621 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2021
    1. COVID-19 Living Evidence. (2021, November 12). As of 12.11.2021, we have indexed 257,633 publications: 18,674 pre-prints 238,959 peer-reviewed publications Pre-prints: BioRxiv, MedRxiv Peer-reviewed: PubMed, EMBASE, PsycINFO https://t.co/ytOhLG90Pi [Tweet]. @evidencelive. https://twitter.com/evidencelive/status/1459163720450519042

    1. It’s even possible that future window stickers on new cars may point out that a vehicle meets cybersecurity standards.

      Evidence of hacking evolution

    2. The best-known vehicle takeover occurred in 2015 when security researchers on a laptop 10 miles away caused a Jeep Cherokee to lose power, change its radio station, turn on the windshield wipers and blast cold air. Jeep’s parent company, FCA, recalled 1.4 million vehicles to fix the vulnerability.

      Demonstrative evidence

    3. In 2019, the automotive cybersecurity company Karamba Security posted a fake vehicle electronic control unit online. In under three days, 25,000 breach attempts were made, and one succeeded.

      Demonstrative evidence of hacking evolution

    4. Karamba has been working with a South American trucking company whose fleet was hacked to hide it from its tracking system, allowing thieves to steal its cargo unnoticed.

      Evidence: actual committed crime

    1. The goal of fast fashion is the optimization of the supply chain. Globaliza-tion in particular has provided the low-cost labour and international markets neces-sary for the creation of a global assembly line, which allows for cheaper and faster production of clothing.

      Ledezma introduces an economic perspective into the growth of fast fashion. This is important as the reason behind company's decisions regarding fast fashion are based on economic opportunity. Ledezma specifically states that globalization has facilitated the production of fast fashion since companies can produce clothes in third world countries where they are able to pay low wages. This allows clothing to be sold for a lower price, while generating a large profit. This idea ties into the idea of variable cost, and opportunity cost in economics. The rhetor's idea is to appeal to the audience's logos since she is highlighting the economic approach to fast fashion, rather than relying on emotions to appeal to her audience. This is effective since this claim can be further backed up by statistics and other forms of data.

    2. n 2007, a research team from MIT, Stanford, and Carnegie Mellon conducted a study studying using fMRI technology to examine how the brain reacts when Western customers shop for clothing. They discovered that the brain shows greatly increased activity when we shop (Knutson, Rick, Wimmer, Prelec, and Loewenstein 149). The researchers concluded that consumers gain direct pleasure from shopping but they gain an even greater pleasure from receiving a bargain.

      Not only does Ledezma lay out the argument that the culture of the U.S. elevate the popularity and success of fast fashion, but she provides readers scientific evidence of the impact our culture has on our very minds. Because the ideal of cheap, in style clothing is so desirable to westerners and so deeply ingrained in our psyche, are we totally at fault for buying into an unsustainable way of life? Will humanity be able to move away from fast fashion despite the strong emotions we as humans hold towards it? The rhetor's simple language makes this study easy to understand and interestingly applicable to the understanding of globalization and fast fashion.

    1. hearchitect did not follow the principles used in the planningof the "Eleanor Roosevelt" complex other than the orthogonal

      Morell Campus development didn't follow the community development ideals of Greenbelt Towns. for reasons unknown.

    2. In Ponce, to the south of the island, the PRRAallocated $500,000 for the development and construction of aworkers' settlement as part of the Slum Clearance Program.

      Slum clearance in Ponce -

    3. was a tract housing complex or"urbanizacion" of which two were developed, the "EleanorRoosevelt" and the "Morell Campos" housing complexes.

      Morell Campus has a tract housing style.

    4. o her the planners' ideas of community wassynonymous with village.6

      The village of rht Greenbelt Towns was community development, per Christensen.

    5. The American GardenCity and the New Town Movement, "the decision to buildcities was of profound importance since it signified anunderstanding that housing was only one dimension of theproblem. More fundamental was the generaldisenfranchisement of the poor who lacked voice andinfluence.1,6

      Greenway new towns were to not just deal with housing, but the disenfranchisement of the poor....

  2. Oct 2021
    1. The average acreage involved in urban renewal projects in the 253 cities that were in the program in mid- 1959 was 78.6 per city, or about one-eighth of a square mile. But one-fourth of all ur- ban renewal acreage was contained in five cities; half the total was in nineteen cities. In the remaining cities the average acreage per city was 42.5, or a little over one- sixteenth of a square mile.

      Descriptive statistics on urban renewal projects in cities.

    2. Whether urban renewal is a form of col- lective action that would call into opera- tion the organization of the entire com- munity may be debatable

      She concedes that urban renewal may not actually involved community collective action.



