- Feb 2022
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Gradassi, A., Bos, W. van den, & Molleman, L. (2022). Confidence of others trumps confidence of self in social information use. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/mqyu2
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Salali, G. D., Uysal, M. S., Bozyel, G., Akpınar, E., & Aksu, A. (2022). Does social influence affect COVID-19 vaccination intention among the unvaccinated? PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/5qc3z
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Pauer, S., Rutjens, B., & Harreveld, F. van. (2022). Trust is good, control is better: The role of trust and personal control in response to risk. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/dvb5x
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Schwitzgebel, E. (2022, February 3). The COVID Jerk. The Atlantic. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2022/02/covid-jerk-sarah-palin/621466/
osf.io osf.io
Calarco, J. M. (2021). The Moral Calm Before the Storm: How a Theory of Moral Calms Explains the Covid-Related Increase in Parents’ Refusal of Vaccines for Children. SocArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/m7c3p
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
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psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Andersen, D. B., Petersen, M. B., Midtgaard, S. F., Højlund, A.-S. G., Lippert-Rasmussen, K., & Pedersen, V. M. L. (2021). Collective paternalism and vaccination programmes. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/5hvqc
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Joe Sill on Twitter. (n.d.). Twitter. Retrieved February 2, 2022, from https://twitter.com/joe_sill/status/1473489055136497664
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Deepti Gurdasani. (2022, January 29). Going to say this again because it’s important. Case-control studies to determine prevalence of long COVID are completely flawed science, but are often presented as being scientifically robust. This is not how we can define clinical syndromes or their prevalence! A thread. [Tweet]. @dgurdasani1. https://twitter.com/dgurdasani1/status/1487366920508694529
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ScienceUpFirst, LaScienced’Abord. (2022, February 1). Got Omicron? You are not alone! See our thread on what we know so far 👇 🧵 [1/11] #ScienceUpFirst https://t.co/7Hi3lHo5LS [Tweet]. @ScienceUpFirst. https://twitter.com/ScienceUpFirst/status/1488601396421316613
Tayag, Y. (2022, January 31). What causes long Covid? Scientists are zeroing in on the answer. Vox. https://www.vox.com/22906853/omicron-long-covid-vaccinated-symptoms-cause
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Early data indicate vaccines still protect against Omicron’s sister variant, BA.2. (2022, January 28). STAT. https://www.statnews.com/2022/01/28/early-data-indicate-vaccines-still-protect-against-omicrons-sister-variant-ba-2/
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Scientific Notation
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Zimmerman, M. I., Porter, J. R., Ward, M. D., Singh, S., Vithani, N., Meller, A., Mallimadugula, U. L., Kuhn, C. E., Borowsky, J. H., Wiewiora, R. P., Hurley, M. F. D., Harbison, A. M., Fogarty, C. A., Coffland, J. E., Fadda, E., Voelz, V. A., Chodera, J. D., & Bowman, G. R. (2021). SARS-CoV-2 simulations go exascale to predict dramatic spike opening and cryptic pockets across the proteome. Nature Chemistry, 13(7), 651–659. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41557-021-00707-0
Bakker, B. N., & Lelkes, Y. (2022). The Structure, Prevalence, and Nature of Mass Belief Systems. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/v3dg9
s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com
regimes that formally designate the vice president asthe successor are more likely to undergo peaceful transitions
leadership succession, authoritarian regime, constitutional rules, Africa
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Budak, C., Soroka, S., Singh, L., Bailey, M., Bode, L., Chawla, N., Davis-Kean, P., Choudhury, M. D., Veaux, R. D., Hahn, U., Jensen, B., Ladd, J., Mneimneh, Z., Pasek, J., Raghunathan, T., Ryan, R., Smith, N. A., Stohr, K., & Traugott, M. (2021). Modeling Considerations for Quantitative Social Science Research Using Social Media Data. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/3e2ux
“Endemic” Covid? The pandemic will only be over when the world is jabbed. (2022, January 15). Inews.Co.Uk. https://inews.co.uk/news/politics/endemic-covid-the-pandemic-will-only-be-over-when-the-world-is-jabbed-1402691
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Chambon, M., Kammeraad, W., Harreveld, F. van, Dalege, J., Elberse, J., & Maas, H. van der. (2022). Why COVID-19 vaccination intention is so hard to change: A longitudinal study. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/b9qrj
healthpolicy-watch.news healthpolicy-watch.news
Backed By Science: Here’s How We Can Eliminate COVID-19 - Health Policy Watch. (2022, January 23). https://healthpolicy-watch.news/93258-2/
- herd immunity
- airborne transmission
- reinfection
- global solidarity
- natural infection
- equity
- immunity
- hospital
- risk
- global coordination
- is:webpage
- attitudes
- prevention
- pandemic management
- science
- elimination
- Omicron
- lang:en
- protection
- variant
- mortality
- temporary immune response
- COVID-19
- strategy
- vaccine
- vaccine plus
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
Bartlett, T. (2021, August 12). The Vaccine Scientist Spreading Vaccine Misinformation. The Atlantic. https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2021/08/robert-malone-vaccine-inventor-vaccine-skeptic/619734/
english.elpais.com english.elpais.com
Story of a scientist trying to optimize for solutions of Wordle.
Nothing brilliant here. Depressing that the story creates a mythology around algorithms as the solution rather than delving in a bit into the math and science of information theory to explain why this solution is the correct one.
Desperately missing from the discussion are second and third order words that would make useful guesses to further reduce the solution space for actual readers.
twitter.com twitter.com
Eric Feigl-Ding. (2022, January 5). 2) Florida governor’s new anti-COVID testing surgeon general doesn’t seem well either… https://t.co/evPT0RbWcU [Tweet]. @DrEricDing. https://twitter.com/DrEricDing/status/1478829782926307341
twitter.com twitter.com
Retraction Watch. (2022, January 7). Our list of retracted COVID-19 papers is up to 206. For context and denominators, please see the post. Https://retractionwatch.com/retracted-coronavirus-covid-19-papers/ [Tweet]. @RetractionWatch. https://twitter.com/RetractionWatch/status/1479599196089077766
retractionwatch.com retractionwatch.com
Retracted coronavirus (COVID-19) papers. (2020, April 29). Retraction Watch. https://retractionwatch.com/retracted-coronavirus-covid-19-papers/
www.scientificamerican.com www.scientificamerican.com
Broadfoot, M. (n.d.). Masks Protect Schoolkids from COVID despite What Antiscience Politicians Claim. Scientific American. Retrieved January 23, 2022, from https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/masks-protect-schoolkids-from-covid-despite-what-antiscience-politicians-claim/
twitter.com twitter.com
ReconfigBehSci. (2022, January 9). Just a thought on this and the general vaccine mandate debate. As a behavioural scientist currently stuck in Germany where this is a live debate, it strikes me that the thoughts below address only part of the population: Those not currently vaccinated. But what about ... 1/2 [Tweet]. @SciBeh. https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1480213148032450565
twitter.com twitter.com
Dr Satoshi Akima. (2022, January 8). I’ve had people mention rising case numbers in Japan and South Korea. But let’s really put that rise into perspective. Nations that have early accepted that #COVIDisAirborne simply fair better https://t.co/KaoE26gQ0N [Tweet]. @ToshiAkima. https://twitter.com/ToshiAkima/status/1479724180840988673
twitter.com twitter.com
Prof. Jose-Luis Jimenez. (2022, January 14). The rise of Omicron Translated from @numeroteca https://t.co/S7HYcEnuQn [Tweet]. @jljcolorado. https://twitter.com/jljcolorado/status/1481799620502061056
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Davis, N., & correspondent, N. D. S. (2022, January 21). Covid reinfection: How likely are you to catch virus multiple times? The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jan/21/covid-reinfection-how-likely-are-you-to-catch-virus-multiple-times
www.youtube.com www.youtube.comYouTube1
How to perform a t-test using Google sheets
good visual reminder for ttests
sheetsformarketers.com sheetsformarketers.com
How To Do A T Test In Google Sheets
good for labs + reminders
www.investopedia.com www.investopedia.comT-Test1
What is a ttestDescription
www.jci.org www.jci.org
Hotez, P. J. (2021). America’s deadly flirtation with antiscience and the medical freedom movement. The Journal of Clinical Investigation, 131(7). https://doi.org/10.1172/JCI149072
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Devlin, H., & correspondent, H. D. S. (2022, January 21). Mixed messages? How end of Covid plan B could change behaviour in England. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jan/21/mixed-messages-how-end-of-covid-plan-b-rules-could-change-behaviour
royalsociety.org royalsociety.org
The online information environment | Royal Society. (n.d.). Retrieved January 21, 2022, from https://royalsociety.org/topics-policy/projects/online-information-environment/
- malinformation
- deepfake
- misleading
- is:webpage
- policymaker
- climate change
- behavioral science
- shallowfake
- public trust
- information environment
- science
- decision making
- lang:en
- social media
- academic
- provenance enhancing technology
- censorship
- scientific information
- interaction
- online platform
- search engine
- information
- bots
- vaccine
- technology
- misinformation
www.clinicalmicrobiologyandinfection.com www.clinicalmicrobiologyandinfection.com
Slezak, J., Bruxvoort, K., Fischer, H., Broder, B., Ackerson, B., & Tartof, S. (2021). Rate and severity of suspected SARS-Cov-2 reinfection in a cohort of PCR-positive COVID-19 patients. Clinical Microbiology and Infection, 27(12), 1860.e7-1860.e10. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cmi.2021.07.030
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www.bbc.co.uk www.bbc.co.uk
Should bad science be censored on social media? (2022, January 19). BBC News. https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-60036861
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hypothes.is hypothes.is
1 Matching Annotations
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
In an era where funding for good projects can be hard to come by, or is even endangered, we must affirmatively make the case for the study of how to improve human well-being. This possibility is a fundamental reason why the American public is interested in supporting the pursuit of knowledge, and rightly so.
