872 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2020
    1. Doing so also means adding empty import statements to guarantee correct order of evaluation of modules (in ES modules, evaluation order is determined statically by the order of import declarations, whereas in CommonJS – and environments that simulate CommonJS by shipping a module loader, i.e. Browserify and Webpack – evaluation order is determined at runtime by the order in which require statements are encountered).

      Here: dynamic loading (libraries/functions) meaning: at run time

    1. "Most Native Americans did not neatly distinguish between the natural and the supernatural. Spiritual power permeated their world and was both tangible and accessible"

      This shows how much more open Natives were to the super Naturaul unlike the Europeans who were more than likely christians.

    2. my first question: is what do they mean exactly by "kinship"?

      My second question is: what does the reading mean by Chiefdoms?

    3. "Food surpluses enabled significant population growth, and the Pacific Northwest became one of the most densely populated regions of North America"

      This is significant because it shows how succesful the natives were before the Europeans showed up and spread native European diseases to Natives.

    1. It is important to note here that the flow does not need to begin with a user interaction. With the rise of asynchronous middleware like redux-saga and redux-observable, the ability to trigger any code on a component anywhere is very useful.

      This tag doesn't quite fit: can be used independently (fine-grained/decoupled)

    1. The primary motivation behind virtual-dom is to allow us to write code independent of previous state. So when our application state changes we will generate a new VTree. The diff function creates a set of DOM patches that, based on the difference between the previous VTree and the current VTree, will update the previous DOM tree to match the new VTree.

      annotation meta: may need new tag: for: "code independent of previous state."

      annotation meta: may need new tag: for: diffs other than source/text code diffs (in this case diffs between virtual DOM trees)

    1. My proposal is that we solve this by treating a static key prop as different from one provided through spread. I think that as a second step we might want to even give separate syntax such as:
    1. In most oral societies, however, traditions are understood to bemalleable; that is, they are supposed to be changed and made relevant to the new situationsin which they are cited.

      And this is almost just what we see in modern religion concerning the bible. Even though it's written down, people read the words and change their original meaning and intent to make them relevant to their modern lives rather than the older historical context in which they were originally created.

    1. Update, 11:22 Eastern: Weiss has posted a letter of resignation addressed to Times publisher A.G. Sulzberger on her website. In it, she denounces the Times for fostering an atmosphere of stifling conformity and accuses her now-former colleagues of bullying:

      Having your own website is a must, particularly when you've just left one of the biggest platforms on the planet and still need to have a platform to reach your audience and the world.

    1. It's the part of your garden that you might actively show people when they come round to visit, that you're most proud of.

      It's a bit like cleaning up just for company, or in our current pandemic, just cleaning up the section of the house that's seen in the camera as in this New Yorker Cartoon:

    1. The New York Times

      I'm wondering if the NY Times used the summit to figure out how to prevent annotating at all? Somehow I'm not able to reasonably use either Hypothes.is or Genius with it in multiple browsers.

      In particular I just can't highlight anything on the page, and attempts usually end up moving me to a new article. Blech!

    1. Its roots, though, don’t just lie in explicitly Christian tradition. In fact, it’s possible to trace the origins of the American prosperity gospel to the tradition of New Thought, a nineteenth-century spiritual movement popular with decidedly unorthodox thinkers like Ralph Waldo Emerson and William James. Practitioners of New Thought, not all of whom identified as Christian, generally held the divinity of the individual human being and the priority of mind over matter. In other words, if you could correctly channel your mental energy, you could harness its material results. New Thought, also known as the “mind cure,” took many forms: from interest in the occult to splinter-Christian denominations like Christian Science to the development of the “talking cure” at the root of psychotherapy. The upshot of New Thought, though, was the quintessentially American idea that the individual was responsible for his or her own happiness, health, and situation in life, and that applying mental energy in the appropriate direction was sufficient to cure any ills.
  2. Sep 2020
    1. While garbage, animal manure and human waste flowed freely into drinking water sources, it was the pungent cocktail of odors they produced that many medical professionals blamed for spreading disease.

      NY account

    1. Thus, New Thought thinker Ralph Waldo Trine (not to be confused with Ralph Waldo Emerson) could exhort his readers to “See yourself in a prosperous condition. Affirm that you will before long be in a prosperous condition.”

      This also sounds a bit like the general philosophy behind Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich.

  3. Aug 2020
  4. Jul 2020
    1. For example, as the GDPR requires that a controller must be able to demonstrate that valid consentwas obtained, all presumed consents of which no references are kept willautomatically be below theconsent standard of the GDPR and will need to be renewed. Likewise as the GDPR requires a“statement or a clear affirmative action”, all presumed consents that were based on a more impliedform of action by the data subject (e.g.a pre-ticked opt-in box) will also not be apt to the GDPRstandard of consent.
    1. The cookie banner will be displayed any time a user visits your site for the first time or when you have decided to add a new vendor to your list of vendors (since it’s a new disclosure and potentially a consent request for that vendor may be required).
    1. Online Reading Comprehension

      Sharing what they've found with one another Students getting really excited when they've found something, want to show teacher Once students get one part, challenge them to find something new Evaluate the information; what features make it good? What is definition of best? Synthesize what you are finding; bring in all the information from different sources Multimodal ways of reading

    1. Framing Internet use as a literacy issue will also make it more likely to be embraced by schools, an institution resistant to adopting new technologies

      If this is included with literacy, schools and districts may think more about the new ways that our students are constructing learning

    1. Expanding diversity and building capacity

      What about youth in reduced economic circumstances? What if they do not have access to this new media? Is this bridging a gap, or just creating a new one?

  5. Jun 2020
    1. Rosenberg, E. S., Tesoriero, J. M., Rosenthal, E. M., Chung, R., Barranco, M. A., Styer, L. M., Parker, M. M., John Leung, S.-Y., Morne, J. E., Greene, D., Holtgrave, D. R., Hoefer, D., Kumar, J., Udo, T., Hutton, B., & Zucker, H. A. (2020). Cumulative incidence and diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection in New York. Annals of Epidemiology. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.annepidem.2020.06.004

    1. What would be nice is if JavaScript had a built-in way to do what I can do in Ruby with:

      > I18n.interpolate('Hi, %{name}', name: 'Fred')
      => "Hi, Fred"

      But to be fair, I18n comes from i18n library, so JS could just as easily (and I'm sure does) have a library that does the same thing.

      Update: Actually, you can do this in plain Ruby (so why do we even need I18n.interpolate?):

      main > "Hi, %{name}" % {name: 'Fred'}
      => "Hi, Fred"
      main > ? String#%
      From: string.c (C Method):
      Owner: String
      Visibility: public
      Signature: %(arg1)
      Number of lines: 9
      Format---Uses str as a format specification, and returns the result
      of applying it to arg. If the format specification contains more than
      one substitution, then arg must be an Array or Hash
      containing the values to be substituted. See Kernel::sprintf for
      details of the format string.
         "%05d" % 123                              #=> "00123"
         "%-5s: %016x" % [ "ID", self.object_id ]  #=> "ID   : 00002b054ec93168"
         "foo = %{foo}" % { :foo => 'bar' }        #=> "foo = bar"

      I guess that built-in version is fine for simple cases. You only need to use I18n.translate if you need its more advanced features like I18n.config.missing_interpolation_argument_handler.

