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- common sense
- public health measures
- coercion
- engagement
- vaccination programme
- social distancing
- punishment
- authority
- COVID-19
- coercive leadership
- public
- collective response
- laissez faire leadership
- psychology
- mitigation
- UK
- mandate
- interdependence
- leadership
- responsibility
- lang:en
- society
- policy
- risk
- is:blog
- identity leadership
- societal level
- strategy
- ventilation
- safety
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- rapid testing
- variant
- immunity
- COVID-19
- South Africa
- hospitalization
- transmissibility
- healthcare
- prediction
- lang:en
- society
- testing
- booster
- policy
- is:news
- vaccine
- Omicron
- hospital
- mask wearing
- mortality
- severity
- previous infection
- societal level
- strategy
- essential worker
- protection
- ventilation
- individualism
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- exposure
- paediatric hospitalization
- systemic racism
- white supremacy
- children
- lang:en
- priviledge
- low-income
- Omicron
- homeschooling
- risk
- mortality
- remote learning
- people of colour
- ventilation
- disparity
- school closure
- virtual learning
- perception
- race
- COVID-19
- transmission
- in-person schooling
- education
- work from home
- school
- vaccine
- multigenerational family structure
- economic oppression
- economy
- is:webpage
- online learning
- safety
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Eric Topol. (2022, January 14). Much less loss of smell and taste with Omicron, but more sore throat than with Delta https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1046623/Technical-Briefing-34-14January2022.pdf @UKHSA symptom data from ~175,000 Omicron and ~88,000 Delta cases https://t.co/DIGRGkoXa9 [Tweet]. @EricTopol. https://twitter.com/EricTopol/status/1482029245580808192
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- is:news
- outbreak
- government
- mask mandate
- home working
- England
- COVID-19
- error
- advantage
- UK
- British Medical Association
- vulnerable
- lang:en
- virus
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- vaccine
- self-attacking antibodies
- Omicron
- B cells
- COVID-19
- antibodies
- infection
- is:webpage
- research
- science
- lang:en
- immune system
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- remote working
- political leadership
- social distancing
- contact tracing
- hospitalization
- lang:en
- quarantine
- Omicron
- hospital
- data
- risk
- mask wearing
- isolation
- mortality
- staff shortage
- ventilation
- lockdown
- daily cases
- variant
- physical distancing
- airborne transmission
- COVID-19
- is:tweet
- transmission
- UK
- England
- testing
- policy
- vaccine
- government
- prevention
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- global
- COVID-19
- UK
- healthcare worker
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- management
- government
- risk
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- funding
- protection
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Guter Artikel. Begründet in einer Kritik am neuzeitlichen modell einer naturlosen und nicht an Orte (hier die Orte, in denen man Menschen infizieren kann) gebundenen Freiheit. Ich finde die Bemerkungen über Bewegungsfreiheit am interessantesten.
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- ilness
- isolation
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- supply chain
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