434 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. This article of his really shifted my thinking:https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/18/opinion/neighborhood-social-infrastructure-community.html

      for - Linked In Post - reply to - rapid whole system change - neighborhood as the unit of change - Danica Virginia Meredith - to - NYTimes - Opinion - The Neighborhood is the Unit of Change - David Brooks - 2018

  2. Sep 2024
  3. Aug 2024
  4. Jul 2024
    1. Today while listening to the song I am reminded, through reflection, upon the fact that it takes quite some self-awareness and intellectual humility to prevent the rigorous defense of uneducated opinion, especially in online intellectual communities.

      "Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance." -- Confucius

      Something that intellectuals must be aware of. We must be flexible in opinion and not defend that which we actually have no knowledge of.

      We can debate for Socratic sakes; to deepen our understanding, but not to persuade... Pitfall is one might come to believe beyond doubts that which one debates for.

      Key is to becoming more aware of our debate behavior and stop ourselves when we realize we can't actually prove that which we think.

      This is especially critical for someone in position of teacher or great advisor; he who is looken up to. People are easier to take their opinion for granted based on "authority". As an ethical intellectual we must not abuse this, either on purpose or by accident. With great power comes great responsibility.

    2. (2:03) "The average man can't prove of most of the things that he chooses to speak of. And still won't research and find the root of the truth that you seek of."

      So true this quote. Dunning-Krueger. Ignorance. Stupidity.

      Men should listen to Charlie Munger's advice: "I never allow myself to have [express] an opinion about anything that I don't know the opponent side's argument better than they do."

    1. Rigorous thinking is realizing that 90% of ideas are probably not worth doing, and the ones that are worth doing, won’t just magically work. It’s realizing that many ideas are decent, but decent doesn’t meet the bar for moving forward when you have limited resources (and resources are always limited, even at large organizations).
    2. To establish a norm of rigorous thinking, you’ll want to encourage your team to speak up if they disagree, and to do so respectfully and openly. And when questions are asked of them, to react positively and see the questions as a gift. This part is important: A team member’s initial reaction may be to feel a little defensive, and that’s natural, but that’s not the reaction to act on. The way to react is to appreciate when a colleague cares enough to speak up.
    3. Any idea goes, but each team member should be prepared to advocate for their idea and defend it. You should be prepared to walk through the upside, downside, data points rooted in reality, and how it works given your assets and constraints. Anyone can ask questions and probe, and these questions are received with gratitude and openness.
    4. Lazy thinking is assuming your idea simply works, or that someone else will be in charge of “figuring out the details.” Lazy thinkers consider anything they don’t want to do (usually the hard part of actually solving a problem) to be “the details.”

      i love the part where she says that we sometimes automatically think that someone else will be figuring out the details of our lazy ideas. if we have ideas, we must be prepared to test it and fill in the gaps ourselves

    1. “You always have the option of having no opinion. There is never any need to get worked up or to trouble your soul about things you can't control. These things are not asking to be judged by you. Leave them alone.” I have no opinion about this.
  5. Jun 2024
    1. digital distraction

      What does that even mean? Ok, I can imagine some specific things that are both "distraction" and inherently "digital", but how are those significant compared to specific non-digital distractions, like drugs and whatever type of music not in your particular taste?

    2. As soon as learners pick up a digital device, they are placed ina specific situation and confronted with an individualization oftheir learning activity

      Any digital device, according to the text, inherently individualizes learning.

      I disagree, and instead blame subjectivity here: Our imposing expectatons of digitalizations being more efficient amplifies the development and use of such efficiency-oriented tools.

    3. the learning method and the performative,operational, and organizational aspects of the act of learning areexamined. As already indicated, this is exactly where the strengthsof digital technologies for expanding the learning activity oflearners lie

      If not pretty close to a definition, then what is the purpose of "exactly" here?

    4. Based on the analysis of digital technology inthe last chapter, the potential of digital technology lies mainly inthe operative dimension of the learning action.

      Wait, what? Where in previous chapter was that concluded, rather than than just superficially mentioned?

    5. As Hartmut Rosa points out, digital world reachextension paradoxically leads to progressive forms of world lossand therefore requires a countermovement and the developmentof a reflective practice of temporary

      Hartmut Rosa talks about digital communication and digital media, and a problem of those being always available.

      That is not digitalization in general, but the subset of never sleeping systems, commonly referred to as "online" systems.

    6. However, thisexpansion relates to the operative dimension of learning. Watchinga YouTube video, reading a digital text, or a ChatGPT response,does not mean that I have learned anything in the process

      Listening to a lecturer, reading a book or doing homework don't necessarily contribute to learning either. The point is not that digital technologies directly contribute to the content aspect of learning, but that the content aspect of learning is directly dependant on the operative. The operative can evolve, and new ways of relating to the world can develop. The potential of digital technologies lies in providing qualitatively new ways of contextualizing learning matters, thereby creating a learning environment that leans into affinitive learning movements. Most learning environments today lean into the definitive movements. Contexts are created in the users mind when relations between different books are understood intuitively. But this intuition can be described, visualized and co-created with other learners digitally.

  6. May 2024
    1. (1) the whatof the learning action, that is, the learning content and what thelearner would like to learn; (2) the why of the learning action,that is, the learner’s reasons for wanting to learn something. Thesemore content-related dimensions of learning give direction andthey determin

      Schraube defines two (plural!) learning dimensions: content and reason. Perhaps there it is only one dimension containing those two aspects.

