558 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2020
    1. You may not want to go straight to that number and cause the kernel to allocate memory to track a million user file watch slots; instead, just take the current value and double it until the problem stops occurring.
    1. obviously it's too late, but it's a good practice to keep the 3rd party dependencies mirrored in your own infrastructure :) There is NO GUARANTEE that even a huge site (like launchpad for downloading DEBs) won't go down over a period of time.
    1. Avoid transpilers like Babel and Bublé (and if you're using TypeScript, target a modern version of JavaScript)
    2. Don't create instances of things on initial evaluation — instantiate lazily, when the functions you export are called
  2. Oct 2020
  3. Sep 2020
  4. Aug 2020
  5. Jul 2020
    1. O’Connor, D. B., Aggleton, J. P., Chakrabarti, B., Cooper, C. L., Creswell, C., Dunsmuir, S., Fiske, S. T., Gathercole, S., Gough, B., Ireland, J. L., Jones, M. V., Jowett, A., Kagan, C., Karanika‐Murray, M., Kaye, L. K., Kumari, V., Lewandowsky, S., Lightman, S., Malpass, D., … Armitage, C. J. (n.d.). Research priorities for the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond: A call to action for psychological science. British Journal of Psychology, n/a(n/a), e12468. https://doi.org/10.1111/bjop.12468

    1. See https://choosealicense.com/ for tl;dr Please, please add a license. The fact none is listed makes using this software a legal quagmire. Currently it is not legal to use this code or its derivatives in any useful software. I may be mistaken but hopefully this is not the intended effect. Currently no license is mentioned anywhere, what makes this code fully copyrighted, like any other creative work. It limits usefulness of this project - and I hope that it is unintentional. For example it seems that it would solve my problem of profiling hilariously slow rspec tests (2036.33 seconds ./spec/word_processor_spec.rb:43), in current situation I would be unable to legally publish project that would use this solution. Obviously, please do not release it under any license if you are not the author (that would be even worse legal quagmire)
    1. Once a test is in quarantine, there are 3 choices: Should the test be fixed (i.e. get rid of its flakiness)? Should the test be moved to a lower level of testing? Should the test be removed entirely (e.g. because there’s already a lower-level test, or it’s duplicating another same-level test, or it’s testing too much etc.)?
    2. Quarantined tests are run on the CI in dedicated jobs that are allowed to fail
  6. Jun 2020
    1. Saltelli, A., Bammer, G., Bruno, I., Charters, E., Di Fiore, M., Didier, E., Nelson Espeland, W., Kay, J., Lo Piano, S., Mayo, D., Pielke Jr, R., Portaluri, T., Porter, T. M., Puy, A., Rafols, I., Ravetz, J. R., Reinert, E., Sarewitz, D., Stark, P. B., … Vineis, P. (2020). Five ways to ensure that models serve society: A manifesto. Nature, 582(7813), 482–484. https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-020-01812-9

    1. Services to UK Expats in Australia

      If you're british expats in Australia and need good, reliable and credible cross border financial planning & UK expats tax advice, Alexander Beard Group can help you!

  7. May 2020
    1. Disclaimer: Termly LLC is not a lawyer or a law firm and does not engage in the practice of law or provide legal advice or legal representation. All information, software, services, and comments provided on the site are for informational and self-help purposes only and are not intended to be a substitute for professional legal advice.
  8. Apr 2020
    1. The activity carried out by iubenda does not constitute legal advice in any way and no attorney-client relationship shall be established.
    1. Any explanatory texts provided in correspondence of the available services by no means substitute a legal opinion nor replace the assistance or advice of a professional. Such texts are merely intended to facilitate use and understanding of the Service, and are not exhaustive nor may they fit any specific case.
    1. create the consequences that work with your personality.

      This is key. The Trump donation consequence speaks to me. That'd be awful to have to do.

      I need to hold my project out in front of my greatest enemy. If I finish it, my project and I live on, thrive, and enjoy watching the world enjoy the newfound sense of well-being they've gained as a result of connecting with my work.

