1,633 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2020
  2. Aug 2020
    1. you could imagine my extreme disappointment after i came back after a year and a half to find that the entire exploration map was about 80% smaller, every different island was within clear view of your starting island completely decimating any sense of adventure or exploration you could have had.Almost all materials could be collected and all items built within four and a half hours. Islands are literally numbered one to five to display they're level of danger.not only that but you were practically spoon fed each advancement in the game, it feels like it was taken from a greatly ambitious open world, exploration survival game that would take months to finish and achieve everything in. To now being an arcade style iphone app game catered to ten year olds that would foolishly enter their parents card details in order to buy 10,000 roblox coins.
    1. Video 2.1

      The closed captioning is in an Asian language. Can that be changed to English or is this something customizable by the learner?

  3. Jul 2020
    1. Les produits gratuits le sont-ils vraiment ?86 621 vues86 k vues•19 nov. 2018 2,9 k J'aime ce contenu 53 Je n'aime pas ce contenu Partager Partager Enregistrer 2 948 / 53 Le Monde Le Monde Validé 864 k abonnés S'abonner Pour fidéliser leurs clients ou en attirer de nouveaux, les entreprises distribuent parfois gratuitement leurs produits. Par exemple Facebook, Wikipédia ou encore les journaux gratuits semblent ne rien coûter. Et pourtant, ils ne sont pas tout à fait gratuits. A y regarder de plus près, il y a forcément quelqu’un qui paie pour le bien ou le service. Le client ? La publicité ? Les subventions ? D’autres acheteurs ? Dessine-moi l’éco fait le point sur les modèles qui donnent parfois l’illusion qu’un produit peut être gratuit.
  4. Jun 2020
    1. Oh, and of course, there’s the fact that “sit on the ground” is mapped to the same control as “strangle the nearest person”, which can apparently lead to some pretty robust brainstorming sessions.

      I love this!

  5. May 2020
    1. LCP LE MAG Ma cité confinée Diffusée le 02/05/2020 Ahmed Tazir, journaliste à LCP-AN, habite dans la cité Pablo Picasso, à Nanterre ; un quartier reconnaissable de loin à ses tours "nuages", construites dans les années 70 aux portes de Paris. Comment cette cité, dont le taux de pauvreté est l'un des plus élevés de France, vit-elle le confinement ?

      Devant la caméra d'Ahmed Tazir , se croisent des familles monoparentales, un épicier, des associatifs et un sans-papier. Ils racontent l'école difficile à la maison, la nourriture trop chère…

      Ici plus qu'ailleurs, le confinement est une épreuve, même si la solidarité cimente l'esprit de quartier.

    1. Consider the final output while filming If you are planning to create a YouTube video, shoot the video in landscape mode.
  6. Apr 2020
    1. YouTube Video Builder: İşletmeler İçin Hızlı, Kolay ve Ücretsiz Video Oluşturma Aracı Google gibi büyük şirketlerin koronavirüs salgını devam ederken değişen dijital ortama uyum sağlamaları ve yeni yollar oluşturmaları için işletmelere sağladığı imkanlar devam ediyor. İşletmelerin hızlı ve sorunsuz bir şekilde video oluşturmalarını sağlayan Youtube Video Builder beta sürümüyle artık daha çok işletme için kullanılabilir durumda.
    1. Başarılı Bir Tanıtım Videosunun 5 Özelliği Video reklamların kullanımı, satın almayı %97 ve reklam-marka ilişkisini %139 artırıyor. Daha az teknik terimler kullanarak hazırlayacağınız tanıtım videolarıyla, kitlenizin sizi hatırlamasını ve sattığınız ürünü satın almasını sağlayabilirsiniz. Kimi hedefliyor olursanız olun, başarılı tanıtım videolarının paylaştığı 5 evrensel özellik vardır. Bu blog yazımızda, bu özelliklerin her birini daha ayrıntılı olarak inceledik.
    1. Evden Çalışma İçin Video Konferans Uygulamaları Covid-19 sürecinde ekibinizle etkili bir çalışma organize edebilmeniz için gerekli video konferans uygulamalarını ve araçlarını sizin için derledik.
    1. How to change video width and height in Premiere Pro

      change video height and width,

    1. Thousands of enterprises around the world have done exhaustive security reviews of our user, network, and data center layers and confidently selected Zoom for complete deployment. 

      This doesn't really account for the fact that Zoom have committed some atrociously heinous acts, such as (and not limited to):

  7. Mar 2020
  8. Feb 2020
    1. 8HowVideoUsageStylesAffectStudentEngagement?..

      Interpretation: 40% of people watch the full video without skipping 32% watch some parts of the video. 20% fast forward through the entire thing 8% only specific parts.

      32+8+20 is more than 40% who do so without skipping. So it would be highly encouraged to a table of content in the video description or in youtube videos that allow learners to skip and engage how they deem it necessary.

