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Associer les parents Ils ont trop souvent laissé de côté en matière de prévention : les parents sont au cœur des préconisations du Comité pour la prévention santé de leurs enfants, avec la volonté de trouver des outils qui les aident à trouver un équilibre entre patience et fermeté. Plusieurs propositions ont été faites en ce sens : mettre en place des réunions d’information parents sur la prévention santé des jeunes à l’entrée en 6e, créer une université numérique des parents, multiplier les lieux d’échange, sensibiliser les parents, première génération numérique et première génération à avoir des enfants connectés, à « gérer » les outils numériques, développer les liens entre le Centre régional d'information et les associations/fédérations de parents
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A six-word California fire ecology primer: The state is in the hole. A seventy-word primer: We dug ourselves into a deep, dangerous fuel imbalance due to one simple fact. We live in a Mediterranean climate that’s designed to burn, and we’ve prevented it from burning anywhere close to enough for well over a hundred years. Now climate change has made it hotter and drier than ever before, and the fire we’ve been forestalling is going to happen, fast, whether we plan for it or not.
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- vaccination
- lang:en
- COVID-19
- algorithm
- healthcare
- public health
- is:article
- transmission
- prevention
- treatment
- misinformation
- spread
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- China
- lang:en
- infection
- COVID-19
- media
- questionnaire
- prevention
- transmission
- symptom
- knowledge
- Nigeria
- perception
- news
- health information
- misconception
- information
- general public
- behavior
- data collection
- lockdown
- public health
- misinformation
- is:preprint
- precaution
- descriptive statistics
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- response
- lang:en
- demographics
- COVID-19
- modeling
- minority
- statistics
- social distancing
- government
- prevention
- survey
- cross-sectional
- economy
- risk perception
- perception
- transmission dynamics
- quarentine
- behavior
- handwashing
- data collection
- policy
- lockdown
- UK
- face mask
- self-isolation
- adult
- is:preprint
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- Mar 2020
www.education.gouv.fr www.education.gouv.fr
Que dois-je faire pour protéger mon enfant?Vous pouvez lui rappelerrégulièrement les gestes barrièreset apporter des explications rassurantes sur la situation en cours, en lien avec son ou ses professeurs. Il est aussi important de veiller à l’équilibre du rythme quotidien entre sommeil et veille mais aussi entre activité intellectuelle et activité physique.
- Dec 2017
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
A beneficial impact of the fat quality on insulin sensitivity is not seen in individuals with a high fat intake (> 37E%).
This is likely do to the reduced carbohydrate intake rather than increased fat intake. Since carbohydrates generally insulin sensitivity, it's likely that this additional insulin resistance is acting as a confounder (as well as, presumably, a standard deviation widener). Thus, I would expect similar results during hypocaloric carbohydrate restriction.
- diet health lifestyle disease prevention and reversal food nutrients nutrition eat
- diabetes / insulin sensitivity/resistance / blood sugar
- research note
- diabetes insulin sensitivity resistance blood sugar
- fatty acid / fat / LCSFA(s) /
- saturated fatty acid fat LCSFAs unsaturated ceramide intramuscular triglycerides intramyocellular lipid
- Nov 2017
www.un.org www.un.org
The Special Adviser on the Responsibility to Protect leads the conceptual, political, institutional and operational development of the Responsibility to Protect. The efforts of their Office include alerting relevant actors to the risk of genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity, enhancing the capacity of the United Nations to prevent these crimes, including their incitement.
3/ Preventing Genocide and Responsibility to Protect
Prevention requires apportioning responsibility to and promoting collaboration between concerned States and the international community. The duty to prevent and halt genocide and mass atrocities lies first and foremost with the State, but the international community has a role that cannot be blocked by the invocation of sovereignty. Sovereignty no longer exclusively protects States from foreign interference; it is a charge of responsibility where States are accountable for the welfare of their people.
3/ Preventing Genocide and Responsibility to Protect
Complementing preventive diplomacy is preventive disarmament, which seeks to reduce the number of small arms in conflict-prone regions. In El Salvador, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Timor-Leste and elsewhere, this has entailed demobilizing combat forces, as well as collecting and destroying their weapons as part of an overall peace agreement. Destroying yesterday’s weapons prevents their being used in tomorrow’s wars.
