- Apr 2021
twitter.com twitter.com
Mehdi Hasan. (2021, April 12). ‘Given you acknowledged...in March 2020 that Asian countries were masking up at the time, saying we shouldn’t mask up as well was a mistake, wasn’t it... At the time, not just in hindsight?’ My question to Dr Fauci. Listen to his very passionate response: Https://t.co/BAf4qp0m6G [Tweet]. @mehdirhasan. https://twitter.com/mehdirhasan/status/1381405233360814085
www.bbc.com www.bbc.com
It says the world's wealthiest 1% produce double the combined carbon emissions of the poorest 50%, according to the UN.
Ein neuer britischer Report stellt fest, dass das reichste Prozent der Weltbevölkerung doppelt so viel CO2-Emissionen verursacht wie die ärmsten 50% zusammen. Cambridge Sustainability Commission on Scaling Behaviour Change
github.com github.com
I don't believe the sprockets and sprockets-rails maintainers (actually it's up to the Rails maintainers, see rails/rails#28430) currently consider it broken. (I am not a committer/maintainer on any of those projects). So there is no point in "waiting for someone else to fix" it; that is not going to happen (unless you can change their minds). You just need to figure out the right way to use sprockets 4 with rails as it is.
- at the mercy of maintainer
- whose responsibility is it?
- frustrating when maintainers stubbornly stick to opinions/principles/decisions and won't change despite popular user support
- whether maintainer or contributor should/will implement something
- waiting for someone else to fix it: that is not going to happen
www.frontiersin.org www.frontiersin.org
Moreover, a recent meta-analysis by Ma (2014) studied the effects of antidepressants on brain activity underlying emotional processing. Their results showed that antidepressant treatments had effects on the activation of limbic core structures such as the amygdala, the thalamus, and ACC, and in other emotional processing structures like MPFC, the insula, and the putamen. Antidepressant medication increased the activity of these structures when the subjects processed positive emotions, whereas the same medication decreased the activity of the same structures while processing negative emotions. For these reasons, it is perfectly plausible to expect that, after the same treatments, the depressed patients will present changes in connectivity related to illness improvement.
How antidepressant effect emotional processing .
- by increase acitivty when processing positive decrease activity when processing negative (salience network)
most of the evidence in the literature suggests that, in MDD, connectivity networks at rest and the connectivity networks activated during specific tasks are all altered (Wang et al., 2012). Accordingly, affective disorders have been linked to alterations of the Default Mode Network (DMN), the Affective Network (AN), the Salience Network (SN), and the Cognitive Control Network (CCN), among others (Dutta et al., 2014).
alter connectivity nectworks in depression
an increase in the activation of the mPFC, the amygdala, and the hippocampus in depressed subjects with respect to the control subjects (Rose et al., 2006; Siegle et al., 2007; Wise et al., 2014)
increased acitivty in mPFC amygdala etc... confirm with paper
www.smartcitiesdive.com www.smartcitiesdive.com
Smart Cities Dive. ‘Few Mayors Expect to Keep COVID-Inspired Changes to Public Spaces, Survey Finds’. Accessed 17 April 2021. https://www.smartcitiesdive.com/news/few-mayors-expect-to-keep-covid-inspired-changes-to-public-spaces-survey-f/597582/?mc_cid=1c26278a4e&mc_eid=d5b42264a8.
www.kickstarter.com www.kickstarter.com
John Company: Second Edition is a dramatic reimagining of the first edition that took over two years of extensive design and production work.
meta.stackexchange.com meta.stackexchange.com
No longer a free trial but free forever
We also know people need a good sized group and time to see the impact and value of a platform like Stack Overflow for Teams. Our previous 30 day free trial of our Basic tier wasn’t long enough. Now, Stack Overflow for Teams has a free tier for up to 50 users, forever.
- takes time to realize/see/recognize the impact of something
- welcome/good change
- not enough time
- learn from your mistakes
- pricing: changes to
- pricing: price guaranteed/locked in forever
- takes time to realize/see/recognize the value of something
- takes time to properly evaluate something
- pricing: free tier/plan
www.bmj.com www.bmj.com
Hotez, P. (2021). Covid-19: A disaster five years in the making. BMJ, 373, n657. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.n657
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Robson, S. G., Baum, M. A., Beaudry, J. L., Beitner, J., Brohmer, H., Chin, J., Jasko, K., Kouros, C., Laukkonen, R., Moreau, D., Searston, R. A., Slagter, H. A., Steffens, N. K., & Tangen, J. M. (2021). Nudging Open Science. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/zn7vt
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
‘We need to adapt in order to grow’: How to emerge from lockdown stronger, happier, healthier | Health & wellbeing | The Guardian. (n.d.). Retrieved April 6, 2021, from https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2021/apr/03/how-to-emerge-from-lockdown-stronger-happier-healthier
- Mar 2021
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Lopez-Persem, A., Bieth, T., Guiet, S., Ovando-Tellez, M., & Volle, E. (2021). Through thick and thin: Changes in creativity during the first lockdown of the Covid-19 pandemic. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/26qde
www.newscientist.com www.newscientist.com
Vaughan, A. (n.d.). UK citizens’ assembly shows big support for green covid-19 recovery. New Scientist. Retrieved June 23, 2020, from https://www.newscientist.com/article/2246693-uk-citizens-assembly-shows-big-support-for-green-covid-19-recovery/
www.reuters.com www.reuters.com
Could COVID-19 mark a ‘turning point’ in the climate crisis? (n.d.). World Economic Forum. Retrieved May 29, 2020, from https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/05/green-recovery-can-revive-virus-hit-economies-and-tackle-climate-change-study-says/
www.weforum.org www.weforum.org
We must prioritise climate change as we emerge from COVID-19. (n.d.). World Economic Forum. Retrieved May 29, 2020, from https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/05/climate-action-top-global-agenda-covid-19/
arxiv.org arxiv.org
Baker, C. M., Campbell, P. T., Chades, I., Dean, A. J., Hester, S. M., Holden, M. H., McCaw, J. M., McVernon, J., Moss, R., Shearer, F. M., & Possingham, H. P. (2020). From climate change to pandemics: Decision science can help scientists have impact. ArXiv:2007.13261 [Physics]. http://arxiv.org/abs/2007.13261
science.sciencemag.org science.sciencemag.org
Dehning, J., Zierenberg, J., Spitzner, F. P., Wibral, M., Neto, J. P., Wilczek, M., & Priesemann, V. (2020). Inferring change points in the spread of COVID-19 reveals the effectiveness of interventions. Science. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.abb9789
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
reddit. ‘R/BehSciResearch - Hackathon: Climate Denial and COVID-19 Misinformation: Birds of a Feather?’ Accessed 6 March 2021. https://www.reddit.com/r/BehSciResearch/comments/jjjzgs/hackathon_climate_denial_and_covid19/.
www.thelancet.com www.thelancet.com
Ratner, Austin, and Nisarg Gandhi. ‘Psychoanalysis in Combatting Mass Non-Adherence to Medical Advice’. The Lancet 396, no. 10264 (28 November 2020): 1730. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(20)32172-3.