Keep in mind that they're asking this in an anti-science and post-fact political climate. Is progress studies the real end goal, or do we need political solutions? Better communication solutions? Better education solutions? Instead? First?
Are they addressing the correct question/problem here?
Along these lines, the world would benefit from an organized effort to understand how we should identify and train brilliant young people, how the most effective small groups exchange and share ideas, which incentives should exist for all sorts of participants in innovative ecosystems (including scientists, entrepreneurs, managers, and engineers), how much different organizations differ in productivity (and the drivers of those differences), how scientists should be selected and funded, and many other related issues besides.
These are usually incredibly political questions that aren't always done logically.
See for example Malcolm Gladwell's podcast episode My Little Hundred Million.
globalnews.ca globalnews.ca
Revealed: How a web of Canadian doctors are undermining the fight against COVID-19 | Globalnews.ca. (n.d.). Global News. Retrieved January 19, 2022, from https://globalnews.ca/news/8517353/canada-doctors-covid-vaccine-disinformation/
jamanetwork.com jamanetwork.com
Levy, M., Recher, M., Hubert, H., Javouhey, E., Fléchelles, O., Leteurtre, S., & Angoulvant, F. (2022). Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children by COVID-19 Vaccination Status of Adolescents in France. JAMA, 327(3), 281–283. https://doi.org/10.1001/jama.2021.23262
nationalpost.com nationalpost.com
Blackwell, T. (2022, January 18). Living for the moment: Study points to cognitive differences in people who are vaccine hesitant. National Post. https://nationalpost.com/health/living-for-the-moment-study-points-to-cognitive-differences-in-people-who-are-vaccine-hesitant
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Scientists try to pinpoint why rapid Covid tests are missing some cases. (2022, January 6). STAT. https://www.statnews.com/2022/01/06/scientists-try-to-pinpoint-why-rapid-covid-tests-are-missing-cases/
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HKUMed finds Omicron SARS-CoV-2 can infect faster and better than Delta in human bronchus but with less severe infection in lung. (n.d.). Retrieved January 16, 2022, from https://www.med.hku.hk/en/news/press/20211215-omicron-sars-cov-2-infection?utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=press_release
Here, the card index func-tions as a ‘thinking machine’,67 and becomes the best communication partner for learned men.68
From a computer science perspective, isn't the index card functioning like an external memory, albeit one with somewhat pre-arranged linked paths? It's the movement through the machine's various paths that is doing the "thinking". Or the user's (active) choices that create the paths creates the impression of thinking.
Perhaps it's the pre-arranged links where the thinking has already happened (based on "work" put into the system) and then traversing the paths gives the appearance of "new" thinking?
How does this relate to other systems which can be thought of as thinking from a complexity perspective? Bacteria perhaps? Groups of cells acting in concert? Groups of people acting in concert? Cells seeing out food using random walks? etc?
From this perspective, how can we break out the constituent parts of thought and thinking? Consciousness? With enough nodes and edges and choices of paths between them (or a "correct" subset of paths) could anything look like thinking or computing?
twitter.com twitter.com
ɪᴀɴ ᴍ. ᴍᴀᴄᴋᴀʏ, ᴘʜᴅ 🦠🤧🧬🥼🦟🧻🧙♂️. (2021, December 25). This is much better. #COVIDisAirborne https://who.int/news-room/questions-and-answers/item/coronavirus-disease-covid-19-how-is-it-transmitted https://t.co/ScaJHRRwVa [Tweet]. @MackayIM. https://twitter.com/MackayIM/status/1474706710090579970
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Anthony J Leonardi, PhD, MS. (2021, December 28). What you guys keep saying for coronavirus immunity versus what keeps happening https://t.co/KdMuJrTNbO [Tweet]. @fitterhappierAJ. https://twitter.com/fitterhappierAJ/status/1475922603109978125
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Devlin, H., Davis, N., & correspondents, N. D. S. (2022, January 14). Expect another Omicron wave in early summer, Sage says. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jan/14/expect-another-covid-omicron-wave-in-early-summer-sage-says
theconversation.com theconversation.com
US, G. S., Barbara K. Hofer,The Conversation. (n.d.). Don’t Look Up Illustrates 5 Myths That Fuel Rejection of Science. Scientific American. Retrieved January 14, 2022, from https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/dont-look-up-illustrates-5-myths-that-fuel-rejection-of-science/
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Nash, D. (n.d.). The CDC Got Lost Trying to Follow the Science. Retrieved January 14, 2022, from https://www.barrons.com/articles/cdc-guidance-covid-isolation-pandemic-51641847943
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Stephen Reicher. (2022, January 13). Following evidence is that peak infectivity with Omicron comes 3-6 days after symptoms emerge (https://niid.go.jp/niid/en/2019-ncov-e/10884-covid19-66-en.html), the isolation period is cut to 5 days. How is this “following the science” https://t.co/XRf0pbgiHG [Tweet]. @ReicherStephen. https://twitter.com/ReicherStephen/status/1481652386993041415
Dolgin, E. (2022). Omicron thwarts some of the world’s most-used COVID vaccines. Nature. https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-022-00079-6
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Yang, M. (2022, January 14). ‘Menace to public health’: 270 doctors criticize Spotify over Joe Rogan’s podcast. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2022/jan/14/spotify-joe-rogan-podcast-open-letter
twitter.com twitter.com
ReconfigBehSci on Twitter: ‘RT @SciCommPSU: Today at 4! “COVID-19 Vaccines: Science versus Anti-Science” with @PeterHotez. Presented by @huckinstitutes https://t.co…’ / Twitter. (n.d.). Retrieved 14 January 2022, from https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1450591196653314051
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Lapid, N. (2022, January 4). Covid Science: Virus leaves antibodies that may attack healthy tissues. Reuters. https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/virus-leaves-antibodies-that-may-attack-healthy-tissues-b-cell-antibodies-2022-01-03/
- science
- Omicron