  6. May 2020
    1. corporatist

      From Google: relating to or characterized by advocacy for the control of a state or organization by large interest groups

    1. Some students might haveearned a GED, some might be returning to school after a decades-long break, andstill other students might either be graduating high school, or be freshly graduated.If the latter is the case, you might enter college with a wealth of experience writingfive-paragraph essays, book reports, and lab reports.

      This is the beginning of a new idea, that all students are coming from different backgrounds, and have different experiences when it comes to writing essays and reports.

    1. Thickness of the neck

      However you represent the head, whether it is relatively simply yet characteristic, or incredibly refined, you can now identify the start of the neck from the chin. The digastric plane is the bottom plane, it gives the head thickness. It will be useful when drawing the head from other angles - the biggest hurdles is working in a flat 2d plane while seeking to depict volume.

      The gesture from the chin to the bottom of the neck is curved and downward. It is better to make the neck a little too long than too short. You then come from the bottom of the skull, the key here will be not to make the back of the neck too skinny.

      Notice that the neck starts very low in the front and very high in the back. Think of your shirt collars, it sits high in the back and low at the front.

  7. Apr 2020
    1. Becouse of CanCan, StateMachine and others I deside to create OpenSource organization to maintain gems. People disappear, lose their passion about coding, get new interests, families, children. But if us many we can support gems much longer. I dont pretend to be an expierenced ruby developer, but I can do administarative work: managing teams, members, approve simple pool-requests. If you think it good idea and want to support some inactive gems, not life time, maybe just a little - welcome to organization.
    2. There's actually discussion among the rubygems team about a process for putting gems "up for adoption" that you might be interested in: http://www.benjaminfleischer.com/2014/08/17/rubygems-adoption-center/
    1. Richardson, S., Hirsch, J. S., Narasimhan, M., Crawford, J. M., McGinn, T., Davidson, K. W., Barnaby, D. P., Becker, L. B., Chelico, J. D., Cohen, S. L., Cookingham, J., Coppa, K., Diefenbach, M. A., Dominello, A. J., Duer-Hefele, J., Falzon, L., Gitlin, J., Hajizadeh, N., Harvin, T. G., … Zanos, T. P. (2020). Presenting Characteristics, Comorbidities, and Outcomes Among 5700 Patients Hospitalized With COVID-19 in the New York City Area. JAMA. https://doi.org/10.1001/jama.2020.6775

    1. So what will happen with these projects from now on? All of the projects above have one thing in common: they were created and maintained by passionate individuals who wanted to make positive contributions to their communities. Without these individuals and their efforts, these projects would not have become what they are today. Therefore, it is only fair that Plataformatec gives these individuals control of these projects moving forward.
    1. Varoufakis stammelt vom Untergang der Europäischen Union. Wir werden alle betroffen sein, selbst die Reichen. Alarmismus, abgeschmackte Bildsymbolik. Völlig unkonkret. Er hält dagegen, was die EU ganz ohne ihn schon vorhat: Eurobonds und nahhaltige Fonds. Und ein BGE.

    1. Any critique of the digital must rec-ognize how precarity is differentially distributed across gender, race, and class

      I'm pretty sure this is already happening. It's just not called precarity - but the social inequities have long been studied.

  8. Mar 2020
    1. This resources shares the key characteristics of professional development. Not only does it delineate what should be in place to be effective but it also honors that professional learning should be considered an important component of teaching and learning. Rating 7/10

    1.  Confluence doesn't provide an option to configure a link to open in a new window or tab. Users can choose to right click / CTRL+click the link if they want to open it in a particular way.
  9. Feb 2020
  10. Jan 2020
  11. Dec 2019
  12. Nov 2019
    1. I believe that many of the current challenges in public sectors link back to two causal factors: googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1560300455224-0'); }); The impact of increasing reactivism to politics and 24-hour media scrutiny, in public sectors (which varies across jurisdictions); and The unintended consequences of New Public Management and trying to make public sectors act like the private sector.
    1. the main reason we built a new multiprocess architecture is that Chromium's multiprocess support was never contributed to the WebKit project. It has always lived in the separate Chromium tree, making it pretty hard to use for non-Chrome purposes.Before we wrote a single line of what would become WebKit2 we directly asked Google folks if they would be willing to contribute their multiprocess support back to WebKit, so that we could build on it. They said no.
    1. Private post-secondary institutions that provide educational services in the State of New Mexico are subject to either the New Mexico Post-Secondary Educational Institution Act (Section 21-23-1 et seq. NMSA 1978) or the Interstate Distance Education Act (Section 21-23B-1 et seq. NMSA 1978) and can use this site to apply for State Authorization or submit other required applications to comply with State regulations. Students may request transcripts of closed schools where the New Mexico Higher Education Department is the designated custodian of records or may file complaints against any post-secondary institution that provides educational services in our State.

      The NMHE website is about providing academic, financial and policies to new mexico public higher education institutions and community.

  13. Oct 2019
    1. ecognize the legitimacy of scholarship produced in new media, whether by individuals or in collaboration, and cre-­ate procedures for evaluating these forms of scholarship

      Also key.

