788 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2021
    1. These methods should be used with caution, however, because important business rules and application logic may be kept in callbacks. Bypassing them without understanding the potential implications may lead to invalid data.
  2. Feb 2021
    1. Business loans in Hyderabad is a debt instrument used specifically for business finance like funding the expansion of your business, purchasing long-term assets for the business, or meeting the working capital requirements. It has to be repaid according to certain agreed upon terms and conditions.

    1. Intuitively, you understand the flow just by looking at the BPMN diagram. And, heck, we haven’t even discussed BPMN or any terminology, yet!
    2. Trailblazer strikes when it comes to organizing business code.
    1. I started Trailblazer GmbH 4 years ago with my relocation from Australia back to Europe. One of our consulting clients is the central police department of a German state that has kept me busy for more than three years now.
    1. There are two definitions of ‘Enterprise’ 1 - Enterprise as a business. In fact, in French, ‘enterprise’ literally means ‘business’ 2- Enterprise as a large business. This is the most common use of the term in business, differentiating between small, medium, and large businesses. In this context, there is no official rule, however it is generally accepted for enterprise to mean companies with over 1,000 employees and/or $1B in revenue
    2. This would be the taxonomy:
    1. An endpoint links your routing with your business code. The idea is that your controllers are pure HTTP routers, calling the respective endpoint for each action. From there, the endpoint takes over, handles authentication, policies, executing the domain code, interpreting the result, and providing hooks to render a response.
    1. We use a subset of BPMN for the visual language in the editor, but added our own set of restrictions and semantics to it.
    1. Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) is a standard for business process modeling that provides a graphical notation for specifying business processes in a Business Process Diagram (BPD),[3] based on a flowcharting technique very similar to activity diagrams from Unified Modeling Language (UML).
    1. And if you read what the business schools in the late 19th century taught like Simon Patten at the Wharton School, it’s very much like socialism. In fact, it’s very much like what China is doing.

      Interesting statement!

    1. A popular strategy for bootstrapping networks is what I like to call “come for the tool, stay for the network.” The idea is to initially attract users with a single-player tool and then, over time, get them to participate in a network. The tool helps get to initial critical mass. The network creates the long term value for users, and defensibility for the company.

      This is an interesting and useful strategy. I've heard the idea several times before.

      I'm curious if this is the oldest version of it? I have to imagine that there are earlier versions of it dating back to 2011 or 2012 if not earlier.

    1. the idea of decentralized business models. These are business models distributed across a blockchain network not centralized in a traditional corporation. They can be fully autonomous too, meaning no humans involved. There's big potential for true peer-to-peer models like ride-sharing without Uber as a middleman taking fees. Owners of driverless cars will someday be able to put their autonomous vehicles to work. So even the big disruptors can be disrupted by this new technology.

      Decentralized Business Models

    1. But the inverse trajectory, from which this essay takes its name, is now equally viable: “come for the network, pay for the tool.” Just as built-in social networks are a moat for information products, customized tooling is a moat for social networks.1 This entrenchment effect provides a realistic business case for bespoke social networks. Running a bespoke social network means you’re basically in the same business as Slack, but for a focused community and with tailored features. This is a great business to be in for the same reasons Slack is: low customer acquisition costs and long lifetime value. The more tools, content, and social space are tied together, the more they take on the qualities of being infrastructure for one’s life.

      An interesting value proposition and way of looking at the space that isn't advertising specific.

    2. Most business writing lacks a meaningful engagement with the question of whether the strategies, tactics, and trends on offer are good, in a larger and longer term sense. It is negligent not to address these questions.

      Very few businesses consider the long term effects of their work...

    3. A new business type here is the paid community: a direct subscription to join in. Today, most paid communities live on the outskirts of existing social platforms. But as they become normalized, paid communities are becoming a viable business model for smaller-scale social networks aiming to be both profitable and socially sustainable.

      paid communities

    1. A broad overview of the original web and where we are today. Includes an outline of three business models that don't include advertising including:

      • Passion projects
      • Donation-based sites
      • Subscription-based sites
    1. I wonder how much this mini-article about Twitter subscription services may have been in response to Galloway's article last week?

      Or will they, as he suggests they do so often, make a head fake to something they might do and then just do nothing (again)?

    1. Neither Snap nor Pinterest is free of issues, but to date, nobody has rallied a mob to attack the U.S. Capitol using tastefully curated photos of bathroom remodelings.
    2. <small><cite class='h-cite via'> <span class='p-author h-card'>jeremycherfas </span> in The Capitalist Case for Overhauling Twitter (<time class='dt-published'>02/08/2021 14:14:45</time>)</cite></small>

    1. We're small, but we're efficient. We can do with the number of people we have what would take twice the workforce of other companies. Everyone here wears many hats, and that allows us to cover a lot of ground without needing as many people.
    2. Not to mention 80% of our sales are laptops and desktops running, you guessed it, a Linux desktop. So, unlike Red Hat and Canonical, we live or die based on how good that experience is.
    1. It turns out that creating and using Free Software is not just good to individuals, but for businesses as well, for example by building upon publicly available components and by collaborating shared software. The term Open Source is a business-friendly rebranding of the Free Software concept. This line of thought was also widely successful, e.g. Firefox/Mozilla was an open sourcing of Netscape software.
    1. So what's the worst part? Well, if you're like most entrepreneurs, marketers, and salespeople... it's finding your potential clients' email addresses to reach them out. (Yawn... I almost fall asleep just writing about it.) You see, it's boring and time-consuming, you wish you could skip this part and go straight to the sales process.
    2. What's the best part about running a business? You know, it's closing the deals and counting the money.
  3. Jan 2021
    1. They oversaw the development of playbooks and operating models and revamped corporate processes around such principles as agile funding and mission-oriented initiatives. At that point, everyone on a mission shared the same targets and worked collaboratively in two-week sprints. The organization began to deliver results much faster.

      Results of business agility implementation

    2. Second, the leaders must drive agile behaviors broadly into the organization. This requires authentic belief in the behavioral changes required, as well as playbooks, processes, and support to enable the organization to work in a cross-functional, mission-oriented way.

      Business Agility driving change of behavior within companies, reaching out the overall goal

    1. We also have an “anti-overtime” rate: past twenty hours a week, people can continue to work at an hourly rate of 50 percent. This allows us to have a high hourly rate for the highest leverage work and also allows people to work more per week if they wish.

      anti-overtime... love it.

