1,525 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2021
  2. Mar 2021
    1. Gita Gopinath. (2021, March 26). Here is a snapshot of the largest producers of vaccines. Much more supply is in the pipeline but all countries will need to share. It is essential to vaccinate the most vulnerable in the world now for the benefit of everyone. The pandemic is not over until it is over everywhere https://t.co/udBMkw6Pnl [Tweet]. @GitaGopinath. https://twitter.com/GitaGopinath/status/1375557532224225282

    1. Yet after the $1.9tn coronavirus relief package, deficit angst is back in some circles, and the upcoming infrastructure and climate bill could cost another $2tn. President Joe Biden proposed a raft of new tax increases during his campaign that will be fiercely opposed by Republicans and business groups. In this showdown, climate investments should be prioritised — even if they are deficit financed.
    1. David Leonhardt. (2021, February 19). - About 1/3 of military troops who’ve been offered vaccine shots have declined. - When shots became available to Ohio nursing-home workers, 60% said no. - Among frontline workers in SoCal, the share was 40-50%. - N.B.A. stars are wary of doing public-services ads. (2/x) [Tweet]. @DLeonhardt. https://twitter.com/DLeonhardt/status/1362768083899793413

    1. Prof. Devi Sridhar. (2020, March 25). We will be stuck in an endless cycle of lockdown/release for next 18 months, if we do not start mass testing, tracing, & isolating those who are carriers of the virus while pursuing rapid research for antiviral treatment or vaccine. This is the message the public needs to hear. [Tweet]. @devisridhar. https://twitter.com/devisridhar/status/1242743618986745861

    1. Ashish K. Jha, MD, MPH. (2020, December 12). Michigan vs. Ohio State Football today postponed due to COVID But a comparison of MI vs OH on COVID is useful Why? While vaccines are coming, we have 6-8 hard weeks ahead And the big question is—Can we do anything to save lives? Lets look at MI, OH for insights Thread [Tweet]. @ashishkjha. https://twitter.com/ashishkjha/status/1337786831065264128

    1. Preliminary results from the first year are tantalizing for anyone interested in solutions to address rising inequality in the United States, especially as they manifest along racial and gender lines. Within the first year, the study’s participants obtained jobs at twice the rate of the control group. At the beginning of the study, 28 percent of the participants had full-time employment, and after the first year, that number rose to 40 percent.

      This is what happened when 125 participants were given $500/month over two years to see what would happen.

    1. ReconfigBehSci. ‘RT @ashishkjha: Over Past Week We Got 11.4 Million Doses into Arms 5.6 Million Were 1st Doses 5.8 Million Were 2nd Doses That’s a Proble…’. Tweet. @SciBeh (blog), 1 March 2021. https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1366421544495382533.

    1. Prado-Vivar, Belén, Mónica Becerra-Wong, Juan José Guadalupe, Sully Márquez, Bernardo Gutierrez, Patricio Rojas-Silva, Michelle Grunauer, Gabriel Trueba, Verónica Barragán, and Paúl Cárdenas. ‘A Case of SARS-CoV-2 Reinfection in Ecuador’. The Lancet Infectious Diseases 0, no. 0 (23 November 2020). https://doi.org/10.1016/S1473-3099(20)30910-5.

    1. The US is trapped in a post-Trump hate and rage, cultivated by FOX news and right-wing militias.

      It seems the Americans have no antibodies to he right-wing propaganda, as Europeans do.

    1. Ashish K. Jha, MD, MPH. (2020, November 20). Today was a very, very odd day I testified before @senatehomeland They held a hearing on hydroxychloroquine. Yup, HCQ In the middle of the worst surge of pandemic HCQ It was clear how our information architecture shapes questions of science and medicine of COVID A thread [Tweet]. @ashishkjha. https://twitter.com/ashishkjha/status/1329646432958156801

    1. ReconfigBehScii [@Scibeh] [2021-03-04] this debate feels increasingly like an exchange where one side isn't even listening to the other any more... arguments need to be cumulative, collecting pros and cons into one place for summary evaluation. Without such tools, Twitter just helps debates go around in circles. Twitter. https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1367058478444015616

    1. In this pivotal year for climate action, much will depend on the updated 2030 emissions-reduction target that the US sets for itself. To meet the challenge at hand, the new target will need to be even more ambitious than the 50% reduction in greenhouse-gas emissions (from 2005 levels) that is currently being floated in Washington.
    1. The COVID Tracking Project. (2020, November 11). Our daily update is published. States reported 1.2 million tests and 131k cases, the highest single-day total since the pandemic started. There are 62k people currently hospitalized with COVID-19. The death toll was 1,347. Https://t.co/WPoX9Nj7ef [Tweet]. @COVID19Tracking. https://twitter.com/COVID19Tracking/status/1326321342933831680

  3. Feb 2021
    1. The Intercept was able to determine that those calls were made to Ellicott City, where Basil and his wife used to own property, and to neighboring Cantonsville

      This is a weak link between basil & phone usage.

    2. he SIM card from one of them was removed and placed in a cell phone registered to the U.S. Embassy. It was a direct link between the covert operation and the U.S. government. Investigators then traced more than 40 calls to and from the U.S. Embassy involving the phone. The numbers listed in the ADAE report include the embassy’s main number, the emergency after-hours number, the Marine guard, and the FBI office. There was even a call to a women’s clothing store in Athens, Rouge Paris.

      These phone calls linked US Embassy.

    3. investigators traced four of the shadow cell phones to the shop in Piraeus. There, the prosecutor showed pictures of Basil and his wife, Irene, to the store’s manager. “She is known” to the store, the manager said. The prosecutor then noted in his report that Irene was “acting as designated by him [Basil] and on his behalf.” And according to registered deeds, the family of Irene Basil has long owned a home in Piraeus just a few miles from the shop.

