430 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2021
    1. What will you do if your country would be under attack by bandits? You will surely transform into a super robot , isn't it?
    1. We are are continuing our commitment to creating our games that are free and widely accessible anyone that is curious by making our game files available under Creative Commons license BY–NC–SA 4.0. That means we will continue offering a full, free print-and-play kit for Pax Pamir, and later this campaign, John Company! Anyone can use, remix, and share the game, so long as they do not use it for commercial purposes. 
    1. Going through different search systems brings us some fruits in the form of indistinct mumbling about the untimely closed I/O data streams, TTYs and PTYs (pseudoterminals) and all the rest of it.
    2. Apart from some dodgy English (‘let’s don’t’ for example)
    3. Pretty good writing for what seems evident to be a non-native speaker of English

  2. Mar 2021
    1. CONSEQUENCES JURIDIQUES DU DEFAUT D’ACCUSE DE RECEPTION. Article L112-6 CRPASi l’administration n’accuse pas réception de la demande, ou le fait demanière incorrecte (mentions incomplètes ou erronées), les délais derecours ne sont pas opposables à l’auteur de la demande.L’usager pourra donc contester votre décision implicite à tout momentdevant la juridiction administrative.Il est donc important pour la sécurité juridique de vos décisions, derespecter les règles tant sur la forme que sur le fond.
    1. You may communicate more than a binary outcome of an activity. For instance, a controller endpoint activity could have end events for success and failure, but also for “not authorized”, or “validation failed”. You’re not limited to a binary setup here.
  3. Feb 2021
    1. A nested activity doesn’t have to have two ends, only.
    2. Adding ends to an activity is a beautiful way to communicate more than two outcomes to the outer world without having to use a state field in the ctx. It also allows wiring those outcomes to different tracks in the container activity.
    1. Good intentions, but I doubt there's any relation of the origin of the terms blacklist/whitelist to race. There are many idioms and phrases in the English language that make use of colours without any racial backstories. I haven't met any black person (myself included) who was ever offended by the use of "blacklist".
    1. What is the opposite of free content?

      The opposite of free/open-source software is proprietary software or non-free software (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proprietary_software).

      So should we call the opposite of free content "non-free content"? Or "proprietary content"?

      Seems likes either would be fine.

      Looks like https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Non-free_content prefers the term "non-free content".

      Couldn't find anyone contrasting these 2 terms (like I could no doubt find for software):

      Not to be confused with:

      • paid content ... just like:
      • free content should not be confused with gratis content (?)
      • free software should not be confused with freeware
    1. What this means is: I better refrain from writing a new book and we rather focus on more and better docs.

      I'm glad. I didn't like that the book (which is essentially a form of documentation/tutorial) was proprietary.

      I think it's better to make documentation and tutorials be community-driven free content