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Neville, F. G., Templeton, A., Smith, J., & Louis, W. R. (2021). Social norms, social identities and the COVID-19 pandemic: Theory and recommendations. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/m9afs
www.forbes.com www.forbes.com
“As humans we resist change,” says Twitter and Square’s Dorsey. “It’s scary and something we can’t necessarily control. You hear that Twitter is important or Facebook is important or HTML5 is important, but how do you actually begin? There’s no easy way. It’s not fun to be self-reflective or self-aware. “In many cases it means we have to do more work,” he adds. “So we have to do more work.”
www.fabiofranchino.com www.fabiofranchino.com
A major update usually means breaking changes in the API therefore a bit of learning is required in order to embrace it in your projects.
www.chevtek.io www.chevtek.io
Sure sometimes my changes get rejected, but it almost always comes with a reason why and I can work together with the maintainer to come up with a sensible solution to my issue.
github.com github.comd3/d31
D3 4.0 is modular. Instead of one library, D3 is now many small libraries that are designed to work together. You can pick and choose which parts to use as you see fit.
github.com github.com
This appears to be an undocumented breaking change. For example, the word "debug" does not appear in the sprockets 4 changelog.
github.com github.com
The way we do it currently is by calling load from inside of load, via different "pipelines" and processors which is quite elegant and completely impossible to work with.
If I can find some time, maybe I can help pitch in somehow.
That should work, but it's a non-trivial change.
- requires a big/non-trivial refactoring/rewrite
- big refactoring/rewrite
- hard to follow/read/understand
- contributing: offering to help
- seemingly contradictory
- elegant solution
- fun wording
- contributing
- requires a non-trivial change
- hard to understand
- hard/costly to change later
- pipeline
But we're definitely sticking with the source map idea rather than the current (Rails 3/4) behavior of including all JS and CSS files separately while in development?
github.com github.com
The semantic has changed a bit as far as I understand. You need to select a pipeline in debug mode.
Sprockets 4.0 treats the ".js.erb" as the extension now. There's no mime type registered to that extension. You need to do: register_mime_type 'application/javascript+ruby', extensions: ['.js.erb']
github.com github.com
markdown-it is the result of the decision of the authors who contributed to 99% of the Remarkable code to move to a project with the same authorship but new leadership (Vitaly and Alex). It's not a fork.
twitter.com twitter.com
ReconfigBehSci. (2020, November 9). Now underway at SciBeh workshop are our 3 hackathons: 1. Combatting COVID-19 misinformation with lessons from climate change denial 2. Optimising research dissemination and curation 3. ReSearch Engine: Search Engine for SciBeh’s knowledge base & beyond [Tweet]. @SciBeh. https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1325796158887882752
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
Hackathon: Climate denial and COVID-19 misinformation: birds of a feather? : BehSciAsk. (n.d.). Reddit. Retrieved 6 March 2021, from https://www.reddit.com/r/BehSciAsk/comments/jjk00r/hackathon_climate_denial_and_covid19/
commonfund.nih.gov commonfund.nih.gov
Meeting Products. (2020, September 16). https://commonfund.nih.gov/sobc-capstonemeeting/registration
- Feb 2021
link.aps.org link.aps.org
Ye, Y., Zhang, Q., Ruan, Z., Cao, Z., Xuan, Q., & Zeng, D. D. (2020). Effect of heterogeneous risk perception on information diffusion, behavior change, and disease transmission. Physical Review E, 102(4), 042314. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.102.042314
github.com github.com
now that I realize how easy it is to just manually include this in my app: <%= javascript_include_tag 'xray', nonce: true if Rails.env.development? %> I regret even wasting my time getting it to automatically look for and add a nonce to the auto-injected xray.js script
- removing features to simplify implementation
- removing legacy/deprecated things
- regret
- fix design/API mistakes as early as you can (since it will be more difficult to correct it and make a breaking change later)
- removing feature that is more trouble than it's worth (not worth the effort to continue to maintain / fix bugs caused by keeping it)
- wasted effort
www.pewresearch.org www.pewresearch.org
NW, 1615 L. St, Suite 800Washington, & Inquiries, D. 20036USA202-419-4300 | M.-857-8562 | F.-419-4372 | M. (2020, December 8). The Changing Geography of COVID-19 in the U.S. Pew Research Center - U.S. Politics & Policy. https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/?p=20076611
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Software architecture is about making fundamental structural choices that are costly to change once implemented.
trailblazer.to trailblazer.to
What this means is: I better refrain from writing a new book and we rather focus on more and better docs.
I'm glad. I didn't like that the book (which is essentially a form of documentation/tutorial) was proprietary.
I think it's better to make documentation and tutorials be community-driven free content
The new 2.1 version comes with a few necessary but reasonable changes in method signatures. As painful as that might sound to your Rails-spoiled ears, we preferred to fix design mistakes now before dragging them on forever.
The new call API is much more consistent and takes away another thing we kept explaining to new users - an indicator for a flawed API.
It’s so simple that I sometimes wonder why it took years to develop it!