    2. why should thesevarious forms of individualizing and personalizing the practice oflearning be a problem? After all, learning is an individual act and,like all mental activities, it is tied to a concrete, unique individualsubject. Indeed, as explained earlier, the grounding of learningin the individual subject and his or her experience, action, andconduct of everyday life is an important insight, but as individualsubjects we are always social beings.

      Problem with tools like ChatGPT is not an inherent individualization, but that its lack of transparency hampers the ability for critical reasoning, including social collaborative reflection. Tools that present statements (words put together) without reference to the origins of presumed reasoning for concluding the statement, invites only for taking the statements as-is, not for reflecting and therefore do not stimulate a constructive learning process. But that is a criticism of tools lacking transparency, not of digitalization in general.

    3. Basedon the student reports, the potential of digital connectedness liesmainly in the operative dimension of the learning action

      Only when asking students to reflect on their own potentials of digitalization does it seem reasonable to conclude about that.

      If instead (as suspected here) the students were asked about their *practices", then it seems unfair to extrapolate potentials.

      Related: Are the learners even capable of identifying what is potential? That seems to depend on their skills on the involved practices.

    4. Of students and teachers alike, it demands thatthey make themselves present, in attention and response, ratherthan hiding behind the technology of transmission.

      Not all technology promotes "hiding behind" - some promotes transparency and collaboration.

    5. There is akind of surveillance. When you write something, everyone inthe group can see what you write.

      Understandable that "Elaine" conflates an issue of peer pressure with a quite different issue of surveillance. But problematic that it is quoted in a context of understanding problems of digitalization, without defusing the obvious hyperbole: The word "surveillance" is commonly associated with control imposed by superior parties external to the (immediate, intended) dialogue (notably governments and multinational corporations). It is notably not commonly associated with kinds of the control the immediate group imposes on you when you expose your uncertainties in a collaborative learning process. Maybe "Elaine" really feels as strongly an oppression as if NSA of Google was puppetmastering her, but more likely she is sloppily describing "peer pressure" - which however does not as strongly give off a smell of being an issue with digitalization. In the context the quote is used to boost digitalization as a villain, which is not helpful.

    6. the difficulty of finding the needle in thedigital haystack

      Fun word play, but also deceptive: The haystack of finding relevant source material for covering a problem space is not a digital one. Jokingly framing it as such, exactly in the context of identifying problems with digitalization in learning, is quite problematic.

    7. A serious problem is the intensification of the individualization oflearning in digital learning relations

      True that those digital tools intensifying individualization of learning is a serious problem for (expansive) learning. False (or unknown, however. that digital learning in general inherently is seriously problematic in this way. Reason is that only individualizing tools have so far been examined, and therefore only potential for individualization can be concluded.

    8. since I type fast and can typewithout looking

      seems the reasons given are relates to fluency in using the tool, more than the tool being digital.

    9. So far, my examinationhas shown that digital technologies cannot really contribute to thedevelopment of the content of learning

      Examinations so far have been biased: Not generally on digital tools, but highlighting problems by picking extreme tools. Problems exist, but examining the problematic part of a filed and concluding that the field is problematic is tautologic.

    10. Some people feel that they are beingwatched and controlled when they write, so they write first ina document on their own computer and then, after they havewritten, they paste it into the shared digital document.

      Probably the same urge to do it privately first, before risking the exposure of the group, is the same for non-digital collaborative tools like a whiteboard or a blackboard.

    11. Another major problem identified by the students is thedifficulty of determining the substance and quality of the respectivematerial among the vast number of sources available

      The students identify a problem in navigating vast amount of information, but even if they mention "internet" they do not frame that as a problem of digitalization: The framing is on the author.

    12. Because you use it all the time, it’salmost like a part of your body.

      So this digital tool (computers used for writing) is internalized (possibly as a result of schooling and/or peer pressure or other interactions in a previous part of life) compared to alternatives for the same task (pen and paper), so it is not a comparison between options in principle equal but one being digital and the other not, but instead options in principle equal but the other internalized and the other not.

    13. digital technologies are not simplyneutral things, but forms of power and materialized action thatembody the possibility of a new quality of individualizing thepractice of learning.

      It is difficult not to read the text as arguing, that digitalization in general inherently is biased towards individualizing the practice of learning. Yes, there is potential for that quality, but no, it is neither general for digital tools nor unique for digital tools.

    14. Where exactly do I search in the digital space?

      Why scoping that challenge as being "in the digital space"? Do any of the students examined here (or anyone else) find it particularly confusing or in other ways hard to search "in the digital space" as opposed to outside of it?

      Search engines can be confusing to use effectively, especially as a new scholarly student, but I strongly doubt that many will find it harder than effectively using index cards.

    15. I think it’s a shame when you don’t really get to the bottom ofthings. For example, we have a discussion, me, and my studymates. But not everyone is prepared to join in because some arecompletely absorbed by something else, like what’s happeningon Facebook.

      True, lack of focus is a "highly problematic phenomenon", and nowadays where most entertainment is digital, distractions are quite often digital. But it is not a problem of digitalization. If it were, then students would have generally been super focused back in the day before the rise of the internet.

    16. theproblem with digital systems like ChatGPT is that the responsesare generated in a completely disconnected way from the world

      This problem seems not tied to digitalization: Responses from a collection of books in a library is also "completely disconnected" from the world outside, due to books being static. ChatGPT being static is not rooted in it being digital but despite that: Generative artificial intelligence systems like ChatGPT can easily be designed to be connected, and ChatGPT specifically is deliberately crippled as a security mechanism - i.e. concerns by those producing the service over the lack of control over the conversations possible between the service and its consumer/learner. Arguably, books are inherently disconnected and ChatGPT is designed to mimick a similar disconnected model even though digitalization offers opportunity for letting go of that constraint.