    2. Overhalfoftheusers(60%)werewatchingthefullvideolecture,whiletheremainders(40%)werewatchingspecificpartsofthevideo

      give students the ability to skip to specific areas. Carefully planning of the video is encouraged.

    3. amplingThemethodologycomprisedaquestionnaireconductedattheendofafullsemestervideoexperience

      sampling process - students at the end of the full semester video experience.

    4. Althoughvideosforlearning/traininghavebeenemployedintheindustryandeducationformanyyears,severalfactorsregardinglearners’engagementwithanduseofvideoshavechanged.Forexample,learnerscaninteractwiththecontentinvariousways,videorepositorieshaveadvanced(e.g.,iTunes,YouTube),andotherinteractiveandsmartvideo-basedsystemshaveappeared(MOOCs,InteractiveTV).

      for the activity, ask learners to pick a source of educational videos that they like, compare and contrast with another source. Or gage the effectiveness of that video based on what they learned.

    5. suchasbroadcastinglecturesindistanceeducation[1],deliveringrecordingsofin-classlectureswithface-to-facemeetingsforreviewpurposes[2],anddeliveringlecturerecordingsbeforeclasstoconserveclasstimeandflippingthedayforhands-onactivities[3].Inaddition,thenumberoffor-profitorganizationswhousetrainingoradvertisingvideosisincreasingrapidly.

      Each version of a recording would probably look different depending on the type of delivery. If it's a distance education course, you probably want to be very thorough. If it's a flipping the classroom, only talk about some key concepts for what they'll do or see in class

      (Giannakos, Jaccheri, & Krogstie, 2016)

    6. Chapter18HowVideoUsageStylesAffectStudentEngagement?ImplicationsforVideo-BasedLearningEnvironmentsMichailN.Giannakos,LetiziaJaccheriandJohnKrogstie

      (Giannakos, Jaccheri, & Krogstie, 2016)

    1. (Guo et al., 2014).

      include info about the shortness of videos - research further

    2. The first and most important guideline for maximizing stu-dent attention to educational video is to keep it short.
    1. I was able to use the "Gift to a Friend" link on HB on a game I already owned and was able to generate an email to a friend. They were able to successfully get the game.Seeing that my Steam account is linked to HB, I was more worried about clicking the "Reveal Your Steam Key" and getting hosed that way.
  9. Dec 2019
    1. There is a class of algorithms for something called “Inpainting”, which is about reconstructing pictures or videos in spite of missing pieces. This is widely used for film restoration, and commonly found in Adobe Photoshop as the “Content-Aware Fill” feature.

      This reminds me of a tool called asciinema that allows highlighting text within a video.

  10. Nov 2019
  11. Oct 2019
    1. I can't make an annotation on Google's documentation ( I think it's a Hypothesis bug ) but I've updated the linked code sample below to work as of 10/04/2019 with Python 3


  12. Sep 2019
    1. The following video provides a general overview of the Fair Work Commission’s anti-bullying jurisdiction including key definitions, how the Commission may deal with an application and what an order to stop bullying is.
  13. Aug 2019
    1. HTM and SDR's - part of how the brain implements intelligence.

      "In this first introductory episode of HTM School, Matt Taylor, Numenta's Open Source Flag-Bearer, walks you through the high-level theory of Hierarchical Temporal Memory in less than 15 minutes."

  14. Jul 2019
    1. Other types of annotation added to movies and television include subtitles that provide translation from one language to another.

      There was also the broader annotation example in television of the 1990's show Pop Up Video innovated by VH1.

    1. Learning

      Notes: -bringing play into education "messing around"/"geeking out"-interest driven orientation. developing sophisticated tech/media literacy

      • learning opportunities in both friend space and geek space
    1. "when school day is over"-curious learning is done Participatory Culture -communities producing media to share among themselves -people produce media to share with each other, not for money -passing of skills -social mode of production -drive to share for sharing's sake -Harry POtter Alliance -participatory culture and changing the world -bringing PC into educational culture -Wikipedia example

    1. Open ListenOnRepeat.

      ListenOnRepeat web site allows one to loop only a section of a video.

    2. Right-click the video area, or long-press if you're using a touch screen. Select Loop from the menu.

      Loop a YouTube video.

    1. ohn Seely Brown on Motivating Learners (Big Thinkers Series) 41,780 views41K views •

      Notes: -important for kids to embrace change

      • curiosity -using gaming as an example (embracing change, leveling up, etc.) -competition and collaboration and analyzation to improve (surfing example) -kids who are "turned on" by their passion drives learning -joining a community of common interests
    1. Will Richardson highlights importance of learning and engagement based on pure passion of learning; without "waiting for a curriculum". Today's schools need to be re-envisioned in a way that fosters collaboration and real world/ problem-solving skills, and that steers away from test prep and replaces that with life-prep.