    1. Innovation in Customers' Hands at New 7-Eleven® Lab Store Retailer Celebrates New Sylvan | Thirty Location with March 22 Grand Opening News provided by 7-Eleven, Inc. Mar 27, 2019, 09:30 ET Share this article IRVING, Texas, March 27, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Made-to-order smoothies and agua frescas … street tacos on handmade tortillas … a growler refill station pouring local craft beers … baked-in-store cookies and croissants … patio and inside dining areas … The newest 7-Eleven® location is a lab store and an experiential testing ground, where customers can try and buy the retailer's latest innovations in a revolutionary new store format. The newest 7-Eleven location in Dallas is a lab store and an experiential testing ground, where customers can try and buy the retailer’s latest innovations in a revolutionary new store format. 7-Eleven, Inc. celebrated the grand opening of its new lab store in Dallas – and the only one in the U.S. – March 22. The store is located at the Sylvan | Thirty retail and restaurant development on Sylvan Avenue, north of Interstate 30. This location is less than two miles from the original Southland Ice House in Oak Cliff where 7-Eleven pioneered the convenience retailing concept more than 90 years ago. "Convenience retailing is light years away from the days of bread and milk being sold from ice docks in 1927, and the industry is changing at a faster rate than ever before," said Chris Tanco, 7-Eleven executive vice president and chief operating officer. "7-Eleven stays at the forefront by pushing the boundaries and being unafraid to try new things. This new lab store will serve as a place to test, learn and iterate new platforms and products to see what really resonates with customers and how we can use those learnings to influence future store designs."The lab store is also the first 7-Eleven location to incorporate the Laredo Taco Company® taqueria, and the first Laredo Taco Company location in Dallas. 7-Eleven acquired the taqueria along with Stripes® convenience stores in South Texas as part of the 1,000-store acquisition from Sunoco in 2018. Laredo Taco Company is famous in South Texas for its handmade tortillas made from scratch in stores every day as well as its popular salsa bar with on-site, daily prepared salsas, guacamole and pico de gallo. Tacos, quesadillas and plate meals include specialties not always seen in quick-serve Tex-Mex restaurants such as carne guisada, barbacoa, picadillo bistec, carnitas and breakfast tacos made with hand-cracked eggs.Some of the other innovative ideas customers will see at the new 7-Eleven lab store include: Made-to-order coffee drinks, cold-pressed juices, smoothies and agua frescas that give customers the option to customize their drinks in a full-service beverage format. Additionally, it carries novelty beverages on tap such as nitro cold brew, kombucha and organic teas. "The Cellar," an alcove dedicated to an expanded selection of wines and craft beers, with a nearby growler station that features a rotating selection of local craft beer, cider and ales on tap. At the growler station, customers can enjoy a draft of their favorite beverage with their meal onsite or fill a growler to take home. A cold treats bar with frozen yogurt, ice cream and multiple toppings Cookies, croissants and more baked-in-store daily Digital initiatives that enhance the shopping experience. Scan & Pay technology that allows customers to skip the checkout line and pay for their (non-age-restricted) purchases on their smartphones. Indoor and patio restaurant-style seating in the Laredo Taco Company portion of the store as well as bar-seating across the front windows in the retail space. Many of the new items in this 7-Eleven "innovation station" are limited-time offerings. "A lot has changed in retail and continues to change rapidly, especially the shopping experience," Tanco said. "This lab store is customer-focused and will explore new ideas that weren't even on the retail radar a few months ago."The new 7-Eleven lab store is also providing local jobs, and the company is looking for outgoing, customer-service-oriented employees for this innovative new retail-restaurant concept. To join the Sylvan | Thirty location as a sales or restaurant associate, interested people can apply online at: https://careers-7-eleven.icims.com. Under "Start your job search here," input 54716 for sales associate or 54817 for restaurant associate.About 7-Eleven, Inc.7-Eleven, Inc. is the premier name and largest chain in the convenience-retailing industry. Based in Irving, Texas, 7-Eleven operates, franchises and/or licenses more than 67,000 stores in 17 countries, including 11,800 in North America. Known for its iconic brands such as Slurpee®, Big Bite® and Big Gulp®, 7-Eleven has expanded into high-quality salads, side dishes, cut fruit and protein boxes, as well as pizza, chicken wings, cheeseburgers and hot chicken sandwiches. 7-Eleven offers customers industry-leading private brand products under the 7-Select® brand including healthy options, decadent treats and everyday favorites, at an outstanding value. Customers also count on 7-Eleven for bill payments, self-service lockers and other convenient services. Find out more online at www.7-Eleven.com, via the 7Rewards® customer loyalty platform on the 7-Eleven mobile app, or on social media at Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.SOURCE 7-Eleven, Inc.
    1. I'd say that "dump" in the CS sense, both as noun and verb, is merely another application of its preexisting meanings even without the vulgar one, particularly the ones related to unloading/releasing contents. (For example, "dump truck".)
    2. For some geeky reason, the computer programming world has long maintained a tradition of using words in new ways, with a studied obliviousness to their prior, rude meanings: for example, 'dump'. 'Falsey' is merely another word in this long, and quite useful, tradition.
    1. ) Blockchain MemoryWe let LL be the blockchain mem-ory space, represented as the hastable L:{0,1}256→{0,1}NL:\{0,1\}^{256}\rightarrow \{0, 1\}^{N}, where N≫N \gg 256 and can store sufficiently-large documents. We assume this memory to be tamperproof under the same adversarial model used in Bitcoin and other blockchains. To intuitively explain why such a trusted data-store can be implemented on any blockchain (including Bitcoin), consider the following simplified, albeit inefficient, implementation: A blockchain is a sequence of timestamped transactions, where each transaction includes a variable number of output addresses (each address is a 160-bit number). LL could then be implemented as follows - the first two outputs in a transaction encode the 256-bit memory address pointer, as well as some auxiliary meta-data. The rest of the outputs construct the serialized document. When looking up L[k]L[k], only the most recent transaction is returned, which allows update and delete operations in addition to inserts.

      This paragraph explains how blockchain hides one's individual identity and privacy, while giving them a secure way of using the funds. In my opinion lot hacker ransomware are done using block-chain technology coins, this and one more paragraph here is really interesting to read about how blockchain helps protect personal data. and i also related this this hacking and corruption or money laundering

    1. Now you have the extension up and running. It's time to start annotating some docum
  14. Sep 2019
  15. Aug 2019
    1. However one might debate both the merit and the form of Prince’s note, we consider “slave” a provocative example of what can count as annotation and how annotation can spark - and shape - conversation.

      Perhaps another historical example, though with different meaning is the placard cum annotation INRI which stood for "Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum" a Latin phrase translated as "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews." It was the notice Pontius Pilate nailed over Jesus as he was crucified.

      Historians generally agree that this is one of the few facts that one can discern from the New Testament about the historical Jesus because it both runs at cross purposes to the ideas of early Christianity and it is multiply attested (Matthew 27:37, Mark 15:26, Luke 23:38, John 19:19).

      It's an annotation which was remembered in oral tradition long enough to have been written down multiple times and which has sent both religious and cultural ripples throughout the ages.

      To further the discussion of annotation in relation to this, John’s version has the chief priests of the Jews ask Pilate to have the annotation state “This man said, ‘I am King of the Jews’”, but “Pilate answered, “What I have written, I have written.”

    1. However one might debate both the merit and the form of Prince’s note, we consider “slave” a provocative example of what can count as annotation and how annotation can spark - and shape - conversation.

      Perhaps another historical example, though with different meaning is the placard cum annotation INRI which stood for "Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum" a Latin phrase translated as "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews." It was the notice Pontius Pilate nailed over Jesus as he was crucified.

      Historians generally agree that this is one of the few facts that one can discern from the New Testament about the historical Jesus because it both runs at cross purposes to the ideas of early Christianity and it is multiply attested (Matthew 27:37, Mark 15:26, Luke 23:38, John 19:19).

      It's an annotation which was remembered in oral tradition long enough to have been written down multiple times and which has sent both religious and cultural ripples throughout the ages.

  16. Jul 2019
    1. biblical context

      This reminds me a bit of an interesting "annotated" version of the bible which presents the synoptic gospels of the New Testament in parallel which allows one to see where the four stories overlap, diverge, or are completely different.

      Throckmorton's version is a good example of this sort of presentation: https://www.amazon.com/Gospel-Parallels-Comparison-Synoptic-Standard/dp/0840774842

    1. We DID something or we CHANGED something, like creating a new policy or program that stopped the bullying atmosphere at school?

      A frustrated parent, Rathburn retaliate by confronting her son's bully and later got arrested. Many parent can understand Rathburn and may also feel they would have done the same. The natural instinct of protect their own. Still she hope to create a new policy or program that better handle these incidents before parent's retaliate.

    1. Noam Chomsky: One of the most appropriate comments I’ve seen on Trump’s foreign policy appeared in an article in The New Republic written by David Roth, the editor of a sports blog: “The spectacle of expert analysts and thought leaders parsing the actions of a man with no expertise or capacity for analysis is the purest acid satire — but less because of how badly that expert analysis has failed than because of how sincerely misplaced it is … there is nothing here to parse, no hidden meanings or tactical elisions or slow-rolled strategic campaign.” That seems generally accurate. This is a man, after all, who dismisses the information and analyses of his massive intelligence system in favor of what was said this morning on “Fox and Friends,” where everyone tells him how much they love him. With all due skepticism about the quality of intelligence, this is sheer madness considering the stakes.
    1. Our only security, apart from God,”Cortés wrote,“is our horses.”

      Out of the three factors on slide 42, which do you believe this passage supports?

