- Jul 2024
Now Mr. Wellsindependently arrives a t the recogni-tion that Science with a capital S notonly neglects the psychological prob-lems in the world's disorder, but alsocarries in its train the dogmatism anduniformity upon which theologicalhate and persecution a r e founded.
What besides work in behavioral economics has focused on the humanist side of the sciences as a means of helping humanity beyond the basic black and white?
How to create a "religion of science" which helps to displace the psychological problems, theological hate, etc?
- Aug 2022
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- is:preprint
- cultural difference
- adaptive moral system
- loyalty
- COVID-19
- purity
- social and behavioral science
- US
- care
- pathogen
- Pathogen Avoidance
- lang:en
- moral code
- linguistics
- computational linguistics
- moral foundation theory
- culture
- evolution
- behavioral science
- morality
- cross-cultural psychology
- moral behavior
- research
- psychiatry
- cultural psychology
- social and personality psycholgy
- infectious diseases
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- trust
- is:preprint
- decision making
- developmental psychology
- fMRI
- aging
- age difference
- social cognition
- social cue
- personality psychology
- social science
- lang:en
- cognitive psychology
- trust information
- social processing
- social associative learning
- behavioral science
- judgement
- working memory
- social psychology
- research
- learning
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- social distancing
- effectiveness
- fact check
- psychology
- conservative
- New York
- children
- Republican
- lang:en
- is:news
- behavioral science
- mask wearing
- cherry-picking
- face mask
- mortality
- scientific evidence
- science
- public health measure
- protection
- Democrat
- paediatric
- normalcy
- COVID-19
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- education
- political spectrum
- school
- mask mandate
- vaccine
- government
- policy
- misinformation
- vaccination rate
- partisanship
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- search engine
- public trust
- academic
- decision making
- shallowfake
- deepfake
- policymaker
- malinformation
- scientific information
- online platform
- provenance enhancing technology
- technology
- social media
- bots
- lang:en
- vaccine
- misinformation
- climate change
- behavioral science
- information
- misleading
- is:webpage
- science
- interaction
- information environment
- censorship
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- facial features
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- emotion recognition
- individual differences
- COVID-19
- personality
- psychology
- autistic traits
- social competence
- facial expression
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- emotion
- personality traits
- face occlusion
- behavioral science
- mask wearing
- communication
- face mask
- facial obstruction
- autism
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