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- disposition
- consequences
- public health
- psychology
- cross-cultural
- politics
- ideology
- COVID-19
- risk perception
- infection
- behavior
- infectious disease
- socio-political
- research
- social psychology
- government
- is:preprint
- infection-avoidance
- lang:en
- behavioral immune system
- authoritarianism
- study
- attitude
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- China
- lockdown
- misinformation
- public health
- perception
- infection
- media
- general public
- COVID-19
- symptom
- behavior
- health information
- data collection
- descriptive statistics
- prevention
- news
- precaution
- misconception
- knowledge
- transmission
- is:preprint
- lang:en
- information
- Nigeria
- questionnaire
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- cross-sectional
- survey
- demographics
- lockdown
- economy
- face mask
- perception
- social distancing
- UK
- COVID-19
- risk perception
- handwashing
- adult
- behavior
- policy
- data collection
- prevention
- transmission dynamics
- self-isolation
- response
- government
- quarentine
- is:preprint
- modeling
- lang:en
- statistics
- minority
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Pennycook, G., McPhetres, J., Bago, B., & Rand, D. G. (2020, April 14). Predictors of attitudes and misperceptions about COVID-19 in Canada, the U.K., and the U.S.A. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/zhjkp
kokociel.blogspot.com kokociel.blogspot.com
Beauty-based discrimination is rarely addressed, but one such instance was the fuss about Facebook's "feeling fat" emoji. It was framed that Facebook was the guilty party here, but I would argue that the offended people were the guilty party, as they're the ones who made the leap from "fat" to "sub-human". In some cultures, being fat is acceptable or even desirable.
People often talk about how colours are meant to contrast, by using colour wheels or by checking the HSV coordinates, but be aware that these tools are lies. The scale of computer colours is typically not perceptually uniform. Brown should be a narrow region for instance and blue should be a huge region. To see the proper range of each colour, consult a rainbow.
- Jan 2020
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
“privacy” policies are actually surveillance policies.
Name change = perception change
- Jul 2019
- Jun 2019
www.edge.org www.edge.org
Modes of perception and action also guide our mental as well as worldly representations of those spaces, how we think about them, how we think with them, how we communicate them.
does it mean that certain actions will not be possible by people who lack those modes of perceptions?
tele.informatik.uni-freiburg.de tele.informatik.uni-freiburg.de
In 1953 I realized that the straight line leads to the downfall of mankind. But the straight line has become an absolute tyranny. The straight line is something cowardly drawn with a rule, without thought or feeling; it is the line which does not exist in nature. And that line is the rotten foundation of our doomed civilization. Even if there are places where it is recognized that this line is rapidly leading to perdition, its course continues to be plotted. ..Any design undertaken with the straight line will be stillborn. Today we are witnessing the triumph of rationalist know-how and yet, at the same time, we find ourselves confronted with emptiness. An aesthetic void, dessert of uniformity, criminal sterility, loss of creative power. Even creativity is prefabricated. We are no longer able to create. That is our real illiteracy. Friedensreich Hundertwasser
- May 2019
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
In early occult and spiritualist literature, remote viewing was known as telesthesia and travelling clairvoyance. Rosemary Guiley described it as "seeing remote or hidden objects clairvoyantly with the inner eye, or in alleged out-of-body travel."
- Apr 2019
- Feb 2019
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
each mind perceives a differentbeauty.
I believe this goes back to Locke's idea of knowledge and perception.
static1.squarespace.com static1.squarespace.com
and the pre!.umption lhal direcl knowledge is available through revelation or perception.
Because it states knowledge is available through perception, do we all having differing knowledge because individuals have their own perceptions? It seems as though individuals can not have a sense of shared knowledge unless we all have the same perceptions.
- Oct 2018
mikecosgrave.com mikecosgrave.com
The original, plundered by Napoleon in 1797 so it is no surprise the reproduction is seen as better than the original which is in the Louvre. When the reproduction was hung in its original setting — Palladio’s Refectory on the island of San Giorgio Maggiore — on 11 September 2007, the critic Dario Gamboni wrote: ‘It seems that many are still wedded to a fixed idea of originality… I would like you to consider that originality is rooted in the trajectory or career of the object — it is not a fixed state of being but a process which changes and deepens with time.’ For Gamboni, the reproduction in the Refectory was a more complete and authentic experience than the painting hanging in the Louvre. Taken from https://www.christies.com/features/Master-of-reproduction-Adam-Lowe-and-Factum-Arte-6776-1.aspx
facsimiles have a bad reputation-people assimilate them with a photographic rendering of the original-and “digital” is associated with an increase in virtuality. So, when we speak of digital facsimiles, we are looking for trouble.
knee-jerk reaction-“But this is just a facsimile”
A copy can potentially increase the value and appreciation of the original, so we should not dismiss reproductions. Is the real value not attributed by its history
- Sep 2018
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
The result of this is easy to see: Those specifically requesting a lighter workload, who were disproportionately women, suffered in their performance reviews; those who took a lighter workload more discreetly didn’t suffer. The maxim of “ask forgiveness, not permission” seemed to apply.