    2. Using a terminus to indicate a certain outcome - in turn - allows for much stronger interfaces across nested activities and less guessing! For example, in the new endpoint gem, the not_found terminus is then wired to a special “404 track” that handles the case of “model not found”. The beautiful thing here is: there is no guessing by inspecting ctx[:model] or the like - the not_found end has only one meaning!
    3. A major improvement here is the ability to maintain more than two explicit termini. In 2.0, you had the success and the failure termini (or “ends” as we used to call them). Now, additional ends such as not_found can be leveraged to communicate a non-binary outcome of your activity or operation.
    1. Programming to an interface means that when you are presented with some programming interface (be it a class library, a set of functions, a network protocol or anything else) that you keep to using only things guaranteed by the interface. You may have knowledge about the underlying implementation (you may have written it), but you should not ever use that knowledge.
  4. parsejournal.com parsejournal.com
    1. non-representationalist understanding of thinking as proposed by Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari in their What is Philosophy? (1994). Point of connection is the notion of mise en scène
    1. provide information for the following call type ONLY: New Enrollment Card Not Received
    2. you may proceed with standard verification
    3. If the full SSN provides an account
    4. the caller is a Conduent CH and the Conduent Calls call type should be used for the remainder of the call
    5. If the full SSN does not populate an account
    6. refer to the New Enrollment Card Not Received call type in the DCFC
    7. advise the CH they will need to be routed back to the IVR to complete verification of their PIN before we can proceed with the call
    8. Mr./Mrs. Cardholder, please note that we’ll not be able to assist you if you have not entered your card information using the right prompts in our Automated Telephone System/IVR. Therefore, I am going to have to transfer you to the Automated Telephone System so you can enter your card information using the relevant prompts and, if needed, press the right option to talk to one of our customer service representatives.
    9. select IVR State and Card Verification
    10. select the transfer option in Intello
    11. do not put the caller on hold
    12. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you; however, your PIN must be verified in the automated system before I am able to share account specific information for your security.
    13. If the cardholder refuses to be transferred to the IVR
    14. you have confirmed the card is Active
    15. If Yes
    16. If No
    17. Ask the cardholder if they have received their Direct Express Card
  5. Jan 2021
    1. I’m not a dev either, so no Ubuntu fork, but I will perhaps be forced to look at Debian testing, without some advantages of Ubuntu - but now that Unity is gone (and I deeply regret it), gap would not be so huge anymore…
  6. Dec 2020
    1. Is motivated partisan cognition bipartisan?The extent to which each side exhibits motivated partisan (or biased) cognition is a focus of ongoing debate. Some scholars argue for symmetry (SM). For example, a recent meta-analysis demonstrates equivalent levels of motivated partisan cognition across 51 experiments investigating the tenden cy to evaluate otherwise identical in-formation more favorably when it supports versus challenges one’s political beliefs or allegiances (14). In an illu strative experiment, liberals and conservatives viewed a film clip of a political demonstration in which protestors clashed with police. Despite view-ing the identical clip, liberals rated the protesters as more violent when they believed it was an anti-abortion protest (a conservative cause) rather than a gay-rights protest (a liberal cause), whereas conservatives exhibited the opposite pattern (SM). Other scholars argue for asymmetry. For example, some evidence suggests that, relative to Democrats, Republicans have a higher need for order and greater trust in their gut-level intuitions. Such tendencies appear to motivate them to favor explana-tions that are straightforward and intuitive rather than complex and abstract, even when the latter types of explanation might be more accurate (15) (SM). Such findings are representative of the existing evidence, but conclusions remain tentative.

      This is classic material to add to that which i dug up in 2016 about non-attachment to views.

    1. 2 - La règle « non bis in idem »Aucun élève ne peut faire l'objet de plusieurs sanctions au sein de l'établissement à raison des mêmes faits. Pour autant, cette règle ne fait pas obstacle à la prise en compte de faits antérieurs pour apprécier le degré de la sanction qui doit être infligée en cas de nouvelle faute, en particulier en cas de harcèlement.
    1. C) ) ) ) La règle du «La règle du «La règle du «La règle du « non bis in idemnon bis in idemnon bis in idemnon bis in idem »»»» (pas de double sanction)(pas de double sanction)(pas de double sanction)(pas de double sanction) Il est impossible de sanctionner un élève deux fois pour le ou les même(s) fait(s). Pour autant, cette règle ne fait pas obstacle à la prise en compte de faits antérieurs pour apprécier le degré de la sanction qui doit être infligée en cas de nouvelle faute, plus particulièrement en cas de harcèlement
    1. Si 23 % des instances au fond ont conduit en 2018 à l’annulation d’un acte et/ou à la condamnation de l’administration à payer une somme d’argent, seuls 15 % desréférés-suspension ont abouti à la suspension de la décision attaquée cette même année, contre 16 % en 2017 et 18% en 2016. Il en est allé de même pour lesprocédures de référé-liberté. En revanche, la proportion des ordonnances favorables au requérant a été beaucoup plus élevée en matière de référé tendant à lacondamnation au versement d’une provision (24 % en 2018) et de référé tendant à des constats, expertises et instructions (26 % en 2018 contre 39 % en 2017 comme en2016). Dans ces procédures d’urgence jugées rapidement, les désistements et les non-lieux à statuer n’ont représenté que 12 % des décisions rendues.

      23% de condamnation de l'administration montre que la violence institutionnelle peut être condamnée. Mais à cela s'ajoutent les non-recours et médiations du médiateur et du défenseur des droits .

    1. In regular expressions a dot . means "any character", the plus + means "one or more times", and the question mark ? after this means "try to match this as few as possible times" - which is useful so it won't keep matching past your quote marks
  7. Nov 2020
  8. Oct 2020
  9. react-spectrum.adobe.com react-spectrum.adobe.com
    1. In addition, this example shows usage of the isPressed value returned by useButton to properly style the button's active state. You could use the CSS :active pseudo class for this, but isPressed properly handles when the user drags their pointer off of the button, along with keyboard support and better touch screen support.
    1. trusktr herman willems • 2 years ago Haha. Maybe React should focus on a template-string syntax and follow standards (and provide options for pre-compiling in Webpack, etc).