      But if I fail, my enemy wins, suddenly causing me to be a part of the problem my work was supposed to be designed to cease.

  9. Mar 2020
    1. It is recommended that a library should have one subclass of StandardError or RuntimeError and have specific exception types inherit from it. This allows the user to rescue a generic exception type to catch all exceptions the library may raise even if future versions of the library add new exception subclasses.
    1. How do you leverage browser cache when Google’s very own Analytics.js has it’s expiry time set to 2 hours? How do you minimize DNS requests when Google advices you to copy their tracking code, linking to an externally hosted Javascript file?If that isn’t bad enough already, Google’s advice is to avoid hosting the JavaScript file locally. And why? To ensure you get access to new features and product updates.
    1. Also, make sure your client will handle an unexpected response. Don’t assume that the comment-check API will always return either true or false. An invalid request may result in an error response; additional information will usually be available in HTTP headers. And of course, a connectivity problem may result in no response at all. It’s important not to misinterpret an invalid response as meaning spam or ham.
    1. A person who is experiencing or could experience suicidal thoughts may show the following signs or symptoms:feeling or appearing to feel trapped or hopelessfeeling intolerable emotional painhaving or appearing to have an abnormal preoccupation with violence, dying, or deathhaving mood swings, either happy or sadtalking about revenge, guilt, or shamebeing agitated, or in a heightened state of anxietyexperiencing changes in personality, routine, or sleeping patternsconsuming drugs or more alcohol than usual, or starting drinking when they had not previously done soengaging in risky behavior, such as driving carelessly or taking drugsgetting their affairs in order and giving things awaygetting hold of a gun, medications, or substances that could end a lifeexperiencing depression, panic attacks, impaired concentrationincreased isolationtalking about being a burden to otherspsychomotor agitation, such as pacing around a room, wringing one’s hands, and removing items of clothing and putting them back onsaying goodbye to others as if it were the last timeseeming to be unable to experience pleasurable emotions from normally pleasurable life events such as eating, exercise, social interaction, or sexsevere remorse and self criticismtalking about suicide or dying, expressing regret about being alive or ever having been bornA significant number of people with suicidal ideation keep their thoughts and feelings a secret and show no signs that anything is wrong.
    1. Suicide preventionIf you know someone at immediate risk of self-harm, suicide, or hurting another person:Call 911 or the local emergency number.Stay with the person until professional help arrives.Remove any weapons, medications, or other potentially harmful objects.Listen to the person without judgment.If you or someone you know is having thoughts of suicide, a prevention hotline can help. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is available 24 hours a day at 1-800-273-8255.

      Things to remember.