- annotation meta: inherit same annotation/tags
- if it's incorrect; fix it
- free content
- finally / at last
- documentation
- community-driven development
- non-free content
- learn from your mistakes
- I agree
- do it right/well the first time because it may be too hard to clean up/fix later if you don't
- very simple/small result/change in the end but took a lot of work/time to arrive there
- focus on the user
- pointing out gaps/downsides/cons in competition/alternatives
- better late than never
- knowledge commons (information/data/content)
- I'm glad they did it this way
- fix design/API mistakes as early as you can (since it will be more difficult to correct it and make a breaking change later)
- welcome/good change
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
For mobile phones, technologies like SMS, MMS and data access were historically usually considered value-added services, but in recent years SMS, MMS and data access have more and more become core services, and VAS therefore has begun to exclude those services.
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Before the pandemic, I normally called chefs after I’d written a review of their restaurant but before it was published, to check facts. The chefs usually sounded as if I were calling with the results of a lab test. One chef called me back from a hospital and told me his wife was in the next room giving birth to their first child, but — oh no, don’t worry, it’s fine, he said; in fact, I’d picked a perfect time to call! These were, in other words, awkward conversations.The ones I had last spring were different. It was as if the fear and distrust all chefs feel toward all critics were gone. They talked about going bankrupt, they talked about crying and not wanting to get out of bed. What did they have left to lose by talking to me?
Pete highlights a key change that came with COVID, except he emphasizes the good that came from it. This compare and contrast allows the reader to see how the personalities have developed along with the times. There was a silver lining amidst the "crying and not wanting to get out of bed". The drastic comparison of his importance before and after the pandemic with a chef giving equal importance to Pete and his first child underlines just how wrong priorities were previously. His diction, utilizing awkward perfectly to encapsulate the environment surrounding his job before COVID, pushing forth the idea that good can result from change.
skepticalscience.com skepticalscience.com
Konstantinos, A. (2021). Tips on countering conspiracy theories and misinformaton. CommsFlyer.
github.com github.com
This is a breaking change so it'll have to go into a major release. I was working on a v4 release but it's too much. I think I'm going to pair it back and we can add this to the new v4. When I have that ready, I'll rebase the merge onto that branch.
www.cnbc.com www.cnbc.com
Tirrell, M. (2021, January 21). A year into the Covid crisis, scientists explain what we learned—And what we got wrong. CNBC. https://www.cnbc.com/2021/01/21/covid-19-what-we-learned-since-the-first-us-case-was-confirmed.html
github.com github.com
We are still open to the idea but the implementation should leverage the attributes API introduced in Rails 5.2 in Active Model.
softwareengineering.stackexchange.com softwareengineering.stackexchange.com
Say you have software to keep track of your grocery list. In the 80's, this software would work against a command line and some flat files on floppy disk. Then you got a UI. Then you maybe put the list in the database. Later on it maybe moved to the cloud or mobile phones or facebook integration. If you designed your code specifically around the implementation (floppy disks and command lines) you would be ill-prepared for changes. If you designed your code around the interface (manipulating a grocery list) then the implementation is free to change.
www.javaworld.com www.javaworld.com
Rather than implement features you might need, you implement only the features you definitely need, but in a way that accommodates change. If you don't have this flexibility, parallel development simply isn't possible.
At the core of parallel development, however, is the notion of flexibility. You have to write your code in such a way that you can incorporate newly discovered requirements into the existing code as painlessly as possible.
github.com github.com
Let's assume that something in the system has to change (as it rarely does..), and we need to add a new step to the process to the runner
Vigfusson, Y., Karlsson, T. A., Onken, D., Song, C., Einarsson, A. F., Kishore, N., Mitchell, R. M., Brooks-Pollock, E., Sigmundsdottir, G., & Danon, L. (2021). Cell-phone traces reveal infection-associated behavioral change. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(6). https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2005241118
Schneider, I. K., Dorrough, A. R., & Frank, C. (2021). Ambivalence and Adherence to Measures to Reduce the Spread of COVID-19. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/b9hcg
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Varol, T., Schneider, F., Mesters, I., Crutzen, R., Ruiter, R. A. C., Kok, G., & Hoor, G. ten. (2021). University Students’ Adherence to the COVID-19-guidelines: A Qualitative Study on Facilitators and Barriers. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/z6cg9
www.radicalxchange.org www.radicalxchange.org
It is only through broad public conversations and beginning to see the consequences of some of the approaches I was taking that I have come to fully appreciate the severe limits of technocracy. In that case, as in all those above, there is a severe danger of great technical minds being wasted on an arrogant pursuit of remaking the world in their image, rather than contributing to a broader conversation.
Laudable transparent self-reflection from the author. Would that more were so willing to change, and be public about their changing!
hilton.org.uk hilton.org.uk
If we renamed things more often, then it probably wouldn’t be so hard to name them in the first place.
theconversation.com theconversation.com
Fraja, Gianni De, James Rockey, und Jesse Matheson. „Five Charts That Reveal How Remote Working Could Change the UK“. The Conversation. Zugegriffen 6. Februar 2021. http://theconversation.com/five-charts-that-reveal-how-remote-working-could-change-the-uk-154418.
- Jan 2021
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
With just one tug of a string — just one cancellation or postponement of a festival that might take up to a full year to prepare for — it can all fall apart.
It can have a dramatic change
forums.theregister.com forums.theregister.com
Canonical would do well to make sure they dont complicate things for whatever the next big Linux shift is.
Grossmann, I., Twardus, O., Varnum, M. E. W., Jayawickreme, E., & McLevey, J. (2021). Societal Change and Wisdom: Insights from the World after Covid Project. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/yma8f
callforcode.org callforcode.org
Call for Code (2020) Accept the 2020 Call for Code Global Challenge. Retrieved from:https://callforcode.org/challenge/?utm_content=buffere99fc&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer
covid-19.iza.org covid-19.iza.org
Briscese. G., Lacetera. N., Macis. M., Tonin. M., (2020) Compliance with COVID-19 Social-Distancing Measures in Italy: The Role of Expectations and Duration. Retrieved from: https://covid-19.iza.org/publications/dp13092/
profstevekeen.medium.com profstevekeen.medium.com
People thrive in a wide range of climates. The projected climate change is small relative to the diurnal cycle. It is therefore rather peculiar to conclude that climate change will be disastrous. Those who claim so have been unable to explain why. https://twitter.com/RichardTol/status/1313182006310731776?s=20
This is shocking!
legislature.vermont.gov legislature.vermont.gov
(c) In addition to the procedure set forth above in subsections (a) and (b) of this section, the charter may be revised or amended by the submission of a citizen initiative (petition) signed by 10 percent of the voters. The petition and subsequent action shall conform to the requirements of State statutes relating to charter amendment procedures, shall be subject to the determination of the Board of Selectmen as to whether or not they are comprehensive in nature, and shall be approved by a Town meeting vote with at least 25 percent of voters participating.