    1. We created a strategy that focused on providing some of that in-store expertise as content online. We called it non-product content because it was aimed not at selling you something, but at helping you achieve a task



  10. Sep 2020
    1. remove: this is today’s behavior of dropping these imports. It’s going to continue to be the default, and is a non-breaking change.
  11. Aug 2020
    1. Candido, D. S., Claro, I. M., Jesus, J. G. de, Souza, W. M., Moreira, F. R. R., Dellicour, S., Mellan, T. A., Plessis, L. du, Pereira, R. H. M., Sales, F. C. S., Manuli, E. R., Thézé, J., Almeida, L., Menezes, M. T., Voloch, C. M., Fumagalli, M. J., Coletti, T. M., Silva, C. A. M. da, Ramundo, M. S., … Faria, N. R. (2020). Evolution and epidemic spread of SARS-CoV-2 in Brazil. Science. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.abd2161

  12. Jul 2020
    1. What is the Presidential Election Campaign Fund? You can choose to have $3 go to the Presidential Election Campaign Fund. This fund helps pay for Presidential election campaigns. The fund reduces candidates' dependence on large contributions from individuals and groups and places candidates on an equal financial footing in the general election. The fund also helps pay for pediatric medical research.

      What does pediatric medical research have to do with the Presidential Election Campaign Fund?

  13. Jun 2020
    1. Refactoring is intended to improve the design, structure, and/or implementation of the software (its non-functional attributes), while preserving its functionality.

      First sighting: "non-functional attributes".

    1. Si, en France, la réalité, l’ampleur et la persistance des discriminations sont désormais attestées par de nombreuses enquêtes22, il n’en demeure pas moins que les victimes sont peu nombreuses à chercher à faire reconnaître leur préjudice
    2. Ces difficultés, et parfois leur cumul, ont de quoi préoccuper dans la mesure où elles peuvent produire un abandon des démarches, et ainsi favoriser le non-recours aux droits
    3. La complexité des démarches et l’absence de réponse sont d’autant plus problématiques qu’elles conduisent parfois au dépassement des délais impartis pour obtenir certains droits ou prestations, voire au renoncement. L’enquête « Accès aux droits » révèle que 12 % des personnes qui rencontrent des difficultés dans leurs démarches avec les services publics les abandonnent. Ces difficultés, et parfois leur cumul, ont de quoi préoccuper dans la mesure où elles peuvent produire un abandon des démarches, et ainsi favoriser le non-recours aux droits.
    1. Ferguson, N., Laydon, D., Nedjati Gilani, G., Imai, N., Ainslie, K., Baguelin, M., Bhatia, S., Boonyasiri, A., Cucunuba Perez, Z., Cuomo-Dannenburg, G., Dighe, A., Dorigatti, I., Fu, H., Gaythorpe, K., Green, W., Hamlet, A., Hinsley, W., Okell, L., Van Elsland, S., … Ghani, A. (2020). Report 9: Impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) to reduce COVID19 mortality and healthcare demand. Imperial College London. https://doi.org/10.25561/77482

    1. In systems engineering and requirements engineering, a non-functional requirement (NFR) is a requirement that specifies criteria that can be used to judge the operation of a system, rather than specific behaviors. They are contrasted with functional requirements that define specific behavior or functions

      This is a strange term because one might read "non-functional" and interpret in the sense of the word that means "does not function", when instead the intended sense is "not related to function". Seems like a somewhat unfortunate name for this concept. A less ambiguous term could have been picked instead, but I don't know what that would be.

  14. May 2020
    1. Grifoni, A., Weiskopf, D., Ramirez, S. I., Mateus, J., Dan, J. M., Moderbacher, C. R., Rawlings, S. A., Sutherland, A., Premkumar, L., Jadi, R. S., Marrama, D., de Silva, A. M., Frazier, A., Carlin, A., Greenbaum, J. A., Peters, B., Krammer, F., Smith, D. M., Crotty, S., & Sette, A. (2020). Targets of T cell responses to SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus in humans with COVID-19 disease and unexposed individuals. Cell, S0092867420306103. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2020.05.015

    1. Internal platform groups (those focused on a non-user facing part of our product, like a set of internal APIs) tend to create heavy coordination costs on other groups which depend on platform improvements to deliver valuable features to users. In order to stay efficient, it is important to ensure each group is non-blocking and is able to deliver value to users directly. This is why we avoid internal platform groups.
    1. If you update your pages and push to github, people revisiting the pages who have already got cached copies will not get the new pages without actually cleaning their browser cache. How can a script running in a page determine that it is stale and force an update?
    1. What roles do you think digital technologies and the internet have played in making open education possible? Are there types of open educational activities that are dependent on digital technologies and the internet?