    1. Then there’s markup inside each paragraph, like links and such. You could do it right in the translation strings, but your translator then needs to know how to handle the markup, and you risk duplicating knowledge if you go as far as to hard-code link URLs. What I do is split up the translations, but keep them under the same key: en.yml1 2 3 4 log_in_or_sign_up: text: "%{log_in} or %{sign_up} to do stuff." log_in: "Log in" sign_up: "Sign up" header.erb1 2 3 4 5 <%= t( :'log_in_or_sign_up.text', log_in: link_to(t(:'log_in_or_sign_up.log_in'), login_path), sign_up: link_to(t(:'log_in_or_sign_up.sign_up'), signup_path) ) %> This way, the translator sees no code or markup (except for the i18n interpolation syntax) and there is no duplication.
    2. You probably don’t want one translation key per sentence, though. It’s helpful for the translator to have context rather than a lot of short strings, and less fiddly on your part.
    1. Translatable strings should be limited to one paragraph; don’t let a single message be longer than ten lines. The reason is that when the translatable string changes, the translator is faced with the task of updating the entire translated string. Maybe only a single word will have changed in the English string, but the translator doesn’t see that (with the current translation tools), therefore she has to proofread the entire message.
  10. Feb 2020
    1. Do Browse like a user wouldTake natural pauses that users would take to consume page contentFocus on the most common use cases, rather than all the possible use casesTake note of pages where forms/logins occur, you will likely need to complete some scripting there
    1. But, let’s be pragmatic for a second, the 80/20 rule states that you get 80% of the value from 20% of the work and a couple of simple tests are vastly better than no tests at all. Start small and simple, make sure you get something out of the testing first, then expand the test suite and add more complexity until you feel that you’ve reached the point where more effort spent on realism will not give enough return on your invested time.
    1. Load Testing Manifesto Simple testing is better than no testingLoad testing should be goal orientedLoad testing by developersDeveloper experience is super importantLoad test in a pre-production environment
    1. I was able to use the "Gift to a Friend" link on HB on a game I already owned and was able to generate an email to a friend. They were able to successfully get the game.Seeing that my Steam account is linked to HB, I was more worried about clicking the "Reveal Your Steam Key" and getting hosed that way.
    1. It's a good practice to create respond_to_missing? if you are overriding method_missing. That way, the class will tell you the method you are calling exists, even though it's not explicitly declared.
    2. In my opinion respond_to_missing? should never return true as default. Instead, it should be something like check_if_method_meet_condition || super . Another thing is that it is usually defined as respond_to_missing(method_name, include_private = false)
  11. Oct 2019
    1. On Fri, May 29, 2015 at 5:04 AM Apurva Jalit <apurv...@gmail.com> wrote:Hello all,I want to use the hypothesis chrome extension/bookmarklet with my own backend. Great. I have written APIs at the backend that enables actions that can be performed from the chrome extension. To test that, I used the files on my system that were installed with h chrome extension from the chrome.google.com/webstore/. I just changed the value of href on lines 18 and 25 of app.html and set it to my localhost server and everything seemed to work.That's most of it :).Sometime soon it would be nice to have a build system that makes it easy to build the extension without all the Python dependencies and the main repo. I think we should extract the Chrome extension to its own repository at some point, and the same for the main client code. But I eventually want to build a different chrome extension that internally uses hypothesis scripts for the annotation functionality. Thus I need to make it completely independent of any resources hosted on hypothes.is. To do that I certainly need to make changes in the hypothesis chrome extension source code and not use the files I have been using till now. To do that, I seek answers to the following questions. Apart from changing the server details, I also need to make some changes to the sidebar: Just add some text boxes to be able to kind of bookmark the page in addition to ability to add notes. It depends on the changes you want to make. Here are some thoughts and ideas to get you started:The Chrome extension is a small amount of code (in h/browser/chrome) for managing the state of each tab. The rest is just the vanilla client code (in h/static/scripts) and the sidebar view rendered to a static file (the h/templates/app.html served by /viewer stored into an app.html file in the extension bundle).To build everything without changes, but just using a different API server, you can run the extension build command: hypothesis-buildext. $ hypothesis-buildext --help usage: hypothesis-buildext [-h] config_uri {chrome,firefox} ... positional arguments:  config_uri        paster configuration URI optional arguments:  -h, --help        show this help message and exit browser:  {chrome,firefox}    chrome          build the Google Chrome extension    firefox         build the Mozilla Firefox extension Doing this right now makes me realize we're missing documentation for two very important options for this command, --base and --assets.--base is the base URL of the server. It is the root where /api is the API service document (see https://hypothes.is/api).--assets is the base URL for static assets. For a Chrome extension, this should be chrome-extension://<extension id>/publicThe build output goes into build/chrome.Customization gets more complicated from here. Everything is tied to the Python package for building. This makes it harder for someone not familiar with Python and Pyramid, but it's also powerful.The best way to make changes to the application is to make your own Python project and add a dependency (using a requirements.txt file) on the h repository. Then, copy the .ini from h and start changing things to your needs.Examples of things to change:- Enable or disable feature flags- Set the webassets.bundles key  This defaults to "h:assets.yaml" which means "the file called assets.yaml in the h package" to Pyramid. This can be a whitespace separated list of files, with precedence to those files listed first. See the assets.yaml file and then make your own, redefining any bundles you want to change. This is currently the best way to change the JavaScript or CSS without forking.- Make template overrides  If you create a Python package, foo, and have an __init__.py with a function called "includeme" at module scope, you can use Pyramid's asset overrides to substitute your own templates in place of anything in h/templates.For the last of these two ideas, you will need to be familiar with Pyramid and particularly its asset system: http://docs.pylonsproject.org/projects/pyramid/en/1.5-branch/narr/assets.htmlThen there are modications you can do to the JavaScript. You can use Angular's dependency injection to override any of the built in services or controllers, but you will have to figure this out on your own.One thing that is designed to be pluggable right now is authentication. If you have no need for the user account system, or you want to handle authentication your own way, the accounts bundle is kept separate so that you can write your own JavaScript for that. It is not necessary to implement our user API. It is designed to be optional and separate from the annotation API.2. Is there a list of resources that the extension uses from the hypothesis server in the production mode? Any other files like app.html which are fetched from the server? I will need to host all such on my server too.None. The production extension bundles all its assets. Show trimmed content

