2,716 Matching Annotations
  1. Feb 2022
    1. Tseng, H. F., Ackerson, B. K., Luo, Y., Sy, L. S., Talarico, C. A., Tian, Y., Bruxvoort, K. J., Tubert, J. E., Florea, A., Ku, J. H., Lee, G. S., Choi, S. K., Takhar, H. S., Aragones, M., & Qian, L. (2022). Effectiveness of mRNA-1273 against SARS-CoV-2 Omicron and Delta variants. Nature Medicine, 1–1. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41591-022-01753-y

    1. Auger, K. A., Shah, S. S., Richardson, T., Hartley, D., Hall, M., Warniment, A., Timmons, K., Bosse, D., Ferris, S. A., Brady, P. W., Schondelmeyer, A. C., & Thomson, J. E. (2020). Association Between Statewide School Closure and COVID-19 Incidence and Mortality in the US. JAMA, 324(9), 859–870. https://doi.org/10.1001/jama.2020.14348

    1. Yamasoba, D., Kimura, I., Nasser, H., Morioka, Y., Nao, N., Ito, J., Uriu, K., Tsuda, M., Zahradnik, J., Shirakawa, K., Suzuki, R., Kishimoto, M., Kosugi, Y., Kobiyama, K., Hara, T., Toyoda, M., Tanaka, Y. L., Butlertanaka, E. P., Shimizu, R., … Sato, K. (2022). Virological characteristics of SARS-CoV-2 BA.2 variant (p. 2022.02.14.480335). bioRxiv. https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.02.14.480335

    1. Eric Feigl-Ding. (2022, January 17). Pandemic leadership matters. #COVID19 mortality per capita by state. 📍Public health is policy, policy is politics. 📍Human behavior is often driven by misinformation. 📍Misinformation is often driven by politics. 📍Politics can be changed by voting—Unless voters can’t. Https://t.co/pFkndQZrfr [Tweet]. @DrEricDing. https://twitter.com/DrEricDing/status/1483181226815012867

    1. Ana Mardoll. (2022, February 12). I used to be a history major, with a focus on social history. And I remember reading about WW2 in a very fascinating book about the evolution of courtship and dating dynamics in America. (I’m going somewhere with this, bear with me.) [Tweet]. @AnaMardoll. https://twitter.com/AnaMardoll/status/1492398681303261184

    1. ReconfigBehSci. (2022, January 14). man who contracted potentially disease and then violated public health orders tries to cross borders by providing incorrect info on key docs = just fine is not something I foresaw from this corner... Once consistency is thrown out as a standard, rational debate is impossible... [Tweet]. @SciBeh. https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1481929150042619908

    1. Heesakkers, H., van der Hoeven, J. G., Corsten, S., Janssen, I., Ewalds, E., Simons, K. S., Westerhof, B., Rettig, T. C. D., Jacobs, C., van Santen, S., Slooter, A. J. C., van der Woude, M. C. E., van den Boogaard, M., & Zegers, M. (2022). Clinical Outcomes Among Patients With 1-Year Survival Following Intensive Care Unit Treatment for COVID-19. JAMA, 327(6), 559–565. https://doi.org/10.1001/jama.2022.0040

    1. That's because of bargaining power. Government programs, like Medicare and Medicaid, can ask for a lower price from health service providers because they have the numbers: the hospital has to comply or else risk losing the business of millions of Americans.

      Big public sector drives health-services prices down.

    1. Do they perform better or worse in the long-term on cognitive tests? Do they have more or less inflammation? Do they need less recovery sleep over time?

      this is a great question - reminder to self to do more research on this

    2. Someone in r/BipolarReddit asked: How many do you sleep when stable vs (hypo)manic? Depressed?

      While this is interesting analysis, I wonder if it's close to the best data we have on this.

      Personally as a bipolar person, I can say this definitely correlates with my experience! You could maybe add my experience to the data: + Severe mania - 0-3 hours avg (often in involuntary naps) + Hypomania - 1-5 hours avg (w/ all-nighters) + Elevated/sub-hypomania - 5 hours avg + Stable - 6-8 hours avg + Depressive - 8-10 hours avg + Severe depression - 10-16 hours avg

    3. Think about sleep 10,000 ago.

      while this is a good list and a valuable thought experiment, it also misses the features that made sleep 10,000 years ago easier and more effective: + Far better diets on average than Western person + No blue light / constant digital stimulation + Extremely active lifestyles with lots of exercise, makes sleep easier + Natural attunement to circadian rhythms that comes with waking up & sleeping w/ dusk & dawn + Lower stress and lower levels of psychopathology on average? Better resilience to stress? + Other things

      This may explain why we "need" the hyper-comfortable modern sleep, more than we used to need it

    4. Modern sleep, in its infinite comfort, is an unnatural superstimulus that overwhelms our brains with pleasure

      This sounds a bit hyperbolic, unlikely a scientific paper would use this language. Also unclear what it means for brains to be "overwhelmed with pleasure," or what objective scientific criteria for what shows something is a "superstimulus" are.