    1. ReconfigBehSci. (2021, May 26). @Richard_Florida this is the Giesicke argument from Sweden- it makes sense only if you assume there will be no medical progress in the delay period. With vaccines and treatment improvements we know this to be empirically false. [Tweet]. @SciBeh. https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1397341753590489090

  3. Sep 2021
    1. university anchor as city developer and planner

      Planning initiatives of universities that influence the city - esp in problematic deteriorating districts.

    2. Kellogg Commission on the Future of State and Land Grant Universities in 1996

      redefined engagement - establishing two-way relations between university and its neighbors as the new paradigm.

    3. he first was the designation of the Office of University Partnersqhips (OUP) and federal grants for Community Outreach Partnerships Centers (COPC) by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

      Federal resources helped to increase the community-engaged university under HUD.

    4. fourth period largely emphasized outreach (and avoided physical intervention), including civic engagement, academic-based community research, and service learning

      engaged community, community research, service learning.

    5. World War II, as university anchors pursued direct intervention in neighborhoods to eliminate blight and expand the campus footprint.

      Urban blight elimination

    6. University and the Urban Laboratory

      Laboratory for addressing social problems and infrastructure issues.

    7. Morrill Act of 1862 (Act) represents the first federal intervention

      Morrll Act of 1862 creates land-grant colleges. meaning important in industry and agricultural contributions of land-grant universities. -- connection between regional economy and universities.



    1. While the Census figures suggest a $34,000 gap between homes inside and outside of the PAS catchment, a more detailed assessment of real estate transactions in University City (Steif, 2013) esti-mated a $100,000+ price differential.

      Price differential of $100,000 inside and outside of PAS catchment.

    2. Despite the WPI’s emphasis, the neighborhood’s homeownership rate remained steady.

      WPI didn't increase hoeownership.

    3. ing to Penn’s Department of Residential Services, in 2013, approximately 27% of Penn undergraduates (2,800) and 30% of graduate students (3,500) lived off-campus in University City—a stark improve-ment over the mid-1990s. Yet, Penn’s estimated off-campus student popu-lation accounts for less than 15% of the neighborhood’s total population and, geographically speaking, the concentration of students tends to dimin-ish as one moves beyond a three- to four-block radius from campus.

      The students live off campus. rate of student occupancy tight around three- to four-block radius of campus.



    1. 2015, c. 3, s. 108(E)

      Miscellaneous Statute Law Amendment Act, 2014, SC 2015, c 3, https://canlii.ca/t/52m35, s. 108(E) amends the English version of IRPA s. 16(3) to read:

      Evidence relating to identity (3) An officer may require or obtain from a permanent resident or a foreign national who is arrested, detained, subject to an examination or subject to a removal order, any evidence — photographic, fingerprint or otherwise — that may be used to establish their identity or compliance with this Act.

      Previously it had read:

      Evidence relating to identity (3) An officer may require or obtain from a permanent resident or a foreign national who is arrested, detained or subject to a removal order, any evidence — photographic, fingerprint or otherwise — that may be used to establish their identity or compliance with this Act.

    1. subsidizing new investment at a particular place merelymakes that place more attractive to in-migrants (Marston,).

      new investments benefit new migrants seeking jobs. Thus little impact to local jobs base.



    1. reas. In fact, the tendency is for rapid growth to be associated with higher rates of unemployment (for general documentation, see Follett 1976; Appelbaum 1976; Hadden and Borgatta 1965, p. 108; Samuelson 1942; Sierra Club of San Diego 1973).

      growth creates unemployment



    1. l limits to growthin favor of an optimistic, pro-growth narrative

      the 3 e's don't consider limits to growth.

    2. most resolute and avant-garde municipal socialists will find themselves in the end, playingthe capitalists game and performing as agents of discipline for the very processes they aretrying to resist’’ (Harvey, 1989: 5). Given such conditions, the participation of non-profitssuch as the FHL in the creation and governance of public space goes hand in hand withincreasing pressure to follow the rules dictated by the growth machine. Its efforts form aprotective layer that abets and legitimates the city’s neoliberal sustainable growth agenda(Mayer, 2007)

      LU projects like High Line promote the growth machine...

    3. hat particular sustainability fixes alwaysresult in winners and losers (Marcuse, 1998).

      Supports argument by qoting Marcuse.

    4. Indeed, the worldwide proliferation of a host of new urbansustainability strategies such as smart growth, New Urbanism, Transit-OrientedDevelopment and LU, is taking place in tandem with state sponsored, marketfundamentalist discourses (Gibbs et al., 2013)

      These are all pro-growth strategies, according to the author,.