      Modifying own H instances

    1. Robert Sedlack, my professor for Visual Communication Design I (who also happened to be my advisor and the driving reason why I decided to join the design program) banned two phrases during critiques in his class: “I like” and “I don’t like.”
  12. Jan 2019
    1. Teaching classes

      This article gives several good tips to teaching for the first time, but each teacher will need to find their own teaching persona, and through trial and error they will learn what works best for them.

    1. Finding your teaching groove after a long stint away from the classroom.

      Advice for how to reenter the classroom after a long absence.

    1. check in with your students; extend availabilities to meet; offer feedback, and follow up

      These four actions can do a lot to make students feel seen and connected.

    1. Thoughts on bringing current events into your classroom.

      A conversation between a PhD student and a professor of African American studies about how to discuss current events in difficult times.

    1. assignment sheets

      Student success starts with clear expectations and a clear assignment sheet is part of that.

  13. Dec 2018
  14. www.r4impact.org www.r4impact.org
    1. Afterwards I followed up with practitionersand asked if the conversation provided useful information addressing their cu

      How to ask if the consultation session was useful

    1. It’s aspirational porn, which serves the dual purpose of tantalizing the viewer with a life they cannot have, while making them feel like some sort of failure for not being able to have it.
  15. Nov 2018
    1. I don't think passing the entire http client is very idiomatic, but what is quite common is to pass the entire "environment" (aka runtime configuration) that your app needs through every function. In your case if the only variant is the URL then you could just pass the URL as the first parameter to get-data. This might seem cumbersome to someone used to OO programming but in functional programming it's quite standard. You might notice when looking at example code, tutorials, open source libraries etc. that almost all code that reads or writes to databases expects the DB connection information (or an entire db object) as a parameter to every single function. Another thing you often see is an entire "env" map being passed around which has all config in it such as endpoint URLs.

      passing state down the call stack configuration, connection, db--pretty common in FP

    2. One thing Component taught me was to think of the entire system like an Object. Specifically, there is state that needs to be managed. So I suggest you think about -main as initializing your system state. Your system needs an http client, so initialize it before you do anything else

      software design state on the outside, before anything else lessions from Component

    3. For the sweet spot you're looking for, I suggest being clear about if you're designing or developing. If you're designing and at the REPL, force yourself to step away with pen and paper after you've gotten some fast feedback.

      designing vs developing!

    1. Writing is selection. Just to start a piece of writing you have to choose one word and only one from more than a million in the language. Now keep going. What is your next word? Your next sentence, paragraph, section, chapter? Your next ball of fact. You select what goes in and you decide what stays out. At base you have only one criterion: If something interests you, it goes in—if not, it stays out. That’s a crude way to assess things, but it’s all you’ve got. Forget market research. Never market-research your writing. Write on subjects in which you have enough interest on your own to see you through all the stops, starts, hesitations, and other impediments along the way.