Charter change initiatives require 10%
Charter change minimum turnout 25%
legislature.vermont.gov legislature.vermont.gov
§ 2645. Charters; adoption, repeal, or amendment; procedure (a) A municipality may propose to the General Assembly to adopt, repeal, or amend its charter by majority vote of the legal voters of the municipality present and voting at any annual or special meeting warned for that purpose in accordance with the following procedure: (1) A proposal to adopt, repeal, or amend a municipal charter (charter proposal) may be made by the legislative body of the municipality or by petition of five percent of the voters of the municipality. (2) An official copy of the charter proposal shall be filed as a public record in the office of the clerk of the municipality at least 10 days before the first public hearing. The clerk shall certify the date on which he or she received the official copy, and the dated copies thereof shall be made available to members of the public upon request. (3)(A) The legislative body of the municipality shall hold at least two public hearings prior to the meeting to vote on the charter proposal. (B) The first public hearing shall be held in accordance with subdivision (a)(2) of this section and at least 30 days before the vote. (4)(A) If the charter proposal is made by the legislative body, the legislative body may revise the proposal as a result of suggestions and recommendations made at a public hearing, but in no event shall such revisions be made less than 20 days before the date of the meeting to vote on the charter proposal. (B) If revisions are made, the legislative body shall post a notice of these revisions in the same places as the warning for the meeting not less than 20 days before the date of the meeting and shall attach such revisions to the official copy kept on file for public inspection in the office of the clerk of the municipality. (5)(A) If the charter proposal is made by petition, the second public hearing shall be held no later than 10 days after the first public hearing. The legislative body shall not have the authority to revise a charter proposal made by petition. (B) After the warning and hearing requirements of this section are satisfied, the petitioned charter proposal shall be submitted to the voters at the next annual meeting, primary, or general election in the form in which it was filed, except that the legislative body may make technical corrections. (6)(A) Notice of each public hearing and of the annual or special meeting shall be given in accordance with section 2641 of this chapter. (B)(i) Each notice shall specify the charter sections to be adopted, repealed, or amended, setting out those sections in the amended form, with deleted matter struck through and new matter underlined. (ii) If the legislative body of the municipality determines that the charter proposal is too long or unwieldy to set out in amended form, the notice shall include a concise summary of the charter proposal and shall state that an official copy of the charter proposal is on file for public inspection in the office of the clerk of the municipality and that copies thereof shall be made available to members of the public upon request. (7)(A) Voting on a charter proposal shall be by Australian ballot. (B)(i) The ballot shall show each charter section to be adopted, repealed, or amended in the amended form, with deleted matter struck through and new matter underlined, and shall permit the voter to vote on each separate proposal contained within the charter proposal. (ii) If the legislative body determines that the charter proposal is too long or unwieldy to be shown in the amended form, voters shall be permitted to vote upon each separate proposal in its entirety in the form of a yes or no proposition. (C) An official copy of the charter proposal shall be posted conspicuously in each ballot booth for inspection by the voters during the balloting. (b)(1) The clerk of the municipality, under the direction of the legislative body, shall announce and post the results of the vote immediately after the vote is counted. (2) The clerk, within 10 days after the day of the meeting, shall certify to the Secretary of State each separate proposal contained within the charter proposal, showing the facts as to its origin and the procedure followed, which shall include: (A)(i) If the charter proposal was made by the legislative body, the minutes recorded by the legislative body that detail the origins and intent of each separate proposal; (ii) If the charter proposal was made by voter petition, the body of the petition and evidence of the required number of petition signatures; (B) A copy of the official certified copy of the charter proposal filed with the clerk of the municipality pursuant to subdivision (a)(2) of this section; (C) Copies of the warnings and published notices for each of the public hearings held pursuant to subdivision (a)(3) of this section; (D) Minutes recorded by the legislative body that detail each of the public hearings held pursuant to subdivision (a)(3) of this section; (E) Copies of warnings and published notices for the meeting to vote on the charter proposal; and (F) A copy of the ballot and the results of the vote or votes on the charter proposal. (c) After confirming that the clerk of the municipality has certified each of the documents listed in subdivision (b)(2) of this section, the Secretary of State shall file the certificate and deliver copies of it to the Attorney General, the Clerk of the House, the Secretary of the Senate, and the chairs of the committees concerned with municipal charters of both houses of the General Assembly. (d) The charter proposal shall become effective upon affirmative enactment of the proposal, either as proposed or as amended by the General Assembly. (Added 1977, No. 269 (Adj. Sess.), § 1; amended 1979, No. 200 (Adj. Sess.), § 100; 1981, No. 239 (Adj. Sess.), § 22, eff. May 4, 1982; 1983, No. 161 (Adj. Sess.); 1987, No. 63; 2017, No. M-7, § 2A, eff. May 22, 2017.)
Vermont Constitution
Charter Change
either by council OR by petition
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
If you manage to make Svelte aware of what needs to be tracked, chances are that the resulting code will be more performant than if you roll your own with events or whatever. In part because it will use Svelte's runtime code that is already present in your app, in part because Svelte produces seriously optimized change tracking code, that would be hard to hand code all while keeping it human friendly. And in part because your change tracking targets will be more narrow.
- Dec 2020
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
twitter.com twitter.com
Brian Nosek {@BrianNosek} (2020) RT @BrianNosek Preprint "conversations about reproducibility have a clear underlying structure, despite the broad scope..of the crisis. ..… Twitter. Retrieved from: https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1298941122912440320
www.danielgreenfield.org www.danielgreenfield.org
The science of the "Science is settled" crowd isn't an open system of skeptical inquiry, but a closed system of centralized authority funded and controlled by special interests, beholden to political agendas and intolerant of dissent. It has the same relationship to science that the various People's Democracies had to democracy.
They try to mold our opinions so we are more amenable to their agendas.