    5. Cranz and Boland refer to as a ‘‘sustainable park’’ (Cranz and Boland, 2004)

      Sustainability of parks .

    6. principles ofLandscape Urbanism

      Theoretical underpinning



    1. I was really annoyed and frustrated at universitybecause we were taught to do specification sheets tosend to China, but we weren't educated as to who wasactually receiving those specification sheets, so everychance I got, I tried to do assignments that would edu-cate me about sustainable practices.

      Here is a good example of qualitative data being used through a direct quote.

    2. This article references data from 17 in-depth interviews con-ducted between October 2014 and February 2017 with Australian SFentrepreneurs

      Using qualitative secondary research that others have gathered.

    3. TABLE 1

      More data is used in a table. I think the author uses these because it is an easy way to put a lot of important information into something easy to understand. Most data so far seems to be qualitative.

    4. Figure 1

      Some data about the common elements are used in a diagram! This makes it a lot easier to process since there are many parts. This data seems to be outside research that is widely known in the fashion community.



    1. Bargar and Duncan (1982) note that research is a process “that. religiously uses logical analysis as a critical tool in the refinement of ideas, but which often begins at a very different place, where imagery, metaphor and. analogy, intuitive hunches, kinesthetic feeling states, and even dreams and. dream-like states are prepotent”

      Logical analaysis is the tool that allows for the refinement of ideas. but begins with hunches, feelings, dreams.

    2. he role of intuition-in- this phase of the research process cannot be underestimated. Studies of eminent scientists reveal the central role of creative - insight—intuition—in their thought processes (Hoffman, 1972; Libby, 1922; — Mooney, 1951).

      Intuition as research process congeals.

    3. This complex process of conceptualizing, framing, and focusing a study is depicted in Figure 2.5.

      The process of conceiving, framing and focusing a study.

    4. Figure 2.4 illustrates this funnel metaphor, drawing from the study by Benbow (1994) about the development of commitment to social action. The | large end of the funnel represents the general conceptual f focus—the issue of social activism and its rolein: ameliorating oppressive ‘ctreumiStances. Midway down the funnel, the focus narrows to a concern with individuals who have demonstrated and lived an intense commitment to social causes. An alternative ’ choice at this point would have been to focus on social movements as group | phenomena rather than on individuals whose lived experiences embody social consciousness, The small en end d of t the conceptual funnel focuses even ‘more closel ely ona research q question (or set of questions) about how life ex experiences helped shape and develop a lifelong, intensive commitment to social activism.

      How the research question develops.

    5. e cycle of inquiry

      The Cycle of Inquiry - the relationship between theory practice, research question, and personal experience



    1. unequivocal determination of the validity of findings is impossible (Becker, 1958; Bruyn, 1966; Lofland, 1971; Wolcott, 1992). More pro- foundly, for some phenomenologically oriented, inter- pretivist, and constructivist researchers, there is no unam- biguous social reality “out there” to be accounted for, so there is little need to evolve methodological canons to help explicate its laws (see Dreitzel, 1970).

      Constructivist approach -- there is no ONE social reality - it's temporal, fluctuates and relates to other "social actors"

    2. problem of confidence in findings has not gone away.

      concedes there's a problem with confidence in the findings.

    3. methods of analysis are not well formulated.

      Methods are poor - no clear conventions. easy to get to wrong conclusions for science and policy-making.

    4. Seen in traditional terms, the reliability and validity of qualitatively derived findings can be seriously in doubt (Dawson, 1979, 1982; Ginsberg, 1990; Kirk & Miller, 1986; Kvale, 1989a; LeCompte & Goetz, 1982

      Qual findings may not be reliable of valid

    5. et, in the flurry of this activity, we should be mindful of some pervasive issues that have not gone away.

      labor intensive - long duration for data collection, too much data demanding coding of data. researcher bias. etc.



    1. University of Pennsylvania Cen-ter for Community Partnerships

      Penn has a Center for Community Partnerships

    2. renovateaffordable homes and a nearby school,and facilitate homeownership in thearea.

      home renovations and school renovations.

    3. annual donation of $80,000to a neighborhood association to hire afull-time worker who organizes joblessresidents to keep the area clean andsafe.

      Community investment to NH association to hire jobless.

    4. Yale University conducted an eco-nomic assessment of its impact onNew Haven and found that “Yale’sstrength and the health of the City, fiscally and socially, are inextricablylinked” (Economic Impact: Yale andNew Haven, 1993). The study’s find-ings motivated the University to com-mit over $41 million to a variety ofneighborhood revitalization projects in the city.