    1. There is very little academic and statistical study of Wal-Mart’s impact on the health of its suppliers and virtually nothing in the last decade, when Wal-Mart’s size has increased by a factor of five. This while the retail industry has become much more concentrated. In large part, that’s because it’s nearly impossible to get meaningful data that would allow researchers to track the influence of Wal-Mart’s business on companies over time. You’d need cooperation from the vendor companies or Wal-Mart or both–and neither Wal-Mart nor its suppliers are interested in sharing such intimate detail.
      • Difficult to study Wal-Mart because suppliers and partners won't talk.
      • Difficult to track predatory practices because of these tight-lipped partners.
    2. “Everyone from the forklift driver on up to me, the CEO, knew we had to deliver [to Wal-Mart] on time. Not 10 minutes late. And not 45 minutes early, either,” says Robin Prever, who was CEO of Saratoga Beverage Group from 1992 to 2000, and made private-label water sold at Wal-Mart. “The message came through clearly: You have this 30-second delivery window. Either you’re there, or you’re out. With a customer like that, it changes your organization. For the better. It wakes everybody up. And all our customers benefited. We changed our whole approach to doing business.
      • Wal-Mart argues that doing business with their strict standards makes the company better.
      • Delivery has a 30-second window!! Crazy
    3. Vlasic got to take it down to just over half a gallon of pickles, for $2.79. Not long after that, in January 2001, Vlasic filed for bankruptcy–although the gallon jar of pickles, everyone agrees, wasn’t a critical factor.

      Vlasic got into Walmart and was very popular.

      Wal-Mart forced Vlasic to sell their gallon of pickles of $2.97.

      Wal-Mart makes up so much of Vlasic's revenue that they have to comply.

      Vlasic eventually sells at that price but has difficulty keeping up with demand.

      Vlasic asks Wal-Mart if they can sell for $3.49 which can help so much. Wal-Mart declines.

      In 2001 has to file for bankruptcy even after trying to change strategies.

    4. How can it be bad for things to come into the U.S. cheaply? How can it be bad to have a bargain at Wal-Mart?’ Sure, it’s held inflation down, and it’s great to have bargains,” says Dobbins. “But you can’t buy anything if you’re not employed. We are shopping ourselves out of jobs.
      • Wal-Mart can help keep inflation down and give great bargins
      • This comes at the sacrifice of having local and American business go out of business.
      • No employment due to companies going out of business will mean we are "shopping ourselves out of jobs"
  4. Dec 2020
  5. Nov 2020
    1. A better definition I've been using since then, thanks to Jason Hwang, is "fixed output." A company that delivers the same thing to all customers is going to be organized differently than one that does things made-to-order.

      Fixed output companies

      A company that delivers the same thing to all customers. These companies are going to be organized differently than ones that do things bespoke for their customers.

    1. We all know that real business logic does not belong in the presentation layer, but what about simple presentation-oriented things like coloring alternate rows in table or marking the selected option in a <select> dropdown? It seems equally wrong to ask the controller/business logic code to compute these down to simple booleans in order to reduce the logic in the presentation template. This route just lead to polluting the business layer code with presentation-oriented logic.
    1. hub.cards allows you to create and design your next modern business card for free. Our newly developed editor is like no other on the web and makes all your creative dreams come true. If you're not a creative genius, you can choose from thousands of templates to create an appealing card.

      Best free editor for creating business cards. Digital & physical ones.

  6. Oct 2020
    1. Technical Co-Founder Equity: How Much to Give to Your Tech Partner?

      Read this article to learn everything technical co-founder equity.

    1. Like many other stores, Vroman’s is hosting online events to promote new books, which can attract attendees from all over the country but generally bring in almost no money.

      Maybe they need a book paywall for admission into those events? Buy a book to get the zoom code to get into the event?

      David Dylan Thomas essentially did this for his recent book launch.

    2. Avid Bookshop in Athens, Ga., sends personalized URLs to customers with a list of handpicked recommendations.

      Perhaps if they went the step further to set up domains for their customers, they could ostensibly use them not only as book blogs, but also to replace their social media habits?

      An IndieWeb friendly platform run by your local bookseller might be out of their wheelhouse, but it could potentially help solve their proximal problem while also solving one of society's problems all while helping to build community.

    1. 10 Ways Great Business Leaders Use Technology

      Article discusses the need to be forward thinking in business with regard to technology adoption. Lists characteristics of business leaders that understand the potential of technology to catapult efficiency. These are: (1) not afraid of change (2) capitalize on Cloud technology as time- and cost-saving resources, use mobile strategies, harness social media, integrate tablets, use telecommuting, understand online marketplaces, prioritize security, and automate marketing. Rating 2/10.

    1. That is to say: if the problem has not been the centralized, corporatized control of the individual voice, the individual’s data, but rather a deeper failure of sociality that precedes that control, then merely reclaiming ownership of our voices and our data isn’t enough. If the goal is creating more authentic, more productive forms of online sociality, we need to rethink our platforms, the ways they function, and our relationships to them from the ground up. It’s not just a matter of functionality, or privacy controls, or even of business models. It’s a matter of governance.
    1. Shopify-Ex would offer retailers something they don’t get from Amazon: partnership. Newco would provide merchants a lot of the great taste of Amazon (robust e-commerce tools and fulfillment) without the calories (merchants keep their data, control the customer, branding, no private label launches on backs of merchant data).

      Potentially an IndieWeb-ification for business?

    1. Professional blogging; whether that be funded by advertisers, subscribers, fans – is a big business. What are your thoughts on how Micro.blog helps or ignores people or businesses that may want to use the platform to share their content and earn a living from it?
    1. being able to follow links to “follow a conversation” that is threaded on Twitter.

      This is one of my favorite parts about my website and others supporting Webmention: the conversation is aggregated onto or more closely adjacent to the source. This helps prevent context collapse.

      Has anyone made a browser tool for encouraging lateral reading? I'd love a bookmarklet that I could click to provide some highly relevant lateral reading resources for any particular page I'm on.

    1. Twenty Stories Bookmobile, which left L.A. traffic for Providence, Rhode Island, in 2018

      This makes me think that a mobile bookstore a la the traditional LA roach coach with a well painted/decorated exterior could be a cool thing.

      I'm reminded of a used bookstore pop-up I saw recently at the Santa Anita Mall prior to the holidays. Booksellers were traditionally itinerant mongers anyway. Perhaps this could be a more solid model, especially for the lunchtime business crowds.

    1. A common complaint we heard from publishers at all levels is that it’s difficult to build partnerships with social media platforms. They seem to be holding all the cards. Even large publishers often feel in the dark during meetings with large platform companies.