- infection
- lang:en
- research
- COVID-19
- B cells
- is:webpage
- immune system
- antibodies
- self-attacking antibodies
- vaccine
twitter.com twitter.com
Anthony J Leonardi, PhD, MS. (2022, January 4). Wow. 17 years of T cell immunity guys. Looks like it works as advertised. Https://t.co/bkSizFXK49 [Tweet]. @fitterhappierAJ. https://twitter.com/fitterhappierAJ/status/1478392475240869899
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Ashish K. Jha, MD, MPH. (2021, October 8). Huge honor to be back @inthebubblepod with @ASlavitt We talked about engaging people with whom we disagree Why disdain for unvaccinated folks is counter-productive And why kindness and understanding (with a side of mandates) will keep our nation in good stead for the long run [Tweet]. @ashishkjha. https://twitter.com/ashishkjha/status/1446507539345125379
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In the Bubble. (2021, October 6). .@ASlavitt and @ashishkjha discuss the danger of covering COVID like a political horse race, why he appears on Newsmax so frequently, and how he deals with #COVID skeptics in his own extended family. Listen at http://ow.ly/8jcL50GmwLh https://t.co/f5xGD8wefx [Tweet]. @inthebubblepod. https://twitter.com/inthebubblepod/status/1445720677873500161
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Geddes, L., & correspondent, L. G. S. (2022, January 11). Will Covid-19 become less dangerous as it evolves? The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jan/11/will-covid-19-become-less-dangerous-as-it-evolves
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Banerjee, A. (2022, January 12). I’m leading a long Covid trial – it’s clear Britain has underestimated its impact. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/jan/12/long-covid-trial-britain-short-term-virus
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Sabina Vohra-Miller. (2022, January 7). The ’with’ or ‘because of’ Covid hospitalization argument is intentionally politicizing data. Https://t.co/oXcCQoFcZw [Tweet]. @SabiVM. https://twitter.com/SabiVM/status/1479591658845052929
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Geddes, L., & correspondent, L. G. S. (2022, January 11). Covid loses 90% of ability to infect within five minutes in air – study. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jan/11/covid-loses-90-of-ability-to-infect-within-five-minutes-in-air-study
FACT FOCUS: Unfounded theory used to dismiss COVID measures. (2022, January 8). AP NEWS. https://apnews.com/article/coronavirus-pandemic-science-health-joe-rogan-ap-fact-check-a87b1044c6256968dcc33886a36c949f
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Giglietto, F., Farci, M., Marino, G., Mottola, S., Radicioni, T., & Terenzi, M. (2022). Mapping Nefarious Social Media Actors to Speed-up Covid-19 Fact-checking. SocArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/6umqs
Carmody, D., Mazzarello, M., Santi, P., Harris, T., Lehmann, S., Abbiasov, T., Dunbar, R., & Ratti, C. (2022). The effect of co-location of human communication networks. ArXiv:2201.02230 [Physics, Stat]. http://arxiv.org/abs/2201.02230
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Spinney, L. (2022, January 9). Are we witnessing the dawn of post-theory science? The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2022/jan/09/are-we-witnessing-the-dawn-of-post-theory-science
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Vega-Oliveros, D. A., Grande, H. L. C., Iannelli, F., & Vazquez, F. (2021). Bi-layer voter model: Modeling intolerant/tolerant positions and bots in opinion dynamics. The European Physical Journal Special Topics, 230(14–15), 2875–2886. https://doi.org/10.1140/epjs/s11734-021-00151-8
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Galvão-Castro, B., Cordeiro, R. S. B., & Goldenberg, S. (2022). Brazilian science under continuous attack. The Lancet, 399(10319), 23–24. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(21)02727-6
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Shoss, M., Hootegem, A. V., Selenko, E., & Witte, H. D. (2022). The Job Insecurity of Others: On the Role of Perceived National Job Insecurity During the COVID-19 Pandemic. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/qhpu5
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Benson-Greenwald, T., Trujillo, A., White, A., & Diekman, A. (2021). Science for Others or the Self? Presumed Motives for Science Shape Public Trust in Science. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/yjvbw
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moviepilot.de 5,8/10 IMDB 5,8/10 · 33K · Metascore: 77 Parents Guide
In den Tiefen des Weltalls, weit entfernt von unserem Sonnensystem, leben Monte (Robert Pattinson) und seine kleine Tochter Willow (Jessie Ross) gemeinsam auf einem ramponierten Raumschiff, dessen Besatzung vor einiger Zeit noch aus vielen verurteilten Schwerverbrechern bestand, die sich mit einer gefährlichen Mission von ihren Strafen freikauften. Mit Experimenten wurden sie von der wahnsinnigen Reproduktionswissenschaftlerin Dibs (Juliette Binoche) gequält, bei denen bis auf Monte und Willow alle ums Leben kamen. Monte ist ein stiller Mann, der sich eine harte Selbstdisziplin auferlegt hat. Doch wenn er mit seiner Tochter zusammen ist, wird aus ihm ein zärtlicher Versorger. Nun sind die beiden die letzten Überlebenden der Crew und nähern sich in völliger Isolation ihrem letzten unausweichlichen Ziel: einem schwarzen Loch und damit auch dem Ende von Zeit und Raum. filmstarts.de
„High Life“ ist ein schmerzhafter Film, doch es lohnt sich, die Expedition ins Nichts zu begleiten. Wer ein klassisches Weltraum-Epos erleben will, der bleibt besser auf dem Boden. Claire Denis‘ Vision ist kompromisslos und radikal. Ein einzigartiges, schwarzes Juwel. filmstarts.de 4,5/5
In „High Life“ nimmt uns die französische Arthouse-Regisseurin Claire Denis mit ins Weltall. Von Zivilisation ist da oben aber nichts zu spüren. Stattdessen gibt es eine zwischen Wahnsinn und Klaustrophobie schwankende Stimmung, die nach und nach zwischenmenschliche Abgründe freilegt, während das Publikum vergebens auf Erlösung, Hoffnung oder eine tatsächliche Handlung wartet. Oliver Armknecht 8/10
An Bord eines Raumschiffes werden übergriffige Experimente durchgeführt, die die Überlebenden vor komplizierte Fragen stellen und dem Publikum schwer zu denken geben. Claire Denis erobert mit ihrem ungewöhnlichen Vertreter eines traditionsreichen Genres reizvolles Neuland. epdFilm ?/10
www.noemamag.com www.noemamag.com
Unregulated parts can kill their wholes.
