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The problem here is the "if" you're fully vaccinated part, which 50% or more likely still haven't done, but are going maskless anyway.
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Unfortunately, this simple, lifesaving practice has become part of a political debate that says: If you’re for Trump, you don’t wear a mask; if you’re against Trump, you do... The stakes are much too high for that.”
Honestly it is upsetting the debate about wether you wear a mask or you don’t because it is not political. You should be wearing a mask and taking precautions because it is literal human lives in danger. And if you don’t want to wear a mask then stay at home.
This dynamic is playing out during the pandemic among the many people who refuse to wear masks or practice social distancing.
people who are refusing not to wear a mask are not helping reduce transmission of coronavirus
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- San Francisco
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- COVID-19
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- effectiveness
- transmission reduction
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Jefferson, T., Jones, M., Al Ansari, L. A., Bawazeer, G., Beller, E., Clark, J., Conly, J., Del Mar, C., Dooley, E., Ferroni, E., Glasziou, P., Hoffman, T., Thorning, S., & Van Driel, M. (2020). Physical interventions to interrupt or reduce the spread of respiratory viruses. Part 1 - Face masks, eye protection and person distancing: Systematic review and meta-analysis [Preprint]. Public and Global Health. https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.03.30.20047217
science.sciencemag.org science.sciencemag.org
Braun, J. von, Zamagni, S., & Sorondo, M. S. (2020). The moment to see the poor. Science, 368(6488), 214–214. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.abc2255
www.godaddy.com www.godaddy.com
What's the difference between domain forwarding and masking?Domain forwarding (sometimes called connecting, pointing or redirecting) lets you automatically direct your domain's visitors to a different location on the web. If your domain is registered with GoDaddy and you use our nameservers, you can forward your GoDaddy domain to a site you've created with Wix, Wordpress or any other URL. Domain forwarding has two options: forwarding only and forwarding with masking. Both options will redirect your visitors, but forwarding with masking has additional features you can use. Forwarding only Redirects visitors to a destination URL of your choosing Keeps the destination URL in the browser address bar Example: Assign coolexample.com to forward only to coolwebsite.net. When a visitor types coolexample.com in a browser address bar, they will be redirected to the site for coolwebsite.net. The browser address bar will update to show coolwebsite.net. Forwarding with masking Redirects visitors to a destination URL of your choosing Keeps your domain name in the browser address bar Allows you to enter meta-tags for search engine information Example: Assign coolexample.com to forward with masking to coolwebsite.net. When a visitor types coolexample.com in a browser address bar, they will be redirected to the site for coolwebsite.net. The browser address bar will continue to show coolexample.com, effectively masking the destination URL. Related step Is domain forwarding right for you? Set up forwarding in your GoDaddy account.
www.godaddy.com www.godaddy.com
Forwarding with masking Hi @jacob2071. Thanks for being part of GoDaddy Community! Our forward masking loads the target website within an iframe. Since the domain that the forwarding is on does not have an SSL certificate, it will not work with HTTPS, even though the target site might have an SSL Certificate. I hope that helps. JesseW - GoDaddy | Community Manager | 24/7 support available at x.co/247support | Remember to choose a solution and give kudos
www.nature.com www.nature.com
Leung, N.H.L., Chu, D.K.W., Shiu, E.Y.C. et al. Respiratory virus shedding in exhaled breath and efficacy of face masks. Nat Med (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41591-020-0843-2
www.thelancet.com www.thelancet.com
Cheng, K. K., Lam, T. H., & Leung, C. C. (2020). Wearing face masks in the community during the COVID-19 pandemic: Altruism and solidarity. The Lancet, S0140673620309181. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(20)30918-1
doi.org doi.org
Atchison, C. J., Bowman, L., Vrinten, C., Redd, R., Pristera, P., Eaton, J. W., & Ward, H. (2020). Perceptions and behavioural responses of the general public during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional survey of UK Adults [Preprint]. Public and Global Health. https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.04.01.20050039
- modeling
- risk perception
- behavior
- adult
- self-isolation
- is:preprint
- response
- social distancing
- lockdown
- COVID-19
- minority
- statistics
- cross-sectional
- UK
- transmission dynamics
- quarentine
- government
- economy
- perception
- face mask
- data collection
- lang:en
- policy
- demographics
- handwashing
- prevention
- survey
www.tagesschau.de www.tagesschau.de
tagesschau.de. (n.d.). Robert Koch-Institut ändert Einschätzung zu Mundschutz. tagesschau.de. Retrieved April 8, 2020, from https://www.tagesschau.de/inland/schutzmasken-coronavirus-103.html
- Mar 2020
hypothes.is hypothes.is
Birds of Prey: Black Mask's Suit is Trending Everywhere
Bringing characters on to the big screen, DC Comics has been a step ahead of Marvel Comics, it's longtime rival, in terms of giving cinematic life to its underrated super villains like Roman Sionis Black Mask.