    5. Most of us (including myself) eat a lot of junk food and candy if we don’t restrict ourselves. Does this mean that lots of junk food and candy is the “natural” or the “optimal” amount for health?

      great question: fallacy of using our natural / evolved / unrestricted tendencies as "optimal health practice"

    1. Trisha Greenhalgh. (2022, January 8). Apart from (e.g.): 1. Severe disease in clinically vulnerable (they are people too); 2. Long covid in many; 3. Strokes / heart attacks / kidney failure from micro-clots; 4. New-onset diabetes and MIS-C in children; 5. High potential for recombinant mutations. [Tweet]. @trishgreenhalgh. https://twitter.com/trishgreenhalgh/status/1479738523511136258

    1. ReconfigBehSci. (2022, January 20). @timcolbourn @OmicronData I can’t, for example, imagine someone saying “handwashing is of limited use it only ‘delays’ getting norovirus”. So, I think it seems worth unpacking the many presuppositions involved in your “just delay” framing 1/n [Tweet]. @SciBeh. https://twitter.com/SciBeh/status/1484075371108646914

    1. Nursing professionals are facing with severe sleep problems during the covid 19 pandemic time. Nurses were asked to work in an environment that had a more increased level of risk than ever before. Depression and anxiety from the workplace could affect the confidence of healthcare workers in themselves as well as general trust in the healthcare system. This will lead to their turnover intention which may undermine the efforts of the governments to control the COVID-19 pandemic. The rising concern may change the working schedules of healthcare workers, offering more occupational healthcare support.

    1. “When I moved to Kansas,” Roberts said, “I was like, ‘holy shit, they’re giving stuff away.’”

      This sounds great, but what are the "costs" on the other side? How does one balance out the economics of this sort of housing situation versus amenities supplied by a community in terms of culture, health, health care, interaction, etc.? Is there a maximum on a curve to be found here? Certainly in some places one is going to overpay for this basket of goods (perhaps San Francisco?) where in others one may underpay. Does it have anything to do with the lifecycle of cities and their governments? If so, how much?

  2. Jan 2022
    1. Deanna Behrens, MD (she/her). (2022, January 30). One U.S. child loses a parent or caregiver for every four COVID-19-associated deaths I’m not discounting mental health effects of the pandemic on children. That is real. But the risks associated with #COVID19 for children and its affects on them aren’t always obvious [Tweet]. @DeannaMarie208. https://twitter.com/DeannaMarie208/status/1487607849664581634

    1. Kuchipudi, S. V., Surendran-Nair, M., Ruden, R. M., Yon, M., Nissly, R. H., Vandegrift, K. J., Nelli, R. K., Li, L., Jayarao, B. M., Maranas, C. D., Levine, N., Willgert, K., Conlan, A. J. K., Olsen, R. J., Davis, J. J., Musser, J. M., Hudson, P. J., & Kapur, V. (2022). Multiple spillovers from humans and onward transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in white-tailed deer. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(6). https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2121644119

    1. Patone, M., Mei, X. W., Handunnetthi, L., Dixon, S., Zaccardi, F., Shankar-Hari, M., Watkinson, P., Khunti, K., Harnden, A., Coupland, C. A., Channon, K. M., Mills, N. L., Sheikh, A., & Hippisley-Cox, J. (2021). Risk of myocarditis following sequential COVID-19 vaccinations by age and sex (p. 2021.12.23.21268276). medRxiv. https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.12.23.21268276

    1. Light is the main zeitgeber (time giver) communicating external time to the central clock in the hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN)

      light zeitgeber circadian rhythm

    2. understand how tissues independently and collectively respond to timed exercise


    1. Une énorme charge de travail pour les étudiants n’est pas un indicateur de rigueur.

      Given learners' current levels of anxiety, Quebec's Action Plan on Higher Education Mental Health could become quite significant. Wonder who's currently finding solutions to these issues. Workload is controversial enough a topic that a "Design Thinking" #SolutionMode might be even more fitting than assessments of what counts as a heavy burden.