      I'm more curious why all the large media companies/publishers don't pool their resources to build a competing social platform that they own and control so the end value comes to them instead of VC-backed social silos?

  7. Sep 2020
    1. BPMN Viewer and Editor Use bpmn-js to display BPMN 2.0 diagrams on your website. Embed it as a BPMN 2.0 web modeler into your applications and customize it to suit your needs.
    1. Having worked with researchy vs more product/business driven teams, I found that the best results came when a researchy person took the time to understand the product domain, but many of them believe they're too good for business (in which case you should head back to academia).

      Problem of PhD profiles in business

    2. Imagine what it must be like for the senior leadership of an established company to actually become data-driven. All of a sudden the leadership is going to consent to having all of their strategic and tactical decision-making be questioned by a bunch of relatively new hires from way down the org chart, whose entire basis for questioning all that expertise and business acumen is that they know how to fiddle around with numbers in some program called R? And all the while, they're constantly whining that this same data is junk and unreliable and we need to upend a whole bunch of IT systems just so they can rock the boat even harder? Pffft.

      Reality of becoming a data-driven company

  8. Aug 2020
    1. It’s not that Slack is too distracting and killing individual productivity. It’s that your company’s processes are so dysfunctional you need Slack to be distracting and killing individual productivity.

      Kwok points out that Slack's reputation for being a productivity killer doesn't get at the root of the issue. He argues that resorting to Slack is a symptom of the underlying cause: dysfunctional business processes.

    1. Bartik, A. W., Cullen, Z. B., Glaeser, E. L., Luca, M., Stanton, C. T., & Sunderam, A. (2020). The Targeting and Impact of Paycheck Protection Program Loans to Small Businesses (Working Paper No. 27623; Working Paper Series). National Bureau of Economic Research. https://doi.org/10.3386/w27623

    1. Cajner, T., Crane, L. D., Decker, R. A., Grigsby, J., Hamins-Puertolas, A., Hurst, E., Kurz, C., & Yildirmaz, A. (2020). The U.S. Labor Market during the Beginning of the Pandemic Recession (Working Paper No. 27159; Working Paper Series). National Bureau of Economic Research. https://doi.org/10.3386/w27159

    1. Balla-Elliott, D., Cullen, Z. B., Glaeser, E. L., Luca, M., & Stanton, C. T. (2020). Business Reopening Decisions and Demand Forecasts During the COVID-19 Pandemic (Working Paper No. 27362; Working Paper Series). National Bureau of Economic Research. https://doi.org/10.3386/w27362

  9. Jul 2020
    1. No matter how large an incumbent may be, they are always vulnerable to a new entrant that makes buyers and sellers happier. In other words, happiness — not scale — is your moat
    2. The marketplace that wins is the marketplace that figures out how to make their buyers and sellers meaningfully happier than any substitute. GMV is irrelevant
    1. education system taught us to be proud of success and be embarrassed by failures and this extends to the business sector
  10. Jun 2020
    1. Prismatic gets a percentage of the revenue increase that it generates for publishers, while developers pay a flat monthly fee based on usage, Cross says. It’s still working out pricing for hedge fund API usage. (As a point of comparison, the revenue model for the old Prismatic was the same as the current model for publishers. “We just meant for it to be more like Adsense/Adwords where we ran all this in our own consumer products too,” Cross notes.)

      the plague of monetisation

    1. if you search for something on Google, you may start seeing ads for it everywhere.

      In comparison to DuckDuckGo, Google presents you ads everywhere, not just in the search results

    2. When you search on DuckDuckGo, we can show you an ad based on the keywords you type in. That’s it. And it works.

      Simple model how DuckDuckGo makes its business

    3. Almost all of the money search engines make (including Google) is based on the keywords you type in, without knowing anything about you, including your search history or the seemingly endless amounts of additional data points they have collected about registered and non-registered users alike. In fact, search advertisers buy search ads by bidding on keywords, not people. It makes intuitive sense, too. If you search for ‘car’, you are more likely to respond to a car ad than something you searched for last week.

      Search engines do most of the business on keywords

    1. Some large tech behemoths could hypothetically shoulder the enormous financial burden of handling hundreds of new lawsuits if they suddenly became responsible for the random things their users say, but it would not be possible for a small nonprofit like Signal to continue to operate within the United States. Tech companies and organizations may be forced to relocate, and new startups may choose to begin in other countries instead.
    1. Facebook already harvests some data from WhatsApp. Without Koum at the helm, it’s possible that could increase—a move that wouldn’t be out of character for the social network, considering that the company’s entire business model hinges on targeted advertising around personal data.
  11. May 2020
    1. Credit for employer-provided childcare facilities and services (Form 8882).This credit applies to the quali-fied expenses you paid for employee childcare and quali-fied expenses you paid for childcare resource and referral services. For more information, see Form 8882.

      Business Credits

      What are Business Credits?

      You can take business credits if you pay for certain business expenses. Business credits include:

      • Investment credit
      • Low-income housing credit
      • Passive activity credits
      • Disabled access credit
      • Credit for employer pension plan start-up costs
      • Credit for employer-provided child-care facilities and services
      • Indian employment credit
      • Credit for increasing research activities
      • Orphan drug credit
      • New markets credit
      • Renewable electricity production credit
      • Credit for alcohol used as fuel
      • Geothermal energy credit
      • Solar energy credit
      • Microturbine energy credit
      • Advanced coal project ended after August 8, 2005
      • Biofuels credit
      • Low sulfur diesel fuel production credit
      • Nonconventional source fuel credit
      • Alternative fuel vehicle refueling property credit
      • Distilled spirits credit
      • Qualified railroad track maintenance credit
      • Mine rescue team training credit
      • General credits from an electing large partnership
      • General Business Credit carryover