      University and the success and the social and fiscal health of city are linked.

    5. Between20 to 50 homes are reconstructed

      home construction

    6. The impact of such investments issubstantial. On average, the univer-sity spends over $2 billion a year onpurchasing contracts for goods andservices. Penn’s spending in WestPhiladelphia quadrupled from $10million in 1993 to $42 million in1998. More than three-quarters ofthe university’s construction con-tracts in 1997 went to local busi-nesses that employed city residents.The new retail and commercial activ-ity alone is creating nearly 400 newconstruction jobs and 4,250 long-term jobs. More information can befound at www.upenn.edu

      Economic impact

    1. The major strength of the theory of change approach is its inherent common sense. Its major competitive advantage is the inability of other currently available approaches to do the job. We have described the potential benefits of the theory of change approach from the initial planning of a CCI, through the measurement of its outcomes and activities, to the analysis and interpretation of the data. It should generate useful learning over the life span of the initiative and could spawn cross-initiative learning as well. But perhaps its most powerful contribution to the evaluation endeavor is its emphasis on understanding not only whether activities produce effects but how and why, throughout the course of the initiative.

      Evidence to support theory

    2. Chen (1990) and Patton (1986) describe a process in which stakeholders and evaluators "co-construct" the initiative's theory so as to maximize its utility for all, as a planning and management tool

      Other theorists say do the design of a project through a co-construction process with stakeholders and evaluators.

    3. Clearly, this will not be as powerful as evidence resulting from randomly assigned control and treatment groups,

      random trials better. with control and treatment groups



    1. How is the minimum wage calculated in India? India offers the most competitive labor costs in Asia, with the national-level minimum wage at around INR 176 (US$2.80) per day, which works out to INR 4,576 (US$62) per month. This is a national floor-level wage – and will vary depending on geographical areas and other criteria. More broadly, a global ranking of average wages recently prepared by Picodi.com showed that India had an average monthly wage of INR 32,800 (US$437).
  4. Aug 2021
  5. Jul 2021
    1. Sand–in respect of its printing off people’s footsteps–is one of the best detective officers I know. If we don’t meet with Rosanna Spearman by coming round on her in this way, the sand may tell us what she has been at, if the light only lasts long enough.

      If they found footsteps on the sand, then it will become a solid evidence. Rosanna

  6. Jun 2021
  7. May 2021
    1. Taddio, A., McMurtry, C. M., Shah, V., Riddell, R. P., Chambers, C. T., Noel, M., MacDonald, N. E., Rogers, J., Bucci, L. M., Mousmanis, P., Lang, E., Halperin, S. A., Bowles, S., Halpert, C., Ipp, M., Asmundson, G. J. G., Rieder, M. J., Robson, K., Uleryk, E., … Bleeker, E. V. (2015). Reducing pain during vaccine injections: Clinical practice guideline. CMAJ : Canadian Medical Association Journal, 187(13), 975–982. https://doi.org/10.1503/cmaj.150391

    1. HERIFF: They wonder if she was going to quilt it or just knot it!COUNTY ATTORNEY: Frank's fire didn't do much upthere, did it? Well, let's go out to the barn and get that cleared up. MRS HALE: I don't know as there's anything so strange, our takin' up ourtime with little things while we're waiting for them to get the evidence. I don't see as it's anything to laughabout.MRS PETERS: Of course they've got awful important things on theirminds.

      complete dismissal

    2. MRS HALE: No, I don't mean anything. But I don't think a place'd be any cheerfuller forJohn Wright's being in it.COUNTY ATTORNEY: I'd like to talk more of that a little later. I want to get the lay ofthings upstairs now.


    3. I guess before we're through she may have something moreserious than preserves to worry about.HALE: Well, women are used to worrying over trifles

      for their dismissal

    1. Temoka, E. (2013). Becoming a vaccine champion: Evidence-based interventions to address the challenges of vaccination. South Dakota Medicine: The Journal of the South Dakota State Medical Association, Spec no, 68–72.