    17. Digital technologies certainly offer new possibilities, for example,through the enormous world reach extension in screen-mediateddialogue with others. For the core of tentacular learning, however,for the development of attention, resonance, and affinitive self-organizing processes, they are insignificant

      Commonly, sure, but are digital technologies really categorically insignificant for tentacular learning?

      Seems that certain set of digital technologies are supportive of tentacular thinking by design, and thus potentially significant if used as per their intended design.

    18. A theoryof technological politics must therefore include the dimension ofcreating and shaping alternative forms of technological practice.Forms that, from the first moment of production, are systematicallyimagined in their significance for human life and the world that donot consolidate one-sided interests, social injustice, and controlover others but seek to overcome them and embody a generalizedthinking, caring for the world and for the common good.

      This seems to imply - unsubstantiated! - that intended purpose of technologies is inherently about oppression, whereas unintended secondary uses of technology is where liberation from oppression should be sought.

    1. Cada candidato posee los conocimientos, talentos y experiencia necesarios para mejorar la ciudad de la ciudad capitalina (Noticiasrcn, 2023)

      Esta es una opinión, expresada por un medio periodístico, no un hecho. No sabemos si tienen o no esos requisitos de mejora. Cambiar la redacción.

    1. Ils montraient combien ce stéréotype se nourrit d’une confusion entre l’écran (le support), l’image (le contenu) et le spectacle (la pratique). Si fascination il y a, et si l’écran y joue un rôle, c’est bien l’activité qu’il contribue à instrumenter qui doit être interrogée.
    2. Cette radicalisation des postures laisse malheureusement peu de place au débat et à la controverse. Pourtant, la recherche scientifique, dans sa diversité et sa pluridisciplinarité, attire l’attention sur la complexité d’un tableau tout en nuances où l’usage du numérique se révèle autant émancipateur qu’aliénant.
    1. La question de départ est mal posée. Il n'y a pas de causalité entre l'usage des écrans et la hausse de la violence chez les jeunes.Anne CordierProfesseure des Universités en Sciences de l'Information et de la Communication, à l'Université Lorraine
    1. aussi importante soit-elle pour la protection de l'enfance ces deux lois 1889 et 1898 doivent également être appréhendé comme participant à la fois à la 00:10:32 disciplinarisation des pauvres dans une période où la violence structurelle du capitalisme industriel conduit à la production d'un prolétariat contient pour seul responsable de la condition de sa 00:10:44 progéniture et à la moralisation d'enfants dont on anticipe qu'il risque de devenir des délinquants ou des criminels si on ne les soustrait pas à la socialisation de l'environnement 00:10:55 malsin de leur famille
  7. Mar 2024
    1. The truth is that both of these approaches are wrong. Deleting is wrong. If you're actually asking this question then it means you're modelling the current state instead of the transactions. This is a bad, bad practice in database-land.
  8. Feb 2024
    1. accepting an answer doesn't mean it is the best one. For me it is interesting how argumentation of some users is reduced to "Hey, the editor has 5000+ edits. Do not ever think that a particular edit was wrong."
    1. . The paper identifies unique ways in which online communication (in the context of learning) is different from face-to-face communication, and consequently four ways in which this can be an advantage for students; namely, there is a measure of social egalitarianism, emphasis on verbal/written proficiency, time for reasoned response, and social age

      Each teaching mode (f2f, online, synchronous, asynchronous, etc.) has unique challenges and benefits. Instead of comparing them to figure out "which is better" we should simply figure out how to use each mode in the best possible way to take advantages of the affordances of that mode.

  9. Jan 2024
    1. district level policies that prohibit the use of these tools in classroom contexts.

      I think with all of the pressures on elementary teachers to fit in so many subjects among other district initiatives throughout the year, why not teach teachers how to properly use GenAI and allow them to assist with teaching subjects/topics they may not feel as knowledgable on?

    2. What this means is that it is easier to believe and act as if LLM’s are psychological beings than to consider them machines.

      To me, I can relate this to the effects that regular social media use has on some people, where they develop an addiction or fictional relationship with people online, or live in a fantasy world. And this is one of the scary sides of social media use.

    3. a future for which we are responsible and committed to prepare our students for.

      Yes! So often we hear that we are preparing kids to be 21st Century learners and so much of that lends its way to technology so the way I see it, is this is just part of it.

    4. Perhaps one of the most immediately visible benefits of GenAI tools are their ability to produce and revise text, allowing learners to focus on the development and expression of ideas rather than the mechanics of writing.

      Yes! I have heard of colleagues using AI not to write their paper for them, but simply to revise. I haven't thought deeply about it, but I don't think there is anything wrong with this.

  10. Dec 2023
    1. i commissioned some original polling for my book from abacus research and i found some very hopeful stuff and you know the public gets the emergency and incidentally i've tried to recast 00:12:46 some of the the extreme weather events we've experienced as attacks on our soil let's think about them that way yeah um and they're ready for bold action actually the public is ahead of our politics in terms of that i was surprised to see 00:12:58 that you even mentioned in alberta the numbers are much higher than you so you mentioned quebec before so the the opinion polling nationally ranges from a high in quebec in terms of their readiness fraction right to a low in alberta but even in alberta 00:13:12 the level of support is remarkably high
      • for: climate crisis - Canada - surprising positive public opinion shift
  11. Nov 2023
    1. yeah - it is basically half the stuff you don't want autoloaded and half app/lib but it is not called app/lib because DHH does not want app/lib"
    2. I stand by what I said and I do not believe it is off-topic. Nevertheless, I realize it is your forum and if you want to silence and exclude people because something we say does not fit in your worldview, then I am certainly willing to accept this and remove myself from the forum. In the big picture, I will not be shut up or bullied and I think you owe me an apology as nothing I have said or done warrants your actions.
  12. Oct 2023
    1. CONFIRM Try it again or see if others can

      I feel like confirming is the most important because when you confirm something, it is officially known and true. Also, you know that you did or did not do it well and you know how you should improve.

