offers you a new, more intuitive file layout in applications.
Instead of grouping by technology, classes and views are structured by concept, and then by technology. A concept can relate to a model, or can be a completely abstract concern such as invoicing.
Concepts over Technology
While Trailblazer offers you abstraction layers for all aspects of Ruby On Rails, it does not missionize you. Wherever you want, you may fall back to the "Rails Way" with fat models, monolithic controllers, global helpers, etc. This is not a bad thing, but allows you to step-wise introduce Trailblazer's encapsulation in your app without having to rewrite it.
- software development: organization of files: by component rather than by file type
- software development: organization of files
- focus on what it should do, not on how it should do it (implementation details; software design)
- making changes / switching/migrating gradually/incrementally/step-wise/iteratively
- abstractions
- leaving the details of implementation/integration up to you
- allowing developer/user to pick and choose which pieces to use (allowing use with competing libraries; not being too opinionated; not forcing recommended way on you)
- newer/better ways of doing things
- rails: the Rails way
- focus on concepts/design/structure instead of specific/concrete technology/implementation
- freedom of user to override specific decision of an authority/vendor (software)
- Trailblazer
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Anderson, Ian, and Wendy Wood. ‘Habits and the Electronic Herd: The Psychology behind Social Media’s Successes and Failures’. PsyArXiv, 23 November 2020. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/p2yb7.
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Sun, R., Rieble, C., Liu, Y., & Sauter, D. (2020). Connected Despite COVID-19: The Role of Social Interactions and Social Media for Wellbeing. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/x5k8u
www.coursera.org www.coursera.org
technology alone doesn't solve problems. People do. It doesn't create prosperity. People do.
about technology
Mills, M. (2021). Online Academic Collaboratives, Part 1: Overview and Possibilities. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/azmu9
www.cnbc.com www.cnbc.com
Tirrell, M. (2021, January 21). A year into the Covid crisis, scientists explain what we learned—And what we got wrong. CNBC. https://www.cnbc.com/2021/01/21/covid-19-what-we-learned-since-the-first-us-case-was-confirmed.html
www.researchgate.net www.researchgate.net
It may be urged that they are only fit to be placed in the hands of a being who has learned to control himself, and that man armed with science is like a baby with a box of matches.
Giving society cheap, abundant energy would be the equivalent of giving an idiot child a machine gun.
— Paul Ehrlich
jamanetwork.com jamanetwork.com
Jean-Jacques, M., & Bauchner, H. (2021). Vaccine Distribution—Equity Left Behind? JAMA. https://doi.org/10.1001/jama.2021.1205
parsejournal.com parsejournal.comPARSE1
technology can no longer be understood as a set of tools used by humans, and instead has become an ecology in which humans participate
Feenberg (2014) - The Philosophy of Praxis
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Local file Local file
Cressman (2020) - Contingency and Potential: Reconsidering a Dialectical Philosophy of Technology
- https://is.gd/62UmVg
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- Jan 2021
cardozolawreview.com cardozolawreview.com
Cardozo Law Review. „COVID-19 and Digital Contact Tracing: Regulating the Future of Public Health Surveillance“, 27. Januar 2021. https://cardozolawreview.com/covid-19-and-digital-contact-tracing-regulating-the-future-of-public-health-surveillance/.
pubs.rsc.org pubs.rsc.org
Line up, line up: using technology to align and enhance peer learning and assessment in a student centred foundation organic chemistry module
technology for class rooms, clickers, peerwise for scaffolded self-directed learning
knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu
Day. G., Shea. G., (2020). COVID-19: 3 ways businesses can find growth opportunities during the crisis. World Economic Forum. Retrieved from https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/06/innovation-rethink-wharton-covid19-coronavirus
covid-19.iza.org covid-19.iza.org
Naudé. W., (2020). Artificial Intelligence against COVID-19: An Early Review. Institute of Labor Economics. Retrieved from: https://covid-19.iza.org/publications/dp13110/
- Dec 2020
arstechnica.com arstechnica.com
- Invented by Satoshi Nakamoto
- It is a shared ledger that stores transaction details
double-spending problem
One of the two main challenges in introducing new coins into the system.
asymmetric encryption schemes
Important for the development of Bitcoins
- Nov 2020
www.sciencemag.org www.sciencemag.org
CohenNov. 16, J., 2020, & Am, 7:00. (2020, November 16). ‘Just beautiful’: Another COVID-19 vaccine, from newcomer Moderna, succeeds in large-scale trial. Science | AAAS. https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2020/11/just-beautiful-another-covid-19-vaccine-newcomer-moderna-succeeds-large-scale-trial
- health
- trial
- vaccine
- BioNTech
- distribution
- efficacy
- mRNA technology
- Pfizer
- is:webpage
- COVID-19
- lang:en
- Moderna
- optimism
eds.b.ebscohost.com eds.b.ebscohost.com
An Agile Framework for Teaching with Scrum in the IT Project Management Classroom