    1. Frenzel, S. B., Junker, N. M., Avanzi, L., Bolatov, A., Haslam, S. A., Häusser, J. A., Kark, R., Meyer, I., Mojzisch, A., Monzani, L., Reicher, S., Samekin, A., Schury, V. A., Steffens, N. K., Sultanova, L., Van Dijk, D., van Zyl, L. E., & Van Dick, R. (2022). A trouble shared is a trouble halved: The role of family identification and identification with humankind in well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic. British Journal of Social Psychology, 61(1), 55–82. https://doi.org/10.1111/bjso.12470

    1. Riepenhausen, A., Veer, I., Wackerhagen, C., Reppmann, Z. C., Köber, G., Ayuso-Mateos, J.-L., Bögemann, S., Corrao, G., Felez-Nobrega, M., Abad, J. M. H., Hermans, E., Leeuwen, J. van, Lieb, P. D. K., Lorant, V., Mary-Krause, M., Mediavilla, R., Melchior, M., Mittendorfer-Rutz, E., Compagnoni, M. M., … Walter, H. (2021). Coping with COVID: Risk and Resilience Factors for Mental Health in a German Representative Panel Study. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/fjqpb

    1. Nigg said it might help me grasp what’s happening if we compare our rising attention problems to our rising obesity rates. Fifty years ago there was very little obesity, but today it is endemic in the western world. This is not because we suddenly became greedy or self-indulgent. He said: “Obesity is not a medical epidemic – it’s a social epidemic. We have bad food, for example, and so people are getting fat.” The way we live changed dramatically – our food supply changed, and we built cities that are hard to walk or cycle around, and those changes in our environment led to changes in our bodies. We gained mass, en masse. Something similar, he said, might be happening with the changes in our attention.

      Obesity is a social epidemic and not a medical one. It's been caused by dramatic shifts in our surroundings in the past century. Food is cheaper and more abundant. It's also been heavily processed and designed to be fattier, saltier, and higher in carbohydrates. There is less encouragement to physically move our own bodies whether by walking, bicycling, running, etc. Our cities have become more driver focused. Our lives have become much more sedentary.

    1. Kayla Simpson. (2022, January 3). The COVID data coming out of NYC jails is...beyond staggering. Today’s report shows a 7-day avg positivity rate of 37%, w/502 ACTIVE INFECTIONS. With a ~5K census, that means that nearly one in ten people in DOC has an ACTIVE infection. Crisis on crisis. Https://hhinternet.blob.core.windows.net/uploads/2022/01/CHS-COVID-19-data-snapshot-2020103.pdf [Tweet]. @KSimpsonHere. https://twitter.com/KSimpsonHere/status/1478114046360657926

  3. Dec 2021
    1. Myo-inositol (MI) increases insulin sensitivity, decreases hyperandrogenism and improves the menstrual cycle. Its effect during assisted reproductive technologies (ART) has been studied by many authors.
      • mychiro tablet prescribed by Dr. Balasreedevi
    1. Deepti Gurdasani. (2021, December 23). Some brief thoughts on the concerning relativism I’ve seen creeping into media, and scientific rhetoric over the past 20 months or so—The idea that things are ok because they’re better relative to a point where things got really really bad. 🧵 [Tweet]. @dgurdasani1. https://twitter.com/dgurdasani1/status/1474042179110772736

    1. Prof. Shane Crotty. (2021, November 2). Wow. COVID vaccine misinformation continues to be soooo horrible. This is incredible widespread and ABSOLUTELY made up. (Just like the insanity of implantable chips they continue to claim over and over) These fabrications are so damaging to the health of Americans. [Tweet]. @profshanecrotty. https://twitter.com/profshanecrotty/status/1455540502955241489

    1. The next generation of farms are indoors and vertical. “Vertical farms” work like parking garages. Many don’t use soil; they use materials and sensors that mimic natural environments. Because they can operate 24/7 and recycle water, the efficiency is f*cking ridiculous: 350x the traditional farm harvest with just 1% of the water.

      It would be critical to research nutrient density. Since, as food grows larger, it has lower density of nutrients to calories. We could wind up producing 100x the amount of food, but will it have the same amount of nutrition?