This is true in so many domains and not just biology.
twitter.com twitter.com
Paul. (2022, January 4). “Eminent” Professor Sunetra Gupta retweets pub landlord. The advancement of “science” 2020-2022... Https://t.co/CRQx5k0WMn [Tweet]. @Aw_what. https://twitter.com/Aw_what/status/1478317495912181762
inews.co.uk inews.co.uk
Omicron peak could be “long and drawn out”, Sage scientists warn as pressure mounts on NHS. (2022, January 3). Inews.Co.Uk. https://inews.co.uk/news/politics/omicron-covid-variant-uk-peak-long-drawn-out-sage-scientists-warning-nhs-1380110
www.nature.com www.nature.com
Carreño, J. M., Alshammary, H., Tcheou, J., Singh, G., Raskin, A., Kawabata, H., Sominsky, L., Clark, J., Adelsberg, D. C., Bielak, D., Gonzalez-Reiche, A. S., Dambrauskas, N., Vigdorovich, V., Group, P. S., Srivastava, K., Sather, D. N., Sordillo, E. M., Bajic, G., van Bakel, H., … Krammer, F. (2021). Activity of convalescent and vaccine serum against SARS-CoV-2 Omicron. Nature. https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-021-03846-z
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Davis, N., & correspondent, N. D. S. (2021, December 31). What do we know about the Omicron Covid variant so far? The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/dec/31/what-do-we-know-about-the-omicron-covid-variant-so-far
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Best for Britain. (2022, January 1). Your 2022 reminder that Arnold Schwarzenegger is an absolute gem https://t.co/HmE81i7V0h [Tweet]. @BestForBritain. https://twitter.com/BestForBritain/status/1477209735841689606
cognitiveresearchjournal.springeropen.com cognitiveresearchjournal.springeropen.com
Swire-Thompson, B., Cook, J., Butler, L. H., Sanderson, J. A., Lewandowsky, S., & Ecker, U. K. H. (2021). Correction format has a limited role when debunking misinformation. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications, 6(1), 83. https://doi.org/10.1186/s41235-021-00346-6
virologydownunder.com virologydownunder.com
Virology Down Under. (n.d.). Virology Down Under. Retrieved 3 January 2022, from https://virologydownunder.com/
www.themoviedb.org www.themoviedb.org
TMDB (74%) JustWatch (81%) filmstarts.de (–/5) moviepilot.de (6,6/10) IMDB (6,8/10 · 5,4K)
In naher Zukunft: Cameron (Mahershala Ali) ist todkrank. Dem fürsorglichen Ehemann und Vater wird von seiner Ärztin (Glenn Close) ein Weg aufgezeigt, wie er seine Familie vor dem bevorstehenden Leid bewahrt: Er soll sich durch einen Klon ersetzen lassen, der wie eine Abbild seiner selbst aussieht. Während Cameron mit der Frage konfrontiert wird, ob er das Schicksal seiner Familie ändern soll oder nicht, lernt er immer mehr Wahrheiten über das Leben, den Verlust und die Liebe, als er sich jemals vorgestellt hätte. Cameron erkennt daraufhin immer mehr, was bedeutet, Opfer zu bringen und wie weit ein Mensch in der Lage ist zu gehen, um seinen Liebsten ein glücklicheres, besseres Leben zu ermöglichen... filmstarts.de
„Schwanengesang“ handelt von Klonen todkranker Menschen, welche den Platz ihrer Originale einnehmen sollen, damit die ahnungslose Familie nicht leiden muss. Das überwiegend ruhig erzählte und schön bebilderte Science-Fiction-Drama stellt existenzielle Fragen zu Identität, aber auch moralische, welchen Preis das Glück haben darf. Das richtet sich vor allem an ein Publikum, das gerne nachdenkt, bietet aber ebenfalls emotionale Momente, die auf das Konto von Mahershala Ali gehen. Oliver Armknecht 7,5/10
- Dec 2021
royalsocietypublishing.org royalsocietypublishing.org
Maxwell's advice was to read the four parts of the Treatise in parallel rather than in sequence.
reading the texts in parallel.
twitter.com twitter.com
Timothy Caulfield. (2021, December 30). #RobertMalone suspended by #twitter today. Reaction: 1) Great news. He has been spreading harmful #misinformation. (He has NOT contributed to meaningful/constructive scientific debate. His views demonstrably wrong & polarizing.) 2) What took so long? #ScienceUpFirst [Tweet]. @CaulfieldTim. https://twitter.com/CaulfieldTim/status/1476346919890796545
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Brand, C. O., & Stafford, T. (2021). Covid-19 vaccine dialogues increase vaccination intentions and attitudes in a vaccine-hesitant UK population. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/kz2yh
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Bansal, B. (2021). Rapid COVID-19 Test: Investigating the Willingness to Take a Rapid Test Based on Multiple Factors. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/j3t76
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
WIlliams, S. N., & Dienes, K. (2021). ‘Variant fatigue’? Public attitudes to COVID-19 18 months into the pandemic: A qualitative study. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/vam4t
Sundaram-Stukel, R., Williams, N., & Davidson, R. J. (2021). Economic and Emotional Perceptions During and After COVID19. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/zvrdj
Muth, A., Vermeer, A. L., Terenzi, D., & Park, S. Q. (2021). The impact of diet and lifestyle on wellbeing during COVID-19-lockdown. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/erta5
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
McCrackin, S., Ristic, J., Mayrand, F., & Capozzi, F. (2021). Face masks impair basic emotion recognition: Group effects and individual variability (Accepted for Publication in Social Psychology). PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/2whmp
- is:preprint
- face occlusion
- facial obstruction
- facial features
- individual differences
- emotion
- personality
- communication
- social competence
- personality traits
- face mask
- psychology
- mask wearing
- behavioral science
- lang:en
- autism
- emotion recognition
- facial expression
- COVID-19
- autistic traits
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
Transparent Peer Review
Download the complete Review Process [PDF] including:
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- authors' reply
- editorial decisions
www.statnews.com www.statnews.com
10 lessons I’ve learned from the Covid–19 pandemic. (2021, December 28). STAT. https://www.statnews.com/2021/12/28/10-lessons-ive-learned-from-the-covid-19-pandemic/
zeenews.india.com zeenews.india.com
As India approves Corbevax, here’s all you need to know about the new COVID-19 vaccine. (2021, December 28). Zee News. https://zeenews.india.com/india/india-approves-corbevax-here-s-all-you-need-to-know-about-the-new-covid-19-vaccine-2423407.html
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Murray, J. (2021, December 28). Omicron is ‘not the same disease’ as earlier Covid waves, says UK scientist. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/dec/28/omicron-is-not-the-same-disease-as-earlier-covid-waves-says-uk-scientist
tracydurnell.com tracydurnell.com
Why is dystopian sci-fi seem more ubiquitous than optomistic sci-fi?
learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.content.blackboardcdn.com learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet01-xythos.content.blackboardcdn.com
For Europeanaudiences, the indigenous critique would come as a shock to thesystem, revealing possibilities for human emancipation that, oncedisclosed, could hardly be ignored.
Indigenous peoples of the Americas critiqued European institutions for their structures and lack of freedom. In turn, while some Europeans listened, they created an evolutionary political spectrum of increasing human complexity to combat this indigenous critique.
Hobbes and Rousseau told their contemporaries things that werestartling, profound and opened new doors of the imagination. Nowtheir ideas are just tired common sense. There’s nothing in them thatjustifies the continued simplification of human affairs. If socialscientists today continue to reduce past generations to simplistic,two-dimensional caricatures, it is not so much to show us anythingoriginal, but just because they feel that’s what social scientists areexpected to do so as to appear ‘scientific’. The actual result is toimpoverish history – and as a consequence, to impoverish our senseof possibility.
The simplification required to make models and study systems can be a useful tool, but one constantly needs to go back to the actual system to make sure that future predictions and work actually fit the real world system.
Too often social theorists make assumptions which aren't supported in real life and this can be a painfully dangerous practice, especially when those assumptions are built upon in ways that put those theories out on a proverbial creaking limb.