      I think they play a very important role, because they make open materials available to a much wider audience, and not just audience, but potential adapters of shared materials. It is also much easier to let others know about resources and teaching methods that have been valuable. One example of an activity that I've assigned students that is dependent on digital technologies and the internet is content creation for Wikipedia.

  15. Apr 2020
    1. Rails also adds a test method that takes a test name and a block. It generates a normal Minitest::Unit test with method names prefixed with test_. So you don't have to worry about naming the methods, and you can write something like:

      Or you could use the "it" format mentioned on https://devhints.io/minitest.

      Or better yet, just use rspec...

    1. Enter a single time activity timesheetLearn how to enter a single timesheet in your QuickBooks Online. This is useful for your business when entering or editing a single day or event at a time. If you need to enter a weekly timesheet, get more help here. Note: Timesheets only allow a single hourly rate. If you need to enter multiple hourly rates, you can sign up for a QBO Payroll subscription. What you should do? Select + New. Select Single time activity. Enter the date the activity occurred in the Date field.Note: The current date is automatically entered on the date field, but you can change it if necessary. From the dropdown ▼, select the name of the employee or vendor. For each type of activity, enter an activity line: Choose a customer from the dropdown ▼ if you want to bill the activity to the customer or track expenses for the customer. Complete the following optional fields.Note: If you don't see the fields, they are turned off. You can turn them on by going to your  Account and Settings. Service: If you use the services to enter time, choose a service that represents the activity. Class Location Enter a description of the activity.Note: If the activity is billed to a customer, the description appears on their invoice, depending on your company settings. If you select an item from the optional Service field, text for the description appears automatically. Select the Billable checkbox if you want to bill the activity to the customer. Enter a rate per hour. Select Taxable if applicable. Note: Turn on this option, Go to Settings ⚙, then select the Make time activities billable checkbox. Enter the number of hours and minutes worked in the Time field.Note: Enter the Enter start and end times checkbox to enter the work started, ended and the amount of time taken for Break. Select Save.
    1. Duration from onset of symptoms to radiological confirmation of pneumonia, days5 (3–9)5 (3–7)Duration from onset of symptoms to ICU admission, days9 (6–12)11 (7–14)Heart rate, beats per min89 (20)89 (15)Systolic blood pressure, mm Hg133 (20)140 (21)
    1. In this review, the most common traditional techniques, such as cyclic voltammetry, chronoamperometry, chronopotentiometry, impedance spectroscopy, and various field-effect transistor based methods are presented along with selected promising novel approaches, such as nanowire or magnetic nanoparticle-based biosensing

      Good comprehensive review

    1. Then the programmer(s) will go over the scenarios, refining the steps for clarification and increased testability. The result is then reviewed by the domain expert to ensure the intent has not been compromised by the programmers’ reworking.
    1. Enable Frictionless Collaboration CucumberStudio empowers the whole team to read and refine executable specifications without needing technical tools. Business and technology teams can collaborate on acceptance criteria and bridge their gap.
  16. Mar 2020
    1. Since Neural Networks are non-convex

      neither convex neither non-convex

      "The fact that J has multiple minima can also be interpreted in a nice way. In each layer, you use multiple nodes which are assigned different parameters to make the cost function small. Except for the values of the parameters, these nodes are the same. So you could exchange the parameters of the first node in one layer with those of the second node in the same layer, and accounting for this change in the subsequent layers. You'd end up with a different set of parameters, but the value of the cost function can't be distinguished by (basically you just moved a node, to another place, but kept all the inputs/outputs the same)."

    1. In situ probes using fluorescence and infrared spectroscopy are also available on the market and have been extensively studied