      More Information

      • IRS Publication 334 - Tax Guide for Small Business Publication 334 is not included in this TurboTax product, you may request a copy.
    1. Third-party delivery platforms, as they’ve been built, just seem like the wrong model, but instead of testing, failing, and evolving, they’ve been subsidized into market dominance.
    1. Here’s three classes of tools for thought which do:
      • algorithm
      • network effects
      • distribution and manufacturing
    1. We believe everyone deserves to report to exactly one person that knows and understands what you do day to day. The benefit of having a technically competent manager is easily the largest positive influence on a typical worker’s level of job satisfaction. We have a simple functional hierarchy, everyone has one manager that is experienced in their subject matter.
  12. Apr 2020
    1. wouldn't let me send a two-line memo to another department without showing it to him before I sent it. John's leadership style was oppressive. He micr0-managed everything. I learned from the hellish experience of working for him that unless somebody wants another set of eyes on their correspondence, it's insulting and a waste of time to micro-manage your team members' email messages.
    2. As a matter of fact, you do pay me to think
    1. When Casper filed its S-1 in January, analysts, investors, and business nerds descended on the document like vultures. Not only was it a precarious moment to take a startup public, it was the first time anyone could actually access the raw numbers under the hood of a DTC. “The economics work better if Casper sent you a mattress for free, stuffed with $300,” jabbed NYU Stern marketing professor and tech doomsayer Scott Galloway. “This appears to be Casper’s business,” tweeted number-crunching Atlantic columnist Derek Thompson. “Buy mattress at $400. Sell at $1,000. Refund/return 20% of them. Keep $400, on avg. Then spend $290 of that on ads/marketing and $270 on admin (finance, HR, IT). Lose $160. Repeat.”

      Summary of Casper's business model

  13. Mar 2020
    1. Did you know accurate data reporting is often capped? Meaning once your website traffic reaches a certain limit, the data then becomes a guess rather than factual.This is where tools like Google Analytics becomes extremely limited and cashes in with their GA360 Premium suite. At Matomo, we believe all data should be reported 100% accurately, or else what’s the point?
    1. Another nice SQL script paired with CRON jobs was the one that reminded people of carts that was left for more than 48 hours. Select from cart where state is not empty and last date is more than or equal to 48hrs.... Set this as a CRON that fires at 2AM everyday, period with less activity and traffic. People wake up to emails reminding them about their abandoned carts. Then sit watch magic happens. No AI/ML needed here. Just good 'ol SQL + Bash.

      Another example of using SQL + CRON job + Bash to remind customers of cart that was left (again no ML needed here)

    2. I will write a query like select from order table where last shop date is 3 or greater months. When we get this information, we will send a nice "we miss you, come back and here's X Naira voucher" email. The conversation rate for this one was always greater than 50%.

      Sometimes SQL is much more than enough (you don't need ML)

    1. So it’s not surprising that Facebook is so coy about explaining why a certain user on its platform is seeing a specific advert. Because if the huge surveillance operation underpinning the algorithmic decision to serve a particular ad was made clear, the person seeing it might feel manipulated. And then they would probably be less inclined to look favorably upon the brand they were being urged to buy. Or the political opinion they were being pushed to form. And Facebook’s ad tech business stands to suffer.
    1. Rojas-Lozano claimed that the second part of Google’s two-part CAPTCHA feature, which requires users to transcribe and type into a box a distorted image of words, letters or numbers before entering its site, is also used to transcribe words that a computer cannot read to assist with Google’s book digitization service. By not disclosing that, she argued, Google was getting free labor from its users.
    1. A 1% sample of AddThis Data (“Sample Dataset”) is retained for a maximum of 24 months for business continuity purposes.
    1. The truth is that building an innovative organization from top-down is a dynamic process.  It often involves people at all levels of the company. But, the fundamental narrative across the board with innovative organizations is the culture. The company culture has to include employees who feel connected to the organization and want to contribute value.
    1. First, they chose to find a new home for Tumblr instead of shutting it down. Second, they considered not just how much cash they would get on day one, but also — and especially — what would happen to the team afterward, and how the product and the team would be invested in going forward. Third, they thought about the sort of steward of the community the new owner would be. They didn’t have to do any of that, and I commend them for making all three points a priority.
  14. Feb 2020
    1. 5 Must-Have Graphic Design For A Business By jenny

      Graphic Design is very important for your business, but there are a lot of different graphic design categories that you can use. Here are the 5 must have graphic designs for your business.

    1. Why Personal Branding is Important for Business? Get link Facebook Twitter Pinterest Email Other Apps February 23, 2020 Branding is a process of promoting your business and creating a presence in the market of your business. Personal branding is the same but instead of promoting your business directly you promote your name which indirectly promotes your business. In this article, we will provide you with 5 reasons why personal branding is important for your business- Personal Branding Helps with Business Branding The very best example that I’ve found is Neil Patel. One of the businesses owned by Neil Patel is Neil Patel Digital, and Neil uses personal branding to promote Neil Patel Digital. If you research about him you would notice that the majority of the promotional platform uses his name on it. While in the process of promoting his name, he promotes his business as well. But, why? Why not promote Neil Patel Digital and what’s the difference? One of the reasons why Neil Patel uses personal branding is that he has a lot of businesses under his belt and when you have your name in the market, whatever tool, tips, and anything comes out of his mouth is credible. So promoting other businesses, new startup and client websites becomes much easier and the traffic is likely to skyrocket faster. When comparing it with Neil Patel digital, you cannot directly promote other businesses or startups, branding your business is limited to your business, but, branding your own name provides much more flexibility when it comes to branding. Personal Branding Enables You to Position Yourself Better than your Competitors Personal branding enables you to position yourself better than your competitors. When you coin your name out there, people connect much better than a business. Humans live in a community and when you create a community of your name attached to it, sort of a cult, you could grow your business as well as your name. Branding helps in attracting the right clients Personal Branding helps your business in attracting the right clients and making profits faster and without investing a lot in marketing. There are a lot of platforms that you can use to start with personal branding.  One of the most important and effective marketing platforms for personal branding is YouTube. Personal branding helps with credibility Credibility is a single key factor that can make your business profitable. Credibility enhances the brand experience in which psychology affects the customer impulses of buying a product. Personal branding takes this a step further by building authority around your name and that authority is going to flow to other businesses or startups you have. Customer Loyalty, Brand Consistency,  Brand Awareness Customer Loyalty, Brand Consistency, Brand Awareness are some of the most important factors that help a business in establishing their business in the market. If you work on these factors your brand image gets improved and the brand persona gets widespread all over the market. It establishes authority, branding and brand awareness. There are a lot of elements that build up these traits like visual branding, marketing, brand personality, etc. Conclusion Establishing a business empire is tough and takes years and years of hard work, but if you work on the basics and develop personal branding then it becomes fairly easy for you to operate your business and launch new products faster and efficiently.  branding business branding personal branding Get link Facebook Twitter Pinterest Email Other Apps Comments Post a Comment

      Branding is a process of promoting your business and creating a presence in the market of your business. Personal branding is the same but instead of promoting your business directly you promote your name which indirectly promotes your business

    1. no business book can predict what sorts of situations (businesses, market conditions, etc.) the reader will encounter, so instead it offers general, obvious-sounding rules.