    2. Cortés had a talent for observing and manipulating local political rivalries. On the way to Tenochtitlan, the Spaniards gained the support of the Totonac peoples from the city of Cempoala, who hoped to be freed from the Aztec yoke. Following a military victory over another native people, the Tlaxcaltec, Cortés incorporated more warriors into his army. Knowledge of the divisions among different native peoples, and an unerring ability to exploit them, was central to Cortés’s strategy.

      Out of the three factors on slide 42, which do you believe this passage supports?

    1. Henry was founding upon his work of exploration an empire for his country. At first perhaps only thinking of the straight sea-passage as the possible key of the Indian trade, it became clearer with every fresh discovery that the European kingdom might and must be connected by a chain of forts and factories with the rich countries for whose sake all these barren coasts were passed. In any case, and in the eyes of ordinary men, the riches of the East were the plain and primary reason of the explorations. Science had its own aims, but to gain an income for its work it must promise some definite gain. And the chief hope of Henry's captains was that the wealth now flowing by the overland routes to the Levant would in time, as the prize of Portuguese daring, go by the water way, without delay or fear of plunder or Arab middlemen, to Lisbon and Oporto. This would repay all the trouble and all the cost, and silence all who murmured. For this Indian trade was the prize of the world, and for the sake of this Rome had destroyed Palmyra, and at[Pg 142]tacked Arabia and held Egypt, and struggled for the mastery of the Tigris. For the same thing half the wars of the Levant had been waged, and by this the Italian republics, Venice, Genoa, and Pisa, had grown to greatness.

      Which one of the motives of exploration that we have discussed does this passage support?

    2. new knowledge

      Does this attitude fit with a cultural movement we have talked about? If so, what movement?

  17. Jun 2019
    1. highScores.length

      you have not yet described any of the functions. you really should before you introduce them. Or at least give a comment. Put a link to where they can check these out. Especially critical when you get to 2d arrays..

    1. Some of these cities are pretty good-sized, too; Newark today has more people than Orlando. Modern New Jersey is the most densely populated state in the country: 47th in area, but 11th in population.

      Wow! Never knew that!

  18. Apr 2019
    1. In a new article, the New York Times details a little-known technique increasingly used by law enforcement to figure out everyone who might have been within certain geographic areas during specific time periods in the past. The technique relies on detailed location data collected by Google from most Android devices as well as iPhones and iPads that have Google Maps and other apps installed. This data resides in a Google-maintained database called “Sensorvault,” and because Google stores this data indefinitely, Sensorvault “includes detailed location records involving at least hundreds of millions of devices worldwide and dating back nearly a decade.”

      Google is passing on location data to law enforcement without letting users know.

    1. Laptops are handy, portable, easy to use and unfortunately getting upgraded in the market at a rapid rate. There is high chance that the laptop that you had purchased last year has now bee outdated with a more advanced and higher spec model. Through this blog we will point out 5 signs When you should need a new laptop. Slow & Steady doesn’t go well here– Even though the universal saying is slow and steady wins the race but here when it comes to timely requirements and professional life, the same doesn’t hold true. Early signs may be applications take time to open, takes time to boot, even CTLR+ALT+DEL stops working, switching between different windows ceases operations and most importantly takes half a day to copy files in GBs. A slow laptop is the first and early Warning that you need to set aside a defined budget for a new one. Nothing Latest Works– Probably after the pace of the system this the second sign that you seriously need to consider an upgrade. Latest operating system cannot be installed and if in certain cases the latest os is installed it slows down all other applications.

      Laptops are handy, portable, easy to use and unfortunately getting upgraded in the market at a rapid rate. There is high chance that the laptop that you had purchased last year has now bee outdated with a more advanced and higher spec model. Through this blog we will point out 5 signs When you should need a new laptop.

  19. Mar 2019
    1. New Media Consortium Horizon Report This page provides a link to the annual Horizon Report. The report becomes available late in the year. The report identifies emerging technologies that are likely to be influential and describes the timeline and prospective impact for each. Unlike the link to top learning tools that anyone can use, the technologies listed here may be beyond the ability of the average trainer to implement. While it is informative and perhaps a good idea to stay abreast of these listings, it is not necessarily something that the average instructional designer can apply. Rating: 3/5

  20. Feb 2019
    1. the flyby showed Pluto to be home to cryo- or ice volcanoes, soaring mountains, and flat plains. Its surface is dominated by volatile ices, with large variations in color and albedo. New Horizons also took a look at Charon, the largest of Pluto’s five moons. Charon appears to be loaded with just water ice, absent the other frozen gasses found on Pluto. The most striking feature on this moon is a 600-mile long rift, longer than the Grand Canyon.

      How did I not know that Pluto had 5 moons? Really, I'm slacking on my solar system knowledge!

    1. “My hometown of New Haven, Connecticut, has plenty of ugly and harsh, brutalist architecture, but the old Pirelli Tire building on Long Wharf, which was designed by Marcel Breuer, has always been my favorite. It’s fascinated me since I was a kid.” — jmang

      It's fascinated me, too!

    1. As with neoliberalism more generally, New Public Management is invisible, part of a new “common sense” that has somehow become hegemonic, whereby the “entrepreneurial spirit” has infused the public sector, leading to “businesslike government”. As with the claims of neoliberalism more generally as to its positive outputs in terms of prosperity, NPM has never been shown to have been successful even in its own terms. NPM “introduced punishments and rewards to produce better services with lesser staff. Instead of having freed energies and creativity of employees formerly shackled by their bureaucratic turfs, NPM reforms have bound energies into theatrical audit performances at the cost of work and killed creativity in centralizing resources and hollowing out professional autonomy... Fundamental deprivation of the legitimacy of public employees . . .has traumatized many most-committed employees and driven others toward a Soviet-type double standard.” (Juha Siltala, New Public Management : The evidence-based worst practice?, Administration; Vol. 45, No. 4.; 2013 pp. 468-493) Sekera quotes Christopher Pollitt et al., who “after compiling a database of 518 studies of NPM in Europe, determined that “more than 90% of what are seen by experts as the most significant and relevant studies contain no data at all on outcomes” and that of the 10% that had outcomes information, only 44% of those, or 4% of the total, found any improvements in terms of outcomes.” But in the end, the point of NPM is less that of measureable outcomes, and more that of the ideological victory of turning the public and its good into customers exercising their “choices” (see tax revolt example in Duggan), along of course with the radical disempowering of public administration workers and their unions, instituting “cost savings” by cutting their real income and putting more and more of the public sector’s production directly into the profit-making market.
    1. This is not the first time that the US “common man” has embraced populism. Who said the following? “What are the real issues that exist today in these United States? It is the trend of pseudointellectual government where a select elite group have written guidelines in bureaus and court decisions… looking down their noses at the average man on the street … the auto workers, … the little businessman…” (quoted in Cowie: http://digitalcommons.ilr.cornell.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1919&context=articles) This was George Wallace, in 1972, the year he scored a victory in the Democratic primary in Michigan, due primarily to “working-class” opposition to school busing on the heels of white flight to the suburbs. His “populist” message of “anti-elitism”, “anti-crime” and anti-busing wasn’t openly racist, but that was its content. Dewey Burton, the young male symbol of the 1970s (white) working class followed for years by the US media (as told by Cowie, above) was not a racist in his personal attitudes, but his alienation from ossified New Deal politics within a Fordist economic model that provided “only” high-wage job security (and for fewer and fewer people) manifested itself in a form that is fairly indistinguishable from the suddenly new “revolt” of the white working class in the rust belt in 2016 – and this well before Fordism entered into its terminal crisis later in the 70s.