- Aug 2018
Because our view of a person’s world is one dimensional, we fill in the gaps and construct false images of who they are.
- May 2018
www.irrodl.org www.irrodl.org
The literature shows that the vast majority of students report open textbooks to be of the same or better quality than the commercial textbooks they have used.
- Oct 2017
rampages.us rampages.us
he ego answered questionsabout the closeness among the alters on a 5-point Likert scale. For pur-poses of analysis, a tie between alters was considered to be present ifthey were classified as either very or moderately close
Notice, the network is constructed through the perceptions of the ego. This is totally fine but it does require analytical attention.
- Jul 2017
www.washingtonpost.com www.washingtonpost.com
negative perceptions of highered
- Mar 2017
transitiondesignseminarcmu.net transitiondesignseminarcmu.net
“When we are trying to understand and explain what happens in social settings, we tend to view behavior as a particularly significant factor. We then tend to explain behavior in terms of internal disposition, such as personality traits, abilities, motives, etc. as opposed to external situational factors. This can be due to our focus on the person more than their situation, about which we may know very little. We also know little about how they are interpreting the situation.
Progressive values demand empathy for the poor and this often manifests as hatred for the rich.
- Feb 2017
www.popsci.com www.popsci.com
exposed two groups to a series of visual perception learning exercises
How does study this account for other cues of perception? e.g. listening and such. Isn't it biased against Visual only?
- Dec 2016
gateway.ipfs.io gateway.ipfs.io
The problem, then, is that people are involved with their thoughts and not with life. This creates a very great gulf in your experience.
when you say, "I create my reality," what you are saying is that you are creating an interpretation of what you can experience. If you can only experience this much of life, and it is all your interpretation, then you see your range of perception is very limited. But your Knowledge, which you carry within yourself, is capable of opening your perception completely. Without so much incessant thinking, wondering, asking, pondering, manipulating, planning and scheming, and so forth, the greater part of your mind, your Knowledge, can begin to show you things. It is not difficult to have direct experience. You simply must not be doing anything else.
The fact is you only create interpretations of reality. A better interpretation may be more pleasant temporarily, but you are still disassociated from yourself and life. It is this disassociation that must be bridged. Life is happening all around you, an incredible panorama. But you cannot experience it. Your Teachers are with you, helping you in amazing ways, but you do not know that they are there. There are genuine relationships waiting for you in life, waiting for you to be ready and desirous of them, but you must have the capability and the desire.
When we speak of perception, we are speaking of your interpretation of the reality that you can experience. What you experience is interpretive. It is very rare that people have a direct experience of anything! Direct experience means that you are experiencing a reality that is beyond your interpretation. A very rare and great experience this is. It could be the common denominator of your experience, but in fact it is quite rare and phenomenal because 99.9% of your experience is interpretation of the reality that you can experience. When I say "the reality that you can experience," I mean that you can only experience a little bit of reality because of your limited capacity and range of perception. So, it is not merely the interpretation of reality at large; it is interpretation of the reality that you can experience.
Most people's problems are hypothetical anyway. There is the problem and there is the interpretation of the problem, which can be quite different from the problem itself. People say, "I want to have a relationship in my life now," which may not be the problem. So, why should I try to resolve something that is not the problem? The problem is not that they do not have a relationship, but that they need to develop something else that is more important! That is very often the case, but people do not see that as the avenue that they must follow. They are lonely, so they want a mate. But, I say "stillness."
Inner Listening is a subject that is very relevant to everyone here. It has practical application in every circumstance and with every person you might meet. In fact, if you become proficient in practicing the things that we will speak of, you will have an opportunity to be far more effective in all your engagements and will be able to perceive things that are extremely useful beyond the realm of normal perception.
- Jul 2016
www.diplopiagame.com www.diplopiagame.com
Perceptual Learning - Training the brain to better perceive the information it is getting from the eyes.
This would be the optimal learning experience, for me.
- Jan 2016
christmind.info christmind.info
I will tell you something else: You have friends to meet and greet you when you come out of this misperception of self whom you will enjoy re-recognizing. To hell with those who are still dreaming! You don’t have the perspective to know whether they are really asleep or not, and would you stay in your dream to save them from their dream if you knew they weren’t really asleep? You cannot afford to govern yourself according to your current perceptions. Maybe the lack is the crumbling of something illusory that doesn’t need to be reestablished. You will not know until you choose for Me/You.
Wow Raj does not mince words here.
So any perceived problem or challenge is just the crumbling of what needs to crumble so one can re identify with Self, Being...
"You cannot afford to govern yourself according to your current perceptions."
christmind.info christmind.info
In the past, you have had a sense of my being present with you where you are in your perception of things. But in the last twenty-four hours, you have grasped that when we are speaking, you are actively present with me, I will say, in the Kingdom of Heaven, in the Fourth dimension, in the undistorted conscious experience of Being, even though almost none of it seems to be available to you, except for the presence of my words. This is, indeed, the way you make the shift. This is, indeed, the way you Graduate. This is, indeed, the way you relinquish an investment of trust in your perceptions, or in the three-dimensional-only frame of reference.