      Business books

    1. How to Frame an Amazing Brand Experience for Your Clients? February 19, 2020 Shiv Business Brand experience has a lot to do with how your business is going to increase its growth. It basically is how your brand looks in the market. There are two different parts of a person’s personality- one is the public image and the other is the personal image that only close relatives and friends are aware of. Similarly, brand experience is the public image of your brand and working on the brand experience attracts more customers and increases your brand growth. In this article, we will help you formulate strategies that can help you in providing your customers with an amazing brand experience but, before that let’s find what’s brand experience definition really is? And why is it important for your business? What is Brand Experience? Brand Experience is made up of two words Brand & experience, Brand is the image of your business perceived by people and experience is how they feel about the business. Brand experience can be defined as the result of the interaction that took place between a brand and its prospective customers. When a person interacts with a brand via various marketing channels, the brand creates a feeling, emotion, and thought in that person. People judge things within seconds and put simply, brand experience is how your brand is being judged by others. Why Is Brand Experience Important? Creating memorable experiences for people who are interacting with your brand is essential to eliminate the last-minute doubt that your customer can have. There are different stages that your customer passes through in order to finally use your product or services. Every business has different levels but, in general terms, there are five states of customer journey, which are as follows- ProspectingPitchClosureServiceFeedback All these stages are equally important and cannot be overlooked. Brand experience gives the user an idea of what to expect from the brand before making a purchase, and the expectations are evaluated based on the above-mentioned factors. How is Brand Experience Different from Customer Experience & User Experience? Since brand experience is how people perceive your brand, it gets implemented from the beginning of the customer journey process. Prospecting is when your customer searches about the service he wants. While searching he/she can come across your brand and the initial experience they are having when interacting with your brand is the experience that matters.   The above image shows you the difference between customer experience, brand experience, and user experience. Customer Experience Customer experience is the experience that develops when he/she is buying your product followed by using it. User Experience User experience is the experience that focuses on the after-sales service and after using the product. 7 tips on framing the best brand experience strategy for your business Brand experience is one of the most important factors that helps a brand in its business operations, therefore, having a defined brand experience strategy is necessary for a business to be on the profit side. Here are the top 7 tips on framing the best brand experience strategy for your business- Become Customer-Oriented Research shows that a business strategy focused on consumers is more successful than any other business strategy. If you analyze all the successful companies like Apple Inc, Microsoft, Google, etc. are all customer-focused. To enhance your customer experience you must provide value to your customers and invest time and effort in building customer-oriented products. Engage with Your Customers Engaging with your customers using various platforms like social media, chatbots, forums, etc. can make your brand more approachable to your customers. It creates an emotional connection between your brand and your customers that leads to more sales, more promotion, and more opportunities. It also helps in building a community of supporters who are there for your business to grow and prosper. Big brands try to engage with potential clients whenever possible the primary reason being the more engaged clients are the better chance of the conversion. Tell a Story Choose between two- A movie or cooperate speech! If you are a normal human, you definitely had chosen the movie over the speech, why is that? Well, the answer is clear. When we watch a movie we tend to get moved by the story of the characters but speech is boring. The same applies to your business when a customer is searching for a product, he or she must have conducted small research around that product. If you tell the same old pitch that everyone is using then it’s not going to work because it is boring. That’s where storytelling comes into play. The impact of storytelling far exceed your expectation, when you tell a brand story to the clients, then the client is more likely to connect with the brand. Your branding strategy whether it’s visual branding or any other type of branding, must have some story behind it that can influence your customers. Add Human Element When a business communicates with the customers by connecting with them on a social level, it marks a special place in the customer’s heart. Basically, when you talk about them rather than you and your business, it creates a difference that is hard to express. Whatever your product is, it is meant to be consumed by your customers. So, addressing your customers directly rather than your product in the conversation makes much more sense.   Work On Customer’s Pain Points Customer pain points are the points where prospective customers can be experiencing problems. It is not necessary for them to realize it, therefore, it is your duty to make them aware of this fact. This is where your sales pitch should be strong and focused on these points. Analyzing customer’s pain points helps you in positioning your business in the market and quickly capture the market. Dan Shewan wrote a detailed article on this topic, you can check it out on the customer’s pain points and how to remove them. Identify Bottleneck Elements Bottleneck elements are those elements that are causing a delay in your business progress. When your business is not performing up to the standards of the market needs, then it is more likely to be caused by the bottleneck elements. If you want to build your customer experience better you must identify the bottleneck elements and try to remove them. If a brand does not resolve these issues with their business then it could lead to a negative brand experience which is brutal for a business. You can take the example of Nokia- they used to be the most successful mobile phone manufacturer but they still went out of business. Why? Nokia refused to change and listen to the market’s needs. They did not address the bottleneck element (i.e. market needs, changing technology) which lead to company closure. Nokia was once among the most successful mobile phone manufacturers yet, they were marked as a failure, this shows how important it is to identify the bottlenecks in your business. Now, Nokia is back again with new products and redesigned logo design. This time the products match the market needs and address the bottleneck elements. Be Consistent Consistency is key when it comes to creating an amazing brand experience. Being consistent on various channels that you use for the business helps in sending a similar message to your customers. Brand value could be damaged if your business is inconsistent which could lead to damage to the brand image. A brand promotional assets like business card design, poster, flyer, etc. must use the same design, color, typography, etc. in order to be consistent visually. Memorable Brand Experience with your Customers “If there’s one reason we have done better than of our peers in the Internet space over the last six years, it is because we have focused like a laser on customer experience, and that really does matter, I think, in any business. It certainly matters online, where word of mouth is so very, very powerful.” Jeff Bezos Jeff Bezos’s net worth is $130 billion USD making him the richest man in the world. If he is saying providing a great customer experience made him what he is, then it is something that you should also focus on. Shiv Edit profileHi, my name is Shiv Kumar. I’m a blogger, Digital marketer at EveryDesigns and I write on various topics including design, ecommerce, startups, digital marketing, interactive content, and much more. You know, wherever the mood goes.

      Brand experience has a lot to do with how your business is going to increase business growth. Here is the guide that help you with the customer experience.