  21. Jan 2019
    1. new subjects of knowledge

      Melvil Dewey: "Guess I'll forget the base 10 number system and switch to hexadecimal."

      For real, she's proposing developing knowledge that is outside of Dewey's ordering system. It's like 150 years old; it's about time!

  22. Dec 2018
    1. High-priority missions will continue, including a close encounter with a distant object called Ultima Thule, scheduled for 33 minutes past midnight on New Year’s Eve.

      Learn more about Ultima Thule here--the farthest object to be explored by the New Horizons spacecraft.

    1. On January 1, the New Horizons spacecraft, the one famous for flying by Pluto, will pass by Ultima Thule to explore this strange rock and try to learn more about the very formation of our solar system.

      So far away!

    1. preacher

      a person, usually a priest or minister, who gives a religious speech.

    1. the world fallen under this falling. In a while, I will put on some boots and step out like someone walking in water, and the dog will porpoise through the drifts, and I will shake a laden branch sending a cold shower down on us both. But for now I am a willing prisoner in this house, a sympathizer with the anarchic cause of snow.

      This whole section reminded me of what they would call a baptism of fire, like a ice phoenix we must first bath the world in snow before it can be reborn as something better. Snow is water and water purifies all.

  23. Nov 2018
    1. The hospitalist movement mirrors the health care trend toward ever-increasing specialization. However, hospitalists are fundamentally generalist physicians who provide and coordinate inpatient care, often aided by myriad subspecialists. How can a generalist be a specialist? Specialties in medicine are traditionally defined by organ (eg, cardiology), disease (oncology), population (pediatrics), or procedure/technology (surgery or radiology). The hospitalist, on the other hand, is a "site-defined generalist specialist" (similar to emergency medicine physicians or critical care specialists), caring for patients with a wide array of organ derangements, illnesses, and ages within a specific location.45 Accordingly, the hospitalist should not be seen as a retreat from generalism and its emphasis on coordination and integration9,77 but rather as an affirmation of these values and as a surrogate for the primary care physician in the hospital. The competing pressures resulting from the distance between office and hospital as well as the requirement of around-the-clock availability make the hospital-based generalist a logical evolution. Hospital medicine has already satisfied many of the requirements of a specialty. A large and enthusiastic group of practitioners identify themselves not according to their training background but as hospitalists. The NAIP is almost certainly the fastest growing physician society in the United States. The field hosts several successful meetings each year and has its own clinical textbook.78 To establish themselves as members of a recognized medical specialty, hospitalists must identify a core skill set or body of knowledge and obtain the approval of credentialing organizations. Advocates of specialty status for hospitalists should be encouraged by the history of 2 other site-defined inpatient specialties: emergency medicine and critical care medicine. Like these relatively young fields, it seems probable that hospitalists will ultimately define a unique set of skills and competencies that will distinguish their field. The identification of practice-training mismatches (Table 2) represents an important first step. Credentialing organizations deliver the final stamp of approval on new specialties by creating a board certification or added qualification. Most new fields quickly agitate for such status, their motivation both practical and visceral. However, for unique reasons, few hospitalists are pressing this point. Many physicians—hospitalists and nonhospitalists—worry that if a credentialing body (such as the American Boards of Internal Medicine or Pediatrics) created a hospital medicine credential, health maintenance organizations might require that physicians possess this credential to care for inpatients. This would be unacceptable to many primary care physicians, who would be excluded from the hospital despite their desire and competence to continue practicing there. For this reason, we expect neither NAIP nor the relevant boards to promote separate credentials in the near future. Nevertheless, as evolutionary forces lead to specialized training, some formal specialty designation may emerge.79
    1. The issue of representation lies at the heart of the debate between the logic-inspired and the neural-network-inspired paradigms for cognition. In the logic-inspired paradigm, an instance of a symbol is something for which the only property is that it is either identical or non-identical to other symbol instances. It has no internal structure that is relevant to its use; and to reason with symbols, they must be bound to the variables in judiciously chosen rules of inference. By contrast, neural networks just use big activity vectors, big weight matrices and scalar non-linearities to perform the type of fast ‘intui-tive’ inference that underpins effortless commonsense reasoning.

      Essa parte "... fast 'intuitive' inference that underpins effortless commonsense reasoning" chamou minha atenção. A ideia de intuição ser "simulada" por uma rede neural, por computador, através de mecanismos matemáticos, é deveras interessante.

    2. Deep-learning theory shows that deep nets have two different expo-nential advantages over classic learning algorithms that do not use distributed representations21. Both of these advantages arise from the power of composition and depend on the underlying data-generating distribution having an appropriate componential structure40.

      "... data-generating distribution having an apropriate componential structure."

      Interessante. Algo que não sabia, apesar de parecer óbvio. A pergunta é: como saber se tal distribuição tem tal característica?

    3. Since the 1960s we have known that linear classifiers can only carve their input space into very simple regions, namely half-spaces sepa-rated by a hyperplane19. But problems such as image and speech recog-nition require the input–output function to be insensitive to irrelevant variations of the input, such as variations in position, orientation or illumination of an object, or variations in the pitch or accent of speech, while being very sensitive to particular minute variations (for example, the difference between a white wolf and a breed of wolf-like white dog called a Samoyed).

      "... to particular minute variations..."

      Esse tipo de diferença para mim era conhecida, mas fiquei surpreso pela relação às diferenças irrelevantes (posição, orientação etc.). Surpreso no sentido de "que interessante, realmente não é fácil (para um sistema de DL?) distinguir essas diferenças".

  24. Oct 2018
  25. Sep 2018
  26. Aug 2018
    1. South Africa is ideally suited to adopt smart city technologies, with the potential to leapfrog international counterparts and lead a new generation of thinking. This is according to Edwin Diender, Vice President, Government and Public Utility Sector, Huawei Enterprise Business Group.
  27. Jul 2018
    1. For instance, what would the sound of an image be, or what would sound look like, should the data be processed in another fashion?

      referring to databending

    1. From 1996 to 2002 four of Ikeda’s early records found a rightful home with Touch, a label who have shown themselves as being similarly committed to exploring sound and music down to their fundaments.

      Touch is still active. How do they sustain?

    2. use of space and indeed some of his future ideas can be found within his work with Dumb Type and their unique approach to theatre and performance

      Finding peers like you is very important. How did he run into them?

    1. A shared context is im-plicit here, but the ways in which rhythms that bind people are shaped has been pulled into sharper focus by Jackson et al. [21]. Picking up on Orlikowski and Yates’ position, theyargue that “distributed collective practices not only have rhythms, but in some fundamental sense are rhythms” [p. 247]. Rhythms shape collective action but are also shaped by it, and efforts to build them and to bring them into alignment are an essential part of collaborative work.

      Lookup Jackson et al paper.

      Design implication: Similar to Wilk paper. How to adopt/adapt these findings to smooth the transition for SBTF to develop new routines/rhythms around temporal data collection.

    2. Wilk [57] has considered how routines come to be cultivated, observing that every day we are presented with opportuni-ties to “naturalize something new”, and turn events into the “precedents” of new routines [p. 151]. He argues that the decisions that surround the adoption of these routines are part of the process of their cultivation, in which uncon-scious habits are brought forward into consciousness, re-flection and discourse. Cultivation can be active or passive (routines may be actively initiated, or forced upon us), and is governed by “tacit rules” that reveal “how often things must be discussed before they can be done without discus-sion, how often things have to be repeated by agreement or with supervision before they can become an accepted part of shared daily routine” [p. 151].