  13. Sep 2023
    1. The popularity of these coffeehouses attracted government interest and were attended by government spies to gather public opinion.

      gathering public opinion from Ottoman Coffeehouses

    1. files with characters after the last newline are not text files, and those characters don't constitute a line. In many cases those bogus characters are better left ignored or removed, though there are cases where you may want to treat it as a extra line, so it's good you show how.
  14. Aug 2023
  15. Jul 2023
    1. ya estamos en condiciones de cambiar nuestros hábitos de lectura y compartir nuestras lecturas con otros.

      Un punto muy interesante porque además de poder cambiar nuestros hábitos de lectura, el hecho de visualizar los comentarios y las ideas de otras personas, nos permite reflexionar sobre otros puntos de vista e incluso puede impactar nuestra opinión.

  16. Jun 2023
    1. If we hand most, if not all responsibility for that exploration to the relatively small number of people who talk at conferences, or have popular blogs, or who tweet a lot, or who maintain these very popular projects and frameworks, then that’s only a very limited perspective compared to the enormous size of the Ruby community.
  17. May 2023
    1. ge majorities in all the countries surveyed – ranging from 60% in Sweden, 63% in Germany and 65% in the UK to 77% in Spain, 79% in France and 81% in Italy – said they were very or fairly worried about climate change and its effects.

      Eine YouGov-Umfrage in 7 europäischen Ländern zeigt, dass eine große Mehrheit wegen der globalen Erhitzung besorgt ist und eingreifende Maßnahmen der Regierungen dagegen begrüßt, dass aber zur Zeit nur Minderheiten Veränderungen wie dem Verbot von Verbrennern zustimmen, die deutliche Folgen für ihre Alltagsleben hätten. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/may/02/many-europeans-want-climate-action-but-less-so-if-it-changes-their-lifestyle-shows-poll

  18. Mar 2023
    1. discussions about SMS-2FA get heated very quickly. I've found that SMS-2FA deployment or advocacy has been a major professional project for some people, and they take questioning it's efficacy personally
    1. Those symbols of great wealth and the reality of their lives noisily clashed.

      This is a very strong line from Rodriguez's autobiography. It encapsulates the autobiography's central conflict: Rodriguez's Mexican-American identity and his desire to assimilate into American culture and achieve wealth and status. It also exemplifies the memoir's broader theme of the complexity of identity and how individuals negotiate the conflicting cultural and social expectations placed on them.

    2. At seventeen I still didn’t know how to read, but those pictures confirmed my identity.

      This was a particularly strong line in Baca's memoir. He's referring to the book "450 Years of Chicano History in Pictures," which he stole from the hospital's reference library. The book included images of Chicano history and culture, which helped Baca understand and accept his Chicano identity. This realization instilled in him a sense of pride and belonging that he hadn't experienced before.

    1. Durante años, los inventos han ampliado los poderes físicos de las personas en lugar de los poderes de su mente. Argumenta que están a la mano los instrumentos que, si se desarrollan adecuadamente, darán a la sociedad acceso y dominio sobre el conocimiento heredado de las épocas. La perfección de estos instrumentos pacíficos, sugiere, debería ser el primer objetivo de nuestros científicos.

      Esto es buenísimo para la innovación de nuevos inventos que pueden beneficiar la humanidad por medio de la imaginación del ser humano pero creo se debe ser limitado debido a la gran imaginación que contiene el ser humano pero dicha imaginación se puede crear ideas buenas, malas y desechables.

    1. Es conocido por el papel político que tuvo en el desarrollo de la bomba atómica y por su idea Memex, por el cual podemos considerarlo el padre del concepto "hipertexto". El Memex fue un proyecto que no se llegó a llevar a cabo; pero más adelante en 1989, fue precursor de la World Wide Web.

      Es conocido por el papel político que tuvo en el desarrollo de la bomba atómica y por su idea Memex, por el cual podemos considerarlo el padre del concepto "hipertexto". El Memex fue un proyecto que no se llegó a llevar a cabo; pero más adelante en 1989, fue precursor de la World Wide Web. La verdad el creo una gran herramienta para elaborar conceptos de hipertexto y que hoy en día (aunque se considere cosa del pasado) se siga usando.

    1. es una herramienta para hacer anotaciones a lecturas en y fuera de línea, que estén en formatos PDF y HTML. Dicha herramienta está hecha por una fundación sin ánimo de lucro y su misión es hacer de la lectura anotada algo

      Me parece una gran herramienta para encontrar documento en formato PDF Y HTML con información en el ámbito académico y que se pueda interactuar con otros grupos sobre el contenido de esos documentos. La verdad puede ser una buena herramienta para el sector académico pero creo que esta muy limitado por el simple echo de usar un leguaje de programación limitado.

    1. Nos movilizamos desde muchos lugares: proyectos autogestionados, centros comunitarios, instituciones públicas, organizaciones culturales, empresas privadas, cooperativas y otras constelaciones.

      Qué bueno sería que se realizaran campañas abiertas a este tipo de manifestaciones, pues en ocasiones se pensaría en esto como algo subversivo.