    1. Howard, J., Huang, A., Li, Z., Tufekci, Z., Zdimal, V., Westhuizen, H.-M. van der, Delft, A. von, Price, A., Fridman, L., Tang, L.-H., Tang, V., Watson, G. L., Bax, C. E., Shaikh, R., Questier, F., Hernandez, D., Chu, L. F., Ramirez, C. M., & Rimoin, A. W. (2021). An evidence review of face masks against COVID-19. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(4). https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2014564118

    1. The Last Crusidual. (2021, February 2). @SciBeh @MichaelPaulEdw1 @ToddHorowitz3 @richarddmorey you can’t have any form of evidence. If you concider any form of evidence, than what is talked about than isn’t anymore what the falacy sais. [Tweet]. @islaut1. https://twitter.com/islaut1/status/1356529266519924736

    1. Jonathan Rothberg 🦋. (2021, March 2). Testing works. I test daily. Insist on HOME testing. @michaelmina_lab @JoeBiden Research suggests B.1.526 needs to be closely watched “for its ability to evade both monoclonal antibody and, to a certain extent, the vaccine-induced antibody,” said Fauci [Tweet]. @JMRothberg. https://twitter.com/JMRothberg/status/1366755339912306688

    1. Chen, X., Chen, Z., Azman, A. S., Deng, X., Sun, R., Zhao, Z., Zheng, N., Chen, X., Lu, W., Zhuang, T., Yang, J., Viboud, C., Ajelli, M., Leung, D. T., & Yu, H. (2021). Serological evidence of human infection with SARS-CoV-2: A systematic review and meta-analysis. The Lancet Global Health, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1016/S2214-109X(21)00026-7

  8. Apr 2021
    1. Mehdi Hasan. (2021, April 12). ‘Given you acknowledged...in March 2020 that Asian countries were masking up at the time, saying we shouldn’t mask up as well was a mistake, wasn’t it... At the time, not just in hindsight?’ My question to Dr Fauci. Listen to his very passionate response: Https://t.co/BAf4qp0m6G [Tweet]. @mehdirhasan. https://twitter.com/mehdirhasan/status/1381405233360814085

  9. Mar 2021
    1. We found that a much higher percentage(17/38, or 44.7%) ofKdm4dmRNA-injected SCNT embryosderived from fetal monkey fibroblasts were able to develop intoFigure 1. Procedure for Monkey SCNTUsing Fetal Monkey Fibroblasts(A) Fetal monkey fibroblasts in primary culture.(B and C) Spindle-chromosome complex (arrow-head) in a monkey MII oocyte before (B) and after(C) removal.(D–F) An oocyte with a slit in the zona pellucida (D,arrowhead) induced by laser irradiation, and theHVJ-E-incubated fibroblast (arrowhead) before (E)and after (F) injection into the perivitelline space.(G) Spindle-like structure formed by the donorfibroblast nucleus after fibroblast-cytoplast fusion.(H) Single nucleus formed after embryo activationwith ionomycin and DMAP.(I) Blastocysts developed fromKdm4dmRNA-injected embryos, which were produced by SCNTusing fetal fibroblasts (arrowheads: ICM).(J–L) Example images of blastocysts with andwithout normal development of ICM shown at ahigher resolution. Blastocysts with a prominentICM (arrowhead) obtained by SCNT (J), blasto-cysts with a prominent ICM (arrowhead) obtainedby ICSI (K), and poor-quality blastocysts withoutclear ICM obtained by SCNT (L).All scale bars, 60mm.blastocysts, among which a large fraction(11/17, or 64.7%) showed prominent ICMsimilar to the ICM in embryos obtained byintracytoplasmic sperm injection (Figures1I–1L,2A, and 2B). We also tested theeffect ofKdm4dmRNA injection onSCNT embryos derived from cumuluscells of adult female monkeys (from which the oocytes wereobtained) and found that all SCNT embryos showed a singlepronucleus after activation under I/D/T condition (Figures S2A–S2D). The majority of them (24/33, or 72.7%) developed intoblastocysts, most of which (15/24, or 62.5%) showed prominentICM. By contrast, in the absence ofKdm4dmRNA injection, only5% (1/20) of SCNT embryos derived from cumulus cellsdeveloped into blastocysts, none of which showed prominentICM
    2. Analysis of RNA-seq datasets of monkeyICSI embryos at 4- and 8-cell stage (n = 4 embryos each) ledto identification of 3,997 regions (20–160 kb) that were ex-pressed at least 5-fold higher (FC > 5) in 8-cell embryos ascompared to 4-cell embryos (Data S1), indicating massive up-regulation of genes during early embryonic development.
    3. Clear spindle-like structure was detected after thefusion of the fetal monkey fibroblast with the enucleated oocyte(Figures 1G andS1A). About 1–2 hr after the fusion, ‘‘recon-structed’’ oocytes were activated with ionomycin and 6-dime-thylaminopurine (I/D). All activated embryos showed a singlepronucleus (Figures 1H andS1B) and were further cultured forin vitrodevelopment

      Evidence showing success with the fusion of the fibroblasts with the enucleated oocyte.