      Design implication: Look up Wilk paper on recommendations for creating precedents of new routines. This will be important in encouraging new/different practices for incorporating time/temporality into SBTF data collection practices.

    1. When Arthur Schlesinger was asked by The New York Times in November, 1965, to explain the contradiction between his published account of the Bay of Pigs incident and the story he had given the press at the time of the attack, he simply remarked that he had lied
  28. Apr 2018
    1. The present is sticky.  The Long Now became the Long Right Now, somehow. This is not what we had in mind when we philosophised about atemporality, but it's probably what we deserved.
    1. Her words reveal the conflict between allegiance to hercultural background and her adopted culture.

      conflict between both of her cultures. her cultural background is one of patrice lumbaba who was killed. meaning her only identity were two european royaltyis and a horribly alteres portrayal, embodiment of Jesus

    2. Trying new approaches is a strategy in which some womenbegan to understand and interact within their worlds insomewhat different ways, taking advantage of new optionsthat became apparent.

      I argue that the entire play is in this stage, the last stage. her way of trying new apporaches is making up different realities and people who each see this situation as something much different and far more dramatic/tramautic

  29. Mar 2018
    1. Describing the creation of Superorganism's songs, Orono Noguchi says, "It usually starts with us listening to music and talking about music, art, and all kinds of stuff in the kitchen. Then, one of us would come up with a very basic idea for a song. We'd then send the file back and forth among the group and add on some random ideas that we have. We'd keep working on it until we have a final product."[9] "We've got the guy making the videos downstairs, mixing in the other room, [and] singing going on [elsewhere]," Harry says in regards to their live-in studio. "We've created this kind of warped version of a pop production house."[1]
  30. Feb 2018
    1. South Bellmore Veterinary Group Review - Things to keep in mind in gifting pets

      You only have a few more days left until Christmas and you’re probably thinking of gifting a pet to a loved one. Many people love to keep a pet and if the person receiving the gift is an animal lover then his happiness is guaranteed in giving him a good animal. The pet will serve as his partner in doing things that the person likes like playing at the backyard, doing some physical activities, resting at the park, and many more things the both of them can share together.

      Whatever your reasons are in gifting a pet to a person where it can be for Christmas or for a birthday celebration, South Bellmore Veterinary Group still wanted you to consider a few important things regarding the subject matter first before choosing a good pet at the adoption center.

      Learn about the preferences of the person getting the pet beforehand. Determine his likes or dislikes in taking care of a pet, and get a list of animals he’s excited to have one day. With that kind of information, you’ll have a clear understanding to which pet suits the person the most.

      In relation to the above paragraph, you need to find a pet that would fit the personality of the person especially his lifestyle. If he’s committed to physical training or exercises, then get him a dog that does routine exercise as well. Or if the person prefers to stay at home and just relax most of his days, then get an animal that also does the same. Do a bit of research to ensure the good relationship between the person and the animal in the near future. You can visit or contact an adoption counselor for more expert advice on gifting a pet to a person.

      You can also go with giving the person a certificate instead of a present box with a pet inside. A lot of people like it better this way because the person can choose personally at the adoption center for the particular animal he loves to have at his home with a certificate in hand, which covers the adoption fee.

      Think about the future possibilities as well, thus go to an adoption center that can still accept the pet when the owner can’t take care of it anymore since this could become a reality in the future. You won’t know for certain the future of the person you’re giving the pet into and the animal, so South Bellmore Veterinary Group wanted you to make sure that the pet still have a place to go home to once it is left by its current owner due to unexpected circumstances, and will receive professional care until the day a new person will fulfill his role as its pet owner.

      If ever the person knows that you’ll be giving him a pet as a token of your love or friendship, then it’s better to take him to the animal adoption center and let him choose the animal that he’s very comfortable with and promises to take care throughout its life. Make sure that the person is also ready to face the responsibilities of being a pet owner where he will do his best to provide its needs.

      As a group that takes care of pets of any kinds and breeds with utmost love and care, South Bellmore Veterinary Group would like each and every pet owner reading this to show your love to your pet often because this is also the key for it to live a very long life.

    1. Godard’s Les Carabiners (1963)

      Les Carabiners is a film by French New Wave director Jean-Luc Godard. Although it is unclear from Sontag's description of the film, it's an anti-war film. For more info: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0056905/.

    1. South Bellmore Veterinary Group Review - Hvor hen til gide den ren Pet i overensstemmelse med jeres lifestyle

      Pets kunne levere mange artig sager hen til jer nemlig dens indehaver, men den oparbejde i vælger hvilke sig er ren nemlig jeres lifestyle burde implicere en grundig indfald. Med nogle faktorer at overveje, beslutte, hvilken en vil tage nogen tid, men syd Bellmore veterinær gruppe forsikrer dig om, at det vil være det værd i sidste ende. Selv om jeres ' aktuelle planlæggelse hen til optage noget pets, lære den sager at jer savn hen til overveje i den næste paragraffer.

      Det er muligt, at du allerede har en liste over dyr, du er interesseret i at holde, så det næste skridt er at lære om de specifikke behov og ønsker af hvert dyr, der indgår på din liste. Du er nødt til at tænke på din rutine og livsstil, mens lære om dem, og derefter afgøre, hvilke dyr der er bedst egnet til din måde at leve på. Du skal sørge for, at tingene vil fungere fint mellem dig og dit valgte dyr.

      Selv om jeres ' altid en optaget pågældende og jeres ' ikke sikker omkring gav konstant omhu og opmærksomhed hen til jeres pets så er der ikke mere gide simpel opretholdelse dyrene hvilke forlange færre handlekraftig vekselvirkning. Hvordan end, selv om jer savnet hen til tage sig af nok så handlekraftig dyrene såsom hunde og katte og jeres ' sikker at jer kunne indrømme sig jeres gang med jævne mellemrum så er der ikke mere opgave er hos disse arter i dyrene.

      Når du har gjort op dit sind til at vælge fra lav vedligeholdelse dyr, kan du begynde din søgning med fisk. Holde en guldfisk er et godt valg, så godt, især hvis du er på et stramt budget, da det er billigt og er meget let at tage sig af, da du kun behøver at fodre det hver dag. Men det kan ikke give det venskab eller kammeratskab du kan få fra mere aktive dyr. Men hvis fiskene ikke var til din smag, kan du gå med fugle. De har heller ikke brug for så meget opmærksomhed for at tage sig af dem, du simpelthen nødt til at rense deres bur og sætte nok forsyning af mad og vand. I modsætning til fisk, kan du interagere med fugle og danne et venskab med dem og i sidste ende udvikle en stærkere Bond. Du kan få dem på en overkommelig eller en højere pris afhængig af deres racer, hvor det kan være finker, kanariefugle eller parakitter. Du kan også finde lykken med deres glade støj. Som tidligere nævnt, hunde og katte er perfekt, hvis du er sikker på, at du kan tage sig af dem regelmæssigt. En hund kunne indrømme jer dens uparret loyalitet og lover hen til opbevare jer sikker hele tiden, samtidigt med at en kat kan jeres Fur-ballet i ihærdighed og kilde i sikker vibes.