  19. Feb 2023
    1. para que a futuro con esa palabra puedas buscarlo y encontrarlo

      Es muy interesante poder remitirnos a lo subrayado y así recordar lo que se ha analizado

    1. we admit no wrongdoing

      Which means that as far as patient privacy is concerned, GoodRX has no integrity and its reputation is deservedly destroyed.

      This is a "lawyer" response.

      It will not keep GoodRX from being sued. It will not reduce the liability. But saying this, is an absolute indication that this is a classic non-apology and failure to take responsibility.

      Recall, specifically, that a Facebook user discovered that their medication information was in Facebook because GoodRX had put it there.

      To classify this as no-wrongdoing is intellectually dishonest. Especially when GoodRX itself previously categorized this mistake as "not living up to our own standards". Note that this link is to a blog post that GoodRX has since taken down. Not a good look to declare now that you did nothing wrong, when you previously admitted that you had done something wrong, and then you took down that blog post. The url for that blog post now forwards to GoodRX privacy policies (i.e. the privacy policies that they failed to honor, which is what got them in hot water with the FTC)

      Again, quoting from that now-deleted blog post: "For this we are truly sorry, and we will do better. "

      So this letter on the privacy problems is a redaction of the previous position which was "Yeah we were sharing data with Facebook.. we should not have been.. we will stop doing that, and we are sorry".

      GoodRX could have chosen to notify all of its users of this problem at that time, but chose not do so, putting it in violation of the FTC breach notification rule.

      So no matter how you cut it, this is an example of wrong-doing, GoodRX did mess up, and they have never taken full responsibility for their mistakes. Indeed what little responsibility they have taken, this article largely unwinds.

      GoodRX does a valuable and critical service for patients. I will continue to recommend it to patients. But I will state, clearly, that GoodRX will sell patient data in unethical ways, and that this is the decision that patients need to make as the decide whether to have discounted medications or privacy.

      GoodRX current position is that patients must choose one or the other. Privacy or affordable medication. Not both.


    2. These statements are neither promises nor guarantees

      It is very hard to believe in commitments made in documents when the document itself sends a notice to regulators that these are "not promises".

    3. While we may elect to update such forward-looking statements at some point in the future, we disclaim any obligation to do so, even if subsequent events cause our views to change.

      While I understand that this is boilerplate language for a public company, it reduces trust to say "If we change our mind and our policies, we reserve the right to keep this page up as it is".

      This is a strong indication that this document exists as a message to investors and regulators primarily and not as letter to the patient community that make up GoodRX customers.

    4. We’ve worked hard to earn that trust.

      It is more reasonable to say:

      "We have worked hard to monetize this trust, without totally panicking our customers" which is a more accurate statement.

    1. GoodRx receives a portion of a feethat pharmacies pay to PBMs when users purchase medications using GoodRx Coupons

      This is important because it means that GoodRX does not need to try and make money selling patient data. It has a business model, and violated patient privacy in search of another business model.

  20. Dec 2022
    1. For the record, I've changed my position. I now follow that rule (of single quoting unless needed) and love it. I like it visually and it's slightly more explicit, since there's no need to parse the string to see if it contains any expression.
    1. The author of this editorial claims that there is moral value in using the emissions made by a human body over the course of its lifetime in determining if one should be given life. Making a departure from natural selection, and from sexual attraction and ignoring maternal instinct and cultural familial practices and norms. He proposes that the act of being alive can be measured in its impact upon others who will share the future climate them and since the impact is not 0 then there must be an upper limit of "too many". Immorally, he does not include a measure of "too few" and does not make any mention of the problems society has with exponential population decline. Such as Japan currently selling more adult than infant diapers as their population collapses because of too few children. In fact there is no mention of generational replacement or reproduction rate. Just a simplistic measure of a human impact upon the environment with the entirety of positive impact deleted, omitted, ignored completely. There is in fact no moral high ground in maintaining or promoting the idea that human life has no positive value to the earth. Failing to see ones own value or the value of human life as a whole, rejecting the desire to help human kind survive and prosper and reducing human beings to objects with emissions and no positive output potential is morally reprehensible and not a scientifically sound conclusion, given the observable facts. Among them, that every human being alive on the planet today, standing shoulder to shoulder, would not fill the area of los angeles, and setting aside one acre of our best land for every human being on earth would require an area no arger than texas. There is no scientific basis for concluding there are too many people or that the future humans would benefit from lower population. it is a common error, in the media today, where the impact on climate is evaluated out of the context of all other scilences where positive impacts and negative impacts of human life are observable. Such as biological sciences or earth sciences. it is true, that if we lived on a gas giant, where the only element of the planetary ecosystem was the climate, then such an evaluation of our "carbon footprint" would be meaningful. but since we have a planet with oceans dryland and predators and dangerous conditions, it is morrally reprehensible to suggest our population not maximize its potential to survive to see the future so many are trying to protect by literally throwing their babies out with the bathwater. It is impossible to contribute to the well-being of human life in editorial if you do not have a love of human life. My heart goes out to anyone who takes this article seriously. You do not have to limit your fertility to help humankind survive.

  21. Nov 2022
    1. Honestly, at this point, I don't even know what tools I'm using, and which is responsible for what feature. Diving into the code of capybara and cucumber yields hundreds of lines of metaprogramming magic that somehow accretes into a testing framework. It's really making me loathe TDD despite my previous youthful enthusiasm.

      opinion: too much metaprogramming magic

      I'm not so sure it's "too much" though... Any framework or large software project is going to feel that way to a newcomer looking at the code, due to the number of layers of abstractions, etc. that eventually were added/needed by the maintainers to make it maintainable, decoupled, etc.