"Organizational change management ensures that the new processes resulting from a project are actually adopted by the people who are affected.”
Definition of change management
pcl.sites.stanford.edu pcl.sites.stanford.edu
Nonethel ess, scholars have begun to iden-tify procedures that can potentially mitigate political sectarianism. These in clude efforts to help Americans comprehend opposing partisans regardless of their level of agree-ment, such as by focusing on commonalities rather than differences (e.g., “we’re all Amer-icans”; SM) or communicating in the moral language of the other side (e.g., when liberals frame the consequences of climate change in terms of sanctity violations; SM).
Interesting, especially point re climate change.
I would go further into the ontological sources of these issues e.g. attachment to views, and how we can address that.
www.amazon.co.uk www.amazon.co.uk
It seems to also highlight how much our governments, banks and big corporations roles play into the state of our planet, how much we need them to change so that our individual choices can actually make a significant difference. Read more
Notice the subtle othering: it's not "us" who have been doing this but the "governments, banks and big corporations" ... But who are their shareholders, who are their citizens, staff, customers etc? Us ...
Note this is a comment on Attenborough's book. I do wonder what his recommendations are...
www.npmjs.com www.npmjs.com
No more waiting around for pull requests to be merged and published. No more forking repos just to fix that one tiny thing preventing your app from working.
This could be both good and bad.
potential downside: If people only fix things locally, then they may be less inclined/likely to actually/also submit a merge request, and therefore it may be less likely that this actually (ever) gets fixed upstream. Which is kind of ironic, considering the stated goal "No more waiting around for pull requests to be merged and published." But if this obviates the need to create a pull request (does it), then this could backfire / work against that goal.
Requiring someone to fork a repo and push up a fix commit -- although a little extra work compared to just fixing locally -- is actually a good thing overall, for the community/ecosystem.
Ah, good, I see they touched on some of these points in the sections:
- Benefits of patching over forking
- When to fork instead
www.scientificamerican.com www.scientificamerican.com
Achakulwisut, P. (n.d.). The U.S. Risks Locking In a Climate Health Crisis in Response to COVID. Scientific American. Retrieved December 10, 2020, from https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-u-s-risks-locking-in-a-climate-health-crisis-in-response-to-covid/
github.com github.com
Got a bit sidetracked into refactoring the Element visitor code, so haven't actually started on the event handler stuff per se, but that'll come soon. Element stuff is starting to feel a bit more logical and easier to follow.
hacks.mozilla.org hacks.mozilla.org
Better community building: At the moment, MDN content edits are published instantly, and then reverted if they are not suitable. This is really bad for community relations. With a PR model, we can review edits and provide feedback, actually having conversations with contributors, building relationships with them, and helping them learn.
- community (for a project or product)
- pull request workflow
- reverting: creates negative experience
- helping others
- encouraging feedback
- open source community
- opportunity to improve/fix something
- online community
- community building
- wiki model
- helping others to learn
- community relations
- receiving feedback
- relationship (people)
- reverting a previous decision/change/commit
- opportunity
www.cnn.com www.cnn.com
CNN, P. N. (n.d.). Canada crushed the Covid-19 curve but complacency is fueling a deadly second wave. CNN. Retrieved December 9, 2020, from https://www.cnn.com/2020/12/08/world/canada-covid-second-wave/index.html
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
editor, P. B. S. policy. (2020, December 9). Covid-driven recession likely to push 2m UK families into poverty. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/society/2020/dec/09/covid-driven-recession-likely-to-push-2m-uk-families-into-poverty
“Although we now have at our disposal some fairly sophisticated methods of characterizing uncertainty,” she warned, “these do not actually enable us to control or even predict the extent of the disaster.
Many believe models predict the future. Exhibit A: Climate change
- Nov 2020
bloggingguide4independentlearning.pressbooks.com bloggingguide4independentlearning.pressbooks.com
This act of proactive self-talk is the single-most crucial step for learners as bloggers to cross in order to change from extrinsically motivated bloggers to intrinsically motivated ones’ (Groulx, 2009).
I am especially interested in revisiting this theme for cultivating autonomous learning skills and attitudes, and transforming students from getting a grade to taking ownership of their learning.
advances.sciencemag.org advances.sciencemag.org
Charoenwong, B., Kwan, A., & Pursiainen, V. (2020). Social connections with COVID-19–affected areas increase compliance with mobility restrictions. Science Advances, 6(47), eabc3054. https://doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.abc3054
github.com github.com
You can also see this repo: default-passive-events.
laniewski.me laniewski.me
It is important to notice that if you are planning on making your application a PWA, you don’t have to rewrite all the logic.
Kaveladze, B., Chang, K., Siev, J., & Schueller, S. (2020). The COVID-19 Pandemic’s Impact on OCD Symptoms Varies Widely. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/h8wyt
Kuper, N., Modersitzki, N., Phan, L. V., & Rauthmann, J. (2020). The Situation During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Snapshot in Germany. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/49chx
github.com github.com
github.com github.com
I'd like to go with an RFC-based governance model (similar to Rust, Ember or Swift) that looks something like this: new features go through a public RFC that describes the motivation for the change, a detailed implementation description, a description on how to document or teach the change (for kpm, that would roughly be focused around how it affected the usual workflows), any drawbacks or alternatives, and any open questions that should be addressed before merging. the change is discussed until all of the relevant arguments have been debated and the arguments are starting to become repetitive (they "reach a steady state") the RFC goes into "final comment period", allowing people who weren't paying close attention to every proposal to have a chance to weigh in with new arguments. assuming no new arguments are presented, the RFC is merged by consensus of the core team and the feature is implemented. All changes, regardless of their source, go through this process, giving active community members who aren't on the core team an opportunity to participate directly in the future direction of the project. (both because of proposals they submit and ones from the core team that they contribute to)
So I propose having the repo in place, and using it for targeted proposals where we really want feedback from early users, and hold off formalising anything more until early next year, as you said.
- yarn
- too much ceremony/bureaucracy
- welcoming feedback
- software projects: governance
- build concensus
- allowing sufficient time for discussion/feedback/debate before a final decision is made
- open-source projects: allowing community (who are not on core team) to influence/affect/steer the direction of the project
- attracting contributors
- open-source projects: process
- governance
- change proposal workflow: RFCs
- phased-in/gradual change (working towards some end goal)
- soliciting feedback
imfeld.dev imfeld.dev
Svelte's advantage here is that it indicates the need for an update at the place where the associated data is updated, instead of at each place the data is used. Then each template expression of reactive statement is able to check very quickly if it needs to rerender or not.