      Fra det øjeblik du har besluttet, hvilket dyr der skal medtages i dit hjem, fordi det passer til din livsstil, skal du vælge, hvilken en af dens race er kompatibel med dig næste. Imødese at hver arten har anderledes savn og karakteristikker, altså jer skal være grundig i indlæring omkring sig hen til afgøre hvor hver kunne have indflydelse på jeres liv.

      Syd Bellmore Veterinary sammenstille vil nu indbringe jer hen til noget arter i hunde. Den først sig var benævnt Boston skrækkelig og indeværende sort i arten dont ' navnlig savn sand behændighedsøvelse og var nobel af simpelt hen slappe ved siden af deres indehaver. Pugs kom på andenpladsen, og denne race ønskede at engagere sig mere i ting, der kan bringe nydelse eller underholdning og også velegnet til en køligere miljø. For det tredje, den type race, der er munter og ideel til regelmæssig udøvelse, der har en god kropsstørrelse samt er kendt som Cocker Spaniels. Nemlig vor sidst arten indfinde sig den Greyhounds, hvilke nyde en større legeme nummer og yndlings løb og rolig omgivelser hos en hyggelig Loco nemlig napping.

      Efter at have diskuteret nogle hunderacer, vil vi nu gå videre til racer af katten. Den først arten tilbyder en opvakt og munter optræden, den Rusland blå katte, hvilke elske leger omkring hos deres legetøj eller tilbragt gang sammen med deres indehaver. Ser frem til deres sammensat kropsholdning så godt og deres engagement i en rutine. Anden er en race, der var blid og stille, kludedukke katte. Men sørg for at købe fnug ruller og opretholde regelmæssig og ordentlig grooming, så deres udgydelse vil ikke være en kæmpe ballade. Den tredjedel er en arten at er fluffy, høflig og rolig ligeledes, den Persian katte. De er perfekte til at håndtere andre mennesker og elsker at blive soigneret hver dag. Hvis du vil have en aktiv kat, der nyder at hoppe rundt i nogen højder, Manx katte var det øverste valg for dig.

      I slutningen af dagen, alt efter hvad dyr du vælger som et kæledyr, vil South Bellmore veterinær gruppe gerne have dig til at være forpligtet til at tage sig af dem til den bedste af dine evner hver dag.

  31. Jan 2018
    1. South Bellmore Veterinary Group Review - Hvordan gi hjelp til en hund med angst

      Hovedparten av pet eiere hvem lever alene avreise deres pets for deres huset hver gang de gå ytterside å arbeide eller å studere for skolen. Bortsett fra sakene av hundene har engstelse med hensyn til ensomheten finnes inne situasjonen av annet pet eiere. Og en gang din hunden fikk blitt diagnosed med engstelse alt etter dens vet eller en legeundersøkelse profesjonell, det er på tide å ta affære og høre bedre veier å ta vare på det hel frisk-tilværelse av din hunden, særlig dens mental sunnhet. I løpet av disse vanskelige tider, er din tålmodighet og engasjement sterkt behov i henhold til Sør Bellmore veterinær gruppe. Vite det noe hendelsen kunne finne sted som din hunden havne i ødelegge noe saker inne din huset fordi det er en prøver å komme ut.

      Du nød å finner flere metoder for utviklende og sinnsro det mental forfatning av din hunden siden ettall handling alene skrånende ' fullt ut gro det kamp din pet er aktuelle erfaring. Faktisk, dette inkluderer noen vanskeligheter på begge sider, men du kan ikke ha en regnbue uten litt regn, ikke sant? Du nød å ha lated medications, forpliktelse, og hjelpe og oppbacking fra annet folk særlig det eksperter eller legeundersøkelse profesjonelle for at hjelp det mental kamp av din hunden. Mene det en dag, din hunden ville virkelig oppfatte din ansvar og ville høre å administrere dens tristhet eller ensomheten, og således bevege fjerne å forbindelsesveien av engstelse.

      Hvis din ' lever med din hel slekt, din hunden kunne ikke stemning ensomhet selv om din ' går ytterside å møte din ansvar fordi annet slekt medlemmer ville sikker ta vare på den. Bortsett fra hvis din hunden fremdeles bebygget engstelse med slik omgivelsene, du nød å behandle denne materie med din slekt. Sør Bellmore veterinary gruppe ønske du å bli deres hjelpe og oppbacking inne skaper fint opptreden planer, eller ga hunden en positiv, handlekraftig og lysomgivelsene det kunne hjelpe fjerne dens negativ følelsene. For å se mer effektive resultater, erverve service av en sertifisert dyr trener eller en veterinær Behaviorist.

      Hvis din ' lever alene med din hunden, begynne et par endre å din praksis eller lifestyle hvilke sikte å hjelpe din hunden minske dens engstelse. Hver gang du fikk opp fra sengen, finner din hunden og gir den en morgen klem å fylle dens energi måler for dagen. Opprette tid til deres hunden likeledes aften for kun få minuttene der hvor du kanne mate den dens favoritt næringen eller pet den for en stund. Vis ham en god morgen stemning til minst gjøre det glemme sin angst bygge opp. Tidligere du avreise din hjem, snakke med din hunden og forsikre den det du ville komme hjem så snart som mulig etter dem honorere din ansvar idet en ansatte eller en student. Gi den en klem og et smil med et skikkelig farvel. Selv om det ikke kan forstå dine ord, vil din oppriktighet sikkert nå sitt hjerte. Du kan la TV-en eller musikkspilleren være åpen for å distrahere den fra sin ensomhet eller samle sine favoritt leker på ett sted som er lett tilgjengelig.

      Dra nytte av dagen-offs og tilbringe litt kvalitetstid sammen med hunden din. Gå en tur rundt i nabolaget eller bare slappe av og spille på en Park. Hvis din ' innlevering huset, sikre den rettferdig for en kort perioden i den grad at din hunden ville oppfatte det din ' komme hjem tidlig i løpet av din hviledager. Se å den det din elsket pet er likeledes mottar det lated beløpet av nærende igjennom en frisk-balansert kosten og en lated morsjon.

      Dont ' gjøre aksjonene det kunne avreise en arr opp på din dogâ € ™ s følelsene som får meget irritert på den med det punkt din ' rope for den. Hvis din ' bekymret om har den riktig disiplin, der er annet enkel veier det kunne hjelpe du og ettall gir den noe behandler å hver føle etter kommandere. Har engstelse er en følsom utsendelse og dont ' avente den å rask forsvinne fra din pet. Sør Bellmore veterinary gruppe ville like du å forstå det denne nødvendig tid, tålmodighet, besluttsomhet, likeledes idet oppbacking fra andre mennesker og dyr eller legeundersøkelse eksperter.

    2. South Bellmore Veterinary Group Review - Kuinka jotta keventää sinun Vintti koira kilpailut ' korostaa ja Ahdistuneisuus

      Monet usein katsella maailmaa tänään nopeasti eteenpäin liike, jossa kaikki vaatii paljon työtä ja ihmisten täytyy pysyä muutoksia, jotka vaativat heitä työskentelemään kovemmin voidakseen elää. Avulla nyt kuluva, toinen hellitellä omistaja joskus dont ' hankkia aika jotta vedonlyöjä ajaa haluta-lta heidän lemmikki ynnä asia että he kaivata jotta erota heidän lemmikki yksin aikaa koti-aina kun he kaivata jotta sisu jotta koulia eli aikaansaada. Ja tästä syystä jotkut koirat unwantedly kehittää stressiä tai ahdistusta, koska yksinäisyyttä.