    4. trans-planted SCNT embryos in surrogate monkeys. ForSCNT using fetal monkey fibroblasts, 6 pregnancieswere confirmed in 21 surrogates and yielded2 healthy babies. For SCNT using adult monkeycumulus cells, 22 pregnancies were confirmed in42 surrogates and yielded 2 babies that were short-lived

      SCNT using fetal monkey fibroblasts vs. SCNT using adult monkey cumulus cells

    1. In recent years, the U.S. federal government has invested approximately $463 billion annually in interventions that affect the overall health and well-being of children and youth, while state and local budgets have devoted almost double that amount. The potential returns on these investments may not only be substantial but also have long-lasting effects for individuals and succeeding generations of their families.

      Ideally, those tasked with making these investments would have available to them the evidence needed to determine the cost of all required resources to fully implement and sustain each intervention, the expected returns of the investment, to what extent these returns can be measured in monetary or nonmonetary terms, and who will receive the returns and when. As a result of a number of challenges, however, such evidence may not be effectively produced or applied. Low-quality evidence and/or a failure to consider the context in which the evidence will be used may weaken society's ability to invest wisely, and also reduce future demand for this and other types of evidence.

      Advancing the Power of Economic Evidence to Inform Investments in Children, Youth, and Families highlights the potential for economic evidence to inform investment decisions for interventions that support the overall health and well-being of children, youth, and families. This report describes challenges to the optimal use of economic evidence, and offers recommendations to stakeholders to promote a lasting improvement in its quality, utility, and use.

    1. Ashish K. Jha, MD, MPH. (2020, November 20). Today was a very, very odd day I testified before @senatehomeland They held a hearing on hydroxychloroquine. Yup, HCQ In the middle of the worst surge of pandemic HCQ It was clear how our information architecture shapes questions of science and medicine of COVID A thread [Tweet]. @ashishkjha. https://twitter.com/ashishkjha/status/1329646432958156801

  10. Feb 2021
    1. Trump posted the hashtag on Facebook, this time without any misspelling. Since Facebook wasn’t suppressing the hashtag, there was no need to typosquat around it. That night, Trump used the slogan at a campaign rally in Wisconsin.
    2. Finally, Mr. Trump tweeted the typosquatted hashtag the Friday before Election Day.
    3. A hallmark of a successful disinformation campaign is adaptation — when proponents of the campaign adjust their tactics to get around efforts that journalists, government officials or tech companies have taken to stem its spread. On Oct. 16, campaign operators began adapting to Twitter’s curbs.
    4. On Oct. 16, The Daily Beast reported that these Himalaya accounts were a connected network affiliated with Mr. Bannon. Twitter confirmed to Foreign Policy magazine that it had taken down a network of connected accounts pushing Hunter Biden disinformation.
    5. In early October, Rudy Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer, used the hashtag repeatedly, hinting at what would later be revealed by The Post: that the F.B.I. had seized a computer that purportedly belonged to Hunter Biden.
    6. And Mr. Trump’s typo? It was surely not accidental. That extra “i” circumvented Twitter’s efforts to hide the hashtag in search results. Called #typosquatting, this tactic is often used by trolls and media manipulators to get around the rules of social media platforms.
    7. In the last month, on Facebook alone, posts with the hashtag had about 277,000 “interactions” like reactions and comments, according to the data analytics tool CrowdTangle — and that’s only on non-private pages. Without the hashtag, the slogan has had more than a million public interactions this month on Facebook.
    8. Mr. Trump tweeted the typosquatted hashtag


    9. Twitter accounts with “Himalaya” in the handle used the #BidenCrimeFamily hashtag to spread those photos across Twitter.


    10. In the last month, on Facebook alone, posts with the hashtag had about 277,000 “interactions”

      evidence - specific details

    1. Tang, J. W., Bahnfleth, W. P., Bluyssen, P. M., Buonanno, G., Jimenez, J. L., Kurnitski, J., Li, Y., Miller, S., Sekhar, C., Morawska, L., Marr, L. C., Melikov, A. K., Nazaroff, W. W., Nielsen, P. V., Tellier, R., Wargocki, P., & Dancer, S. J. (2021). Dismantling myths on the airborne transmission of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2). Journal of Hospital Infection, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhin.2020.12.022

  11. Jan 2021
    1. The courses span a suite of synthesis methods, including systematic review and systematic mapping, stakeholder engagement in evidence synthesis, and evidence synthesis technology.
    1. IRT methods constitute another set of procedures for examining the degree to which test items conform to a hypothesized structure.