      Good references for bio-monitoring in situ

      • Purely analytical methods, not biosensors

      Other points from the same paper

      • capable of monitoring the chemical properties of fermentation broths such as biomass, glucose, and protein concentration.
      • infrared spectroscopy can have problems with sensitivity, for low abundance products such as protein products or substrates such as glycerol or glucose.
      • fermentation broths are extremely complex and hence there might be interference?
  17. Dec 2019
    1. Might be a little too low-level (even with GUIs) for some teams of users. GPG and Git both require some setup and experience in these tools, or the willingness to learn. Porting a GPG key from machine to machine is not trivial.
    1. "You usually think of an argument as a serial sequence of steps of reason, beginning with known facts, assumptions, etc., and progressing toward a conclusion. Well, we do have to think through these steps serially, and we usually do list the steps serially when we write them out because that is pretty much the way our papers and books have to present them—they are pretty limiting in the symbol structuring they enable us to use. Have you even seen a 'scrambled-text' programmed instruction book? That is an interesting example of a deviation from straight serial presentation of steps.3b6b "Conceptually speaking, however, an argument is not a serial affair. It is sequential, I grant you, because some statements have to follow others, but this doesn't imply that its nature is necessarily serial. We usually string Statement B after Statement A, with Statements C, D, E, F, and so on following in that order—this is a serial structuring of our symbols. Perhaps each statement logically followed from all those which preceded it on the serial list, and if so, then the conceptual structuring would also be serial in nature, and it would be nicely matched for us by the symbol structuring.3b6c "But a more typical case might find A to be an independent statement, B dependent upon A, C and D independent, E depending upon D and B, E dependent upon C, and F dependent upon A, D, and E. See, sequential but not serial? A conceptual network but not a conceptual chain. The old paper and pencil methods of manipulating symbols just weren't very adaptable to making and using symbol structures to match the ways we make and use conceptual structures. With the new symbol-manipulating methods here, we have terrific flexibility for matching the two, and boy, it really pays off in the way you can tie into your work.3b6d This makes you recall dimly the generalizations you had heard previously about process structuring limiting symbol structuring, symbol structuring limiting concept structuring, and concept structuring limiting mental structuring.
  18. Nov 2019
    1. Component Registration components A map of component names to plain JavaScript components. frameworkComponents A map of component names to framework (React, Angular etc) components.
    1. Wandering its halls, I mused on how much access to space is a function of privilege.

      another surprise. this piece keeps you guessing!

    2. To explain why Amanda Palmer was looking at a bum in Vienna, you might go back to the late 2000s, when drought in Syria exacerbated volatile food prices, raising tensions that by 2011 exploded into civil war.

      there it is

    3. Embedded journalism. Unpleasant memories of Iraq went through my head.


    4. “Compassion is very complicated. When I was fourteen years old, a man tied me to a table in his basement.”

      I thought this apparent non sequitur would be tough to beat, but later on we will see that achievement unlocked.

    1. When the grid is initialised, it will fire the gridReady event. If you want to use the API of the grid, you should put an onGridReady(params) callback onto the grid and grab the api from the params. You can then call this api at a later stage to interact with the grid (on top of the interaction that can be done by setting and changing the props).
  19. Aug 2019
    1. Our icons are free for everyone to use. Please don’t try to sell them.
  20. Jan 2019
  21. www.at-the-intersection.com www.at-the-intersection.com
    1. Um, so, but the other way is, you know, when, when they do make these transactions, they're all recorded on the exchanges that you, I moved those, that data to a spreadsheet and that's where I do the tax tracking.
    2. Mostly with the shitty little Exce
    3. Oh, go into my own trading journal, document it to make sure I have a system of record to hold myself accountable and for being able to look in the future to see over time how I perform on a weekly and monthly basis.
    1. media do notemerge independently and outside of specific historical practices. Yet atthe same time history is itself a system of meaning that operates across amedia-technological abyss of non-meaning that must remain hidden

      I was with Siegert until the "media-technological abyss of non-meaning that must remain hidden." Why must non-meaning remain hidden?

    1. nonverbal signs that has enormous power,

      Reminds me of "Pragmatics of Human communication" Jackson, Bavelas, Watzlawick

    1. There are some environmental elements of the Withdrawal Agreement which our current proposals do not cover, namely those concerning the independent body’s scope to enforce implementation of the “non-regression” clause. We will consider these provisions of the Withdrawal Agreement ahead of publishing the final Bill


    2. The text sets out that, if the protocol is required, the UK and EU will not reduce their respective levels of environmental protection below those in place at the end of the implementation period

      note the 'if' attached to N-R

  22. Nov 2018

      testing the highlight of a wave

  23. Oct 2018
  24. Aug 2018
  25. Jul 2018
    1. Under late capital, the non-profit has been asked to take over the space of providing for community needs or supporting community interests that had formerly been occupied by the state as the entity responsible for the public welfare.

      I know the book American Amnesia talks about the value built up by a strong government working in conjunction with a capitalist machine over the past century or so. I wonder if the later half of the book gets into how to shift things back in this manner?