      This one is reminiscent of W. Zinsser's notes in On Writing Well. He makes the argument that one has to first trim out as much as possible, before considering adding back embellishments.

  16. Mar 2018
    1. Create an environment where your peers understand they don’t need to give up their entire worldview to consider your viewpoint or agree with you on one point.
  17. Oct 2017
    1. Well, I worried about that. I sometimes don't like to confess how little I know about these things when I start them, but I'm starting to admit to myself that the less I know at the beginning probably the better it's going to go.
  18. May 2017
    1. Listerine, for example, started life on the shelf as an antiseptic, sold as both floor cleaner and a treatment for gonorrhoea. But it wasn't a runaway success until it was marketed as a treatment for bad breath. 

      Interesting use-case

    2. But many ideas are destined for improvement

      you may start with something and end up with something totally different

      1. Brainstorm.
      2. Break the idea and fix idea. (Scrutinize)
      3. Permeate and let the idea seep into you.
      4. Execute - execute -execute
    3. There are many people with good ideas who don't have the means, the will, or the courage to action them. Similarly, there are very talented business people who have no ideas, but are brilliant at the execution.

      figure out what you want to be and continue on that path, get better at it, and invest time and effort into it.

  19. Apr 2017
  20. Dec 2016
    1. By decomposing the problem into pieces like this, we make it easy to build our project. Instead of one messy script that does everything, we define the data that will pass between the scripts, and make them completely separate from each other. When you’re working on larger projects, it’s a good idea to do this, because it makes it much easier to change individual pieces without having unexpected consequences on unrelated pieces of the project.

      Really good advice for beginners! Thanks to author

  21. Oct 2016
  22. Aug 2016
    1. Rather than write a story true to the character or true to his situation, I wrote a puzzle piece to fill in negative space that didn’t need filling in. I don’t know WHAT WE GOT out of it in the end, and in terms of practical advice, if I can’t answer WHAT DO WE GET out of a story, then I don’t have a story.
    1. less is more in a pitch. Imagine your editor on their most busiest day, on a day when all of their projects are seemingly on fire and due at the printer by lunch time, and then imagine that YOUR email is the one that comes in their inbox. A page. TWO pages at the most for a pitch. Unless they tell you otherwise.]
    1. Continuity – the strict adherence of prior texts and their treatment as sacrosanct records – paralyzes comics all too often. It punishes new readers by their virtue of being new. It rewards trivia over opening up the world and blazing new trails. It cuts the pie into smaller pieces instead of making the pie bigger. It builds barriers and creates gatekeepers. And it’s really hard to write well.
  23. Jun 2016
    1. As you get older, if you’re wise, you eventually stop trying to impress strangers who will probably turn on you anyway. You learn that you can still have good things and fun experiences.
    1. keep the following in mind:

      Permissions (what user accounts on your computer are allowed to access, edit, etc. various files) differ from person to person, but if you ever enter a command and get a message that you're not allowed or don't have permission to run that command, try entering the same command except prefaced with the word sudo plus a space. If the command xcode-select -install returned a message that you don't have permission to execute that command, for example, you would instead try entering sudo xcode-select -install. Type your computer's password and press enter when prompted to do so. (This lets your computer know you have permission to execute this code.) In general, permission defaults are around for a purpose, and a lot of permissions are tied to the root/admin user to make them hard for anyone not sure what they do to accidentally open their computer to risks, but it should be safe to use sudo for any command in this lesson.

  24. Apr 2016
    1. Do not fall for this trap. The idea is good, but there many many bugs, terminals that stop responding for no reason, caveats with ssh keys and probably other issues I hadn't time to run into.

      Also, their support doesn't work. It's an email address and they won't answer you.

    1. would like to encourage them to be as creative and inventive as possible. But the reality is that the academy is incredibly conserva tive .