  15. Jun 2019
  16. May 2019
    1. Procedural Rhetoric. Bogost, I. In Persuasive games: the expressive power of videogames, pages 1–64. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2007.

      "...the rhetoric of failure. Tragedy in games tends to find its procedural representation in this trope." (85)

      "Political video games in the sense I have articulated above are characterized by procedural rhetorics that expose the logic of a political order, thereby opening a possibility for its support, interrogation, or disruption. Procedural rhetorics articulate the way political structures organize their daily practice; they describe the way a system “thinks” before it thinks about anything in particular." (90)

      In thinking through This War of Mine, I'm interested in the notion that the game is designed to thwart winning, and indeed every choice the player makes bring them closer to survival or to morally bankrupt behavior or both. In many moments of the game's narrative, there are no good choices. In some play-throughs I have felt better allowing my characters to die than I have with exercising the power at my disposal, e.g. killing and robbing the old couple. And in a strange way, my characters seem to feel more comfortable with that choice, too. TWoM seems to fall somewhere in between Kabul Kaboom and traditional winnable games.

  17. Apr 2019
  18. Mar 2019
    1. This modulefocuses on biases against social groups,which social psychologists sort intoemotional prejudices, mental stereotypes,and behavioral discrimination. Thesethree aspects of bias are related, but theyeach can occur separately from the others(Dovidio & Gaertner, 2010; Fiske, 1998). Forexample, sometimes people have anegative, emotional reaction to a socialgroup (prejudice) without knowing even themost superficial reasons to dislike them(stereotypes).

      The article talks about how prejudice, stereotypes, and discrimination has a correlation, but can happen separately. I do believe that this is true. You can be prejudice, stereotypical and discriminate towards others and not be aware. You see this happen a lot in this society. This are the people that see no wrong in there behavior and thinks society is suppose to keep accepting there behavior. Times have change from the 70's to now.

  19. Feb 2019
    1. Understanding by Design


      • -prepare you to think in the short-term and long-term teaching
      • -student comment as an entry point on where we want to end up
      • -proactive, autonomous learners
      • -a planning framework
      • -critical and creative thinking- you don't need these skills to make all A's in school
      • -pedagogical effectiveness
      • -critical thinking test- NO GAIN
      • -long-term goals and short-term plan
      • -desired and actual results
      • -strategic thinking- teachers that tell you what to do all the time- doesn't make room for student thought
      • -when we teach, we need to be more goal focused (comment)
      • backward design thinking- long term goal- what follows for assessment (not grading, assessing/ judging how we are doing against the goal, coaching) and what follows for instruction
      • What do we have to do to make our students love what we are teaching them?
      • the textbook is not the course- only used as a resource
      • given our understanding goals, which chapters should be highlighted, skimmed, skipped, re-sequenced?
      • aim for explicit understanding
      • Backward from Goals: Meaning-"I want students to leave having inferred/realized that, now and in the future..."
      • Background from Goals: Transfer - "I want students to leave able to transfer their understanding- on their own- to concrete address current and future situations
      • 3rd day of lesson- textbook is used (not on the first day)
      • the way we do math is bad- this is why people don't like math or they think that they are bad at math- backward design lesson planning expands the pool of interested parties and is differentiatable for individual students
      • it is our jobs as teachers to make the design of the lesson relatable to every student- we are given this backward design plan but we must figure out how to plan our lesson to make sure that every child is learning- DESIGN CHALLENGE
      • Intellectual engagement- finding ways to help students that are uninterested in the content to want to be engaged in the content
      • Incentivize- incentives to learning the information
  20. Jan 2019
    1. ideas

      Watching this reminded me of a horror game I used to watch playthroughs of back in the day. Aqua Regia was used as a component to create acid at one point in the game. Thinking about it now, there were a lot of alchemy elements to that game... Go google Amnesia: The Dark Descent for a good time (and jumpscares lol)

    1. many psychologists simply accept an operational definition of intelligence by spelling out the procedures they use to measure it. . . . Thus, by selecting items for an intelligence test, a psychologist is saying in a direct way, “This is what I mean by intelligence.” A test that measures memory, reasoning, and verbal fluency offers a very different definition of intelligence than one that measures strength of grip, shoe size, hunting skills, or the person’s best Candy Crush mobile game score. (p. 290)

      Ironically, there is research showing that video game performance is positively correlated with intelligence test scores (e.g., Angeles Quiroga et al., 2015; Foroughi, Serraino, Parasuraman, & Boehm-Davis, 2016).

      Not every inaccurate statement in the textbooks was as silly as this one. Readers would benefit from browsing Supplemental File 2, which

  21. Dec 2018
  22. Nov 2018
    1. Create opportunities to apply knowledge immediately after a video.

      I really liked this idea and I have already applied it to my upcoming online lesson plan for an online course.