But you can still run into strange race conditions where the browser displays stale data depending on if some other unrelated code has caused a digest update to run after the buggy code or not.
medium.com medium.com
The advantage of ngOnChanges() is that we get all the changes at once if the component has several @Input()s. However, if we have a single @Input() a setter is probably the better approach.
github.com github.com
There are a few intentional behavioral differences between Dart Sass and Ruby Sass. These are generally places where Ruby Sass has an undesired behavior, and it's substantially easier to implement the correct behavior than it would be to implement compatible behavior. These should all have tracking bugs against Ruby Sass to update the reference behavior.
- intentionally doing it differently / _not_ emulating/copying the way someone else did it
- reference implementation
- intentional
- learn from your mistakes
- intentional/well-considered decisions
- don't let previous decisions/work constrain you
- reverting a previous decision/change/commit
- reversible decisions
- get back on course
We already are reserving a prop called slot so that we can do <Foo slot='bar'/> someday
github.com github.com
but that might break everything for folks who actually do want to set values to undefined inside component code, so that might not be viable.
github.com github.com
The RFC repo (where the reaction was strongly positive) is the place for discussion about what features to add; the decision has been made.
eds.b.ebscohost.com eds.b.ebscohost.com
A Comparative Study of Two Organisational Change Models
Bradutanu, D. (2012). A Comparative Study of Two Organisational Change Models. Cross-Cultural Management Journal, 14(1), 28–33. https://doi.org/http://cmj.bxb.ro
- Oct 2020
www.cdc.gov www.cdc.gov
Cates, J. (2020). Risk for In-Hospital Complications Associated with COVID-19 and Influenza—Veterans Health Administration, United States, October 1, 2018–May 31, 2020. MMWR. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 69. https://doi.org/10.15585/mmwr.mm6942e3
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Epidemiologische Abklärung Covid 19. (n.d.). AGES - Österreichische Agentur Für Gesundheit Und Ernährungssicherheit. Retrieved October 28, 2020, from https://www.ages.at/themen/krankheitserreger/coronavirus/epidemiologische-abklaerung-covid-19/
hr.utexas.edu hr.utexas.edu
Face Masks, Voting, and Social Media | Human Resources | The University of Texas at Austin. (n.d.). Retrieved October 27, 2020, from https://hr.utexas.edu/learning-development/programs/face-masks-voting-and-social-media
icla2020b.jonreeve.com icla2020b.jonreeve.com
in the new way
I wonder if new way here is referring to the change William described at the beginning, or a change in her following reading his letter and her friends' responses. It's clear she knows her friends aren't the best influence on her after her response to their laughter, and that she really does love her husband, but she gives up writing the letter after framing it as a total choice between them and her husband, implying she chooses them. I guess that makes me think it means new way in the former sense, but it still could be a medium position between the two.
jamanetwork.com jamanetwork.com
Woolf, S. H., Chapman, D. A., Sabo, R. T., Weinberger, D. M., Hill, L., & Taylor, D. D. H. (2020). Excess Deaths From COVID-19 and Other Causes, March-July 2020. JAMA, 324(15), 1562. https://doi.org/10.1001/jama.2020.19545
www.digitaltrends.com www.digitaltrends.com
Adobe’s shift to monthly subscriptions rather than an upfront payment has left many users out in the cold,
arxiv.org arxiv.org
Raimondo, S., Benigni, B., & De Domenico, M. (2020). Environmental conditions and human activity nexus. The case of Northern Italy during COVID-19 lockdown. ArXiv:2010.07721 [Physics]. http://arxiv.org/abs/2010.07721
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Vaughan, A. (n.d.). Exclusive: Concerns raised about vital UK covid-19 infection survey. New Scientist. Retrieved October 18, 2020, from https://www.newscientist.com/article/2256942-exclusive-concerns-raised-about-vital-uk-covid-19-infection-survey/
news.gallup.com news.gallup.com
Inc, G. (2020, October 13). COVID-19 and Remote Work: An Update. Gallup.Com. https://news.gallup.com/poll/321800/covid-remote-work-update.aspx
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Leatherby, L. (2020, October 15). U.S. Virus Cases Climb Toward a Third Peak. The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/10/15/us/coronavirus-cases-us-surge.html
jamesclear.com jamesclear.com
Whenever you want to change your behavior, you can simply ask yourself: How can I make it obvious? How can I make it attractive? How can I make it easy? How can I make it satisfying?
digitalcommons.daemen.edu digitalcommons.daemen.edu
Scheid, J., Lupien, S., Ford, G., & West, S. (2020). Physiological and Psychological Impact of Face Mask Usage during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health</Em>. Volume 78, Issue 18, 6655.</P>. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17186655
github.com github.com
This would be a breaking change, but we could always clone in the call in a minor and then make the breaking change later in a major.