    1. Activity diagram spreads confusion by its own name, there must be a reason why nobody understand them and ask similar questions.
    2. assuming a standard is better because the standard says so, it is like that old while(1) infinite loop it is better not to enter.
    1. I have rolled back your edit to Jukka K. Korpela's answer. Please include that information in this answer and/or add a comment to the other answer.
    2. Why not just include the information there and delete this answer?
  22. Sep 2022
    1. the AST version of the code is vastly superior IMHO. The knowledge about what constitutes an access modifier is already encoded in the system so it makes more sense to just call the method to test the type of node. The regexp solution may be expedient, but it's not as resilient to change -- if new access modifiers are added in the future it's very likely this code won't be updated, which will be the source of a bug.
  23. Aug 2022
  24. May 2022
  25. Apr 2022
  26. Mar 2022
    1. Wikipedia,

      Empleo wikipedia cuando necesito realizar una consulta rápida

    1. Another unanchored thought I've had on these matters is coming around to viewing namespace collision as a feature, not a bug. If a programming system is designed to allow you to link against a given module and more or less ignore any and every transitive dependency that this will bring in—because the programming environment makes it excessively easy to do so—then that's a pretty strong reason to consider whether or not that approach to information hiding is actually an anti-feature.

      On the other hand, if during your work on a program you have to reconcile the names used within the system (i.e., such that no two module names collide), then it subtly encourages you to make sure you are able to account for every module that your program depends on.

      People reflexively assume that this would make it cumbersome (or even intractable) to work on a program any larger than a toy, but empiraclly we can observe that a single, shared namespace can, by and large, scale way better than these protests would lead us to believe. It's not out of the question that a project might reach, say, 100kloc with very little friction arising as a consequence of this sort of forced reckoning. (And it's worth considering of the friction that it does impose: is it any worse than the costs we've observed over the last ~10 years from the systems that set out to solve this problem?)

  27. Feb 2022
    1. however, I prefer to take it as an indication that a pretty smart group of people didn't think there was a particularly strong reason to use a different term.

      seems reasonable

  28. Jan 2022
  29. Dec 2021
  30. Nov 2021
    1. Students are also going through trauma. That will go under the mental health issues. The three deaths of students. We are still in a pandemic. Not to mention Tabor walking on campus and scolding us and telling us what we are doing wrong that could also be traumatic or very entertaining. Not only should we do the pass fail thing. But we should have better security. We should have better police. We should also have therapy sessions that deal with traumatic things that have been happening to us. Not only would just make us better students. This would make a better safe campus. And a lot of things have been going on in this fall semester. You know I’m still working on myself. It should not only be pass fail it should be we should work on campus as a whole.

  31. Oct 2021
    1. Personally I think option 1 is the way to go as it doesn't allocate any memory to create a new array but rather modifies the existing array. Then the assignment just lets the compiler know that you modified the array.
    1. The real conspiracies are hiding in plain sight.

      The big difference between the paranoiac's conspiracy theories and the real ones is that in the fake ones the conspirators are "in it together" and form a like-minded group. In reality, the billionaires would be very happy to through each other under the bus if they could.

      So it's not so much that there are real conspiracies as there are a known set of methods and tools - known to everyone, everywhere - that allow this gross power imbalance to be created. These methods and tools are known to all but can only be used by the rich because they are themselves very costly.

  32. Sep 2021
    1. We believe that Kubernetes is the defacto standard for composing Pods and for orchestrating containers, making Kubernetes YAML a defacto standard file format.
    1. SuzeeB🙂. (2021, September 14). Dear vaccinated, We did not take your freedom. The government did. We are not holding your freedoms to ransom. The government is. If we are a danger to you, then your vaccine doesn’t work. If it does, then you should already be free. The government has lied to you. [Tweet]. @NatalieSuB. https://twitter.com/NatalieSuB/status/1437835320628809733

    1. Which do you prefer? If the answer was "the first" then read no further. You have all you need, go forth and be happy.

      good example of: not just assuming people are dissatisfied / will want to change

    1. Saying that web devs used to be fine with relative imports is like saying that human beings used to be fine living without refrigerators. Sure we did. But was it better than it is now? No. No, it wasn't.
    2. Aliases are absolute nonsense for resolving imports. If you don't want to type ../ consider using something like path.resolve(__dirname, '../src') so you can do import Stuff from 'client/components/stuff'; // relative to root of project instead of: import Stuff from 'COMPONENTS/stuff'; // this is dumb
    1. Yeah I don’t think we will find something that works for everyone in all cases. But Webpacker is quite flexible with the setup it has now. Easy to change!
    2. I feel like app/packs (or something like it) is a good name because it communicates to developers that it's not just JavaScript that can be bundled, it's also CSS, images, SVGs — you name it. I realize what can be bundled is wholly dependent on the bundler you use, but even esbuild supports bundling CSS. So couldn't this possibly be confusing?
    1. I think it's very confusing to overload common executables, such as yarn, in the /bin directory as I often put that bin directory first in my path. Thus, I'd unexpectedly get the bin/yarn rather than my system yarn, which I manage with yvm.
    1. Some would argue that the phrase ''survival of the fittest'' is tautological, in that the fittest are defined as those that survive to reproduce.
  33. Aug 2021
  34. Jul 2021
  35. www.dreamsongs.com www.dreamsongs.com
    1. The primary feature for easy maintenance is locality: Locality is that characteristic of source code that enables a programmer to understand that source by looking at only a small portion of it.
    1. I only allowed smaller closures in the code and refactored the rest into separate top-level functions. This is a deliberate move against the common practice of js programmers. Why? Because I noticed closures make code harder to read.
  36. Jun 2021
    1. Thanks, this was just what I was looking for! This is a perfect appropriate use of instance_eval. I do not understand the nay-sayers. If you already have your array in a variable, then sure, a.reduce(:+) / a.size.to_f is pretty reasonable. But if you want to "in line" find the mean of an array literal or an array that is returned from a function/expression — without duplicating the entire expression ([0,4,8].reduce(:+) / [0,4,8].length.to_f, for example, is abhorrent) or being required to assign to a local, then instance_eval option is a beautiful, elegant, idiomatic solution!!
  37. May 2021
    1. Opinion 1/15 (EU-Canada PNR Agreement) of 26 July 2017, EU:C:2017:592
    1. That's what's supported, and is all that is EVER likely to be supported... and even then be DAMNED sure you send multipart with a plaintext copy or a great many mail servers will flat out reject it on the assumption that no legitimate e-mail has any damned business even having HTML in it in the first place!
  38. Apr 2021
    1. There's nothing to stop you from doing initializer code in a file that lives in app/models. for example class MyClass def self.run_me_when_the_class_is_loaded end end MyClass.run_me_when_the_class_is_loaded MyClass.run_me... will run when the class is loaded .... which is what we want, right? Not sure if its the Rails way.... but its extremely straightforward, and does not depend on the shifting winds of Rails.