      Basil linked to phones with this sloppy act.

    4. In May, a Greek terrorist organization, “Revolutionary Struggle,” attempted to assassinate Voulgarakis with a remote-controlled bomb.

      Οι Αμερικανοί εδειχναν τον Βουλγαράκη υπεύθυνο για τη διαρροή πως πίσω από τις υποκλοπές vodafone κρυβονταν η Πρεσβεία.

    5. Ries suspected Voulgarakis of the leak. Calling him “a less reliable ally,” Ries said Voulgarakis “has allowed rumors to circulate that the U.S. is behind [the] major eavesdropping case in Greece.”

      Ο Βουλγαρακης δεν τα'χε καλα με τους Αμερικανους.

    6. Minister of Public Order George Voulgarakis and several other officials finally held a televised press conference in February 2006.

      Ο Βουλγράκης ανελαβε την παρουσίαση του σκανδάλου στα ΜΜΕ.

    1. ReconfigBehSci. (2020, December 5). RT @bhrenton: On average, one person in the U.S. died of Covid-19 every 43 seconds last week. On this morning’s @CNNnewsroom, @Christi_Paul… [Tweet]. @SciBeh. https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1335906973750059009

    1. Hodcroft, E. B., Domman, D. B., Oguntuyo, K., Snyder, D. J., Diest, M. V., Densmore, K. H., Schwalm, K. C., Femling, J., Carroll, J. L., Scott, R. S., Whyte, M. M., Edwards, M. D., Hull, N. C., Kevil, C. G., Vanchiere, J. A., Lee, B., Dinwiddie, D. L., Cooper, V. S., & Kamil, J. P. (2021). Emergence in late 2020 of multiple lineages of SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein variants affecting amino acid position 677. MedRxiv, 2021.02.12.21251658. https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.02.12.21251658

    1. τερατώδη συμμαχία μεταξύ των δεξιών Αμερικάνων Προτεσταντών και της Καθολικής Εκκλησίας να εναντιωθούν σε οποιαδήποτε βοήθεια ελέγχου των γεννήσεων στις χώρες του Τρίτου Κόσμου,
  4. Jan 2021
    1. Mr. Biden also on Wednesday issued a sweeping presidential memorandum instructing agencies to make what the White House called “evidence-based decisions guided by the best available science and data.” Every agency, not just those that do scientific research, must appoint “scientific integrity” officials.
    1. En 1945, Bugsy Siegel, l’un des plus importants de ces criminels, a commencé à construire le Flamingo, le premier grand complexe hôtelier et de casino de la ville. Il contracte une dette importante auprès de Meyer Lansky et d’autres associés de la mafia, et les premiers mois d’activité du Flamingo sont incertains

      Ville de Las Vegas Lire la suite ....

    2. Les premiers Européens connus à avoir pénétré dans la région étaient les membres d’un groupe d’exploration espagnol dirigé par le commerçant de Santa Fe Antonio Armijo et un éclaireur, Rafael Rivera, qui cherchaient une nouvelle route de Santa Fe à Los Angeles. Arrivé dans la région en 1829

      Les premiers colons dans l'ouest américain

    3. les Paiute font partie des descendants, ont été les premiers habitants de la région, il y a environ 12 000 ans

      Premiers habitants de Las Vegas

    1. La vie culturelle à Las Vegas Lire la suite ...

    2. Avec la construction de complexes tels que le Mirage (ouvert en 1989) et le Mandalay Bay (1999), l’architecture des casinos de Las Vegas s’est complètement écartée des formes des années 1950 et 1960, devenant encore plus spectaculaire.

      The Mirage au nord du Las Vegas Strip et le Mandalay Bay au sud.

    3. la vie culturelle de la ville a eu tendance à se concentrer sur ses casinos et ses hôtels, dont beaucoup sont des chefs-d’œuvre d’architecture monumentale ; situés le long de l’éblouissante promenade du Strip de Las Vegas Boulevard

      Le Strip de Las Vegas et les hôtels qui y sont installés sont le centre d'activités principale de la ville

    1. Kerry, the former US secretary of state, acknowledged that America had been absent from the international effort to contain dangerous global heating during Donald Trump’s presidency but added that “today no country and no continent is getting the job done”.
    1. Even before Mr. Biden was inaugurated on Wednesday, some Republicans lashed out against his new policy direction.

      Bericht über die ersten Executive Orders Bidens zum Klimanotstand und über die Widerstände dagegen.

    1. Dr. Theresa Chapple [@Theresa_Chapple} (2020-07-27) A thread on U.S. #camps and #schools that experienced #COVID19 outbreaks since opening. I'll continually add to this thread as more are reported.Twitter. Retrieved from: https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1288158173438910464

    1. Dave. D. M., Friedson. A. I., Matsuzawa. K., McNichols. D.. Sabia. J. J. (2020). .Did the Wisconsin Supreme Court Restart a COVID-19 Epidemic? Evidence from a Natural Experiment. Institute of Labor Economics. Retrieved from: https://covid-19.iza.org/publications/dp13314/

  5. Dec 2020
    1. KFF (Kaiser Family Foundation) @KFF (2020) RT @KFF @DrewAltman discusses two fundamental policy decisions made by the Trump administration that set the U.S. on the controversial an…

  6. Nov 2020
  7. Oct 2020
    1. Umfrage unter amerikanischen Wählern im Jahr 2020, die zeigt, dass die Klimakrise immer noch eine geringe Priorität hat und dass die meisten die Folgen von Temperaturerhöhungen nicht einschätzen können. Via Genvieve Günther auf Twitter https://twitter.com/doctorvive/status/1308760710470676480?s=21