twitter.com twitter.com
Seth Abramson on Twitter. (n.d.). Twitter. Retrieved October 14, 2020, from https://twitter.com/SethAbramson/status/1315856349964759040
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(((Howard Forman))) on Twitter. (n.d.). Twitter. Retrieved October 12, 2020, from https://twitter.com/thehowie/status/1315418282590121984
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Gallagher, J. (2020, October 9). Covid cases increase rapidly as next steps planned. BBC News. https://www.bbc.com/news/health-54477618
www.irishtimes.com www.irishtimes.com
Lunn, P. (n.d.). Much of what we think about Covid-19 is wrong. We need to change the conversation. The Irish Times. Retrieved October 12, 2020, from https://www.irishtimes.com/life-and-style/health-family/much-of-what-we-think-about-covid-19-is-wrong-we-need-to-change-the-conversation-1.4375838
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Dr Duncan Robertson on Twitter. (n.d.). Twitter. Retrieved October 12, 2020, from https://twitter.com/Dr_D_Robertson/status/1314544108547997703
ReconfigBehSci on Twitter. (n.d.). Twitter. Retrieved October 7, 2020, from https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1313776327724544000
covid-19.iza.org covid-19.iza.org
COVID-19 and the Labor Market. (n.d.). IZA – Institute of Labor Economics. Retrieved October 11, 2020, from https://covid-19.iza.org/publications/dp13622/
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COVID-19 and the Labor Market. (n.d.). IZA – Institute of Labor Economics. Retrieved October 11, 2020, from https://covid-19.iza.org/publications/dp13753/
covid-19.iza.org covid-19.iza.org
COVID-19 and the Labor Market. (n.d.). IZA – Institute of Labor Economics. Retrieved October 10, 2020, from https://covid-19.iza.org/publications/dp13599/
covid-19.iza.org covid-19.iza.org
COVID-19 and the Labor Market. (n.d.). IZA – Institute of Labor Economics. Retrieved October 10, 2020, from https://covid-19.iza.org/publications/dp13578/
covid-19.iza.org covid-19.iza.org
COVID-19 and the Labor Market. (n.d.). IZA – Institute of Labor Economics. Retrieved October 10, 2020, from https://covid-19.iza.org/publications/dp13569/
doi.apa.org doi.apa.org
Long-term effectiveness of inoculation against misinformation: Three longitudinal experiments. - PsycNET. (n.d.). Retrieved October 10, 2020, from /doiLanding?doi=10.1037%2Fxap0000315
newrepublic.com newrepublic.com
You have no choice. You can shop at a store that pays its workers better, sure, but the real atrocities have taken place long before your desired products have reached the shelf, and the stickers have nothing to do with it. “And here grocery has one last trick,” Lorr writes: “it allows us to hate our shrimp and eat it too. The image of the bad polluting aquaculture farmer or vulnerable exploited migrant gets imprinted in our first-world brain, while the fungibility of commodity goods—that maze of brokers and agents—gives the entire system the plausible deniability it craves.”
Systemic change is hard. But it is the most effective tool for the job. Where are the levers and where can we stand? Who has the power and motive to make these changes?
twitter.com twitter.com
ReconfigBehSci on Twitter. (n.d.). Twitter. Retrieved October 9, 2020, from https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1314493024072863744
www.bloomberg.com www.bloomberg.com
Goldman Offers Less-Dire View of Pandemic’s U.S. Economic Damage. (2020, October 7). Bloomberg.Com. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-10-07/goldman-offers-less-dire-view-of-pandemic-s-u-s-economic-damage
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Alexandra Freeman on Twitter. (n.d.). Twitter. Retrieved October 8, 2020, from https://twitter.com/alex_freeman/status/1313533304696639489
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Nelson, E., & Merced, M. J. de la. (2020, October 2). September Jobs Report Shows Slowdown in Recovery. The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/live/2020/10/02/business/stock-market-today-coronavirus
link.aps.org link.aps.org
Burda, Z., Kotwica, M., & Malarz, K. (2020). Ageing of complex networks. Physical Review E, 102(4), 042302. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.102.042302
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Inc, T. (n.d.). Independent SAGE @IndependentSage. Periscope. Retrieved October 2, 2020, from https://www.pscp.tv/IndependentSage/1PlKQNNlVDyGE
www.hiringlab.org www.hiringlab.org
Kolko, J. (2020, September 30). Coronavirus and US Job Postings Through Sept 25. Indeed Hiring Lab. https://www.hiringlab.org/2020/09/30/job-postings-through-sept-25/
But maybe this PR should still be merged until he finds time for that?
- open-source software: progress seems slow
- not a blocker (issue dependency)
- iterative process
- big change/rewrite vs. continuous improvements / smaller refactorings
- pull request stalled
- don't let big plans/goals get in the way of integrating/releasing smaller changes/improvements
- waiting for maintainers to review / merge pull request / give feedback
- Sep 2020
devblogs.microsoft.com devblogs.microsoft.com
remove: this is today’s behavior of dropping these imports. It’s going to continue to be the default, and is a non-breaking change.
arxiv.org arxiv.org
James, N., & Menzies, M. (2020). Human and financial cost of COVID-19. ArXiv:2009.11660 [Physics, q-Fin]. http://arxiv.org/abs/2009.11660
www.changelogs.md www.changelogs.md
Move svelte into dependencies, as it was accidentally stuck in peerDependencies
"accidentally stuck in": well, not really accidentally; it's in the change log so I assume it was intentional
github.com github.com
Svelte will not offer a generic way to support style customizing via contextual class overrides (as we'd do it in plain HTML). Instead we'll invent something new that is entirely different. If a child component is provided and does not anticipate some contextual usage scenario (style wise) you'd need to copy it or hack around that via :global hacks.
- ugly/kludgey
- workarounds
- maintenance burden to explicitly define/enumerate/hard-code possible options (explicit interface)
- trying to prevent one bad thing leading to people doing/choosing an even worse option
- forced to fork/copy and paste library code because it didn't provide enough customizability/extensibility / didn't foresee some specific prop/behavior that needed to be overridable/configurable (explicit interface)
- run-time dynamicness/generics vs. having to explicitly list/hard-code all options ahead of time
- Svelte: how to affect child component styles
- forking to add a desired missing feature/change
- component/library author can't consider/know ahead of time all of the ways users may want to use it
github.com github.com
There's no way to change style incapsulation method without patching the compiler, and this means maintaing a fork, which is not desirable.
erikareinhardt.com erikareinhardt.com
If everyone did all of the above things, they would have the personal infrastructure in place to enable their lives to become zero-emissions. But the above changes only cover 45% of average American emissions—so what gives? The remaining 55% of emissions come indirectly from the goods, services, and food we buy. The only way we’ll get to a zero-carbon world is for each of those industries to adopt new technology and change their processes to be emissions-free, or be replaced with a zero-emissions alternative. That’s why your first action is voting to make sure that policies and incentives are put in place to accelerate the overall transition.
The "above things" being:
- Vote for elected officials who prioritize smart climate policy; join climate action or political groups to support pro-climat candidates and non-profits.
- Use only electric vehicles. Your next car [and this right here is a measure of how very car-dependent Americans as a whole are] needs to be electric. [AND you also need to press your power companies and government for clean electricity; lots of electricity comes from coal!]
- Electrify your house. There's a reason California's no longer permitting gas in new construction. Induction has vastly improved!