This idea is related to the bias that Charles Mathewes points out about how we treat writers as still living or as if they never lived. see: https://hypothes.is/a/VTU2lFvZEeyiJ2tN76i4sA
Peruvian letters which was supposedly the letters home by a captured Inca princess who's trapped in France and they're commenting on French society and this is later remembered it 00:50:03 comes out in his late 1740s um it's later remembered as the first book which suggested the idea of the welfare state
The 1747 book Letters of a Peruvian Woman by the prominent saloniste Madame de Graffigny, which viewed French society through the eyes of an imaginary kidnapped Inca princess, is remembered as the first book to suggest the idea of the welfare state.
sort of classic banned tribe chief state hierarchy that 00:26:00 archeologists anthropologists still apply
Traditional hierarchy used by many archaeologists and anthropologists:
- band
- tribe
- chiefdom
- state
there's a great literature in 00:21:37 anthropology about the way that hunter-gatherer societies and many other societies action flip and alternate between very different kinds of political 00:21:49 arrangements depending partly on the time of year so one will have periods of great economic abundance let's say when the Bison or the deer or the woolly mammoth if we're in the Pleistocene 00:22:03 europe are coming through the valleys and you'll have extremely elaborate social measures put in place to make sure that hunting is successfully completed and during those periods you 00:22:17 might have a very authoritarian kind of political organization but once it's all over the society changes shape Marcel Mauss actually used the term social morphology I think to describe this 00:22:30 society moves and transforms
Marcel Mauss defines social morphology as a way that societies flip or alternate between social structures depending on the seasons based on availability of food and potentially other factors.
Perhaps to be found in Seasonal Variations of the Eskimo: A Study in Social Morphology #
evolutionary theorists like Christopher berm whose book hierarchy in the forest he's a primatologist is quite explicit about 00:11:27 this and says well this is precisely what makes human politics different from the politics of say chimpanzees or bonobos or orangutangs is what he calls our actuarial intelligence which I 00:11:39 believe what he means by this is the fact that we can in fact imagine what another kind of society might be like
Primatologist [[Christopher Boehm]] argues in his book Hierarchy in the Forest: The Evolution of Egalitarian Behavior that humans are different from our primate ancestors because homo sapiens possess actuarial intelligence, or the ability to imagine what other kinds of society might look like.
twitter.com twitter.com
ReconfigBehSci. (2021, December 18). One thing I keep coming back to in my thoughts is the formerly respected scientists who completely lost their way in this pandemic. Is there something we could be teaching young researchers that would help minimise this in future? Are there norms of science we could strengthen? [Tweet]. @SciBeh. https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1472172123829456897
news.sky.com news.sky.com
Doctor dismantles typical COVID vaccine hesitancy arguments by putting forward alternative scenario. (n.d.). Sky News. Retrieved December 21, 2021, from https://news.sky.com/story/doctor-dismantles-typical-covid-vaccine-hesitancy-arguments-by-putting-forward-alternative-scenario-12501207
twitter.com twitter.com
Peter den Haan. (2021, December 21). @dgurdasani1 Two headlines, one year apart. ~74,000 dead. Nothing learned whatsoever. Https://t.co/pjEmUoXxfA [Tweet]. @revpdh. https://twitter.com/revpdh/status/1473252947903590402
scitechdaily.com scitechdaily.com
Zewe, A., & Technology, M. I. of. (2021, December 19). MIT Scientists Find Clues to Why Fake News Snowballs on Social Media. SciTechDaily. https://scitechdaily.com/mit-scientists-find-clues-to-why-fake-news-snowballs-on-social-media/
snob.ru snob.ru
Алексей Буров 4 ноября 2021 г., 07:43 Эпоха экспертов Как обозначить эпоху, которой мы принадлежим? Общепринятый ответ — эпоха научно-технического прогресса, НТП. Возьмем его за отправную точку, ибо как тут спорить? Размах науки достиг 45 порядков величин, от видимой Вселенной до Хиггс-бозона и топ-кварка. Технический прогресс преобразил цивилизацию, создал «вторую природу», создает «второй интеллект». Удивительно, что этот космический рывок человечества произошёл на глазах всего лишь нескольких поколений. У его истока стояла очень малая группа интеллектуалов, вдохновляемых верой в то, что природа структурирована божественными математическими формами, постижимыми для человека. Их «пифагорейская вера», как я ее называю, оказалась пророческой; порожденная ею математическая физика явилась как фантастически успешное предприятие человечества. Начиная с открытия радиоволн, технические инновации были уже напрямую зависимы от открытий фундаментальной физики и пошли как из рога изобилия. Вместо сравнительно узкой группы ученых и изобретателей появились целые армии экспертов в быстро множащихся областях науки и техники. Эпоха НТП — время экспертов. Сделать карьеру, подняться по социальному статусу, стало возможным на путях экспертного образования. В высокотехнологическом мире, с его необозримым числом затребованных специальностей, такой путь открылся для многих. Отвечая этому запросу, университеты, бывшие когда-то школами целостного универсального мышления, превратились по преимуществу в кузницы экспертного знания. Техническая специализация затребована и хорошо оплачивается, но как же быть с целостным знанием? Популярный ответ на этот вопрос — забыть эту архаичную идею, отброшенную самой бурнокипящей жизнью. Кому оно нужно вообще, целостное знание? Никому, кроме редких чудаков. Да оно и невозможно — никто не обнимет необъятного. А то и похуже: химеры целостного знания производят тоталитарные системы, поэтому их следует избегать, а лучше — противодействовать им всеми способами. Всё бы ничего, но у такого решения есть один недостаток: оно самоубийственно. Система, теряющая целостность, уходит в небытие — будь то социум, организм, повесть, научная теория или личность. Недаром Платон обозначал высший уровень бытия как Единое Всеблагое, а его великий последователь Плотин сократил это обозначение до одного слова — Единое. Отцы церкви учили о предвечном Боге как Едином в трех Лицах. Любое общественное объединение возможно лишь на основе действенного согласия людей относительно главных принципов этого объединения. Социум может успешно функционировать и развиваться к лучшему лишь на основе согласия граждан относительно базовых идей справедливости, права и управления, и общий им всем корень «прав» тут не случаен. Без разделяемой гражданами некой высшей общей правды возможно лишь тотальное бесправие, царство лжи и насилия. Эта высшая правда может быть действенной лишь как высшая ценность, высший смысл — иначе она была бы лишь пустой декларацией и прикрытием для реализации особых страстей, желаний и выгод. Но что же может, а что не может быть этой «высшей правдой», и как её знать? Для этого есть, по-видимому, только один путь: по плодам их узнаете их. История человечества, цивилизации, народа, предков и моя личная — все это вместе составляет данные опыта, требующие осмысления в плане плодов тех или иных учений. Игнорирование уроков прошлого или неадекватное их осмысление неизбежно приводит к новым бедствиям: преодоление грехов и заблуждений предков возможно лишь через усилия понимания и связанных с ним очищения и восхождения. Только таким образом зрелый свободный человек и может улучшать свое представление об общем благе или высшей правде. Когда мы спрашиваем о смысле чего бы то ни было, мы спрашиваем о ценности более высокого ранга, чем то, смысл чего мы ищем. Вопросы о смысле влекут вверх по дереву ценностей, приводя к вопросу о смысле моей жизни, смысле человечества и Вселенной. Эти вопросы требуют ответов, и любой мой ответ или отказ от ответа влечет глубокие следствия для моей, и не только моей, жизни. Эти вопросы составляют полюс ценностей; чреватые трудными поворотами и жертвами, они пугают и напрягают, ответы на них порождают конфликты и войны. Многим хотелось бы от них отделаться: отвернуться, забыть об их существовании, заболтать, объявить бессмысленными, заклеймить их как неприличные, заблокировать глухими стенами табу или навязать всем и каждому одну и ту же правильную схему, сомнение в которой было бы наказуемо. Все эти виды бегства от высших вопросов тождественны бегству от свободы (Фромм), забвению себя в том или ином дурмане, тождественны тому или иному виду самоослепления, самоубийства, прямого или косвенного. Сказанное проливает дополнительный свет на фигуру эксперта, ученого или инженера, специалиста по «второй природе», технике, или «второму интеллекту», искусственному. Настоящая экспертиза требует образования и изобретательности, энергичной умственной деятельности определенного рода, увлекательной и хорошо оплачиваемой. Именно поэтому научно-техническая экспертиза предоставляет уникальные возможности для бегства от высших вопросов, бегства от свободы. Дело даже не только в том очевидном обстоятельстве, что овладение специальностью и совершенствование квалификации требует столь значительных усилий, что на прочее не остается времени. Дело еще и в том, что редукция мышления до экспертного оказывается весьма удобным, уважаемым и незаметным способом избавиться от высших вопросов. В 1950 году Эрвин Шредингер (1887-1961) прочел серию лекций, вышедших в следующем году в виде брошюры «Наука и гуманизм», где он затронул проблему экспертного знания, усмотрев в фигуре эксперта «массового человека» Ортеги-и-Гассета, обозначенного в «Восстании масс», книге 1930 года. Ниже следует комментарий Шредингера к этому наблюдению Ортеги, с обширной внутренней цитатой из «Восстания масс»: "…я бы хотел поговорить о