    1. There is a huge amount of uncertainty in these modelled estimates and we can only be confident about the impact of boosters against Omicron when we have another month of real-world data on hospitalisation, ICU [intensive care] numbers and deaths.
    1. shinydoc. (2021, December 12). I love how I, an actual GP...who was involved in the initial covid vaccination programme ...has to tune in at 8pm with the public to find out that apparently we are vaccinating the entire adult population with boosters by the end of the year [Tweet]. @irishayesha. https://twitter.com/irishayesha/status/1470123478221303810

    1. Την εικόνα συμπληρώνει η εντατικολόγος Χριστίνα Κυδώνα στη συγκλονιστική περιγραφή στιγμών από την εφιαλτική προχθεσινή εφημερία στο «Ιπποκράτειο» Θεσσαλονίκης, όπου μεταξύ άλλων καταγράφει: «Κι εκεί που ξαναρίχνεις μια ματιά στους θαλάμους να δεις αν κάποιος πέταξε τη μάσκα του μέσα στον ύπνο του και κινδυνεύσει, συναντάς τον συνάδελφο της διπλανής πτέρυγας, που παλεύει ένα περιστατικό με οξύ έμφραγμα, βαριά πνευμονία covid και διαβητική κετοξέωση με pH 6,9, τρία θανατηφόρα συμβάντα σε έναν άρρωστο κι ο γιατρός έχει στην ευθύνη του άλλους 40. Και τον ρωτάς αν θέλει καμιά βοήθεια, νιώθεις όμως ταυτόχρονα μια ένοχη ανακούφιση που δεν έτυχε σε σένα αυτό και μετά ντρέπεσαι γιατί ο συνάδελφος έχει να διαχειριστεί και έναν διασωληνωμένο μέσα στον θάλαμο (χωρίς να γνωρίζει τίποτα από αναπνευστήρες), γιατί εσύ με το προηγούμενο περιστατικό κατέλαβες την τελευταία θέση στις χειρουργικές αίθουσες κι από δω και πέρα οι υπόλοιποι θα κρατιούνται σε κοινούς θαλάμους». Τελικά, σε αυτόν τον τόπο ο μόνος που δεν καταλαβαίνει τι συμβαίνει είναι ο πρωθυπουργός!

      Αφηγήσεις "μπεργκαμο" τωρα κ στην Ελλάδα.

    1. In contrast, short afternoon naps at the workplace improved an overall index of outcomes by 0.12 standard deviations, with significant increases in productivity, psychological well-being, and cognition, but a decrease in work time.

      Short afternoon naps at the workplace lead to significant increases in productivity, psychological well-being and cognition. In contrast, an extra 30 minutes sleep at night shows no similar improvements. [Pedro Bessone]

    1. A hugely detailed, visual breakdown of the human body. You can keep zooming and expanding every section of the body to get the exact name, description and location of even the smallest of body parts.

  4. Nov 2021
    1. Σιγά μην επενδύσουν στραγάλι για μια Μ.Ε.Θ. όσοι νοσούν σπιτάκι τους, ν' ακούσουν Megadeth

      Σωστη διάγνωση της αντιμετωπισης του covid19 σε Ελλαδα.

    1. Thus, this study provides the basis to pursue further efficacy studies in non-human primate models or even initiate clinical phase I studies using the currently available vaccines.

      As of 26 Nov 2021, phase 1 studies have not yet begun for mucosal vaccines, not even in primates :-(

    1. I think it’s a good idea to have a fall break. Also a mental day. But the mental day has to be productive. A roundtable discussion is a really good idea. Maybe even some group therapy sessions if that’s even a thing. And with students with disabilities. We should also have classes that talk about serious subjects. And also give The students with disabilities a chance to air their grievances. And also have teachers explain to them what’s going on and how they can make a change. Or have some additional counseling. Maybe we can even have a way to make sure everybody is safe both physically mentally. And educationally. Students with disabilities have a right to. It’s harder for students is with mental challenges to grasp at serious subject. Maybe we should have a class maybe at the Achieve center like a roundtable class or a class and teaching us how to be more resilient. How to deal with trauma and PTSD and she CPTSD.

    1. New research suggests that having a dog may reduce the risk of asthma, and other studies have shown that children with pets have fewer colds
    1. Classical bismuth-based quadruple therapy containing a PPI, bismuth, tetracycline and metronidazole has been recommended as the first-line treatment by the Maastricht IV Consensus Conference report and H. pylori Study Group of Chinese Society of Gastroenterology