Featured in Harley Quinn: Birds of Prey, Black Mask is a crime lord who rules over the underground world of the city of Gotham. Kind of a maniac who loves taking delight in torturing the innocents, Roman is one of the ugliest men to live in Batman's city.
As the story goes on and Black Mask is featured in Birds of Prey, you can rush to the nearby cinema to watch the DC Comics' latest film based on the supervillain character of Harley Quinn while knowing more about one of the biggest criminal-minded figures to exist in Gotham.
Although Birds of Prey has already been watched by thousands of DC Comics fans, many have taken it to social media and other online forums to admire the wardrobes of each and every character featured in the film.
While Harley Quinn's multi-colored wardrobe has already received millions of likes on social media, Black Mask's corporate slave like an outfit is also earning a considerable number of likes and comments for the masterminds behind it.
A mind blogging attire featuring a unique pattern, the so-called Black Mask Birds of Prey Suit is a wardrobe better than many of the rivals of the supervillain. Specifically, when you compare it with the formal wardrobe given to Batman or Superman, you tend to find a great difference allowing the former to look better than the latter.
The difference is so striking that, regardless of the nature of the character, you might prefer Roman's suit with your eyes closed. Ironically, despite the fact, Roman is an ugly creature with no beautiful face to show the world, his style, and manly attitude while meeting his counterparts or rivals put him on top of the list of the worth-following characters in the world of DC Comics.
You check out every other wardrobe rocked by the supervillain and you will find an immense level of creativity dominating his clothing style. This absolutely indicates, the bad guy cares about his physical features and tries his level best to get rid of the ugliness showered to him by an accident during his birth. Every other outfit of Black Mask is surely the result of the inferiority complex surrounding the supervillain from the very first day and often making him think like a useless creature with nobody to love him which makes him put on the luxurious wear to overcome the destructive thought patterns while allowing him to deal with the unworthy phenomenon of inferiority.
Although it should be very clear, ever since the wealthy character Roman has been featured in Harley Quinn's solo film, the number of his fans has jumped from thousands to millions with most of them are among the die-hard fans of his passion for fashion.
The very well developed, finely designed and greatly stitched black suit sported by Black Mask is a great piece to be considered for formal parties and get together events with the formal clothing theme. Regardless of who the suit has been inspired from, you could choose to try it for a fascinating yet hot appearance while hoping to be admired by the self-proclaimed fashion gurus in your friend list. If there is anything worthy that Roman's character has given to his fans and that could be added to an apparel collection as something special reminding of him then it's his sizzling hot suit with perfection dominating it from bottom to the top.
- Sep 2019
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- Apr 2018
Local file Local file
According to hooks, the “assumption that [we]are somehow an earthy mother goddess who has built-incapacities to deal with all manner of hardship withoutbreaking down, physically or mentally” (p. 70)
IMPORTANT. everyone in the play is said to be wearing a mask. this mask is the symbolism of her hiding from her suffering and mental illness.
*must read hooks'
- Jun 2017
www.herodot.world www.herodot.worldHerodot1
Many masks were gold to demonstrate the imporance of the character.