главе La barbarie del especialismo, варварство специализации. На первый взгляд это кажется парадоксом и может шокировать. Он осмеливается [! АБ] представить специализирующегося ученого как типичного представителя грубой невежественной толпы — hombre masa (массового человека), — который угрожает выживанию истинной цивилизации. Я могу привести лишь несколько фрагментов из его восхитительного описания этого ‘типа ученого, не имеющего прецедентов в истории’. «Это человек, который из всего, что по-настоящему образованная личность должна знать, знаком только с одной конкретной наукой, более того, лишь с той ее малой частью, исследованиями в области которой он сам занимается. Он достиг точки, в которой он объявляет достоинством [! АБ] не обращать внимания на все, что находится за пределами узкой области, которую он сам культивирует, и обвиняет в дилетантстве любопытство, стремящееся к синтезу всего знания. Происходит так, что он, будучи зажатым в узких рамках своего поля зрения, действительно открывает новые факты и продвигает свою науку (которую он вряд ли знает), продвигая вместе с ней и интегрированную человеческую мысль, которую он решительно игнорирует. Как такое оказалось возможным, и каким образом это остается возможным? Ибо мы должны сильно подчеркнуть неординарность следующего неопровержимого факта: экспериментальная наука была в большой степени продвинута работой невероятно заурядных и даже более чем заурядных людей.»" (Наука и гуманизм, 1951) На мой взгляд, «варварство специалистов», отмеченное Ортегой почти век назад и подчеркнутое Шредингером двадцать лет спустя, не только не ослабло, но, оставаясь по сути тем же самым, захватило еще большие круги человечества. Дезинтеграция картины мира, сведение ее к бессмысленному калейдоскопу частных экспертных представлений и моделей, оборачивается распадом человека и социума, доминированием «последнего человека» Ницше. Спасение может прийти лишь на путях осознания беды и усилий к ее преодолению. Каким может быть смысл жизни, неуничтожимый даже гибелью Вселенной? — такой вопрос должен быть осознан и рассмотрен как предельно актуальный. Когда и если это начнет происходить, эпоха экспертов станет вытесняться временем нового цельного знания.
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Savage, M., McKie, R., & Ungoed-Thomas, J. (2021, December 18). UK scientists: Bring in curbs now or face up to 2m daily Covid infections as Omicron spreads. The Observer. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/dec/18/uk-scientists-curbs-covid-infections-omicron-deaths-restrictions-sage
sciencebasedmedicine.org sciencebasedmedicine.org
Loud Silenced Doctors | Science-Based Medicine. (2021, December 19). https://sciencebasedmedicine.org/muzzled/
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Eric Topol. (2021, November 27). View of key mutations of Omicron’s 50, with 30 in the spike protein, 15 in its receptor binding domain https://ft.com/content/42c5ff3d-e676-4076-9b9f-7243a00cba5e http://covariants.org @EllingUlrich @_b_meyer https://t.co/onMoNFVLFJ [Tweet]. @EricTopol. https://twitter.com/EricTopol/status/1464452102382448643
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Courtney, D. S., & Bliuc, A.-M. (2021). Antecedents of Vaccine Hesitancy in WEIRD and East Asian Contexts. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 5873. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.747721
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227 B.C. chiropractors threaten to sue regulatory college if vaccines ordered. (n.d.). Vancouversun. Retrieved December 17, 2021, from https://vancouversun.com/news/local-news/227-b-c-chiropractors-threaten-to-sue-regulatory-college-if-vaccines-ordered
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Convalescent plasma not efficacious in hospitalized COVID-19 patients. (n.d.). Retrieved December 17, 2021, from https://medicalxpress.com/news/2021-12-convalescent-plasma-efficacious-hospitalized-covid-.html
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Eric Topol. (2020, November 28). This will go down in history as one of science and medical research’s greatest achievements. Perhaps the most impressive. I put together a preliminary timeline of some key milestones to show how several years of work were compressed into months. Https://t.co/BPcaZwDFkl [Tweet]. @EricTopol. https://twitter.com/EricTopol/status/1332771238771630080
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Mallapaty, S., Callaway, E., Kozlov, M., Ledford, H., Pickrell, J., & Van Noorden, R. (2021). How COVID vaccines shaped 2021 in eight powerful charts. Nature. https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-021-03686-x
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
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crookedtimber.org crookedtimber.org
OK, maybe the road was longer and more tortuous than the traditional narrative suggests, but didn’t all humans end up embracing agriculture, and a form of social life characterised by hierarchy and inequality with it, eventually?
Another good question to look for clues in the text.
www.nature.com www.nature.com
Replicating scientific results is tough—But essential. (2021). Nature, 600(7889), 359–360. https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-021-03736-4
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How to report on public officials who spread misinformation. (2021, December 8). The Journalist’s Resource. https://journalistsresource.org/home/covering-misinformation-tips/
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Schmid, P., & Lewandowsky, S. (n.d.). Tackling COVID disinformation with empathy and conversation. The Conversation. Retrieved December 15, 2021, from http://theconversation.com/tackling-covid-disinformation-with-empathy-and-conversation-173013
- scientific knowledge
- compliance
- critical thinking
- risk
- communication
- is:webpage
- anti-vaccine
- exposure
- conspiracy theory
- COVID denial
- empathy
- Germany
- motivational interviewing
- science
- lang:en
- social media
- research
- infodemic
- social distancing
- COVID-19
- disinformation
- conversation
- far-right
- vaccine
- misinformation
www.biorxiv.org www.biorxiv.org
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Rahal, R.-M., & Fiedler, S. (2021). Cognitive and Affective Processes of Prosociality. Current Opinion in Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.copsyc.2021.10.007
Wu, L., Kittur, A., Youn, H., Milojević, S., Leahey, E., Fiore, S. M., & Ahn, Y. Y. (2021). Metrics and Mechanisms: Measuring the Unmeasurable in the Science of Science. ArXiv:2111.07250 [Physics]. http://arxiv.org/abs/2111.07250
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Should the definition of “fully vaccinated” be changed to include a booster shot? (2021, December 11). Los Angeles Times. https://www.latimes.com/science/story/2021-12-11/should-the-definition-of-fully-vaccinated-include-a-booster-shot
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Kit Yates. (2021, December 12). Both I and Lewis Hamilton can drive. [Tweet]. @Kit_Yates_Maths. https://twitter.com/Kit_Yates_Maths/status/1470035843851112449
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Waterschoot, J., Morbée, S., Vermote, B., Brenning, K., Flamant, N., Vansteenkiste, M., & Soenens, B. (2021). Emotion Regulation in Times of COVID-19: A Person-Centered Approach Based on Self-Determination Theory. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/n6hw7
Garrido-Vásquez, P., & Rock, T. (2021). Judgments of truth are independently modulated by affect and repetition. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/qajkb
Hignell, B., Saleemi, Z., & Valentini, E. (2021). The role of emotions on policy support and environmental advocacy. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/45pge
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Drążkowski, D., Trepanowski, R., & Fointiat, V. (2021). Vaccinating to protect others: The role of self-persuasion and empathy among young adults. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/wh4cs
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Ober, T., Cheng, Y., Carter, M., & Liu, C. (2021). Disruptiveness of COVID-19: Differences in Course Engagement, Self-appraisal, and Learning. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/b2pxd
Priniski, J. H. (2021). A Darkening Spring: How Preexisting Distrust Shaped COVID-19 Skepticism. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/49y6s
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Jørgensen, F. J., & Petersen, M. B. (2021). Considerations Underlying Parents’ Acceptance of COVID-19 Vaccines for Their Child: Evidence from Denmark. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/8e49j
aacijournal.biomedcentral.com aacijournal.biomedcentral.com
Wagner, D. N., Marcon, A. R., & Caulfield, T. (2020). “Immune Boosting” in the time of COVID: Selling immunity on Instagram. Allergy, Asthma & Clinical Immunology, 16(1), 76. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13223-020-00474-6
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Tentori, K., Pighin, S., Giovanazzi, G., Grignolio, A., Timberlake, B., & Ferro, A. (2021). Default change nudges Covid-19 vaccine uptake: A randomized controlled trial. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/9bsjg
twitter.com twitter.com
AIMOS. (2021, November 30). How can we connect #metascience to established #science fields? Find out at this afternoon’s session at #aimos2021 Remco Heesen @fallonmody Felipe Romeo will discuss. Come join us. #OpenScience #OpenData #reproducibility https://t.co/dEW2MkGNpx [Tweet]. @aimos_inc. https://twitter.com/aimos_inc/status/1465485732206850054
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
what they see as our three basic freedoms: the freedom to disobey, the freedom to go somewhere else, and the freedom to create new social arrangements?