      Tokko sinun koira ennestään has ahdistuneisuus pitää keskuspaikkanaan model after tulokset-lta sinun eläin lääkäri, niin muodoin eroten se yksin mahti muodostaa jalkeilla enemmän korostaa. Mutta emme voi tehdä asialle mitään, koska jokainen meistä tarvitsee työtä, mitä voit tehdä, on löytää muita tapoja auttaa koirasi vähentää sen stressiä ja ahdistusta. Vaara tilanteiden koirien kokee stressiä ja ahdistusta voi sisältyä niitä epätoivoisesti yrittää päästä ulos talosta ja lopulta murtaa paljon asioita prosessissa.

      Asiantuntijat sanoivat, että yksi hoito ei voi kokonaan poistaa ahdistusta koira ja he lisäsivät, että se on hyvin vaikea asia käsitellä. Mutta tästä huolimatta Etelä Bellmore eläin lääkintä ryhmä haluaisi sinun olevan vahvempi koirallesi ja Älä anna periksi. Pysyminen positiivinen se on yksi tapa, jolla voit täyttää sen tyhjiön hieman valoa toivoa. Sitoutumalla ja loputon hoito ja rakkaus, koirasi varmasti jonain päivänä ymmärtää teidän tehtäviä ja velvollisuuksia, ja se voi myös paremmin käsitellä stressiä.

      Muistaa että auttaa sinun koira herkku pala sen ahdistuneisuus jälki säädös ajaa aivan jokin aika ja arpa-lta kärsivällisyys. Tokko sinun koira elämä avulla eheä heimo, se on epätodennäköinen ajaksi se jotta edistää ahdistuneisuus alkaen paikalla enemmän kuin ainoa henki joka ajaa haluta-lta se, ainoastaan kotona jokin kovaonninen asia johon koira edistää ainoa, apu-lta ehjä heimo kotona herkku pala ahdistuneisuus-lta heidän Belove d hellitellä on kaivata. Voit keskustella sen kanssa perheen jäsenten ja kehittää keinoja, miten paremmin hoitaa koirasi. Tehokkaimpia tuloksia, hakea asian tuntemusta sertifioitu Animal Trainer tai eläin lääkärin behaviorist.

      Sinun pitäisi aloittaa muutokset itsesi kanssa, kuten käyttäytymistä ja/tai elämän tapa. Sinun koira osata sinun ' astuva rikki polveutua aika se herää ja polveutua paikalla,-nsa huolestunut eli korostaa toukokuu muodostaa jalkeilla, joten polveutua aika te panna jalkeilla, kimmoisuus sinun koira aikamoinen halaus ja mahti koska kummuta heilahdus jokin-lta sinun aamu rutiinin omainen ja arvioida enemmän aika ilakoida avulla se edes ajaksi muutaman minuutin ruokinta sen lempi ruokaansa tai aamiaista, tai hyväily sitä jonkin aikaa. South Bellmore eläin lääkintä ryhmä ehdottaa jättää TV auki niin, että se voisi katsella hyviä esityksiä ja välttää ikävystyminen, tai laittaa sen suosikki leluja lähistöllä. Te kanisteri kin erota se avulla hyvä musiikki ilakoida liepeillä, ja joka aika te panna koti-polveutua aikaansaada/koulia, esitellä sinun koira sinun lempiä ja kimmoisuus se aikamoinen halaus jälleen.

      Se on harkittu koska kummuta jotta sisu ulkona ajaksi rajoitettu eli lyhytfilmi erä-lta aika aikana sinun aika offs joten että sinun koira jälki säädös muodostaa luulo että aikana jokin days-lta työviikko, sinun ' johtuen koti-pikemmin kuin tavallinen, ja kaihtaa ajatteleva kanssa ankara ja olla erittäin yksinäinen. Ja koska se on sinun vapauttaa aika, hän ei ajaa sinun koira ajaksi astua jotta puisto ja ainoastaan hellittää ala-puu ja olla heittää model after hävytön Nurmi. Katso, että olet myös seurata sen terveyttä ja säilyttää tasapainoisen ruoka Valion asianmukaista liikuntaa.

      Tokko sinun koira has ahdistuneisuus, osata että se on aivan altis, joten kaihtaa ehtiminen kiukkuinen aikaa se ja ehkäistä piittaamatta sen läsnäolo. Te kohottanut sinun koira koska sinun parhaiten kaveri, joten olla avulla se edes aikana sen ankara silloin tällöin. South Bellmore eläin lääkintä ryhmä ehdottaa pitää se kurin alainen käyttämällä muita tapoja, jotka eivät vahingoita sen tunteita kuin antaa se kohtelee, kun se seuraa tilauksesi. Te erikoiskieli ' helposti eliminoida sinun Vintti koira kilpailut ' ahdistuneisuus kohtuullinen kuin maaginen koska youll ' kaivata auttaa-lta toinen ihmiset liepeillä te ja arvonmukainen lääke hoito kimmoisuus luona ammatti mies, ja-lta elämän suunta sinun omistautumista jotta parantaa sinun Vintti koira kilpailut ' mielen terveys.

  32. Dec 2017
  33. Nov 2017
  34. Oct 2017
    1. e concept of the Anthropocene and sharing some key ways it has been discussed by scholars and has entered the public consciousness.

      Claim we have entered a new geological epoch, Anthropocene first made by Paul Crutzen & Eugene Stoermer in IGBP Journal, May 2000 Pg 17-18 [] (http://www.igbp.net/download/18.316f18321323470177580001401/1376383088452/NL41.pdf)

      Crutzen elaborated on this in article published in Nature in 2002. NB : Stresses humanity have become the crucially significant factor in potentially cataclysmic changes to our planet. [] (http://www.geo.utexas.edu/courses/387H/PAPERS/Crutzen2002.pdf)

    2. ‘Truly it would seem as if “Man strews the earth with ruin.”4 But this conclusion is too flattering to human vanity. Man's most permanent memorial is a rubbish-heap, and even that is doomed to be obliterated’ (Sherlock, 1922, p. 343

      CO2 atmospheric concentration used as simple indicator for many years to track great acceleration / progression in Anthropocence, this now joined by long list of other indicators, escalating at an alarming rate, population, water use/ shortage, paper consumption, global warming, increase in number and ferocity of storms .......

    3. In 1873, the Italian geologist and priest Antonio Stoppani suggested that our technologies, infrastructures, and patterns of land use had created fundamental changes in Earth’s systems, propelling us into what he called an ‘anthropozoic era’

      Note : Read over Article again by Will Steffen, Paull J Crutzen & John R McNeill. [] (https://www.pik-potsdam.de/news/public-events/archiv/alter-net/former-ss/2007/05-09.2007/steffen/literature/ambi-36-08-06_614_621.pdf)

      Explore development of Anthropocence. How do we track progression of Anthropocene? CO2 Emissions??

  35. Sep 2017
  36. Aug 2017
    1. Hosting a discussion on Hypothesis breaks up

      Are annotations sorted by time or by place on the page?

    1. Joan Withers, TVNZ’s chair, added that Fletcher was on a guaranteed fixed price contract. Either that was literally true and Fletcher took a bath it hasn’t disclosed. Or, it kept ratcheting up the fixed price as the work expanded.

      One wonders which it is - Fletcher hiding a $30m loss, or TVNZ hiding a $30m cost blowout.

      Hmmm www.fyi.org.nz ..