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- effectiveness
- COVID-19
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- social media
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- vaccine
- Democrat
- conservative
- science
- paediatric
- mask wearing
- social distancing
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- legitimacy
- COVID-19
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- anti-vax
- pandemic
- promote
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- activist
- vaccination
- information
- ivermectin
- vaccine
- treatment
- disinformation
- message
- consultation
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- vaccine confidence
- immunization
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- social media
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- young people
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- risk
- speaking engagement
- disinformation
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- vaccination
- natural infection
- advisory
- COVID-19
- anti-vaxxer
- herd immunity
- vaccine
- children
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- natural immunity
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- pandemic
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- travel
- restaurant
- COVID-19
- unvaccinated
- pub
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- testing
- Australia
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- socializing
- vaccination
- shop
- vaccine
- infect
- risk
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- side effects
- anti-vaccine
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- young people
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- children
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