What is the state? the authors ask. Not a single stable package that’s persisted all the way from pharaonic Egypt to today, but a shifting combination of, as they enumerate them, the three elementary forms of domination: control of violence (sovereignty), control of information (bureaucracy), and personal charisma (manifested, for example, in electoral politics).
The story is linear (the stages are followed in order, with no going back), uniform (they are followed the same way everywhere), progressive (the stages are “stages” in the first place, leading from lower to higher, more primitive to more sophisticated), deterministic (development is driven by technology, not human choice), and teleological (the process culminates in us).
This might be the case if the tools drove the people, but isn't it more likely the way in which different people use the tools?
Which direction gives rise to more complexity?
www.bbc.co.uk www.bbc.co.uk
New Covid variant: How worried should we be? (2021, November 25). BBC News. https://www.bbc.com/news/health-59418127
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Devlin, H., & Kollewe, J. (2021, November 26). BioNTech says it could tweak Covid vaccine in 100 days if needed. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/society/2021/nov/26/biontech-says-it-could-tweak-covid-vaccine-in-100-days-if-needed
- immunity
- spike protein
- booster
- variant-specific booster
- transmissibility
- Pfizer
- mutation
- effectiveness
- science
- lang:en
- Omicron
- protection
- research
- clinical trials
- variant
- COVID-19
- development
- BioNTech
- escape variant
- is:news
- vaccine
theguardian.com/society/2021/nov/26/biontech-says-it-could-tweak-covid-vaccine-in-100-days-if-needed -
Cotterill, J. (2021, November 26). South African anger over ‘rushed’ Covid travel restrictions. Financial Times. https://www.ft.com/content/6a177732-4faf-4ecb-adc1-667c22248e0f
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Sridhar, D. (2021, November 28). How bad will the Omicron Covid variant be in Britain? Three things will tell us. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/nov/28/omicron-covid-variant-britain-southern-africa
- travel restrictions
- mask mandate
- stock market
- data
- travel ban
- immunity
- booster
- testing
- vaccine efficacy
- mask wearing
- public health measures
- South Africa
- science
- virus genome
- Omicron
- lang:en
- predominant strain
- government
- hospitalization
- protection
- home-testing kit
- health outcome
- variant
- UK
- mortality
- COVID-19
- vaccine
- strategy
- is:news
- transmission
- England
www.abbott.com www.abbott.com
Evaluating Omicron and Other COVID Variants to Ensure Test Effectiveness. (n.d.). Abbott. Retrieved December 3, 2021, from https://www.abbott.com/corpnewsroom/diagnostics-testing/monitoring-covid-variants-to-ensure-test-effectiveness.html
Local file Local file
Lem (2013|1964) - Summa Technologiae
- urn:x-pdf:5031d3c213785432ebeb874d29816262
- https://is.gd/2P81cg
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
computer engineering, microarchitecture, also called computer organization and sometimes abbreviated as µarch or uarch, is the way a given instruction set architecture (ISA) is implemented in a particular processor.[1] A given ISA may be implemented with different microarchitectures;[2][3] implementations may vary due to different goals of a given design or due to shifts in technology.[4]
Microarchitecture (µarch) What Does Microarchitecture (µarch) Mean? Microarchitecture, abbreviated as µarch or uarch, is the fundamental design of a microprocessor. It includes the technologies used, resources and the methods by which the processor is physically designed in order to execute a specific instruction set (ISA or instruction set architecture). Simply put, it is the logical design of all electronic components and data paths present in the microprocessor, laid out in a specific way that it allows for optimal execution of instructions. In academe this is called computer organization.
Techopedia Explains Microarchitecture (µarch) Microarchitecture is the logical representation of how a microprocessor is designed so that the interconnections between components – the control unit, the arithmetic logic unit, registers and others – interact in an optimized manner. This includes how buses, the data pathways between components, are laid out to dictate the shortest paths and proper connections. In modern microprocessors there are often several layers to deal with complexity. The basic idea is to lay out a circuit that could execute commands and operations that are defined in an instruction set.
A technique that is currently used in microarchitecture is the pipelined datapath. It is a technique that allows a form of parallelism that is applied in data processing by allowing several instructions to overlap in execution. This is done by having multiple execution pipelines that run in parallel or close to parallel.
Execution units are also a crucial aspect of microarchitecture. Execution units perform the operations or calculations of the processor. The choice of the number of execution units, their latency and throughput is a central microarchitectural design consideration. The size, latency, throughput and connectivity of memories within the system are also microarchitectural decisions.
Another part of a microarchitecture is system-level design. This includes decisions on performance such as level and connectivity of input, as well as output and I/O devices.
Microarchitectural design pays closer attention to restrictions than capability. A microarchitecture design decision directly affects what goes into a system; it heeds to issues such as:
Performance Chip area/cost Logic complexity Ease of debugging Testability Ease of connectivity Power consumption Manufacturability A good microarchitecture is one that caters to all of these criteria.
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Tunç, D. U., Tunç, M. N., & Eper, Z. B. (2021). Is Open Science Neoliberal? PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/ft8dc
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
In general, an ISA defines the supported instructions, data types, registers, the hardware support for managing main memory, fundamental features (such as the memory consistency, addressing modes, virtual memory), and the input/output model of a family of implementations of the ISA.
Instruction Set Architecture defines all logical steps (performed by their corresponding digital logical design hardware) which realizing all computing tasks facilitating our life.
onlinelibrary.wiley.com onlinelibrary.wiley.com
Sloman, S. A. (2021). How Do We Believe? Topics in Cognitive Science, 0(2021), 1–14. https://doi.org/10.1111/tops.12580
- sophisticated associative model
- pattern recognition
- knowledge
- representational scheme
- unfamiliar circumstance
- cognitive science
- predictability
- information processing
- causal reasoning
- dual system of thinking
- lang:en
- is:article
- generalizability
- representational language
- human thought
- memory
- Nov 2021
link.springer.com link.springer.com
Malamud’s General Index
dasaptaerwin.net dasaptaerwin.net
it builds on the following key pillars: open scientific knowledge, open science infrastructures, science communication, open engagement of societal actors and open dialogue with other knowledge systems.
penerbitan makalah di jurnal open access jelas hanyasebagian kecil saja dari lima pilar kunci: open scientific knowledge, open science infrastructures, science communication, open engagement of societal actors.