      does not depend on the shifting winds of Rails.

    1. Games that aren't really like rogue, but tagged roguelike. Lite on rogue elements, they should be tagged as roguelite or genre_roguelike instead. For more info, check out: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roguelike
    1. Neither question nor answer appears to understand the notion of semantic HTML. Height and width are presentational attributes regardless of where you put them. For semantics we establish what the image means to content in the alt tag. I don't remember why it was so important to width/height in the HTML but I suspect it was in case you hit browsers without CSS rendering. It's not a semantics issue. If anything it thwarts separation of concerns to a degree.

      claim: that the OP's question and this answer are incorrect

      Could we say that this answer (that this comment replies to) missed the point?

      I actually believed and thought this answer was spot on ... until I read this comment, and then I reversed my opinion.

    1. Programming is using a language that a machine can understand in order to get it to perform various tasks. Computer programming is how we communicate with machines in a way that makes them function how we need.
    2. Earning a computer programming degree can help you innovate and create solutions for a global society.

      Can talk about how this applies to other areas/problem-solving/impact on world.

    1. However, it can be extremely frustrating placing the tiles. Very commonly there will be no position to place a tile in and it will be put to one side. Perhaps someone new to tile-laying games wouldn't find this so odd, but to anyone with experience of Carcassonne it will seem very limiting. In Carcassonne you can pretty much always place a tile, with several choices of position available. Every player I've introduced this game to has looked at me as if to say, "We must be doing something wrong." But no, that game is designed that way. Sometimes it feels like the map builds itself - there is often only one viable placement, so it starts to feel like a jigsaw, searching for that available position. Surely placing a single tile shouldn't be this difficult!

      I don't think I'd find it frustrating. I think I would enjoy the puzzle part of it.

      But indirectly I see that difficulty in placing tiles impacting my enjoyment: because it means that there are no/few meaningful decisions to be had in terms of where to place your tile (because there's often only 1 place you can put it, and it may sometimes benefit your opponent more than yourself) or which tile to place (because you don't get any choice -- unless you can't play the first one, and then you can play a previously unplayable one or draw blind).

    1. Fatum Betula is, arguably, a nearly perfect video game, depending upon your philosophy when it comes to criticism. If you, like me, believe that to a large extent the success of a game depends upon how well it achieved what it set out to do, I think you can get very far with such an argument.
  39. Mar 2021
    1. Your validation functions should also treat undefined and '' as the same. This is not too difficult since both undefined and '' are falsy in javascript. So a "required" validation rule would just be error = value ? undefined : 'Required'.
    1. As to why both is_a? and kind_of? exist: I suppose it's part of Ruby's design philosophy. Python would say there should only be one way to do something; Ruby often has synonymous methods so you can use the one that sounds better. It's a matter of preference.
    1. ReconfigBehSci. ‘RT @ashishkjha: Over Past Week We Got 11.4 Million Doses into Arms 5.6 Million Were 1st Doses 5.8 Million Were 2nd Doses That’s a Proble…’. Tweet. @SciBeh (blog), 1 March 2021. https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1366421544495382533.

  40. Feb 2021
    1. “We’ve moved away from the whole ethic of what was industrial capitalism.”

      Defend this argument in 2021 America.<br> Refute this argument in 2021 America.<br> Contemplate the genesis behind this argument Share opinion regarding this argument.

  41. www.metacritic.com www.metacritic.com
    1. Please, do not buy this. I am really tired of "games" that are given critical praise because its cool to praise or because its political correct to do. I will break up my review in points so its clear why I dislike this "game" : 1) This is not a game. This is a short story, like an interactive book. 2) This game is so short, that I completed it in a 3 hour bus ride. It was boring. 3) Its a story of a girl that have to take the reigns of her life after divorce. WOMAN EMPOWERMENT. Now you know why this game is rated so highly 4) This is a MOBILE GAME. I paid $3 to play on an iphone (after watching a gaming channel give it GOTY contender. Needless to say, I never watched that gaming channel again). I FELT I WAS ROBBED OF TIME AND $3. Imagine how much I hated this game to feel like I was robbed even though it costed me only $3. 5) This game costs $7 on the eshop. You could buy CELESTE for $9 on sale on the Eshop. That is a great game. I recently bought Hollow Knight for $7 on Playstation. This interactive novel should not be sold as a game. Period. It is a waste of time and money.