    1. Prezi is a productivity platform that allows for creation, organization, collaboration of presentations. It can be used with either mobile or desktop. Prezi integrates with slack and salesforce. RATING: 5/5 (rating based upon a score system 1 to 5, 1= lowest 5=highest in terms of content, veracity, easiness of use etc.)

  23. feedlylab.slack.com feedlylab.slack.com
    1. The Loom integration for Slack; this brings video into Slack and enhances collaboration; I'm bookmarking this because it would definitely be something I would bring up in a paper on Slack (4/5)

  24. Oct 2018
    1. One of the men being beaten in this video is speaking Foulfoulde, which is a commonly spoken language in the Far North region of Cameroon.

      Different to image verification, with video we can check on languages which could help us determine an location

  25. Jul 2018
    1. In Chile, the Rosas et al. study (2003) evaluated the effects of introducingeducational video games into the classroom and found indications ofpositive effects on learning, motivation and classroom dynamics.

      Good publication to look at research studies proving OCC and video game creations and educational tools were beneficial to classrooms

  26. Jun 2018
  27. May 2018
  28. Apr 2018
    1. a reel

      The reel is a folk dance type as well as the accompanying dance tune type. In Scottish country dancing, the reel is one of the four traditional dances, the others being the jig, the strathspey and the waltz.


  29. Mar 2018

      see: pokemon, digimon, beyblade, any other early 00's or late 90's 'mon.

    1. video games may help the development of fine motor skills and coordination, but many of the concerns about the negative effects of television (eg, inactivity, asocial behaviour and violence) also apply to excessive exposure to video games. Violent video games should be discouraged because they have harmful effects on children’s mental development
  30. Dec 2017
  31. Nov 2017
  32. Oct 2017
  33. spring2018.robinwharton.net spring2018.robinwharton.net
    1. smooth/rough shiny/dull hot/cold soft/hard light/dark transparent/opaque up/down in/out sta bility/insta bili ty torwa rd/backwanl vertical/horizontal straight/curved or crooked light/heavy chin/thick dean/dirty

      The process of characterizing physical attributes is a very straightforward and seemingly uncreative, which may be unconventional for writers. Interestingly enough, computers thrive on performing logical tasks. In a TED talk in 2015, Fei-Fei Li talks about making computers able to understand images. Similar techniques have even been used to read people's dreams, where electrical signals are logged and arranged as an image, and a computer attempts to characterize what the person was "seeing". Researchers from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign took it a step further and wrote the paper "Describing Objects by their Attributes". In it they discussed how they were able to "develop computer vision algorithms that go beyond naming and infer the properties or attributes of objects".

      In the video, Fei-Fei Li explains the process her research team used to teach a computer how to recognize objects in images. This process was started by showing the computer gigantic amounts of processed images to allow it to train. At 7:35, SHEEEE mentions that thousands of employees worked together to organize and label over a billion images. This process reminded me of the metadata mentioned by Morna Gerrard in our visit to the Archives. Much like categorizing archives helps us identify the information we want, the categorization of images aids a computer to find what it is looking at.

      I think it would be interesting to have technology contributing in the first steps of Prowian Analysis, since their logical approach to solving problems might allow us to have more detailed and thorough descriptions. Perhaps one day, technology will be able to take it a step further and make assumptions about the meaning of physical attributes, allowing material culture to be partly automated.

      Paper: http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=

      Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40riCqvRoMs

  34. Sep 2017
  35. Aug 2017
  36. Jul 2017
  37. Jun 2017
  38. May 2017
    1. Filmmaker Jamie Scott made his name in the timelapse space with Fall, a Central Park timelapse of epic proportions that took 6 months of dedication to capture. And yet his followup timelapse, titled Spring, somehow puts his first creation to shame.
    1. Video Game History Foundation is racing to preserve ephemeral gaming material and the physical documentation of video games.

      Would love to go to a museum like this!

  39. Apr 2017
    1. low visual-preference students experienced greater cognitive load in the video condition, while high visual-preference students experienced greater cognitive load in the no video condition.
    1. The $399 Yi 360 VR is another example of this overarching strategy. It can capture 360-degree video at 30 frames per second in 5.7K resolution, slightly edging out the 5.2K resolution of Fusion, the spherical camera GoPro announced last week. (That’s also higher resolution than other leading consumer 360-degree cameras like the Nikon KeyMission 360 or the Samsung Gear 360.)

      This is a great little paragraph that summarizes the 360 market nicely.

    2. The Yi Halo is a $16,999 17-camera monster capable of shooting stereoscopic video in 8K resolution at 30 frames per second, or 5.8K at 60 frames per second. It was built to work with Jump, which is a high-end VR creation platform that Google launched in 2015.

      I like that it can do 5.8K!