Deploying appropriate monitoring and evaluation mechanisms
rekomendasi pertama: membuat instrumen monev untuk implementasi sains terbuka pada level nasional di negara masing-masing. >> ini akan dan telah terbukti juga menggunakan layanan komersial.
link.aps.org link.aps.org
Kumar, A., Chowdhary, S., Capraro, V., & Perc, M. (2021). Evolution of honesty in higher-order social networks. Physical Review E, 104(5), 054308. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.104.054308
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
He goes on to warn that “the broader evangelical population has increasingly heeded populist leaders who dismiss the results of modern learning from whatever source.”
he = Mark Noll
unherd.com unherd.com
The Left’s Covid failure. (2021, November 23). UnHerd. https://unherd.com/2021/11/the-lefts-covid-failure/
- mainstream
- lockdown
- income
- polarization
- vaccination
- policy
- is:webpage
- neoliberalism
- socio-economic
- epidemiology
- economy
- political spectrum
- science
- COVID passport
- working class
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- COVID-19
- vaccine
- socialism
- right-wing
- strategy
- public health
- political affiliation
- left-wing
- intervention
- transmission
- Western society
twitter.com twitter.com
Tania Bubela. (2021, November 17). New resources on #COVID19vaccines & #pregnancy from the fantastic group @CDCofBC Indigenous Knowledge Translation Working Group. @HarlanPruden working to meet knowledge needs of Indigenous communities in ways that are meaningful. @ScienceUpFirst take note! @SFU_FHS @CaulfieldTim https://t.co/oK3WJUj9p6 [Tweet]. @bubela_tania. https://twitter.com/bubela_tania/status/1460776956379557889
deepblue.lib.umich.edu deepblue.lib.umich.edu
"The Guide to Social Science Data Preparation and Archiving is aimed at those engaged in the cycle of research, from applying for a research grant, through the data collection phase, and ultimately to preparation of the data for deposit in a public archive: " from tweet
onlinelibrary.wiley.com onlinelibrary.wiley.com
Pugel, J., Long, E. C., Fernandes, M. A., Cruz, K., Giray, C., Crowley, D. M., & Scott, J. T. (n.d.). Who is listening? Profiles of policymaker engagement with scientific communication. Policy & Internet, n/a(n/a). https://doi.org/10.1002/poi3.273
www.frontiersin.org www.frontiersin.org
Al-Hasan, A., Khuntia, J., & Yim, D. (2021). Does Seeing What Others Do Through Social Media Influence Vaccine Uptake and Help in the Herd Immunity Through Vaccination? A Cross-Sectional Analysis. Frontiers in Public Health, 9, 1668. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2021.715931
www.templeton.org www.templeton.org
twitter.com twitter.com
Prof. Christina Pagel. (2021, November 3). Good @NatGeo article by @Ecquis on the growing AY.4.2 variant in the UK with lots of great experts explaining it. And a little bit of me too! At its current growth rate, it will probably become dominant in UK by the end of the year. Https://t.co/X9O9kbew2L [Tweet]. @chrischirp. https://twitter.com/chrischirp/status/1455899379475361795
www.nature.com www.nature.com
Cauchemez, S., & Bosetti, P. (2021). A reconstruction of early cryptic COVID spread. Nature. https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-021-02989-3
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Rees, F., Geiger, M., Lilleholt, L., Zettler, I., Betsch, C., Böhm, R., & Wilhelm, O. (2021). Measuring parents’ readiness to vaccinate themselves and their children against COVID-19. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/wrgce
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Kale, S. (2021, November 11). Chakras, crystals and conspiracy theories: How the wellness industry turned its back on Covid science. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/nov/11/injecting-poison-will-never-make-you-healthy-how-the-wellness-industry-turned-its-back-on-covid-science
docdrop.org docdrop.org
I think the reason that all the spiritual traditions have got this concept of "we are all connected inside of it" is because the societies that actually deeply adopt this idea are the ones that over time deepen their level of consideration, deepen their level of expression, deepen their level of understanding for each other. 00:16:40 This is the reason that this idea pops up over and over at the core of spiritual traditions. And I hope through this talk you see that the reason that it appears at the core of science is it's actually something that is just literally true of the physical universe at every single level of organization and every single manifestation of matter, energy, and life.
This is a good alignment showing that at the deepest level, the fundamental aspiration and values of science and religion are the same: interconnectedness.
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Zubek, J., Ziembowicz, K., Pokropski, M., Gwiaździński, P., Denkiewicz, M., & Boros, A. (2021). Rhythms of the day: How electronic media and daily routines influence mood during COVID-19 pandemic. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/czg27
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Adler, J. M., & Wang, K. (2021). Narrative identity among people with disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic: The interdependent self. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/6724x
www.nature.com www.nature.com
COVID is disrupting scientific careers around the world. (2021). Nature, 599(7884), 179–179. https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-021-03049-6
Kwiek, M. (2021). The Globalization of Science: The Increasing Power of Individual Scientists. MetaArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31222/osf.io/gj4aq
thomashuebl.com thomashuebl.com
whose lifelong work integrates the core insights of the great wisdom traditions and mysticism with the discoveries of science.
tezos.com tezos.com
In our Design Science Studio session today, Niki Selken suggested that we purchase Tezos to experiment with NFTs.
wallet.kukai.app wallet.kukai.appKukai1
Niki Selken, Gray Area, shared Kukai with the Design Science Studio today as an easy way to get some crypto, using a single sign on with Google.
Tanzer, M., Campbell, C., Saunders, R., Luyten, P., Booker, T., & Fonagy, P. (2021). Acquiring knowledge: Epistemic trust in the age of fake news. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/g2b6k
www.menshealth.com www.menshealth.com
Caulfield, T. (2021, October 18). The Golden Age of Junk Science Is Killing Us. Men’s Health. https://www.menshealth.com/health/a37910261/how-junk-science-and-misinformation-hurt-us/
- wellbeing
- ideology
- news
- pseudoscience
- wellness
- worldview
- media
- policy
- is:webpage
- trust
- conspiracy theory
- fake news
- negativity bias
- science
- lang:en
- social media
- vaccine-safety
- scientific community
- discrimination
- infodemic
- popular culture
- COVID-19
- stigma
- health
- vaccine hesitancy
- vaccine
- misinformation
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Wiseman, E. (2021, October 17). The dark side of wellness: The overlap between spiritual thinking and far-right conspiracies. The Observer. https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2021/oct/17/eva-wiseman-conspirituality-the-dark-side-of-wellness-how-it-all-got-so-toxic
- spirituality
- wellbeing
- ideology
- wellness industry
- online community
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www.polygraph.info www.polygraph.info
Echols, W. (n.d.). Wild Conspiracy Theory Linking Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine To ‘Lucifer’ Goes Viral. POLYGRAPH.Info. Retrieved November 8, 2021, from https://www.polygraph.info/a/fact-check-pfizer-vaccine-luciferase-newsmax/31546045.html
kottke.org kottke.org
journals.sagepub.com journals.sagepub.com
Kovacs, M., Hoekstra, R., & Aczel, B. (2021). The Role of Human Fallibility in Psychological Research: A Survey of Mistakes in Data Management. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 4(4), 25152459211045930. https://doi.org/10.1177/25152459211045930
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