    1. How to Build a Successful Graphic Design Strategy for Your Business? February 15, 2020 Shiv Graphic Design A successful business needs a successful graphic design strategy. A strategy helps the business in taking necessary action and adequate guidance to increase business growth. There are a lot of factors that go into building an effective business strategy, but, when it comes to graphic design strategy, it’s all about the visuals and representing your business visually to your customers. This guide will help you in building a successful graphic design strategy that can skyrocket your business growth, but, before that let’s find what does an effective graphic design strategy means. What Does an Effective Graphic Design Strategy Mean? Graphic design is a creative piece that is visually appealing to look at and when you strategize the production and display for the graphic design then it is called a graphic design strategy. The purpose of having a defined graphic design strategy is to deliver a clear brand message among your audience. It is all about visual branding and creating a visual presence among your clients. The idea behind having a strategy is to integrate business with a creative visual idea to promote business growth. Why Does Graphic Design Strategy Matter For Your Business? Graphic design plays an important role in business and commerce. Design is more than aesthetic but a way of communication that helps viewers in understanding the underlying concept of design. Business uses graphic design in a variety of areas like website design, logo design, business card design, flyer design, etc. the objective of using these tools is to inform the viewers about the business. When a piece of information is shared via audio, three days later the percentage of data retention is just 10%, whereas, when the same information is presented visually, three days later the percentage of data retention is 65%. It provides us clear evidence of how important visuals are for a business. An Infographic design that is one of the most used visual marketing tools and uses visual graphics heavily has the potential of increasing the website traffic by 12%, which is a significant amount of growth. Here is the Guide on Building an Effective Graphic Design Strategy for Your Business Display Your Brand Identity Your brand identity is the key to success, therefore, it becomes important for your business to display the brand identity with pride. A strong brand identity attracts customers automatically and customers tend to trust you more. Graphic design helps in establishing a groundwork for a business to brand its business. Branding enhances business outreach and ensures a brand is recognized easily. When a business works more on the branding part rather than the sales part, the business tends to grow with a “J-curve”. The reason for this is the influence of branding on the customers and the decision to purchase the product or services. Create the Awareness of Your Brand A graphic design element like flyer, poster, business card, logo design,  etc. address the clients about the business. The purpose of using these elements is to create brand awareness.  Brand awareness is how easily your brand is recognized by potential customers. To understand the effect of this factor, we have to dig deep into the psychological factor behind brand awareness. The psychology behind creating brand awareness is to establish positive memory among the customers interacting with the brand. People tend to trust those who they are familiar with, therefore, it becomes important for a business to become familiar with the customers. In psychology, this is called the mere-exposure effect and in layman’s term, it is called the familiarity principle. According to this principle, people tend to develop a preference for things merely because they are familiar with them. You can use this psychological phenomenon to your advantage and use visual designs to advertise and make people aware of your brand. Stand Apart From Your Competitors The market is always competitive and is constantly changing as time passes. It becomes a hefty challenge for a business to adapt according to the needs of the consumers. If a business does not adapt to the market then people are going to reject the product, no matter how good your product is. You always have to play by market rules otherwise you are going to lose. You can take the example of Nokia, which was the best selling mobile phone manufacturer when feature phones were at their brink, but Nokia failed. There were many factors that collectively made Nokia a failure but the primary one is the refusal of adaptability to the market. When other smartphone sellers were providing users with an Android smartphone, Nokia was still providing a Symbian based smartphone. When you are up to date with the technology, you could stand apart from your competitors and provide your customers with unique and new technology. Graphic design can help you in designing the framework of the product.  You can change your website design to enhance your User experience by optimizing the user interface. When you focus your attention on these factors, you could create a difference in your service and your competitor service, which helps you in standing apart from them. Advertise Your Business to Potential Customers You can have a revolutionary business idea, but if your customers do not know about it, then what’s the benefit. This is where advertisement comes into play. The advertising market is around $1.2 trillion which is expected to grow at an average pace of 5%. A professional graphic designer can help you in your campaigns by designing advertisement materials like billboard design, flyer designs, etc. Designing these elements is essential as the attention span of the viewers is very limited to 3-5 seconds and the job of the design is to deliver the brand message within this time limit. Graphic design uses visual hierarchy and other design concepts to either increase the attention time span or to deliver the message fast and sometimes do both. When you can increase these factors, you can influence the viewer into buying your product. Use Social Media to Engage With Customers Using social media for your business is essential in this day and age because of the user base this platform offers. There are 3.5 billion social media users worldwide and on average, a user spends 3 hours on social media. One of the main content on  Social media is images, graphics, and videos. The majority of the posts you see on social media are visual content. A business can create high-quality visual content like images, videos, etc. and post it on various social media platforms to attract customers. Around 90% of the brands use social media to increase brand awareness and if you fall on the 10% of business then you are missing out on a big opportunity, therefore, to brand your business, you would need to have social media marketing on point. Now, that being said, one of the main aspects of social media is the use of graphics and media. Your investment in media content can be easily recoverable if you can provide quality over quantity, therefore, it is recommended that you post shareable content that has the potential of going viral. How to Effectively Implement the Graphic Design Strategy? Any strategy whether it’s a graphic design strategy or a business strategy needs to have adequate planning to give direction to your team. Planning is an essential part of strategy implementation as it provides you with measurable insights that you can hold accountable. You would need Creative design services in order to have a graphic design strategy, therefore, you should choose the services accordingly. What is a design strategy in graphic design? Design strategy in graphic design refers to the integration of graphic design and businesses with each other to produce content that can be used for the benefit of the business. How does graphic design affect marketing? Graphic design is an essential element of marketing, whether its content marketing or offline marketing using a poster, flyer, etc. you need to have quality graphics to attract customers. Why is graphic design important in advertising? Graphic design is a very important part of the advertisement industry, it attracts us towards the brands. Graphic design gives a business a face that influences the brand positioning in the mind of the viewer. What is a good graphic design? Design is an artistic approach to anything which differs person to person but, when you add a business element to it then we can define good graphic designs as a design that presents the business such that it attracts customers towards the business. Shiv Edit profileHi, my name is Shiv Kumar. I’m a blogger, Digital marketer at EveryDesigns and I write on various topics including design, ecommerce, startups, digital marketing, interactive content, and much more. You know, wherever the mood goes.

      Having a defined graphic design strategy helps a business in positioning itself better in this competitive world. Find out about graphic design strategies.