2/ Preventive disarmament
In some trouble spots, the mere presence of a skilled envoy can prevent the escalation of tension. This work is often undertaken in cooperation with regional organizations.
1/ Preventive diplomacy
Early warning is an essential component of prevention, and the United Nations carefully monitors developments around the world to detect threats to international peace and security, thereby enabling the Security Council and the Secretary-General to carry out preventive action.
1/ Preventive diplomacy
The main strategies for preventing disputes from escalating into conflict, and for preventing the recurrence of conflict, are preventive diplomacy and preventive disarmament. Preventive diplomacy refers to action taken to prevent disputes from arising or from escalating into conflicts, and to limit the spread of conflicts when they occur. It may take the form of mediation, conciliation or negotiation.
+Conflict Prevention
- Preventive diplomacy
- Preventive disarmament
- Preventing Genocide and Responsibility to Protect
- Aug 2017
www.reenigne.org www.reenigne.org
The system should be tuned such that the fastest generally available computer would not be powerful enough to emulate the slowest computer that would be allowed to run the game. Depending on the pace of progress of computer technology and the lifespan of the game, it might eventually be necessary to change these requirements and force the users of the slowest computers to upgrade their hardware if they want to continue playing the game. While this would be frustrating for these players, I don't have a problem with it as long as there is a contract between the players and the game company that both agree to and are bound by - it would be part of the cost of playing without cheaters. Though I would hope that independent servers without these restrictions would also be available if there is demand for them.
In this article, the author thinks hardware limitation is rather a good thing, since game emulation is based on super powerful computers. This idea is apparently opposite to one of my previous resources that claims that hardware improvement is the key to get a huge progress on cheating prevention.
www.technologyreview.com www.technologyreview.com
Their idea is to use the structure of the network to predict the likelihood that a given player will become a cheat in future. In other words, the number of friends who are cheats determine how likely this player is to becoming infected with the ‘cheating virus’ in future, so to speak. They say they expect to do more work on this in future.
This idea sounds reasonable, but still kind of ridiculous. Just because a player meets many cheaters, does not mean he or she is going to be a cheater under that influence. In this case, they cannot let those honest players take responsibilities.
Cheating is an issue in online games, and Blizzard is anticipating that cheaters may inevitably be an issue that they have to deal with in their upcoming team-based FPS, Overwatch. In a forum post written today, the developer talked about the penalties it’s imposing towards those who choose to cheat in the game.
This is a news that Blizzard has done corresponding actions for cheating behaviors. Looks like being permanently banned is what most game platforms would like to do. Also there will be reporting system for players to supervise each other. We can see that game companies are trying best to prevent cheating behavior in different aspects. But still, their attention probably can never get loose.
- May 2017
lists.w3.org lists.w3.org
Ultimately, if Web Annotation does take off as a feature of the Web, these cases will become all too common. And I don't think that scholarly and academic uses will be immune (though the accountability and reputation risk will reduce abuse). And if such abuse continues, it reduces the value and incentive for Web Annotation to succeed at all.
good 1 paragraph articulation of the problem of abuse wrt annotations.
- Dec 2016
cplong.org cplong.org
Really love the proposal overall and look forward to seeing what comes of the project(s).
One slight thing I'd like to mention here, in the interest of furthering the critical diversity is that, in addition to our need to preserve data/archives, I'm increasingly being persuaded of the need to construct data prevention policies and techniques that would allow many people--protestors, youth, citizens, hospital patients, insurance beneficiaries, et al--much needed space to present clean-ish slates.
- Mar 2016
web.hypothes.is web.hypothes.is
Without consent.
This phrase has been identified as problematic in context of preventing abuse -- see https://hypothes.is/a/AVPIP-1lH9ZO4OKSldxk
One criticism we have heard loud and clear is that the “without consent” clause in our principles is problematic. When forming these principles, we meant that individuals would be able to annotate the documents of corporate and governmental entities, or other powerful groups, without needing their approval — such as when the scientists of Climate Feedback annotate climate change coverage. But we acknowledge that our choice of language was poor. We will change it soon.
A specific action item identified: The phrase "without consent" will be changed soon.