      Yes. What's the balance here?

    2. If you are not pushing the envelope, why write?
  25. Jan 2016
    1. When you write something, you never know who it is going to affect, or how it could help someone who’s struggling and feeling alone, or how in a low moment in their life, desperately searching on Google for answers, they will come upon your words when they need them most. And despite what our culture will have us believe—that metrics and stats matter above all else, that the number of clicks tells the whole story—somehow, in some calculation, impacting one human being has got to be worth more than all the unique page views and Shares and Likes in the world.
    1. to make it "future-facing”

      I cannot begin to say what "future-facing" means. I am reminded of an old George Carlin routine where he notes that a plastic Jesus in one's car is probably facing the wrong way. If Jesus is helping you, then he ought to be looking at the damned road, right, not you. I don't think we need to project onto the future a roadmap (template) especially one that is as waste-ridden and futile as 'school'. Talk about a manifestion of Eliot's wasteland. Rather I think we need to feedforward from the future. We need to imagine what we mean by content and context delivery and connected learning and the programmable web. Then we need to allow ourselves to be drawn toward that future as we live in the present. And we need to allow ourselves to modify that future present like a feedback loop.

    1. Life is short. Avoid bullshit. Especially the bullshit that's your own fault. Identify the things that really matter to you. If there's something worthwhile that you want to do, do it. Value your family and friends, because you won't have one another for very long. Savor your moments.

  26. Dec 2015
    1. (With the possible exception of legitimate charity nonprofit organizations) Never work "for exposure", and never work cheap. If you're going to work free, then work for yourself, doing what you want to do, how you want to do it.

  27. Sep 2015
  28. Jun 2015
    1. People in this position have lost their sense of sight to detect when someone is approaching them. When you add headphones to the equation, they’ve now also lost their sense of hearing. Headphone use in a noisy open plan environment can be a catch-22. The noise is so oppressive that you want to block it out, but then you have to deal with the feeling of vulnerability and frequent startles of people approaching you from behind without hearing them.
    2. Science says we're full of it. Listening to music hurts our ability to recall other stimuli, and any pop song -- loud or soft -- reduces overall performance for both extraverts and introverts. A Taiwanese study linked music with lyrics to lower scores on concentration tests for college students, and other research have shown music with words scrambles our brains' verbal-processing skills. "As silence had the best overall performance it would still be advisable that people work in silence," one report dryly concluded. If headphones are so bad for productivity, why do so many people at work have headphones? That brings us to a psychological answer: There is evidence that music relaxes our muscles, improves our mood, and can even moderately reduce blood pressure, heart rate, and anxiety. What music steals in acute concentration, it returns to us in the form of good vibes.
  29. Apr 2015
    1. Do your research elsewhere.

      Again, not bad advice, but for the wrong reasons.

      Wikipedia is a good starting point and a great place to get a reasonably reliable overview. The real resource that Wikipedia provides is the Citations and References sections. These are the sources for the detail in the article and recommended further reading to get to the guts of what you're researching.

      Other sources are always recommended. More reliable references are always a good thing and being able to get them cited in a Wikipedia article is a good way of giving extra validation given the process required to get something added to an article. It makes the Wikipedia article better and will cause the source article to appear higher in search results also.

    2. Never link to Wikipedia from your website.

      This is a fair thing to ask of people. The explanation is flawed and the advise is a little too firm but in general it is not bad.

      If you are referencing a general topic linking to Wikipedia is fine.

      If you are referencing a specific thing you should link to the source material rather than a general article. Chances are reasonably good that if your source material is well researched you could get it added to the sources in the Wikipedia article and maybe even update the general article too.

      Wikipedia has rules around editing that ensure factually correct information makes it through. Editing can be challenging but if you adhere to these editing can be quite rewarding.

  30. Jan 2014
    1. Rule of thumb: When pulling changes from origin/develop onto your local develop use rebase. When finishing a feature branch merge the changes back to develop.
  31. Oct 2013