  15. Jan 2020
    1. How Businesses Use Psychology to Increase Sales?EveryDesignsJan 31 · 3 min readBusinesses use everything in their power to increase their sales. They offer a discount, indulge in aggressive marketing, create a monopoly and apply various business strategies to skyrocket their growth.One more thing that businesses use, which works on background level is psychology. Psychology is a very important part of human behavioral science. Every single person behaves in a very different way. Their likings are different, their understanding is different, every single person is very different from others.So, it becomes difficult for businesses to target a bigger audience. Therefore, to understand their customers, businesses use psychology and its application in business operations.In this article, we will discuss how businesses use psychology to increase sales. But before that let’s find out why it is business psychology.What is Business Psychology?Business psychology is a field of psychology that deals with providing insight into people and their behavior. It takes a practical approach by studying a monitored group of people and giving a conclusion towards specific behavioral research.Using business psychology corporate can come up with plans and strategies to the target audience and provide them with a solution to their problem. The very basic job of a business psychologist is to understand the customer’s needs and help the business to deliver that.Behavioral Psychology in BusinessBehavioral Psychology is the study of human behavior in context with the environment. The environment plays an important role in the behavior of a person. A kid when brought up in a secure and friendly environment tends to be more successful and moral whereas a kid who had an abusive father or mother a.k.a. bad environment tends to become a criminal.It's simple: kids learn for their parents and even an adult is susceptible to influence from other behavior. A prime example could be peer pressure. Peer pressure can make you do things that you do not want to do like drinking alcohol.Many studies like this one suggest that the majority of people started drinking due to peer pressure. Behavioral psychology helps in understanding these behaviors and comes up with a solution that benefits society.Here are some of the principles that behavior psychology deal with, within the context of business.The Human Learns Better VisuallyAbout 65% of people are visual people meaning they like and respond to visuals better and faster than any other means. So, influencing people using visuals like graphic design helps a business much better. A business needs to have professional graphic design services to ensure they can market their products better.Psychology of ColorsColor is one aspect that makes humans special. As you know, humans are one of the few species who can see such a wide range of the color spectrum. Therefore, colors play an important role in people’s life.You can use different colors to subtly convey a message regarding your business. To learn more, check out the article on Color Psychology and see how you can use colors to market your brand.Customer LoyaltyEveryone likes reward and Rewarding programs are the best customer acquisition tool that big corporate uses. A prime example of this could be a reward program by Starbucks that they offer on their mobile app. You can also provide your customers with rewards that help your customers in connecting with your business on a personal level.Social Psychology in BusinessSocial psychology is a study of human behavior when influenced by other people’s behavior. Here the psychologists use the data produced by the interaction of two subjects to design a strategy for their businessThe following are the best examples of social psychology in action-Word of Mouth MarketingWord of mount marketing is the kind of marketing where a person buys a product just because it was recommended by someone. It is so powerful that it can even work online by posting customer’s reviews. This is the reason why people keep testimonials and reviews on their websites.Reciprocity PrincipleWhen a business offers an unmatchable value to its customers than people would respond to that by providing a similar proposition by becoming your customer. You can use this principle to provide your customers with Freemium tools to increase sales.ConclusionIn order to increase revenue and business, you can use any of these psychological principles. Big brands use this principle to achieve that so why don’t you?

      Businesses use everything in their power to increase their sales. They offer a discount, indulge in aggressive marketing, create a monopoly and apply various business strategies to skyrocket their growth. psychology is one of the tools that businesses implement into their operations. so, here is how businesses use psychology to increase sales?

