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- drug
- pandemic
- is:article
- overdose
- scientist
- contribution
- COVID-19
- testing
- ivermectin
- laboratory
- cure
- lang:en
- false science
- death
- dread
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- sore throat
- runny nose
- dominant strain
- sneezing
- advice
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- infection
- COVID-19
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- winter
- Germany
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- infection
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- epidemic
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- intervention
- government
- harsh
- warning
- advisor
- is:news
- measure
- UK
- winter
- long-lasting
- lang:en
- infection
- rapid action
- COVID-19
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- epidemiology
- science
- protection
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- UK
- vaccine
- booster
- data analysis
- research
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- risk
- transmission
- COVID-19
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- health threat
- safety
- risk perception
- protection
- young people
- mortality
- is:blog
- vaccine hesitancy
- COVID-19
- herd immunity
- government
- vaccination uptake
- anti-vaccine
- public health authority
- adolescence
- vaccine
- UK
- hospitalization
- children
- infection rate
- lang:en
- side effects
- transmission
- statistics
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- is:tweet
- school
- gender
- benefit
- pandemic
- smoking
- immune system
- age
- affected
- learning
- data
- fear
- servere acute infection
- low income
- COVID-19
- loss
- symptom
- uncertainty
- test
- hospitalization
- lang:en
- death
- syndrome
- positive
- normal
- sick
- infected
- risk factor
- disease
- combination
- mask
- infection
- risk
- adult
- prevalence
- cognitive
- long covid
- deprivation
- change
- persistent
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