    1. Researchers looked at a group of 143 Penn undergraduates, using baseline monitoring and randomly assigning each to either a group limiting Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat use to 10 minutes per platform per day, or to one told to use social media as usual for three weeks. The results, published in the Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, showed significant reductions in loneliness and depression over three weeks in the group limiting use compared to the control group.
    2. Yildirim
    3. In 2018, 42% of those surveyed in a Pew Research Center survey said they had taken a break from checking the platform for a period of several weeks or more, while 26% said they had deleted the Facebook app from their cellphone.
    4. Recently in the realm of commerce, Facebook faced skepticism in its testimony to the Senate Banking Committee on Libra, its proposed cryptocurrency and alternative financial system. In politics, heartthrob Justin Bieber tweeted the President of the United States, imploring him to “let those kids out of cages.” In law enforcement, the Philadelphia police department moved to terminate more than a dozen police officers after their racist comments on social media were revealed.

      examples of social media's integration in our lives

  12. Dec 2020
  13. Nov 2020
    1. The Trump team (and much of the GOP) is working backwards, desperately trying to find something, anything to support the president’s aggrieved feelings, rather than objectively considering the evidence and reacting as warranted.

      What do you expect after they've spent four years doing the same thing day in and day out?

    1. ow-SES people,

      I think this evidence is a result of the the main claim of the government not being able to help low income families and students, leading to discrimination from society and fits well into the essay.

    2. e “concentrated disadvantage” of living in low-income communities—whereconditions such as unhealthy air and water, overpopulated living arrangements, a lack of healthyfood, and few play areas are common—contributes to the strugg

      I think this piece of evidence provides a good backing point to the main claim of the essay and plays really well with the analysis and the source being used in this paragraph.

    3. Baker and Johnston examine the evidence that low-incomeschools tend to have “teachers with significantly fewer years at the school and lower levels ofcertification” (195)

      I like this use of a source. The author elaborates on it and this argument came up earlier as well so it ties the essay together nicely.

    4. While this study focused on the divide between high- and low-incomeschools, Gorski elaborates that children from low-income families are more likely to attendlow-income schools in the first place

      I'm not sure what exactly this is talking about. It seems a bit out of place. It seems like it may have been stuck in there as an after thought.

    5. Gorski goes into detailabout the nature of American classism, using common myths about the poor to demonstrate theidea that the poor as a whole have “​monolithic and predictable beliefs, values, and behaviors”(32). He explains that these myths lead to a social system where people in power are reluctant tofix or are ignorant of social institutions (including public education) which perpetuate poverty.Without acknowledging the classism that these stereotypes promote, proposed remedies toeducation inequality will continue to be ineffective, band-aid solutions.

      I think in this paragraph, the author could've incorporated education more into their argument. Here it appears that they're talking about poverty in general and not education specifically.

    6. iter Tori DeAngelis defines

      I like how the author gives some background to the main issue of her work, but I feel like they could have done more explaining on the "government side" of the issue as stated in her essay.

    7. Says US Civil Rights Commission,” National Public Radio writer CoryTurner says the commission found that funding varies too much among different schools,districts, and states, “especially when research shows that students living in poverty often showup to school needing extra help and extra resources.”

      I like how the author uses this source to prove her claim that the US government has not done enough to close the gap between low and high income schools and further explains that the issue is much more complex than just equal funding because of the discrepancy of the resources presented to the two scenarios.

    1. A novel theoretical development in recent years is the analysis of the consequences of stereotyped reasoning or statistical discrimina- tion (see Phelps 1972; Arrow 1973). This analysis suggests that the beliefs of employers, teachers, and other influential groups that minor- ity members are less productive can be self-fulfilling, for these beliefs may cause minorities to underinvest in education, training, and work skills, such as punctuality. The underinvestment does make them less productive (see a good recent analysis by Loury [1992])

      Uses theoretical evidence of others to support his theory.

    1. “Do I remember this bright little face?” he said softly. “Is it known to me of yore?”

      This is suggestive of of the old man's rich experience attending balls. The questions the man asked implies the man's awareness that it is Leila's first ball at this point since he did not see Leila before in any ball he attended.

    1. The films are thus better understood as copies whose originals are often lost or little known” (Dika, 10-11)

      This is a great way the writer used to defend their claim. Just by including evidence that nostalgia in films are just copies whose originals are lost. In fact it's giving justice to the originals because they're reviving the original lost film instead of it being lost forever.

    2. Those who regularly were in a nostalgic state were considered to be unhealthy, as they were ‘stuck’ in the past, ignoring their present lives. (“Anticipatory Nostalgia”, 75).

      I like the way the writer expresses the counter argument using their evidence smoothly providing a nice transition. Then later connects the evidence with nostalgia in films.

