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- management
- long-term
- mortality
- government
- funding
- workplace safety
- Asia
- is:blog
- risk
- global
- lang:en
- UK
- mental health
- protection
- healthcare worker
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- variant
- Omicron
- vaccine
- policy
- Biden
- government
- protection
- requirement
- is:news
- vaccine mandate
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- transmissibility
- COVID-19
- variant
- mask wearing
- mortality
- prevention
- delta
- risk assessment
- hospitalization
- government
- restrictions
- lang:en
- EU
- severity
- Omicron
- Europe
- modeling
- protection
- Christmas
- is:news
- death toll
- scientific advice
- South Africa
- forecasting
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- transmissibility
- COVID-19
- variant
- clinical trials
- Pfizer
- science
- spike protein
- variant-specific booster
- immunity
- lang:en
- Omicron
- vaccine
- effectiveness
- escape variant
- BioNTech
- protection
- is:news
- development
- mutation
- research
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- COVID-19
- Telegram
- anti-vaccine
- delta
- misinformation
- ideology
- social media
- risk
- Indigenous community
- vaccine
- vaccine hesitancy
- protection
- is:news
- vaccine mandate
- anti-government
- anonymity
- Maori
- misogyny
- government
- white supremist
- racism
- restrictions
- lang:en
- conspiracy theory
- policy
- disinformation
- anti-vaxxer
- New Zealand
- Australia
- extremism
- protest
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- booster
- COVID-19
- variant
- mask wearing
- home-testing kit
- mortality
- South Africa
- government
- strategy
- hospitalization
- science
- public health measures
- health outcome
- immunity
- lang:en
- travel ban
- travel restrictions
- UK
- vaccine
- Omicron
- predominant strain
- virus genome
- data
- protection
- stock market
- England
- is:news
- testing
- transmission
- mask mandate
- vaccine efficacy
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- variant
- COVID-19
- Omicron
- vaccine
- immunology
- immune response
- protection
- is:news
- previous infection
- mutation
- vaccine efficacy
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- safety profile
- delta
- protection
- data
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- vaccine efficacy
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- lang:en
- COVID-19
- UK
- vaccine
- data analysis
- epidemiology
- protection
- science
- breakthrough infection
- is:news
- transmission
- research
- risk
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- statistics
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- transmission
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- infection rate
- herd immunity
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- restriction
- vaccine
- effectiveness
- death
- disease
- data
- protection
- is:news
- trial
- England
- infection
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Was there any domestic abuse in your family?Luisa: With my parents? My mother, yes. She doesn't like to talk about it. The older I get, the more she opens up, but it's not something that she likes to talk about. It was never in front of us, it was behind closed doors. I thank my father. He's a piece of shit, but I thank him for at least having the thought of not wanting to traumatize us. So yes, it was behind closed doors, but the more I get out of my mom, it was a lot of emotional abuse as well, a lot. I think there was some physical abuse. My mom's never touched upon it, but that's what happened.
Time in the US, Migration from Mexico, Reasons, Domestic Violence
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- pharma companies
- IP waiver
- US
- health activists
- pharmaceutical companies
- patent protection
- government
- hope
- European Commission
- deadly second wave
- Joe Biden
- Britain
- India
- vaccines
- vaccine access
- lang:en
- EU
- access
- Vaccine Rollout
- is:website
- South Africa
- public health activist
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- immunity
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- COVID-19
- dose
- UK
- vaccine
- symptom
- infected
- disease
- vaccination
- hospitalization
- protection
- admission
- is:news
- develop
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“Follow your blisters” implies something that you come back to so many times that you eventually move past the blister stage, into toughened skin. Eventually, the activity “marks you” through use and practice, and you develop a special competence. When you practice an activity a bit more obsessively than other people, you build unique character – you earn some wear and some healing that makes you idiosyncratic, and a little unbalanced.It is something that you don’t need to put on your to-do list, something you care enough about to return to repeatedly, even though it causes discomfort. Over time, you develop a layer of protection that enables you to do that something more easily.
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- respiratory protection
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- policy contexts
- respiratory conditions
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- care homes
- infections
- health and care workers
- SARS-CoV-2
- misleading
- transmission
- advisory bodies
- ethical guidelines
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- immune system
- dose
- mask
- limited
- pandemic
- vaccination
- strain
- social distancing
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- effectiveness
- protection
- mutation
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- government
- vaccination
- strategy
- delay
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- public
- policy
- population
- protection
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- confidence
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- health ministry
- disease
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- protection
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