  16. Dec 2019
    1. Top 12 Small Business Ideas to Start a Business in Austin December 26, 2019 shivkumar Business Ideas Starting a business is the boldest move you can make. It is a very hardworking task as you have to invest your time, money and dedication into building a business. Starting a business is more than just a small business idea. As an entrepreneur, your highest priority is to find whether there is a business opportunity or not and to find what customers really want. This article will provide you with top 12 small business ideas to start your business in Austin. But, before that let’s find out why Austin should be on your list for starting business. Why Austin for your Small Business? Austin, Texas is home to many Corporate Headquarters and Regional Offices of big tech companies and the reasons are pretty obvious. The population of Austin is 865,000 making it the largest city in Texas and the fourth largest in the United States, making it prominent places for businesses to flourish, especially small businesses. In early 1990s, Austin experienced a big dot-com boom resulting in it being the home of many tech companies. Google, Facebook, Adobe, IBM, Apple Inc. etc. are some of the big names that have an establishment in Austin city hence, nicknamed Silicon Hills. Every Year Austin host an event called as “ACL Music Festival” due to which Austin is also called as the “Live music capital of the world”. It is a 10-day festival celebrates film, music and digital media. Many visitors from around the world visit here to participate and enjoy the 10-day festival. According to many publications like Forbes, Travel & Leisure magazine etc., Austin is a great place to live, making it best place to have a small business. “Keep Austin Weird” has been a local motto for years featured on stickers and t shirt designs. Austinites population is a mix of government employees, foreign and domestic college students, high-tech workers, blue-collar workers and business people.  Since, Austin is such a great place to start business due to its population, diversity and economics. These small business ideas will provide you with promising opportunities for your business to grow. Food & Beverage Business Wherever there are people there will be business opportunities especially when it comes to food & beverage. Eating is the primary motivation of human existence and when your business can provide people with this need fulfilled, along with an unmatchable service then your business is more likely to grow exponentially.  Recently, Food truck business in Austin has become more popular as the investment is low to start a food truck business.  Austin has the second largest number of food trucks in the United States. It is one of the best small business ideas that has the potential of becoming into a big and profitable business. All you need to start a business on wheels is a truck, equipment, business logo design and a plan. You are all set to start your business. Laundry Service Everyone likes to look good and presentable, especially business people. Wherever there is a need there is an opportunity. Now that being said, the problem that people experience is that they do not have time to wash their clothes. You can start a laundry business to meet their needs and save their time and money. To start a laundry business in Austin, all you need is a space, machines and business plan. You can bring in a lot of innovation in this business, like by providing a home delivery service, making it easier for people to get laundry service. Retail Store A retail store is a place where you can get everything in one place. It is a place where customer consumes like clothing, drug, grocery, and other convenience items. Austin’s population is big and a retail store is the place where they find their daily needs. Starting a business of retails store is very profitable small business and you can also provide online services making it available to bigger areas. Industries like pharmaceutical and tech industries are some of the primary industries in Austin. So, sourcing products related to these industries could be cost effective and you can get big margins in these products. Delivery Service Delivery services are the most profitable business opportunity that helps businesses to get their products reach to their customer. You can act as a mediator in providing these businesses with delivery services. You can partner with eCommerce websites like Amazon in becoming their delivery partner on contractual basics. The resources that you need for starting a delivery business are a vehicle and a delivery partner. You can sign up for Amazon delivery service partner, which is a very lucrative offer as you do not need to find customers, Amazon is your customer and when Amazon is your customer then you do not have to worry about your business. It is one of the best B2B2C businesses that will offer a lot of expansion in future. Fitness Studio Fitness Industry is a booming industry with a Global market of $87.23 Billion and in US alone the market size is worth $27.6 Billion. People want to look good, men or women they want to be fit as it makes them feel confident, attractive and desirable. One of the primary motivations of human beings is to procreate and being fit aids you with that. A person subconsciously finds a partner who is fit, healthy and attractive. The fitness industry thrives on this basic human nature. The average amount that you need to start a fitness club in United States is $10,000 to $50,000. You can get customers to take annual membership and along with that you can also sell fitness products. There is a whole new opportunity for fitness products like Protein powder, BCAAs other supplements. You can also sell these products online which will make you extra bucks. Online Marketing Service To get any business out there you need to market your business. Marketing helps a business to get customers. A brand is created using marketing and the efforts to provide great service. In this digital age, online factors have affected the entire globe. Many studies show that people prefer more and more to buy products online. Ecommerce industry is big and it is getting bigger. They all have one thing in common, they all need Digital Marketing. Google is one of the most used search engines in the world and ranking your website high on Google will not only drive more traffic to your website but also it helps you in selling more products or services. Selling products or services means more revenue. Anyone is willing to pay you a good amount of money, if you can bring your website high on ranking for them. It is the best B2B business, which offers you a scope for expansion. It is a constant process so the revenue will be reoccurring. Graphics plays a very important role in online marketing, so, if you are good at designing then you can also provide graphic design services along with Digital Marketing services. As a startup, you can provide services from your home or you can find a co-working space. You can get customers online either on your own website or other freelancing websites like UpWork, people per hour etc. Transport Service The transportation industry is a big industry, especially in Austin. People use vehicles, public transport, metro, etc. to get to their destination. There is a lot of opportunity in this industry and you can either provide service or a rental based business model. For service based business, you can partner with Uber or independently start your own travel agency or you can do both. Uber gives you freedom of doing the rides when you want and where you want. So, doing both will make more sense. For a rental business model, you have to find the vehicle category you want to invest in. It depends on lot of factors hence, it is necessary to do market research on how people will respond to your business idea. After that you can start planning your business plan, market it, and get funding. Wedding Planner Wedding planning is not only a profitable business but also a very joyful one. You can use creativity and management skills to create a beautiful experience for the couple entering into their new life. This business is the best because investment is very low and the profits are very high. Average wedding cost around $30,000 and people are willing to spend more. Your commission from this business can be $5,000-10,000 per wedding and when you add that number annually, you get a six figure business. You can pitch your customers different packages and ideas and get them to pay for additional benefits. This can be your unique selling point and help your business in creating market space for itself. All you need to start a Wedding Planner business is business card designs, a catalog and an office. You are all set to execute your plan for building your six-figure business.  Maintenance Service Whether it’s our home or office, we need to maintain the functionality of them. That’s where a maintenance services come into play. Providing maintenance service to household as well as corporations helps you in making this business profitable. Technically, every building is your customer meaning the opportunity is limitless. You can start this business from your home. The things that you need to start this business are knowledge and a professional certification. If you do not have the certification, then you need to hire people who can do these services. You can do that either on incentive based or have them on salary base. Your primary revenue will be the maintenance cost and the margins on the replaced product. Since you can start this business from home, the startup cost in as low as $2,000. So, if you are searching for a small business idea for business then this is it. Security Services Security is the primary concern for corporations and people. There are different types of security services that you can provide like cyber security, bodyguards, industrial security, security guard etc. Many corporations hire security service providers for maintaining and protecting the security.  Many corporations are more concerned about cyber security than their office security. They keep their servers and information very private. If you can bring a product or service that helps the business in keeping their data online safe, then you just have a business there. This is the best business, if you have experience in providing online security measures or software development. If you are more inclined towards providing one on one security then you can start your own security agency. Solar Panel Installation Business Ever since the invention of the engine and petroleum industry, people have been searching for alternative energy sources. The very first energy source used for producing electricity was coal, which was used to operate steam engines. It was replaced by petrol and diesel. There are very limited amount of energy sources that are extracted out of the earth. Fossil fuels are depleting on a large scale and we need to replace them with an alternative energy source. This is where energy sources like solar energy, wind energy, hydro energy etc. come into action. You can produce very high amounts of energy in the form of electricity using these energy sources. Solar panels are one such method that uses solar energy to produce electricity. People are more inclining towards installing these panels for a variety of reasons like saving environment, long term cost saving etc. Austin, Texas is blessed with a good amount of sunlight for using it as an energy source. Starting a solar panel installation business will earn you good profits as many Governments from around the world are actively participating in promoting the use of alternative energy. So, they provide special incentives for customers who want to install solar panels. In the United States, going solar gives you a tax credit dollar to dollar reduction. These benefits for customers can add value to your business and you can provide your customer with better and a quality service. Salon and Spa Business Salon and Spa business is also one of the small business ideas that require a very small to big amount of investment depending on the quality of service you want to offer. It is the best business idea, if you have skills for providing professional salon service. We all visit the salon once a month to get our hair done or to get a certain look. As mentioned earlier, this business also thrives on human need to look good and perceived attractive. A combo of salon and spa service will give you a great exposure to clients because you can recommend a salon customer with Spa service and vice versa. This way you can increase your business revenue and get more customers. The average investment cost for starting a salon business is $100,000 to $500,000 based on a variety of factors. However, the investment has good potential of getting a good ROI. You must include a plan for this business for getting profits.  Conclusion Starting a small business can be overwhelming but taking business step by step can make your job easier and it also help you in tracking your progress. The most important part of starting a business is planning. You must plan your business before executing any steps regarding your business. The other major part of starting a business is marketing. Many businesses spend the majority of their spending on marketing. It is the best way for businesses to get customers to know them.
      • Austin, Texas is the best place to start your own business. These top 12 small business ideas help you in start your own company on a budget.
    1. И если к вам все же попала звезда (настоящая, а не фейковая), трудностей будет много. Во-первых, одна звезда не будет работать за всю команду, вкалывать придется по-прежнему. Во-вторых, звездному сотруднику нужны полномочия и свобода принятия решений, а это понравится не всем. В-третьих, сильному работнику нужно сильное руководство. А есть еще и в-черветрых, и в-пятых. Так что звезда — это, конечно, хорошо, но это точно не волшебная палочка для бренда.