Raj shares here how to graduate. Raj shares that when he and Paul are speaking they are in 4d, Beingness, and even though it may seem unavailable to Paul except through Raj's presence/words, the continues practice of tuning in with Raj facilitates the relinquishing of trust in 3d perceptions.
S to I am hearing that we graduate by practising tuning into guidance which is in 4d and this supports the letting go of the fusion to 3d perceptions.
- Dec 2015
christmind.info christmind.info
RAJ: Whenever you are faced with a demand to give specific attention to some part of your infinitude and it presents itself as being “problematic,” it is simply the time and place for this aspect of You to be consciously incorporated into and as your conscious experience of being as Yours! You say you don’t want to be bothered, that this is not a good time because of other more pressing demands. But, Paul, your Being unfolds Itself as You according to divine Intelligence, Universal order and priorities. Every problem is your opportunity to be the Christ—that accurate perception of Reality (Your Being) that is not deluded in any way—and for that perception to become irrevocably “incorporated” into and as your Self-awareness. There is no more pressing need than that, because when seen, it becomes apparent that pressing needs are illusions of the partial view. They never existed as anything for you to sweat over and tense yourself up about.
Quote: Every problem is your opportunity to be the Christ - that accurate perception of Reality (Your Being) that is not deluded in any way - and for that perception to become irrevocably "incorporated" into and as your Self-awareness.
There is no more pressing need than that.
Pressing needs are illusions of the partial view (3dRef).
christmind.info christmind.info
The personal sense of things becomes a sieve through which is run our experiences of our “others” and even our experience of the world. This causes a highly unnatural misalignment of our perception of them. You could compare it to intense inbreeding of animals, in which the breed becomes so refined as to no longer have a broad enough base to support it. It becomes weak and idiotic. This is why relationships based on a personal sense cannot stand, or withstand, the normal dynamics of Life. Having been so finely misaligned by having been put through the sieve of egotism and self-righteousness, the downfall of such personal relationships does not occur comfortably. They come apart only with great distress being experienced on the part of the one indulging in that personal sense.
Why break ups can be so painful.
christmind.info christmind.info
That which makes abundance appear to be lack is entirely in the standpoint. It depends entirely on which end of the binoculars you are looking through. As I have said before, you have a habit of switching ends quite frequently. This is what is frustrating you. When you receive a telephone call, or a statement in the mail, which claims that your Supply is not omnipresent—some part of your universe is coming up short—you must recognize this as being totally false. Your Being is omnipresently present and active. Since that is the Fact, then it would be foolish for you to go out and attempt to correct that illusion on the basis of the phone call or statement. The attempt is made on the basis of a false assumption.
This is an effective metaphor: what is perceived depends on which end of the binoculars you are looking through.
It is important to be aware of claims that what is false is true so they can be effectively addressed. This is why mindfulness or awareness is such an important component of the journey of awakening.
What tag to use?? An event has arisen that claims Paul is in lack when that is not possible in Truth - only in illusion. How best to tag things like this?
christmind.info christmind.info
Again, do not let your experience of being as Conscious Being become divided into many beings, externalized, “out there,” separate and apart from You. That is the illusion. The fact is that everything you see is going on as You, and you must understand that the You that you experience as “being alive,” “being conscious,” is the I that is Mind, God. The realization of this fact is what is called the Christ, the True Perception of Your Being. It is this True Perception of your Being which is dawning in your thoughts more forcibly than ever before.
- Nov 2015
christmind.info christmind.info
The same old story which is going on is that Reality, the Actuality, Fourth-dimensional Conscious Being, is what is going on and is what has always been going on in Its Totality. You must be very strict in your observance of what you know Actually to be true. Be willing to act, think, and respond from that standpoint. The need is to see the Actuality, not to respond or react to the partiality. Right now you are geared to spontaneously react to the way things appear. You are beginning to perceive that the necessity is to spontaneously respond to the Actuality as though that were the urgent need, rather than the limited, finite, three-dimensional view. I realize what I am telling you is not something new, but it is, nevertheless, the step that needs to be taken. It is the needed thing.
Paul identifies a problem from his partial view of Being and Raj encourages him to change his perspective.
Be willing to think and respond from what you know Actually to be true rather than to be fooled into believing what you see, hear, taste, smell, and feel is true.
What???? Ignore my experience? Ignore what is coming to me through my physical senses and be willing to act only on a theory - an idea that has not yet been experienced????
Question: We are taught two approaches, one, to live the truth and deny the illusion (5 minutes as Christ), and the other, to feel and embrace what we have always rejected and not wanted to even acknowledge. How does one do this? What does it even mean? The answer comes from living life and finding our way...
christmind.info christmind.info
You could say that when you have been actively engaged in living out your life from the position of the “screen” or the three-dimensional frame of reference, at that point you were taking time out from your Being, and that was where you were in error.
I wonder that Raj is saying that Paul can 'perceive' that he is in 3d and perceptually he was not 'conscious' of his true Being....and this could be perceived as being in error...