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sebastianrushworth.com sebastianrushworth.com
Generally it takes a week or two after a person has been infected before they start to produce IgG, and with covid, you’re generally only infectious for about a week after you start to have symptoms, so antibody tests are not designed to find active infections. Instead the purpose is to see if you have had an infection in the past.
It takes a week or two for an infected person to start producing the antibody IgG which is the type of antibody that typically gets tested for.
[[Z: Antibody tests are only useful to see if you had an infection in the past]]
In most clinical settings (including the one I work in), all the doctor is provided with is a positive or negative result. No mention is made of the number of cycles used to produce the positive result.
[[Z: The number of PCR cycles has not been standardized, and is usually not even mentioned to the doctor]]
If you get a positive PCR test and you want to be sure that what you’re finding is a true positive, then you have to perform a viral culture. What this means is that you take the sample, add it to respiratory cells in a petri dish, and see if you can get those cells to start producing new virus particles. If they do, then you know you have a true positive result. For this reason, viral culture is considered the “gold standard” method for diagnosis of viral infections. However, this method is rarely used in clinical practice, which means that in reality, a diagnosis is often made based entirely on the PCR test.
[[Z: A positive PCR should be followed by a viral culture test to see if you're dealing with a live infection]]
After a positive PCR test, you don't know if the virus is alive or not. To find this out you can add it to respiratory cells (in the case of a respiratory virus) and see if they start producing virus particles).
[[Z: Viral culture tests are rarely used in clinical practice]]
Positive diagnoses of COVID-19 are done base on PCR only.
One thing that’s important to understand at this point is that PCR is only detecting sequences of the viral genome, it is not able to detect whole viral particles, so it is not able to tell you whether what you are finding is live virus, or just non-infectious fragments of viral genome.
PCR only tells you if you're detecting sequences of the viral genome. It doesn't tell you that what you're finding is live virus or not.
Weibelzahl, S., Reiter, J., & Duden, G. (2020). Pandemic-Induced Depression and Anxiety in Healthcare Professionals. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/5rehd
sebastianrushworth.com sebastianrushworth.com
I don’t think that what we are seeing is a “second wave”. I think we are seeing a seasonal effect. It’s important to keep some perspective. As I explained earlier in this article, cases are a very poor way to determine how active the virus is in the population. In Sweden, the number of tests being carried out is now eight times higher than in the spring. That is why we should instead be looking at hospitalizations, ICU admissions, and deaths.
Sebastian Rushworth MD. believes that what we're seeing in Sweden is not a second wave, but simply the seasonal effects of COVID.
I think it’ll probably be a few years before we know the full extent to which people were harmed by this. As an example, the hospital in Uppsala experienced 50% fewer admissions due to cardiac infarctions (“heart attacks”) during the peak period, while the hospitals in Stockholm experienced 40% fewer admissions. We know that people who have a cardiac infarction and don’t get emergency treatment have a significantly increased risk of dying in the immediate future, and also have a greater risk of developing long term complications such as heart failure.
A hospital in Uppsala saw 50% fewer cases of heart attacks during the peak COVID-19 period. The author posits that people might have been avoiding the emergency room out of fear or out of consideration. This might lead to more deaths later, however, as not getting treatment after a heart attack leads to higher chances of developing long-term complications.
The Swedish Public Health authority has never admitted that the goal of their chosen strategy is to reach herd immunity. However, from an epidemiological stand point, all strategies depend on reaching herd immunity in one way or another. A vaccination based strategy also builds on getting to herd immunity, it just chooses a different way to reach it. At some point in the relatively near future, every country on Earth will have developed herd immunity to covid, either by letting the disease spread until that point is reached, or by vaccinating enough people to reach that point.
All pandemic strategies end up reaching herd immunity.
October 29
There's been some question about whether or not the executive session that led to Lutz's ouster was born of a regular meeting, and thus subject to the requirement that 'the presiding officer of a governing body shall publicly announce the purpose for excluding the public from the meeting place' (RCW 42.30.110(2)).
The Internet Archive's snapshots of https://srhd.org/programs-and-services/board-of-health/meetings on
- 2020-04-27,
- 2020-05-25,
- 2020-06-05,
- 2020-07-18 , and
- 2020-09-16
contain references to, respectively, the regular meetings of
- 2020-04-30,
- 2020-05-28,
- 2020-06-25,
- 2020-07-30, and
- 2020-09-24.
(For that matter, the next meeting is currently listed as a regular meeting.)
While no snapshots were taken between 2020-09-25 and 2020-10-28, it seems that, indeed, Thursday's meeting was initially public.
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- conflating
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- big data
- heatmap
- behavioral fatigue
- societal cost
- epidemiology
- case increase
- COVID-19
- compliance
- risk perception
- longitudinal change
- reopening
- visualization
- trust
- loosening restrictions
- belief
- age distribution
- graph
- case number
- demotivation
- behavioral science
- UK
- public opinion
- transmission
- Victoria
- definition
- emotion
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