      Nothing wrong with interactive novels being sold in the same store as games... as long as it's clear what it is (no false advertising).

      Somewhat agree with some of the other points...

    1. with ActiveForm-Rails, validations is the responsability of the form and not of the models. There is no need to synchronize errors from the form to the models and vice versa.

      But if you intend to save to a model after the form validates, then you can't escape the models' validations:

      either you check that the models pass their own validations ahead of time (like I want to do, and I think @mattheworiordan was wanting to do), or you have to accept that one of the following outcomes is possible/inevitable if the models' own validations fail:

      1. if you use object.save then it may silently fail to save
      2. if you use object.save then it will fail to save and raise an error

      Are either of those outcomes acceptable to you? To me, they seem not to be. Hence we must also check for / handle the models' validations. Hence we need a way to aggregate errors from both the form object (context-specific validations) and from the models (unconditional/invariant validations that should always be checked by the model), and present them to the user.

      What do you guys find to be the best way to accomplish that?

      I am interested to know what best practices you use / still use today after all these years. I keep finding myself running into this same problem/need, which is how I ended up looking for what the current options are for form objects today...

    1. ensure that the vital process of verification and trust in science is maintained to a high standard

      This conclusion is focusing on the statements above, which I personally do not consider to be accurate.

    2. to be sustainable this is a decision that needs to be applied at the level of individual journals, not through blanket policies

      It's my interpretation that the funders agree which is why Wellcome Trust wrote to publishers asking if they would change their policies to reflect the rights retention strategy.

    3. the Rights Retention Strategy is not financially sustainable

      So far as I know this is not tested or based on any evidence. If the publishers think an open accepted manuscript would undermine the version of record, it doesn't demonstrate much confidence in their added value to me.

    4. The Rights Retention Strategy provides a challenge to the vital income that is necessary to fund the resources, time, and effort to provide not only the many checks, corrections, and editorial inputs required but also the management and support of a rigorous peer review process

      This is an untested statement and does not take into account the perspectives of those contributing to the publishers' revenue. The Rights Retention Strategy (RRS) relies on the author's accepted manuscript (AAM) and for an AAM to exist and to have the added value from peer-review a Version of Record (VoR) must exist. Libraries recognise this fundamental principle and continue to subscribe to individual journals of merit and support lucrative deals with publishers. From some (not all) librarians' and possibly funders' perspectives these statements could undermine any mutual respect.

    1. The work goes best when you draw on participants' own personal experiences, not their opinions. Opinions invite argumentation. Telling about experience invites listening. Opinions tend to bring on conflict, whereas shared experiences tend to elicit curiosity and empathy. When participants move from experiential testimony to opinion, bring them back, knowing that most schooling discourages testimony.

      exeriences >> opinions

    1. Popup - You don't need to deal with these messages right away, yet at some point you will need to take action since these won't go away until explicitly say say you don't want them around anymore.
  42. Jan 2021
    1. However, one of the drawbacks of this property is that the line intersects descenders of the characters.

      I think it actually looks great/better because it intersects descenders of the characters.

    1. In my opinion, it can sometimes look odd. Very interestingly, this is by design and is part of the Material design specification. This article isn’t to argue whether it should be this way or not, though; it’s just to change yours such that your MenuItem(s) show below the menu selection, like so:
    1. When there are imperfections, we rely on users and our active community to tell us how the software is not working correctly, so we can fix it. The way we do that, and have done for 15 years now, is via bug reports. Discussion is great, but detailed bug reports are better for letting developers know what’s wrong.
  43. Dec 2020
  44. Nov 2020
    1. This definition is actually a strict subset of the first definition: as the same script must (by definition) run inside both a server/Node.js context, but also a browser DOM context
    1. Text links are a very simple button type.

      Eh? I didn't know links were considered buttons. I'm not sure I totally agree understand, but it's not outrageous either...

      Update: Okay, I guess when you put an outline around it (like they directly below this paragraph), and even more if you put an icon with it (like they did further down; https://hyp.is/DZTZzi6fEeuu65uvQJ9W1Q/uxdesign.cc/ui-cheat-sheets-buttons-7329ed9d6112), the link looks like more like a button.

      But (and I think this is their point) it is what it is because of how it's used and not how it's styled: it should be the same thing (a button) whether or not it has an outline.

    1. About auto-close bots... I can appreciate the need for issue grooming, but surely there must a better way about it than letting an issue or PR's fate be semi-permanently decided and auto-closed by an unknowing bot. Should I be periodically pushing up no-op commits or adding useless "bump" comments in order to keep that from happening? I know the maintainers are busy people, and that it can take a long time to work through and review 100s of open issues and PRs, so out of respect to them, I was just taking a "be patient; they'll get to it when they get to it" approach. Sometimes an issue is not so much "stale" as it is unnoticed, forgotten about, or consciously deferred for later. So if anything, after a certain length of time, if a maintainer still hasn't reviewed/merged/accepted/rejected a pull request, then perhaps it should instead be auto-bumped, put on top of the queue, to remind them that they (preferably a human) still need to review it and make a decision about its fate... :)
  45. Oct 2020
    1. Please don't copy answers to multiple questions; this is the same as your answer to a similar question

      Why on earth not? There's nothing wrong with reusing the same answer if it can work for multiple questions. That's called being efficient. It would be stupid to write a new answer from scratch when you already have one that can work very well and fits the question very well.