    3. Repurposing, however, occurs when filmmakers choose to re-contextualize an actor’s likeness with the goal of completing a project that the performer had never been a part of when he or she was living (“No Longer Themselves?”, 50-51). In most cases, digital resurrection done in the case of film completion is morally permissible, while repurposing a deceased actor is mostly an unethical endeavor.

      Author explains with annotation because directors/producers will disregard moral/ethics if they really want a dead actor/actress to appear in their film

    4. “Digital Heroes in Contemporary Hollywood: Exertion, Identification, and the Virtual Action Body”, the rise of CGI is resulting in the “death” of the live actor, who now is being taken over by the “synthespians” of the modern age (5). This reasoning explains why so many living actors are strongly against the rise of CGI and digital resurrection;

      Explains why CGI,de-aging, and resurrection aren't taken in light by critics or actors, but it does offer a reason to why it is on the rise because there is a sense of demand when it comes to possibly "bringing back" dead actors

    1. There is also another issue that Rogue One presents in its resurrection of Cushing, as touched on by Edwards in an interview with CNN Entertainment: “We spoke to Peter Cushing’s estate and asked them, ‘how do you feel about this?’ and they were okay with it. And then the real challenge became: can you do it?” (2017)

      I really liked this evidence because is from an interview about Peter Cushing.

    2. It is for this reason why digital resurrection in the scenario of film completion is generally accepted positively: it is viewed as a means for an actor to complete his or her final performance, something that could be tragically lost if the film is not finished (“No Longer Themselves?”, 50).

      giving the pros of why digital resurrections is seeing in a positive way by people.

  14. Oct 2020
    1. Gorski warns that the nature of American classism oftencauses ​well-intentioned teachers to stereotype poor students. In “Accuracy and Inaccuracy inTeachers’ Perceptions of Young Children’s Cognitive Abilities,” Columbia University professorsDouglas D. Ready and David L. Wright explain their study of teacher biases, which indicatedthat “students’ skills come to reflect teachers’ initial perceptions” (356).

      I believe the author could've done better here in eliminating the amount of background information on the source in an effort to get to the point. A possible option would've been to state "A study done by Columbia University indicated ... about the accuracy and inaccuracy of teachers' perceptions of young children cognitive abilities." Then proceed with the commentary or further source evidence if needed.

    2. testing does “not significantly [narrow] national andstate level achievement gaps between white students and non-white students or gaps betweenrich and poor students”

      The way that the source is used here in the flow of the essay is a style choice that I believe increases the readability of the piece. Having the quote embedded into the flow of the authors own words instead of making a separate statement that houses the quote not only bodes well for transitions, but decreasing the need for drawn out subclaims.

    1. There is also another issue that Rogue One presents in its resurrection of Cushing, as touched on by Edwards in an interview with CNN Entertainment:

      I like that the author actually hyperlinked this source. It makes it a lot easier to access the quote they used and be able to verify it. This shows very good ethos!

    2. “Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should.” – Ian Malcolm, Jurassic Park.

      I like this use of sources. The quote directly ties into the piece but the author makes sure it stands out. He also properly cites the quote.

    1. use of an extended metaphor, using “financial lingo”

      Evidence- the writer points out specific evidence supporting his point that the purpose of the article is to convey the significance of emotionally investing in your children.

    1. participatory production processes are often subsumed under capital interest.

      Social media - participatory/alternative - is being used to further the production of wealth through the exploitation of participants' who become advertising targets. quotes sources who thing the same.

    2. But not only conservatives, also far right groups make use ofparticipatory tools on the internet. One example is the online forum of the National Democratic Party of Germany

      Author supports the alternative theory that alt media may also be alt right.

    3. alternative media as participatory media often also include non-commercial financing

      The author introduces evidence and then criticizes the lack of financing of alt media as exploitative. Without resources, the alternative media extract talent and money from the very people who create it.

    4. Some representatives of the participatory media approach like

      Provides support from other theorists about the dangers of remaining isolated. Unless its about community building on a small geographic scale. There's limited value to being separated and having a small projection to ones voice.

    5. mar-ginalization or abandonment of radical content in order to reach broader audience

      To make it more commercial, alt media covers topics that have a broad appeal and can therefore appeal to economic interests.

    6. confronted with the antagonism between dominative structures and emancipatory goals. It isimpossible to act outside of these structures within a capitalist society.

      Paraphrases Knoche - Capitalist constructs constrain alt media.

    7. alternativemedia should recognize that ‘‘capitalist skills as marketing and promotion can be used to further their political goals”

      Authors sites other author to support their case.