- Switch to all-green electricity. See my note on #2.
slate.com slate.com
Although relocations can be difficult, it requires a certain level of privilege to be a climate change migrant in America right now. Most of the people I spoke with are relatively free to move around, without the ties of children or home ownership, and with enough money to afford to relocate.
There's a racial divide here, too. With harassment and violence on the rise against Black and Asian Americans, moving anywhere where there are fewer of us is another dimension of precarity.
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Basso, Frederic, and Dario Krpan. ‘Utopian Impulse: An Individual-Differences Approach to Transformative Social Change’, 21 September 2020. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/nvm2j.
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Karwowski, M., Zielinska, A., Jankowska, D., Strutynska, E., Omelanczuk, I., & Lebuda, I. (2020). Creative Lockdown? A Daily Diary Study of Creative Activity During Pandemics. 10.31234/osf.io/kvesm
royalsocietypublishing.org royalsocietypublishing.org
Wise, T., Zbozinek, T. D., Michelini, G., Hagan, C. C., & Mobbs, D. (n.d.). Changes in risk perception and self-reported protective behaviour during the first week of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States. Royal Society Open Science, 7(9), 200742. https://doi.org/10.1098/rsos.200742
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Fragkaki, I., Maciejewski, D. F., Weijman, E., Feltes, J., Cima, M. (2020). Human Responses to Covid-19: The Role of Optimism Bias, Perceived Severity, and Anxiety. 10.31234/osf.io/w4k9m
advances.sciencemag.org advances.sciencemag.org
Holman, E. A., Thompson, R. R., Garfin, D. R., & Silver, R. C. (2020). The unfolding COVID-19 pandemic: A probability-based, nationally representative study of mental health in the U.S. Science Advances, eabd5390. https://doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.abd5390
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Graphs and maps from EUROMOMO. (n.d.). EUROMOMO. Retrieved September 18, 2020, from https://euromomo.eu/dev-404-page/
github.com github.com
Please focus on explaining the motivation so that if this RFC is not accepted, the motivation could be used to develop alternative solutions. In other words, enumerate the constraints you are trying to solve without coupling them too closely to the solution you have in mind.
- defining the problem clearly is as valuable coming up with specific implementation/solution
- iterative process: building on previous attempts/work
- iterative process
- answer the "why?"
- okay for proposal to not be accepted
- contribution guidelines: should explain motivation for change
I wonder at what point Svelte would add this feature if, for example, a majority of their users ended up migrating to a fork that added this missing feature (like this one)?
Would they then concede and give in to popular demand in order to avoid a schism of the community?
Kind of like Rails swallowed / consolidated with Merb after they saw how great its ideas were?
TBH It is a bit disheartening to see this issue closed when all proposed solutions do not sufficiently solve the issue at hand, I really like svelte but if this is how feature requests are handled I am probably not going to use it in the future.
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The Behaviour Change Wheel Book—A Guide To Designing Interventions. (n.d.). Retrieved September 17, 2020, from http://www.behaviourchangewheel.com/
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Leuker, C., Hertwig, R., Gumenik, K., Eggeling, L. M., Hechtlinger, S., Kozyreva, A., Samaan, L., & Fleischhut, N. (2020). Wie informiert sich die Bevölkerung in Deutschland rund um das Coronavirus? Umfrage zu vorherrschenden Themen und Gründen, dem Umgang mit Fehlinformationen, sowie der Risikowahrnehmung und dem Wissen der Bevölkerung rund um das Coronavirus (Version 5, p. 966670) [Application/pdf]. Max-Planck-Institut für Bildungsforschung. https://doi.org/10.17617/2.3247925
docs.google.com docs.google.com
I’ve seen some version of this conversation happen more times than I can remember. And someone will always say ‘it’s because you’re too used to thinking in the old way, you just need to start thinking in hooks’.
But after seeing a lot of really bad hooks code, I’m starting to think it’s not that simple — that there’s something deeper going on.
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Let’s Not Go Back to ‘Normal.’ (2020, September 4). Bloomberg.Com. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-09-04/return-to-normal-will-sacrifice-innovation
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Climate Change Will Force a New American Migration
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Biswas, T. V. and D. J. T., Soutik. (2020, September 14). Tracking the pandemic: Where are the global hotspots? BBC News. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-51235105
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Lewis, T. (n.d.). Nine COVID-19 Myths That Just Won’t Go Away. Scientific American. Retrieved September 11, 2020, from https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/nine-covid-19-myths-that-just-wont-go-away/
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Rogers, S., & Cruickshank, T. (2020). Change in mental health during highly restrictive lockdown in the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from Australia. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/zutav
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Fazio, L., Hong, M. K., & Dias, N. (2020). Debunking rumors around the French election: The memorability and effectiveness of misinformation debunks [Preprint]. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/6mjbz
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Melnikoff, D. E., & Strohminger, N. (2020). The automatic influence of advocacy on lawyers and novices. Nature Human Behaviour, 1–7. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41562-020-00943-3
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Casoria, F., Galeotti, F., & Villeval, M. C. (2020). Perceived Social Norm and Behavior Quickly Adjusted to Legal Changes During the COVID-19 Pandemic (SSRN Scholarly Paper ID 3681204). Social Science Research Network. https://doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3681204
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You are not sure which path to take between the big re-write or continuous improvements(using refactoring)
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Yarn also has an RFC process which may offer a better discussion platform compared to this GitHub issue.
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Many changes, including bug fixes and documentation improvements can be implemented and reviewed via the normal GitHub pull request workflow. Some changes though are "substantial", and we ask that these be put through a bit of a design process and produce a consensus among the Yarn core team. The "RFC" (request for comments) process is intended to provide a consistent and controlled path for new features to enter the project.
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catalog.csun.edu catalog.csun.edu
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www.sciencedirect.com www.sciencedirect.com
Xu, G., Qi, F., Li, H., Yang, Q., Wang, H., Wang, X., Liu, X., Zhao, J., Liao, X., Liu, Y., Amit, I., Liu, L., Zhang, S., & Zhang, Z. (2020). The differential immune responses to COVID-19 in peripheral and lung revealed by single-cell RNA sequencing. MedRxiv, 2020.08.15.20175638. https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.08.15.20175638
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